UAS Handbook 2 Revised 033115
UAS Handbook 2 Revised 033115
UAS Handbook 2 Revised 033115
3 Executive Summary
4 Foreword
6 Preface
7 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Structure of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
Handbook and Accident/Incident Investigation Guidelines
8 Chapter 2 - Differences between Manned and Unmanned Aircraft
16 Chapter 3 - Augmentation and Supplementation of Existing Investigative
Capabilities for UASs Investigations
26 Chapter 4 - Annex 13 to the convention on International Civil Aviation:
Recommendations Relative to UAS Investigations
26 Chapter 5 - Data Fields Associated with UAS Operations Requiring Capture
28 Chapter 6 - UAS-Specific Air Safety Investigator Skills
29 Chapter 7 - Evidence Preservation Following Unmanned Aircraft System
29 Chapter 8 - UAS Investigation Procedural and Functional Considerations
40 Appendix 1- Significant Aspects of the Draft Italian Unmanned Aviation
42 Appendix 2 - Proposed Addition to U.S. Title 14, Code of Federal
44 Appendix 3 - Recommendations for Further Reading
46 End Notes
48 Index
This Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Handbook and Accident/Incident Investigation Guidelines is published
by the Interna onal Society of Air Safety Inves gators and is adapted from the UAS Working Group report UAS Inves ga on
Guidelines as submi ed to and approved by the ISASI Interna onal Council on October 12, 2014. Its use is intended for profes-
sional air safety inves gators and accident preven on specialists. Copyright © 2015—Interna onal Society of Air Safety Inves-
gators, all rights reserved. Publica on in any form is prohibited without permission.
The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Handbook ditional investigative personnel, training or equip-
and Accident/Incident Investigation Guidelines ment requirements are:
were developed by the ISASI UAS Working Group The lack of a pilot aboard the unmanned
(WG). The ISASI UAS WG Terms of Reference di- aircraft, meaning the aircraft’s condition,
rected participants to seek to accomplish the fol- trajectory and surrounding airspace can-
lowing tasks: not be directly perceived by its pilot in
command (PIC).
1. Determine properties of unmanned aircraft sys- Reliance on radio-frequency (RF) spec-
tems and their operations that differ from exist- trum and continuous connectivity be-
ing aircraft. tween ground control station and aircraft
for safe operation, meaning a UAS pilot’s
2. Identify additional investigative capabilities control over their aircraft is subject to
that may need to be developed or made more robust disruption of a type not experienced in
to support the investigation of UAS-involved acci- manned aircraft;
dents. The varying and sometimes extremely lim-
ited abilities different types of unmanned
3. For Annex 13 to the Convention on Internation- aircraft have to separate themselves from
al Civil Aviation, Aircraft Accident and other aircraft (meaning operation under
Incident Investigation: “visual flight rules” as currently constituted
a. Determine the extent to which Annex 13 is not always possible where alternate
definitions for the States of Design, Manufacture, means of compliance with “see-and-avoid”
Occurrence, Registry and the Operator can be ap- rules are employed); and
plied to unmanned aircraft systems, including their Occasional use of novel and exotic mate-
ground- and satellite-based components. rials for propulsion or aircraft recovery,
b. Assess the adequacy of current guidance meaning accident sites involving sys-
regarding determination of the State responsible tems where such materials are present
for conducting the investigation of a UAS accident. may be unexpectedly hazardous to both
c. Document any need to recommend first responders and air safety investiga-
changes to Annex 13 related to the above. tors alike.
4. Identify a standard dataset that should be cap- The types of accidents and incidents most likely to
tured for each UAS-involved accident. result from these differences are:
Midair collisions (unmanned/manned or un-
5. Identify additional UAS-specific training re- manned/unmanned);
quirements for air safety investigators based on the Loss of aircraft control in flight;
above. Fatalities/injuries on the ground upon
ground impact (inability to select point of
6. Identify additional regulations that may be impact);
needed to create or preserve evidence relevant to
Property damage on the ground upon
UAS accidents.
ground impact or collision with obstruction
(inability to avoid surface-based feature or
7. Make recommendations to the ISASI Council
to select point of impact);
regarding the best means of addressing the above
• Loss of safe separation between an un-
to other ISASI Committees and Working Groups
manned aircraft and another aircraft;
for appropriate action.
Loss of aircraft control during ground move-
ment; and
* * * * *
Post-crash injury or illness at the accident
Key operational and physical differences between scene.
manned and unmanned aircraft that may drive ad-
The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Handbook included simply as an introduction to the nature of
and Accident/Incident Investigation Guidelines unmanned aircraft systems as a whole. Many par-
have been in development for six years. They ticipants in the WG process had limited or no expe-
started with the formation of the ISASI Unmanned rience in investigating UAS accidents, or even with
Aircraft Systems (UAS) Working Group (WG) at UAS operations as they are currently conducted.
the 2008 Annual Seminar in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This is to be expected given the newness of the
Although initial interest was strong, the slow, field. However, it also showed that the UAS Inves-
drawn-out progress of regulatory activity on UAS tigation Guidelines themselves needed to provide a
operations seemed to have a somewhat chilling ef- general starting point for those new to the subject,
fect on participation and collaboration under the rather than strictly adhering to a step-by-step pre-
UAS WG banner. scriptive approach to UAS investigations.
The effort was re-booted at the 2011 Annual In the years ahead, significant changes in think-
Seminar in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was built up- ing about how and where to fly UAS are likely to
on the following year at the 2012 Annual Seminar occur, and some such changes are likely to be driv-
in Baltimore, Maryland. A core group of reliable, en by UAS-involved accidents. For now, however,
engaged participants emerged. However, although there is a great deal of improvisation, as well as no
the assembly of reference materials moved steadily small amount of political involvement in the devel-
forward, getting pen to paper for the UAS Hand- opment of rules regarding UAS operations from one
book and Accident/Incident Investigation Guide- State to the next. These UAS Investigation Guide-
lines themselves remained a challenge. lines are intended to highlight where risk exists, as
Ultimately, this first edition of the ISASI Un- well as how and why that risk has been accepted as
manned Aircraft System Handbook and Accident/ the unmanned aviation sector evolves into a stable
Incident Investigation Guidelines, hereafter called element of the overall aviation system.
UAS Investigation Guidelines, was primarily the The UAS Investigation Guidelines also had to be
product of a single author, supported by comments sweeping enough to explain why all unmanned air-
and edits from core WG members and a few non- craft systems are not created equal. Apart from (1)
ISASI advisors. As such, it may suffer from the not being capable of conforming to the “see-and-
limitations of a single author’s perspective, alt- avoid” concept as it presently is applied, and (2)
hough significant efforts were made to avoid a too- relying upon a continuous electronic connection be-
narrow view of the world of unmanned aviation. tween an unmanned aircraft and its pilot in com-
To that end, it retains some content which was sug- mand, unmanned aircraft may bear as little resem-
gested for removal by various individual reviewers. blance to each other as an Airbus A380 does to an
Although at one point the philosophy “when in ultralight. The tendency is to treat them as a unity
doubt, take it out” was advanced in support of the for regulatory purposes, or to simplify their classifi-
pared-down perspective, the reason for deciding cation by reference to their physical properties and
otherwise was simple. dimensions. This can result in either too much or
Many aspects of unmanned aviation policy- too little safety-related rulemaking, as well as los-
making, including basic questions regarding pilot ing important distinctions between the capabilities
and system certification, continue to evolve. Some of different types of UAS.
issues remain controversial. As such, both appar- Supporters of efforts to enable “integrated” UAS
ent positives and potential negatives associated operations side by side with those of manned air-
with properties of, or operations associated with craft need to understand the extent to which the
unmanned aviation require as broad and public a former can conform to existing requirements gov-
conversation as possible. At the same time the erning the latter. For example, there is a growing
tougher challenge – to overcome personal biases possibility that the “instrument flight rules/visual
and remain as objective as possible, regardless of flight rules” paradigm will be challenged by the
the aspect of unmanned aviation being discussed – need to accommodate certain limitations of, or de-
was taken seriously. Hopefully, this first effort has sired applications for, unmanned aircraft systems.
emerged as judgment-free as possible. Similarly, the current system of separate classes of
It also should be noted that some content was controlled and uncontrolled airspace is increasingly
likely to be influenced by commercial pressure to tions themselves, such as the determination of in-
enable access to virtually all of them by unmanned flight conditions, maintaining clearance from
aircraft not equipped for flight in complex airspace. clouds, weather avoidance, and the potential haz-
The growing practice of granting exceptions to ards of GPS-derived versus barometric altimetry.
current regulatory requirements simply because a The UAS Investigation Guidelines were created to
given type of unmanned aircraft is larger, smaller, serve as an atlas to the many subjects touched up-
or intended to be flown well clear of manned air- on by unmanned aviation, but they are not the
craft is likely to be confronted at some point by un- proper place for exploring as yet uncharted terrain.
intended and unexpected interactions. The evi- There was a sense on the part of some that every
dence already exists to show that such interactions reference to “accidents” should be amended to em-
can and do occur; air safety investigations may brace “accidents and incidents” (without reference
wind up providing the necessary impetus to re- to “unusual occurrences” or other lesser-
spond to them. consequence events), or that the U.S. military dis-
Finally, some States are being challenged re- tinction between “accident” and “safety” investiga-
garding the extent to which they should be regulat- tions should be reflected in the civil-oriented UAS
ing unmanned aviation at all. When a “small un- Investigation Guidelines. There also were com-
manned aircraft” is indistinguishable from a ments to the effect that more detailed training ma-
“model aircraft” but for the intent of the pilot flying terial or examples of previous UAS-involved acci-
it, the difficulty in crafting equitable and effective dents and recommendations should be provided,
rules for the safety of all affected by such opera- while others felt the UAS Investigation Guidelines
tions becomes obvious. However, a variety of resid- as a whole already might be straying into a regime
ual issues still have yet to be resolved. more properly addressed by the ISASI groups dedi-
For example: cated to training development or government ASI
Where and how are lines to be drawn – by alti- activities.
tude segregation, by aircraft size or speed, or by These debates were difficult to adjudicate, in
other means? part because fully addressing all of them likely
Is something flown at an altitude below that would have further delayed the release of this doc-
used by most other aircraft being operated ument by a year or more. Ultimately, the philoso-
“safely?” If not, whose responsibility is it to phy that “perfect is the enemy of ‘good enough’”
take action against the operator – national civil held sway. With the delivery of this first effort, the
aviation authorities or local governments? UAS Working Group is ready to step aside to let
Air safety investigators must understand these other ISASI member-run groups take the raw ma-
debates as they expand and mature. We must be terial provided and mold it into tools specifically
prepared to document the extent to which their res- geared to the needs of their respective
olution succeeds – and fails – in the course of fu- constituencies.
ture investigations if we as a community are to pre- Readers are urged to use the list of references in
vent the recurrence of future unmanned aircraft Appendix 3 as a starting point for independent re-
accidents as we have for past and present accidents search, and to realize that there never will be a
involving manned aviation. “last word” on the safety of unmanned aircraft sys-
In closing, some editorial notes seem in order to tems… just as there never will be in the broader
put the shape and content of this product in con- arena of aviation itself.
text. As noted above, during early reviews there Thanks to all members of the ISASI UAS Work-
were disagreements among WG participants re- ing Group who unselfishly gave of their time and
garding what it should include and what should be who with great deliberation produced the essence
omitted. Some participants felt there was too of this Unmanned Aircraft System Handbook and
much; some held that there wasn’t enough. Some Accident/Incident Investigation Guidelines. Mem-
felt it wasn’t prescriptive enough, while others held bers of the Working Group and others who provid-
it was too prescriptive and tried to “set investiga- ed technical guidance are: Thomas A. Farrier, WG
tive priorities.” For a document with no regulatory Chairman; Mike Cumbie, MO5142; John Darbo,
identity or authority of any type, neither argument MO4218; Darren Gaines, MO3918; Doug Hughes,
seemed particularly persuasive. This product is MO4415; Justin Jaussi, MO6105; Roy Liggett,
informational only. MO5452; John Stoop, FO4873; and Al Weaver,
There are a host of matters that have yet to be MO4465. Technical Advisors: Adam Cybanski, Ca-
dealt with adequately in the context of UAS opera- nadian Forces; and Beverley Harvey, TSB Canada.
Purpose and Structure of the UAS Investigation Guidelines
The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Inves- regarding determination of the State re-
tigation Guidelines were developed by the In- sponsible for conducting the investigation
ternational Society of Air Safety Investigators of a UAS accident.
(ISASI) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) c. Document any need to recommend chang-
Working Group (WG). The ISASI UAS WG es to Annex 13 related to the above.
Terms of Reference directed participants to 4. Identify a standard dataset that should be
seek to accomplish the following tasks: captured for each UAS-involved accident.
1. Determine properties of unmanned air- 5. Identify additional UAS-specific training
craft systems and their operations that requirements for air safety investigators
differ from existing aircraft. based on the above.2
2. Identify additional investigative capabili- 6. Identify additional regulations that may be
ties that may need to be developed or needed to create or preserve evidence relevant
made more robust to support the investi- to UAS accidents.
gation of UAS-involved accidents. 7. Make recommendations to the ISASI
3. For Annex 13 to the Convention on Interna- Council regarding the best means of ad-
tional Civil Aviation, Aircraft Accident and dressing the above to other ISASI Com-
Incident Investigation: mittees and Working Groups for appro-
a. Determine the extent to which Annex 13 priate action.
definitions for the States of Design, Man-
ufacture, Occurrence, Registry and the * * * * *
Operator can be applied to unmanned air-
craft systems, including their ground- and The remaining chapters of this document individ-
satellite-based components. ually address, as appropriate, each of the seven
b. Assess the adequacy of current guidance main tasks.
Differences between Manned and Unmanned Aircraft
Introduction (2) flown within visual line of sight of the person
The definition of what constitutes an “unmanned operating the aircraft; and
aircraft,” “unmanned aircraft system,” “remotely (3) flown for hobby or recreational purposes.
piloted aircraft,” “remotely piloted aircraft system,” Based on the above, it is clear that the first pri-
and similar terms associated with unmanned avia- ority of any air safety investigator faced with the
tion varies widely from State to State. Similarly, prospect of inquiring into any occurrence involving
the circumstances under which any such aircraft or an unmanned aircraft of any size or type is to un-
system is considered to have been involved in an derstand the regulatory structure governing UAS
investigation-worthy accident, incident or unusual operations. Once their authority and obligation to
occurrence must be individually established based investigate are clearly established, air safety inves-
on the associated regulatory structure and opera- tigators need to recognize that the similarities be-
tional environment. tween manned and unmanned aircraft far outnum-
For example, in 2010 the U.S. National Trans- ber their differences.
portation Safety Board modified its Title 49 rules At the same time, the similarities relied upon to
to include the following: assert the rights of unmanned aircraft to fly side by
Unmanned aircraft accident means an occur- side with manned aircraft in shared airspace may
rence associated with the operation of any public or not outweigh their differences with respect to their
civil unmanned aircraft system that takes place readiness to operate under the same set of rules as
between the time that the system is activated with other aircraft. History has proven that placing air-
the purpose of flight and the time that the system craft operating under different rules in shared air-
is deactivated at the conclusion of its mission, in space will result in accidents.
which: While the path taken from one State to the next
(1) Any person suffers death or serious injury; or may vary, concerns for the safety of the general
(2) The aircraft has a maximum gross takeoff public typically arise whenever aircraft of un-
weight of 300 pounds or greater and sustains sub- known or unproven reliability are operated over-
stantial damage. head. For UAS at the smaller end of the size spec-
In 2012, the Congress of the United States en- trum, there are some indications that civil aviation
acted Public Law 112-95, the FAA Modernization authorities may be willing to accept a certain
and Reform Act of 2012, which contained the fol- amount of risk on behalf of the public in exchange
lowing definitions: for sustaining the growth of the sector as a whole.
However, from a narrower perspective, the princi-
Section 331: pal safety issue that always must be considered is
The term “unmanned aircraft” means an air- the ability of aircraft operators to interact safely
craft that is operated without the possibility of di- with other operators within the existing aviation
rect human intervention from within or on the air- system, regardless of how their aircraft are de-
craft. signed, operated, or certified.
The term “unmanned aircraft system” means an In exploring these matters further, civil aviation
unmanned aircraft and associated elements authorities and national investigative entities will
(including communication links and the compo- find it useful to develop a working understanding
nents that control the unmanned aircraft) that are of the nature of the differences among unmanned
required for the pilot in command to operate safely aircraft systems, as well as those between manned
and efficiently in the national airspace system. and unmanned aircraft in general, and how those
The term “small unmanned aircraft” means an differences affect the regulation, operation and
unmanned aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds. risks associated with specific unmanned aircraft
flown in specific environments. At the same time,
Section 336: all parties should be clear that the mere fact that
“Model aircraft means an unmanned aircraft an aircraft involved in an accident is unmanned is
that is— not evidence that all such aircraft are unsafe.
(1) capable of sustained flight in the atmos- Likewise, the fact that an unmanned aircraft is in-
phere; volved in an accident should not automatically be-
come the central feature of the ensuing accident In 2007, RTCA Special Committee 203 first offered
investigation unless and until its differences are an information architecture diagram (Figure 1)
proven relevant to the inquiry. that shows the requirements for an unmanned air-
With the above caveats firmly in mind, it is craft system at a glance:
equally important to acknowledge that while the Note that the three principal nodes depicted
types and consequences of accidents involving un- above – the unmanned aircraft, the ground control
manned aircraft systems may be indistinguishable station (GCS), and the airspace within which they
from those involving manned aircraft, the underly- operate – always are present, no matter if one is
ing cause or causes of such accidents may be quite referring to a hand-launched aircraft of thirty
different. As such, unmanned aircraft accidents minutes’ endurance or a jet-powered, interconti-
may lead investigators to make very different rec- nental-capable high altitude aircraft. This is one
ommendations for future prevention than would be of the main reasons why this diagram is so power-
the case for manned aircraft accidents occurring ful when used to examine both the conceptual ba-
under similar circumstances. sis and the implications of unmanned aviation.
Also, the possibility always is present that some Most UAS operators assert a desire to move to-
types of accidents largely controlled by previous ward a system state where unmanned aircraft are
preventive actions could reassert themselves in the allowed access to non-segregated airspace on a “file
unmanned sector. The nature of unmanned air- and fly” basis and are handled the same as
manned aircraft. This notional end state should be
considered a point of departure for exploring the
extent to which unmanned aircraft systems – ei-
ther in general or where individual systems lack
certain capabilities required of manned aircraft –
are capable of achieving side-by- side participation
in shared airspace, and which should be a topic of
discussion in any accident sequence where both
manned and unmanned aircraft are involved.
