C17 Antifungal Guideline Feb 26 2014
C17 Antifungal Guideline Feb 26 2014
C17 Antifungal Guideline Feb 26 2014
Recommended Citation: Science M, Robinson PD, MacDonald T, Rassekh, SR, Dupuis LL and Sung L.
Guidelinefor Primary Antifungal Prophylaxis for Pediatric Patients with Cancer or Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. C17 Council. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 2014.
Table of Contents
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Overview of Material .................................................................................................................................... 2
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Scope and Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 5
Target Audience of the Guideline ................................................................................................................. 6
Health Questions .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Guideline Development Panel ......................................................................................................... 7
Identification and Appraisal of Existing Guidelines ......................................................................... 7
o Guideline Search Strategy ................................................................................................... 7
o Guideline Selection Criteria and Appraisal ......................................................................... 8
Systematic Review of Primary Studies ............................................................................................. 8
o Primary Literature Search Strategy..................................................................................... 8
o Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................. 8
Decision-Making Process for Formulation of Recommendations ................................................... 9
External Review Process .................................................................................................................. 9
Plans for Scheduled Review and Update ....................................................................................... 10
Evidence Synthesis and Recommendations................................................................................................ 10
Guideline Search Results................................................................................................................ 10
Primary Literature Search Results.................................................................................................. 11
Health Question 1: Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children
undergoing allogeneic HSCT? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used? ....... 12
o Recommendation 1.1: Allogeneic HSCT........................................................................... 12
Evidence Summary............................................................................................... 12
Discussion ............................................................................................................ 16
o Recommendation 1.2: Allogeneic HSCT with Acute Grade II-IV GVHD or Chronic
Extensive GVHD ................................................................................................................ 21
Evidence Summary............................................................................................... 21
Discussion ............................................................................................................ 21
Health Question 2: Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children
undergoing autologous HSCT? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used? ...... 23
o Recommendation 2.1: Autologous HSCT with anticipated neutropenia >7 days............ 23
Evidence Summary............................................................................................... 23
Discussion ............................................................................................................ 25
Health Question 3: Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children with
AML or MDS? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used? ................................ 27
o Recommendation 3.1: Patients with AML or MDS .......................................................... 27
Evidence Summary............................................................................................... 27
Discussion ............................................................................................................ 32
Health Question 4: Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children with
malignancy and anticipated neutropenia > 7 days? If so, what medication (dose and duration)
should be used? ............................................................................................................................. 35
o Recommendation 4.1: Patients with malignancy and anticipated
neutropenia > 7 days ........................................................................................................ 35
Evidence Summary............................................................................................... 35
Discussion ............................................................................................................ 38
Plan for Scheduled Review and Update ...................................................................................................... 39
Implementation Considerations ................................................................................................................. 39
Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................... 40
Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... 41
References .................................................................................................................................................. 41
Appendix A: Open / Registered Trials ........................................................................................................ 49
Appendix B: Research Gap Summary ......................................................................................................... 49
Appendix C: Classification of Levels and Quality of Evidence and Strength of Recommendation ............ 50
Appendix D: Guideline Strategy Search ..................................................................................................... 51
Appendix E: Primary Literature Search Strategy ........................................................................................ 58
Appendix F: External Review and Consultation Process ............................................................................. 59
Appendix G: Websites Searched for Guidelines and Standards ................................................................ 67
Appendix H: Tools for Application ............................................................................................................. 68
Appendix I: Organizational Barriers and Cost Implications........................................................................ 68
Appendix J: Key Review Criteria for Monitoring and/or Audit Purposes................................................... 68
C17 supportive care guidelines are developed by Canadian health professional specialists using
evidence-based or best practice references at the time of their creation. Format and content
of the guidelines will change as they are reviewed and revised on a periodic basis. Care has
been taken to ensure accuracy of the information. However, any physician or health
professional using these guidelines will be responsible for administering care according to
their own institutional policies and standards.
Acute Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD) – graft versus host disease occurring within the first 100 days
after HSCT. Graded I-IV based on severity, see Przepiorka et al.1 for criteria.
Chronic GVHD – graft versus host disease occurring after the first 100 days following HSCT. New criteria
for global scoring of chronic GVHD are presented by Filipovich et al. 2005.2
Chronic Extensive GVHD (old criteria) – chronic GVHD with either generalized skin involvement or
localized skin involvement or liver dysfunction plus any one of: chronic aggressive hepatitis/bridging
necrosis/cirrhosis, eye involvement, mucosalivary gland involvement, mucosal involvement or other
target organ involvement.3
Engraftment – absolute neutrophil count (ANC) greater than or equal to 500 cells/L after
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Invasive Aspergillosis (IA) – Invasive fungal infection caused by Aspergillus sp. See definitions by De
Pauw et al.4
Invasive Candidiasis (IC) – Invasive fungal infection caused by Candida sp. See definitions by De Pauw et
Invasive Fungal Infection (IFI) – disease process caused by fungal infection. For definitions of proven,
probable and possible IFI see definitions provided by the European Organization for Research and
Treatment of Cancer/IFI Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) by De Pauw et al. 2008.4
Oncology (cancer) - inclusive of solid cancers and leukemia/ lymphoma as well as disorders such as
myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative disorders and histiocytic disorders.
Primary Antifungal Prophylaxis – antifungal agent given to prevent fungal infection in the absence of
previous fungal infection.
Secondary Antifungal Prophylaxis – antifungal agent given after treatment for fungal infection to
prevent recurrence or new fungal infection.
ALL – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
AML – Acute Myeloid Leukemia
ASBMT – American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
CML – Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
GVHD – Graft versus Host Disease
HSCT – Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
IA – Invasive Aspergillosis
IC – Invasive Candidiasis
IDSA – Infectious Disease Society of America
IFI – Invasive Fungal Infection
MDS – Myelodysplastic Syndrome
NCCN – National Comprehensive Cancer Network
NHL – Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
SD – Standard Deviation
WBC – White Blood Cell
Overview of Material
Guideline release date: February 26, 2014
The recommendations that follow (Table 1) are based on a critical evaluation of the available pediatric
and adult evidence, expert clinical opinion and the deliberations of the Guideline for Primary Antifungal
Prophylaxis for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Patients Development Panel. The purpose of these
recommendations are to provide clinical institutions and other organizations with a framework on which
to build their own institutional protocols and to encourage standardization of protocols across regions
to enhance consistency of care for patients and families.
The C17 Guideline for Primary Antifungal Prophylaxis for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Patients
Development Panel recommends, based on the existence of significant research gaps, that C17 and other
institutions develop trials that can supply evidence to inform future decision-making on primary
antifungal prophylaxis for children with hematologic malignancy or undergoing hematopoietic stem cell
transplant (HSCT). Current open or registered trials are presented in Appendix A and research gaps are
presented in Appendix B.
Recommendation Evidence*
1.1: Allogeneic HSCT
For children one month to less than 19 years of age undergoing allogeneic
Strong Recommendation,
HSCT, administer fluconazole 6 – 12 mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day)
High quality evidence
intravenous (IV) or oral (PO) from the start of conditioning until engraftment.
For the above children where fluconazole is contraindicated, administer an Strong Recommendation,
echinocandin as an alternative to fluconazole. Moderate quality evidence
1.2: Allogeneic HSCT with Acute Grade II – IV GVHD or Chronic Extensive GVHD
For children 13 years of age or older undergoing allogeneic HSCT with acute Weak Recommendation,
Grade II – IV or chronic extensive GVHD, prophylaxis with posaconazole 200 Moderate quality evidence
mg PO TID from GVHD diagnosis until resolution of acute grade II-IV GVHD or
chronic extensive GVHD is suggested.
For the above children where posaconazole is contraindicated, fluconazole 6 Weak Recommendation,
– 12 mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO is suggested as an alternative Low quality evidence
to posaconazole.
For children one month to less than 13 years of age undergoing allogeneic
HSCT with acute Grade II – IV or chronic extensive GVHD, fluconazole 6 – 12 Weak Recommendation,
mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO from GVHD diagnosis until Low quality evidence
resolution of acute grade II – IV GVHD or chronic extensive GVHD is
2.1: Autologous HSCT with anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days
For children one month to less than 19 years of age undergoing autologous
HSCT with anticipated neutropenia for more than 7 days, administer Strong Recommendation,
fluconazole 6 – 12 mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO from the start Moderate quality evidence
of conditioning until engraftment.
4.1: Children with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days
other than those undergoing HSCT or with AML or MDS
Weak Recommendation,
The panel suggests that antifungal prophylaxis not be given routinely to Moderate quality evidence
children with malignancy and neutropenia anticipated to persist for greater
than 7 days, outside of patients undergoing HSCT or those with AML/MDS.
HSCT: hematopoietic stem cell transplant; GVHD: graft-versus-host-disease; AML: acute myeloid leukemia; MDS:
myelodysplastic syndrome
*using American College of Chest Physicians “GRADE” criteria (Appendix C)
Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are an important concern in immunocompromised patients. Once
established, these infections are difficult to treat and are associated with significant morbidity and
mortality.6 In fact, for invasive Aspergillosis (IA), mortality may exceed 60%.7 As a result, emphasis has
been placed on preventing the development of IFI. Strategies include preventing exposure through
environmental strategies (e.g. HEPA filters, avoidance of construction/renovation) and preventing
disease with the use of antifungal prophylaxis. The focus of this guideline will be on the latter: the use of
primary antifungal prophylaxis to prevent IFI with the ultimate goal of improving survival. Other
considerations including the importance of early diagnosis, early empiric anti-fungal therapy, and pre-
emptive therapy are beyond the scope of this guideline.
In deciding who should receive prophylaxis, targeting populations at highest risk for IFI would likely have
the most favorable risk and cost benefit profile. Adult HSCT recipients are at high risk of IFI and risk
factors for IFI in this group have been summarized by Bow et al. (2009)8 as: transplant-recipient,
transplant-procedure and transplant-complication related factors. One of the groups at highest risk of IFI
are patients receiving allogeneic HSCT.9 In adult patients, the following have been identified as
additional risk factors of IFI: use of unrelated or mismatched donors,10,11 presence of cytomegalovirus
(CMV) disease as defined by CMV detected by direct fluorescence or cultured from bronchoalveolar
lavage or tissue,10 a diagnosis of Grade II – IV graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD)12 and administration of
corticosteroids in doses greater than or equal to 2 mg/kg day.10 Fewer studies have focused on
identifying risk factors in adults with malignancy. However, diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
and prolonged neutropenia have consistently been associated with a higher risk of IFI.13,14
Similar risk factors for IFI have been identified in pediatric studies. In pediatric allogeneic HSCT patients,
prolonged neutropenia for more than 29 days, age greater than 10 years, administration of
corticosteroids for greater than 10 days and an underlying diagnosis of severe aplastic anemia or
Fanconi anemia have all been identified as risk factors.15 Important risk factors in children with
malignancy include a diagnosis of AML, age greater than 10 years, receipt of long term antibiotics and
relapsed disease.16
Following a detailed review of these risk factors, a risk stratification system was developed by Prentice
et al. in 200017 for use in adults and was subsequently validated by McLintock et al. in 2004.18 However,
no risk stratification tool has been developed for or validated in children.
The use of a risk stratification tool may be important to incorporate into prophylactic antifungal
strategies. This is especially true as many of the antifungal prophylaxis trials have been conducted in
heterogeneous patient populations (i.e. different malignancies and HSCT patients). However, for the
purpose of this guideline, in the absence of a validated risk stratification tool in children, we have
focused on the available literature to make recommendations. It may be that there are high risk groups
other than those included in this guideline who may also benefit from primary antifungal prophylaxis.
In deciding what prophylactic agent to use in each patient population, the type of fungal infection the
patient is most at risk for should be considered. IFIs include both invasive yeast infections (i.e. Candida)
and invasive mold infections (i.e. Aspergillus). Antifungal agents vary in their spectrum from narrower
agents covering predominantly yeasts (i.e. fluconazole) to broader agents that cover both yeasts and
molds (i.e. posaconazole). Although the routine use of a broader agent may theoretically be appealing,
other considerations including drug toxicities, drug interactions, resistance, administration issues and
lack of pediatric experience may limit their use. Therefore, a narrower agent may be more appropriate
in situations where the risk of Candida infection is high.
The risk for yeast and mold infections differ depending on several factors including patient-related (i.e.
underlying malignancy), treatment-related (i.e. type of chemotherapy, timing post transplant),
complication-related (i.e. GVHD) and institution-related (i.e. mold rates). In this guideline, we have
attempted to outline what type of infection each patient population is considered to be at risk for, but
we have focused on the evidence available from randomized trials to formulate our recommendations.
We acknowledge that there may be other factors (i.e. institution specific mold rates) that may impact
the implementation of these guidelines at various centers.
limited to the assessment of primary antifungal prophylaxis in the context of the patient’s clinical status
and underlying medical condition and does not address issues related to other medical diagnoses.
Efficacy, cost, tolerability and toxicity of the medications were all considered when establishing these
Although it is recognized they may impact on antifungal prophylaxis, this guideline does not consider
other aspects of antifungal agent administration such as drug concentration monitoring and impact of
previous fungal disease on antifungal choice. The scope of this guideline excludes secondary antifungal
prophylaxis, or empiric, pre-emptive and therapeutic aspects of antifungal therapy. Specifically, pre-
emptive therapy strategies based on surrogate markers (i.e. galactomannan) are not addressed because
of a lack of pediatric data. However, further research in this area is needed and recommendations may
change as more evidence becomes available. Although some consideration is given to the implications
of using drugs that commonly interact with other medications, specific recommendations on what drugs
to use in various circumstances are not given. This guideline is also focused only on systemic antifungal
prophylaxis and does not address topical or aerosolized formulations or non-systemically absorbed oral
medications (i.e. oral amphotericin).
This guideline has been developed within the context of pediatric oncology and HSCT. It is acknowledged
that the recommendations presented here are based on the available evidence and that there are many
gaps. Readers are reminded that implementation of these recommendations will require adaptation to
the local context appreciating factors such as individual patient needs and preferences, clinician
knowledge, skill and practice scope, available resources and organizational policies and standards. The
choice of antifungal may also be affected by patient co-morbidities, the local incidence and prevalence
of fungal disease, local epidemiology and environmental factors, antifungal resistance patterns, and
potential drug-drug interactions.
The guideline will also be relevant to the administrators of health care institutions, laboratory services
and insurance companies who must ensure sufficient resources are available to provide antifungal
medications and laboratory services for monitoring purposes.
Health Questions
The following clinical questions guided the development of this guideline:
1. Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children undergoing allogeneic
HSCT? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used?
2. Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children undergoing autologous
HSCT? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used?
3. Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children with AML or MDS? If so,
what medication (dose and duration) should be used?
4. Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in children with malignancy and
anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days other than those undergoing HSCT or with AML or
MDS? If so, what medication (dose and duration) should be used?
The C17 Guidelines Committee identified antifungal prophylaxis as a key supportive care initiative in
2009. The C17 Antifungal Prophylaxis Working Group was formed in June 2009. Members were selected
from C17 sites across Canada with the aim to have an inter-disciplinary team including individuals with
content expertise and guideline development experience.
The initial stages of this project were informed by the guideline adaptation methodology developed by
the ADAPTE Collaboration19 and CAN-ADAPTE.20 The ADAPTE process is a systematic approach to
considering the use and/or modification of existing guidelines developed in one context for application
in a different context, so as to enhance the efficient production and use of high-quality adapted
guidelines. The strategies for searching for guidelines and guideline adaptation are outlined in
Appendix D.
To summarize in brief, literature searches of MEDLINE (OvidSP; 1966 to April Week 2 2011), Cumulative
Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL; OvidSP and EBSCO host; 1980 to April 2011) and
PubMed were performed. Grey literature was searched by using the search engine Google. Individual
panel members also reviewed their personal files, professional association documents and their own
institutional documents for guidelines that were relevant for review.
Guideline Selection Criteria and Appraisal
The guideline inclusion / exclusion criteria are outlined in detail in Appendix D. Guidelines identified
through the search were reviewed by the panel for relevance. Each guideline considered potentially
relevant was independently reviewed and scored by 4 panel members, using the Appraisal of Guidelines
for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) instrument.21 The AGREE instrument provides a framework for the
evaluation of guideline quality on the basis of 6 domains: scope and purpose; stakeholder involvement;
rigour of involvement; clarity and presentation; applicability; and editorial independence. Domain
scores and overall assessments from each reviewer were compiled for each guideline, and results were
presented for discussion at an in-person panel meeting. Panel members were provided copies of all
guidelines to facilitate discussion of the results and reach consensus on the suitability of each guideline
for guideline adaptation via the ADAPTE process. Each guideline was discussed as to why they were or
were not recommended. Particular attention was paid to rigor scores and guideline scope.
