SET 23 24 Detail Guide E

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SET- E 2023/2024



In terms of Sections 90 and 91 of the Inland Revenue Act, No. 24 of 2017 and as
amended by Amendment Act, No. 10 of 2021 , Amendment Act, No 45 of 2022 , a
person who is an “instalment payer” shall pay income tax on the estimated taxable
income as computed in the Statement of Estimated Tax Payable, by quarterly
instalments on the 15th of August, 15th of November and 15th of February in that year of
assessment and the 15th of May of the next succeeding year of assessment and is required
to submit the Statement of Estimated Tax Payable by the date for payment of the first
tax instalment i.e. 15th August 2023.

It is strongly advised to read this set of instructions before completing the Form for
Statement of Estimated Tax Payable (SET).
This sets of instructions consist of;
 General Instructions
 Instructions to Complete the SET and
 Calculation of Quarterly Installments of income tax payable


The SET consists of three parts, PART I, II and PART III. All instalment payers should
complete all three PARTS of the SET.
1.1 Issuance and Submission
 Issuance
SET will be issued by the Commissioner General of Inland Revenue to
persons who are chargeable with income tax. Those who have not received
the SET (Individuals whose estimated assessable income exceeds more than
Rs. 1,200,000 for the Year of Assessment 2023/2024) shall make a request to
obtain a SET from the Customer Supporting and Promotion Unit at the IRD
Head Office or from any Regional Office.

 Submission
Duly completed SET could be hand delivered or sent through registered post to
the Central Document Management Unit (CDMU) at the Head Office of the
Inland Revenue Department (IRD), Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha,
Colombo 02 or to any Regional Office.

1.2 Payment of Estimated Tax

 Payment Due Dates and period codes

The estimated tax shall be paid in quarterly instalments by the following dates using
following period codes

Tax Instalment Due Date of payment Payment Period

First Instalment 15th August 2023 23241
Second Instalment 15th November 2023 23242
Third Instalment 15th February 2024 23243
Fourth Instalment 15th May 2024 23244

 Payment of Tax
The payments of quarterly instalments of tax should be made using paying-in-slips
issued by the IRD and posted to the taxpayers. The Paying -in-slips can also be
collected from Customer Supporting & Promotion Unit at the IRD Head Office, all
Regional Offices and from any branch of the Bank of Ceylon.

In addition, payment can be made through Online Tax Payments Platform (OTPP).
For further details, please refer to Public Notice Number PN/PMT/2021 dated
08.06.2021 (Revised) dated May 17, 2022 PN/PMT/2022 .01 or log into IRD’s web
portal for the user guide (e-Services/Overview and Quick Guides/Payments and

 Bank to which the payments should be made

To any branch of the Bank of Ceylon.


Mark ‘’’’ at the relevant cage to indicate whether the Statement is the Original
Statement, or Revised Statement. The first SET furnished by a person for a year of
assessment is treated as “Original Estimate”. Original estimate shall remain in force for
the whole year of assessment unless a revised estimate is submitted by the taxpayer.

If the estimated tax payable is varied from the original SET, a revised SET could be
submitted and subsequent instalment payments should be made accordingly. Further,

in the event of submitting a revised estimate, it is important to mark ‘’’’ in the cage
of, “Revised Statement’ ’of the SET.

Also indicate the Income tax type. Persons other than Individuals and Partnerships
should mark the cage of Corporate Income Tax.

(Please mark ‘’’’ at the relevant cage)

STATEMENT TYPE: Original Statement Revised Statement

INCOME TAX TYPE: Corporate Income Tax Individual Income Tax


I. The amounts of estimated income from each source of income should be

declared in cages (10), (20), (30) and (40) of the SET.

II. Cage 50 - Estimated Assessable Income.

a) Total estimated income from employment, business, investment (other
than the gain from realization of investment assets) or other income source
would be the total estimated assessable income of a person.
Enter total of all income enumerated under cages 10 to 40 in the cage 50.
b) When calculating estimated assessable income, final withholding
payments and exempt amounts should not be included.