For the foreseeable future, unmanned aviation
is best conceptualized as “unoccupied aircraft pi-
loted from physically separate ground control sta-
tions.” Active piloting, where a single responsible
pilot in command is required to exercise one-to-one
supervision over the operation of a single un-
manned aircraft as a “human in the loop” (HITL)
or a “human on the loop” (HOTL), is crucial to an
Figure 1. Common Components of an Un- unmanned aircraft’s safe participation in the exist-
manned Aircraft System (from DO-304, Guid- ing aviation system.
ance Material and Considerations for Un- Finally, it is important to acknowledge that
manned Aircraft Systems (March 22, 2007)) there is no regulatory structure within which au-
tonomous flight can be carried out safely, at least
craft systems and the limitations they impose upon in the United States, because manned aircraft
their pilots – such as the inability to assess flight are at liberty to fly anywhere that unmanned air-
conditions beyond whatever data on them has been craft can outside special use airspace. This has
provided for in the system’s design – may prevent increased interest in some circles for establishing
previously developed preventive strategies or sys- segregated airspace for the exclusive use of un-
tems from operating as effectively as they normally manned aircraft, even as other members of the
do for manned aircraft. Such effects may not be unmanned sector continue to insist on unfettered
observed for some time, especially if unmanned air- access to the system as a whole.
craft operations are relatively infrequent and typi-
cally receive special handling. Key Differences between Manned and
Unmanned Aircraft
Key Concepts Underlying Unmanned For the purpose of these UAS Investigation Guide-
Aircraft Systems lines, the following should be considered the key
operational and physical differences between of system degradation to be expected following
manned and unmanned aircraft: such a failure);
The lack of a pilot aboard the unmanned air- The sophistication of on-board systems associ-
craft, meaning the aircraft’s condition, position, ated with both post-loss behavior and the abil-
trajectory, and surrounding airspace cannot be ity of sensors aboard the aircraft to enable de-
directly perceived by its pilot in command tection and avoidance of conflicting traffic;
(PIC). The familiarity of the responsible air traffic
Reliance on radio-frequency (RF) spectrum and controller with the management of
continuous connectivity between ground control UAS- related emergencies; and
station(s) and aircraft for safe operation, includ- The volume of airspace within which unex-
ing as a substitute for the PIC’s limitations de- pected maneuvers can be accommodated safely.
scribed above; this has two potential Finally, one of the immediately obvious differ-
consequences: ences between manned and unmanned aircraft –
A UAS pilot’s control over their aircraft is and among different types of unmanned aircraft –
subject to disruptions not experienced in is the enormous range of sizes to which unmanned
manned aircraft; and aircraft are being built. Estimates vary widely as
There can be delays in both communications to the proportion of large versus small unmanned
between the pilot and air traffic control and in aircraft that eventually will constitute the global
the pilot’s control inputs being received and market. However, it is safe to say that the econom-
executed by the aircraft; ic advantages of those at the smaller end of the size
The varying and sometimes extremely limited spectrum are likely to make them far more popular,
abilities different types of unmanned aircraft and in far wider use, than their larger brethren.
have to separate themselves from other air- The mass and performance of any aircraft has
craft (meaning operation under “visual flight obvious implications regarding the amount of risk a
rules” as currently constituted is not always given system or operation might entail. However,
possible where alternate means of compliance for the purposes of air safety investigations, these
with “see-and-avoid” rules are employed); and attributes are most worthy of consideration in the
Occasional use of novel and exotic materials for context of the amount of damage a given unmanned
propulsion or aircraft recovery, meaning acci- aircraft might be expected to inflict on another air-
dent sites involving systems where such mate- craft or on people or property it collides with on the
rials are present may be unexpectedly hazard- ground.
ous to both first responders and air safety in- At the same time, it is important to remember
vestigators alike. that some equipage and/or capabilities normally
The types of accidents and incidents most expected of aircraft in a given class of airspace may
likely to result from these differences are: be impractical to install in smaller unmanned air-
Midair collisions (unmanned/manned or un- craft with limited range, payload or on-board elec-
manned/unmanned); trical power. This possibility should be explored
Loss of aircraft control in flight; any time a small-size UA is part of any accident
Fatalities/injuries on the ground upon ground sequence in complex or congested airspace.
impact (inability to select point of impact); The above should be taken into consideration
Property damage on the ground upon ground
in determining the scope and level of effort that
impact or collision with obstruction (inability
may be required for any investigation involving an
to avoid surface-based feature or to select
unmanned aircraft system. While none may prove
point of impact);
to be relevant to a given accident sequence or af-
Loss of safe separation between an unmanned
termath, all represent potential complications
aircraft and another aircraft;
that must be understood fully in order to include
Loss of aircraft control during ground move-
or exclude them from detailed consideration, and
ment; and
that may drive the need for additional investiga-
Post-crash injury/illness at an accident scene.
tive resources – at least on a temporary basis –
In addition, the reliance of UAS on electronic
beyond those normally required for manned air-
connectivity between aircraft and pilot means the
craft accidents and incidents.
failure of the command and control link can have a
variety of outcomes depending on:
The type of UAS involved (and thus the amount
Special Aspects of Unmanned Aircraft tended to prevent an imminent collision. This
System Differences functionality is more likely to be automated, both
“Detect and Avoid” Systems-Detect and avoid to avoid latency issues (see Chapter 3) and because
(DAA) systems, sometimes referred to as “sense a UAS pilot would have no way of gauging the ac-
and avoid” or “detect, sense and avoid” systems, tual proximity of the other aircraft or the precise
are still largely in their infancy. Although some avoidance maneuver needed that would ensure
commentators try to equate DAA with existing safe separation while not exceeding the unmanned
flight path surveillance and warning capabilities aircraft’s flight envelope.
like traffic alert and warning systems (TAWS), Various technical solutions for DAA chal-
DAA represents a significantly more complex set of lenges are being explored, including sensor
cooperative and interrelated technologies. combinations that fuse visible or infrared im-
The simplest way to think of a high- agery with electronic detection equipment. It
functioning DAA system is to understand is unlikely that an industry-level standard,
that it must in very rapid and continuous incorporating all of the capabilities described
succession: above while imparting an acceptable weight
Detect electronic signals from aircraft and electrical power penalty, will be in place
equipped with transponders, Mode S for the foreseeable future. However, work is
“squitters” or Automatic Dependent Surveil- proceeding to this end, with RTCA Special
lance – Broadcast (ADS-B); Committee 228 having established a working
Detect non-emitting aircraft or surface-based group specifically directed toward this effort.
obstacles that would be visible to the naked The complexity of DAA architecture and sys-
eye (e.g., gliders, vintage aircraft, balloons, tem logic alone is not the only reason why special-
buildings, antennas); ist knowledge most likely will be required to ex-
Process all such targets through an algorithm plore a given collision scenario. For the near
that allows for performance differences among term, the larger problem is that government- ap-
the various types of aircraft that could be en- proved performance standards and specifications
countered or the maneuvering required to for DAA systems themselves do not yet exist. At
avoid a fixed obstruction; the same time, pressure to move forward with ef-
Command the unmanned aircraft or its pilot forts to integrate manned and unmanned aircraft
to maneuver in such a way as to remain well operations in shared airspace is likely to drive
clear of the conflict; and regulators’ acceptance of DAA systems that are
Annunciate any course, airspeed or altitude deemed capable of reducing the risk to other air-
change to the pilot or directly advise the ap- craft and to the public, but which are based on
propriate controlling agency that it has exe- proprietary or otherwise non-certified criteria.
cuted an autonomous avoidance maneuver Finally, it is worth noting that many observers
that has it off its assigned heading or altitude consider DAA systems to have the potential to be
An additional property of DAA systems as cur- inherently superior to human vision in the “see-
rently envisioned is that they most likely will in- and-avoid” role. Human perception is limited or
corporate two distinct sets of behaviors. The first adversely affected by any number of conditions,
response to encounter detection will be for the both from an anatomical and an “attention” per-
system to maneuver the aircraft – or to provide spective.* A continuously scanning DAA system
guidance to the pilot supporting such maneuver- never would be looking the wrong way, distracted
ing – so as to remain “well clear” of conflicting or otherwise taken away from its designed pur-
traffic or obstacles (a subjective term requiring an pose. When any conflict enters the detection
as-yet undetermined objective threshold). Such threshold, such a system will warn of or react to it
autonomous or directed maneuvering ideally will as appropriate.
be carried out without violating an air traffic con- By the same token, the likely pace of DAA evo-
trol clearance or other regulatory requirements lution versus demand for expanded UAS opera-
such as altitude, proximity to congested areas, tions most likely will result in tremendous varia-
etc. bility among DAA installations. This in turn will
The second response will become controlling mean investigative authorities will need to have
should a conflict progress to the point where more access to subject matter experts who can evaluate
“TCAS-like” response is needed, and would be in- the effectiveness of individual DAA solutions that
may come into question as a result of an aviation pilot’s controls. He switched over to the sensor op-
accident or incident. erator’s position – which was equipped with identi-
Cockpit Design-While the subject of cockpit cal controls – only to see the aircraft immediately
design may be considered largely in the domain of a begin to lose altitude. He was unable to regain con-
human factors investigation (see Chapter 3), the trol, and the aircraft crashed.
context of an aircraft accident investigation puts a Among the multiple issues uncovered in the
somewhat different perspective on the issues that course of the investigation was the discovery that
may arise where unmanned aircraft systems are proper use of the appropriate checklist would have
involved. prevented the loss; the sensor operator’s console
The “cockpit” of an unmanned aircraft is a was not properly set up to assume control of the
ground control station not physically attached to aircraft when the switchover was made. However,
the aircraft in any way. Its complexity and sophis- the HMI aspect of this is that controls normally
tication may be indistinguishable from that of an used by the pilot have a separate, alternate use
airliner’s flight deck, or it could be as simple as a when running the payload sensors, virtually guar-
hand-held control box identical to one used to con- anteeing that a breakdown in checklist discipline
trol model aircraft. In any event, except for a few would have a catastrophic outcome at some point
instances where military operators are attempting during the system’s life cycle. Fortunately, in this
to move toward some type of “common cockpit” ca- case the hidden trap was discovered without loss of
pable of being configured to fly a variety of different life and has been addressed to some extent by sub-
UAS, it is highly unlikely that the human-machine sequent design and training fixes.
interface (HMI) in use has been developed with The point of this discussion is that the potential
much attention to existing cockpit/flight deck de- involvement of cockpit layout and “switchology” is-
sign requirements or the requirements of flight in sues involvement in an unmanned aircraft accident
the existing aviation system. investigation is not necessarily a matter for human
While this may seem counterintuitive, many factors specialists alone. Rather, investigators will
UAS designs were brought into service through ac- need to be trained to explore how the system as a
celerated procurement processes (e.g., the whole is routinely operated, any previously encoun-
“Advanced Technology Concept Develop- tered design issues reported by its users, and how
ment” (ACTD) initiatives) on an urgent basis. Be- misleading, incomplete or inappropriate design fea-
cause they were intended for use during armed con- tures or informational cues can have unexpected or
flict but would be incapable of defending them- confusing outcomes. Exploring these matters is not
selves from aerial engagement, their development a human factors engineering or human perfor-
was conditioned by an implied assumption that mance line of inquiry so much as an operations line
there would be little or no competing use of the air- of inquiry that will require specialist knowledge to
space within which the unmanned aircraft were effectively pursue.
intended to operate.
The procurement strategy for some early medi- Accidents Where UAS Differences from
um and high altitude long endurance UAS also Manned Aircraft May Be a Factor
placed an emphasis on maximizing the likelihood Midair Collision-A midair collision involving an
of efficient, successful mission accomplishment. unmanned aircraft and a manned aircraft probably
While the solutions to certain challenges (e.g., con- is the most likely type of event that typically comes
trol redundancy, payload operations, etc.) were nov- to mind when considering worst-case scenarios in-
el and elegant from an engineering perspective, volving UAS operations in shared airspace.*
they did not always take into consideration pilot Determining how the two aircraft came into con-
workload, usage and task prioritization issues rou- flict may require examining how their respective
tinely accounted for in the design of certificated operations were being conducted and what they en-
manned aircraft and addressed through formal sys- tailed; the presence and effectiveness of rules and
tem safety programs. procedures intended to separate manned and un-
A well-documented example of the kinds of prob- manned operations; the qualifications of the un-
lems resulting from these trade-offs is that of a manned aircraft pilot (if different levels of certifica-
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Predator B tion are allowed by the State of Occurrence); and
that crashed in Arizona in 2006. The aircraft was similar issues of airspace utilization and crew certi-
on patrol along the southern U.S. border when it fication. At some point the question of whether one
experienced a “rack lock-up” that disabled the
Figure 2. Example Design Eye Reference Point Diagram (Transportation Safety Board of
or both pilots had the ability to see and avoid (or unmanned aircraft prior to impact.
detect and avoid, as appropriate) the other prior to When the question turns to the unmanned air-
impact is likely to arise. Once a given investigation craft pilot’s ability to avoid the collision, it will be
turns to this issue, it is likely to become far more necessary to determine how (or if) the involved sys-
complex, and developing recommendations intend- tem compensates for the pilot’s inability to directly
ed to prevent the accident’s recurrence will become see and avoid other aircraft. In some cases, civil
more challenging. aviation authorities may have made a deliberate
If a manned and unmanned aircraft are in- risk decision to accept such a limitation without
volved, traditional means of determining the further mitigation, or by relying purely on the UAS
manned aircraft pilot’s perspective first should be pilot having direct visual contact with his/her air-
employed. Investigators may wish to determine if craft at all times based on how and/or where the
the manned aircraft’s pilot could have seen the un- unmanned aircraft is intended to operate. Howev-
manned aircraft by examining the collision geome- er, it is also possible that active and/or passive
try against possible impediments to cockpit visibil- “detect and avoid” systems may be in use as well.
ity, such as through use of a design eye reference In exploring a midair collision from an un-
point diagram like that shown in Figure 2. manned aircraft system perspective, it is important
Once the unmanned aircraft has been located on to bear in mind that so-called “airborne sense and
this type of diagram (i.e., from the manned aircraft avoid” (ABSAA) systems that perform DAA func-
pilot’s point of view), investigators will need to take tions are aircraft-based. While some concepts are
into consideration how the unmanned aircraft similar to traffic alert and collision avoidance sys-
would have appeared. Unmanned aircraft come in tems (TCAS), detecting other aircraft and providing
all shapes, sizes and colors, in some cases meaning direction to the pilot regarding the best avoidance
a much smaller than usual target, perhaps with maneuver, most involve a fusion of active and pas-
little contrast against the prevailing background, sive sensors supported by on-board logic that iden-
may have been presented to the manned pilot. Al- tifies conflicts and automatically takes or directs
so, unmanned aircraft operate at a variety of air- action to separate the unmanned aircraft from
speeds depending on their type, meaning a conflict them.
could have developed much more quickly than usu- If an unmanned aircraft that should have been
al or, conversely, with so little relative movement capable of avoiding a collision by virtue of ABSAA
as to make it virtually imperceptible. This part of nevertheless is involved in a collision, investigators
the analysis should allow a determination to be will be faced with a highly complex technical prob-
made as to whether the manned pilot reasonably lem. They will have to determine how the encoun-
could have had the ability to see and avoid the ter unfolded, including if:
The conflicting traffic was capable of being field of view offered by each such system.
detected by the available sensor suite; It may be procedurally acceptable or legally
The detection value was sufficient to trigger conformant to use on-board sensors to support col-
the appropriate warning and/or autonomous lision avoidance, or even as an alternate means of
response (if autonomous maneuvering is ena- compliance with a State’s implementation of the
bled in the installed DAA system); and “see and avoid” principle. However, it may be dif-
Whether the amount of time between detec- ficult for investigators to determine the reasonable-
tion and avoidance maneuver (if any) was ness of using such systems for clearing an un-
within design parameters, as well as whether manned aircraft’s flight path if doing so is consid-
those parameters were appropriate to the ge- ered an approved technique. As such, close consul-
ometry of the encounter. tation with regulatory and certification authorities
These questions normally will require signifi- may become necessary on that point.
cant engineering and modeling and simula- Loss of Control Accidents (Airborne)-
tion expertise to address, most of which is Unmanned aircraft, like their manned counter-
not within a typical ASI’s knowledge base. parts, sometimes are involved in accidents where
In contrast to the above, “ground-based sense the pilot in command loses control of the aircraft.
and avoid” (GBSAA) systems typically support sep- However, with unmanned aircraft, investigating
aration between manned and unmanned aircraft such accidents and incidents can be a more com-
by maintaining surveillance over a defined portion plex process simply because there are many more
of the sky using surface-based sensors, most com- ways such a failure might occur. One’s traditional
monly using radar capable of seeing both tran- mental image of an “out of control” aircraft must be
sponder-equipped and non-squawking aircraft. supplemented to include another scenario altogeth-
Three key issues most likely will need careful scru- er, where an unmanned aircraft autonomously flies
tiny wherever a collision or loss of separation takes itself to a final destination that may or may not be
place in a GBSAA-protected volume of airspace: known.
Whether the system successfully detected the For investigations conducted under existing
conflict in a timely manner; models and taxonomies, it is useful to distinguish
Who and how the system warned of the con- between events involving the failure of the control
flict; and and non-payload communications (CNPC) link
Whether the UAS pilot’s response was appro- from those where the link is in operation but the
priate to the warning. aircraft becomes uncontrollable. In the former
As with many aspects of UAS operations, there case, the pilot may no longer be in or on the control
are no settled specifications or performance stand- loop, but a reasonably sophisticated aircraft may
ards for GBSAA systems. Similarly, while there remain stable and navigate itself to a pre-
are a number of innovative approaches to providing determined point (following a “lost link profile”).