The selected guideline was to be updated by literature published since its development. However, after
reviewing the available guidelines, it was determined that none of the guidelines considered pediatric
specific literature. As a result, it was decided to undertake a comprehensive review of both pediatric and
adult literature in order to develop a broader evidence base on which to make recommendations and
allow for an emphasis to be placed on pediatric evidence.
Eligibility Criteria
Types of Studies
All randomized controlled trials comparing two antifungal agents, placebo or no prophylaxis were
included. Trials were from any year and in any language.
Trials conducted in patients of any age receiving chemotherapy for cancer or undergoing HSCT
(regardless of source of stem cells) were included. Trials involving patients with previous fungal disease
were excluded (i.e. secondary antifungal prophylaxis trials)
Trials involving any of the following antifungal agents were included as long as they were administered
systemically for prophylaxis: amphotericin B (conventional and lipid formulations), caspofungin,
micafungin, anidulafungin, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole or posaconazole. Trials with
nonsystemic antifungals were excluded (i.e. oral or inhaled amphotericin). Studies of pre-emptive or
empiric therapy or antifungal treatment were excluded.
Trials comparing a systemic antifungal agent to either another systemic antifungal agent, placebo or no
prophylaxis were included. Trials were excluded if more than one anti-fungal agent (systemic or
nonsystemic) was given in the treatment or comparator arm (i.e. combined prophylaxis trials) were
The outcomes of interest included: proven or probable IFI, fungal-related mortality, overall mortality
and adverse events. Trials reporting on only suspected invasive fungal infection, empiric antifungal
therapy use or fungal colonization were excluded.
Recommendations were developed for each of the a priori identified patient populations (allogeneic
stem cell transplantation, autologous stem cell transplantation, AML/MDS and malignancy with
anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days). Included trials were considered in the evidence base for a
specific patient population if the population accounted for more than 40% of the patients in the trial.
This meant that some trials were considered for evidence in more than one patient population. Trials
conducted in homogeneous patient populations were given higher weight as were pediatric specific
trials and trials that included children.
For each patient population, the evidence base was reviewed by the committee members.
Recommendations were established through panel discussions, whereby any differences of opinion
were resolved by consensus. If consensus was unable to be reached, a vote was cast. The quality of
evidence and strength of recommendations were assessed using the GRADE system developed by
Guyatt et al.22 by the lead author and confirmed through discussion by the remaining panel members.
The panel purposely did not seek to include patient input because the primary outcomes of interest
were development of IFI, fungal-related mortality and overall mortality. The panel felt that these
decisions were made primarily by healthcare teams rather than patients. However, the impact of
prophylaxis on patients was considered when making the recommendations, including ease/route of
drug administration, tolerability and adverse effects. We also considered cultural issues, but did not
identify any for this guideline.
The draft guideline was reviewed in a two stage process; content review and stakeholder review.
Initally, the guideline was reviewed by a panel of experts in pediatric hematology/oncology and
infectious disease. A total of 17 experts were contacted to review the document on December 4, 2011.
Eleven of 17 experts responded. The experts were asked to complete a questionnaire; their responses
and the panel’s responses, including changes to the draft guideline, are summarized in Appendix F.
Secondly, the guideline was sent to all C17 sites for stakeholder review on April 30, 2012. Similar to the
content review process, the stakeholders were asked to complete a questionnaire; their responses and
the panel’s responses/guideline changes are summarized in Appendix F. A total of 42 responses were
received. All cancer centers across Canada had at least one representative with the exception of one
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest were determined for each panel member prior to beginning the guideline process;
none were declared. Resources for guideline development were provided by the C17 Council, an
organization that represents the 16 pediatric cancer centers in Canada. Guideline development was
editorially independent from the funder.
The C17 Guidelines Committee will review this guideline every 3 years and at any time if significant
information becomes available.
Five guidelines on antifungal prophylaxis were identified and assessed using the AGREE instrument.23-27
All five guidelines were focused primarily on adult recommendations with a limited pediatric
information. Based on the overall assessment of the guidelines and the number of recommendations
received, it was a unanimous group decision to use the Infectious Disease Working Party (AGIHO) of the
German Society of Haematology and Oncology Recommendations for “Primary prophylaxis of invasive
fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies”23 as the basis for guideline adaptation. The
American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT) Guidelines for preventing infectious
complications among Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients27 as well as National
Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines on prevention and treatment of cancer-related
infections25 were identified as having strengths that would be used to influence the development of the
present guideline. A subsequent search also identified the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)
guideline that was also considered in this guideline development.28
Despite the number of guidelines to provide direction on the use of antifungal prophylaxis, there was a
lack of evidence-based guidelines that were specifically within the scope of antifungal prophylaxis for
pediatric patients. Both the ASBMT and NCCN guidelines are general guidelines based primarily on adult
literature. The AGIHO guidelines were felt to be more rigorous and complete and formatted in a
manner that would suit the purposes of this guideline. However, the AGIHO guidelines are also largely
based on adult patient data. It is recognized that extrapolation of adult recommendations to the
pediatric population is not always appropriate considering the differences in clinical disease, treatment
protocols and the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the medications. As a result, it was
decided that a comprehensive search of both pediatric and adult literature was appropriate in order to
expand the evidence base on which to make recommendations and allow for emphasis to be placed on
pediatric literature.
Primary Literature Search Results
As of August 29, 2012, a total of 11,255 references were indentified from MEDLINE, EMBASE, CCTR and
conference abstracts. All references were saved in an EndNote library used to identify the 3386
duplicates. The author (MS) reviewed the remaining 7869 unique references against our inclusion
criteria. From those citations, a total of 46 full publications and 1 conference abstract met the eligibility
criteria (Figure 1).
The remaining results and discussion have been divided into four sections: recommendations for
allogeneic HSCT recipients, recommendations for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant
recipients, recommendations for patients with AML or MDS and recommendations for patients with
malignancy and anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days. Each recommendation is accompanied by
the evidence on which the recommendation was made as well as the assessment of quality and strength
of the evidence.
Health Question 1: Should primary antifungal prophylaxis be used to prevent IFI in
children undergoing allogeneic HSCT? If so, what medication (dose and duration)
should be used?
Note: Adjust fluconazole dose in children with renal impairment. Consideration may be given to initiating
antifungal prophylaxis on the day of transplant for patients receiving conditioning agents known or
suspected to interact with fluconazole.
Evidence Summary
Table 2: Summary of Studies Used to Inform Recommendation 1.1
Study and Results *
FLUCONAZOLE High Dose vs. Low Dose
MacMillan et al (2002) PA
Randomized controlled trial (blinding unclear); two by two factorial design
253 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 56%, autologous 44%)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 19 years): 74 (29%)
Compared high dose fluconazole (400 mg/day; weight < 40 kg - 6 mg/kg/day) to low dose (200 mg/day;
weight < 40 kg - 3 mg/kg/day) starting within 72 hours of conditioning until neutrophils ≥ 1000 cells/L for
3 days and then second randomization to fluconazole 100 mg/day (weight < 40 kg - 1.5 mg/kg/day) or
clotrimazole troches daily until Day +100
Proven IFI by Day 50: 7.3% high dose fluconazole vs. 2.3% low dose (p = 0.06)
No difference in adverse events
Goodman et al (1992) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
356 HSCT patients (allogeneic 48%, autologous 52%); age ≥ 13 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to placebo starting at conditioning until neutrophils > 1000 cells/L
for 7 days (max. 10 weeks)
Proven IFI: 2.8% fluconazole vs. 15.8% placebo (p < 0.001)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.6% fluconazole vs. 5.6% placebo (p < 0.001)
No difference in overall survival
Slavin et al (1995) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
300 HSCT patients (allogeneic 88%, autologous 12%); age >12 years and weight >34 kg
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to placebo starting within 24 hours of conditioning until Day + 75
Proven IFI: 7% fluconazole vs. 18% placebo (p=0.004); predominantly Candida albicans resulting in
Fungal-related mortality: 12.5% fluconazole vs. 20.9% placebo (p=0.005)
Mortality (up to D+110): 20.4% fluconazole vs. 35.1% placebo (p=0.004)
Chandrasekar et al (1994) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
46 patients HSCT (allogeneic 41%, autologous 7%) or malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days
(52%); age ≥ 13 years
Number of pediatric patients (< 17 years): None
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to placebo starting at conditioning (HSCT) or initiation of
chemotherapy (malignancy) until resolution of neutropenia (≥ 1000 cells/L) 7 days (max. 10 weeks)
Systemic fungal infection: 8.7% fluconazole vs. 4.3% placebo (p=NS)
Mortality: 17.4% fluconazole vs. 8.7% placebo (p=NS)
Fungal-related mortality: 8.7% fluconazole vs. 4.3% placebo (p=NS)
Ota et al (2010) (Abstract) PA
Randomized controlled trial (blinding unclear)
76 HSCT patients (63% allogeneic, 37% autologous); age not stated
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to itraconazole 200 mg/day IV/PO starting on day of HSCT until
Day +28 (unclear whether itraconazole capsules vs. solution)
Proven or Probable IFI: No cases in either group
Severe hepatotoxicity: 13.5% fluconazole vs. 13.9% itraconazole
Marr et al (2004) PA
Open-label randomized controlled trial
304 allogeneic HSCT patients; age ≥ 13 years and weight > 40 kg
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to itraconazole 200 mg IV daily or solution 2.5 mg/kg PO TID
starting at conditioning for a minimum of 120 days or 4 weeks after discontinuing GVHD therapy (max. 180
Proven or probable IFI (intention to treat analysis): 16% fluconazole vs. 13% itraconazole (p=0.46)
Invasive mold infection (on treatment analysis): 12% fluconazole vs. 5% itraconazole (p=0.03)
Overall mortality (up to D+250): 31% fluconazole vs. 39% itraconazole (p=0.11)
Fungal-related mortality: 7% fluconazole vs. 8% itraconazole (p=NS)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 16% fluconazole vs. 36% itraconazole (p <0.001); predominantly
gastrointestinal disturbance
Winston et al (2003) PA
Open-label randomized controlled trial
140 allogeneic HSCT patients; age range 14 – 63 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to itraconazole 200 mg IV BID on Day +1 and Day +2 then 200 mg
IV daily or 200 mg solution PO BID until Day +100
Proven IFI during first 180 days post stem cell transplant (per protocol analysis): 25% fluconazole vs. 9%
itraconazole (p=0.01)
High rates of C. glabrata and C. krusei contributing to higher rates IFI in fluconazole group
Overall mortality: 42% fluconazole vs. 45% itraconazole (p=NS)
Fungal-related mortality: 18% fluconazole vs. 9% itraconazole (p=0.13)
Gastrointestinal side effects: 9% fluconazole vs. 24% itraconazole (p=0.02)
Wingard et al (2010) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
600 allogeneic HSCT patients; age ≥ 2 years
Number of pediatric patients (< 18 years): 51 (8.5%)
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day (children < 20 kg: 100 mg/day, > 20 kg: 200 mg/day) IV/PO to
voriconazole 200 mg BID (children < 20 kg: 50 mg BID, > 20 kg: 100 mg BID) IV/PO from the start of
conditioning until Day +100 or Day +180 (high risk patients)
Proven/probable IFI (up to D+180): 8.1% fluconazole vs. 4.6% voriconazole
Fungal free survival (alive and free from proven, probable and presumptive IFI) at 180 days: 75%
fluconazole vs. 78% voriconazole (p=0.49)
Overall mortality (up to D+180): 20% fluconazole vs. 18.8% voriconazole (p=NS)
Trial conducted in environment with structured monitoring (galactomannan)
Van Burik et al (2004) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
882 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 54%, autologous 46%)
Number of pediatric patients (< 16 years): 84 (9.5%)
Compared fluconazole 8 mg/kg/day (max 400 mg/day) IV to micafungin 1 mg/kg/day (max 50 mg/day) IV
starting from conditioning until the earliest of 5 days after engraftment (ANC ≥ 500 cells/L), Day +42,
development of proven/probable/possible IFI, unacceptable drug toxicity, death, withdrawal or
discontinuation of drug
Successful prophylaxis (absence of proven/probable/possible IFI) after 4 weeks therapy: 73.5% fluconazole
vs. 80% micafungin (p=0.03)
Proven/Probable IFI: 2.4% fluconazole vs. 1.6% micafungin (p=0.481)
Possible IFI: 21.4% fluconazole vs. 15.1% micafungin (p=0.026)
No difference in rates of invasive candidiasis, but aspergillosis lower in the micafungin group
No difference in overall or fungal-related mortality
Adverse events leading to drug discontinuation: 7.2% fluconazole vs. 4.2% micafungin (p=0.058)
Hiramatsu et al (2008) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
106 adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 52%, autologous 48%); age > 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV to micafungin 150 mg/day IV starting within 48 hours of conditioning
until the earliest of 5 days after engraftment, Day +42, proven/probable or possible IFI, drug toxicity, death,
withdrawal or discontinuation
Treatment success (absence of proven/probable/suspected IFI): 88% fluconazole vs. 94% micafungin
Proven IFI: 2% fluconazole vs. 2% micafungin (p = 1.0)
Probable IFI: 0 fluconazole vs. 0 micafungin (p = 1.0)
Overall mortality: 4% fluconazole vs. 8% micafungin (p=0.4)
Sample size determined based on number expected to enroll over 2 years; powered to detect 20%
difference in treatment success between groups
Riley et al (1994) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
35 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (69% allogeneic, 31% autologous)
Median age (range): amphotericin B 38 (10-51) years, placebo 38 (14-52) years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared conventional amphotericin B 0.1 mg/kg/day to placebo starting at onset of neutropenia until
neutrophils > 500 cells/L
Proven IFI (positive culture from sterile site or histopathological evidence of fungus): 0% conventional
amphotericin B vs. 28% placebo (p=0.045)
Fungal-related morality during hospitalization: 0% conventional amphotericin B vs. 11% placebo (no p
Tollemar et al (1993) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
76 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (83% allogeneic, 17% autologous)
Median age (range): liposomal amphotericin B 33 years (1-53), placebo 30 years (1-52)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared liposomal amphotericin B 1 mg/kg/day to placebo starting at onset of neutropenia until
neutrophil recovery to > 500 cells/L for 2 days
Proven IFI: 3% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 8% placebo
Overall mortality: 44% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 36% placebo
Kelsey et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
161 patients with malignancy or HSCT (chemotherapy 16%, allogeneic HSCT 53%, autologous HSCT 31%)
Mean age (SD): liposomal amphotericin B 39.6 years (11.0); placebo 40.2 (13.2) years
Compared liposomal amphotericin B 2 mg/kg three times/week to placebo starting at Day +1 after
chemotherapy or HSCT until neutrophil recovery
Proven IFI: 0% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 3.4% placebo (p=NS)
Suspected IFI: 31% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 40% placebo (p=NS)
Overall mortality: 15% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 14% placebo (p=NS)
Koh et al (2002) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
186 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 75%, autologous 25%);
Median age (range): fluconazole 29.8 years (4 – 63), conventional amphotericin B 29.6 years (4 – 62)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 200 mg/day (no pediatric dose specified) PO to conventional amphotericin B 0.2
mg/kg/day (max. 10 mg) IV starting from 1 day prior to conditioning until engraftment (ANC > 500 cells/L
x 3 days), drug toxicity, or proven/probable IFI
Proven IFI: 12% fluconazole vs. 12.8% conventional amphotericin B (p=0.09)
Suspected IFI: 4% fluconazole vs. 2.3% conventional amphotericin B (p=NS)
100 day survival: 78% fluconazole vs. 70% conventional amphotericin B (p=0.25)
Marks et al (2010) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
503 pediatric and adult allogeneic HSCT patients; age ≥ 12 years
Mean age (range): voriconazole 43.3 years (11-70), itraconazole 42.3 (13-70)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared voriconazole 6 mg/kg IV q12h loading dose on Day 1 then 200 mg PO BID (< 40 kg – doses
halved) to itraconazole 200 mg IV q12h loading dose on Day 1 and 2 then 200 mg PO BID starting the day of
HSCT until at least Day +100 and up to Day +180
Successful prophylaxis at 180 days (alive and without proven or probable IFI and able to tolerate drug for at
least 100 days with <= 14 days discontinuation): 48.7% voriconazole vs. 33.2% itraconazole (p<0.001)
Proven or Probable IFI: 1.3% voriconazole vs. 2.1% itraconazole (p=0.54)
Survival at one year: 73.5% voriconazole vs. 67.0% itraconazole (p=0.17)
More hepatic (12.9% vs. 5.0%) and visual (5.4% vs. 0%) adverse events in voriconazole arm, more
gastrointestinal side effects in itraconazole arm
There have been two well designed randomized, controlled trials comparing fluconazole to placebo in
adult patients.30,31 Both studies showed that fluconazole prophylaxis at a dose of 400 mg/day reduced
development of IFI largely secondary to the reduction in invasive candidal infections. Both pediatric
patients 12 years and older and adults were included in these trials. Although children less than 12 years
were excluded from these studies, it is reasonable to believe that this population would benefit similarly
from fluconazole prophylaxis. Given that there is adequate safety data for fluconazole use in the
pediatric age group, the recommendation has been extended to include all pediatric age groups. This is
in keeping with the AGIHO23, ASBMT27, NCCN25 and IDSA28 guidelines.