III. Cage 60 – Estimated Qualifying Payments

Enter all estimated qualifying payments to be made during the year (subject to
following restrictions).

 Donations to Approved Charitable Institution

Type of donor Maximum amount deductible as qualifying payment

Individual (a) 1/3 of the taxable income of the individual for that year
of assessment; or
(b) Rs. 75,000
whichever is lower

Entity (a) 1/5 of the taxable income of the entity for that year of
assessment; or
(b) Rs. 500,000
whichever is lower

 Donations to Government or other specified institutions

 Any sum paid to the Consolidated Fund or President’s fund
 Contribution made by a resident individual to establish a shop for a female
individual who is from Samurdhi beneficiary family
 Expenditure incurred by any financial institution by way of cost of
acquisition, partial acquisition, absorption of business or merger of, any
other bank licensed under the Banking Act, No. 30 of 1988, finance
company licensed under the Finance Business Act, No. 42 of 2011 or
finance leasing company registered in terms of paragraph (c) of section 3
of the Finance Leasing Act, No. 56 of 2000 where such cost is ascertained
by considering all the facts on case-by-case basis and as confirmed by the
Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Deduction is restricted to one third of the
approved amount as confirmed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
 Expenditure incurred by any person
- in the production of a film at a cost not less than five million rupees
- in the construction and equipping of a new cinema at a cost of not
exceeding twenty-five million rupees
- in the upgrading of a cinema at a cost of not exceeding ten million
The deduction of this expenditure is restricted one third of the taxable income.

IV. Cage 70 – Estimated Reliefs

Enter Estimated Reliefs that you are entitled for the year of assessment (subject
to following restrictions).

 Personal Relief
Resident individuals or citizen individuals are entitled to a personal relief of Rs.
1,200,000 for each year of assessment. However, this relief does not apply to an
individual in his capacity as a trustee, receiver, executor or liquidator. The relief
may be deducted from the Assessable income of an individual except to the extent
that the Assessable income comprises gains from the realization of investment
 Rent Relief
Resident individuals are entitled to deduct 25% of the total rental income from an
investment asset for the year of assessment unless it is intended to be claimed for

any actual expenditures incurred by the taxpayer for the repair, maintenance, and
depreciation of the investment asset.
 Other Relief
Resident individuals who have acquired solar panels to fix on their premises and
connected to the national grid are entitled to deduct Rs. 600,000 for each year of
assessment, up to the total expenditure made on such solar panels or up to the amounts
paid to a bank in respect of any loan obtained to acquire such solar panels.
V. Cage 80 – Estimated Taxable Income
Deduct total of deductions in cage 60 and 70 from Estimated Assessable
income in cage 50 to get at the Estimated Taxable Income.

VI. Cage 90 – Estimated Tax Liability

Estimated tax liability should be computed by applying the different income
tax rates. Accordingly, fill the Part II of the SET first and enter the value
in cage 90.10 to the cage 90.

The following income tax rates are applicable on following persons.

a) Individuals

Standard rates

Taxable Income Tax on Taxable Income Tax rate on the excess

Range (Rs) equal to the lowest of the taxable income over the
range lowest of the range
First 500,000 30,000 6%
Next 500,000 60,000 12 %
Next 500,000 90,000 18 %
Next 500,000 120,000 24 %
Next 500,000 150,000 30 %
Balance - 36 %

Special Rates
- on gains and profits from manufacture and sale or import and sale
of any liquor or tobacco products - 40%
- on gains and profits from conducting betting and gaming - 40%

b) Companies

(i.) On gains and profits from conducting betting and gaming - 40%
(ii.) On gains and profits from manufacture and sale or import and sale of
any liquor or tobacco products - 40%
(iii.) On remainder of the taxable income of a company including gains from
the realization of investment assets - 30%

c) Partnership
Taxable income (Rs.) Tax payable
Exceeding 1,000,000 6%

a) Charitable Institutions - 14%

b) Trusts – 30%
c) Unit Trust or Mutual Funds – 30%
a) NGO - 30%
b) Employees Trust Fund, Eemployees Provident Fund, and approved Gratuity
Fund, Pension Fund and Termination Fund -14%

VII. Cage 100 - Estimated Foreign Tax Credit

 Enter any Foreign Tax Credit, if any, in Cage 100. A Foreign Tax
Credit is limited to the amount of tax on such part of profits or
income to which foreign tax credit relates.