GBSAA services at various locations, there is no Alternately, it may fail to revert to the prepro-
consensus regarding the system architecture used grammed profile and instead take up an unknown
to enable them. Some concepts involve dedicated trajectory (“flyaway”).
radar systems, while others use existing air traffic In the latter case, for the purpose of this discus-
control radar where those systems have been eval- sion, a UA loss of control takes place when the pilot
uated and deemed suitable based on their altitude is no longer able to change the aircraft’s heading,
coverage, ability to effectively track non- airspeed or altitude through an otherwise function-
cooperative targets, etc. ing CNPC link. This type of malfunction typically
At the same time that investigation into the is the result of a mechanical or structural failure
point-of-view and surveillance dimensions of the affecting the movement or condition of a primary
accident sequence is undertaken, all recorded data flight control or control surface, or due to a failure
captured by the involved UAS – including the in the transmission of a control input or its trans-
“take” from any sensors oriented in the direction of lation into a control input aboard the aircraft. To
the axis along which the collision took place – date such failures have proven to be rare, but when
should be obtained for examination as well. This they occur they are extremely difficult to diagnose
will allow investigators to assess the extent to remotely.
which unmanned aircraft system crews typically For UAS accident and incident investigators, the
rely on normal spectrum, low-light or infrared cam- greatest virtues of just about every unmanned air-
eras to scan for conflicting traffic, as well as the
craft occurrence – and particularly in cases of loss marshallers with forward-looking optics, follow taxi
of control resulting in the loss of an aircraft – are (1) lines, and stop at hold-short lines, just as they
having a live pilot to talk to, and (2) having the would from the cockpit of a manned aircraft. How-
possibility of obtaining significantly more perfor- ever, investigators must bear in mind that, while
mance data than is usually captured by a flight da- such operations may appear to be conducted in an
ta recorder readily available in the ground control identical manner to those performed by manned
station, at least where more complex UAS are in- aircraft, UAS pilots operate under significant limi-
volved.5 The pilot’s testimony can provide signifi- tations with respect to their field of view.
cant clues regarding the cause of virtually any kind System/Component Failure or Malfunction-
of accident; rich recorded data can augment the pi- Accident sequences that begin with component fail-
lot’s recall and understanding of the sequence of ures or malfunctions can be particularly insidious
events and possibly provide clues as to any discon- in unmanned aircraft simply because of the poten-
nects between perception and reality where such tial delay in the pilot’s becoming aware of a devel-
might exist. oping situation. Unlike manned aircraft, UAS pi-
At the same time, as is the case with all UAS lots cannot directly perceive anything that might
accidents – and especially those involving loss of cue them to a mechanical problem: no sounds, no
control – it is vital to remember that a pilot’s ability smells, no vibrations, no “control feel.” Virtually
to provide information about the sequence of events everything they know about the condition of their
is almost totally dependent on the extent to which aircraft must be transmitted down through the
the system itself provided that pilot with infor- same limited amount of bandwidth that must be
mation, and that data provided to the ground con- shared with critical flight performance and naviga-
trol station is totally dependent on a functioning tion data.
downlink throughout the period of interest. As they gain experience with how operational or
Loss of Control Accidents (Ground) and performance issues show up in regular service,
Ground Collisions-The possibility of a runaway UAS manufacturers have become adept at identify-
unmanned aircraft on the ground is hardly without ing the relative criticality of different component
precedent in manned aviation. Brake failures, air- failures or flight conditions. Since there are no
craft getting away from their pilots after being standards regarding what needs to be provided to a
“prop-started” and a host of other scenarios have UAS pilot for situational awareness, each manufac-
played out over time. Similarly, collisions with turer determines data requirements based on histo-
fixed obstacles or other aircraft regularly take place ry, known system limitations and vulnerabilities,
in manned aircraft operations and should be ex- and available transmission and reception resources.
pected in unmanned operations as well. In general, Investigators considering the possible role of a
unmanned aircraft should be assumed to have the system or component failure in an observed acci-
same potential vulnerability to such mishaps as dent sequence will need to familiarize themselves
their manned counterparts, and many such events with the specifics of the downlinked data provided
are likely to be traceable to the same or similar to the UAS pilot. If it is concluded that the air-
causes and precursors. craft’s condition deteriorated in such a way that
At the same time, differences between manned warning should have been provided prior to failure,
and unmanned aircraft can have a bearing on the the feasibility of implementing recommendations
nature and outcomes of ground accidents involving regarding future instrumentation will be highly de-
the latter. For example, the failure of a CNPC link pendent on the demand such instrumentation will
during ground operations can have unexpected or add to the system in terms of weight, electrical
difficult-to-avoid consequences, particularly if one power or downlink requirements… not just the unit
takes place in close proximity to other aircraft or cost as might be the case with manned aircraft rec-
surface obstacles. Most unmanned aircraft incorpo- ommended to receive a component repair or up-
rate on-board logic that will immediately apply the grade.
aircraft’s brakes and/or shut down its engine imme- For unmanned aircraft, investigators also must
diately upon detecting a lost link. bear in mind that system or component failures
Unmanned aircraft systems intended to be tax- could entail malfunctions of the ground control sta-
ied to or from a takeoff or landing surface typically tion, not just the unmanned aircraft. A completely
provide their pilots with the means and a process airworthy, properly operating unmanned aircraft
for doing so safely. UAS pilots may watch can be lost if the ground control station supporting
its operation becomes unusable or unreliable. In and
some cases, GCS-related problems may appear to The extent to which an unmanned aircraft’s pi-
be aircraft problems; if a second GCS or control po- lot can be reasonably expected to accurately
sition is not available to take over the operation in perceive the flight environment and the imme-
a timely manner, an otherwise preventable acci- diate surroundings of his/her aircraft – in other
dent may occur. Once that has happened, it may words, to have appropriate situational aware-
be difficult to diagnose the exact nature of the GCS ness – when physically separate from that
problem because uncertainty may remain regard- aircraft.
ing link stability, local interference, or other poten- To the first point, at this writing there is insuffi-
tially distracting and irrelevant lines of inquiry. cient objective research available to allow air safety
Beyond the fundamental differences between investigators to make any independent judgments
manned and unmanned aircraft cited to this point, regarding how an unmanned aircraft system pilot
other differences may present themselves in the should be trained or certified. Such decisions are
course of a UAS systems investigation. In particu- properly the domain of the national aviation authori-
lar, investigators may not assume that flight- ties who regulate unmanned aircraft system opera-
critical components necessarily conform to stand- tions. If the circumstances surrounding a given acci-
ards established for comparable components in dent under investigation suggest deficiencies in
manned aircraft. Similarly, equipment subject to these areas, appropriate findings and recommenda-
technical standard orders or other means of guar- tions should be made.
anteeing a specific level of performance or reliabil- On the other hand, there is a large body of com-
ity aboard manned aircraft may be substituted for pelling historical information that points to how the
with less stringently manufacturer or certified avi- safe operation of aircraft is highly dependent on the
onics aboard unmanned aircraft. pilot’s physical condition and fitness to fly. Again,
Until contentious issues of cost, airworthiness each State that allows unmanned aircraft operations
certification authority and other “comparability” has to make determinations regarding the specific
issues associated with integrating unmanned air- standards to which each pilot should be held. The
craft into shared airspace are resolved, investiga- distinctive nature of UAS operations includes not
tors must be prepared to encounter, document and subjecting the pilot to some of the more physically
analyze the performance of on-board systems that challenging aspects of flight, such as high physiologi-
would not be acceptable in manned aircraft in the cal altitude or exposure to high Gs. In the same
course of accident and incident investigations. way, some accommodations may be possible for cer-
tain typical requirements, like normal color vision or
some physical impairments, simply based on how
CHAPTER 3 unmanned aircraft are flown.
Augmentation and Supplementation of This is not to say that some aspects of unmanned
aircraft system operation do not place demands on
Existing Investigative Capabilities for UAS the physical or mental faculties of UAS pilots. For
Investigations example, visual acuity is critically important for any
UAS operation where the pilot or a visual observer
Investigative Skills and Knowledge must keep the aircraft in sight to keep it clear of oth-
Associated with UAS Attributes er aircraft and obstacles. Similarly, being properly
It is likely that specialized investigative skills rested is a necessary adjunct to any complex mental
will be required to explore the involvement of one activity, as is good general health. Where a pilot’s
or more of the above differences in a given accident fitness to fly or to carry out the responsibilities asso-
sequence or its aftermath. As may be expected, ciated with flying might come into question in the
such skills will be needed to support analysis of the course of an accident investigation, such issues cer-
unique attributes listed above. tainly will be worth exploring in the context of the
Human Factors—The human factors domain as it existing body of regulations applicable to the opera-
relates to unmanned aviation must be considered tion.
from two distinct perspectives: The second perspective on human factors – how
The extent to which an unmanned aircraft sys- UAS pilots obtain and maintain situational aware-
tem pilot in command is expected to be a “pilot,” ness regarding the conduct of their operations – is
with the body of knowledge and physical attrib- much less clearly understood. One of the principal
utes expected of those flying manned aircraft; limitations under which such pilots must work is in
having the vast majority of their situation(al) commissioning of specific human factors studies to
awareness regarding their aircraft’s operation, as explore investigators’ theories of potential accident
well as the condition of both the aircraft and the scenarios. This could include determining what a
environmental conditions surrounding it, confined pilot could have reasonably concluded about an
to the visual sense. Further, the manner in which emerging aircraft problem based on the information
much of the available data regarding these parame- available, what more could have been done to sup-
ters is presented often requires interpretation; for port their situation awareness under given opera-
example, in some systems accumulating ice must be tional conditions, or similar issues. Human factors
deduced by noting decreased performance, altitude expertise also may need to be applied to developing
loss and similar symptoms rather than simply look- recommendations to prevent future accidents as
ing out a window and seeing ice.6 well. This might entail addressing such issues as
Throughout the first century of flight, aviation the kinds of automation needed to support certain
human factors experts made great progress in de- types of flight activity, automated functions might
termining the best means of presenting information need to be made more visible to pilots to support
to pilots, distinguishing between the different types situation or mode awareness, etc.
and criticality of flight-related information as well Finally, simply describing the constellation of
as developing context-based rules for prioritizing it. possible human factors issues arising from un-
Various types of displays have been developed to manned aviation does little to ensure that the need-
simplify the identification of anomalous conditions, ed expertise will be available to explore them. Gov-
performance trends indicative of developing system ernments must take conscious steps as soon as pos-
problems, and differing severity of malfunctions. sible to support the growth of a qualified talent pool
At the same time, there always has been at least an and an unmanned aviation-focused academic estab-
implicit understanding that direct perception of the lishment to deal with such challenges as they arise.
symptoms of some problems, such as unexplained While it might be ideal to have unmanned aviation
sounds, vibrations or smells, often supports their human factors specialists embedded in each nation-
diagnosis or correction. al aviation authority, as a practical matter it would
None of these cues are available to an unmanned seem more useful to ensure that funding for the ac-
aircraft pilot directly. A conscious decision must be ademic community is made available to develop ex-
made by each UAS designer as to which infor- perts who could support both public and private
mation is important enough to warrant being added needs for such skills.
to the limited data stream from aircraft to pilot. Telecommunications—While telecommunications
Even if it is deemed desirable to devote a certain and frequency management expertise periodically is
amount of bandwidth to purely aircraft state data, called upon in present-day aviation accident inves-
developing digital surrogates for sensory-type infor- tigations involving manned aircraft, it is likely to
mation is relatively easily for some conditions (e.g., become far more prominent once unmanned air-
identifying a rough ride through rapid excursions craft become regular participants in the overall avi-
in G-forces), but quite difficult for others (e.g., the ation system. One of the cornerstones of unmanned
smell of an overheating electrical component, the aircraft systems operation is the remote location of
accumulation of smoke, etc.). the pilot/operator. At a fundamental level, this
Another consideration is that the criticality of means that the entire concept of unmanned avia-
some flight conditions – such as turbulence or icing tion (other than where the aircraft are completely
– varies widely from system to system. So, it is not autonomous) is dependent upon uninterrupted RF-
a simple matter to standardize downlinked data based connectivity with adequate capacity for all
across the entire constellation of unmanned aircraft needed data to be exchanged without loss or
systems. This is especially the case where requir- distortion.
ing unnecessary data to be transmitted and dis- Prior to the advent of widespread unmanned air-
played could result in pilot interpretation problems, craft operations, the regulatory relationship be-
information overload, a failure to provide data that tween aviation and telecommunications largely was
might be more useful, or additional potential settled. Portions of the RF spectrum have long
sources of on-board malfunctions associated with been reserved for aircraft voice communications
the information collection and transmission itself. and navigation equipment; whenever new require-
Following the above line of reasoning, it is not ments for additional capabilities have emerged
unreasonable to assume that at least some future (e.g., Airphones, onboard WiFi, satellite communi-
accidents with UAS involvement may require the cations, controller-pilot data link communications),
they have been aligned with the appropriate parts “International Telegraph Union,” now the Interna-
of existing allocations on the basis of how they op- tional Telecommunications Union (ITU) – with in-
erate, and accommodated at a regional or global dividual nations granted portions of the spectrum
level as needed. for their respective exclusive use, and other por-
However, it is important to note that in recent tions protected to enable commonality for world-
years it has been rare for such new requirements to wide systems to operate, such as those dedicated to
be related to the safety of flight. Rather, they have aeronautical activity. However, many current UAS
been driven by the emergence of new technologies activities share portions of the spectrum with other
intended to increase the efficiency of tasks already operations. Military UAS often operate on military-
conducted in aviation operations, or they have been reserved frequencies. There also is a small portion
created for the convenience of aircraft operators or of the spectrum set aside exclusively for short-
passengers. Unmanned aviation has raised the range hobbyist/model aircraft use, which at least in
stakes in the relationship between those who regu- the U.S. is required to be entirely noncommercial. 7
late flight and those who regulate resources sup- The vast majority of UAS command, control and
porting flight, since access to spectrum – and lots of communications most commonly are carried out in
it – is a prerequisite to making use of unmanned the range of frequencies between 900 megahertz
aircraft safely and effectively. At the same time, un- (MHz) and 30 gigahertz (GHz). There are three
manned aircraft move, meaning the frequencies used “services” under which aviation-specific spectrum is
to control cannot be allocated using the location-based allocated by the ITU:
model applied to air traffic control or navigational aid Aeronautical mobile (route) service (AM(R)S);
frequencies. Aeronautical mobile satellite (route) service
There are two distinct aspects of how the finite (AMS(R)S); and
resource of spectrum must be managed in order for Aeronautical navigation radio service (ARNS).
unmanned aircraft to be operated safely, both of Allocations for UAS uses are complicated by
which will require expert knowledge to interpret in needing to be made from the first two of these, each
the event of an aviation accident in which the relia- of which is separately administered. The reason
bility, stability or adequacy of control-related links why different domains are involved becomes clearer
may be in question: the frequencies used, and the by looking at Figure 3.
bandwidth required on each of those frequencies.
To understand the distinction between the two, a
brief explanation is in order.
In the earliest days of radio, it was easiest to
generate and broadcast signals of comparatively
long wavelengths (in the “low frequency” and
“high frequency” bands). These signals also had
the side benefit of covering very long distances by
virtue of their property of being reflected by the
ionosphere, “skipping” over the horizon. As peo-
ple learned the relative advantages and disad-
vantages of different types of transmissions at dif-
ferent frequencies, it became obvious that some or- Figure 3. UAS communications segment spec-
ganizational scheme would need to be imposed on trum/bandwidth requirements by communi-
all of the prospective users of the airwaves to pre- cations node (from an issue paper prepared
vent their mutual interference. To some extent, the for the World Radiocommunication Confer-
physics of electronic communications argued in fa- ence 2007, Spectrum for UAS (Unmanned Air-
vor of assigning certain uses to specific frequencies. craft Systems): Status of WRC-2007 prepara-
For the rest, however, competing applications vying tion and proposal for a new agenda item for
for exclusive use of part of the spectrum often had WRC- 2011, Didier Petit and Alain Delrieu)
to be individually licensed on the basis of The ITU has identified three distinct types of
availability. “radiocommunications” required to operate an un-
The responsibility for such assignments was first manned aircraft in controlled airspace:
worked out at the international level through an Radiocommunications in conjunction with air
existing communications-oriented body – the traffic control relay;
Radiocommunications for UA command and hardware/software node is referred to as the
control; “communication infrastructure.” This change ap-
Radiocommunications in support of the sense pears to have been made to enable the revised mod-
and avoid function.8 el to accommodate varying levels of connection com-
In addition to the above, many UAS incorporate plexity, from radios to a ground-based data distri-
data downlinked from a
payload such as an on-
board camera or other sen-
sor, which may use an en-
tirely different part of the
RF spectrum but which, by
the nature of how its
“take” is used, may also be
flight- critical. To provide
for all of these require-
ments, unmanned aircraft
systems require significant
amounts of bandwidth to
support both uplinked and
downlinked data. Most
unmanned aircraft have
separate downlinked data
streams – one for control,
Figure 4. RTCA SC-228 WG2 “Taxonomy of UAS Data Links”
the other with the payload
Figure 3 shows that the remote location of the bution system that is envisioned to provide a
pilot and the need to downlink both control and “signal in space” from terrestrial stations to air-
payload data from the aircraft drive requirements borne aircraft.
for different frequencies. The amount of data that While the updated vision of UAS system logic
each frequency hosts requires significant space doubtless is helpful for engineers, it is somewhat
from competing or potentially interfering signals, daunting for those new to unmanned aviation.
and, for security may utilize several separate fre- However, WG2 also re-imagined how to portray the
quencies among which the transmission can “hop.” different types of flight-required datalinks, which is
Further, the vast majority of beyond line of sight helpful in understand both the complexity of links
(BLOS) UAS operations require satellite service and how they are used. These demands drive sepa-
(although some terrestrial methods are being ex- rate but equally pressing bandwidth requirements.
plored) for both data and voice support. What Figure 4 is intended to show is that there
Previously, the UAS community has acknowl- are a number of data exchanges constantly occur-
edged the complexity of unmanned aviation and the ring between a GCS and a UA, especially where a
relationship among its various components, but has BLOS operation is in progress. SC-228 is not con-
tended to downplay the criticality of how those com- cerning itself with any requirements for spectrum
ponents must interact to assure their safe opera- that may be needed to support payload data
tion. In response to the need to re- imagine the (although some types of UAS see payloads as
functional relationships between pilot and aircraft providing possible alternate means of compliance
– and to graphically illustrate the different types of with see-and-avoid requirements – a flight-critical
data exchanges that need to take place through the function).
various links – RTCA Special Committee 228’s Also, SC-228 appears to be confining its atten-
Working Group 2 (WG2) reconsidered the original tion to the far left side of the diagram, where only
architectural diagram shown in Figure 1. the telecommand (uplink) and telemetry (downlink)
The new “control chain” conceptual model now in data supporting BLOS operations would be accord-
use by WG2 (Figure 4) differs from the original ed “protected” bandwidth. Requirements for air
RTCA DO-304 notion of “segments.” The ground traffic control (ATC) communications presumably
control station now is envisioned as the place where are to be met through existing spectra, although
human- machine interface takes place, and a new how this is to be assured has yet to be determined.
* * * * failure (i.e., a “lost link” occurrence) is pretty much
Beyond the system complexity arising from the the same as a failure of two-way radio communica-
multiple parts of the RF spectrum needed for UAS tions, even when it occurs in controlled airspace.
operations, the bureaucratic complexity described Proponents of this line of reasoning rarely step
above suggests there could be a purely through the actual consequences; they simply as-
“management” aspect to UAS-related telecommuni- sert that the two events’ impact on surrounding
cations issues that may arise in the course of an aircraft and the ATC system is equivalent, as is the
accident investigation. controller’s response to them.