One of the concerns with fluconazole prophylaxis in allogeneic HSCT patients is its lack of anti-mold
coverage. Allogeneic HSCT patients are at risk for both invasive yeast infections such as Candida sp. and
mold infections but fluconazole is active only against some yeasts. As a result, several trials have
investigated broader spectrum agents. These trials are outlined in the following sections, but overall
agents with broader spectra have failed to demonstrate a meaningful benefit over fluconazole. In
addition, a recent meta-analysis that compared mold-active agents to fluconazole prophylaxis in adult
and pediatric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or HSCT, observed no difference in overall
mortality (RR 1.0; 95% CI 0.88-1.13) between groups.44 Prophylaxis with mold-active agents was
associated with a significantly lower number of proven or probable IFI and IFI-related mortality.
However, compared to patients receiving fluconazole, antifungal prophylaxis was modified or
discontinued more often in patients receiving mold-active prophylaxis (RR 1.19; 95% CI 1.19-3.08).
Thus, it is difficult to ascertain the contribution of anti-mold prophylaxis or the balance between risk
and benefit under these circumstances. Given that mold-active agents did not influence overall
mortality and have important limitations including drug interactions, toxicity, cost and, for some, limited
experience in children, fluconazole remains the recommended agent. Recommendations may change as
data becomes available in the future.
Among allogeneic HSCT recipients, some subgroups are considered to be at higher risk for mold
infections and thus specifically targeted with anti-mold prophylaxis. The IDSA suggests that allogeneic
HSCT patients with anticipated prolonged neutropenia of at least 2 weeks should receive anti-mold
prophylaxis (C III, IDSA quality grading45) because of the high risk of Aspergillus infection. Given the lack
of specific trials in children undergoing allogeneic HSCT, we have not made this recommendation at this
Another key consideration with fluconazole prophylaxis is its decreased effectiveness against certain
Candida species including C. glabrata and C. krusei. Since the introduction of routine fluconazole
prophylaxis in HSCT, the incidence of non-albicans Candida appears to be increasing,36,37 but the exact
burden is not clear. Health care providers should be aware of the gaps in coverage of fluconazole and
the potential increasing incidence of these Candida species when treating patients with persistent fever
on fluconazole prophylaxis. Similarly, for those patients known to be colonized with non-albicans
fluconazole-resistant species, the potential for disease from these species should be considered early in
patients with persistent fever or clinical signs of infection. Evidence-based recommendations for
alternate prophylactic agents cannot be made at this time.
The adult dosing recommendation of fluconazole 400 mg/day is extrapolated from the two placebo
controlled trials.30,31 This is the dose recommended by the AGIHO, ASBMT, NCCN and the IDSA Guideline
on Management of Candidiasis. Doses less than 400 mg/day have not been used in placebo controlled
trials. Only one trial has compared high dose (400 mg/day or 6 mg/kg/day) to low dose (200 mg/kg/day
or 3 mg/kg/day) fluconazole prophylaxis.46 This single center study was a two by two factorial design
with patients randomized to low or high dose fluconazole until engraftment and then randomized to
fluconazole 100 mg or clotrimazole trouches until 100 days after transplantation. At 50 days, there was
no difference between rates of Candida infection or Aspergillus infection between groups. However, this
outcome was measured at a time when majority of patients had crossed over to the second treatment
course raising concerns about potential interaction or contamination. As a result, there is insufficient
evidence to recommend the use of doses lower than 400 mg/day in adults at this time; this dose of
fluconazole appears to be well tolerated.47
The optimal pediatric dose is less clear. There have been no randomized controlled trials with
fluconazole conducted exclusively in children. The dosing recommendation we propose takes into
consideration the current recommended adult dose, its equivalent pediatric dose based on
pharmacokinetics and the fluconazole doses that have been used in pediatric trials. The pediatric
fluconazole dose which is equivalent to the dose recommended for adults in the AGIHO guideline (400
mg/day) ranges from 6 - 12 mg/kg/day depending on patient age and weight.48-52 This is based on
pharmacokinetic studies in children showing that children less than 15 years of age have a higher
volume of distribution and a faster elimination rate compared to adults.48,49,51 However, in trials that
have included children, fluconazole doses have ranged from 3 mg/kg/day46 to 8 mg/kg/day.37 The most
recent trial involving children by Wingard et al.36 used a fixed dose of 100 mg for children less than 20 kg
and 200 mg for children greater than 20 kg resulting in a range of doses from approximately 3 to 10
mg/kg/day depending on the patient’s weight.
From a safety standpoint, fluconazole is believed to be safe and well tolerated in doses up to 12
mg/kg/day.50 These doses have been used for prolonged periods to treat certain candidal infections
including meningitis, endophthalmitis and endocarditis. Furthermore, the IDSA recommends doses up to
12 mg/kg/day when using fluconazole for these clinical indications.53 Although there is insufficient data
on prolonged administration of prophylactic fluconazole at 12 mg/kg/day, doses up to 10 mg/kg/day
have been used safely in HSCT prophylaxis.36 Given the safety data from treatment studies and the
doses used in the current trials, it is likely that doses up to 12 mg/kg/day can be administered safely for
allogeneic HSCT cannot be made. However, considering the recommended adult dose, its pediatric
equivalent and the available efficacy and safety data, we recommend a dose range of 6 – 12 mg/kg/day
to a maximum of 400 mg/day. This dose range is higher than the ASBMT recommendation of 3 – 6
mg/kg/day (maximum 600 mg/day). However, we feel that the higher dose is justified given the
available information outlined above and the adequate safety data. Further research specifically
addressing the optimal dose of fluconazole in children would be useful.
The optimal duration of prophylaxis is also not clear. The trial by Goodman et al.30 continued
prophylaxis until the neutrophil count was greater than 1000 cells/L for 7 days and Slavin et al.31
continued prophylaxis until day +75 after HSCT. Both trials were associated with decreased rates of IFI in
those who received fluconazole prophylaxis. However, in the trial by Slavin et al., there was an overall
survival benefit in those treated with fluconazole that was not found in the trial by Goodman. This
survival benefit was not entirely attributable to decreased fungal infection and not adequately
explained. A post hoc long term follow-up of the trial by Marr et al. 200054 found that those on
fluconazole had decreased rates of severe gut GVHD, lower mortality from severe gut GVHD and lower
rates of disseminated candidal infections and Candida-associated death. Unfortunately, no such long
term analysis was conducted for the Goodman trial.
Therefore, administration of fluconazole for 75 days after HSCT may be associated with a mortality benefit
compared to administration of prophylaxis until engraftment. However, given the concerns with drug
interactions, potential difficulties with prolonged administration of fluconazole and lack of clear evidence
supporting the benefit of prolonged administration, we recommend continuing prophylaxis at least until
engraftment. This is consistent with the ASBMT guideline. It is known that the risk of fungal disease may
extend beyond this period but lack of study data limit an evidence-based recommendation to extend
prophylaxis beyond this point. This recommendation may change as further data become available.
There have been two randomized controlled trials comparing fluconazole to micafungin in allogeneic
HSCT recipients. The initial study by Van Burik et al.37 included both pediatric (n=84) and adult (n=798)
patients. Micafungin had a higher proportion of patients with successful prophylaxis at 4 weeks
following HSCT (80% vs. 73.5%) which reached statistical significance (p=0.03). However, the
investigators’ definition of IFI included proven, probable and possible IFI; thus, the comparability of
these findings to other trials is limited. Also, when only proven or probable IFI were compared between
treatment groups, there was no significant difference in infection rates and this is likely the more
relevant outcome. Both agents were effective for the prevention of invasive candidiasis and although
the rate of IA was lower in the micafungin group, this did not reach statistical significance. There was
also no difference in all cause mortality or fungal-related mortality between groups. The second trial by
Hiramatsu et al.,38 did not detect a significant difference in treatment success between groups.
However, the sample size was based on feasibility and the sample size was powered only to detect a
large (20%) difference between groups.
Both studies included both allogeneic and autologous HSCT recipients with a high percentage of
autologous recipients. Therefore, the results of these studies may be difficult to apply to the high risk
allogeneic HSCT group. Further research focusing on the use of micafungin or other echinocandins in
allogeneic HSCT patients would be helpful. In the meantime, it appears that micafungin is not inferior to
fluconazole nor has micafungin been associated with more adverse effects. It therefore is reasonable to
consider micafungin as an alternate to prophylaxis in those patients where fluconazole is
Other echinocandins have not been studied in this population. However, it is reasonable to assume that
they would be similarly effective. This is an important consideration as micafungin has not yet been
approved in Canada for use in children and there is a black box warning in Europe based on increased
number of liver tumors observed in rat models. As such, caspofungin is an attractive agent given it has
been approved for use in children (for other indications) and there is significant experience with its use.
This forms the basis for our recommendation that echinocandins can be considered as alternative
prophylactic agents when fluconazole is contraindicated. In these scenarios, generally other azoles are
contraindicated and given the lack of data for amphotericin products, echinocandins currently appear to
be the best alternative. However, the high cost and need for intravenous administrations are important
limitations to its use.
The adult dosing recommendation of micafungin 50 mg/day is based on pharmacokinetic-
pharmacodynamic data55 and it was the dose used in the Van Burik trial37 showing that micafungin was
not inferior to fluconazole. This is the adult dose recommended by the AGIHO guideline, ASBMT, NCCN
and the IDSA Guideline on Management of Candidiasis53. Doses less than 50 mg/day have not been used
in placebo controlled trials. Higher doses of 150 mg/day have been used safely,38 but there have been
no trials directly comparing higher and lower doses. As a result, there is no evidence to recommend
doses higher than 50 mg/day.
The optimal pediatric dose is less clear given there are few studies of dosing in children. Current
evidence is limited to pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic models, small clinical trials of short duration
and case reports. The recommended treatment dose of 2 – 4 mg/kg/day is based on
pharmacokinetic /pharmacodynamic data56 and clinical trials.57 This dose is equivalent to 100 – 200
mg/day in adults. Taking into consideration the recommended adult dose of 50 mg/day for prophylaxis,
the pediatric dosing equivalent would be 1 mg/kg/day. However, pharmacokinetic modeling in children
has shown that as weight decreases, higher doses of micafungin on a mg/kg basis are required to
achieve equivalent adult dosing, especially for children less than 10 – 15 kg.58 Therefore, the optimal
dose of micafungin prophylaxis is not clear, especially for younger children.
Unfortunately, given the limited number of trials conducted exclusively in children, an evidence-based
recommendation specific to HSCT regarding the optimal prophylactic dose of micafungin in children
undergoing allogeneic HSCT cannot be made. However, considering the recommended adult dose, its
pediatric equivalent, the available efficacy and safety data and the dose used in the one clinical trial that
included children,37 we recommend a dose of 1 mg/kg/day to a maximum of 50 mg/day. It is important
to consider that children with lower weights may require a higher milligram per kilogram dose but
evidence to make a specific recommendation are lacking. Further research specifically addressing the
optimal dose of micafungin in children would be useful.
Itraconazole is an alternative to fluconazole with a broader spectrum of activity. However, concerns
regarding efficacy, tolerability, cost and drug interactions have curtailed its widespread use. From a
practical standpoint, successful administration of itraconazole presents several challenges: very poor
and variable bioavailability (capsule vs oral solution), poor palatability, drug-drug and drug-food
interactions, and a relatively high incidence of adverse effects. There have been several trials comparing
itraconazole solution to fluconazole in allogeneic HSCT recipients. Winston et al.35 found that
itraconazole solution was associated with decreased rates of IFI but observed no impact on overall
mortality. In the trial by Marr et al.,59 itraconazole solution resulted in statistically significant fewer mold
infections, but did not differ from fluconazole in terms of rates of proven or probable IFI. There was also
no difference in overall mortality observed. Furthermore, prophylaxis was associated with a higher rate
of toxicity leading to high withdrawal rates in the itraconazole arm (36%). Neither of these trials
involved pediatric patients. A recent conference abstract by Ota et al.33 also compared itraconazole to
fluconazole and found no significant difference between groups in proven and probable IFI or severe
hepatotoxicity. Given its equivocal efficacy relative to other agents, poor adverse effect profile and drug
interactions associated with itraconazole, there is insufficient reason to recommend its use over
fluconazole for the prevention of fungal infection in children undergoing allogeneic HSCT.
Voriconazole has recently been evaluated in a large randomized controlled trial comparing voriconazole
to fluconazole in both adult and pediatric patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT.36 This well designed trial
did not find a difference between fluconazole and voriconazole with respect to fungal-free survival or
overall survival at 180 days. This trial was conducted in a setting with intensive monitoring and
surveillance for IFI and consequently its findings may not be applicable at other sites. Other
considerations with voriconazole are the significant potential for drug interactions and the lack of data
on the appropriate dose in children. The pharmacokinetic disposition of voriconazole in children is very
different from that of adults. Young children are known to clear voriconazole faster as demonstrated by
a 3-fold-lower plasma concentration in children given the standard adult dose of 4 mg/kg IV every
12 hours.60 Furthermore, young children display linear pharmacokinetics following IV administration60
whereas adults exhibit nonlinear pharmacokinetics61,62 making extrapolations from adult dosing very
difficult. Considering the lack of demonstrated efficacy for prophylaxis in patients undergoing allogeneic
HSCT, lack of data on dosing in children, the potential for drug interactions and the high cost of
voriconazole, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of voriconazole over fluconazole.
Several formulations of amphotericin have been studied in randomized controlled trials. Conventional
amphotericin B infusion has been compared to placebo and fluconazole at doses of 0.1 and 0.2
mg/kg/day respectively. Compared to placebo, conventional amphotericin B was associated with
significantly lower rates of IFI.63 However, when compared to fluconazole there was no significant
difference in rates of IFI between those receiving fluconazole and those receiving conventional
amphotericin B.42 Furthermore, conventional amphotericin B has been associated with higher infusion-
related reactions and renal toxicity leading to higher rates of drug discontinuation.64 Trials using
conventional amphotericin B at doses higher than 0.2 mg/kg/day have not been conducted.
Three lipid formulations are available including liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB, Ambisome®),
amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC, Abelcet®) and amphotericin B colloidal dispersion (ABCD,
Amphotec®). Liposomal amphotericin B has been evaluated in this setting and remains an attractive
alternative to conventional amphotericin because of its lower toxicity profile. There have been two
randomized controlled trials comparing liposomal amphotericin B to placebo.40,41 Both failed to
demonstrate a reduction in proven IFI compared to placebo. However, both trials were underpowered
to detect a significant difference.
Currently, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of amphotericin products for prophylaxis
in allogeneic HSCT patients.
Recommendation 1.2: Allogeneic HSCT with Acute Grade II-IV GVHD or Chronic Extensive
For children 13 years of age or older undergoing allogeneic HSCT with acute Grade II –
IV or chronic extensive GVHD, prophylaxis with posaconazole 200 mg PO TID from
GVHD diagnosis until resolution of acute grade II-IV GVHD or chronic extensive GVHD
is suggested (weak recommendation, moderate quality evidence).
For the above children where posaconazole is contraindicated, fluconazole 6 – 12
mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO is suggested as an alternative to
posaconazole (weak recommendation, low quality evidence).
For children one month to less than 13 years of age, fluconazole 6 – 12 mg/kg/day
(maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO from GVHD diagnosis until resolution of acute grade II
– IV GVHD or chronic extensive GVHD is suggested (weak recommendation, low
quality evidence).