VIII. Cage 110 – Estimated Advance Personal Income Tax

An employee whose employment income is subject to APIT shall enter the
estimated APIT for the year of assessment in Cage 110.

IX. Cage 120 – Estimated Tax Payable

Deduct foreign tax credit declared in cage 100 and Estimated APIT declared
in 110 from Estimated Tax Liability in cage 90 to arrive into the Estimated
Tax Payable. Specify that value in cage 120


Taxpayer or the taxpayer’s duly authorized agent, should sign the SET declaring
that the SET does not contain any incorrect, false or misleading information.


3.1 The quarterly instalment payment is calculated by using the following formula.

Quarterly Instalment A - C
Payment (E) =

A Estimated Tax Payable (Amount declared in Cage 120)

B Number of instalments remaining including the current instalment*

C Tax payments made prior to this instalment **

Gain derived or expected to be derived from the realization of an investment asset during
a year of assessment shall not be considered for the purpose of quarterly installment.

* Number of instalments remaining including the current instalment - B

Instalment 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
“B” 4 3 2 1

** Tax payments made prior to that instalment – (C)

Following payments are considered as payments for above C;

a) Previous instalment payments, and
b) any withholding tax (WHT) payments including Advanced Income Tax (AIT)
paid /withheld prior to the due date of the payment of the current instalment

3.2 Calculation of Net Quarterly Instalment payment

Deduct advance payments of Quarterly Instalment Payment and other relevant
Credits from the Quarterly Instalment Payment to arrive into Net Quarterly
Instalment Payment.


E Quarterly Instalment Payment

F Advance payments/ other tax credits

Following payments are considered under (F).

1. Any advance instalment payment for the relevant quarter
2. Share of the instalment paid by the Partnership (for partners of a


4.1 Penal Provisions for late filing and non-submission of the SET and submission
of incorrect or misleading SET.

I A person who fails to submit the SET as instructed by the Commissioner General
of Inland Revenue may subject to pay a penalty up to one million rupees under
Section 185 of the IR Act.
II Where tax is underpaid, as a result of an incorrect SET and material omission in
the SET, penalty will be imposed under section 180 of the IR Act in the amount of-
(a) 25% of the underpayment, if (b) does not apply;
(b) 75 % of the underpayment, if the amount of the underpayment is-
- higher than ten million rupees or
- higher than the 25% of the person’s tax liability for the period.

III The SET form considered as a statement to a tax official and accordingly, penalty
will be imposed under section 181 of the IR Act on a false or misleading
statement. The penalty will be the amount equal to Rs. 50,000/- or the amount
understated whichever is higher due to the false or misleading statement.

IV A person who willfully makes a false or misleading SET shall be liable on

conviction to a fine up to one million rupees or to imprisonment for a term up to
one year or to both such fine and imprisonment under section 190 of IR Act.

4.2 Penal provision for nonpayment /late payment of instalment payments and
evading of instalment payments.

I. Penalty for nonpayment /late payment - (Under Section 179 (2) of the IR
A person who fails to pay all or part of an instalment required under this Act,
within 14 days of the due date for the instalment shall be liable to a penalty
equal to 10% of the amount of tax due but not paid.

II. Fine and imprisonment - (Under Section 189 of the IR Act)

A person who willfully evades making instalment payments shall be liable on
conviction to a fine up to ten million rupees or to imprisonment for a term up
to two years or to both such fine and imprisonment under section 189 of IR

III. Interest on under payment (Under Section 159 (1) of the IR Act).
In the event of an instalment or part thereof not paid on due date, 1.5% interest
per month or part of a month shall be charged on such default instalment or
part of the instalment.


