Innovations-2019-3-97 CRM Systems - From Theory To Practice

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Zajačko I. 1 Klačková I. 1 Kuric I. 1
Department of Automation and Production Systems, University of Zilina, Zilina, 1

Abstract: CRM Systems (Customer Relationship Management) - Customer Relationship Management Systems. The success of any
company is determined by customers, their satisfaction with the company's products, their satisfaction with access to them and their
willingness to return to the company. That's why every company has to give its customers the appropriate attention and time. However, this
can be very difficult in practice.
In fact, customer relationship management often involves lengthy searches for appointment notes, important customer information, and
relevant documents. Therefore, this is an inefficient, costly and, in many, unnecessary way of working.
There are software solutions that not only save companies a lot of time, but also help them improve and streamline their customer
communications. These solutions are referred to as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - customer relationship management
systems or otherwise customer systems. These systems are no longer hot news anymore, but they have recently gained enormous interest
from both users and suppliers. To put it simply, more and more businesses have already recognized that keeping a customer is cheaper than
looking for new ones that are not yet disappointed. At the same time, more and more software vendors have noticed that their customers are
increasingly taking care of marketing and looking for the right tools for it.
At present, companies are increasingly focused on building, developing and effectively managing their relationships with their
customers. One of the reasons for the increased focus on quality customer satisfaction was the change in the competitive environment in the
1990s and the impact of information technology development. The advent of the Internet has been strengthened by the ubiquity of
One of the most effective ways a business can differentiate itself from a competition is a perfect understanding of individual customers
and their needs, a personal approach and an excellent level of service. However, if a company has hundreds, thousands or millions of
customers, it is impossible under normal conditions to know each other's wishes, needs and preferences. And that is why CRM systems have
been developed that, when properly applied, enable a large number of individual customers to understand, tailor their offerings to their
needs and wishes, and know and manage their value for society. In summary, simply automating business processes, such as logistics or
human resource management, comes with the automation of customer contact.
or set automatic alerts for important dates. However, the system
1. Short view to the past does not offer the user any document management, analytical and
At the end of the 1960s, some Ted Lewitt (business expert) statistical processes, or automation of reporting for colleagues and
declared that the basic principle of successful business is the ability superiors. It is up to each user to create a system for storing
to win and retain a customer. He said that a modern business should documents or to perform statistical calculations and analysis using a
understand the whole business process as a firm commitment to spreadsheet editor. The most common used are Outlook, Excel,
discovering, creating, encouraging and satisfying customer needs. Word, Access ...
Lewitt had predicted the key roles of today's CRM systems by 30
In the case of Outlook, this ambition is to form a system-wide
integration article. Basically, it is an electronic filing system that
Thanks to modern technologies and possibilities of the Internet can search and sort contacts in the database and support the
there is a significant increase in competition - even big suppliers automation of electronic communications. On the other hand,
have to worry about small competitors. Without Interne, small sorting and searching functions are limited. The main drawback is
competitors would not usually exceed the region's borders. The the linkage of all activities undertaken with the user, rather than
Internet allows them to reach at relatively low cost customers being linked to the individual contacts in the database to which the
around the world. In the recent past and today it is possible to trace activities relate. The basic advantage is low cost (programs are now
4 basic types of CRM systems, differing in the use of computer installed on most computers) and automate the most repetitive data
technology, the degree of automation of activities, the suitability of filling procedures. A significant advantage is the freedom to
use for different types and sizes of organizations, and the extent and organize other necessary processes at their own discretion. Even
complexity of: this system is in most cases combined with the above-mentioned
well-known file containing customer cards. Indeed, even the paper
a) Paper database system diary is not a lot of people willing to leave [1].
This is the oldest way to keep track of all customer-related c) Programs for contact management and time management
activities. It has two great advantages - it does not depend on the
use of computer technology and allows easy storage of documents These applications have pioneered truly electronic CRM
that exist only in paper non-electronic form. It is a system in pure systems. Even for users who are not 100% of their PCs, they are
form of individual processes. The biggest drawback is the zero rate also comfortable in managing contacts, related documents and
of activity automation - endless data copying, yearly database schedules. I can perfectly automate not only the processes of filling
search, manual statistics creation ... out documents, but also storing them in history (electronic customer
This system was justified when computing was too expensive
for every worker to have a computer. Even now, with a well- The database is built in such a way that not only contact
functioning system of this type, we can meet most of the doctors - information is stored in it, but also important business information -
the patient card is a perfect record of our health history. the size of the company, demand products, purchase volume, etc.
The database can be used to search quickly and efficiently for the
b) a Microsoft office packed solution necessary criteria. The system is not built as a stand-alone
Such a system allows partial automation of some processes and application, but it uses broad links to other programs. In particular,
activities. Once you have created an electronic contact database, contact management and time management systems are a well-
you can easily automate the filling of templates, forms and tables, developed database linked to the surrounding software world and

