(Final) LHS ML Information System User's Manual

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Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System User’s Manual version 1

September 2022

Published by the Bureau of Local Health Systems Development (BLHSD)

Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila

An electronic copy of this publication can be downloaded at


Articles may be reproduced in full or in part for non-profit purposes without prior
permission provided credit is given to the Department of Health.

As part of the continuous efforts in assisting the Universal Health Care

Integration Sites (UHC IS) in integrating their local health systems into Province-Wide
and City-Wide Health Systems with the aim of addressing health system inefficiencies,
the Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System (LHS ML IS) was
designed and developed by the Bureau of Local Health Systems Development
(BLHSD). This information system will help improve the mechanism in collecting the
integration status of the UHC IS, as well as their technical assistance needs so that be
prompt and appropriate support will be provided.

The first half of the six-year transitory period provided in Republic Act No.
11223 or the Universal Health Care Act to accomplish the integration of local health
systems in select local government units (LGUs) is almost over. However, there are still
a lot to refine in implementing this reform to ensure that its contribution in improving
the health outcomes will be evident in the independent study to be commissioned by the
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) on UHC, and that such improvement
will be felt by every Juan and Juana.

The DOH, PhilHealth, UHC IS, and local and international health partners shall
continue working on the shared vision of making the Filipinos among the healthiest
people in Asia by 2040.

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Table of Contents

Foreword................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. 3
Users of this Manual ............................................................................................................................. 4
Organization of this Manual ................................................................................................................ 4
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................... 4
I. Background.................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System (LHS .......................................... 7
ML IS) .................................................................................................................................................... 7
A. System Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7
B. Interface of the LHS ML IS ........................................................................................................... 7
C. Icons and Commands ................................................................................................................... 12
D. Validation Status .......................................................................................................................... 14
E. Modules ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Module I. Accessing the LHS ML Information System ............................................................. 15
Module II. LGU User Module .................................................................................................... 22
Module III. P/CDOHO User Module ......................................................................................... 49
Module IV. CHD/MOH-BARMM User Module ....................................................................... 67
Module V. CO Bureau/Service User Module ............................................................................. 89

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Users of this Manual
This User’s Manual intends to provide the general description and step-by-step guide in
navigating the Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System (LHS ML IS). The Manual
shall be used by key implementers of the integration of local health systems into Province-Wide and
City-Wide Health Systems (P/CWHS): 1) Universal Health Care Integration Sites (UHC IS) or Local
Government Units (LGUs) that committed to implement the integration reform; 2) DOH-
Provincial/City DOH Offices (P/CDOHOs) that are assisting the UHC IS to achieve the key results
areas (KRAs) of the different integration characteristics; 3) DOH-Centers for Health Development and
Ministry of Health-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao; and 4) concerned CO
Bureaus and Services that are overseeing the different integration characteristics.

Organization of this Manual

The Manual is organized into two chapters. Chapter 1 provides the legal basis for the
implementation of the integration of local health systems into P/CWHS, as well as the overview of the
data collection and validation processes to track progress. On the other hand, Chapter 2 discusses the
LHS ML IS, its system requirements, main interface including the icons and commands used in the
system, validation status of the monitoring forms, and five (5) different modules that outlines the
procedures in using the system.
The five modules include: Module 1 which discusses the general process on how all users can
access the information system; Module 2 which guides the LGU users in performing their expected
tasks; Module 3 which is the dedicated module for the P/CDOHO users; Module 4 which provides the
process on how the DOH-CHD/MOH-BARMM users can use the system; and Module 5 which gives
the DOH-CO users the directions in accessing the system.
Also included as Annex to this Manual is a copy of the LHS ML Monitoring Tool version 2
issued through Department Memorandum No. 2021-0277 which served as the main reference in the
design and development of the LHS ML IS.

AO Administrative Order
CHD Center for Health Development
CO Central Office
DOH Department of Health
HCPN Health Care Provider Network
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
KRA Key Result Area
LGU Local Government Unit
LHS Local Health System/s
LHS ML Local Health Systems Maturity Levels
LHS ML IS Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System
MOH-BARMM Ministry of Health-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
MOV Means of Verification
P/CDOHO Provincial/City DOH Office
P/CWHS Province-Wide/City-Wide Health System
RA Republic Act
TA Technical Assistance
UHC Universal Health Care
UHC IS Universal Health Care Integration Site/s
WHO World Health Organization

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I. Background
Republic Act (RA) No. 11223, otherwise known as the “Universal Health Care Act”, provides
for the organization of the local health systems (LHS) into Province-Wide and City-Wide Health
Systems (P/CWHS) to help in addressing fragmentation in health service delivery and health system
management. It enforces the accountability of the Local Government Units (LGUs) provided in RA No.
7160, otherwise known as the “Local Government Code of 1991”, in ensuring access of their
constituents to quality and safe basic health services. Further, the integration of local health systems
highlights the importance of inter-LGU cooperation in attaining health sector goals. Since the Philippine
Public Health Care Delivery System had been working on a devolved set-up since 1991, the UHC Act
and its IRR stipulated that the integration reform, which focuses on select management support systems
and programs, is to be implemented first in LGUs that expressed their intent to organize the P/CWHS.
These LGUs shall endeavor to achieve managerial integration in the first three years, and financial
integration in the next three years of implementation of the UHC Act. This is to first assess the overall
benefit of the integration before mandating its nationwide implementation six (6) years after the
enactment of the Act, and to give the LGUs, DOH, PhilHealth and other stakeholders ample time to
learn and refine the implementation nuts and bolts of integration.

To guide the Universal Health Care Integration Sites (UHC IS), three (3) overarching policies
were issued by the DOH, namely Administrative Order (AO) No. 2020-0019 on “Guidelines on the
Service Delivery Design of Health Care Provider Networks (HCPNs)” which defines the standards for
the establishment of the HCPNs; AO No. 2020-0021 on “Guidelines on Integration of the Local
Health Systems into Province-Wide and City-Wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)” which provides the
general procedures and mechanisms on integration; and AO No. 2020-0037 on “Guidelines on
Implementation of the LHS ML” which identifies the LHS ML as the framework to progressively
realize the integration of local health systems into P/CWHS.