Evidence Summary
Table 3: Summary of Evidence Used to Inform Recommendation 1.2
Study and Results *
Wingard et al (2010) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
600 allogeneic HSCT patients; age ≥ 2 years
Number of pediatric patients (< 18 years): 51 (8.5%)
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day (children < 20 kg: 100 mg/day, > 20 kg: 200 mg/day) IV/PO to
voriconazole 200 mg BID (children < 20 kg: 50 mg BID, > 20 kg: 100 mg BID) IV/PO from the start of
conditioning until Day +100 or Day +180 (high risk patients)
Proven/probable IFI (up to D+180): 8.1% fluconazole vs. 4.6% voriconazole
Fungal free survival (alive and free from proven, probable and presumptive IFI) at 180 days: 75%
fluconazole vs. 78% voriconazole (p=0.49)
Overall mortality (up to D+180): 20% fluconazole vs. 18.8% voriconazole (p=NS)
Trial conducted in environment with structured monitoring (galactomannan)
Ullmann et al (2007) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
600 allogeneic HSCT patients with acute grade II - IV GVHD or chronic extensive GVHD; age ≥ 13 years
and weight ≥ 34 kg
Number of pediatric patients (< 18 years): 12 (2%)
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to posaconazole 200 mg PO TID starting from randomization
until 112 days of prophylaxis or development of outcome
Proven or probable IFI: 9% fluconazole and 5.3% posaconazole (p=0.07)
IA: 7% fluconazole and 2.3% posaconazole (p=0.006)
Fungal-related mortality: 4% fluconazole vs. 1% posaconazole (p=0.046)
Overall mortality: 28.1% fluconazole vs. 25.2% posaconazole (p=NS)
Patients with GVHD are considered to be at increased risk of IFI because of the associated impairment in
cell mediated immunity, mucosal damage and immunosuppressive medications required for
treatment.66 Several trials in adults have confirmed this higher risk in patients with acute grade II – IV
GVHD10,12,67-69 and chronic extensive GVHD.67,68 Trials specific to children have also found an increased
risk of IFI in children with acute grade III-IV GVHD and chronic extensive GVHD.70 There have been few
prospective clinical trials conducted exclusively during this time period, however, in a retrospective
review of HSCT for chronic myelogenous leukemia, over 75% of patients had acute grade II-IV GVHD and
survival was improved in patients on fluconazole prophylaxis.71 This study and the evidence suggesting
that this is a high risk period for IFI, form the basis for recommending the use of anti-fungal prophylaxis
for patients with acute Grade II-IV GVHD or chronic extensive GVHD.
In terms of the choice of prophylactic agent, there have been limited comparative clinical trials. The
increased risk of IFI in this population appears to be attributable to an increased risk of invasive mold
infections (predominantly Aspergillus) which suggests that anti-mold prophylaxis may be indicated.
However, in the trial by Wingard et al.,36 there was no difference in fungal free survival or overall
survival in patients on fluconazole compared to voriconazole. Patients that were higher risk (i.e.
developed grade II-IV GVHD) continued prophylaxis for 180 days and this occurred in 50% of patients in
both trial arms. Although this group was not analyzed separately, this provides some evidence for the
use of fluconazole in patients with GVHD despite its lack of anti-mold activity.
There has been only one clinical trial specifically conducted in patients with GVHD.65 This double blind
trial by Ullmann et al. compared fluconazole to posaconazole in patients 13 years and older who had
acute grade II-IV or chronic extensive GVHD. Patients receiving posaconazole prophylaxis had lower
rates of proven and probable IFI and a lower rate of fungal–related mortality. All cause mortality was
similar between groups. Unfortunately, this trial included only 12 patients between the ages of
13 – 18 years (2%) thereby limiting its applicability to the pediatric population. Given that there is only
one trial which included very few children and there has not yet been a recommended dose for children
less than 13 years of age, there is insufficient information to routinely recommend posaconazole in
pediatric patients. However, its use can be considered in patients 13 years and older with GVHD. The
use of posaconazole in adolescents is therefore presented as a consideration. However, drug
interactions, the exclusive oral administration and the need to administer each dose together with high
fat food to ensure adequate absorption are important limitations of this agent.
For all children less than 13 years of age and for children 13 years and older where posaconazole is
contraindicated, we recommend the use of fluconazole given the experience in the Wingard trial.36
However, it is important to note that this trial was conducted in an intense monitoring environment
with frequent galactomannan testing and structured use of empiric therapy which may have impacted
on the rates of IFI, specifically invasive Aspergillus. Therefore, in centers with high rates of mold
infections and without intense monitoring, a mold active agent may be a reasonable choice for
prophylaxis in this patient population, although data is lacking. As more evidence becomes available, our
fluconazole recommendation may change. Further research is recommended to evaluate the use of anti-
mold agents for prophylaxis during this high risk period. For fluconazole dosing considerations see
section 1.1.
The duration of antifungal prophylaxis in patients with GVHD has not been well studied. In the trial by
Ullmann et al.,65 prophylaxis was continued until 112 days of prophylaxis or development of the
outcome. However, a strict time period of prophylaxis may not be ideal given the varying resolution
rates of GVHD. Given that patients with acute grade II-IV GVHD and chronic extensive GVHD have been
shown to be at increased risk for invasive mold infection, it is reasonable to conclude that antifungal
prophylaxis should continue until resolution of acute GVHD to Grade I or lower. This is consistent with
the NCCN guideline25 that suggests continuing prophylaxis until resolution of significant GVHD. Other
guidelines including ASBMT27 and IDSA28, do not define a duration but imply a similar approach.
Recommendation 2.1: Autologous HSCT with anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days
For children one month to less than 19 years of age undergoing autologous HSCT with
anticipated neutropenia for more than 7 days, administer fluconazole 6 – 12 mg/kg/day
(maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO from the start of conditioning until engraftment (strong
recommendation, moderate quality evidence).
Evidence Summary
Table 4: Summary of Evidence Used to Inform Recommendation 2.1
Study and Results *
Goodman et al (1992) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
356 HSCT patients (allogeneic 48%, autologous 52%); age ≥ 13 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to placebo starting at conditioning until neutrophils > 1000
cells/L for 7 days (max. 10 weeks)
Proven IFI: 2.8% fluconazole vs. 15.8% placebo (p < 0.001)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.6% fluconazole vs. 5.6% placebo (p < 0.001)
No difference in overall survival
Rotstein et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
274 patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT (AML 47%, autologous HSCT 53%); age > 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to placebo starting within 72 hours of cytotoxic chemotherapy
until neutrophils ≥ 500 cells/L for 2 days
Proven IFI (per protocol analysis): 2.8% fluconazole vs. 16.5% placebo (p<0.001)
Probable IFI (per protocol analysis): 3.5% fluconazole vs. 7.5% placebo (p=0.04)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.7% fluconazole vs. 4.5% placebo (p=0.04)
Overall mortality: 11% fluconazole vs. 11% placebo
Patients with AML receiving cytarabine and anthracycline and autologous HSCT not receiving growth
factors benefited most from antifungal prophylaxis
Annaloro et al (1995) PA
Open-label randomized controlled
59 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 39%, autologous 61%); age ≥ 13 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 300 mg/day PO to itraconazole capsules 400 mg/day starting at conditioning
until ANC > 500 cells/L; both groups received nystatin
Proven IFI: 3.6% fluconazole vs. 12.9% itraconazole (p=NS)
No statistically significant differences in need to add amphotericin B, number of febrile episodes,
infection mortality, or number of possible, proven or suspected fungal infection
Oren et al (2006) PA
Open-label randomized controlled trial
195 patients with acute leukemia or HSCT (acute leukemia 22%, autologous HSCT 55%, allogeneic HSCT
23%); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to itraconazole solution 200 mg BID (or 200 mg IV daily) from
start of chemotherapy until resolution of neutropenia (max. 8 weeks)
Proven IFI: 3% fluconazole vs. 3% itraconazole (p=NS)
Probable IFI: 6% fluconazole vs. 5.2% itraconazole (p=NS)
No significant difference in invasive candidiasis or invasive aspergillosis between groups
Fungal-related mortality: 9.1% fluconazole vs. 5.2% itraconazole (p=NS)
Huijgens et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
202 patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 10 days (acute leukemia 39%, lymphoma
36%, autologous HSCT 57%); age > 18 years
Compared fluconazole 50 mg PO BID to itraconazole 100 mg PO BID from start of chemotherapy until
neutrophils > 500 cells/L
Proven IFI: 4% in each group (p=NS)
Fungal-related mortality: 3% fluconazole vs. 6% itraconazole
Overall mortality: 6.9% fluconazole vs. 10.1% itraconazole (p=NS)
Timmers et al (2000) A
Open-label randomized controlled trial
24 patients with malignancy or HSCT with anticipated neutropenia ≥ 10 days (autologous HSCT 63%,
allogeneic HSCT 8%, malignancy 29%): age ≥ 18 years
Compared fluconazole 200 mg/day PO to amphotericin B colloidal dispersion (ABCD) 2 mg/kg/day IV
from the start of chemotherapy until ANC > 500 cells/L
Trial stopped early because of severe infusion-related toxicity in ABCD arm
Wolff et al (2000) A
Open-label randomized controlled trial
355 adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 29%, autologous 71%); age ≥ 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to conventional amphotericin B 0.2 mg/kg/day from Day -1
until neutrophils > 500 cells/L
Proven IFI: 4.1% fluconazole vs. 7.5% conventional amphotericin B (p=NS)
Fungal-related morality: 2.6% fluconazole vs. 1.3% conventional amphotericin B
Overall mortality: 12.1% fluconazole vs. 11.9% conventional amphotericin B
Adverse events: 0.5% fluconazole vs. 19% conventional amphotericin B (p < 0.05); predominantly renal
toxicity and infusion related
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 0.5% fluconazole vs. 12.6% conventional amphotericin B (p
< 0.05)
Perfect et al (1992) A
Double-blind randomized controlled trial
182 adult patients undergoing autologous HSCT
Compared conventional amphotericin B 0.1 mg/kg/day to placebo from start of leucopenia (white
blood cell count < 1000 cells/L) until neutrophils > 500 cells/L
Sterile site fungal infection: 8.8% conventional amphotericin B vs. 14.3% placebo (p=0.35)
Fungal-related mortality: 0% conventional amphotericin B vs. 2.2% placebo (p=NS)
Overall survival (at 6 weeks): 3.3% conventional amphotericin B vs. 12.1% placebo (p < 0.03)
More infusion-related toxicity with conventional amphotericin B (p< 0.001)
Van Burik et al (2004) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
882 pediatric and adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 54%, autologous 46%)
Number of pediatric patients (< 16 years): 84 (9.5%)
Compared fluconazole 8 mg/kg/day (max 400 mg/day) IV to micafungin 1 mg/kg/day (max 50 mg/day)
IV starting from conditioning until the earliest of 5 days after engraftment (ANC ≥ 500 cells/L), Day
+42, development of proven/probable/possible IFI, unacceptable drug toxicity, death, withdrawal or
discontinuation of drug
Successful prophylaxis (absence of proven/probable/possible IFI) after 4 weeks therapy: 73.5%
fluconazole vs. 80% micafungin (p=0.03)
Proven/Probable IFI: 2.4% fluconazole vs. 1.6% micafungin (p=0.481)
Possible IFI: 21.4% fluconazole vs. 15.1% micafungin (p=0.026)
No difference in rates of invasive candidiasis, but aspergillosis lower in the micafungin group
No difference in overall or fungal-related mortality
Adverse events leading to drug discontinuation: 7.2% fluconazole vs. 4.2% micafungin (p=0.058)
Hiramatsu et al (2008) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
106 adult HSCT patients (allogeneic 52%, autologous 48%); age > 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV to micafungin 150 mg/day IV starting within 48 hours of
conditioning until the earliest of 5 days after engraftment, Day +42, proven/probable or possible IFI,
drug toxicity, death, withdrawal or discontinuation
Treatment success (absence of proven/probable/suspected IFI): 88% fluconazole vs. 94% micafungin
Proven IFI: 2% fluconazole vs. 2% micafungin (p = 1.0)
Probable IFI: 0 fluconazole vs. 0 micafungin (p = 1.0)
Overall mortality: 4% fluconazole vs. 8% micafungin (p=0.4)
Sample size determined based on number expected to enroll over 2 years; powered to detect 20%
difference in treatment success between groups
There are two meta-analyses that suggest that antifungal prophylaxis should be used during autologous
HSCT.77,78 Robenshtok et al. found a trend toward lower rates of documented IFI in patients receiving
antifungal prophylaxis (RR 0.69, CI 0.13 to 1.01). Lower all-cause mortality was also observed in these
patients; however, this finding was based on only one trial (RR 0.52, CI 0.0.08 to 0.95). Similarly, the
meta-analysis by Bow et al. found that antifungal prophylaxis was associated with lower rates of IFI and
fungal-related mortality. Overall mortality was reduced in the subgroups of patients who had prolonged
neutropenia and in autologous or allogeneic HSCT recipients.
Fluconazole has been compared to placebo in two well-designed clinical trials involving more than 50%
of patients undergoing autologous HSCT.30,72 Both trials found that there were fewer proven or probable
IFIs and fewer deaths attributable to fungal infection in those receiving fluconazole. Based on these two
trials and the meta-analyses suggesting antifungal prophylaxis should be used in this population, we
recommend that patients undergoing autologous HSCT with anticipated neutropenia for more than 7
days receive prophylaxis from the start of conditioning until neutrophil recovery. This is a strong
recommendation made on moderate quality of evidence because the patient populations in these trials
were heterogeneous and included higher risk allogeneic HSCT patients. There have been no trials
conducted exclusively in autologous HSCT patients.
Both NCCN25 and ASBMT27 guidelines also recommend the use of fluconazole prophylaxis in autologous
HSCT but only in certain subpopulations. NCCN suggests that autologous HSCT patients with severe
mucositis should receive fluconazole or micafungin prophylaxis because of the higher risk for
candidemia in patients with mucosal breakdown. ASBMT recommends fluconazole prophylaxis in
autologous HSCT patients who have underlying malignancies, who will have prolonged neutropenia and
mucosal damage or who have received fludarabine or 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CDA) within 6 months
prior to HSCT. These recommendations are based on expert opinion.
Issues with respect to pediatric fluconazole dosing have been addressed earlier (see recommendation
1.1). We recommend a dose of 6 – 12 mg/kg/day to a maximum of 400 mg/day.
Randomized controlled trials comparing itraconazole to fluconazole have been conducted using
itraconazole capsules73,79 and, the more highly bioavailable itraconazole solution.74 In each of these
trials, greater than 50% patients were undergoing autologous HSCT. No statistically significant difference
was found between groups with respect to rates of IFI or overall mortality in any of the trials. Therefore,
there does not appear to be an advantage of itraconazole over fluconazole prophylaxis.
Conventional amphotericin B has been compared to placebo in a randomized controlled trial including
only patients undergoing autologous HSCT.76 This trial showed no difference in rates of IFI or fungal-
related mortality between conventional amphotericin B and the control group. However, there was
more infusion-related toxicity in the conventional amphotericin B arm (p < 0.001). Similar results were
found in a trial comparing conventional amphotericin B to fluconazole.64 There was no difference in
rates of IFI, but there was significantly renal toxicity and infusion-related toxicity in the conventional
amphotericin B arm. There have been no studies using lipid formulations of amphotericin B in this
patient population.
The trials by Hiramatsu et al.38 and Van Burik et al.37 both compared micafungin to fluconazole in a
patient population with a high percentage of patients undergoing autologous HSCT; these results have
been previously discussed in the allogeneic HSCT section. To summarize, in the Van Burik trial,
micafungin had a higher percentage of patients with successful prophylaxis at 4 weeks (80% vs. 73.5%)
when the definition of successful prophylaxis included absence of proven, probable and possible IFI.
When only proven or probable IFI were compared, there was no significant difference in infection rates.
Hiramatsu et al.38 did not detect a significant difference in treatment success but the sample size was
not large enough to detect treatment differences less than 20%.
Both studies included both allogeneic and autologous HSCT recipients. Therefore, the results may be
difficult to interpret when applying to the lower risk autologous HSCT. However, it appears that
micafungin is not inferior to fluconazole and micafungin has not been associated with more adverse
effects. However, given the lower risk of IFI in autologous HSCT patients and the moderate quality of
evidence for fluconazole prophylaxis in this patient population, we have not recommended that
micafungin be considered as an alternate to fluconazole prophylaxis. This recommendation may change
as further data become available.
For children one month to less than 19 years of age with AML or MDS, administer
fluconazole 6 – 12 mg/kg/day (maximum 400 mg/day) IV/PO during chemotherapy-
associated neutropenia (strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence).
For children 13 years of age or older with AML or MDS, posaconazole 200 mg PO
TID is suggested as an alternative to fluconazole in centers where there is a high local
incidence of mold infections or if fluconazole is not available (weak recommendation,
moderate quality evidence).