97 YEAR V, ISSUE 3, P.P. 97-100 (2019)


thus a unifying element that links individual "Office" applications to 1.3 Automation of marketing activities
a functional whole. Although these systems are not the
technological highlights of CRM, they are easy to use and maintain. The marketing activities module is the heart of CRM. He plays
For small and medium-sized organizations, they are currently the a key role in creating strategies and tactics for long-term successful
optimal solution to ensure customer care activities. customer care. Creators and users of CRM systems are becoming
more and more aware of the importance of this module, and will
d) Complete CMR-systems soon take over the dominant role that Automation of Sales
Nowadays, in the field of CRM, the technological top is made Activities has advocated so far. The main function of the module is
up of extensive electronic systems including 4 basic CRM modules: the Campaign Management.

 Automation of sales activities This includes:

 Marketing activities automation  Sorting database customers into groups and managing
 Automation of service activities and customer support individual campaigns for individual groups
 E-commerce  All available forms of communication with
customers: e-mail, Internet, phone, or print media
These systems are mainly applied in large and multinational  Evaluation of the campaign conducted by
organizations. While previous contact management and time sophisticated procedures, which are also a standard
management programs can be considered a good sales activity part of the module
automation module, extensive systems offer far more options. Very  Mutual link between marketing and sales module
important is the interconnection of individual modules, which
enables efficient communication and cooperation both in the 1.4 Automation of service activities and customer
horizontal direction and in the vertical direction.
They allow to analyze the customer's affection to purchase.
From the CRM point of view, it is primarily the search for patterns The task of the module is to streamline communication with
and trends in customer behavior. Another valued analytical tool is customers and manage service activities after sale. The basic
monitoring customer value and managing it - it is about gaining the features are:
profitability of individual customers from available information and  Customer Center - communication by phone and
estimating their future potential [2]. The main drawbacks are the Internet
high purchase price, the need to ensure well trained users and the  Field Service
continued maintenance of the system.

1.1 The usual building of a complex CRM system 1.5 Electronic trading
Most people with a basic awareness of CRM systems have in It is the youngest module experiencing a strong boom. In most
mind the automation of marketing and sales processes when cases, this is a standalone application on an Internet browser access
describing them. They don't realize that CRM involves far more. In base. It enables automated execution of business in electronic form.
addition, the CRM issue cannot be reduced to software. It is only a It is important to ensure maximum connectivity with other CRM
support that facilitates and streamlines the functioning of the entire system modules.
In a basic and simplified form, CRM can be defined as
integrating and coordinating marketing, sales and customer service
into a unified and comprehensive approach to each customer's care.
It technically includes the possibility to use all available
communication channels, knowledge bases or web portals.
CRM can be divided into already mentioned 4 modules:
 Sales Activity Automation - Sales Force Automation
 Marketing Activities Automation - Marketing
Automation (MA)
 Service and Customer Support Automation - Field
Service Automation (FSA) Fig. 1 Cloud computing
 E-commerce - E-business (EB)
2. Development trends of CRM systems
1.2 Automation of sales activities The worldwide CRM systems market now has the following
It is perceived as the cornerstone of CRM. The module should features:
allow all traders, possibly external business partners, quick and Significant growth of the entire sector launched towards the end
efficient access to important customer information, work program of the 1990s - growth in 2000 reached 38% worldwide CRM
planning and use of knowledge bases and other sales tools included systems have become a global issue - the European and Asian
in the system. markets show higher growth rates than the American market on
 Main Module Features: which these systems have been pushed forward CRM systems are
 Contact and Time Management indispensable to most business sectors, being deployed not only in
 Managing New, Unidentified Contacts (Lead traditional financial services, telecommunications, or high
Management) technology industries, but also in industries including conservative
defense industries
 Management Reporting Tools
 Remote System Access Tools
 Business Partners Management