The LHS ML has four (4) major components, as reflected on the table:

Table 1. LHS ML Components

Building Blocks Fundamental components of the health systems based on the World Health
Organization (WHO): 1) Leadership and Governance; 2) Financing; 3)
Health Workforce; 4) Information; 5) Medical Products, Vaccines and
Technologies; and 6) Service Delivery
Characteristics Features of the integrated local health system based on Sections 41.4.c and
41.4.d of the UHC Act IRR
Key Result Areas Minimum outputs expected to be delivered by the P/CWHS that can
(KRAs) facilitate the achievement of integration. Means of verification or
documentary evidences are used as bases to identify the status of each KRA.
Levels of Preparatory Level (Level 1) – covers KRAs relating to preparatory works
Progression and other supporting mechanisms needed for the integration
Organizational Level (Level 2) – covers KRAs that are important for
organization and management of the integrated LHS. Other UHC Act
reforms that have effects on integration are also covered.
Functional Level (Level 3) – covers KRAs to monitor functionality of the
integrated management support systems

To facilitate the assessment and monitoring of the progress of local health systems integration,
the LHS ML Monitoring Tool was crafted. It is a self-assessment and a validation tool that specifies the
means of verification (MOVs) and evidences that serve as bases in identifying the status under each
KRA. The tool consists of two (2) parts – 1) the Summary Form which reflects the general information,
summary of progress, and recommended interventions and/or assistance needed by the UHC IS; and 2)
the ten (10) Monitoring Forms, one per characteristic which specify the building block, monitoring
tool code, integration characteristic, and MOVs.

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An MOV is tagged as “Achieved” if the UHC IS was able to provide an approved document or
met the set target indicated in the tool. An MOV has a status of “Ongoing” if the UHC IS was able to
provide a draft document or when the target set was not met but initiatives have already started to attain
the MOV. “Not Yet Started” status is given if there are no existing initiatives to achieve the MOV. On
the other hand, the status of the KRAs depend on the status of its corresponding MOV/s. KRAs with
only one MOV follow the status of that MOV. If a KRA has multiple MOVs and these MOVs have the
same status, the KRA will have the same status. If a KRA has multiple MOVs but these MOVs have
different status, the KRA will be tagged as “Ongoing”.

The data collection and validation process of LHS ML starts with the self-assessment by the UHC
IS which is facilitated by the Provincial/City Health Board (P/CHB), through the P/CHO. They then
have to endorse the accomplished and signed LHS ML Monitoring Tool and MOVs tagged to have
“Achieved” or “Ongoing” status to their respective P/CDOHO and CHD/MOH-BARMM. The
submitted tool and MOVs are reviewed and validated by the concerned P/CDOHO and CHD/MOH-
BARMM. The results of the first level data review and validation are then endorsed to the concerned
CO Bureau/Service for second level data review and validation. Once completed, the results of the
second level data review and validation are endorsed to the Bureau of Local Health Systems
Development (BLHSD) for consolidation. BLHSD drafts the official LHS ML National Report and
facilitates the approval and dissemination of the report to all stakeholders.

The figure below provides the summary of the data collection and validation process of LHS ML.

Figure 1. LHS ML Data Collection and Validation Process

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II. Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System (LHS
The Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Information System (LHS ML IS) was designed and
developed to facilitate the collection, consolidation and analysis of information on the progress of
implementing the integration reform. It shall serve as the main platform for the encoding of status and
uploading of the LHS ML MOVs by the UHC IS, and validation of results by the CHDs, MOH-
BARMM and concerned Central Office Bureaus and Services. It also has a messaging platform for ease
of communication among key implementers and a repository for the MOVs submitted by the UHC IS
that were validated by the CHDs, MOH-BARMM, and Central Office Bureaus and Services to have
“Achieved” status.

A. System Requirements
To use the system, a user should have an internet connection, electronic device and web browser.
Internet Connection: The internet connection speed should at least be 1 mbps
Electronic Device: A user may use any of the following to access and navigate the system:
desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.
Web Browser: Any available web browser can be used to access and navigate the system.
However, Google Chrome is the most recommended browser.
Only an online version of the LHS ML IS will be available for all Users to be able to use all
features of the system, including the uploading and viewing of MOVs, and the messaging platform.

B. Interface of the LHS ML IS

This section provides the overview of the main interface of the LHS ML IS.

1. The Registration Page enables a target User to gain

access to the LHS ML IS. The level of access to the
information system is determined by the type of
registered User level. Registration is a one-time
activity and has to be approved by the designated
system administrator per User level

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2. The Login Page allows a registered User of the LHS
ML IS to access the system using his/her approved
User account. This page also enables a registered User
who forgot his/her login credentials to reset his/her
details to allow access to the system.

3. The Home Page reflects the National Dashboard containing the national and regional summaries of the
LHS ML data for a particular calendar year, specifically the overall integration status, summary of results
per characteristic and status of each KRA per integration characteristic. Only the data that underwent 1st
level data review and validation by the concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration, and
2nd level data review and validation by the concerned CO Bureau/Service are reflected on the dashboard.

4. The Monitoring Forms Page contains the general information of the UHC IS and provides access to the
monitoring tools of each site.

The General Information Sub-Page, which is the sub-page that will be opened upon selecting the
Monitoring Forms Menu, includes the type of LGU, calendar year, region, name of LGU, number of
component LGUs (as applicable), and if the LGU has encountered a public health emergency/disaster within
the calendar year. The overall monitoring status of the UHC IS is also reflected in this Sub-Page:
ƒ Validated if all the LHS ML Monitoring Tools of the UHC IS for the ten (10) integration characteristics
were already approved by the concerned CO Bureau/Service after the 1st and 2nd level data review and
ƒ Otherwise, status is In Progress

For accountability purposes, details of the User who created, and who updated the records of a particular
LGU are also reflected.

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The Monitoring Forms Sub-Page of each UHC IS, which can be accessed after clicking the Folder Icon
in the General Information Sub-Page, comprises of two Sections – General Information Section and
Monitoring Forms Section.

ƒ The General Information Section reiterates the contents of the General Information Sub-Page, with
the addition of the link to the Signed Summary Form, if already uploaded by the UHC IS.

ƒ The Monitoring Tools Section contains a total of ten (10) monitoring tools, one for each integration
characteristic. It specifies the tool code, characteristic and health systems building block. To facilitate
data validation, it also includes the number of MOVs for further verification and number of MOVs
validated per monitoring tool. Progress of encoding and status of validation per tool are also reflected
in this Sub-Page.

5. The Repository Page contains the MOVs that were validated to have “Achieved” status, AND the
monitoring tool was tagged as “Validated” by the concerned CO Bureau/ Service

For ease of reference, it specifies the calendar year, tool code, level of progression, region, name of LGU,
file name and the User that uploaded the MOV in the Monitoring Tools Sub-Page. Filter options are also
included in this page so that a User can readily access a specific MOV.

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6. The Summary Page consists of the National Summary, Regional Summary and LGU Summary. Only data
that underwent 1st level data review and validation by the concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on
Integration are reflected in this page.

