Procurement Management
Procurement Management
Procurement Management
Business of any industry or kind or product / service is a process of providing the
customers with the final and finished product or the service, tangible or intangible in
nature that the customer can use as per their need.
In business we can find a various number of functional areas which are working
together in a coordinated manner to make the process a success. one of the strong
and main pillars of the same is the process of “purchasing”. The purchasing is the
combination of various number of steps that a business must undergo in order to
complete a transection.
Purchasing itself has got a very important role to play in the overall efficiency, growth
and profitability.
Concept and application:
Process of purchasing is closely associated with the procurement process. The
process focuses on buying products and services. Purchasing process has an
extremely important place in the overall efficiency and growth of any organisation. An
efficient purchase process reduces waste and maximises the profits and reduces the
unrequired expenses.
The purchasing process provides a business with a structured way to address their
needs. In order to understand the purchasing process there are several steps that
can be understood as below
1.identification of the need
2.specifications of the requirement
3. finding and selecting a supplier
4.cost negotiation
5. order approval
6. placing the order
7. receiving and approval of order
8. Review of supplier performance
Purchasing plays an important role in building supplier relationships. With these
improved relations between the supplier and the consumer they are able to develop
strategies to develop optimize cost controls, best possible usage of the raw materials
in order to increase the overall efficiency and integrity of the organization.
Features of the Purchases:
1. Increases the value and savings
2. Builds relationships and drives innovations
3. Reduces market time
4. Generates economic impacts
5. Provides competitive advantages in business.
For any business organisation there are number of purchases of goods or the
services that can be taken up. Firms require many various different type of goods
for their workings for example for carrying out their day to day operations for
example, electricity, general appliances, computer, stationary, furniture etc.
Types of purchases:
1. Raw Materials:
This purchase category includes various products such as wheat, steel,
petroleum, cotton etc. for manufacturing of the finished products. These
materials can be directly used as the raw materials which lack processing
but can be converted into useful products after final finishings and
2. Semi-finished products:
These are those category products which are further required for the
manufacturing of the finished goods. these goods may include single part
no. Systems components, assemblies, sub-assemblies.
Mostly with the semi-finished products can be taken into use by the
automobile industries, computer industries for example, Hewlett Packard
purchases the engine of their printers from the external suppliers.
3. Finished products:
These are the fully and finally finished and furnished products which are
ready to be re-sale into the market with the brand name of the organization
under which they have been bought. Finished products when bought or
sourced from the external vendors are known as the “outsourced
contracts”. For example, purchasing of the HVAC systems for residential,
commercial industrial units.
6. Capital equipment’s:
This part consists of production machinery that are required for the
production process. These products do include heavy capital investments
and are taken in for a long working cycle life. organizations tend to
compare the purchase of such products along with the concept of “return
of investment” (ROI) which is also known as the “payback period”.
This payback period can be days, weeks and also can extend into years.
ROI can be calculated as below
7. Services:
These types of purchase include purchase of non-tangible workings or the
services those are carried out for the purchased tangible products.
These may include maintenance, repairs, catering, security, testing,
packaging etc.
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In the current time of highly competitive and with and highly scaled impact of
globalisation all over the global level there has been a drastic effect on every aspect
and business world is also not been untouched by this. Today in the business world
all business organizations tend to prove their supremacy over their competitors in the
Business management now are focussing on reducing their cost levels and enhance
their productivity for increasing their profit margins levels and delivering the best
possible output levels simultaneously.
For achieving their goals and objectives, organizations are now shifting their
attention on to manage their buyer supplier relations with a systematic approach of
“Strategic Sourcing”.
The concept of strategic sourcing optimizes the sourcing process by developing
strong, strategic and long-term relations with the suppliers, which is mutually
beneficial for both the parties.
Identify the potential suppliers:
In this step, after satisfactory evaluations have been carried out and a sourcing
strategy has been devised organizations tend to make a list of the potential
suppliers. However, this list can also contain the names of the current and existing
supplier to whom the organization is associated with. Some organizations tend to
have a registration process under which the potential suppliers have fill up the
relevant information with their particulars and the details of their business firm.
Pre-qualify suppliers
Organizations tend to have a screening method to screen out in order to judge the
working eligibility and the working capacity of the potential suppliers. These may
include the following areas to be noted at
a. Financial strength
b. Management strength
c. Technical strength
d. Past working experience
Based of the screening scores the eligible candidates are forwarded out for filtration
and for further evaluation processes and short-listings to be carried out.