Example 01:
Mr. Karunanayake is a Chief Financial Controller (CFO) of the company “KDT”. His
expected income for the year of assessment 2023/2024 is as follows;

 Employment income Rs. 6,600,000 (Rs. 550,000×12)

 Interest income on Fixed Deposits Rs, 2,200,000
 Business income (Cashew product income) Rs. 5,000,000

He has donated Rs. 250,000 to purchase equipment’s of the National Hospital for eye surgical
unit during the year of assessment. In addition to that Mr. Karunanayake has installed a solar
panel to his residential place which is connected to national grid at cost of Rs. 750,000.

Calculation of Estimated Tax Payable

Employment Income 6,600,000
Interest Income 2,200,000

Business Income 5,000,000
Estimated Assessable Income 13,800,000
Less - Reliefs
Expenditure Relief (Not Applicable)

 Personal Relief (1,200,000)

Less – Qualifying payments

 Donations to the National (250,000)


 Solar Panel (600,000)

Estimated Taxable Income 11,750,000

Estimated Tax Liability 500,000 x 6% = 30,000

500,000 x 12% = 60,000
500,000 x 18% = 90,000
500,000 x 24% = 120,000
500,000 x 30% = 150,000
9,250,000 x 36% = 3,330,000 3,780,000
Total Tax Liability (A) 3,780,000
Deduct – Credit available (110,000)
Credit Available (WHT/APIT) (1,494,000)
Estimated Tax Payable 2,176,000

Calculation of Quarterly Instalment Payable

Quarterly Instalment Payment (E) = A-C
= 3,780,000 – 110,000 – 1,494,000
1st Instalment payable = Rs. 544,000

Example 2
Professor Athukorala is attached to the University of Colombo Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, he
provides service to the Faculty of Graduate Studies also and receives a monthly payment.
His expected income for the year of assessment 2023/2024 is as follows;
 Employment income from the University of Colombo (primary employment) is Rs.
 Employment income from the Faculty of Graduate Studies (secondary
employment) is Rs. 800,000. Since the monthly income from the primary
employment is over the range 322,000 applicable tax rate is 36% + Rs. 42,492)
 Interest income is Rs, 1,700,000 (After deduction of WHT at rate 5%)
 Rent income from building is Rs. 1,900,000
Employment income includes estimated cash and non-cash benefits. The professor has spent
Rs. 1,200,000 during the month of May 2022 to acquire solar panels to fix on his premises
and connected to the national grid.

Calculation of Estimated Tax Payable

Employment Income (primary + 5,720,000
Investment Income

 Interest Income 1,700,000

 Rent Income 1,900,000

Estimated Assessable Income 9,320,000

Less – Reliefs

 Rent Relief (1,900,000*25%) (475,000)

Personal Relief (1,200,000)

Less – Qualifying payments

 Expenditure on solar panels (600,000)

Estimated Taxable Income (ETI) 7,520,000

Gross Estimated Tax Liability 500,000 x 6% = 30,000 2,257,200
500,000 x 12% = 60,000
500,000 x 18% = 90,000
500,000 x 24% = 120,000
500,000 x 30% = 150,000

5,020,000 x 36% = 1,807,200

Less: Estimated APIT ** (1,177,200)
Estimated Tax Liability 1,080,000

**Calculation of Estimated APIT (Deductible by the Employer)

Description Monthly Estimate Deducted

Income d Taxable amount
Income of Tax

Primary employment 410,000 410,000 36% 147,600

As per the APIT Guide
line and Table 01 (73,500)
APIT deduct per 74,100
APIT deduct per Anum 74,100 x 12 889,200

Secondary 800,000 800,000 800,000 x 36% = 288,000

employment income 288,000
Total APIT Deduction 1,177,200

Example 03:
Dr. Wasumathi is a General surgeon Karapitiya Teaching Hospital. Also, she is engaged in
private practice at private hospital as a consultant. Her expected income for the year of
assessment 2023/2024 is as follows;
 Employment income is Rs. 9,200,000

 Business (Professional) income is Rs. 31,000,000.
 Interest income is Rs, 5,000,000 (AIT has been deduct at the rate of 5%. Amounting
to Rs. 250,000)
 Other income is Rs. 500,000
 Rent income is Rs. 900,000
Employment income includes estimated cash and non-cash benefits. She has to make annual
payment of Rs. 275,000 for medical insurance. Also she used to donate Rs. 200,000 to an
approved charity. Tax payment made prior to the instalments is Rs. 250,000