The National Summary includes a comparative table reflecting the status of each UHC IS and regional
average for a particular level of progression for selected calendar years

The Regional Summary includes the:

 Status Table reflecting the data disaggregation per KRA and MOV by UHC IS; and
 List of identified next steps and technical assistance needs by UHC IS per integration characteristic,
if any.

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The LGU Summary reflects the:
 Graph on the summary of results per characteristic;
 Graph on the summary of results per maturity level;
 Table on the summary of overall progress; and
 List of summary of recommended interventions and/or technical assistance needed per KRA.
The User can filter the data for the graphs under the LGU Summary by MOV or KRA.

7. The Validator’s Page may only be accessed by the Central Office User level. It includes the encoding status
and validation status of all UHC IS for a specific integration characteristic. Further, it reflects the number
of MOVs for further verification and number of MOVs validated. For a monitoring tool of a particular UHC
IS that is ready for validation at the Central Office level, the User account details of the CHD/MOH-
BARMM personnel that endorsed the tool for 2nd level data review and validation are also shown.

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8. The Account Settings Page includes the User Profile and Logout.

ƒ The User Profile specifies the information of the active User such as the User level, name and email

ƒ The Logout Menu allows a User to return to the Login Page.

C. Icons and Commands

This section provides the icons and commands in the LHS ML IS, and their corresponding

Add Command lets a User add data of a particular UHC IS

Add Remarks Command enables a User to include a remark in an

identified recommended intervention or technical assistance needed
by the UHC IS

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Cancel Command enables a User to cancel any changes made on the
data of a particular UHC IS

Choose File Command allows a User to upload a file from his/her

electronic device

Collapse Icon lets a User minimize the Menu Tab

Copy to Clipboard Command allows a User to copy and paste data

in table format to a document type of choice. Records copied using
this command can be edited

Date Picker allows a User to input a date without the need to type it

Delete Icon lets a User delete the data of a particular UHC IS

Delete File Command enables a User to delete any uploaded file in

the system

Download Command enables a User to download graphs as Portable

Network Graphics (PNG)

Edit Icon enables a User to edit the data of a particular UHC IS

Export to Excel Command lets a User download data in Microsoft

Excel format. Records exported using this command can be edited.

Export to PDF Command enables a User to download data in

Portable Document Format (PDF). Records exported using this
command cannot be edited

Folder Icon gives a User access to the ten (10) individual monitoring

Generate Command allows a User to create graphs and/or tables

Home Command enables a User to immediately return to the Home


Mark as Resolved Command allows a User to resolve a posted

comment once the concern was addressed

Mark as Unresolved Command enables a User to unresolved a

comment that was previously resolved
Post Command gives a User the capacity to post a comment/ remark

Return to CHD Command enables a CO User account to return the

LHS ML monitoring tool of a particular UHC IS for action of the
concerned CHD User account

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Return to LGU Command gives a CHD User account the capacity
to return the LHS ML monitoring tool of a particular UHC IS for
action of the concerned LGU User account

Save Command allows a User to save any changes made on the data
of a particular UHC IS

Submit to CHD Command lets an LGU User account to endorse to

a CHD User account the LHS ML monitoring tool of a particular
UHC IS for first (1st) level data review and validation

Submit to CO Command allows a CHD User account to endorse to

a CO User account the LHS ML monitoring tool of a particular UHC
IS for second (2nd) level data review and validation

Tag as Validated Command allows a CO User account to approve

the LHS ML monitoring tool of a particular UHC IS after undergoing
two (2) levels of data review and validation

User Information Icon enables a User to view the details of the

registered User account

View Icon allows a User to view the filled-out printer-ready LHS

ML Monitoring Tool

D. Validation Status
This section provides the validation status to guide the users on which level of the data collection
and validation process a monitoring form is currently at.

Encoding Status means that a concerned LGU User Account is still

in the process of completing the needed information for a particular
integration characteristic’s monitoring tool. The encoding status is
computed as follows:

UHC IS is required to encode the status

for all MOVs of a particular integration
60% for the Encoding characteristic. Each MOV is allotted a
of MOV Status particular percentage, depending on the
total number of MOVs in that
40% for Recommended UHC IS is required to identify presence
Interventions/Assistance of recommended interventions or
Needed technical assistance needs.

Ongoing Validation (CHD) means that the concerned CHD or

MOH-BARMM is still conducting the 1st level data review and
Ongoing Validation (CO) means that the concerned CO
Bureau/Service is still conducting the 2nd level data review and

Validated means that the monitoring tool for a particular integration

characteristic was already approved by the concerned CO
Bureau/Service after the 1st and 2nd level data review and validation.

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E. Modules
This Section contains the step-by-step guide in navigating the LHS ML IS. Five (5) modules
were developed – one (1) module providing the instructions on how to access the system and four (4)
modules which correspond to the four (4) different User levels of the system.

Module I. Accessing the LHS ML Information System

Module I discusses the step-by-step procedure on how all users of the LHS ML IS can access the
LHS ML IS site, register an account in the system, login approved credentials and reset access to the
system if password was forgotten.

1. Accessing the Site

1.1 Open the web browser of choice. For

purposes of this manual, Google
Chrome is used.

1.2 Type the uniform resource locator

(URL) of the LHS ML IS in the address
bar of the Google Chrome browser.


1.3 Press “Enter”.

2. User Registration

2.1 Registration Process

2.1.1 Select a User Level in the

dropdown list which will depend on
the organizational affiliation of the
User registering to access the LHS

The table below specifies the allowed access per User Level.

User Level Access

All User Levels ƒDashboard
ƒAccount Settings
DOH Central Office ƒMonitoring Forms
o Viewing of Uploaded MOVs
o Final Validation of Status of LHS ML MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
o Encoding of Remarks for Recommended
Interventions/Assistance Needed
ƒValidator’s Page

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User Level Access
DOH Center for Health ƒMonitoring Forms
Development/MOH- o Viewing of Uploaded MOVs
BARMM o First Level Validation of Status of LHS ML MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
o Encoding of Remarks for Recommended
Interventions/Assistance Needed
o Encoding of Information of the 1st Level Validator
Provincial DOH Office ƒMonitoring Forms
o Viewing of Uploaded MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
City DOH Office ƒMonitoring Forms
o Viewing of Uploaded MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
Province ƒMonitoring Forms
(UHC IS) o Updating of the MOV Status
o Encoding of required information of the MOV
o Uploading of MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
o Encoding of Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed
o Encoding of Information of the Assessor
Highly Urbanized ƒMonitoring Forms
City/Independent o Updating of the MOV Status
Component City o Encoding of required information of the MOV
(UHC IS) o Uploading of MOVs
o Encoding and Resolving/Unresolving of Comments
o Encoding of Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed
o Encoding of Information of the Assessor