Consider a scenario where a link became unusa- Unfortunately, such is not the case, at least for
ble at a shorter range than should have been the the foreseeable future. A manned aircraft’s crew
case, or was disrupted by interference due to an flying on an instrument flight plan follows the
inappropriate or inadequate allocation of spectrum clearance issued to them, even if communications
for unmanned aviation operations. Delving into a fail. From the clearance limit onward, there are
possible accident sequence of that type, and then well-defined procedures regarding what the pilot is
developing meaningful recommendations to pre- to do based on what he or she was told to expect,
vent its recurrence, requires specialist understand- and nothing normally will prevent them from fol-
ing of the properties of radio waves at different fre- lowing those procedures. They also can communi-
quencies, the administration of available spectrum, cate their situation via transponder in most situa-
the degrading effects of intentional or unintention- tions, either by squawking 7600 or 7700 as appro-
al interference, and the matching of available spec- priate to their circumstances.9*
trum with intended use as a function of suitability An unmanned aircraft system control link fail-
rather than its just being “open.” ure cannot be described in terms of “standard pro-
Different governments (i.e., ICAO member cedures” because each such failure may have a
States) are organized quite differently for regulato- completely unpredictable outcome, a highly specif-
ry purposes. ASIs need look no further than their ic, well-defined outcome, or something in between.
own domain to realize that the relationship be- Such variability begins at the moment of link fail-
tween their country and others in the aviation envi- ure:
ronment is to some extent conditioned by their Was only the pilot’s ability to control the air-
State’s participation in ICAO. A similar relation- craft affected, or were voice communications
ship typically exists between individual nations with ATC disrupted as well?
and the ITU, which governs the allocation of spec- If the latter, how does air traffic control become
trum, maximum output power of transmitters, and aware of the aircraft’s degraded operational
a whole array of similarly vital aspects of RF appli- state? Is it programmed to change its tran-
cations. Therefore, investigators need to act as sponder squawk, will it do so immediately or is
soon as possible to identify points of contact in the there a built-in delay between the failure and
appropriate agencies within their respective gov- the initiation of any on-board programmed be-
ernments to be ready to address issues of the type havior?
described in advance of an accident requiring their Was the unmanned aircraft programmed to pro-
mobilization. ceed to orbit at a known point (sometimes re-
Based on the foregoing discussion, the reasons ferred to as a “flight termination point”) or re-
why telecommunications expertise will be essential turn to its point of origin in the event of control
to UAS-related air safety investigations should be link failure? Was the flight termination point
apparent. However, as mentioned earlier in this changing throughout the flight? If so, where
section, the reliance of UAS on their will the aircraft turn toward, and how long
“communications segment” also brings with it two might it be before it takes up a new heading,
specific concerns: the potential for its disruption airspeed or altitude?
(control link failure), and the practical implications Assume that an unmanned aircraft is in BLOS
of having a built-in lag in the communications be- operation and any programmed delay between link
tween pilot and controller and pilot and aircraft failure and initiation of a “lost link profile” has
(latency). elapsed. What will the aircraft do next? There is no
1. Control Link Failure Impacts way to answer this question without knowing the
From a purely operational perspective, a fre- specifics of the aircraft’s designed capabilities and
quently made analogy is that UAS control link the specifics of its pre-programming.
Even if you know that it has been programmed
Figure 5. Differences between Manned and Unmanned Aircraft Transactions (ICAO Aeronau-
tical Communications Panel Working Paper, ACP-WGF24/WP15, 21-25 March 2011)
to proceed to a particular point in space – say, in decision logic, and who do not have an institutional
military reserved airspace – and ATC is in contact stake in the investigation’s outcome. The potential
with the pilot, there is no way to determine precise- for control link disruption is perhaps the single
ly how the aircraft will navigate itself to that point greatest common vulnerability across the entire
in space. This situation can be compounded in com- spectrum of unmanned aviation, and the tolerabil-
plexity by taking place outside radar surveillance; ity of this vulnerability has a direct bearing on the
control link failures frequently are accompanied by acceptability of the concept of unmanned aircraft
downlink failures, meaning the pilot in command systems themselves.
may no longer be receiving positional or perfor- 2. Latency Impacts-When air traffic control
mance information from the aircraft and thus can- communications first began being supported by sat-
not advise air traffic controllers of its position. ellites, questions arose regarding the potential ef-
The kinds of imponderables cited in this exam- fects of delays in control instructions being received
ple are likely to persist for some time. The contents and executed. The term “latency” came into use to
of UAS flight plans and ATC progress strips will describe the lag time required for a given transmis-
have to evolve significantly to include critical infor- sion to be transmitted to a satellite in low Earth or
mation that allows controllers to anticipate the geosynchronous orbit and then re-transmitted to its
next moves of an unmanned aircraft that unexpect- intended recipient.
edly reverts to what is for all practical purposes an The advent of unmanned aircraft systems
autonomous mode of operation. brought a new dimension to the latency issue in the
In the interim, any investigation resulting from context of flight operations. A great deal of useful
a control link failure will need to be augmented by research was conducted on the effects of communi-
personnel with an intimate understanding of the cations latency when it first was introduced, and
involved system’s architecture and post- failure
much of it was captured for consideration by the It has been suggested that latency challenges
now-disbanded “Access 5” UAS study group. 10 should form the basis of new approaches to UAS
However, referring back to Figures 1 and 3 earlier development, including possibly placing more deci-
in these UAS Investigation Guidelines, it is clear sion-making and control capability directly aboard
that long-distance telecommunications are needed unmanned aircraft themselves. The safety record
to support unmanned aircraft systems operations of unmanned aircraft, including those involved in
both for communications and for aircraft control. accidents where their control links have been com-
Thus, “latency” for unmanned aircraft has implica- promised, will provide support for or direction to
tions both for the timely reception of control in- such efforts, as will the outcomes of UAS-involved
accidents. However, until unmanned aircraft are
structions and for the subsequent execution of those
capable of independent two-way communications
via natural language or datalink messages to con-
This issue has been considered at some length in
trolling agencies, latency is likely to be a normal
the ICAO environment. For example, at a March
and unchanging aspect of BLOS UAS operations.
2011 meeting of the Aeronautical Communications
Security Impacts—One final telecommunications
Panel (ACP), a presentation on UAS “availability,
issue that may need to be explored in the context of
continuity and latency” suggested that the addition
an unmanned aircraft-involved accident is the pos-
of the need for “non-payload” communications could
sibility that a failure observed in the sequence of
drive the total time between when an instruction is
events was deliberately induced instead of acci-
issued and carried out (“transaction time”) to ex-
dentally encountered. In the past, where bomb-
ceed standards established by ICAO Document
ings, hijackings or intentional crewmember actions
9869, Manual on Required Communications Perfor-
have been the cause of aircraft losses, evidence of
mance (RCP).
criminal acts usually has been identified fairly
The paper’s author concluded, “The UAS trans-
quickly, and the investigative responsibility and
action time to meet the overall RCP10 require-
process has migrated from safety to law enforce-
ments probably is insufficient to be met by a satel-
ment authorities.
lite system.” This is an extremely strong state-
In unmanned aviation, actions intended to dis-
ment, but is based purely on engineering analysis.
rupt the conduct or control of a flight may be much
Nevertheless, it has yet to make any meaningful
harder to trace or prove. The control link itself
impact on the evolution of beyond line of sight un-
could be attacked; alternately, Global Positioning
manned aircraft systems, certification require-
Satellite (GPS) signals could be jammed or
ments, or policies to date.
meaconed (overridden by a stronger, apparently
Figure 5 illustrates the problem graphically.
valid but incorrect signal). Individual investigative
Each step of the transaction for an unmanned air-
and civil aviation authorities will need to consider
craft responding to a control instruction takes
developing their own criteria for exploring the pos-
measurable time due to latency, which must be
sibility of criminal activity in the course of an un-
added to the total time necessary for the controller
manned aircraft system-related aircraft accident
to issue the instruction and the pilot to respond to
based on their individual threat assessments and
it. The time involved is extremely small, but the
the specific circumstances surrounding a given
speed with which aircraft operate and conflicts de-
velop makes any delays a matter of some concern.
To sum up, the telecommunications expertise
Despite the relatively small amounts of time lag
necessary, civil aviation and national investigative
involved, latency has been observed to have one
authorities need to be prepared to either develop
concrete effect on beyond line of sight UAS opera-
their own resources or identify sources of support
tions: unmanned aircraft landing attempts made
with working knowledge of the following subject
via satellite-based control links rarely succeed. The
disconnect between instrument readings, visual in-
Availability/suitability of supporting ground-
formation relied upon for pilot orientation and con-
based telecommunications architecture.
trol inputs almost invariably result in the pilot be-
Availability/degradation of satellite-based over-
ing well behind the aircraft, reacting to flight condi-
the-horizon telecommunications.
tions that already have affected the aircraft in pitch
Availability/adequacy of allocated RF spectrum
or roll. This is one of the principal reasons behind
in the vicinity of an unmanned aircraft acci-
ongoing efforts to develop reliable autoland systems
for high-value BLOS unmanned aircraft.
Aircraft Structures—Investigators specializing in certified conventional powerplants (e.g. snowmobile
structures-related factors are likely to have a lively engines and other high-torque, lightweight de-
set of challenges before them in any major accident signs). It is less well known that the emphasis in
investigation involving an unmanned aircraft. The many unmanned aircraft designs is on extreme en-
fundamental issues likely to be on the table are: durance, which has led to a host of innovative ap-
For any accident involving in-flight structural proaches to generating and delivering electrical
failure of an unmanned aircraft: power to propellers that are totally unfamiliar to
How was the aircraft constructed? most of the aviation community.
To what standards was the airframe built? Three basic approaches to electric drive
For any accident involving a midair collision technology and ancillary system support currently
between a manned and unmanned aircraft re- are being used or tested on unmanned aircraft:
sulting in the loss of the manned aircraft: 1. Battery power. This is by far the most
What parts of the manned aircraft were common in small UAS applications. Significant re-
affected by the initial impact? search is being conducted in an effort to increase
With what force did the impact take place? their power (to support the powering of on-board
What unmanned aircraft components systems other than the motor) and capacity (to en-
imparted the greatest part of that force? hance their range or loiter capability).
2. Solar power. Solar-powered unmanned
What role, if any, did the size, mass, velocity,
aircraft, intended for long-duration operations at
airframe pliability or general construction of
high altitude, are being explored in increasing
the unmanned aircraft play in how impact
numbers. Their large wingspans are well suited to
forces were applied and distributed?
the installation of significant solar cell arrays on
How much force was the manned aircraft
their upper surfaces.
designed to tolerate at the point of impact? 3. Fuel cells. Fuel cell technology has grown
Are current manned aircraft design steadily in recent years, and the unmanned aircraft
standards adequate to withstand the type of community is exploring ways of leveraging its effi-
collision observed in the accident sequence? ciency and relatively light weight against a whole
Are current unmanned aircraft design stand- range of on-board electrical requirements.
ards adequate to ensure the frangibility of the
airframe (where appropriate) in the event of Pre-Accident Hazard Assessments
an impact with a manned aircraft or inhabited
Investigative authorities may wish to make a study
structure? 11
of the specific unmanned aircraft systems certified
Most structures investigators and aeronautical
for operation within their State or area of responsi-
engineers have the necessary expertise to carry out
bility in advance of any accidents, simply to apply
a UAS-involved investigation. However, such in-
some of the thinking suggested above to the specific
vestigations may entail understanding how un-
scenarios most likely to be encountered based on
manned aircraft designers elected to solve certain
the certificated systems in use and to anticipate the
challenges absent both formal certification stand-
types of expertise that may be required under cer-
ards and the need to protect human occupants.
tain scenarios.
Unmanned aircraft often incorporate design fea-
Line-of-sight signal propagation and transmit-
tures that add robustness to certain components
ter range limitations.
and forego it in others. As such, qualified investi-
Availability/usage of RF spectrum and sufficient
gators would be well served by having the oppor-
bandwidth in a location where control loss or
tunity to visit and consult with unmanned aircraft
degradation was observed.
manufacturers in advance of an investigation,
Individual unmanned aircraft system reliance
simply as a way of calibrating themselves to recog-
on uplinked and downlinked data for control,
nize the tradeoffs and weight-saving compromises
situation awareness and two-way communica-
made in the end items.
Electrical Propulsion Systems—Investigators spe-
To avoid unnecessary and time-consuming de-
cializing in powerplant-related inquiries are likely
velopment of comprehensive hazard assessments
to need some grounding in the emerging types of
and similar tools for identifying and quantifying
propulsion systems used by many cutting-edge un-
risk, investigators should start by asking them-
manned aircraft. It is common knowledge that
selves a simple question: “Would the worst credible
many unmanned aircraft make use of non-aviation
outcome of encountering this hazard with an un- (e.g., navigation, see-and-avoid, etc.)
manned aircraft be any different than it would if
the involved aircraft was manned?” If not, investi- Considerations for Investigations Involv-
gators need not expend energy on an unmanned ing Beyond Line of Sight UAS Operations
aircraft-specific investigation, and may instead pro- When faced with the need to initiate an investiga-
ceed with a regular investigation. tion involving BLOS UAS operations, investigative
On the other hand, if one of the unique aspects authorities will need to make early decisions re-
of unmanned aviation appears to have played some garding how their resources should be deployed.
part in the accident sequence, the responsible au- The on-scene investigation will remain a necessary
thorities would be well advised to fully commit to component of the overall inquiry. However, the
an in-depth investigation capable of quantifying condition and proper operation of the ground con-
their exact involvement – as well as any means of trol station or stations in use at the time of the ac-
preventing their recurrence – in detail. cident, as well as the status of the satellite or net-
Beyond the top-level, first-order differences work in use at the time of the occurrence, are
listed above, there are many possible differences in equally important elements that must be estab-
a number of areas where the scope and level of ef- lished as quickly as possible.
fort that may be required for an investigation in- A possible worst-case scenario might involve two
volving an unmanned aircraft system, or special- separate ground control stations in different parts
ized investigative skills that may be required, could of the world attempting a transfer of operational
vary widely from State to State and accident to ac- control at the time of the occurrence. This would
cident. Areas where the possibility of variability or mean securing evidence and gathering testimony at
special provisions may come into play include: as many as four different locations:
Regulations – The crash site;
Unmanned aircraft system certification The two GCS sites; and
standards A satellite or network operations center.
UAS pilot (operator) certification standards To date, satellite operators have had rela-
UAS operating rules, including specific limi- tively little direct involvement in accident investi-
tations for certain classes of airspace gations, generally serving to provide information
Aircraft categorization, especially where a
supporting such inquiries rather than being the
given unmanned aircraft may be operated re-
motely or in a manned (optionally piloted) con- focus of some aspect of the accident sequence itself.
figuration Air safety investigators and regulators may wish to
Propulsion system – reach out to such service providers in advance of an
Reciprocating engine (aviation versus non- accident or incident investigation to ensure the ap-
aviation-certified) propriate operational, legal and personal relation-
Turboprop engine (aviation versus non- ships are in place in advance of need.
Turbojet/turbofan engine (aviation versus non Investigation of Accidents Involving Model
-aviation-certified) Aircraft
Electrical (battery, fuel cell, solar, hybrid) Formal air safety investigations are not constituted
Communications system – to investigate model aircraft accidents, and Annex
Pilot-in-command (PIC) to air traffic control 13 is not applicable to them. However, at some
(ATC) line-of-sight communications point air safety investigators and investigative au-
PIC to ATC passing through aircraft thorities may be confronted by a situation where a
PIC to ATC enabled by satellite “model” aircraft – one identified by rule, manufac-
Control link – ture or common practice as being intended for hob-
Line-of-sight (LOS) only by or recreational use only – is determined to have
Beyond PIC’s visual range (non-satellite) been involved in an aviation accident sequence of
Beyond line of sight (BLOS)12 events.
Special features –
The extent to which the involvement of a model
Flight termination/ballistic recovery systems
aircraft’s involvement could be a complication will
Payloads capable of interfering with other on- vary greatly based on the specific legal and regula-
board systems tory distinctions made from one State to the next.
Payloads used to fulfill flight-critical funtions This in turn means legal expertise, hobbyist
knowledge of model aircraft construction and oper- prior notice of the operation (model aircraft opera-
ations, and familiarity with spectrum regulation tors flying from a permanent location within five
differences between recreational and “licensed” ra- miles of an airport should establish a mutually-
dio-controlled operations all could come into play. agreed upon operating procedure with the airport
The narrow perspective of conducting an operator and the airport air traffic control tower
accident investigation – especially one solely (when an air traffic facility is located at the air-
devoted to looking for ways to prevent the next port)).
accident and chartered as such by national laws – A model aircraft not meeting all of these criteria
may help investigators avoid having to address the could be construed as a de facto small UAS, for
separate and distinct issues of liability, conformity which the United States and most other States
to existing rules as opposed to their adequacy, and have yet to issue formal operating rules. Regard-
so forth. Still, even identifying the operator of such less, if a model aircraft is involved in any sequence
an aircraft could be challenging under some cir- of events requiring investigation, its legal status
cumstances. This issue will be explored in more (use, location, etc.) will need to be documented and
detail below. evaluated in terms of how any of those factors may
A few States have taken the first steps toward have contributed to the observed outcome.
establishing rules for UAS at the smaller end of the On the other hand, if it can be demonstrated
size spectrum and distinguishing between recrea- that the outcome would have been no different had
tional and civilly regulated remotely piloted air- a formally certificated UAS instead of a model air-
craft (the preferred term of art in some circles). craft been involved (as where no difference may ex-
This has been a matter of some urgency in Europe, ist between a manned or an unmanned aircraft’s
where movement toward establishing a regulatory involvement, as suggested above), investigators
framework for aircraft with takeoff weights in ex- should document that fact as well to ensure hobby-
cess of 150 kilograms (330 pounds) has created a ist activities are not unreasonably brought into
concomitant need for individual States to establish question or unfairly constrained.
rules for the operation of UAS below that thresh- Separate from a model aircraft’s legal operating
old. 13 status, investigators may face a number of purely
In the United States, Public Law 112-95 (the investigative challenges similar to those associated
FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012) makes with small UAS accidents, including:
it clear that model aircraft are a subset of the larg- Identifying and locating the operator of the
er family of unmanned aircraft, while at the same model aircraft;
time prohibiting the Federal Aviation Administra-
Confirming the exact type of model aircraft in
tion from making any rules governing their opera-
tion. However, it also limits model aircraft opera-
For midair collisions, determining the exact tra-
tions to the following conditions (Section 336):
jectories of both aircraft relative to each other
(1) The aircraft is flown strictly for hobby or rec-
at the time of impact; and
reational use;
Reconciling the observed impact damage with
(2)The aircraft is operated in accordance with a
the physical properties of the model aircraft.
community-based set of safety guidelines and
The last could be important because, unlike
within the programming of a nationwide commu-
small UAS manufactured in accordance with
nity-based organization;
ASTM F2910, Standard Specification for Design
(3) The aircraft is limited to not more than 55
and Construction of a Small Unmanned Aircraft
pounds unless otherwise certified through a design,
System (sUAS), model aircraft are not customarily
construction, inspection, flight test, and operational
designed in consideration of:
safety program administered by a community-
Maximum speed;
based organization;
(4) The aircraft is operated in a manner that Maximum weight;
does not interfere with and gives way to any Minimization of the likelihood of fire, explosion,
manned aircraft; and or the release of hazardous chemicals, materi-
(5) When flown within 5 miles of an airport, the als, and flammable liquids or gasses, or a com-
operator of the aircraft provides the airport opera- bination thereof, in flight or in the event of a
tor and the airport air traffic control tower (when crash, hard landing, or ground handling
an air traffic facility is located at the airport) with mishap;
Containment of post-crash fire;
Protecting first responders from hazards at the Location of Pilot/Operator Different from
crash site; State of Occurrence
Use of flame-resistant materials; The location of the ground control station – and
Use of energy-absorbing structures; or thus, the pilot in command – of an unmanned air-
Protection against battery-induced fires.14 craft system may be different from both the State of
The criticality of a model aircraft’s physicalthe Operator and the State of Occurrence.
properties as observed following its impact with Consequently if a pilot in command is operating
another aircraft, a person, or an object on the an unmanned aircraft under the rules of the
ground all will need to be evaluated against the State of the Operator at the time of an accident,
ASTM criteria to determine if they are relevant to the location of the ground control station should
the observed outcome. not result in an automatic invitation to the
hosting State to provide an accredited repre-
sentative unless an infrastructure issue under
CHAPTER 4 the control of that State (e.g., electrical power,
Annex 13 to the Convention on Interna- telecommunications availability) may have
played a role in the accident sequence.
tional Civil Aviation: Recommendations If a pilot in command is operating an un-
Relative to UAS Investigations manned aircraft under the rules of a State host-
ing the system’s ground control station – other
Recommendation Regarding Determining than the State of the Operator or the State of
the State of Occurrence Occurrence – at the time of an accident, the
The State of Occurrence for an unmanned aircraft hosting State should be invited to provide an
accident should be determined in the same manner accredited representative.
as is currently used to make such determinations
for manned aircraft accidents.