Evaluation and selection of the supplier
After the screening process for the potential suppliers has been carried out, now it is
the time for the evaluation of the final set of the potential suppliers for the
organizations. There are various criteria for the evaluation and selection that are
considered for the potential suppliers which are looked upon for example
a) Operational capacity of the supplier
b) Delivery performance
c) Cost and pricing structure
d) Long-term working experience of the potential supplier candidate
e) Regulatory and environmental compliance
f) Technical stability
g) Management quality parameters
h) Quality management
Based of on these and various factors the potential customers are rated accordingly
and the top-rated pool of supplier party is selected.
Once the final lot of the potential supplier is selected then the process of negotiations
between the organizations and the suppliers are carried out. In this step there are
various meetings carried out between the both managements in order to gain more
knowledge about the firm. More is the information about the organisation better it is.
Contract / agreements
Under this step, after sufficient negotiations and information’s between both the
parties have been exchanged and the final suppliers have been selected and the
suppliers have been made well aware of the company policies and integrated quality
compliances, the organizations tend to enter with legal terms and conditions in form
of legal contract or the agreement between both the parties.
Managing supplier relationships /monitoring
Least but not the least step is to closely monitor and maintain the supplier
performances. If the performance is not up to the desired level the organization can
object and ask the suppliers to answer and improve the quality of the supplies or the
services up to the required standard level or else in case organization can also
terminate the contract in case the issues are not resolved further in future as well.
We can take the example of one of the biggest beverage organizations working
“Coca Cola”. Coca Cola tends to have following steps in their strategic sourcing
a) Coca Cola tends to have their raw material suppliers to comply with their
basic guiding principles. All the agricultural raw materials have to be complied
with third party standards like SAI FSA, ISCC plus, UNILEVER SAC, PSA
principles, GLOBAL GAP.
b) Supplier performances are assessment are carried out for critical supplies on
an annual basis covering up to 90% of the procurement cost.
In the changing era of technological developments being introduced in the business
industry, the various aspects of business operations such as, marketing,
procurements, operations, design, engineering, manufacturing, sales etc have all
been affected.
With the developing and growing high connectivity power, speed and flexibility like
features internet has impacted on the management of the various business
operations, procurement being one of them. These various processes of the
procurements which are being conducted with the use of IT tools is known as “E-
For the process of E-Procurement the various tools like E-Marketplace, Online
Catalogues and Online Auctions are being widely and vastly carried out. These
developments have led the business to grow on a global scale level.
Functions of E-Marketplace
• Provide virtual market place for buyers and sellers.
• Initiate online procurement transactions
• Initiate interactions between buyers and sellers.
• Provides necessary procurement tools to be used by buyers such as online
catalogues, collaboration tools etc.
Online catalogues:
Under these trends the organizations tend to use online catalogues which
contains a list of various products and services available for the potential
customers and to purchase it online. These catalogues also include pricing
details along with suitable discount offers available.
Amazon, flipchart use these online catalogues for their customers to know about
product/service details and also purchase directly from the portal
Types of Online catalogues:
1. Simple catalogues:
These are the catalogues that provide the basic items such as stationary with
individual descriptions and prices. such catalogues are responsible for 60% of
the e-marketplace transactions.
Examples being, hardware catalogues, machinery catalogues etc.
From the above discussion it is understood that the information and technology
developments have raised the bar level of the business industry to the markets
which were difficult for the middle or low scale industries. These developments have
helped the industries to reach out the far away markets through internet and digital
media support.
These developments will enhance the organisations to have a competitive arena
where they can work hard to provide the customers with better quality of products or
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With the growing importance of the development of the technologies for the
procurement processes in business, online auctions have proved itself to be a very
important and useful IT tool for the process of E-procurement. These online auctions
initiate the online activity between two parties irrespective of the geographical
locations irrespective of the distance between the locations.
Concept and application:
Online auction can be understood as a service in which various number of bidders
take part and buying and selling of the products is being carried out while being
connected through the means of internet. online auctions are an important
component of e- procurement procedure.
In the online auctions the buyers create a “Request for Quote” (RFQ) and invites
potential suppliers in order to submit their quotations for bidding. This process of
bidding keeps on going until a specific period of time period and the lowest possible
quote is selected among different quotes of the suppliers.
However, the online auction system can be divided into two different types
Company analyses the auction bids and the selected bidder is chosen. However it is
not mandatory that lowest bids always win, bidders can be chosen on the basis of
technical ranking taking into consideration other factors also.
From the above discussions for both the cases we conclude that role of IT has
deeply impacted the business processes of procurement and sourcing with online
catalogues and online auctions being major upcoming tools for the budding
organizations to expand their business processes to a high level irrespective of the
geographic locations’ issues.
Online Auctions and Online Catalogues have shown the organizations the way of
reducing their operating costs by successfully reducing the usage time periods and
resources and hence increasing the overall procurement efficiency levels of the
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