2.1.2 Additional information will be required depending on the selected User Level. Select the
appropriate details.

ƒ For DOH CO User Level, select the

Office and Characteristic


Level, select the Region

ƒ For PDOHO and Province User Levels,

select the name of the Province

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ƒ For CDOHO and HUC/ICC User
Levels, select the name of the City

2.1.3 Encode the Full Name. For

accountability purposes, only accounts
for registration that have complete
names will be approved by the system

2.1.4 Encode the Email Address. Active

email should be used since a verification
email upon registration will be sent. For
accountability purposes, only personal
emails will be approved by the system
administrator. 3

2.1.5 Encode the Password of choice. The 4

chosen Password should have the
following: 5
 1 lower case letter
 1 upper case letter 6
 1 number
 1 special character
 Consists of at least 10 characters

2.1.6 Re-type the Password of choice.

2.1.7 Click “Register”

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¾ A “Show Password” feature was included
in the Registration Page to allow Users to
view the encoded password. Click the box
to enable this feature.

¾ Click “I already have an account” if User

already has a registered User account to
access the LHS ML IS. Refer to Part 3 User
Login for the steps on how to login.

2.2 Verification Process

After clicking the “Register” button in the Registration Page, a page will appear with the
following message – “Verify your Email Address. Before proceeding, please check your email
for a verification link”.

2.2.1 Open the registered Email Address.

2.2.2 Open the email sent by


In case the User failed to access the verification link within the prescribed period, the User has
to contact the system administrator for assistance.

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2.2.3 Click “Verify Email Address”.

The verification link is only valid for

60 minutes. After clicking “Verify
Email Address”, the system will
automatically login the User account.

Note: Only Users that are authorized to access

the system will be allowed by the system
administrator. An email will be sent to the
registered email address once access is
approved. A dialogue box will appear if
the registration is yet to be approved by
the system administrator.

3. User Login

3.1 Input the Email Address and Password

that were used to register to the LHS ML


3.2 Click “Login”

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¾ A “Show Password” feature was
included in the Login Page to allow
Users to view the encoded password.
Click the box to enable this feature.

¾ “Forgot password?” to be used by Users

who forgot the password that was used to
register in the LHS ML IS. Refer to Part 4
Forgot Password for the steps on how to
reset the forgotten password.
¾ “Don’t have an account? Register here”
to be used by Users who have no existing
User accounts in the LHS ML IS. Refer to
Part 2 User Registration for the steps on
how to register for a User account in the

4. Forgot Password

For Users with existing registered account in the LHS ML IS but forgot the password used to
register in the system, the “Forgot password?” feature can be used.

4.1 Click “Forgot password?” in the Login


4.2 Input the Email Address that was used to

register in the system in the window that
will appear after clicking “Forgot

4.3 Click “Send Password Reset Link” in the

dialogue box that will appear. A reset
password link will then be sent to the
registered Email Address.

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4.4 Click “Reset Password” in the email sent
to the registered Email Address.

4.5 Input the registered Email Address, and

desired new password following the
specifications in Part 2. User Registration
Item No. 2.1.5. Confirm the new password.

4.6 Click “Reset Password” after filling-out 5

the required fields. The system will
automatically login the User account.

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Module II. LGU User Module
Module II discusses the step-by-step procedure on how the Local Government Unit (LGU) –
Provinces, HUCs and ICCs – user levels can add and encode the information of the concerned UHC IS
in the LHS ML IS in the Monitoring Forms Page. It also provides the directions on how to generate
reports in the Home Page and Summary Page, how to access the MOVs validated to have “Achieved”
status after two levels of data review and validation in the Repository Page, and how to view the user
profile using the Account Settings Page. It also provides the other features of the LHS ML IS.

1. Adding a Record for a UHC IS

1.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

1.2 Click “Add”.

The Add Dialogue Box has two (2) tabs – General Information and Signatories.

A. General Information

1.3 Select “General Information”.

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1.4 Select in the dropdown list the
appropriate Calendar Year.

1.5 Input the Monitoring Period Date

From and Monitoring Period Date
To using the Date Picker.

1.6 Indicate if the P/CWHS encountered

a public health emergency/disaster.

All fields in the General Information tab are required fields. A User has to fill-out all the
information being asked in this tab.

B. Signatories

1.7 Click “Signatories”.

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1.8 Encode the Full Name of the
Provincial/ City Health Officer of the
UHC IS in the Approved By.

1.9 Input the Date Approved using the

Date Picker.
1.10 Encode the Full Name of the
Provincial/ City DOH Officer who is
assisting the UHC IS in the first 9
Validated By field.
1.11 Input the Date Validated using the
Date Picker .
1.12 Encode the Full Name of the
Leader or any CHD/MOH-BARMM 12
personnel duly designated by the Core
Group on Integration in the second
Validated By field.

1.13 Input the Date Validated using the 14

Date Picker.

1.14 Encode the Full Name of the DOH 15

Regional Director or BARMM
Minister of Health in the Noted By

1.15 Input the Date Noted using the Date


Note: Given that MOH-BARMM does not have DOH Representatives, LGU User
Accounts of UHC IS in BARMM may skip Steps No. 10 and 11.

All fields in the Signatories tab are non-required fields but should be filled-out at the
end of the Annual Monitoring Activity, including the uploading of the Signed Summary Form.
Refer to Part 2 Editing the General Information and Signatories of a UHC IS for the steps
on how to upload the said form.

1.16 Click “Add”.

¾ Only one record per UHC IS is
allowed for a particular year. A
dialogue box will appear if the UHC
IS that the User account is adding
already has existing records.

¾ In cases wherein the LGU User

Account decided to not proceed with
adding a record for a UHC IS, click

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2. Editing the General Information and Signatories of a UHC IS

2.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

2.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

2.3 Click the “Edit” Icon and edit the

information that the User wants to

The Signed Summary Form should be uploaded in the system at the end of the Annual
Monitoring Activity.

2.4 Click “Choose File” in the Signatories


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2.5 In the dialogue box that will appear,
select the file to be uploaded in the
system and click “Open”.

A status bar will appear indicating the

progress of uploading the file to the

User will be notified once the file was

successfully uploaded.