Special Circumstances Where Additional Data Fields Associated with UAS
Accredited Representatives May Be
Operations Requiring Capture
Provisions should be made allowing for additional
accredited representatives to investigations involv- Overview
ing unmanned aircraft systems as follows: The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)
State of Design—If the State of Design for the and the International Civil Aviation Organization
aircraft differs from the State of Design for the (ICAO) have a standing Common Taxonomy Team,
ground control station in use at the time of an acci- known as CICTT. According to its Web site
dent, both States should be invited to provide ac- (, the purpose of
credited representatives. this group is “to remove constraints on aviation
State of Manufacture—If the State of Manu- safety analysis and sharing. These constraints are
facture for the aircraft differs from the State of created by the lack of common global descriptors of
Manufacture for the ground control station in use aviation safety events and standards for aviation
at the time of an accident, both States should be safety data and information.”
invited to provide accredited representatives. CICTT’s work is aimed at developing standards
Aircraft and Ground Control Station Regis- for safety data collection that would harmonize ex-
tered in Different States—If an unmanned air- isting systems with common definitions and termi-
craft system involved in an accident has its aircraft nology, working from the ICAO accident reporting
registered in one State and its ground control sta- system (ADREP) as a baseline. The CICTT effort
tion registered in another State, both States should revolves around developing standard descriptions
be invited to provide an accredited representative for the following:
to the investigation; however, the investigating Aircraft Make/Model/Series
State should specifically determine if certification Aircraft Engine Make/Model/Submodel
compatibility issues played any part in the accident Aviation Occurrence Categories – Per the AD-
sequence. REP system, there are fifteen primary occur-
rence categories, all of which are accounted for
under the CICTT taxonomy: specialized launch-and-recovery equipment perma-
Abnormal runway contact (ARC) nently or semi-permanently installed on airport
Birdstrike (BIRD) runways or taxiways to facilitate UAS operations.
Controlled flight into or toward terrain Accordingly, the three principal thrusts of the
(CFIT) CICTT effort with respect to unmanned aircraft
Collision with obstacle(s) during take-off and systems should be:
landing (CTOL) (1) Ensuring that existing occurrence categories
Fire/smoke (non-impact) (F-NI) are sufficiently broad enough to allow the inclusion
Ground Collision (GCOL) of UAS-involved events with the same or equiva-
Loss of control - inflight (LOC-I) lent outcomes;
Airprox/ ACAS alert/ loss of separation/ (2) Adding primary and secondary occurrence
(near) midair collisions (MAC) types to accommodate UAS-related events suffi-
Ground Handling (RAMP) ciently different from manned events that they re-
Runway excursion (RE) quire separate categorization; and
Runway - wildlife presence (RI-A) (3) Expanding the human factors taxonomy as
Runway incursion - vehicle, aircraft or per- needed to ensure pilot-to-aircraft interface, percep-
son (RI-VAP) tion and awareness issues are adequately captured
Powerplant failure or malfunction (SCF-PP) for analysis and corrective action.
System/component failure or malfunction The CICTT standard Aviation Occurrence Cate-
[non-powerplant] (SCF-NP) gories: Definitions and Usage Notes, version 4.6
Undershoot/overshoot (USOS) (October 2013) discusses some UAS-related issues,
Phases of Flight but does not do so in a manner that fully distin-
Human Factors Taxonomy (performance in re- guishes the unique failure modes to which un-
lation to environment) manned aircraft are susceptible. It also explicitly
Aerodrome Taxonomy limits inclusion of unmanned aircraft to those that
Positive Taxonomy (i.e., “What went right to have “a design and/or operational approval,” which
prevent an accident?”) may exclude future unmanned aircraft systems
built to conform to consensus standards instead of
receiving formal certification. (This conforms to
CICTT and UAS Annex 13 criteria for investigations as well.)
A working group has been established under In particular, the current CICTT approach to
CICTT, chaired by a representative of the National addressing UAS control link failures is over- broad
Transportation Safety Board, to modify all of the and conflates unmanned aircraft flight control fail-
common taxonomies – including “ATA Codes” as ures associated with the airframe alone with those
needed – to incorporate UAS-specific data fields affecting the unique electronic link between pilot
and descriptors. This is being accomplished in part and aircraft. Under “Loss of Control – Inflight,” the
through reference to a working safety database following explanatory note is provided:
maintained by the U.S. Federal Aviation Admin- For unmanned aircraft events, includes hazard-
istration’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration ous outcomes involving deviation from intended
Office. flightpath associated with anticipated or unantici-
ISASI UAS Working Group Position and pated loss of datalink. However, if loss of datalink
Recommendations is the direct result of a system/component failure or
The position of the ISASI UAS Working Group with malfunction, code the occurrence as System/
respect to data collection is that unmanned aircraft Component Failure or Malfunction (Non-
Powerplant) (SCF–NP) only. 15
-involved events should be recorded and mapped
From the standpoint of being able to identify
the same as manned aircraft events to the maxi-
causes and make relevant recommendations, is im-
mum extent possible. The entry of standard power-
plant identifiers may be complicated by the not- portant to distinguish between mechanical/aircraft-
infrequent use of non-aviation-certified engines in based malfunctions resulting in an uncontrollable
aircraft from those specifically attributable to the
unmanned aircraft; however, phases of flight
so-called “communications segment” between pilot
should remain identical to those already in use.
and aircraft. The intent of designers and regula-
The only additions to the Aerodrome standard that
possibly could be needed might be references to tors alike is to have the latter condition result in
predictable behavior that ideally would conclude
with the safe recovery of the aircraft.
It is equally important to capture events where
the pilot in command has deliberately (or negligent- UAS-Specific Air Safety Investigator Skills
ly) severed the control link. Such may be the case
where the flight manual prescribes such action as The four principal areas in which unmanned air-
necessary to restore control or place the aircraft in craft systems physically differ from manned aircraft
a known mode of operation or, alternately, where – as noted above – are the lack of an on-board pilot,
the aircraft is flown into an area where satellite their reliance on RF spectrum for safe operation,
coverage is not available and/or line-of-sight range their limited and varying abilities to separate them-
of the link is exceeded. selves from other aircraft, and their occasional use
The CAST/ICAO Common Taxonomy is intended of novel and exotic materials for construction and
to promote and support preventive actions as well propulsion. As discussed throughout this mono-
as simply recording events once they have taken graph, these differences may manifest themselves
place. Therefore, the ISASI UAS Working Group in how an accident sequence plays out, as well as in
recommends adding three primary occurrences for the types of recommendations air safety investiga-
unmanned aircraft: tors may need to make to prevent the recurrence of
Loss of Control Link (Two-Way) (LOCL-T): Fail- similar accidents in the future.
ure of the complete control and non-payload To be prepared to deal with both of these possi-
communications (CNPC) link between an un- bilities, anyone currently designated by a State to
manned aircraft and its associated remote pilot serve as investigator-in-charge of an accident inves-
station.16 tigation should be provided familiarization training
Usage note: Use this coding when control regarding unmanned aircraft system characteris-
commands are not received by the aircraft tics and operations as conducted within their area
and the datastream from the aircraft to the of responsibility.17 As a minimum, specific topics
remote pilot station ceases. should include:
Loss of Control Link (Uplink) (LOCL-U): Fail- Nationally employed definitions of “unmanned
ure of datalink transmission from a remote pilot aircraft” and “unmanned aircraft system” or
station to its associated unmanned aircraft. equivalent terminology (e.g., “remotely piloted
Usage note: Use this coding when the pilot in aircraft”)
command (PIC) has no ability to affect the Classification methodology (e.g., size, weight,
trajectory of the unmanned aircraft and the speed) used to differentiate among unmanned
aircraft reverts to a pre-programmed self- aircraft
guiding mode but continues to provide per- How differences among UAs influence their in-
formance and positional data to the PIC. teractions with manned aircraft (e.g., infra-
Loss of Control Link (Downlink) (LOCL-D): structure requirements for takeoff and landing,
Failure of datalink transmissions from an un- authorized types of operations, etc.)
manned aircraft to its remote pilot station Applicability of national rules to UAS opera-
Usage note: Use this coding when the pilot in tions with respect to airspace, altitude, etc.
command still can direct the trajectory of the UAS certification procedures.
aircraft but cannot receive datalinked confir- Authorized spectra for the control of unmanned
mation that control commands have been aircraft.
received and/or properly executed. The syllabi of training courses used to certify
The ISASI UAS Working Group also recom- future investigators in charge should incorporate
mends adding one secondary occurrence for un- similar material as well.
manned aircraft: Beyond ensuring that generalist investigators
Flyaway (FLYA): Failure of a UAS to conform have at least a basic understanding of the above,
to pre-programmed behavior following Loss of investigative authorities need to ensure that desig-
Control Link (Two-Way or Uplink). nated ASIs have access to specialists possessing the
expert knowledge needed for detailed exploration of
the issues described in Chapter 3. In particular,
ASIs must be prepared to delve into in-depth inves-
tigations of the vulnerabilities and dependencies
among the different components linking the pilot in
command with the unmanned aircraft, as well as serial number, etc.) that will survive impact
the unmanned aircraft’s behavior in the event of a forces and post-crash fire.
failure of any part of the “communications seg- The preservation of ground control station-
ment.” Effectively conducting an investigation based data relevant to the accident flight, in-
where such issues arise will be extremely challeng- cluding both aircraft performance and payload-
ing, and advance identification of resources to sup- provided data available based on the configura-
port it will be the key to the ASI’s ultimate success. tion of the system at the time of the occurrence.
Evidence Preservation Following UAS Investigation Procedural and
Unmanned Aircraft System Accidents Functional Considerations
On-Scene and Ground Control Station There are two basic considerations regarding the
Investigations incorporation of specialized or novel elements that
The on-scene investigation of an accident involving may be part of unmanned aircraft system accident
an unmanned aircraft may be complicated by a sequences into existing investigative guidance:
number of factors, most notably: 1. Adapting current procedural checklists to cue
Determining that an unmanned aircraft users to inquire into UAS-specific issues in
actually was involved due to limited residual conjunction with existing steps/processes in
physical evidence; and each investigation.
Limited numbers of identifiable or identifying 2. Ensuring current criteria for the development
components (e.g., parts with serial numbers). of accident final reports incorporate relevant
Similarly, investigators faced with an accident UAS-unique content into both the factual
with unmanned aircraft involvement must re- and analytical portions of such reports.
member that it is possible that much of the most The rapid growth of the unmanned aviation sec-
critical evidence related to the unmanned air- tor means there is significant interest across the
craft’s operation leading up to the occurrence may air safety investigator community in developing a
not necessarily be found at the scene (although common, end-to-end investigation checklist specific
some autopilot- related avionics may yield useful to unmanned aircraft systems. However, such an
data in some cases). They will need to locate and effort will be extremely work-intensive. The deci-
secure the “cockpit” – the ground control station – sion was made not to further delay the release of
and apply expert knowledge to the technical prob- the first ISASI UAS Investigation Guidelines to
lem of retrieving from it everything relevant to the incorporate such a checklist into this document.
unmanned aircraft’s operation leading up to the By the same token, a number of organizations
occurrence itself. around the world – most notably the Canadian
Forces – have expended significant efforts toward
Testimony from the Pilot-in-Command developing guidance of this type, aligned with cur-
and Other Crew Members rent and emerging ICAO publications. The United
Locating the pilot in command and tracing the States Army has created a UAS-specific reporting
ownership of unmanned aircraft involved in and investigation form (DA Form 2397-U, UAS Ac-
accidents conceivably could be the single most cident Report, available at http://
difficult task facing air safety investigators looking well
into events involving UAS. Therefore, investigating suited to the gathering of operational, environmen-
authorities should consider establishing rules – or tal, personnel and equipment-related data associat-
requesting the passage of laws – addressing: ed with a given event.
The pilot in command’s duty to self-identify Users of this document are encouraged to con-
when their aircraft is involved in an accident, tact their counterparts in States currently support-
incident or unusual occurrence, or fails to re- ing UAS operations if they need to quickly obtain
turn from a flight. working examples or advanced prototypes that can
The obligation of operators to incorporate a be used in response to an urgent need. However,
means of identifying the aircraft (registration, priority should be given to examining existing guid-
ance on an individual basis and modifying it as quirements; equipage minima; and, operating crite-
discussed below. ria. These considerations are being shaped by mar-
ket forces such as the emergence of a UAS manu-
Near-Term Investigation of UAS facturing sector and entrepreneurial applications of
Accidents and Incidents unmanned aviation technology, existing airspace
For the foreseeable future, every unmanned air- structure and usage, and a host of other variables.
craft system accident and incident investigation The only truly common goals are to continue to
has the potential to be groundbreaking in some re- provide a safe flying environment for all stakehold-
spect. There are many unknowns regarding the ers, and to foster opportunities to take advantage of
extent to which unmanned aircraft can safely per- emerging UAS capabilities consistent with the need
form operations currently carried out by manned for safety.
aircraft. There are similar unknowns regarding
the safety or practicality of applying unmanned air- Preliminary Considerations
craft technology to activities previously considered Air safety investigators faced with the possible
unsafe for manned aircraft to conduct. need to investigate an occurrence involving an un-
The only way these issues can be explored objec- manned aircraft or unmanned aircraft system need
tively is through informed consideration of how the to consider several issues.
tradeoffs, accommodations and legacy rules applied First and foremost is the question of jurisdiction
to unmanned aviation are playing out in real-world and investigative authority. If a manned aircraft is
operations. In a larger sense, each UAS accident or involved in an accident or incident that meets State
incident represents an opportunity to assess the reporting and investigative criteria, the complicat-
extent to which the body of rules governing both ing factor of an unmanned aircraft system in the
manned and unmanned aviation has adequately sequence of events in no way prevents the occur-
provided for the latter. At the same time, investi- rence from being investigated as usual. However,
gators can provide essential feedback to policymak- an accident or incident involving only an un-
ers regarding the effectiveness of the regulatory manned aircraft system must be examined for some
approach in use, the extent to which manned and possible complicating elements:
unmanned operations may be conducted on a coop- Do the State’s rules distinguish between un-
erative and/or a segregated basis in shared air- manned aircraft systems used for hobby or rec-
space, and the validity of both use and risk as- reational purposes and those used for other pur-
sumptions that have been applied to their respec- poses, e.g., commercial or business-related ac-
tive rulemaking challenges. tivities? In the U.S., radio-controlled model air-
In the near term, however, air safety investiga- craft flown purely for pleasure are not subject to
tors must recognize that there are significantly dif- either Federal Aviation Administration or Na-
ferent and even competing philosophies regarding tional Transportation Safety Board scrutiny.
the desirability of regulating unmanned aircraft Do the State’s rules establish a size threshold
the same as manned aircraft, somewhat less strin- below which regulatory oversight is minimized
gently, or with a minimal level of authority over or not exercised? In some European Union
them. Perspectives vary from State to State, from countries, UAs below a certain weight (such as
region to region, and even among different govern- 25 kg) are not subject to regulation; in others,
mental, quasigovernmental and standards develop- no rules exist for anything less than 150 kg.
ment entities chartered to normalize UAS-related Did the occurrence take place in special use or
activities. Investigators need to understand the restricted airspace not subject to civil aviation
current landscape within which UAS occurrences authority? If so, responsible military or law en-
are taking place to make useful recommendations forcement entities may be willing to allow civil
aimed at preventing their recurrence. This will not air safety investigators to participate in their
be an easy task. internal inquiries, but the terms of such cooper-
Different States are making different decisions ation are best negotiated in advance of need.
regarding how UAS pilots should be licensed; the Was an “optionally piloted vehicle” (OPV) in-
amount of training they should receive; and, the volved? An OPV is one certificated to be flown
extent to which they should cooperate with or avoid by either an on-board pilot or via CNPC link. A
surrounding aviation operations. They are debat- case may be made that an accident or incident
ing airworthiness, certification and registration re- involving an OPV almost always is subject to
investigation if the civil aviation authority’s de- 2. Organizational investigation
termination of its airworthiness might be called There is significant potential for the organiza-
into question. tional investigation to be an important part of any
Once the question as to the investigative author- inquiry involving unmanned aviation. As a start-
ity’s right and obligation to conduct an investiga- ing point, investigators will need to assess the oper-
tion is resolved, the investigation should be treated ator of the UAS in terms of the following:
as any other. However, a suggested practice that Is it an enterprise dedicated to providing
may aid the development of recommendations is for manned and unmanned aviation-based ser-
the investigator to note each instance where: vices?
Regulatory guidance for unmanned aircraft dif- Are its services limited to unmanned aviation
fers from manned aircraft; and only? If so, how long has it been in operation
That difference had a clear effect on either the and to what extent is its management structure
sequence of events or the observed outcome. aligned with the requirements of safely support-
The latter may illuminate challenges associated ing an aviation enterprise?
with how manned and unmanned aviation opera- Does it use unmanned aviation simply as a
tions are being integrated. However, it also pro- means of furthering other business interests,
vides an opportunity to document cases where the with its primary activities being unrelated to
regulatory approach to unmanned aircraft systems aviation?
can be shown to have been better suited to their Once these basic determinations have been
activities than manned aircraft requirements made, the relationship between the operator and
would have been, as seen in a less severe outcome the person or entity that exerted operational con-
than otherwise might have been expected.18 trol over the UAS’ flight activity must be estab-
Tailoring Local Guidance to Incorporate How was the mission scheduled and conducted?
UAS-Related Considerations Who did the pilot in command work for?
To meet the needs described above, the following Given that UAS have many useful applications
two sections contain suggested areas for fact- in the realm of law enforcement and public safety,
gathering and/or exploration specifically in the investigators also must take into consideration the
course of a UAS investigation. They are organized operator’s risk tolerance and sense of urgency in
following the general outlines for investigations the course of carrying out flight operations. The
and final reports set forth in ICAO Document 9756, requirement for risk mitigation plans supporting
Manual for Aircraft Accident and Incident Investi- individual UAS operations or activities is not uni-
gation, Part III (Investigation) and Part IV versal, but such plans should be sought and re-
(Reporting), respectively. viewed where available.