98 YEAR V, ISSUE 3, P.P. 97-100 (2019)


The global size of the CRM systems market is currently Fine-tuning the structure of the information system and its
estimated by experts to be more than $ 12 billion. USD. In some linking with other systems used in the company: the adjustment is
countries (Europe), the growing use of CRM systems is hampered carried out in cooperation with the system manufacturer, eventually.
by strict legislation limiting work with personal data its supplier to ensure the smooth running of customer care processes
and information flows. It should start from comparing automated
Accordingly, I can therefore state the following: systems processes with those identified in previous analyzes and
 High growth of CRM systems market despite cooling identifying areas where the system needs to be harmonized with
of information technology industry business needs.
 The most important trend is the rapid development of Gradual implementation of the system: It is good to divide the
Internet-based CRM applications implementation, especially for complex systems used in large
 CRM systems as a paid service companies and intervening in all organizational units. Beginning
 Maximum openness of systems with the ability to run with the sales department and sales activity automation module,
with important applications continue with marketing and analytics tools, and then eventually
 Higher modularity of systems - Add-on modules can engage service, logistics, and other modules [5]. A necessary part of
be added to the module providing basic functionality the gradual introduction of the system is the training of the staff
connected with the motivation of the company employees to use the
3. How to avoid the failure of installing CRM
systems? Ensuring Feedback for Implementation Process Control:
Continuous control must interweave the entire process from
Part of the installation of CRM systems is their failure. analysis to completion. Valuable control requires the use of
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the causes of this frequent measurement methods to quantify parameters. Above all, two basic
phenomenon. On a closer look at the situation, it is possible to parameters - the rate of return on investment and the level of
recognize the shortcomings on the part of the supplier organization relationship marketing achieved - should be subject to control. It is
as well as the company itself. clear in practice that adhering to such a structured process of
The major shortcomings on the supply side include: deploying a CRM system can significantly minimize the risk of
 Small vendor experience with a variety of industries.
Not only every industry, but every company requires The worldwide CRM systems market now has the following
a CRM system tailored to its structure and internal features: Significant growth of the entire sector launched towards
processes. the end of the 1990s - growth in 2000 reached 38% worldwide
 Promising too short implementation time and then CRM systems have become a global issue - the European and Asian
impetuous deployment without sufficient analytical markets show higher growth rates than the American market on
preparation which these systems have been pushed forward CRM systems are
indispensable to most business sectors, being deployed not only in
 Insufficient training of future system users and their
traditional financial services, telecommunications, or high
motivation to change thinking and use the benefits
technology industries, but also in industries including conservative
offered by the system
defense industries [6].
 Insufficient advice after installation
4. Conclusion
Customer Reletionship Management (CRM) has recently been
On the contrary, problems arising on the part of the sponsor heavily employed not only by software developers, solution
include: vendors, but also by customers themselves. It can be said to be a
 A biased image of the possibilities and real benefits of fashionable hit in recent years. What is the development trend of
the system CRM?
 Pressure for rapid implementation regardless of The approach has changed, from the original focus on
complexity and persistence of people's thinking productivity and profitability to focus on customer value. A genuine
 Selling insufficient documents on company processes competitive advantage is no longer achieved through profits from
and information flows to the supplier operational efficiency or through product benefits, but through
 Low level of employee motivation to move to a new greater customer knowledge. The paradox is that in the past many
customer care system CRM systems have, by their conceptual focus, actually diverted
 Lack of trust between management and employees their attention from the increased focus on the customer and
considered it to be a product. Operational CRM systems were used
for customer care through product campaigns and call centers.
Once the implementation bottlenecks are identified, the
business needs to follow this procedure so that the errors mentioned CRM has become a hit because it has promised to increase
above do not happen: business turnover through campaigns to attract new customers and
keep old customers on the one hand and save costs through
Focusing on internal corporate processes and information flows:
productivity gains on the other. The main trend now is to focus on a
every effort should start here. It certainly pays not to rush and to
rapid and measurable return on investment with respect to the final
carry out a thorough analysis of all company processes with an
profit, as many past promises have never been realized. One
emphasis on those that are directly related to customer
consequence is the increasing trend towards analytical CRM.
communications [3]. It will greatly help if a flowchart process map
Directing has changed from increasing automation and
is created for each company department. Thus, the process links
commoditization to intelligence and uniqueness.
between the various parts of the company are well visible and often
the internal processes are optimized and streamlined [4]. We can best illustrate the difference in these two approaches
through a call center example where we can choose either
Choosing an Information System Configuration: There are a
Operational CRM to increase the number of calls a trader can make
number of different systems available in a variety of configurations.
per day or analytical CRM to increase the number of calls made.
When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the transferred
We can say that we need both, but as the market is increasingly
process analyzes, business department, organization size,
sensitive to the costs that both approaches require, it is a current
anticipated necessary costs, or future needs.

99 YEAR V, ISSUE 3, P.P. 97-100 (2019)


trend to choose one, based on parameters such as the need to

improve customer dialogue, product production time and cost.
6. Literature
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This article was made under the support of project APVV-17-
0310. Project title: Implementation of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Principles in the Production of Tyre Components.

100 YEAR V, ISSUE 3, P.P. 97-100 (2019)

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