To access the uploaded Signed Summary Form:

Method 1: Click the File Name of the

uploaded Signed Summary Form in
the Signatories Tab after clicking the
“Edit” Icon

Method 2: Click the File Name of the

uploaded Signed Summary Form in
the General Information Section
after clicking the “Folder” Icon

3. Accessing the Record of a UHC IS

3.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

Page 26 of 109
3.2 Select in the dropdown list the
Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

3.3 Click the “Folder” Icon.

The individual record of a particular UHC IS has two sub-pages – General

Information and Monitoring Tools. Refer to Interface of the LHS ML Section for the general
description of these sub-pages.

3.4 Go the Monitoring Tools Section,

identify the integration characteristic
of interest, and choose the operation
that you want to perform. Refer to
Icons and Commands Section on the
specific actions of these icons.

Page 27 of 109
4. Encoding of Integration Data

4.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

4.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

4.3 Click the “Folder” Icon.

4.4 Click the “Edit” Icon of the concerned

integration characteristic.

The encoding platform of nine (9) out of ten (10) integration characteristics has a total
of six (6) tabs. Given that the Preparatory Level (Level 1) KRAs of Financial Management
(Fin 1) are under the Unified Governance of the Local Health System (LG 1), the encoding
platform for Fin 1 only has five (5) tabs.

Page 28 of 109
A. Levels of Progression Encoding Tabs

The Preparatory, Organizational and Functional Encoding Tabs contain the Tool Edit
Section, Validation Section and Comments Section. Take note that Fin 1 does not have a
Preparatory Level Encoding Tab.

A.1 Tool Edit Section

This Section allows the LGU User Account to update the status of the MOV, encode
relevant information per MOV and upload the documentary evidences for reference of the

4.5 Select the appropriate MOV status in

the dropdown list and encode the
additional requested information.

Status Description Additional Information

Achieved With approved document that met the Policy Issuance Number (as
minimum required contents for the applicable)
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool Other related information
was met
Ongoing With draft document that is consistent Remarks specifying the current
with existing policies and met the status of the MOV at the time of
minimum required contents for the reporting
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool
was not met but initiatives have already
started to attain the target
Not Yet Started No existing initiatives yet

Page 29 of 109
For MOVs tagged as “Achieved”, the documentary evidence is required to be
uploaded to the system. Uploading of MOVs tagged as “Ongoing” is optional, depending on
the agreement among the UHC IS, CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration and
concerned CO Bureau/Service.

4.6 Click “Choose File”.

4.7 In the dialogue box that will appear,

select the file to be uploaded in the
system and click “Open”.

A status bar will appear indicating the

progress of uploading the file to the

User will be notified once the file was

successfully uploaded.

¾ If the User would like to change the file that was already uploaded in the system, User just need
to repeat Steps No. 4.6 and 4.7 to overwrite the previously uploaded file.

¾ If User would like to delete the file

that was already uploaded in the
system, click “Delete File”.

¾ Only one file can be uploaded per MOV.

Number of Files Required File Format

Single Documentary Evidence Portable Document Format (PDF)

Multiple Documentary Evidences Zipped Folder

Additional Instructions for HW 1 KRA 3.1 MOV 1 and SD 1 KRA 2.5 MOV 1 if tagged as

HW 1 KRA 3.1 MOV 1: UHC IS is required to input the Issuance Number of the
Ordinance on the Creation of Permanent Plantilla Positions for HRH per

Page 30 of 109
 Click “Add”

 In the dialogue box that will

appear, select the Name of the
LGU and input the Ordinance

 Click “Save”

SD 1 KRA 2.5 MOV 1: UHC IS is required to input the Name of the Apex Hospital
to which a Memorandum of Agreement has been approved and signed.

 Click “Add”

 In the dialogue box that will

appear, input the Name of the
Apex Hospital

 Click “Save”

A.2 Validation Section

This Section is disabled for the LGU User Account. Only the CHD and CO User
Accounts can change the validation status per MOV.

Page 31 of 109
For reference, the following table provides the validation status and corresponding

Status Description Color

For Further MOV status and/or submitted documentary evidence Yellow
Verification need/s further review or inputs
Validated MOV status and submitted documentary evidence Green
already approved by the validator

A.3 Comments Section

This Section enables the LGU User Account to post comments for reference of the
validators, and reply to comments posted by the validators.

4.8 Type the comments/concerns in the

Comments Box and click “Post”. The
comments/concerns encoded in the
Comments Box should appear in the
Comments Thread.

¾ Any User can mark comments as
resolved, or can mark resolved
comments as unresolved.

¾ By default, only unresolved

comments will appear in the
Comments Thread. If User wants to
browse through all the comments
(both resolved and unresolved), click
“Show all Comments”.

Page 32 of 109
¾ If User wants to only browse the
unresolved comments, click “Hide

¾ Clicking “Post” in the Comments

Box will save all the changes within
the same Level of Progression
Encoding Tab without having to
click “Save” which is located at the
bottom right corner of the page.

4.9 After updating any information in a

particular Level of Progression
Encoding Tab, click “Save”.

B. Summary of Progress Tab

The Summary of Progress Tab reflects the status of the KRAs per level of progression.
Details in this tab are computer generated.

C. Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed Tab

The Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed Tab allows LGU User Account

to encode the recommended interventions or technical assistance (TA) needed by the UHC IS
to achieve the KRAs.

Page 33 of 109
4.10 Click “Add”.

4.11 In the dialogue box that will appear,

select in the dropdown list if the UHC
IS has recommended interventions or
TA needed.

If the UHC IS has NO recommended interventions or TA needed:

4.11.1a Select “No” in the dropdown


4.11.1b Click “Save”.


The “Add” Command will be disabled

once the LGU User Account chose
“No” in the dropdown list.

Page 34 of 109
If the UHC IS HAS recommended interventions or TA needed:

4.11.2a Select “Yes” in the dropdown


4.11.2b Select the specific KRA with

recommended interventions or TA a
needed in the dropdown list.

4.11.2c Encode the specific

Recommended Intervention/s or
Technical Assistance Needed for
the selected KRA.

4.11.2d Input the Timeframe (Date

From and Date To) using the Date d


4.11.2e Encode the Expected Output.

4.11.2f Encode the Full Name of the

Person or Unit Responsible for f
executing the recommended
intervention or for providing the
TA needed by the UHC IS.

All fields in the Add Recommended Interventions/ TA Needed dialogue box are
required fields. The User has to fill-out all the information being asked in this dialogue box.

¾ Only the LGU User Account can
add, edit or delete recommended
interventions/ TA needed.

¾ If at least one recommended

intervention/ TA needed was
encoded, the “No” option in
dialogue box that will appear after
clicking “Add” will be hidden.