Areas of Investigation- 3. Operations investigation
1. Wreckage (on-scene) investigation The operations investigation of a UAS-related
The on-scene investigation of a crashed un- occurrence should be approached the same as that
manned aircraft of any size or type should be con- of any other accident or incident. However, it is
ducted the same as that of any manned aircraft. important to examine each UAS operation in the
The most notable differences that might be encoun- context of:
tered would involve the possible presence of unusu- The activity in progress;
al or potentially hazardous materials (HAZMAT) in Any regulatory structure in place supporting (or
either aircraft structures or the propulsion system; alternately, not anticipating) such activity;
the operator and first responders should be contact- The adequacy of flight and operations guidance
ed to evaluate the risk of these threats prior to ar- (manuals, etc.) supporting the activity in pro-
riving at the scene. gress;
In the case of an accident or incident involv- Expected and unexpected interactions between
ing a line-of-sight system investigators need to unmanned and manned aircraft;
carefully document the pilot in command’s location The number of unmanned aircraft involved in
relative to the aircraft, as well of that of any visual the specific flight activity of interest at the time
observer(s). Ensure surrounding terrain, struc- of the occurrence, and how many of those air-
tures, time of day, ambient light and sun angle are craft were operating autonomously or under the
captured as well. control of a single ground control station;
Any control handoffs that might have been in tions (CNPC) link as it might be influenced by ter-
progress or incompletely carried out between rain, structures, precipitation, or the surrounding
separate ground control stations at the time of radiofrequency environment. In this context, the
the occurrence, the method of control being ex- ground control station must be understood to be
ercised (e.g., line-of-sight to line-of-sight, line-of part of the “aircraft” as well.
-sight to beyond line-of-sight, etc.), and the Conventional “performance” charts showing
means by which one PIC coordinated transfer of power available/required in various flight regimes
control to the next; may not be available to investigators, necessitating
The status of the global navigation satellite experimentation (and the possibility of incurring a
system (GNSS) in use at the time of the second accident) to properly document the aircraft’s
occurrence; operating envelope.
Expected and unexpected effects of the un- 6. Flight recorders
manned aircraft system on nonparticipants and There are several sources of recorded data that
the general public; may be available to support a UAS-related investi-
Means used to advise the public of the presence gation, many of which go well beyond the conven-
of unmanned aircraft operations in a given tional meaning of “flight recorders.” Non-volatile
location (if required); and memory cards located in the wreckage – both those
The extent to which the UAS operation itself associated with on-board control operations and
was compatible with the airspace and geograph- those integral to the payload – may contain useful
ical location where it was carried out. data. On-scene investigators should be provided as
Attention also should be given to the extent to much information as possible regarding the types
which the pilot in command’s attention may be di- of avionics that may be useful in this role and pro-
vided between the aviation environment and a loca- vided photographs or undamaged examples to
tion of interest on the surface, i.e., conflicting guide their efforts.
“mission” priorities. (See “Investigating human In addition, the entire ground control station
factors” below.) should be evaluated with an eye for what might be
4. Aircraft operational environment designed specifically with recording in mind versus
Particular concerns related to UAS operations what might contain potentially useful data as a by-
and capabilities that should be taken into consider- product of its performing a normal control or pay-
ation in evaluating the aircraft operational envi- load-related activity. The term “digital source col-
ronment may include: lector” is used by some manufacturers and opera-
Terrain tors to refer to capture systems of this type.
Weather (VMC versus IMC, rapidly changing, Finally, if the CNPC link was maintained
unforecast winds, etc.) and how the PIC is able through a ground or satellite-based network, the
to monitor it provider of network services may possess useful
Illumination (daylight, artificial light, etc.) and relevant data regarding the integrity of the
The nature and quality of on-board sensors link itself.
Pilot workload required to carry out the desired 7. Reconstruction of wreckage19
flight activity As with manned aircraft, the reconstruction of
Interactions between the pilot in command and wreckage only should be considered for unmanned
responsible air traffic control facilities aircraft if essential to identifying a particular point
The proximity of obstructions to the unmanned of origin for fire or on-board explosion or the site of
aircraft an external impact suffered in flight.
The proximity of the unmanned aircraft to con- For any accidents or incidents involving un-
gested, heavily populated or heavily trafficked manned aircraft, investigators may find hands-on
areas or open-air assemblies of people (e.g., access to a similarly equipped and painted UA of
sporting events) identical configuration useful for evaluating:
5. Aircraft performance investigation Field of regard (field of vision) of on-board sen-
The definition of “aircraft performance” in ap- sors.
plying existing investigative processes to un- Antenna locations, especially relative to the di-
manned aircraft systems needs to take into consid- rection from which the control signal was ema-
eration the entire system, including the perfor- nating.
mance of the control and non-payload communica-
The visibility of the UA as it would have pre means of compliance being used to compensate for
sented itself to ground-based observers and the the UA’s lack of onboard see-and-avoid capability
pilots of other aircraft. must be thoroughly scrutinized and its effective-
8. Structures investigation ness fully established. The three most common
For the most part unmanned aircraft are means of clearing an unmanned aircraft’s flight
not designed to manned aircraft standards, and path are:
their airworthiness may not be predicated on exist- a. Ground-based visual observer (either the pi-
ing criteria for manned aircraft. Further, many lot in command or a person fulfilling a pure-
unmanned aircraft manufacturers have no experi- ly observer role).
ence with designing or producing full-scale aircraft, b. Airborne visual observer (from a chase plane,
meaning both the methodologies and their solu- either the pilot or a separate crewmember).
tions to specific design issues (especially those re- c. Electronic “sense and avoid” systems; these
lated to weight and endurance) may be unorthodox. are subdivided further into –
Still, for the most part some documented process Ground-based sense and avoid (GBSAA) sys-
should have been applied to the design and con- tems using dedicated radar systems or a func-
struction of any unmanned aircraft operated in non tionality reliant on existing air traffic control
-reserved airspace. That process should be used by radar coverage; or
investigators as a starting point for detailed in- Airborne sense and avoid (ABSAA) systems
quiry. consisting of either:
With the above considerations firmly in mind, A purely aircraft-based system that can de-
investigators will need to proceed objectively in tect non-emitting and/or emitting aircraft
each case where a structures investigation is essen- and autonomously execute an avoidance ma-
tial to establishing the cause of a given accident or neuver; or
incident. Straightforward (and possibly time- An aircraft-based surveillance system that
consuming) engineering analysis may be required provides situational awareness data via a
to assess the failure mode, the adequacy of the downlink to the pilot in command for appro-
basic design and the validity of the airworthiness priate action.
certification itself. Investigators need to understand all of the
Investigators also should bear in mind that the aviation system components available for keeping
lessons of aviation history in some cases are being aircraft separated as they operated during the acci-
re-learned by a new cohort of airframe manufactur- dent or incident sequence, including any system
ers. It is possible that the specific failure suspect- logic that may have been used by a UAS DAA
ed or observed may never have played a part in ei- system in trying to keep a VFR operation “well
ther a manned or unmanned aircraft accident in- clear” of other aircraft.
vestigation before. However, it is just as possible 10. Fire pattern investigation
that such failures might have been common in pre- The need for any fire pattern evaluation will be
vious generations of manned aircraft, and that de- dictated by the circumstances surrounding the loss
signs or manufacturing processes abandoned in of a given unmanned aircraft. Since occupants are
current aircraft manufacture might have been em- not at risk, any such investigation reasonably may
ployed in the unmanned aircraft under scrutiny for be confined to the propagation of an on-board fire
reasons of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, or ease of from its point of origin to where it could have had
construction. an effect on flight-critical components.
9. Mid-air collision investigation 11. Powerplant Investigation
The possibility of mid-air collisions between A powerplant investigation – if deemed neces-
manned and an unmanned aircraft is one of the sary in the course of the inquiry based on the pre-
catastrophic scenarios forecast by those attempting sumed sequence of events – is likely to be some-
to chart a path for the safe integration of un- what less straightforward than that of other inves-
manned aircraft systems into the existing aviation tigative activities for the foreseeable future. The
system. To date, however, there have been a bare aviation expertise of airframe and powerplant ex-
handful of such incidents recorded in civil aviation perts may not be applicable to the propulsion sys-
operations. tem used by an unmanned aircraft involved in an
The investigation of an unmanned aircraft- accident.
involved midair collision should proceed as any Unmanned aircraft may be powered by normal-
other such investigation. However, the alternate ly aspirated or supercharged piston engines. They
may be equipped with turboshaft or turbojet en- to the aircraft’s performance, trajectory,
gines. They may run on electric motors, powered position and condition.
by batteries, solar power, or even fuel cells. They The last of these three could be particularly
may use separate on-board power supplies for pro- challenging, and might require out-of-the-box
pulsion and payload, or meet all on-board power thinking and interactions between systems engi-
requirements with engine-driven generators or al- neers and human factors experts in the course of
ternators. the investigation itself. (See “Investigating human
In particular, the relationship between the un- factors” below.)
manned aircraft’s powerplant and its other systems Most air safety investigators will find it famil-
– especially its CNPC-related avionics – may be iar and convenient to focus on known or suspected
critical to understanding an observed failure or se- CNPC failures as part of broader “systems” investi-
ries of failures. It could be that an engine shut gations. In such cases, several key pieces of factual
down because it was designed to do so as a safety information need to be established early in the in-
feature following a separate failure. It also could vestigation, particularly with respect to the “lost
be that an engine shutdown was an unexpected link” program the unmanned aircraft was
consequence of a previously unsuspected sneak cir- programmed to follow:
cuit or similar unanticipated system-level failure. How long was the aircraft supposed to wait to
Regardless, given the innovation applied to solving re-establish contact with its GCS before
a variety of operational problems and limitations initiating its lost link behavior?
that arise in unmanned aircraft design, investiga- Did the aircraft follow its pre-programming in
tors must be prepared to enter uncharted territory carrying out its flight to its rally/home/ flight
as they enter into each new powerplant investiga- termination point?
tion. Was the location to which the unmanned
Investigators also must be alert to the possibil- aircraft was required to autonomously navigate
ity that an unmanned aircraft’s engine might be in following a CNPC failure appropriate to the
use in manned aircraft as well, although perhaps operation? To the airspace? To the
as an aviation-certified variant of a non-aviation surrounding terrain?
design. For example, some light sport aircraft en- Was the CNPC failure accompanied by
gines are adapted from motorcycles, snowmobiles complete loss of the pilot’s awareness of the
and similar efficient, high-torque uses. However, aircraft’s location?
many of these engines conform to aviation-specific Was the CNPC failure accompanied by other
technical standard orders. Without knowing the failures resulting in air traffic control’s inability
differences between the certified and non-certified to monitor its route of flight from the point of
versions of such engines, investigators cannot know failure to its designated rally/home/ flight
if a failed engine component observed in a UA acci- termination point?
dent is shared by its manned counterpart. Associated with this issue is the extent to which
12. Systems investigation the system under investigation requires some form
For the most part, UAS “systems” investiga- of interaction between CNPC link data (which may
tions will be similar to and in some cases less com- be conveyed within a reserved or protected part of
plex than those supporting manned aircraft. The the electromagnetic spectrum) and payload data
most notable exceptions to this general rule are: such as cameras and other sensors not operating
Evaluating and verifying the integrity of the within UAS-specific frequencies.
entire CNPC link, from the pilot’s hands to the Finally, investigators confronted with evidence
control surfaces or actuators. (The NTSB and of a CNPC malfunction of some type must resist
other entities consider a CNPC failure a flight the temptation to automatically treat such anoma-
control malfunction.) lies as the cause of the occurrence under investiga-
Ensuring the proper function of avionics and tion. A control link can be compromised by a num-
other systems not unique to unmanned avia- ber of conditions, either internal or external to the
tion, but whose design does not conform to es- aircraft or the larger unmanned aircraft system.
tablished standards or technical standard 13. Maintenance Investigation
orders required of manned aircraft. Maintenance investigators may find themselves
Assessing the accuracy and adequacy of the in- confronted by a variety of challenges,
formation downlinked to the pilot with respect including:
Lack of technical data For an electrically powered rotary-wing UA,
Lack of standard aircraft record-keeping what is the effect of gradual depletion of the
Lack of clearly defined flight-critical systems power supply? Will the aircraft compensate for
Lack of established maintenance intervals for a dying battery automatically, or must the pilot
systems or structures take action to recover it safely?
Although some work is underway to establish What is the effect of the failure of one or more
ATA codes for failed components specific to UAS, rotor system?
no broad scheme for doing so has been generally Is the aircraft self-stabilizing in one or more
accepted to date. The CAST/ICAO Common Taxon- axes, or must the PIC continuously monitor the
omy Team (CICTT) is addressing this issue. UA’s operation to ensure its stability?
However, it is likely to be several years before any Was the aircraft operated in an environment
resulting standardized reporting and tracking where its CNPC link was likely to be compro-
framework is mandated for UAS manufacturers mised? If so, what is the expected aircraft
and operators, meaning the extent and quality of behavior upon link failure?
record-keeping may vary widely from one user or If there were other rotary-wing aircraft in the
system to the next. vicinity of the accident/incident UA, how were
Based on the above, it is recommended that their operations de-conflicted before and during
maintenance investigators work to assemble evi- the operation leading up to the occurrence
dence and records in a manner as similar to a regu- under investigation?
lar aircraft investigation as possible. Such efforts 15. Investigating Human Factors
should include all components of the unmanned There have been a number of research projects
aircraft system, from the ground control station and academic studies carried out to date regarding
through the communications segment to the un- human factors considerations associated with un-
manned aircraft itself. Any cases where existing manned aviation (see Appendix 2, System Safety
laws or rules inhibit the collection of such materi- and Human Factors Studies). However, for the
als (such as that owned or maintained by telecom- most part these draw upon specific experimental
munications providers) should be flagged for sepa- designs or inferences regarding how unmanned air-
rate action following the completion of the investi- craft can and should be flown. Air safety investiga-
gation, when its absence can best be assessed. tors will greatly increase the understanding of the
14. Helicopter Investigation relative importance of different aspects of the un-
For the most part, unmanned aircraft systems manned aviation experience by documenting when-
have yet to be formally categorized in a manner ever and wherever its unique attributes contribute,
that aligns with their manned equivalents. Just as lead to or directly result in an accident or incident.
lighter-than-air unmanned aircraft are not neces- Given the newness of the sector and the limited
sarily treated as blimps, airships, dirigibles or amount of data available regarding the involve-
balloons, rotary-wing unmanned aircraft tend not ment of both traditional and UAS-unique human
to be explicitly identified as “helicopters.” factors, there is no clearly defined set of occurrenc-
Nevertheless, except where the UAS incorporates a es deserving special attention from investigators.
novel combination of technologies to achieve spe- However, the following should be documented for
cialized performance or endurance capabilities, it follow-on study even if they do not appear to be
typically will be appropriate to conduct investiga- directly related to the accident or incident sequence
tions involving their loss or malfunction as if they at hand:
were the manned system they most resemble. This The level of pilot training and expertise
allows them to be examined in terms of generally required by the activity versus the specific
understood expectations regarding their design and conditions encountered in the course of the
performance. activity under investigation.
For rotary-wing UAS, the basic questions to be The pilot’s means of exercising control over the
asked are: aircraft (e.g., handheld controller, keyboard and
How many rotors and how many powerplants mouse, “cockpit” emulation, etc.).
does the aircraft incorporate? Differences between manned and unmanned
What is the effect of the failure of one or more aircraft pilot tasks required to carry out a spe-
of the powerplants? cific type of operation or flying activity.
Instances where habit transference from smaller unmanned aircraft. However, when ap-
manned aviation resulted in the inappropriate proaching the scene of an unmanned aircraft acci-
or incorrect operation of an unmanned aircraft. dent – especially one involving a system with which
The amount and type of feedback provided to the investigators are not personally familiar – on-
the PIC regarding the performance and condi- scene personnel should be alert to the possible pres-
tion of the unmanned aircraft (including the ence of latent hazards associated with the un-
availability and use of “first person view” tech- manned aircraft itself, such as specialized fuels,
nology, tactile feedback provisions, etc.). high-capacity electronic components, high voltage
Displays and warning systems alerting the pilot batteries, or materials emitting toxic by-products of
to impending or actual hazards (in place and combustion.
functioning during the event or needed, as ap- Post-crash fires associated with and confined to
propriate). unmanned aircraft crashes may be of significantly
In addition to the classic “human/machine in- shorter duration than those involving manned air-
terface” issues suggested by the above, human fac- craft simply because of the lack of interior furnish-
tors investigations also need to consider the suita- ings, primary or supplemental oxygen systems and
bility of UAS technology or platforms being applied other components that tend to prolong manned air-
to the specific task in progress at the time of the craft fires. However, high altitude long endurance
occurrence. This is a somewhat different take on (HALE) UAS may contain a surprising amount of
how decision-making issues usually are explored in fuel supporting their long-range performance. So,
the course of an investigation. both firefighters and investigators need to apply
Investigators historically tend to focus on the same standards of crash site safety to a UAS
whether a given accident sequence was started or accident scene they encounter as they would any
sustained by improper decisions based on incom- other aircraft accident scene.
plete information or improper risk assessment. Injuries or subsequent occupational illnesses
While there are many advantages to unmanned experienced by first responders should be tracked
aviation, there are purely operations-based disad- by investigators wherever novel materials or fuels
vantages as well, although many are not necessari- are known or later identified as having been pre-
ly taken into consideration at the time the decision sent at a crash scene. If necessary, a system for
is made to carry out a given operation. reporting such illnesses should be created where
As observed earlier in these UAS Investigation none currently exists.
Guidelines, unmanned aircraft systems are highly 17. Pathology Investigation
prized for conducting “dull, dirty and dangerous” The only time in-depth investigations into this
activities. This perspective is based on the removal subject area should be required are in cases where
of a human from exposure to a hazardous environ- either (a) a UAS crewmember died or was incapaci-
ment, or one where inattention is likely to interfere tated, or (b) where UAS involvement in an accident
with his or her proper performance of the aviation directly resulted in a fatality or injury. Otherwise,
task. However, there are aviation-based tasks routine toxicological testing of participants should
where the physical separation of the pilot from the be conducted as would be the case for any compara-
aircraft tends to reduce the margin of safety of the ble event involving a manned aircraft.
overall operation by virtue of their inability to in- 18. Investigation of [explosives] sabotage
stantly perceive and respond to an abrupt or unex- While this portion of Doc 9756 is narrowly con-
pected change in the flying environment. cerned with criminal attacks against manned air-
Investigators should be alert to the tendency for craft, UAS investigators should ensure that the
humans to “perceive everything as a nail when they possibility of any form of intentional interference
have a hammer” and make an independent judg- with an unmanned aircraft’s operation is a part of a
ment as to the suitability of the use of an un- UAS accident investigation resulting in fatalities,
manned aircraft system in any operation during injuries or significant property damage until it can
which an accident or incident occur. be definitively ruled out.