Evidence Summary
Table 5: Summary of Evidence Used to Inform Recommendation 3.1
Study and Results *
FLUCONAZOLE vs. PLACEBO or No Prophylaxis
Kern et al (1998) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
68 high risk AML patients ≥ 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO plus standard prophylaxis to standard prophylaxis alone (oral
colistin sulfate, amphotericin B suspension and co-trimoxazole) from start of chemotherapy until
leukocyte count > 1000 cells/L
Proven IFI: 5.6% fluconazole vs. 6.3% standard prophylaxis alone (p=NS)
No difference in overall survival or fungal-related mortality between groups
Trial ended early because of perceived futility; intended sample size not achieved
Rotstein et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
274 patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT (AML 47%, autologous HSCT 53%); age > 18 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to placebo starting within 72 hours of cytotoxic
chemotherapy until neutrophils ≥ 500 cells/L for 2 days
Proven IFI (per protocol analysis): 2.8% fluconazole vs. 16.5% placebo (p<0.001)
Probable IFI (per protocol analysis): 3.5% fluconazole vs. 7.5% placebo (p=0.04)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.7% fluconazole vs. 4.5% placebo (p=0.04)
Overall mortality: 11% fluconazole vs. 11% placebo
Patients with AML receiving cytarabine and anthracycline and autologous HSCT not receiving growth
factors benefited most from antifungal prophylaxis
Schaffner et al (1995) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
151 patients with malignancy (AML 72%, NHL 28%); age ≥ 17 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to placebo from the start of chemotherapy until stable
neutrophil recovery > 500 cells/L
Proven IFI: 8% fluconazole vs. 9.2% placebo
Proven/probable IFI: 10.6% fluconazole vs. 10.5% placebo (p=NS)
Invasive candidiasis: 0% fluconazole vs. 5.3% placebo (p=0.12)
Fungal-related mortality: 2.7% fluconazole vs. 2.6% placebo (p=NS)
Overall mortality: 5.3% fluconazole vs. 6.6% placebo
No significant difference in number of adverse events between group
Winston et al (1993) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
256 adults with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days (AML 71%, ALL 20%, other 9%);
age ≥ 17 years
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO/IV to placebo starting at the onset of chemotherapy until
neutrophils > 1000 cells/L for 7 days (max 10 weeks)
Proven IFI: 4% fluconazole vs. 8% placebo (p=0.3)
Overall mortality (while on study drug): 0.8% fluconazole vs. 3% placebo (p=NS)
Ito et al (2007) PA
Randomized controlled trial (blinding unclear)
218 patients with malignancy (AML 87%, MDS 13%); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 200 mg/day PO to itraconazole capsules 200 mg/day at the start of
chemotherapy until neutrophils > 1000 cells/L
Proven IFI: None in either group
Probable IFI: 2.7% fluconazole vs. 0% itraconazole (p=0.25)
Possible IFI: 7.3% fluconazole vs. 3.7% itraconazole
Adverse events: 2% fluconazole vs. 4% itraconazole (p=0.65)
Glasmacher et al (2006) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
494 patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 10 days (AML 73%, ALL 12%, CML with
blast crisis 4%); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to itraconazole solution 2.5 mg/kg BID from the start of
chemotherapy until neutrophils > 1000 cells/L
Proven IFI: 2.0% fluconazole vs. 1.6% itraconazole (p=0.69)
Proven IA: 1.2% fluconazole vs. 0.9% itraconazole (p=0.58)
Fungal-related mortality: 1.2% fluconazole vs. 0.8% itraconazole (p=0.628)
Overall mortality: 11.4% fluconazole vs. 10.1% itraconazole (p=0.678)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 28% fluconazole vs. 36% itraconazole (p=0.006)
Study terminated early because of slow patient accrual
Morgenstern et al (1999) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
445 patients with malignancy and HSCT with anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days (60% malignancy /
chemotherapy, 31% autologous HSCT, 9% allogeneic HSCT); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
53% of neutropenic episodes were in patients had AML but the number receiving chemotherapy or
HSCT was not stated
Compared fluconazole 100 mg/day PO to itraconazole solution 2.5 mg/kg BID starting before start of
neutropenia until neutrophils > 1000 cells/L for 7 days
Proven IFI: 2% fluconazole vs. 0.3% itraconazole (p = 0.06)
IA: 1.4% fluconazole vs. 0% itraconazole (no p-value)
IFI mortality: 1.4% fluconazole vs. 0% itraconazole (no p-value)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 4.4% fluconazole vs. 17.7% itraconazole (p< 0.001)
Cornely et al (2007) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
602 patients with malignancy (AML 86%, MDS 14%) and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days; age ≥ 13
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): 16 (2.7%)
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO or itraconazole solution 200 mg/day to posaconazole 200 mg
PO TID starting at the beginning of the chemotherapy cycle until remission and recovery of
Proven/probable IFI: 8.4% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 2.3% posaconazole (p < 0.001)
IA: 6.7% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 0.7% posaconazole (p < 0.001)
Fungal-related mortality: 5.4% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 1.6% posaconazole (p=0.01)
Overall mortality: 22.5% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 16.1% posaconazole (p=0.048)
Treatment-related adverse events: 2.0% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 6.3% posaconazole (p = 0.01),
predominantly gastrointestinal
Mattiuzzi et al (2003) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
137 patients with newly diagnosed malignancy undergoing induction chemotherapy (AML 70%, MDS
30%); age ≥ 15 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 200 mg/day PO BID combined with itraconazole 200 mg BID capsules to
liposomal amphotericin B 3 mg/kg three times per week from the start of induction until the ANC >
500 cells/L for 2 days
Proven IFI: 4.5% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 4.3% liposomal amphotericin B (no p value)
Fungal-related mortality: 1.5% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 1.4% liposomal amphotericin B (no p
Overall mortality: 11.9% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 14.3% liposomal amphotericin B (p=0.45)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 8% fluconazole/itraconazole vs. 14% liposomal
amphotericin B (p=0.28)
Bodey et al (1994) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
77 patients with acute leukemia (94% AML, 6% ALL); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared conventional amphotericin B 0.5 mg/kg three times per week to fluconazole 400 mg/day
PO from the start of chemotherapy until remission of leukemia and neutrophils > 1000 cells/L
(max. 8 weeks)
Proven IFI: 8.3% conventional amphotericin B vs. 4.9% fluconazole (p=0.66)
Probable IFI: 19.4% conventional amphotericin B vs. 7.3% fluconazole
Fungal-related morality: 2.8% conventional amphotericin B vs. 0% fluconazole (no p value)
Overall mortality: 11.1% conventional amphotericin B vs. 14.6% fluconazole (no p value)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 11.1% conventional amphotericin B vs. 2.4% fluconazole
(no p value)
Nucci et al (2000) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
210 pediatric and adult patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT (AML 60%, ALL 20%,
autologous HSCT 15%)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available; age < 12 years: 14 (7%)
Compared itraconazole capsules 100 mg PO BID to placebo from the start of chemotherapy until
ANC > 1000 cells/L for 3 days
Proven IFI: 4.8% itraconazole vs. 8.5% placebo (p=0.28)
Fungal-related mortality: 1.9% itraconazole vs. 0.9 % placebo (p=NS)
Overall mortality: 7.7% itraconazole vs. 6.6% placebo (p=0.76)
Adverse events related to medication: 5.8% itraconazole vs. 6.6% placebo (p=0.80)
Vreugdenhil et al (1993) PA
Double blind randomized controlled trial
92 patients with malignancy (AML 64%, ALL 24%, other 12%); age > 15 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared itraconazole capsules 400 mg/day to placebo started prior to chemotherapy and
continued during cycles until the end of neutropenia following the last cycle of chemotherapy
Proven IFI: 10.9% itraconazole vs. 19.6% placebo (no p-value)
IA: 8.6% itraconazole vs. 6.5% placebo (no p-value)
Probable IFI: 4.3% itraconazole vs. 2.2% placebo (no p-value)
Fungal-related mortality: 15.2% itraconazole vs. 15.2% placebo (p=NS)
Overall mortality: 21.7% itraconazole vs. 30.4% placebo (p=NS)
Kaptan et al (2003) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
55 patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days (AML 56%, ALL 44%); age ≥ 20
Compared itraconazole capsules 200 mg BID to no prophylaxis from the start of chemotherapy until
ANC > 1000 cells/L for 3 days
Proven IFI: 3.7% itraconazole vs. 4.7% control (p=NS)
Probable IFI: 9.3% itraconazole vs. 4.7% control
Fungal-related mortality: None in either group
Overall mortality: 16.1% itraconazole vs. 8.3% control (p=NS)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 3.7% itraconazole
Menichetti et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
405 adult patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT and anticipated neutropenia (leukemia 76%,
autologous HSCT 18%); age ≥ 17 years
Compared itraconazole solution 2.5 mg/kg BID to placebo starting 1-3 days prior to start of
chemotherapy until neutrophils ≥ 1000 cells/L
Proven IFI: 2.5% itraconazole vs. 4.4% placebo (p=NS)
IA: 2.0% itraconazole vs. 0.5% placebo (p=NS)
IC: 0.5% itraconazole vs. 3.9% placebo (p=0.01)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.5% itraconazole vs. 2.5% placebo (p=0.11)
Overall mortality: 7.5% itraconazole vs. 8.8% placebo (p=NS)
Mattiuzzi et al (2011) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
123 adult patients with malignancy undergoing induction chemotherapy or first salvage (AML 76%,
high-risk MDS 24%); age ≥ 18 years
Compared voriconazole 400 mg IV q 12 h x 2 doses then 300 mg BID to itraconazole 200 mg IV BID x
2 days then 200 mg IV daily beginning at the start of chemotherapy until ANC > 500 cells/L for 2
Proven/probable IFI: 0% voriconazole vs. 3.8% itraconazole arm (p=0.17)
IFI-related mortality: 0% voriconazole vs. 1.9% itraconazole (no p value)
Overall mortality: 8.4% voriconazole vs. 11.5% itraconazole (p=0.79)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 21.1% voriconazole vs. 11.5% itraconazole (p=0.23)
Mattiuzzi et al (2006) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
197 patients with malignancy (AML 75%, high risk MDS 25%); age ≥ 15 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared itraconazole 200 mg IV BID x 2 days then 200 mg/day IV to caspofungin 50 mg IV daily
beginning at the start of chemotherapy until the ANC > 500 cells/L for 2 days
Proven IFI: 5.8% itraconazole vs. 6.6% caspofungin
Successful prophylaxis (no proven/probable/possible IFI): 51.2% itraconazole vs. 51.9% caspofungin
Fungal-related mortality: 2.3% itraconazole vs. 3.8% caspofungin (p=0.57)
Overall mortality: 8.1% itraconazole vs. 6.5% caspofungin (no p value)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 9.3% itraconazole vs. 3.8% caspofungin (p=0.12)
Cattaneo et al (2011) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
175 patients with malignancy (AML 79%, ALL 21%); age ≥ 18 years
Compared standard prophylaxis (itraconazole 82%, fluconazole 12%, posaconazole 1%, none 5%) to
caspofungin 70 mg/day and 50 mg/day IV from the start of chemotherapy until protocol endpoints
reached (i.e. leukemia remission, invasive fungal infection, severe adverse event) or physician
decision (for standard prophylaxis group)
Proven/probable IFI: 7.5% standard prophylaxis vs. 3.7% caspofungin (p=NS)
Possible IFI: 8.6% standard prophylaxis vs. 17.1% caspofungin (p=NS)
Fungal-related mortality: 0% standard prophylaxis vs. 1.1% caspofungin (no p-value)
Overall mortality: 7.3% standard prophylaxis vs. 9.7% caspofungin (no p-value)
Vehreschild et al (2007) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
25 AML patients; age ≥ 18 years
Compared voriconazole 200 mg PO BID to placebo started 24-48 hours after the last anthracycline
dose until ANC > 500 cells/L (max. 21 days)
Incidence of lung infiltrate at Day +21 (primary outcome): 0% voriconazole vs. 33% placebo (p=0.06)
No significant difference in adverse events
Trial stopped early when Cornely et al (2007) published showing reduced mortality with
Penack et al (2006) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
132 patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT (AML 65%, NHL 20%, autologous HSCT 22%); age
> 18 years
Compared liposomal amphotericin B 50 mg IV q 48 h to no prophylaxis from the start of neutropenia
until neutrophil count > 500 cells/L
Proven/probable IFI: 6.7% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 35.1% control (p=0.001)
IA less common in liposomal amphotericin B group (p = 0.0057)
Fungal-related mortality: 2.7% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 12.3% no prophylaxis (p=0.039)
Overall mortality: 5.3% liposomal amphotericin B arm vs. 14.0% no prophylaxis (p=0.13)
The two previously discussed meta-analyses suggested that antifungal prophylaxis should probably be
administered to high risk leukemia patients.77,78 Although the Robenshtok et al. meta-analysis included
trials with heterogeneous patient populations, several trials in the acute leukemia subgroup had a high
proportion of AML patients. In this subgroup, the meta-analysis found that there was a significant
reduction in fungal-related mortality and documented IFI. Five trials included children but there was no
pediatric/adult subgroup analysis. The meta-analysis by Bow et al.78 also found that antifungal
prophylaxis was associated with lower rates of IFI and fungal-related mortality. Overall mortality was
reduced in the subgroups of patients who had prolonged neutropenia and in HSCT recipients. This
evidence suggests that patients with AML should receive antifungal prophylaxis during their course of
chemotherapy treatment when they often have prolonged neutropenia.
Several antifungal agents have been evaluated for prevention of IFI in patients with AML and MDS.
Randomized controlled trials have been conducted comparing fluconazole to no prophylaxis81 and to
placebo.72,82,83 The trial by Kern et al.,81 conducted in an exclusively AML population, did not find a
difference in IFI incidence between patients receiving fluconazole compared to no prophylaxis.
However, the trial was ended early secondary to perceived futility and did not achieve the required
sample size to detect a significant difference. Three placebo controlled trials were conducted in mixed
populations. The trials by Schaffner et al.82 and Winston et al.83 both had more than 70% patients with
AML and found no significant difference in rates of IFI in the fluconazole group compared to placebo. In
contrast, the study by Rotstein et al.72 had fewer AML patients (47%) but found significantly fewer
proven and probable IFIs in the fluconazole arm and lower fungal attributable mortality. On further
subgroup analysis, patients with AML appeared to benefit most from antifungal prophylaxis with
Further support for the use of fluconazole in patients with AML comes from a meta-analysis of
fluconazole to prevent fungal infection in neutropenic patients.99 This meta-analysis found that
fluconazole was effective at decreasing systemic fungal infection when the local incidence of IFI was
greater than 15%. Consequently, on balance, the evidence supports the use of fluconazole prophylaxis
in AML patients.
Although none of the above-mentioned trials included children, it is reasonable to assume that pediatric
AML patients would benefit similarly from fluconazole prophylaxis. There is adequate safety data and
significant experience with fluconazole use in this patient population and age group. Therefore, given
that this is a high risk population, we recommend that children with AML/MDS receive prophylaxis with
fluconazole throughout the course of chemotherapy while they are neutropenic. This is consistent with
IDSA recommendations that prophylaxis against Candida sp. should be given in AML patients undergoing
Intensive remission-induction or salvage induction chemotherapy.28 However, this is in contrast to the
NCCN guideline that recommends against the use of fluconazole prophylaxis in leukemia patients
outside the HSCT period based on the two negative trials.81,83 NCCN recommends posaconazole
prophylaxis during induction or re-induction chemotherapy for adult patients with AML.
At centers with high rates of mold infections, mold active agents may be superior to fluconazole in this
patient population. However, the panel recommended fluconazole because, apart from posaconazole,
other agents have failed to show important benefits over fluconazole in RCTs and a recent meta-
analysis44 and other agents have important drawbacks. Based on the one RCT where posaconazole
showed a benefit over fluconazole (see below), posaconazole was suggested as an alternative to
fluconazole in older children.
There have been several studies comparing itraconazole to placebo or other antifungal agents. Although
these trials were often conducted in heterogeneous patient populations, most consisted of greater than
40% AML patients. Studies by Nucci et al.,90 Kaptan et al.92 and Vreugdenhil et al.91 compared
itraconazole capsules to placebo and failed to demonstrate a reduction in IFI incidence in the
itraconazole arm. These studies have been criticized for the use of capsules and their associated delay in
reaching the plasma drug concentrations necessary for successful prophylaxis. Oral itraconazole
suspension has better bioavailability and was used in the placebo-controlled trial by Menichetti et al.93
In this study, 76% of patients had acute leukemia but the proportion of patients with AML was not
stated. Patients in the itraconazole arm had lower rates of proven or suspected IFI (24% vs. 33%
placebo, p = 0.035). This difference was largely attributable to decreased rates of fungemia due to
Candida sp. and did not impact rates of IA. There was no significant difference between groups with
respect to fungal-related mortality or overall mortality.
When compared to fluconazole, two trials found no difference in rates of IFI between patients receiving
fluconazole compared to itraconazole.84,85 Although Morgenstern et al.86 found a trend toward more IFIs in
participants on fluconazole compared to itraconazole (p=0.06), low doses of fluconazole were used as the
comparator (100 mg/day). Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of itraconazole over
fluconazole in pediatric AML despite its broader spectrum of coverage. Issues with drug interactions,
palatability and toxicity are also limitations making the use of itraconazole less feasible.
