Heimdal Antivirus
Heimdal Antivirus
Heimdal Antivirus
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Next-Gen Endpoint
Cyber threats are no longer the activity of rogue hackers.
by both traditional and next-gen
antivirus engines, Heimdal™
Next-Gen Endpoint Antivirus is the
The WannaCry ransomware attack was the worst cyber incident in history, with over 200,000 endpoint endpoint detection and response
encrypted, across 150 countries, and damages of up to $5 billion. tool that will become the the
backbone of your enterprise.
It changed the world, for the worse. And it changed how you should approach the security of your
enterprise. Rogue hackers stopped being the biggest threat a long time ago.
Consolidate your security
State-sponsored attacks deployed with a scorched-earth policy are now a major security concern, as setup, detect and mitigate
your business can be caught in the crossfire. even next-gen threats with:
“Lack of investment in new cybersecurity technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine Low impact local file/signature
learning,” say 60% of IT professionals. - Ponemon Institute scanning
200.000 150
Sandbox and backdoor
$5 billion COUNTRIES
inspections for suspicious files
Discover Heimdal™ Next-Gen Endpoint Antivirus, the advanced AV engine with Firewall integration, Your organization needs true cyber
Brute-Force Attack blocking and AI-powered detection that can actually stop advanced persistent threats. resilience against both known and
unknown threats.
“The typical business or charity is likely to only experience a handful of breaches in the space of a year,
but that a minority experience hundreds of breaches or attacks in this timeframe – particularly the larger
Heimdal™ Next-Gen Endpoint
organizations.” - Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 by Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Ipsos
Antivirus combines the techniques
MORI Social Research Institute and University of Portsmouth.
known by both traditional and
next-gen Antivirus to detect and
remediate viruses, APTs, financial
Local File/Signature & fraud, ransomware and data leaks.
Registry scanning
Using real-time low-impact in-memory file and signature scanning, alongside active registry
change scanning, Heimdal™ Next-Gen Endpoint Antivirus provides the leading edge,
code-based detection and mitigation.
Any unknown file and potential threat found will be sent to our cloud for extra scanning. Through
1.000 CPU cores using enhanced machine learning detection algorithms, detection gains a
new dimension.
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