16. Survival, evacuation, search, rescue Purely electronic attacks – which may be diffi-
and fire-fighting cult to prove through physical evidence alone – may
The biggest challenge associated with any UA- come in the form of:
related search and recovery activity typically will
be in locating the wreckage itself, particularly for
Meaconing (deliberate misdirection of the air- movements. There are several means by which
craft through interference with its navigational UAS designers have solved this technical problem,
inputs). many of which adapt off-the-shelf autopilots, flight
Intrusion (deliberate misdirection of the aircraft management systems or even hobbyist radio-
through the transmission of misleading air traf- control systems to UAS use.
fic control directions to the pilot by any means; As a rule of thumb, the more complex the series
alternately, external takeover of an unmanned of transactions necessary to translate a pilot input
aircraft by an unauthorized operator). into an aircraft maneuver, the greater the
Jamming (targeted disruption of CNPC links). opportunity for software error, hardware malfunc-
Interference (broad-spectrum disruption of an tion, or single-point failures to occur. There have
entire channel or frequency). been UAS accidents resulting from obscure failures
19. Investigating system design issues in the conversion of commands from one language
Unmanned aircraft systems tend to be designed to another, as well as in the fidelity of signals
with specific applications and functionality in transmitted by systems less (and occasionally
mind. The priorities in the design of the airframe more) complex than required by the scope of control
itself tend to relate to measures that will increase they exercise over the aircraft as a whole. While
payload, range/endurance, or both. The lack of these points were mentioned in the “Systems
certification standards to date has resulted in investigation” section above, they bear repeating
significant technological innovation, but also a here: the radiofrequency limitations of CNPC add
tendency to steer away from redundancy in critical complexity and vulnerability to the system, but an
systems due to their associated weight and/or intact link is capable of transmitting faulty com-
electrical power penalties. mands as well as correct commands executed
Where single-point failures initiated, contribut- incorrectly upon receipt.
ed to or sustained an accident sequence, they Finally, it is important to note the possible
should be fully documented. Other design involvement of traffic alert and collision avoidance
considerations have been addressed in appropriate systems (TCAS) in unmanned aircraft-related
sections above. accidents or incidents where a collision, near mid-
20. Other unmanned aircraft system- air collision or loss of safe separation takes place.
related issues TCAS algorithms were not created with unmanned
The one truly unique aspect of unmanned air- aircraft in mind; their performance is substantially
craft operations (apart from the systems’ reliance different in some cases, they may climb or descend
on CNPC links) is the need for alternate means of at different rates than comparable aircraft, and
compliance with the near-universal requirement for some have limitations on the extent of bank they
pilots to see and avoid conflicting traffic, obstacles can handle based on their aerodynamic properties.
and terrain. Some of these requirements may be Moreover, most transponders used to emit signals
met by use of detect and avoid systems of various recognizable by ATC radar beacon systems have
types (see “Mid-air collision investigation” above). not be built to existing TSOs, meaning the response
However, many DAA systems are intended solely to of TAWS systems detecting them cannot be
keep a UA clear of other aircraft, and do not considered predictable or reliable.
incorporate any kind of terrain awareness and Any sequence of events involving the loss of
warning system (TAWS) logic or functionality. safe separation between a manned and an
Investigators considering the possibility of a unmanned aircraft should consider the possibility
controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) scenario that TCAS might have played a part in misleading
involving an unmanned aircraft need to understand one or both pilots if (1) the manned aircraft
the information available to the PIC as well as the involved was TCAS-equipped, or (2) the unmanned
system design; in some cases, GNSS-generated aircraft was designed with a “TCAS” function that
altitudes may be used where the reference datum could have been in use at the time of the
significantly differs from where “sea level” or occurrence.
“ground level” might actually exist.
Another novel aspect of unmanned aviation
which may come to light, particularly in the course
of the systems investigation, is the means by which
the pilot’s inputs are translated into control surface
Final Report Content via a separate channel. If the system makes
1. Factual information use of global navigation satellite system
History of the flight: Ensure the purpose of (GNSS) information, ensure that the status
the unmanned aircraft system’s operation of the supporting constellation at the time of
and the operator’s level of aviation expertise occurrence is documented. Note if the UAS
are addressed. is equipped with receiver autonomous integ-
Injuries to persons: Specifically identify inju- rity monitoring (RAIM) equipment. Note if
ries directly caused by an unmanned air- the navigation system represents a single-
craft itself; injuries caused by damage to a point failure opportunity or if back-ups (e.g.,
manned aircraft leading to a subsequent ac- inertial navigation system) are provided.
cident should be treated as incidental to the Communications: Document as for manned
fact that the accident sequence was started aircraft accidents. Include all information
or sustained by an unmanned aircraft’s in- relevant to the status and specific CNPC
volvement. link architecture in use, including band
Damage to aircraft: Document as for manned (e.g., L-band, C-band, Ku-band, non-
aircraft accidents. If the ground control protected spectrum), data rate, etc. Also de-
station suffered damage resulting in its scribe any hand-off of control from one GCS
abandonment or the loss of control over the to the next in progress at the time of the oc-
unmanned aircraft, ensure that the currence in this section if relevant.
sequence of events accurately describes the Aerodrome information: Document as for
chronology of the entire failure scenario, manned aircraft accidents. If UAS-unique
starting with the ground-based initiating ground support equipment (e.g., catapults,
event(s) as appropriate. rail launching systems, arresting gear) was
Other damage: Document as for manned required and in use at the time of the acci-
aircraft accidents. dent, include such information in this sec-
Personnel information: Document as for tion.
manned aircraft accidents. Specifically ex- Flight recorders: List all devices from which
amine pilot/observer/other participant quali- recorded data was obtained from the un-
fications against minimum requirements manned aircraft and the ground station, as
established by the State of Occurrence. Be well as that captured by any third-party pro-
prepared to address any disparity between viders of networked CNPC services.
the level of training or proficiency required Wreckage and impact information: Docu-
by rules and the demands of the activity in ment as for manned aircraft accidents. En-
progress at the time of the occurrence. sure specific locations of ground-based par-
Aircraft information: Document as for ticipants relative to the aircraft and sur-
manned aircraft accidents. Ensure that full rounding obstacles to visual or electronic
particulars are gathered with respect to the line of sight are depicted where appropriate.
unmanned aircraft, the ground control sta- Medical and pathological information: Doc-
tion, and the network/satellite system (if ument as for manned aircraft accidents.
any) in use at the time of the occurrence. Fire: Document as for manned aircraft acci-
Meteorological information: Document as dents.
for manned aircraft accidents. Ensure that Survival aspects: Document as for manned
ambient lighting and the presence of ceilings aircraft accidents if relevant.
or obscurations to vision from a ground- Tests and research: Document as for manned
based perspective are noted where aircraft accidents. Distinguish among out-
appropriate. side analyses previously completed and ap-
Aids to navigation: Document as for manned plied to the investigation, projects specifical-
aircraft accidents. If equipped with naviga- ly conducted to support the investigations,
tion-specific equipment, the unmanned air- and follow-on projects needed to support or
craft should have a means of transmitting affirm the validity of specific
its location and trajectory to the pilot in recommendations.
command; document if that downlink is part
of the primary control system or is provided
Organization and management infor- Maintenance
mation: Characterize the involved UAS Performance
operator as – Weight and balance
A public use operator performing govern- Instrumentation
mental or public safety functions Systems
A provider of manned and unmanned avia- Human factors: Specifically address any of
tion services the following as appropriate –
A provider of exclusively unmanned avia- Physiological. Factors which incapacitate, con-
tion services fuse, disorient, distract or dull perceptions, in-
A user of unmanned aircraft systems whose cluding:
primary business employs manned aircraft Disease or illness
as part of its overall enterprise (e.g., aerial Pharmacological effects
photography, utility patrol, cartography) Psychological:
A user of unmanned aircraft systems whose Task-Saturation
primary business is enhanced by but not Awareness
reliant upon aviation as part of its overall Decision-making
enterprise (e.g., real estate, livestock Insight
management, agriculture) Affective Behavior
Additional information: Document as for Psychomotor Complement
manned aircraft accidents. Perceptual issues
Habit Interference
2. Analysis Knowledge
Flight operations: Specifically address Judgment
any of the following as appropriate – Personality
Crew qualification: document if crewmembers – Fatigue
Conformed to State rules for manned air- Learning
craft pilots Background
Conformed to State rules for unmanned air- Motivation
craft pilots/other crewmembers Personal Discipline
Had no rules in place applicable to the oper- Psychosocial. Factors with indirect influences
ation in progress at the time of occurrence on performance, generally involving how the
Operational procedures individual relates to others or groups:
Weather Stress
Air traffic control Supervision
Communications Communication
Aids to navigation: note if GNSS was required/ Ergonomic. Ground control station/handheld
available and if any other aids to navigation controller visibility, fit and reach issues relative
were available to the PIC. to the physical dimensions of the human.
Aerodrome Survivability: Document as for manned
Aircraft: Specifically address any of the aircraft if appropriate.
following as appropriate –
Significant Aspects Of The Draft Italian Unmanned Aviation
Mezzi Aerei a Pilotaggio Remoto (or “Remote tances that the remote pilot stays in visual con-
Control Small Unmanned Aircraft”), the initial tact with the aircraft, without the help of
draft of a proposed new Italian regulation for un- optical and/or electronic [aids], and in
manned aircraft systems (UAS), is not available accordance with the rules applicable to the af-
in English at this writing. (Only one page on the fected airspace.”
Ente Nazionale Per L’Avianzione Civile (ENAC) Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) – “Unlike VLOS,
official site, plus selected links from it, is in operations are conducted at a distance so as not
English – see to allow the remote pilot to remain in direct and
info_in_english/index.html.) The draft regulation constant visual contact with the aircraft, or to
contains a number of points of interest on issues abide by the rules applicable to the affected air-
related to both civil aviation authorities and in- space.”
vestigators who may need a frame of reference as Congested Area – “Areas used as commercial,
to how some of the issues discussed in these UAS industrial, residential or sports areas where
Investigation Guidelines have been addressed in you may have permanent, or even temporary,
an operational context. gatherings of people.”
ENAC draws a clear distinction between UAS Sense and Avoid – “Any features on board that
(sistemi aeromobili a pilotaggio remote/ SAPR) allow the separation of aircraft, equivalent to
and model aircraft (aeromodelli): “Neither the see and avoid, in accordance with the rules of
activities carried out by unmanned aircraft the air for aircraft with a pilot on
systems nor model aircraft are currently governed board.” [emphasis added; a ground based sense
by ENAC, so it is therefore necessary to define a and avoid system is not acceptable under Ital-
regulatory framework enabling their safe opera- ian regulations]
tion.” In addition to addressing model aircraft, UAS [Visual] Observer – “A person specifically
the draft regulation is aimed at two distinct UAS designated by the operator who, through the
sectors: those using unmanned aircraft weighing visual observation of the unmanned aircraft,
less than 20 kg (44 lbs.) (which will not be issued shall assist the remote pilot’s safe conduct of
airworthiness certificates), and those weighing flying by assisting him in maintaining
between 20 and 150 kg (330 lbs.). compliance with rules of the air, and by provid-
The upper 150 kg limit is based on European ing directions to the pilot to prevent potential
Parliament and European Council Regulation collision conditions with other traffic and
(EC) 216/2008 “on common rules in the field of prevent emergency situations.”
civil aviation;” Annex II of that regulation exempts Two interesting provisions in the Italian regula-
unmanned aircraft below that threshold from tion are:
European-level regulation, so the Italian (1) Unmanned aircraft must give way to all other
regulation is in part intended to ensure there is no aircraft; in return, an explicit assumption is made
regulatory gap involving UAS in their national that other pilots most likely will not be able to see
airspace. the unmanned aircraft in order to avoid it; and
The draft regulation provides a European Avi- (2) Direct overflight of virtually all types of infra-
ation Safety Agency-compliant definition and structure (power plants and transmission lines,
framework for “special operations” authorizations railroad stations and tracks, dams, military facili-
that resembles a combination of the U.S. ties, ports, hospitals and prisons), including high-
Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) and ways, is prohibited except where specifically ap-
Special Airworthiness Certificate processes, as proved.
well as several useful definitions: The Italian draft regulation sidesteps their cur-
Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) – “Operations are rent problem of lacking certification standards by
carried out under conditions and at such dis- requiring all of their small UAS certifications to be
issued as “restricted” type certificates (for the heav- Some of the equipment requirements levied by
er aircraft) or “permits to fly” for the smaller ones. the Italian regulation are noteworthy. In particu-
It states that optionally piloted aircraft currently lar, flight termination must be possible either man-
possessing their own type certificates may be certi- ually or automatically, where “termination” means
fied as unmanned aircraft based on those certifi- the execution of an emergency landing. This capa-
cates plus a separate certification of compatibility bility must be available even when the control link
with the other components in the total unmanned has failed. The purpose of this capability is to
aircraft system of which it is a part. ensure the unmanned aircraft remains within its
Also, the Italian draft regulation offers a useful authorized operating airspace at all times. The
take on qualifying for certification or “special regulation also makes it clear that link stability is
operations” by providing for such authorizations to an issue of both safety and security, and that the
be granted once initial test flights have been suc- type of link selected for a given operation takes into
cessfully and safely accomplished, a formal risk consideration where that operation is to be
assessment performed, and operators certify: conducted.
Operations can be conducted safely and One brief portion of the draft regulation is, in
securely in proposed locations and airspace, un- effect, 14 CFR Part 119 stripped down to a few
der limits prescribed by ENAC. sentences, requiring commercial and non-
The pilot is licensed and has been trained in commercial operators intending to fly unmanned
type. aircraft weighing 20 kg/44 lbs. or more (and some
The operator has adequate liability insurance. smaller UAS based on the type of operations and
An operations manual has been developed that number of aircraft involved) to have:
describes procedures for safe operation of the A technical (maintenance) and operations or-
UAS, including the maximum distance at which ganization appropriate to the intended activity;
the system may be operated and the unmanned Qualified pilots;
aircraft seen by its pilot or observer. An Operations Manager;
The UAS hazards of the greatest concern to the A continuing airworthiness program;
Italians appear to be: An operating manual with content as described
“Loss of control of the unmanned air- above; and
craft” (perdita del controllo del mezzo); A certificate of airworthiness/permit to fly
Loss of containment within assigned airspace based on the intended operating configuration.
([perdita] fuoriuscita dal volume assegnato); In addressing model aircraft, the draft regula-
Inability to land safely or terminate the flight tion defines them in terms of both their weight (less
in case of emergency; and or greater than 20 kg/44 lbs. maximum takeoff
Collision threat to persons and other aircraft in weight) and, for the small systems, their propulsion
the air. systems. Model aircraft operations are limited to
Italian small UAS pilots will be required to daylight operations only; must be conducted in
have one of the three certificates (civil, sport or continuous visual contact of the “builder” without
commercial) prescribed by European regulations optical or electronic system assistance; pose no risk
as well as a Class II medical, and requires them to
to people or property; and be limited to altitudes of
maintain currency by performing and logging at
50 meters AGL or below. 20 Model aircraft
least three takeoffs and landings every 90 days.
operations must be covered by liability insurance
Small UAS operations will require conformity to
and must be conducted using only those portions of
all rules of the air, including equipage require-
ments as applicable based on the class of airspace the electromagnetic spectrum authorized for
to be used; interim relief is granted from see-and- hobbyist operations.
avoid requirements under VLOS as noted above, Finally, one passage (Article 21) briefly, simply
but BLOS operations are limited to day VMC in and directly addresses a key issue of concern in the
segregated airspace until certified systems ena- United States and elsewhere: “Privacy issues are
bling “sense and avoid” of conflicting traffic, as not within the institutional competence of ENAC.
well as capabilities for remaining clear of clouds The operator must observe any such regulations in
and surface obstructions, are available. force.”
Appendix 2
Proposed Addition to U.S. Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations
Part 107 – Small Unmanned Aircraft certain extent a claim of this type can be made
Systems based on the provisions of the proposed rule that
There are two basic approaches to bringing un- tend to keep manned and unmanned operations
manned aircraft into a currently operating aviation clear of each other. For example, the operating al-
system: titude of a small unmanned aircraft is limited to no
1. The unmanned aircraft may be required to higher than 500 feet (150 meters) above ground
conform to rules governing existing flight level (§107.51(b)). Section 107.41 imposes limita-
operations; or tions on sUAS access to certain classes of airspace;
2. The system itself may be required to adjust a small unmanned aircraft may not operate in
to the limitations of its unmanned partici- Class A airspace, and may not operate in Class B,
pants. Class C, or Class D airspace or within the lateral
These two philosophies tend to lead regulators boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace
in one of two “integration” directions: allow those designated for an airport, unless the operator has
unmanned aircraft that are most capable of operat- prior authorization from the ATC facility having
ing in the same manner as manned aircraft greater jurisdiction over that airspace.
access to airspace, or give unmanned aircraft the Other controls that tend to keep manned and
opportunity for the maximum access to airspace aircraft apart, or to increase the likelihood of
possible, regardless of their ability to conform to manned aircraft being able to see small unmanned
existing rules governing manned aircraft aircraft in time to avoid them, are provided as well.
operations. Right-of-way is addressed by the simple expedient
However, in some cases regulatory agencies of requiring sUAS to give way to all other aircraft
are attempting to chart a middle path. For exam- (§107.37); this provision also has the virtue of
ple, in the winter of 2015, the U.S. Federal Avia- avoiding the need to deal with the question of un-
tion Administration (FAA) announced it “has manned aircraft designs in different categories
decided to proceed incrementally and issue a rule (e.g., single-engine, rotorcraft, etc.). Counter-
governing small UAS operations that pose the least detection concerns are to some extent reduced by
amount of risk.” To that end, on February 15, limiting sUAS operations to daytime only
2015, the FAA issued for public review and com- (§107.29), under visual meteorological conditions
ment a “notice of proposed rulemaking” (NPRM) only, and §107.51 specifies that sUAS may not ex-
addressing the certification and operation of small ceed 87 knots (100 miles per hour) calibrated air-
(less than 55 pound) unmanned aircraft in U.S. do- speed at full power in level flight.
mestic airspace. (Readers interested in review the Finally, sUAS weather minima are somewhat
entire document – which runs to nearly 200 pages more stringent than those required by 14 CFR
– should search on-line for it; a link may be availa- §91.155 (“Basic VFR weather minimums”) in some
ble at, but this may be taken classes of airspace. The minimum flight visibility
down at some point.) The NPRM: as observed from the location of the ground control
Formally establishes a series of UAS-related station must be no less than 3 statute miles (5 kilo-
definitions. meters); and, the minimum distance of the small
Requires “operator” certificates for sUAS unmanned aircraft from clouds must be no less
pilots as opposed to manned aircraft pilot than 500 feet (150 meters) below the cloud and
licenses/certificates. 2,000 feet (600 meters) horizontally away from the
Requires registration of all small unmanned cloud. (§ 107.51(c) and (d))
aircraft. By the same token, the proposed rule contains
Requires sUAS to be “airworthy,” i.e., in a some provisions that are less restrictive than those
safe condition for flight, but excuses them applicable to manned operations. The safety im-
from formal certification processes. pact of these more relaxed requirements cannot be
The reasoning behind these broad permissions determined due to a lack of relevant safety data or
incurring “the least amount of risk” is not clearly research. For example:
explained in the NPRM’s preamble. However, to a §107.9 requires unmanned aircraft opera-
tors to report (within ten days of occurrence) acci- the immediate vicinity both on the surface and
dents involving any injury to any person or damage in the air. This assessment must include local
to any property other than the small unmanned weather conditions, local airspace and any
aircraft. This is both more and less restrictive than flight restrictions, the location of persons and
the corresponding NTSB rule. (49 U.S.C. property on the surface, and other ground
830.2) hazards as appropriate.