Trials involving other azoles in AML have been limited. Itraconazole has recently been compared to
voriconazole and no difference in rates of proven/probable IFI was observed.94 Voriconazole has also
been compared to placebo and a trend toward decreased incidence of lung infiltrate at Day +21 was
found (0% voriconazole vs. 33% placebo, p = 0.06).100 However, the trial was stopped early (n=25)
secondary to ethical concerns when the study by Cornely et al. was published showing improved
outcomes in AML/MDS patients receiving posaconazole prophylaxis.
Cornely et al.87 compared posaconazole to fluconazole or itraconazole in an open label randomized
controlled trial. Patients in the posaconazole arm had significantly lower rates of proven/probable IFI,
mainly attributable to a reduction in IA. Overall and fungal-related mortalities were also reduced in the
posaconazole arm. However, there were significantly more adverse events possibly or probably related
to treatment in the posaconazole arm (6%) compared to the other treatment arms (2%). This trial forms
the basis for the current recommendation in our guideline to consider posaconazole prophylaxis during
chemotherapy cycles for AML/MDS patients 13 years of age or older. Unfortunately, this trial included
only 16 patients between the ages of 13 – 18 years (2%) thereby limiting its applicability to the pediatric
population. Given that there is only one trial which included very few children and there has not yet
been a recommended dose for children less than 13 years of age, there is insufficient information to
routinely recommend posaconazole in pediatric patients although its use can be considered in patients
13 years and older. The use of posaconazole in adolescents is therefore presented as a consideration.
There are several other important considerations with respect to posaconazole use in children receiving
chemotherapy for AML or MDS. Currently, it is only available orally and needs to be given with high fat
food to optimize absorption. Therefore, it may not be tolerated in patients with mucositis or
nausea/vomiting. In addition, in the Cornely trial87, several patients received additional chemotherapy
and the indication was not clear. It should be cautioned that further studies are needed to determine if
posaconazole interactions with chemotherapy agents may have a negative impact on the malignancy
treatment. Finally, posaconazole is more expensive than the standard fluconazole prophylaxis. Although
an economic evaluation of posaconazole compared to fluconazole or itraconazole prophylaxis in the
Netherlands suggested that posaconazole is cost-effective,101 it was based on data from only one
randomized controlled trial 87 and may have limited applicability in Canada where costs and care are
Therefore, the current recommendation is that fluconazole should be used for antifungal prophylaxis in
AML patients during chemotherapy. For those patients 13 years and older, posaconazole can be
considered as an alternative, especially for those considered at higher risk for IA. This is consistent with
the IDSA guideline.28
There has been one open label randomized controlled trial in a predominantly AML population (65%)
comparing liposomal amphotericin B to placebo by Penack et al.102 Liposomal amphotericin B
administered every other day was associated with lower rates of proven or probable IFI and IA.
However, when either conventional or liposomal amphotericin B products have been compared to
fluconazole in similar populations, no differences in rates of IFI or mortality have been found.88,89 In the
trial using conventional amphotericin B, more toxicity was observed in the conventional amphotericin B
arm and the risk of discontinuing prophylaxis due to fungal infection or toxicity was greater (p=0.02).
Consequently, based on lack of benefit in comparison to fluconazole and substantial issues with toxicity
at least with conventional amphotericin B, we have not recommended amphotericin B products for
prophylaxis in patients with AML or MDS.
There have been no trials comparing fluconazole to echinocandins in the AML population. Mattiuzzi et
al.95 compared itraconazole to caspofungin and found no significant difference in rates of successful
prophylaxis or documented IFI. Given the potential higher risk for invasive mold infection in this patient
population, further research into the benefit of mold active agents, including echinocandins, is needed.
Recommendation 4.1: Children with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia greater than 7
days other than those undergoing HSCT or with AML or MDS
The panel suggests that antifungal prophylaxis not be given routinely to children with
malignancy and neutropenia anticipated to persist for greater than 7 days, outside of
patients undergoing HSCT or those with AML/MDS (weak recommendation, moderate
quality evidence).
Evidence Summary
Table 6: Summary of Evidence Used to Inform Recommendation 4.1
Study and Results *
Yamac et al (1995) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
70 patients with malignancy (acute leukemia 33%, NHL 33%, other 34%); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day PO to no prophylaxis started at the onset of neutropenia until
neutrophil count ≥ 2000 cells/L
Systemic fungal infection: 9.8% fluconazole vs. 31.0% no prophylaxis (p < 0.05)
Heterogeneous population of high risk (AML) and low risk (lymphoma)
Chandrasekar et al (1994) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
46 patients HSCT (allogeneic 41%, autologous 7%) or malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7
days (52%); age ≥ 13 years
Number of pediatric patients (< 17 years): None
Compared fluconazole 400 mg/day IV/PO to placebo starting at conditioning (HSCT) or initiation of
chemotherapy (malignancy) until resolution of neutropenia (≥ 1000 cells/L) 7 days (max. 10 weeks)
Systemic fungal infection: 8.7% fluconazole vs. 4.3% placebo (p=NS)
Mortality: 17.4% fluconazole vs. 8.7% placebo (p=NS)
Fungal-related mortality: 8.7% fluconazole vs. 4.3% placebo (p=NS)
Menichetti et al (1999) A
Double blind randomized controlled trial
405 adult patients with malignancy or autologous HSCT and anticipated neutropenia (leukemia 76%,
autologous HSCT 18%); age ≥ 17 years
Compared itraconazole solution 2.5 mg/kg BID to placebo starting 1-3 days prior to start of
chemotherapy until neutrophils ≥ 1000 cells/L
Proven IFI: 2.5% itraconazole vs. 4.4% placebo (p=NS)
IA: 2.0% itraconazole vs. 0.5% placebo (p=NS)
IC: 0.5% itraconazole vs. 3.9% placebo (p=0.01)
Fungal-related mortality: 0.5% itraconazole vs. 2.5% placebo (p=0.11)
Overall mortality: 7.5% itraconazole vs. 8.8% placebo (p=NS)
Kaptan et al (2003) A
Open label randomized controlled trial
55 patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days (AML 56%, ALL 44%); age ≥ 20
Compared itraconazole capsules 200 mg BID to no prophylaxis from the start of chemotherapy until
ANC > 1000 cells/L for 3 days
Proven IFI: 3.7% itraconazole vs. 4.7% control (p=NS)
Probable IFI: 9.3% itraconazole vs. 4.7% control
Fungal-related mortality: None in either group
Overall mortality: 16.1% itraconazole vs. 8.3% control (p=NS)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 3.7% itraconazole
Morgenstern et al (1999) PA
Open label randomized controlled trial
445 patients with malignancy and HSCT with anticipated neutropenia ≥ 7 days (60% malignancy /
chemotherapy, 31% autologous HSCT, 9% allogeneic HSCT); age ≥ 16 years
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
53% of neutropenic episodes were in patients had AML but the number receiving chemotherapy or
HSCT was not stated
Compared fluconazole 100 mg/day PO to itraconazole solution 2.5 mg/kg BID starting before start
of neutropenia until neutrophils > 1000 cells/L for 7 days
Proven IFI: 2% fluconazole vs. 0.3% itraconazole (p = 0.06)
IA: 1.4% fluconazole vs. 0% itraconazole (no p-value)
IFI mortality: 1.4% fluconazole vs. 0% itraconazole (no p-value)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 4.4% fluconazole vs. 17.7% itraconazole (p< 0.001)
Sawada et al (2009) P
Open label randomized controlled trial
107 pediatric patients with malignancy or HSCT (AML 14%, ALL 27%, NHL 36%, allogeneic HSCT 14%,
autologous HSCT 9%)
Median age (range): micafungin 7 years (0-14), fosfluconazole 5 years (0-14)
Compared micafungin 2 mg/kg/day (max. 100 mg/day) to fosfluconazole 10 mg/kg/day (max. 400
Event free ratio of IFI: 94.4% micafungin vs. 94.3% fosfluconazole (p=NS)
Uhlenbrock et al (2002) PA
Open label trial; 24 patients randomized; 57 patients according to choice
81 patients with malignancy or HSCT (AML 20%, ALL 33%, HSCT 34%, NHL 9%, aplastic anemia 4%)
Patient age (median, range): 5 years (0 - 23 years)
Number of pediatric patients (≤ 18 years): not available
Compared liposomal amphotericin B 1 mg/kg three times per week to placebo starting 3 days prior
to the anticipated white blood cell count nadir until WBC > 1000 cells/L and ANC > 500 cells/L
Proven IFI: 5.8% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 3.4% placebo
Proven/probable IFI: 23.1% liposomal amphotericin B vs. 27.6% placebo
Mandhaniya et al (2011) P
Open label randomized controlled trial
100 children with acute leukemia (68% ALL, 30% AML, 2% biphenotypic)
Patient age ≤ 15 years (range 1.5-15)
Compared amphotericin B 0.5 mg/kg/day three times per week to voriconazole 6 mg/kg/dose for 2
doses then 4 mg/kg/dose PO BID starting at initiation of induction chemotherapy until ANC > 1000
cells/mm for 3 consecutive days or completion of induction therapy
Proven IFI: 0% amphotericin vs. 2.0% voriconazole
Probable IFI: 0% both arms (p=NS)
Overall mortality: 2.0% amphotericin vs. 2.0% voriconazole (p=NS)
Adverse events related to drug: 100% amphotericin vs. 70% voriconazole (p<0.001)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation: 2.0% amphotericin vs. 2.0% voriconazole (p=NS)
The populations in the trials considered for this recommendation were heterogeneous (leukemia,
lymphoma and solid tumors); the ability to assess the risks and benefits in each individual population
was therefore limited. Based on the lack of benefit observed, the panel suggested that prophylaxis not
be used routinely in patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia greater than 7 days outside
of patients with AML/MDS or undergoing HSCT. However, uncertainty remains as to whether there are
certain subpopulations that may benefit from antifungal prophylaxis, specifically those considered at
highest risk for prolonged neutropenia based on treatment intensity (e.g. Burkitt lymphoma, high risk
Given its frequency in pediatrics, a specific subgroup of interest is patients with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia (ALL). Unfortunately, there have been no randomized controlled trials conducted exclusively in
this population and these patients have been included in trials of malignancy and anticipated
neutropenia or combined with AML patients in acute leukemia trials. As such, a separate analysis is not
possible. There has been one recent pediatric study in acute leukemia in which 68% of children had
ALL.106 This trial compared intravenous amphotericin B to oral voriconazole and found no difference
between proven or probable IFI between groups. However, the event rates were low with only one
participant having a proven IFI and no patients having a probable IFI. This study was also conducted in
India, a country where the epidemiology and risks for fungal infection may be different than in
Canada.107 The use of antifungal prophylaxis has not been compared to placebo and therefore its use in
this lower risk group remains controversial. Although it is acknowledged that certain populations with
ALL may be at higher risk for IFI (high dose steroids, relapsed ALL, infant ALL), there is currently
insufficient evidence to make recommendations at this time. Further research in this area is necessary.
Fluconazole has been studied in patients with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia in one open label
trial by Yamac et al.96 that compared fluconazole to no prophylaxis. A significant difference in IFI in
patients receiving fluconazole compared to no prophylaxis (10% vs. 31%) was observed. However, the
definition of IFI used in this trial included proven, probable and possible fungal infections and no
breakdown was given for proven or probable infection, which are the more clinically relevant outcomes.
Given the open-label design of this trial and the inclusion of possible fungal infection in the IFI definition,
it is difficult to make a recommendation based on this one trial. The study was also conducted in
heterogeneous patient groups with different underlying diseases and different risk groups for IFI.
Itraconazole has been compared to placebo in two trials in malignancy and HSCT patients.92,93 Kaptan et
al.92 compared itraconazole capsules to no prophylaxis and found no difference in proven IFI between
the groups. However, as previously discussed, itraconazole capsules are associated with suboptimal
bioavailability. The trial by Menichetti et al.93 included 76% patients with leukemia and used the oral
solution. In this study, patients in the itraconazole arm had lower rates of proven or suspected IFI (24%
vs. 33% placebo, p = 0.035). This difference was largely attributable to decreased rates of candidemia.
There was no difference in rates of IA and no significant difference in death due to fungal disease.
Unfortunately, the proportion of acute leukemia patients with AML was not stated. It is therefore
difficult to know whether this benefit was seen because patients were predominantly higher risk AML
patients or whether this can be generalized to all patients with leukemia with prolonged anticipated
Itraconazole has also been compared to fluconazole. Morgenstern et al.86 found that there was a trend
toward more proven fungal infections in patients receiving fluconazole compared to itraconazole
(p=0.06). This difference reached statistical significance when only the first study episodes were
considered (p=0.03). However, low doses of fluconazole were used (100 mg/day) and, as a result, it is
difficult to draw conclusions from this comparison.
There have been no trials in this patient population studying other azole antifungal agents including
posaconazole and voriconazole.
One trial by Sawada et al.97 conducted in children with malignancy or undergoing HSCT compared
micafungin to fosfluconazole. Fosfluconazole is a phosphate prodrug of fluconazole that is highly water
soluble and can be administered in smaller volumes, but requires higher doses compared to
fluconazole.108 This open-label trial was conducted in a heterogeneous group of patients consisting of
patients with AML, ALL, lymphoma, and HSCT. This study found that there was no difference in event
free survival between children receiving fosfluconazole compared to micafungin. Adverse events were
similar between groups.
There have been a limited number of trials evaluating amphotericin for the prevention of IFI in patients
with malignancy and anticipated neutropenia. There was one small interim analysis of 35 pediatric
patients that showed no difference in rates of IFI between patients receiving liposomal amphotericin B
compared to placebo.109 After completion of the trial, there was still no statistically significant difference
between groups with respect to rates of proven or probable IFI.105 Unfortunately, this was not a
randomized controlled trial as over half of the patients received the drug of their choice. Given the need
to administer amphotericin intravenously, toxicity and lack of benefit over placebo, we have not
recommended amphotericin prophylaxis in this population at lower risk of IFI.
Implementation Considerations
The guideline will be circulated to the seventeen Canadian centres providing tertiary pediatric
hematology/oncology care for feedback prior to finalization of the guideline. This is an essential step to
identify and address concerns and build consensus. This will also allow us to identify center specific
barriers to guideline implementation and develop multi-faceted implementation strategies targeting
these barriers to change. The aspect most likely to cause difficulty in implementation is the site
availability and financial burden of some of the recommended antifungal agents (i.e. posaconazole). To
deal with this, we plan to specifically target administrators of health care institutions, insurance
companies and pharmacies with educational interventions. Alternative antifungal agents are also
presented in the guideline for those instances where a medication is contraindicated or not available.
A second aspect that may affect implementation is the geographical differences in fungal species,
including higher rates of mold infections at certain centers. This may result in some centers
recommending the use of broader agents to include mold coverage when our recommendation is for a
narrower agent.
It will also be essential to communicate the recommendations to physicians, nurses and pharmacists at
the various C17 sites. To accomplish this knowledge transfer, we will employ multiple strategies including
educational interventions, monitoring and feedback and collaborative care with pharmacists. We will
identify key stakeholders at the various C17 hospital sites to conduct small group sessions to disseminate
the information to other physicians, nurses and pharmacists with the goal of incorporating these
antifungal prophylaxis recommendations into protocols. A key component of this knowledge transfer
will be to educate health care providers about the use of prophylaxis and considerations if a patient
develops an IFI having received antifungal prophylaxis. In general, the use of a chemoprophylaxis
strategy based on one antifungal class, precludes use of members of that class for therapy. Finally,
computerized real-time alerts could provide reminders to physicians to order antifungal prophylaxis
when patients are admitted for chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation.
The expertise of Elizabeth Uleryk in conducting the guideline and literature searches is gratefully
acknowledged as is the participation of members of the C17 Guidelines Committee who were not
members of the Guideline for Primary Antifungal Prophylaxis for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Patients Development Panel: Anne Choquette, Carol Digout, Joanna Chung, Carol Portwine and Marcel
Romanick. We would also like to acknowledge the expert reviewers who provided invaluable feedback
on the guideline: Brain Fisher; Theoklis Zaoutis, Chris Dvorak, David Gregornik, Eric Bow, Jeffrey Davis,
John Wingard, Joseph Bubalo, Oliver Cornely, Peter Pappas, Thomas Lehrnbecher, William Steinbach.
Panel Members
The individuals involved in the development of this guideline had no conflicts of interest with respect to
the development of the guideline. The guideline was developed independently from any funding body
other than listed below.