Page 35 of 109
¾ Any User Account can include remarks on a particular TA Need/Intervention.

Click “Add Remarks”

Encode the inputs in the Remarks


Click “Post”

¾ If User decided to not proceed with

adding a remark for a particular TA
Need/Intervention, click “Cancel”.

¾ By default, only the most recent

remark can be viewed. To show all
remarks made on a particular TA
Need or Intervention, click “Show

¾ To only show the most recent

remark, click “Show Less”.

D. Signatories Tab

The Signatories Tab includes the details of the Assessor, and first level data Reviewer
and Validator. For the LGU User Account, editing access to the details of the first level data
Reviewer and Validator is disabled.

Page 36 of 109
4.12 Encode the Full Name of the UHC IS
Personnel who oversee the self-
assessment in the Assessed By field.

4.13 Encode the Official Designation of

the UHC IS Personnel who oversee
the self-assessment in the Designation 12

4.14 Input the Date Assessed using the 14

Date Picker.

4.15 Encode the Name of Office or Unit

where the UHC IS Personnel who
oversee the self-assessment is assigned
in the Name of Office/Unit field.

4.16 Click “Save”.

4.17 If the LGU User Account is ready to

endorse a particular monitoring tool
for data review and validation of the
concerned CHD or MOH-BARMM,
click “Submit to CHD”.

16 17

¾ “Submit to CHD” command will
only be enabled if the encoding
status for the particular monitoring
tool is at 100%

Page 37 of 109
¾ Once a particular monitoring tool
was endorsed to the CHD/MOH-
BARMM for first level data review
and validation, all encoding fields
will be disabled except for the
Comments Section in the Levels of
Progression Tabs and Remarks
Section in the Recommended
Interventions/Assistance Needed

5. Viewing the Dashboard

5.1 Click “Home”.

5.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the national or
regional data that the User wants to
see in the Dashboard.

Page 38 of 109
5.3 User to decide level of data disaggregation to view.
If the User wants to view National Data:

5.3.1a Click “Generate”

If the User wants to view Regional Data:

5.3.2a Select the appropriate Region in

the dropdown list.

5.3.2b Click “Generate”

By default, the latest Official National Annual Monitoring Results can be viewed in
the dashboard.
The Overall Integration Status Board
reflects the number of UHC IS that
reached the different LHS ML
Categories. It also contains the
description per LHS ML Category.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Functional Organizational and Functional
P/CWHS Levels of all Integration
Characteristics were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Organized and Organizational Levels of
P/CWHS all Integration Characteristics
were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Ready to
Level of all Integration
Characteristics were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
achieve all KRAs under
Preparatory Level of all
Integration Characteristics

Page 39 of 109
The Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph shows the
disaggregated data per integration
characteristic of the information
reflected in the Overall Integration
Status Board.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Functional Organizational and Functional
Level Levels of a particular
Already Integration Characteristic were
All KRAs under Preparatory
and Organizational Levels of a
particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Ready Level of a particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
Still to With ongoing initiatives to
Achieve all achieve all KRAs under
Preparatory Preparatory Level of a
Level particular Integration
KRAs Characteristic

Each Integration Characteristic has a

dedicated graph which shows the total
number of UHC IS that attained a
particular status per KRA.

Status Description
All MOVs under a particular
KRA were achieved
Some of the MOVs under a
Ongoing particular KRA are yet to be
No existing initiatives yet to
Not Yet
achieve any of the MOVs under a
particular KRA
Not KRA is not applicable to the
Applicable UHC IS

Page 40 of 109
¾ If the User would like to download a
particular graph, click “Download”
located in the upper right hand
corner of the graph.

¾ Graphs downloaded from the system

cannot be edited.

6. Accessing the Repository

Only MOVs that were validated to have “Achieved” status after the 1st and 2nd levels
of data review and validation, and the specific monitoring tool has already been tagged by the
concerned CO Bureau/Service as “Validated” will be included in the Repository.

6.1 Click “Repository”.

6.2 User may choose any or all of the

following filter options to facilitate
access to a particular MOV. Select the
desired option in the corresponding
dropdown list:


Tool Code/ Integration Characteristic

Level of Progression



Page 41 of 109
6.3 To view a particular MOV, click the
Name of the File under the “File”

¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.

7. Viewing the Summary

Only data that underwent at least the 1st level data review and validation by the
concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration are considered in the generation
of the Summaries.

7.1 Click “Summary”.

The Summary Page consists of the

National Summary, Regional
Summary and LGU Summary.

Page 42 of 109
7.2 User to select the level of the summary to view.

If the User wants to view National Summary:

7.2.1a Click “National Summary”

7.2.1b Select the Monitoring Year of

the National Summary that the
User wants to view. User can select
multiple years.
b c
7.2.1c Select in the dropdown list the
Level of Progression of the
National Summary that the User
wants to view. d

7.2.1d Click “Generate”

¾ The data in the generated National
Summary Table is computed as

Average of the results of the UHC
IS in a particular Region

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated National Summary Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of
these Commands.

Page 43 of 109
If the User wants to view Regional Summary:

7.2.2a Click “Regional Summary”

7.2.2b Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
b c

7.2.2c Select the Data Form that the

User wants to view. d

7.2.2d Click “Generate”.

¾ The Status Table shows the detailed
status of the UHC IS under the
Region in terms of both MOV and
KRA data levels.

¾ The Identified Next Steps and

Technical Assistance Needs Table
reflects the list of identified next
steps and technical assistance needs
per UHC IS for each integration
characteristic, if any.

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated Regional Status Table
and/or Regional Identified Next Steps
and Technical Assistance Needs Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of these

Page 44 of 109
If the User wants to view LGU Summary:

7.2.3a Click “LGU Summary”

7.2.3b Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
b c
7.2.3c Select the Data Level that the
User wants to view.
7.2.3d Click “Generate”.

¾ The Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per integration

¾ The Summary of Results per

Maturity Level Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per level of

Page 45 of 109
¾ The Summary of Overall Progress
Table shows the status of the UHC IS
in terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, in a three-way
table which disaggregates the data
by integration characteristic, level of
progress and status.

¾ The Summary of Recommended

Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table reflects the
list of identified next steps and
technical assistance needs per KRA
for each integration characteristic, if

¾ If the User wants to copy the

generated Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph, Summary of
Results per Maturity Level Graph,
Summary of Overall Progress Table
and/or Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table, click any
of the Commands in the upper right
hand corner of the concerned graph
or table. Refer to Icons and
Commands Section on the specific
actions of these Commands.