§107.13(d) requires sUAS owners or opera- Ensuring that all persons involved in the small
tors to comply with “all applicable airworthi- unmanned aircraft operation are pre-briefed on
ness directives.” However, it is not clear un- their roles and responsibilities and potential
der what authority – or by whom – air- hazards;
worthiness directives could be issued on air- Verifying that all links between ground station
craft lacking production, type or airworthi- and the small unmanned aircraft are working
ness certificates. properly; and
§107.31 requires “the operator or visual ob- Ensuring that there is enough available power
server” [emphasis added] to be able to see for the small unmanned aircraft system to op
the unmanned aircraft throughout the en- erate for the intended operational time and to
tire flight in order to know its location, atti- operate after that for at least five minutes.
tude, altitude, and direction; to observe the All users of the UAS Guidelines should take
airspace for other air traffic or hazards; and from this example both the challenges associated
to ensure that the unmanned aircraft does with writing a separate set of rules specific to un-
not endanger life or property. However, manned aviation and the difficulty of reconciling
§107.33 makes the use of a visual observer such rules with those governing existing (i.e.,
optional: “If a visual observer is used during manned) aircraft operations. This case study also
the aircraft operation…” [emphasis added]. shows that enabling UAS access to airspace on an
Section 107.31 also relieves pilots in com- “integrated” basis is easy to set as a goal, but ex-
mand from the requirement to see their air- tremely difficult to implement.
craft at all times where an observer is used. Air safety investigators are invited to take
Finally, there are some provisions in the pro- note of potential sources of risk that may result
posed rule that address unique aspects of sUAS op- from the compromises that needed to be made in
erations. For example, §107.25 prohibits their op- the various provisions of this proposed rule. If
eration from a moving vehicle or aircraft. In ac- manned and unmanned aircraft are intended to be
knowledgment of the differences between the pur- kept separate as much as possible, but a midair col-
pose of sUAS operations and those of manned air- lision occurs, two key issues will need to be consid-
craft, §107.49 establishes preflight familiarization, ered: how the various “segregation” provisions
inspection, and other requirements to be accom- failed, and whether the resulting adverse interac-
plished prior to flight, including: tion between manned and unmanned operations
Assessing the operating environment, con were preventable with all parties following the re-
sidering risks to persons and property in spective sets of rules established for them.
Recommendations For Further Reading
The body of literature associated with unmanned hensive Plan: A Report on the Nation’s UAS
aircraft systems (also referred to as “remotely pi- Path Forward, September 2013 (http://
loted aircraft systems” in some arenas) is large and
growing on an almost daily basis. A significant headquarters_offices/agi/reports/media/
amount of popular writing on the subject tends to UAS_Comprehensive_Plan.pdf)
be somewhat advocacy-oriented, either pro or con. National Defense Research Institute, The
Air safety investigators looking to expand their RAND Corporation, Applications for Navy
understanding of UAS and their issues should not Unmanned Aircraft Systems (2010) (http://
avoid accessible writing of this type, but should
treat it with caution. MG957.html)
Similarly, some technical writing on UAS topics U.S. Department of Defense, Unmanned Sys-
contains an element of advocacy as well. This is tems Integrated Roadmap: FY2013-2038
understandable, since the sector is trying to grow (Reference Number: 14-S-0553) (http://
and many collective efforts are being exerted to
that end. In the aggregate, government-industry 2013.pdf)
publications may be considered the most reliable U.S. Air Force, United States Air Force RPA
sources of current information, simply because they Vector: Vision and Enabling Concepts 2013-
are expending the greatest energy in studying 2038 (February 2014) (http://
many of the issues addressed in this document.
Again, such sources should not be discounted resources/USAF-
simply because of their authorship – they just need RPA_VectorVisionEnablingConcepts2013-
to be read with a critical eye and due consideration 2038_ForPublicRelease.pdf)
given to what they might leave unsaid on the more
controversial or difficult-to-manage issues. System Safety and Human Factors
The following list is by no means exhaustive. It Studies
was assembled from suggestions made by ISASI Chris W. Johnson, DPhil, Department of
UAS Working Group members from the body of Computing Science, University of Glasgow,
reference materials with which they were familiar. Scotland, UK and Christine Shea, PhD; ESR
Where on-line versions are available, the URL is Technology Ltd, Birchwood Park, Warring-
provided; the Microsoft Word version of the UAS ton, Cheshire, UK, “The Hidden Human
Investigation Guidelines provides links to them Factors in Unmanned Aerial Vehi-
that may be clicked for direct access. cles” (
* * * * * * Jason S. McCarley and Christopher D.
Concepts of Operations and Roadmaps Wickens, University of Illinois at Cham-
Federal Aviation Administration, Integra- paign-Urbana, “Human Factors Concerns
tion of Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the in UAV Flight” (2004) (https://
National Airspace System: Concept of Opera-
tions, version 2.0 (September 2012) (http:// uavFY04Planrpt.pdf) Federal Aviation Administration, Office of
uploads/2012/10/FAA-UAS-Conops-Version- Aerospace Medicine, Human Factors Impli-
2-0-1.pdf) cations of Unmanned Aircraft Accidents:
Federal Aviation Administration, Integra- Flight Control Problems, April 2006 (http://
tion of Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(UAS) in the National Airspace System med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2000s/
(NAS) Roadmap, First Edition – 2013 media/200608.pdf)
( Federal Aviation Administration, Office of
media/uas_roadmap_2013.pdf) Aerospace Medicine, An Assessment of Pilot
Joint Planning and Development Office, Control Interfaces for Unmanned Aircraft,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Compre
April 2007 ( U.S. Army, Army Regulation 95-23, Aviation:
data_research/research/med_humanfacs/ Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Regula-
oamtechreports/2000s/media/200708.pdf) tions (July 2010) (
Federal Aviation Administration, Office of pdffiles/r95_23.pdf)
Aerospace Medicine, An Investigation of
Sensory Information, Levels of Automation, Accident and Incident Reports and
and Piloting Experience on Unmanned Aircraft Formats
Pilot Performance, March 2012 (http:// National Transportation Safety Board, CHI06MA121, General Atomics Predator
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for -B, Brief of Accident, 04/25/2006 (http://
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Un-
manned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Ground Control
Station Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Devel-
opment and Standardization Guide, version 1.0 Scientific and Technical Information Pro-
(2012) ( gram Office, National Aeronautics and
original/UAS_GCS_HMI_Guide_19July2012.pdf? Space Administration (NASA / TM-2007-
1347481941) 214539), Preliminary Considerations for
Tobias Nisser and Carl Westin, Lund University Classifying Hazards of Unmanned Aircraft
School of Aviation, Human Factors Challenges in Systems, February 2007 (http://
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): A Literature
Review (2006) ( 2007-tm214539.pdf)
U.S. Department of the Army, DA Form 2397
-U, Unmanned Aircraft System Accident Re-
United States Air Force, 311 Human Systems
th port (UASAR) (
Wing, Human Factors Considerations in Migra- accidentreporting/FORMS/
tion of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Opera- AviationAccidentFormsInstructions/
tor Control (HSW-PE-BR-TR-2006-0002) (http:// tabid/463/Default.aspx)
090121-046.pdf) Technical Issues (Spectrum, Detect and
U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Avoid, etc.)
The Role of Human Causal Factors in U.S. Army
Access 5 Project Office, Sense-and-Avoid
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Accidents, USAARL
Report No. 2004-11 (March 2004) ( Equivalent Level of Safety Definition for Un-
cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA421592) manned Aircraft Systems (January 2005)
Rules and Recommended Practices
Australian Government, Civil Aviation EASA.2008.OP.08, Interim Report of the Pre-
Safety Authority, CASR Part 101 – Un- liminary Impact Assessment on the Safety of
manned aircraft and rocket operations Communications for Unmanned Aircraft
( Systems (UAS), July 2009 (http://
International Civil Aviation Organisation, UAS_COMMS_Impact%
Circular 328 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems 20_asessment_interim_report_V1.pdf)
(UAS) ( European Organisation for the Safety of
Documents/Circular%20328_en.pdf) Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) CND/
Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Un- CoE/CNS/09-156, Unmanned Aircraft Sys-
manned Systems (JARUS), JARUS-ORG, tems – ATM Collision Avoidance Require-
draft version 0.17 (27 April 2014) (http:// ments (May 2010) (http://
category/11-external-consultation-on-jarus- content/documents/nm/safety/ACAS/as-
org) unmannedaircraftsystemsatmcollision-
UK Civil Aviation Authority, CAP 722: Un- avoidancerequirements-2010_.pdf)
manned Aircraft System Operations in International Telecommunications Union
UK Airspace – Guidance (http:// – Radiocommunications Sector (ITU-R), Re- port ITU-R M.2171, Characteristics of
unmanned aircraft systems and spectrum impact on the public or in the media than one in-
requirements to support their safe operation volving loss of life. The latter also would be far
in non-segregated airspace (December 2009) more likely to drive immediate political responses
( that could have a detrimental effect on the scope,
REP-M.2171-2009-PDF-E.pdf) or even the viability, of the unmanned aviation
Keven A. Gambold, MAS BSc, GAPAN North sector.
America, Unmanned Aircraft System Access
to National Airspace (November 2011) 5- To the latter point, it is important to bear in
( mind that datalink failures could result in the
national-airspace-paper.pdf) immediate cessation of performance data flow
from the aircraft to the GCS. For this reason,
some manufacturers incorporate separate on-
END NOTES board flight data recorders similar to those tradi-
1- The term “unmanned aircraft system” shows tionally used aboard aircraft. ICAO is working
some signs of being gradually supplanted by the toward a standard set of recommended provisions
term “remotely piloted aircraft system” (RPAS). to this end.
The International Civil Aviation Organization
6-This example in turn suggests issues regarding
(ICAO) itself seems somewhat divided on the
the extent to which necessary information can be
matter. It is true that the remote location of an
provided efficiently and interpreted effectively, as
unmanned aircraft’s pilot is a critical distinction
well as the availability of RF spectrum, band-
between manned and unmanned operations.
width, and on-board resources for transmitting it.
However, it is to some extent misleading to label
These are non-trivial issues that barely have
the family of aircraft in such a way as to imply
been addressed as efforts to expand the un-
that a pilot always is part of their operation. In
manned aviation sector have gained momentum,
some modes of operation – those conducted auton-
and which may not come to the fore until docu-
omously by design, as well as those resulting
mented in conjunction with accidents and their
from failures of the electronic link between pilot
ensuing investigations.
and aircraft – the nominal pilot in command has
no ability to change the trajectory of the aircraft 7- 47 CFR 2.106, Non-Governmental Footnote 46:
in any way. Therefore, this document uses the “In the bands 72–73 and 75.4–76 MHz, the use of
term “UAS,” although future revisions may mobile radio remote control of models is on a sec-
change all such references to “RPAS” if generally ondary basis to all other fixed and mobile opera-
accepted usage moves in that direction. tions.” Fifty channels (72.0 –73.0 MHz) are availa-
ble for model aircraft devices, which must limit
2- Chapter 6, related to UAS training for investi- their emissions to a bandwidth of 8 kilohertz(kHz).
gators, is a high-level discussion of basic See generally 47 CFR Part 95.
knowledge needed. Follow-on work will be needed
to translate its observations and recommenda- 8- Report ITU-R M.2171 (12/2009), Characteris-
tions into lesson plans. tics of unmanned aircraft systems and spectrum
requirements to support their safe operation in
3- For an excellent discussion of this issue, see non-segregated airspace (M Series: Mobile, radi-
the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Limita- odetermination, amateur and related satellites
tions of the See-and-Avoid Principle (April 1991) - services).
books/259.pdf. 9- Uniform use of the code “7400” to designate an
unmanned aircraft operating autonomously as a
4- It is only fair to point out that a collision be- result of control link failure is being studied by
tween two unmanned aircraft may be just as pos- the FAA and ICAO at this writing.
sible, and perhaps more so, if the preferred
means of trying to make UAS operations safe re- 10- Access 5 materials were preserved by NASA
lies on airspace segregation that puts multiple and provide valuable insight into a host of the is-
unmanned aircraft in a narrowly constrained alti- sues referred to throughout these Guidelines; see
tude band or geographical location. However, a
UAS-on-UAS collision is likely to have far less
11- Similar considerations will need to be ad- 17-Historically, most air safety investigators (or at
dressed in the case of a damaging UA collision least investigators-in-charge) have been drawn
with a surface structure or feature. from the ranks of certificated pilots. An operation-
al aviation background provides most of the
12- Some systems are beginning to be provided
knowledge base needed to effectively understand
with hybrid control systems that use a combination
and investigate unmanned aircraft-involved acci-
of terrestrial communications and conven-
dents. Nevertheless, first-hand UAS experience
tional (non-satellite) radio control of the aircraft.
should be considered either mandatory or highly
BLOS-equipped aircraft invariably have (usually
desirable for anyone running a UAS-involved in-
separate and parallel) LOS capabilities, meaning
vestigation. If such cannot be reasonably obtained
that the latter can be employed to effect a safe re-
in advance of an investigation, the participation of
covery if the aircraft is programmed to come into
a subject matter expert specifically qualified in the
the range of a suitably equipped GCS following
involved system and personally familiar with the
satellite- supported link failure.
ground control station arrangement in use during
13- As an example, see Appendix 1 and 2 to see how the accident sequence should be considered manda-
Italy and the U.S. have addressed these issues. tory.
14- See generally ASTM F2910-14, Standard Speci- 18- An example of this would be where a require-
fication for Design and Construction of a Small
Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS), Paragraph 5 ment for all UAS to be transponder-equipped, even
(“Requirements”). for VFR operations in uncontrolled airspace, subse-
quently allowed a UA to be successfully tracked
15- The SCF-NP definition includes the following: and separated from following CNPC failure.
“For unmanned aircraft, includes failure or mal-
function of ground-based, transmission, or aircraft- 19- Investigators always should be open to the
based communication systems or components or possibility that an unexplained manned or un-
datalink systems or components.” The separate manned aircraft accident might have been the
Definitions and Usage Notes document for SCF-NP result of a midair collision with an unmanned
expands upon this over-generalized perspective on aircraft. The lack of unexplained physical remains
control link failures; “unanticipated lost command or an unrelated overdue aircraft can make such an
and control link to a UAS” is prescribed for use as event more difficult to recognize, as can the fact
follows: “To be coded regardless of where the failure that the operators of smaller systems may not even
occurred, i.e., on the unmanned aircraft, in the re- be aware that their aircraft has gone missing due
mote pilot station (coded with a –RPS suffix), or in to a collision if it was not in sight at the time of the
the communication infrastructure between them, event. The time-tested practice of identifying “too
whether the communication infrastructure is many parts” in wreckage may be complicated by
ground, air or space based, or a combination.” It also the involvement of smaller unmanned aircraft,
explicitly excludes “lost links that are anticipated.” which might leave less physical evidence of their
presence but still could have imparted a significant
16- “Remote pilot station” appears to be becoming amount of force to a critical component (engine,
increasingly popular in ICAO usage vice the more control surface) or to the cockpit itself.
common “ground control station.” Since it is the
preferred term in the CICTT issuances, it is 20- Heavy model aircraft (20 – 150 kg) operations
included to match other existing references. Per must be conducted pursuant to annually renewed
ICAO Circular 328, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, authorization letters from ENAC in designated
Remote Pilot Station (RPS) is defined as “the sta- areas only (which are treated as “segregated areas”
tion at which the remote pilot manages the flight for the purpose of this regulation), but may go up to
of an unmanned aircraft”. 150 meters AGL and are not subject to propulsion
system size limits.
26 – Location of Pilot/Operator Different from State
2 – Table of Contents of Occurrence
3 – Executive Summary 26 – Chapter 5 –Data Fields Associated with UAS
4 – Foreward Operations Requiring Capture
6 – Preface 27 – CICTT and UAS
7 – Chapter 1 – Purpose and Structure of the 27 – ISASI UAS Working Group Position and
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Hand Recommendations
book and Accident/Incident 28 – Chapter 6 – UAS Specific Air Safety
Investigation Guidelines Investigator Skills
8 – Chapter 2 -- Differences between Manned and 29 – Chapter 7 – Evidence Preservation Following
Unmanned Aircraft Unmanned Aircraft System Accidents
9 – Key Concepts Underlying Unmanned Aircraft 29 – On-Scene and Ground Control Station
Systems Investigations
9 – Key Differences between Manned and Un 29 – Testimony from the Pilot in Command and
manned Aircraft Other Crew Members
11—Special Aspects of Unmanned Aircraft System 29 – Chapter 8 – UAS Investigation Procedural
Differences and Functional Considerations
11 – “Detect and Avoid” systems 30 – Near-Term Investigation of UAS Accidents
12—Cockpit Design and Incidents
12 – Accidents Where UAS Differences from 30 – Preliminary Considerations
Manned Aircraft May Be a Factor 31 – Tailoring Local Guidance to Incorporate UAS-
12 – Midair Collision Related Considerations
14 – Loss of Control Accidents (Airborne) 31 – Areas of Investigation
15 – Loss of Control Accidents (Ground) and 38 – Final Report Content
Ground Collisions 40 – Appendix 1 –Significant Aspects of the Draft
15 – System/Component Failure or Malfunction Italian Unmanned Aviation Regulations
16 – Chapter 3 – Augmentation and 42—Appendix 2 Proposed Addition to U.S. Title
Supplementation of Existing Investigative 14, Code of Federal Regulations
Capabilities for UAS Investigations 44 – Appendix 3 – Recommendations for Further
16 – Investigative Skills and Knowledge Associated Reading
with Unmanned Aircraft System Attributes 44 – Concepts of Operations and Roadmaps
16 – Human Factors 44 – System Safety and Human Factors Studies
17 – Telecommunications 45 – Rules and Recommended Practices
23 -- Aircraft Structures 45 – Accident and Incident Reports and Formats
23 – Electrical Propulsion Systems 45– Technical Issues (Spectrum, Detect and Avoid,
23 – Pre-Accident Hazard Assessments etc.)
24 – Considerations for Investigations Involving 46 – End Notes
Beyond Line of Sight UAS Operations 48 — Index
24 – Investigation of Accidents Involving Model
26 – Chapter 4 – Annex 13 to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation: Recommenda-
tions Relative to UAS Investigations
26 – Recommendation Regarding Determining the
State of Occurrence
26 – Special Circumstances Where Additional
Accredited Representatives May be
26 – State of Design
26 – State of Manufacture
26 – Aircraft and Ground Control Station
Registered in Different States