Funding Sources
All work produced by the C17 Guidelines Committee is editorially independent of its funding agencies.
This Guideline is copyrighted by the C17 Guidelines Committee and may not be reproduced without the
express written permission of the Committee. The C17 Guidelines Committee reserves the right at any
time, and at its sole discretion, to change or revoke this authorization.
The information contained in this document was prepared with care. However, any application of this
material is expected to be based on judicious independent medical assessment in the context of
individual clinical circumstances or with the input of a qualified clinician. The C17 Guidelines Committee
does not make any guarantees of any kind with respect to the content or use or application of this
guideline. The C17 Guidelines Committee disclaims any responsibility for the application or use of this
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109. Uhlenbrock S, Zimmermann M, Fegeler W, Jurgens H, Ritter J. Liposomal amphotericin B for
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related neutropenia: Interim analysis of a prospective study. Mycoses. 2001;44(11-12):455-463.
Appendix A: Open / Registered Trials
What is the efficacy of fluconazole compared to echinocandins for pre-engraftment
Is antifungal prophylaxis needed in children with GVHD and, if so, what agent should be
Weak recommendation, balanced with undesirable RCTs without important on circumstances or
high quality evidence effects flaws or patient or society values
Exceptionally strong Further research unlikely
evidence from to change
observational studies recommendation
2B Desirable effects closely Evidence from RCTs with Best action dependent
Weak recommendation, balanced with undesirable important flaws or on patient circumstances
moderate quality evidence effects Very strong evidence from or patient or society
observational studies values
Further research may
change recommendation
2C Desirable effects closely Evidence of at least one Other alternatives may
Weak recommendation balanced with undesirable critical outcome from be equally reasonable
with poor quality evidence effects observational studies, case Further research very
series or RCTs with serious likely to change
flaws recommendation
(American College of Chest Physicians [ACCP] criteria)*
Search Strategy
In May and June 2010, the C17 Guidelines Committee conducted a comprehensive literature review and
environmental scan to identify Guidelines and Standards specific to antifungal prophylactic strategies for
children and youth with cancer or undergoing HSCT. To ensure the currency of this list, a Librarian
Research Consultant used the following search strategy to identify guidelines and standards:
1. Review of scientific literature sources using empirical databases - PubMed, Medline, CINAHL
were systematically searched by a Research Consultant using the following search terms:
PubMed Search terms: antifungal prophylaxis combined with terms of neoplasms, guideline or
practice guideline, recommendations, consensus statements, systematic reviews and meta-
Medline Search Terms: antifungal prophylaxis combined with terms of neoplasms, guideline or
practice guideline, recommendations, consensus statements, systematic reviews and meta-
CINAHL Search Terms: antifungal prophylaxis combined with terms of neoplasms, guideline or
practice guideline, recommendations, consensus statements, systematic reviews and meta-
2. Review of grey literature sources such as annual reports or publications of organizations as
identified on the world-wide web - The internet search engine utilized was Google Scholar.
Search terms included: antifungal prophylaxis paired with terms of cancer, guidelines and
standards, recommendations, consensus statements, systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
3. Review of local, provincial, national and international databases -
a. All oncology professional associations and organizations for antifungal prophylaxis
b. All Canadian Provincial Cancer Care Organizations within provinces websites were
searched (except Quebec: no provincial source found) including the “site map” to reveal
any guideline or standard embedded under another topic inclusive of provincial cancer
organizations, regional and local cancer organizations within provinces and specific
guideline development organizations in cancer care at the provincial level.
c. International organizations or agencies or associations whose mandate is focused on
systematic reviews or guideline development.
The organizations and agency’s sites that were searched are included in Appendix G.
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
1. Guidelines focused on clinical practice of practitioners relevant to antifungal prophylaxis for
pediatric hematology/ oncology patients and their families.
a. Clinical practice guidelines: those specific to situations in which clinicians are making
decisions about direct patient care.
b. Best practice guidelines: those that identify the best choice from a range of appropriate
health care options, as defined by a consensus of experts following review of relevant
literature using systematic review methods.
2. Published between 2000-2010.
1. Guidelines for which it was not clear that the guideline statements or recommendations were
based on a review of evidence from the literature and/or were not based on a source that used
evidence to support the guideline development process (included as topic areas in appendices
2. Guidelines focused strictly on assessment.
*Excluded guidelines may have still been considered by the panel during the guideline development process, but
were not considered for the basis of guideline adaptation.
*Note: Preference was given to guidelines and guides to practice that based the development of substantive
statements/recommendations on a review of evidence from the literature and/or were based on a source that used
evidence to support the guideline development process.
Guidelines Reviewed
Clinical guideline on antibiotic prophylaxis for patients at risk. Pediatr Dent. 2004;26(7 Suppl):142-3.
Not applicable, advice on antibiotic prophylaxis, not antifungal prophylaxis.
Considerations re: Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental patients at risk. Canadian Dental Association. J Can
Dent Assoc. 2000 Jan;66(1):19-20.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
[Guideline for perioperative prevention in interventions on the urinary tract and male genitalia. German
Society of Urology]]. Urologe A. 2001 Jan;40(1):73-80.
Not applicable, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis, wrong patients population.
Guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
MMWR Recomm Rep. 2000 Oct;49(RR-10):1-125, CE1-7.
Therapy of deep fungal infection in haematological malignancy. Working Party of the British Society for
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. J Antimicrob Chemother. 1997 Dec;40(6):779-88.
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Bohme A, Ruhnke M, Buchheidt D, Cornely OA, Einsele H, Enzensberger R, et al. Treatment of invasive
fungal infections in cancer patients - Recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Working Party
(AGIHO) of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology (DGHO). Ann Hematol. 2009;88(2):97-110.
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Bow EJ, Laverdiere M, Lussier N, Rotstein C, Cheang MS, Ioannou S. Antifungal prophylaxis for severely
neutropenic chemotherapy recipients: a meta analysis of randomized-controlled clinical trials. Cancer.
2002 Jun 15;94(12):3230-46.
Not applicable, not a guideline, systematic review of literature.
Colomba C, Antinori S. [Fungal infections in transplantation patients]. Recenti Prog Med. 2003
Not applicable, not a guideline, review article.
Cornely OA, Bohme A, Buchheidt D, Einsele H, Heinz WJ, Karthaus M, et al. Primary prophylaxis of
invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies. Recommendations of the Infectious
Diseases Working Party of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology. Haematologica. 2009
de Pauw B. Preventative use of antifungal drugs in patients treated for cancer. Journal of Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy. 2004 Feb;53(2):130-2.
Not applicable, not a guideline, review article.
Dini G, Castagnola E, Comoli P, van Tol MJ, Vossen JM. Infections after stem cell transplantation in
children: state of the art and recommendations. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2001 Aug;28 Suppl 1:S18-21.
Not applicable, not a guideline, review article.
Engelhard D, Akova M, Boeckh MJ, Freifeld A, Sepkowitz K, Viscoli C, et al. Bacterial infection prevention
after hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009 Oct;44(8):467-70.
Not applicable, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Fernandez Alonso R, Gonzalez Garcia ME, Fernandez Garcia J, Cepeda Piorno FJ. Anti-fungal drugs.
Current status and guidelines for their administration. [Spanish]
Not applicable, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Farmacos antifungicos. Situacion actual y pautas para su administracion. Clinical & translational
oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National
Cancer Institute of Mexico. 2005 Oct;7(9):377-88.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Freifeld AG, Baden LR, Brown AE, Elting LS, Gelfand M, Greene JN, et al. Fever and neutropenia clinical
practice guidelines. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2004 Sep;2(5):390-432.
Not applicable, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Gea-Banacloche J, Masur H, Arns da Cunha C, Chiller T, Kirchhoff LV, Shaw P, et al. Regionally limited or
rare infections: prevention after hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Goldberg E, Gafter-Gvili A, Robenshtok E, Leibovici L, Paul M. Empirical antifungal therapy for patients
with neutropenia and persistent fever: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer. 2008
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Groll AH, Ritter J. [Diagnosis and management of fungal infections and pneumocystis pneumonitis in
pediatric cancer patients]. Klinische Padiatrie. 2005 Nov;217 Suppl 1:S37-66.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Groll AH, Ritter J, Muller FM. [Guidelines for Prevention of Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonitis in Children
and Adolescents with Cancer]. Klin Padiatr. 2001 Sep;213 Suppl 1:A38-49.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Ho KM, Rochford SA, John G. The use of topical nonabsorbable gastrointestinal antifungal prophylaxis to
prevent fungal infections in critically ill immunocompetent patients: a meta-analysis. Crit Care Med.
2005 Oct;33(10):2383-92.
Not applicable, not a guideline.
Imataki O, Kami M, Kim SW, Gotoh M, Komaba S, Kasai M, et al. A nationwide survey of deep fungal
infections and fungal prophylaxis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Japan. Bone Marrow
Transplant. 2004 Jun;33(12):1173-9.
Not applicable, not a guideline, survey of current practice.
Kern WV, Beyer J, Bohme A, Buchheidt D, Cornely O, Einsele H, et al. [Prophylaxis of infection in
neutropenic patients. Guidelines of the Working Party on Infections in Hematology and Oncology]. Dtsch
Med Wochenschr. 2000 Dec 22;125(51-52):1582-8.
Applicable, but updated guideline available (Cornely 2009).
Liberati A, D'Amico R, Pifferi S, Telaro E. Antibiotic prophylaxis in intensive care units: meta-analyses
versus clinical practice. Intensive Care Med. 2000;26 Suppl 1:S38-44.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
Marr K, Bow E, Chiller T, Maschmeyer G, Ribaud P, Segal B, et al. Fungal infection prevention after
hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009 Oct;44(8):483-7.
Applicable, ASBMT guideline.
Mensa J, De La Camara R, Carreras E, Cuenca Estrella M, Garcia Rodriguez JA, Gobernado M, et al.
[Treatment of fungal infections in patients with hematologic neoplasia]. Med Clin (Barc). 2009 Apr
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Michallet M, Ito JI. Approaches to the management of invasive fungal infections in hematologic
malignancy and hematopoietic cell transplantation. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009 10
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Morrissey CO, Bardy PG, Slavin MA, Ananda-Rajah MR, Chen SC, Kirsa SW, et al. Diagnostic and
therapeutic approach to persistent or recurrent fevers of unknown origin in adult stem cell
transplantation and haematological malignancy. Intern Med J. 2008 Jun;38(6b):477-95.
Not applicable, no advice on primary antifungal prophylaxis
Nichols WG. Management of infectious complications in the hematopoietic stem cell transplant
recipient. J Intensive Care Med. 2003 Nov-Dec;18(6):295-312.
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Playford EG, Webster AC, Sorrell TC, Craig JC. Systematic review and meta-analysis of antifungal agents
for preventing fungal infections in liver transplant recipients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2006
Not applicable, not a guideline, systematic review.
Playford EG, Webster AC, Sorrell TC, Craig JC. Antifungal agents for preventing fungal infections in non-
neutropenic critically ill and surgical patients: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
clinical trials. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Apr;57(4):628-38.
Not applicable, not a guideline, wrong patients population.
Playford EG, Webster AC, Sorell TC, Craig JC. Antifungal agents for preventing fungal infections in solid
organ transplant recipients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004(3):CD004291.
Not applicable, wrong patient population.
Reinbolt RE, Shenk AM, White PH, Navari RM. Symptomatic treatment of infections in patients with
advanced cancer receiving hospice care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2005 Aug;30(2):175-82.
Not applicable, not a guideline, focus on treatment not prophylaxis.
Rolston KVI. The infectious diseases society of America 2002 guidelines for the use of antimicrobial
agents in patients with cancer and neutropenia: Salient features and comments. Clinical Infectious
Diseases. 2004 15 Jul;39(SUPPL. 1):S44-S8.
Applicable, IDSA guideline.
Segal BH, Freifeld AG, Baden LR, Brown AE, Casper C, Dubberke E, et al. Prevention and treatment of
cancer-related infections. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2008 Feb;6(2):122-74.
Applicable, NCCN guideline.
Segal BH, Almyroudis NG, Battiwalla M, Herbrecht R, Perfect JR, Walsh TJ, et al. Prevention and early
treatment of invasive fungal infection in patients with cancer and neutropenia and in stem cell
transplant recipients in the era of newer broad-spectrum antifungal agents and diagnostic adjuncts. Clin
Infect Dis. 2007 Feb 1;44(3):402-9.
Not applicable, not a guideline, review article.
Slavin MA, Heath CH, Thursky KA, Morrissey CO, Szer J, Ling LM, et al. Antifungal prophylaxis in adult
stem cell transplantation and haematological malignancy. Intern Med J. 2008 Jun;38(6b):468-76.
Slavin MA. Introduction to the updated Australian and New Zealand consensus guidelines for the use of
antifungal agents in the haematology/oncology setting, 2008. Intern Med J. 2008 Jun;38(6b):457-67.
Not applicable, not a guideline, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis, how to develop a guideline
Sugar AM. Empiric treatment of fungal infections in the neutropenic host. Review of the literature and
guidelines for use. Arch Intern Med. 1990 Nov;150(11):2258-64.
Not applicable, focus on treatment not prophylaxis.
Thursky KA, Playford EG, Seymour JF, Sorrell TC, Ellis DH, Guy SD, et al. Recommendations for the
treatment of established fungal infections. Intern Med J. 2008 Jun;38(6 B):496-520.
Not applicable, for use in fungal treatment review.
Trifilio S, Verma A, Mehta J. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients:
Heterogeneity of current clinical practice. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2004 Apr;33(7):735-9.
Not applicable, not a guideilne, review article.
Weinstock DM, Boeckh M, Boulad F, Eagan JA, Fraser VJ, Henderson DK, et al. Infections in immunocompromised
patients. Postexposure prophylaxis against varicella-zoster virus infection among recipients of hematopoietic stem
cell transplant: unresolved issues. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 2004;25(7):603-8.
Not applicable, no advice on antifungal prophylaxis.
West F, Mitchell SA. Evidence-based guidelines for the management of neutropenia following outpatient
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2004 Dec;8(6):601-13.
Not applicable, focus on empiric therapy and treatment not prophylaxis.
Zitella LJ, Friese CR, Hauser J, Gobel BH, Woolery M, O'Leary C, et al. Putting evidence into practice:
prevention of infection. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2006 Dec;10(6):739-50.
Not applicable, not a guideline.
Appendix E: Primary Literature Search Strategy
Search Strategies
The search strategy for MEDLINE (1950 to September 8, 2011 retrieved 3750 references of which 3665
were unique and not duplicated in our other searches. We used a combination of MeSH and free text
terms for
procedure/ or single blind procedure/ or triple blind
procedure/ or (rct or rcts or ((singl: or doubl: or tripl:
or trebl:) and (mask: or blind:))).mp.
8 6 and 7 3704 Evidence filtered Final results
The search strategy for CCTR (3rd Quarter 2011) retrieved 2170 references of which 196 were unique
and not duplicated in our other searches. This database consists exclusively of RCTs so no study design
terms were used. This database does not allow for publication date limits as references are added as
they are found by Cochrane. We used a combination of MeSH, EMBASE and free text terms for
Question Response
Role in care of children with cancer? Oncologist – 36.4%
Infectious Disease Physician – 36.4%
Pharmacist – 18.2%
Infectious Disease and
Hematology/Oncology – 9%
Currently following a guideline on primary antifungal prophylaxis? No – 27.3%
Yes – 72.7%
Rationale for guideline clear? Strongly agree or agree – 100%
Is there a need for this Canadian guideline? Strongly agree or agree – 81.8%
Neither agree nor disagree – 18.2%
Literature search complete? Strongly agree or agree – 81.8%
Disagree – 18.2%
Evidence described relevant? Strongly agree or agree – 90.9%
Neither agree nor disagree – 9.1%
Methods used to summarize effective? Strongly agree or agree – 100%
Results interpreted in accordance with your own interpretation? Strongly agree or agree – 81.9%
Neither agree nor disagree – 9.1%
Disagree – 9.1%
Draft recommendations are clear? Strongly agree or agree – 90.9%
Disagree – 9.1%
Agree with draft recommendations as stated? Strongly agree or agree – 54.6%
Neither agree nor disagree – 18.2%
Disagree – 27.3%
Comfortable recommending use of the guideline in own institution? Strongly agree or agree – 63.7%
Neither agree nor disagree – 18.2%
Disagree – 18.2%
Likely to adopt for own practice? Likely – 45.5%
Not sure 18.2%
Not likely – 27.3%
Not Applicable – 9.1%
Comment Response
The guidelines are insufficiently specific regarding what IFI are to be Information added to
prevented; that is C/IC vs. IA. The risks for C/IC and for IA are very introduction.
different and involve quite different pathogeneses.
