Fluidotehnic Lubrication - 56 Pressure Relief Valve
Fluidotehnic Lubrication - 56 Pressure Relief Valve
Fluidotehnic Lubrication - 56 Pressure Relief Valve
we achieve high quality of manufactured devices. In case of the individual production, after the
functional testing, we deliver the product to the customer.
• Since its foundation FLUIDOTEHNIC Ltd. has been continuously investing both in the expansion
of commercial building and the purchase of modern equipment for the production, control and
techno-economic support. It is located in the industrial zone of Vrnjacka Banja, on a lot size ~ 2ha. It
consists several buildings, connected into a functional whole area of 4000 m2. The whole complex
is adjusted to the environment- we are taking good care of health, work safety and environmental
• Market research, device development, technical assistance and personnel training free of charge for
all our customers is the main task of this service. Many years of experience in the development tasks
of hydraulics, pneumatics and lubrication techniques, as well as t the latest computer technology
guarantee that our custumers will get the optimum technical solution. During the development,
every device passes precisely defined procedure, starting from making the design concept, followed
by manufacturing and testing prototypes and going into production.
• It consists of several facilities and departments: foundry of non-ferrous metals, mechanical drive,
locksmith department, installation and technical control. All operations from the casting to the final
machining are performed with the universal and software machines. Control and assembly is 100%.
When the assembly is finished, each device is being tested on the test stand and on the basis of the
results it gets the appropriate certificates and guarantees. On each call of the user, service teams
come in as soon as possible, with spare parts and the necessary tools, regardless of whether the
equipment is in warranty or out of warranty period.
Electric driven pumps for grase lubrication (Elektromotorne pumpe za podmazivanje mastima)
Power unit for oil lubrication ( )
Pneumatic pumps for lubrication (Pneumatske pumpe za podmazivanje mastima)
Two line dosing distributors (Dvolinijski dozatori)
Progressive doser distributors (Progresivni dozatori)
Change-over valves ( )
Electric driven change-over valves (Elektromotorni razvodnici)
Ventili pritiska i protoka)
Are designed and produced in accordance with the safety requirements according to the following regulations:
Product of "FLUIDOTEHNIC" assemble into mechanical devices and equipement. Start-up is not admissible unless it has been
The manufacturer undertakes to supply the relevant information of incomplete machine on request to responsible inspector
by electronic way. Technical documents of the machine is prepared in accordance with Annex VII, part B Machinery Directive
installed, inspected and maintained according to the operating instructions provided. The validity of the declaration will
Fluidotehnic d.o.o.
36210 Vrnjacka Banja
Rudjinci 175/A
Tel: +381-(0)36-631-710
Fax: +381-(0)36-631-712
© Fluidotehnic doo