Page 46 of 109
8. Viewing User Profiles

There are two ways to view the User Profile:

Method 1: Click “User Profile” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Method 2: Click “User Information

Icon” then click “Profile”.

¾ The User Profile contains the User
Level, Full Name of the Registered
User, Email Address and Name of

9. Logout

There are two ways to Logout the User Account:

Method 1: Click “Logout” in the Accounts

Settings Page.

Page 47 of 109
Method 2: Click “User Information Icon”
then click “Logout”.

10. Other Features

Breadcrumbs are secondary navigation

aid that help Users to easily
understand their current location in the
system relative to the Home Page.
Breadcrumbs can be used to go back
to previous pages.

Search Bar lets the User search for the

record of a particular UHC IS in the
Monitoring Forms Page.

Page 48 of 109
Module III. P/CDOHO User Module
Module III discusses the step-by-step procedure on how the Provincial and City DOH Offices
(P/CDOHOs) can access and view the record of the UHC IS that they are assisting in the Monitoring
Forms Page. It also specifies the methods on how to generate reports in the Home Page and Summary
Page, how to access the MOVs validated to have “Achieved” status after two levels of data review and
validation in the Repository Page, and how to view the user profile using the Account Settings Page.
It also provides the other features of the LHS ML IS.

1. Accessing the Record of a UHC IS

1.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

1.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

For the General Information, only the View and Folder Icons are enabled for the
P/CDOHO User Account while the Edit Icon is disabled. Only an LGU User Account can edit
the general information of a particular UHC IS.

1.3 Click the “Folder” Icon.

The individual record of a particular UHC IS has two sub-pages – General

Information and Monitoring Tools. Refer to Interface of the LHS ML Section for the general
description of these sub-pages.

Page 49 of 109
1.4 Go the Monitoring Tools Section,
identify the integration characteristic
of interest, and choose the operation
that you want to perform. Refer to
Icons and Commands Section on the
specific actions of these icons.

2. Viewing of Integration Data

2.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

2.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

2.3 Click the “Folder” Icon.

2.4 Click the “Edit” Icon of the concerned

integration characteristic.

Page 50 of 109
The encoding platform of nine (9) out of ten (10) integration characteristics has a total
of six (6) tabs. Given that the Preparatory Level (Level 1) KRAs of Financial Management
(Fin 1) are under the Unified Governance of the Local Health System (LG 1), the encoding
platform for Fin 1 only has five (5) tabs.

A. Levels of Progression Encoding Tabs

The Preparatory, Organizational and Functional Encoding Tabs contain the Tool Edit
Section, Validation Section and Comments Section. Take note that Fin 1 does not have a
Preparatory Level Encoding Tab.

A.1 Tool Edit Section

This Section is disabled for the P/CDOHO User Account. Only LGU User Accounts
can update the status of the MOV, encode relevant information per MOV and upload
documentary evidences.

For reference, the following table provides the different MOV status and
corresponding description.

Status Description Additional Information

Achieved With approved document that met the minimum Policy Issuance Number
required contents for the MOV, or a set target (as applicable)
indicated in the tool was met Other related

Page 51 of 109
Ongoing With draft document that is consistent with Remarks specifying the
existing policies and met the minimum required current status of the MOV
contents for the MOV, or a set target indicated at the time of reporting
in the tool was not met but initiatives have
already started to attain the target
Not Yet Started No existing initiatives yet

Since the P/CDOHO are expected to review the MOVs submitted by the UHC IS, the
P/CDOHO User Account can view the MOVs uploaded in the system. The process of
accessing the uploaded documentary evidence will depend on the file type of the document.

2.5 Click the Name of the File of the

uploaded MOV.

¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.
A.2 Validation Section

This Section is disabled for the P/CDOHO User Account. Only the CHD and CO User
Accounts can change the validation status per MOV.

Page 52 of 109
For reference, the following table provides the validation status and corresponding

Status Description Color

For Further MOV status and/or submitted documentary evidence Yellow
Verification need/s further review or inputs
Validated MOV status and submitted documentary evidence Green
already approved by the validator

A.3 Comments Section

This Section enables the P/CDOHO User Account to post and to reply to comments
posted by other User Levels.

2.6 Type the comments/concerns in the

Comments Box and click “Post”. The
comments/concerns encoded in the
Comments Box should appear in the
Comments Thread.

¾ Any User can mark comments as
resolved, or can mark resolved
comments as unresolved.

¾ By default, only unresolved

comments will appear in the
Comments Thread. If User wants to
browse through all the comments
(both resolved and unresolved), click
“Show all Comments”.

Page 53 of 109
¾ If User wants to only browse the
unresolved comments, click “Hide

¾ Since editing access of the

P/CDOHO User Account in the
Level of Progression Tabs is
disabled, “Save” button at the end of
these pages is also disabled.

B. Summary of Progress Tab

The Summary of Progress Tab reflects the status of the KRAs per level of progression.
Details in this tab are computer generated.

C. Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed Tab

Adding of recommended interventions or TA needed by the UHC IS is disabled for

the P/CDOHO User Account. Only the LGU User Account can add, edit or delete
recommended interventions/ TA needed. However, since the P/CDOHO are expected to
provide inputs on the recommended interventions TA needed by the UHC IS, the P/CDOHO
User Account can include remarks on a particular TA Need/Intervention.

Page 54 of 109
2.7 Click “Add Remarks”.

2.8 Encode the inputs in the Remarks


2.9 Click “Post”

¾ If User decided to not proceed with
adding a remark for a particular TA
Need/Intervention, click “Cancel”.

¾ By default, only the most recent

remark can be viewed. To show all
remarks made on a particular TA
Need or Intervention, click “Show

Page 55 of 109
¾ To only show the most recent
remark, click “Show Less”.

D. Signatories Tab

The Signatories Tab includes the details of the Assessor, and first level data Reviewer
and Validator. For the P/CDOHO User Account, editing access to this tab is disabled.

3. Viewing the Dashboard

3.1 Click “Home”.

Page 56 of 109
3.2 Select in the dropdown list the
Monitoring Year of the national or
regional data that the User wants to
see in the Dashboard.

3.3 User to decide level of data disaggregation to view.

If the User wants to view National Data:

3.3.1a Click “Generate”

If the User wants to view Regional Data:

3.3.2a Select the appropriate Region in

the dropdown list.

3.3.2b Click “Generate”

By default, the latest Official National Annual Monitoring Results can be viewed in
the dashboard.