The guidelines have not examined the context in which IFIs occur and It was outside the scope of the
the risks that are associated with context (e.g. C/IC during post- document to examine each
remission consolidation for AML, or pre-engraftment IA risk context; clarified in introduction.
associated with autoHSCT using protocol-driven HGFs).
There is often a failure to include consideration of institutional event Introduction modified to address
rates for the IFIs of interest in the policy-related decision making this.
Many of the breakthrough IFIs reported in clinical trials are due to Introduction modified to address
pathogens that should be susceptible to the prophylaxis agent. This this.
suggests that in many (but not all) cases other factors (such as those
that are host-related) may "trump" the drug's ability to protect the
patients at highest risk.
Pre-emptive ("early") therapy strategies based upon surrogate marker This was outside the scope of the
detection are being examined as alternatives to chemoprophylaxis. guideline.
My recommendations are to re-articulate more specifically what is This was clarified where possible
being targeted for prevention, the period of risk over which throughout the document.
prevention is expected to be effective, the clinical and treatment
contexts within which prevention is expected to be effective, and the
specific institutional event rates that a given prevention strategy is
intended to impact (and by what order of magnitude).
Use of a chemoprophylaxis strategy based upon one anti-fungal class This was added to
precludes use of members of that class for therapy. implementation considerations.
The recommendations are based solely upon evidence gathered from The search strategy and inclusion
prospective randomized clinical trials. Although this is clearly the / exclusion criteria were decided
strongest form of evidence, some important evidence can also be by the committee and outlined in
obtained from retrospective or epidemiologic reports esp. when the the methods.
population of interest have never been included in a prospective trial
("absence of evidence is not evidence of absence").
Marks has been published in BJH in the meantime Reference amended.
Ref. 92 is misspelled Corrected.
I think the guideline choices are the obvious ones given the data we This was added to the
have. There are choices, and one could come up with different introduction and implementation
recommendations based on geographical differences in fungal species considerations.
seen in the patient groups.
I just had some concerns about the conclusions made from these In the evidence tables, trials were
data. Specifically I was concerned about using primarily adult separated into pediatric,
literature to quantify level of evidence (A,B,C) for each of the combined adult/pediatric and
recommendations. In reality most of the recommendations had no or adult trials to clarify where the
little pediatric data to support the recommendation. evidence was drawn from.
There are several instances where the terms "allogenic" and This was corrected throughout
"allogeneic" are used with respect to HSCT. I suggest selecting one the document to “Allogeneic”.
(my preference is allogeneic) and use it throughout the document.
Your guideline search strategy failed to pick up several key guidelines: The ASBMT guideline by Tomblyn
there are at least 3 IDSA guidelines that are applicable: Patterson for was identified by our search and
Candida, Walsh for Aspergillus, Freifeld for Febrile Neutropenia, all of was one of the guidelines
which address fungal prophylaxis, and the ASBMT infection referenced frequently in our
prevention guideline by Tomblyn endorsed by multiple international guideline. The other guidelines
societies, which also address fungal prophylaxis. focused primarily on treatment.
I also did not see any recommendations regarding posaconazole This was beyond the scope of the
levels (as we know that azoles are notorious and need close guideline.
Recommendation 1.1
Galactomannan testing combined with fluconazole in this population This was added to the scope of
considered necessary to support early diagnosis of Aspergillus the guideline
infections. While success with this test may vary many programs now
consider this standard of care.
Micafungin approved dose of 50 mg considered insufficient by some There is a separate section
practitioners discussing the echinocandin
dosing in recommendation 1.1.
The recommendation is based on
the evidence from clinical trials.
Duration of prophylaxis - How will engraftment (time to end Introduction modified to address
antifungal therapy) be defined? - Does the committee consider several of these issues. It was
immune deficit of all donor types (cord vs. MRD vs. MUD vs. beyond the scope of the
mismatch donors). Had the committee considered using immune guideline to look at all clinical
reconstitution (T-cell counts or something else?) as being a situations.
reasonable surrogate for decreased fungal risk?
Drug interactions, adherence issues, LFT abnormalities, etc can be The rationale for our
overcome and given the large body of data supporting prophylaxis recommendation is outlined in
through +75, I am not sure there is sufficient evidence of safety for the section on “duration” in
stopping at engraftment. Recommendation 1.1.
Study comments Itraconazole studies frequently had insufficient This was clarified.
dosing for therapeutic benefits to be realized ( e.g. 200 mg IV daily
Marr et al 2004)
Percent of pediatric patients in many studies not provided, An extra line stating the number
compromising the ability to assess relevance to target population (can of pediatric patients was added
it be added to all studies in some manner?) to each trial in the tables.
Percent of pediatric patients in many studies not provided, As above.
compromising the ability to assess relevance to target population (can
it be added to all studies in some manner?)
I also would stress the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in children This was beyond the scope of the
receiving posaconazole guideline.
To my opinion, itra, vori and liposomal ampho B would be alternatives Discussion of alternative agents
for primary prophylaxis until engraftment (question: is engraftment was clarified. Rationale for
really sufficient? many guidelines recommend prophylaxis until duration outlined in section on
"immune recovery", which needs a certain number of T/CD4 cells) “duration”.
Recommendation 1.2
Galactomannan testing combine with fluconazole considered This was beyond the scope of the
necessary to provide early warning of aspergillus infections. While guideline; scope amended.
success with this test may vary many programs now consider this
standard of care.
Allo HSCT with GVHD: I do not think that fluconazole would be an This is discussed in the guideline.
alternative to posa (see comment above). Here I would rather give It is acknowledged that these
itra (+TDM) or vori (+TDM). patients are at increased risk for
mold infections but there is
insufficient evidence to
recommend anti-mold agents
over fluconazole, although this
might change when more data
becomes available. A section was
added to the discussion
indicating that in centers with
high rates of mold infection, a
mold-active agent could be
considered although data is
I would not use non-mold-active prophylaxis for the highest risk As above.
patients. For instance, in alloHSCT patients with GVHD (by far the
highest risk group), giving children less than 13 yo fluconazole is not
the best option. While I agree there is no posaconazole dose known
just yet, another mold-active drug could be used.
Recommendation 3
Posaconazole must be given with a high fat food to optimize This was added to the discussion.
absorption and provide adequate drug levels to prevent mold
infections with the current suspension dosage form.
5 of 20 trials contain MDS patients and given the age of most patients It was decided to keep the
this is likely to represent secondary MDS which may have different evidence rating as 1B.
risk factors than that found in younger children (< 16 or < 13). Would
consider the evidence in this group 2B or 2C.
I agree with your recommendation for fluconazole for AML pts. The evidence was kept as 1B;
However, I believe you overstate the strength of the evidence for however, the points raised were
that. Only one study was favorable (the Rotstein study) and the rest added to the discussion.
did not show a substantive benefit. Moreover, if I recall correctly, the
definition of IFI was unconventional for that study with Candida UTIs
being considered IFI, not the case for other studies and if those were
removed, the rates of Candidemia were not different.
I believe a caution about the posaconazole use in AML should be This was added to the discussion
mentioned. Although there were not differences in all adverse events under the posaconazole section.
in the Cornely trial (not surprising since adverse events are nearly
universal in intensive chemotherapy), there were significantly more
SAEs attributable to the study drug (6% vs. 2%, P <0.05). In that trial
42% of pts got additional chemo during the study drug; what I have
repeatedly requested is a breakdown of whether those occurred in
the subset of those who got the second course of chemo, suggestive
of a deleterious interaction of posa with certain chemo agents, a well
described occurrence with other extended spectrum azoles. The
sponsor has not looked at that issue. You may want to caution the
reader that this is an issue not well studied.
Pts with AML/MDS -the C17 guidelines recommend for pts 1 months- A statement was added to the
19 years of age fluconazole; posaconazole would be an alternative for discussion section cautioning that
patients >= 13 years of age. My concern: what about institutions with anti-mold agents may be superior
relevant mold infections? Fluconazole is not active against molds. in centers with high rates of mold
Therefore, I would itraconazole (+TDM) and liposomal ampho B infections, but there is
(intermittent dosage) as alternative in this age group; the latter is insufficient evidence to make a
based on the RCT by Penack in adults; Bochennek et al reported on an general recommendation for
observational study in children with intermittent liposomal ampho B mold-active agents at this time.
in AML patients (CMI, 2011; 17:1868)
Recommendation 4
The patient mix in these studies is very heterogeneous and contains This is identified as a limitation.
many acute leukemia (AML and ALL should be broken out separately All studies group these patient
due to the differences in disease and therapy) and autologous populations together and it was
transplants which are likely to have a different fungal risk than solid not possible to separate out.
tumors and lymphoma with myelosuppressive regimens. How have
these confounding groups been accounted for in the assessment?
Patients with ALL, given the prevalence in pediatrics and nature of A separate comment on ALL was
corticosteroid use (frequent and prolonged) should be broken out as added to the discussion.
a separate population for review. If this is felt to be unnecessary than
a state should be added to explain why this is the case.
There is some evidence from non-RCT trials that may be useful. For This was beyond the scope of the
example, while there is no trial that demonstrates that pediatric guideline. The search strategy
patients with relapsed ALL or with severe aplastic anemia benefit and inclusion criteria were
from antifungal prophylaxis, but this may be because no trial has ever defined and the decision was to
been undertaken in these populations. And yet we know from use only RCTs.
retrospective reports that patients with these diagnoses are at very
high risk for developing an IFI. That is why I don't "strongly" agree
with recommendation 4.1, though I do strongly agree with all of the
I am struck by your silence about ALL, the chief group of pts this A separate comment on ALL was
guideline would be applicable to. Why? do you intend the added to the discussion.
neutropenia > 7 days to be for this? If so, i suggest being explicit.
There is a subgroup of pediatric ALL on high doses of steroids at high
risk for IFI. In particular you should caution the dangers of drug
interactions, especially itra, vori, and presumably posa with
vincristine, cytoxan.
Stakeholder Feedback:
Secondly, the guideline was sent to all C17 sites for stakeholder review. Similar to the content review
process, the stakeholders were asked to complete a questionnaire; their responses and the panel’s
responses/guideline changes are summarized below. A total of 42 responses were received. All cancer
centers across Canada had at least one representative with the exception of Cancer Care Manitoba.
Question Response
Role in care of children with cancer? Oncologist – 19%
Infectious Disease Physician – 21.4%
Nurse Educator – 7.1%
Nurse Practitioner – 11.9%
Pharmacist – 35.7%
Other – 4.8%
Do you care for transplant patients? No – 31.7%
Yes – 68.3%
Currently following a guideline on primary antifungal prophylaxis? No – 73.2%
Yes – 26.8%
Is there a need for this Canadian guideline? Strongly agree or agree – 93.5%
Neither agree nor disagree – 6.5%
Literature search complete? Strongly agree or agree – 93.5%
Neither agree nor disagree – 6.5%
Results interpreted in accordance with your own interpretation? Strongly agree or agree – 96.6%
Neither agree nor disagree – 3.4%
Draft recommendations are clear? Strongly agree or agree – 100%
Agree with draft recommendations as stated? Strongly agree or agree – 86.2%
Neither agree nor disagree – 6.9%
Disagree – 6.9%
Question Response
Comfortable recommending use of the guideline in own institution? Strongly agree or agree – 79.3%
Neither agree nor disagree – 13.8%
Disagree – 6.9%
Likely to be supported by your colleagues? Strongly agree or agree – 82.1%
Neither agree nor disagree – 14.3%
Disagree – 3.6%
Obstacles to implementing the guidelines at your institution?
a) high local incidence of invasive mold infections Strongly disagree or disagree – 74.1%
Neither agree nor disagree – 7.4%
Strongly agree or agree – 18.5%
b) concern about dosing as recommended Strongly disagree or disagree – 74.1%
Neither agree nor disagree – 11.1%
Strongly agree or agree – 14.8%
c) reluctance to standardize practice Strongly disagree or disagree – 74.1%
Neither agree nor disagree – 18.5%
Strongly agree or agree – 7.4%
d) recommendations conflict with current institutional policies Strongly disagree or disagree – 77.8%
Neither agree nor disagree – 7.4%
Strongly agree or agree – 14.8%
e) Pre-printed and existing electronic order sets would need to be Strongly disagree or disagree – 77.8%
changed? Neither agree nor disagree – 22.2%
f) access to the recommended antifungal agents in our institution’s Strongly disagree or disagree – 74.1%
formulary Neither agree nor disagree – 3.7%
Strongly agree or agree – 22.2%
g) access to beta-glucan or galactomannan testing Strongly disagree or disagree – 18.5%
Neither agree nor disagree – 25.9%
Strongly agree or agree – 55.6%
Likely to play an active role in contributing towards guideline Strongly agree or agree – 77.8%
implementation Neither agree nor disagree – 14.8%
Strongly disagree or disagree – 7.4%
Likely to adopt for own practice? Likely – 82.1%
Unsure – 7.2%
Not likely – 10.7%
Comment Response
Regarding patients with AML/MDS: Re recommendation on page 4, The document was modified to
reiterated on page 29, could be interpreted to mean continuous read “throughout course of
prophylaxis during the whole course of chemotherapy including chemotherapy while they are
maintenance. The recommendation is clearer on page 37 where it is neutropenic”.
stated: '.... throughout the course of chemotherapy while they are
neutropenic' is more precise
The dose of fluconazole of 6-12 mg/kg is higher than we use outside This is discussed in the dosing
of the newborn period. I am concerned about potential hepatic section of the
toxicity with the dose of 12 mg/kg, especially in the older children recommendation.
(close to age 13 yr). It is not uncommon that we have to reduce the
dose from 400 mg to 200 mg in adolescents who are severely ill and
on multiple drugs. I note that this dose range is based on the IDSA
guideline for management of candidiasis yet that same document
recommends a loading dose of 12 mg/kg followed by 6 mg/kg/dose
for prophylaxis in neutropenia. That is the dose we use.
what steps will be taken to evaluate the impact of these guidelines? This is described in Appendix I -
the key review criteria for
monitoring and/or audit
What efforts will be made for posaconazole coverage? This will be left to individual
Introduction mentions environmental strategies including avoidance This is beyond the scope of the
of construction and renovation. Most of the times the physicians have guideline.
no control on this. Do we change our practice of prophylaxis during
these times?
page 11, Figure 1. he numbers in text (para 2) and figure do not Text adjusted accordingly.
Patient with HR ALL at least during induction tehrapy are likely This is addressed in the
emerging to be a population in need for antifungal prophylaxis. May guideline. Appendix B (research
be further studies should be directed to this population. thank you gaps) was adjusted to address
for the opportunity to review the guidelines. this research gap
Excellent review.....totally agree with recommendations. Invasive Caveats about IFI and mold
molds in Vancouver is one obstacle - but I think the guidelines as infections included throughout
currently written reflect our current practice, and the guidelines guideline.
include the caveats about IFI and the need to consider aspergillus
coverage in certain situations - guidelines never replace tailoring
treatment to the patients individual situation. Great Job! Look
forward to them being published.
FYI - typo on page 21 (fluconazole dosing is 200 mg/kg/day in one This is beyond the scope of the
place) I know that the literature is not clear, but it would be great if guideline.
more guidance could be given re fluconazole dosing. 6 to 12
mg/kg/day is a big range. Are there patient factors that would
influence the choice of dose?
Suggest wording change for Health Question 3 to wording on page 37; See comment 1.
change to AML/MDS should receive fluconazole 6-12 mg/kg/day
throughout the course of chemotherapy while they are neutropenic.
This would give us the option to start antifungals at a later time to
avoid interactions.
My only criticism is that if the authors claim to be using GRADE, they Although the software was not
need to include the GRADE tables in the appendix. It appears that used, the system was still used
they perhaps just reached consensus based on the table they have to arrive at the evidence
added to Appendix C rather than actually applying the GRADE tool grades.
using the GRADE software. The reason why this is important is that
the GRADE tables show the reader exactly how the quality of
evidence was determined.
Posaconazole in recommendations summary but I am struggling to A separate heading for
find it in the literature review or discussion of agents. “Posaconazole” was added
under the AML/MDS
Typos on page 24 - para 3 - prophylaxis. Corrected.
page 28 1st line under fluconazole - need 'of' at the end of line, Corrected.
2nd para under fluconazole 'the', not 'their' Corrected.
Page 42 'Unfortunately, the all of' -> 'Unfortunately, all of', Corrected.
'This is consistent ISDA' -> 'This is consistent with ISDA'. Corrected.
NCCN: www.nccn.org
NCI: www.nci.nih.gov/cancertopics
Appendix H: Tools for Application
Appropriate information and support will be provided to families so as to facilitate decision-making
regarding the risks and benefits of antifungal prophylaxis when the guideline has been approved.