Calculation of Estimated Tax Payable

Employment Income 9,200,000
Business Income 31,000,000
Investment Income

 Interest Income 5,000,000

 Rent Income 900,000

 Other Income 500,000

Estimated Assessable Income 46,600,000

Less - Reliefs

 Rent Relief 900,000*25% (225,000)

 Personal Relief (1,200,000)

Less – Qualifying payments

 Donation to approved (75,000)

charity (Deductible
subject to 1/3rd of the
Taxable Income or Rs.
75,000 whichever is
Estimated Taxable Income 45,100,000

Gross Estimated Tax Liability 500,000 x 6% = 30,000

500,000 x 12% = 60,000

500,000 x 18% = 90,000
500,000 x 24% = 120,000
500,000 x 30% = 150,000

42,600,000 x 36% = 15,336,000 15,786,000

Less: Estimated APIT ** (2,430,000)
AIT (250,000.0)
Estimated Tax Liability 13,106,000
Estimated Tax Payable (A) 13,106,000

**Calculation of estimated APIT

Employment Income per month – Primary 276,000

(766,666.67 at 36%)
As per APIT Table 01 73,500
APIT deductible per month (276,000-73.500) 202,500
APIT deducted per annum (202,500 x 12 ) 2,430,000

Calculation of Quarterly Instalment Payments

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
A 13,106,000 Rs. 13,106,000 Rs. 13,106,000

B 4 3 2 1

3,276,500 × 2 3,276,500 × 3
C - 3,276,500

3,214,000 3,276,500 3,276,500 3,276,500

- - - -

payment 3,276,500 3,276,500 3,276,500 3,276,500
(E- F)

Example 4:
Mr. Hettiarachchi is engaged in the business of manufacturing furniture. His expected
income for the year of assessment 2023/2024 is as follows;
 Business income (after deducting allowable expenses) Rs. 15,000,000
 Interest income Rs. 1,000,000 (WHT has been deducted at the rate of 5%.
Accordingly, deducted WHT(AIT) on interest = 50,000).
He made an advance payment of Rs. 1,000,000 for 1st instalment on 5th June 2023.
Calculation of Estimated Tax Payable

Business Income 15,000,000
Investment Income

 Interest Income 1,000,000

Estimated Assessable Income 16,000,000

Less - Reliefs

 Personal Relief (1,200,000)

Estimated Taxable Income 14,800,000

Estimated Tax Payable 500,000 x 6% = 30,000

500,000 x 12% = 60,000
500,000 x 18% = 90,000
500,000 x 24% = 120,000
500,000 x 30% = 150,000

12,300,000 x 36% = 4,878,000


Calculation of quarterly instalment payable
Quarterly Instalment Payment (E) = A-C
= 4,878,000 – 0
= 1,219,500

Payable 1st Instalment = E-F

= 1,219,500 – Advance payment
= 1,219,500 –1,000,000
Net 01st Instalment Payable = Rs. 219,500

Example 5
Upul and Piyal are partners of AB Enterprises, sharing partnership profits on equal basis.
The partnership is engaged in the business of manufacturing rubber products. During the
year of assessment 2023/2024 estimated gains and profits of the partnership is as follows.
 Business income (after deducting allowable expenses) Rs. 44,000,000
 Interest Income Rs. 2,500,000. (AIT has been deducted at 5%. Rs, 2,500,000 x 5%
= 125,000)
 Rent Income - Rs. 2,400,000
Partnership wishes to donate Rs. 700,000 for an approved charity.

Calculation of Estimated Tax Payable of the Partnership

Business Income 44,000,000
Investment Income

 Interest Income 2,500,000

 Rent Income 2,400,000

Estimated Assessable Income 48,900,000

Less – Qualifying Payments

 Donations to approved charity

(1/5th of the Taxable Income or
Rs. 500,000 of the donations
made whichever is less (500,000)
Estimated Taxable Income 48,400,000

Estimated Tax Payable 1,000,000 x 0% = 0

47,400,000 x 6% = 2,844,000 2,844,000
Less :Advance Income Tax Payment (125,000)
Balance Tax Payment 271,000

Calculation of quarterly instalments payable by the Partnership

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
A Rs. 2,844,000 Rs. 2,844,000 Rs. 2,844,000
B 4 3 2 1

804,750 1,484,500 2,164,250

C 125,000*
(679,750+125,000) (804,750+679,750) (1,484,500+679,750)

Instalment 679,750 679,750 679,750 679,750
Deductions(F) - - - -
Final Quarterly
payment (E-
F) 679,750 679,750 679,750 679,750

Upul’s PIT tax

339,875 339,875 339,875 339,875
credit (50%)
Piyal’s PIT tax
339,875 339,875 339,875 339,875
credit (50%)

* Cumulative AIT deducted by the withholding agent prior to the date of each instalment,
can be included to C.

Partnerships shall allocate the share of partnership tax to the partners. Subject to the payment
of Partnership Income Tax, partners are entitled to deduct share of partnership tax as a credit.
(Include such amount to “F” in the given formula).

However, any excess share of partnership tax is not entitled to a refund but allowed to be
carried forward to the next year of assessment. Partners are entitled to deduct such excess
amount against the future instalment payable (include such amount to “F” in the given

Estimated distribution of share of income, qualifying payments and Tax credits (Rs.)

Upul Piyal
(Partner 1) (Partner 2)

Share of Business Income 22,000,000 22,000,000

Share of Investment Income

 Interest Income 1,250,000 1,250,000

 Rent Income 1,200,000 1,200,000

Share of Qualifying Payment on Donations to 250,000 250,000

approved charity
Share of AIT 62,500 62,500
Share of Partnership Income Tax (amount of tax credit 1,359,500 1,359,500
would be paid prior to instalment due date)

Calculation of Mr. Upul’s estimated tax payable

Mr. Upul received Rs 1,000,000 as an interest income (AIT has been to deducted at 5%) and
he has spent Rs. 200,000 for health expenses and insurance, Rs. 150,000 for housing loan
interest and Rs 750,000 donated to General Hospital

Business Income 22,000,000
Investment Income

 Interest Income (1,250,000+1,000,000) 2,250,000

 Rent Income 1,200,000

Estimated Assessable Income 25,450,000

Less – Reliefs

 Rent relief 1,200,000*25% (300,000)

 Expenditure Relief (Not Applicable)

 Personal Relief (1,200,000)

Less – Qualifying Payments

 Donation to approved charity (75,000)

(Deductible subject to 1/3rd of
the Taxable Income or Rs.
75,000 of the donation made
whichever is less
Estimated Taxable Income 23,875,000

Estimated Tax Payable 500,000 x 6% = 30,000

500,000 x 12% = 60,000
500,000 x 18% = 90,000
500,000 x 24% = 120,000
500,000 x 30% = 150,000

21,375,000 x 36% = 8,145,000


Less : AIT deducted (112,500)

Balance Tax Payable 8,032,500

Calculation of Quarterly Instalments Payments

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
A 8,145,000 8,145,000 8,145,000 8,145,000
B 4 3 2 1
2,120,625 4,128,750 6,136,875
C 112,500 (112,500+2,008,1 (2,120,625+2, (4,128,750+
25) 008,125) 2,008,125)
Quarterly Instalment
2,008,125 2,008,125 2,008,125 2,008,125

Share of partnership
339,875 339,875
income tax 339,875 339,875
Set off for current
339,875 339,875 339,875 339,875
instalment tax payable (F)
Carried forward for future
instalment tax payable
Net Quarterly payment (E-
1,668,250 1,668,250 1,668,250 1,668,250

For further details please contact;

1. 1944 – Inland Revenue Call Centre
2. 011-2134250 – Senior Commissioner – Business Consultation Unit
3. 011-2134205 - Commissioner - Customer Supporting and Promotion Unit
4. 011-2134204 - Commissioner– Business Consultation Unit
5. Commissioners of all Regional & Metro Units


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