Page 57 of 109
The Overall Integration Status Board
reflects the number of UHC IS that
reached the different LHS ML
Categories. It also contains the
description per LHS ML Category.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Functional Organizational and Functional
P/CWHS Levels of all Integration
Characteristics were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory and
Organized Organizational Levels of all
P/CWHS Integration Characteristics were
All KRAs under Preparatory
Ready to
Level of all Integration
Characteristics were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
achieve all KRAs under
Preparatory Level of all
Integration Characteristics

The Summary of Results per

Characteristic Graph shows the
disaggregated data per integration
characteristic of the information
reflected in the Overall Integration
Status Board.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Organizational and Functional
Levels of a particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory and
Organizational Levels of a
particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory Level
Ready of a particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
Still to With ongoing initiatives to achieve
Achieve all all KRAs under Preparatory Level
Preparatory of a particular Integration
Level KRAs Characteristic

Page 58 of 109
Each Integration Characteristic has a
dedicated graph which shows the total
number of UHC IS that attained a
particular status per KRA.

Status Description
All MOVs under a particular
KRA were achieved
Some of the MOVs under a
Ongoing particular KRA are yet to be
No existing initiatives yet to
Not Yet
achieve any of the MOVs
under a particular KRA
Not KRA is not applicable to the
Applicable UHC IS

¾ If the User would like to download a
particular graph, click “Download”
located in the upper right hand
corner of the graph.

¾ Graphs downloaded from the system

cannot be edited.

4. Accessing the Repository

Only MOVs that were validated to have “Achieved” status after the 1st and 2nd levels
of data review and validation, and the specific monitoring tool has already been tagged by the
concerned CO Bureau/Service as “Validated” will be included in the Repository.

Page 59 of 109
4.1 Click “Repository”.

4.2 User may choose any or all of the

following filter options to facilitate
access to a particular MOV. Select the
desired option in the corresponding
dropdown list:


Tool Code/ Integration Characteristic

Level of Progression



4.3 To view a particular MOV, click the

Name of the File under the “File”

¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file

Page 60 of 109
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.

5. Viewing the Summary

Only data that underwent at least the 1st level data review and validation by the
concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration are considered in the generation
of the Summaries.

5.1 Click “Summary”.

The Summary Page consists of the

National Summary, Regional
Summary and LGU Summary.

5.2 User to select the level of the summary to view.

If the User wants to view National Summary:

5.2.1a Click “National Summary”

5.2.1b Select the Monitoring Year of

the National Summary that the
User wants to view. User can select
multiple years.
b c

5.2.1c Select in the dropdown list the

Level of Progression of the
National Summary that the User d

wants to view.

Page 61 of 109
5.2.1d Click “Generate”

¾ The data in the generated National
Summary Table is computed as

Average of the results of the UHC
IS in a particular Region

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated National Summary Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of
these Commands.

If the User wants to view Regional Summary:

5.2.2a Click “Regional Summary”

5.2.2b Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
b c

5.2.2c Select the Data Form that the

User wants to view. d

5.2.2d Click “Generate”.

Page 62 of 109
¾ The Status Table shows the detailed
status of the UHC IS under the
Region in terms of both MOV and
KRA data levels.

¾ The Identified Next Steps and

Technical Assistance Needs Table
reflects the list of identified next
steps and technical assistance needs
per UHC IS for each integration
characteristic, if any.

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated Regional Status Table
and/or Regional Identified Next
Steps and Technical Assistance
Needs Table, click any of the
Commands in the upper right hand
corner of the table. Refer to Icons
and Commands Section on the
specific actions of these Commands.

If the User wants to view LGU Summary:

5.2.3a Click “LGU Summary”

5.2.3b Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
b c
5.2.3c Select the Data Level that the
User wants to view.
5.2.3d Click “Generate”.

Page 63 of 109
¾ The Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per integration

¾ The Summary of Results per

Maturity Level Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per level of

¾ The Summary of Overall Progress

Table shows the status of the UHC
IS in terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, in a three-way
table which disaggregates the data
by integration characteristic, level of
progression and status.

Page 64 of 109
¾ The Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table reflects the
list of identified next steps and
technical assistance needs per KRA
for each integration characteristic, if

¾ If the User wants to copy the

generated Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph, Summary of
Results per Maturity Level Graph,
Summary of Overall Progress Table
and/or Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table, click any
of the Commands in the upper right
hand corner of the concerned graph
or table. Refer to Icons and
Commands Section on the specific
actions of these Commands.

6. Viewing User Profiles

There are two ways to view the User Profile:

Method 1: Click “User Profile” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Page 65 of 109
Method 2: Click “User Information
Icon” then click “Profile”.

¾ The User Profile contains the User
Level, Full Name of the Registered
User, Email Address and Name of

7. Logout
There are two ways to Logout the User Account:

Method 1: Click “Logout” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Method 2: Click “User Information

Icon” then click “Logout”.

8. Other Features

Breadcrumbs are secondary navigation

aid that help Users to easily
understand their current location in the
system relative to the Home Page.
Breadcrumbs can be used to go back
to previous pages.

Search Bar lets the User search for the

record of a particular UHC IS in the
Monitoring Forms Page.

Page 66 of 109
Module IV. CHD/MOH-BARMM User Module
Module IV discusses the step-by-step procedure on how the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Level
can access, review and validate the records of UHC IS under their jurisdiction in the Monitoring Forms
Page. It also specifies the methods on how to generate reports in the Home Page and Summary Page,
how to access the MOVs validated to have “Achieved” status after two levels of data review and
validation in the Repository Page, and how to view the user profile using the Account Settings Page.
It also provides the other features of the LHS ML IS.

1. Accessing the Record of a UHC IS

1.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

1.2 Select in the dropdown list the LGU

Type of the UHC IS which record the
User wants to access.

1.3 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

1.4 Select in the dropdown list the Name

of the Province/HUC/ICC.

For the General Information, only the View and Folder Icons are enabled for the
CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account while the Edit Icon is disabled. Only an LGU User
Account can edit the general information of a particular UHC IS.

1.5 Click the “Folder” Icon.

The individual record of a particular UHC IS has two sub-pages – General

Information and Monitoring Tools. Refer to Interface of the LHS ML Section for the general
description of these sub-pages.

Page 67 of 109
1.6 Go the Monitoring Tools Section,
identify the integration characteristic
of interest, and choose the operation
that you want to perform. Refer to
Icons and Commands Section on the
specific actions of these icons.

2. Reviewing and Validating the Integration Data

2.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

2.2 Select in the dropdown list the LGU

Type of the UHC IS which record the
User wants to access.

2.3 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

2.4 Select in the dropdown list the Name

of the Province/HUC/ICC.

2.5 Click the “Edit” Icon of the concerned

integration characteristic.

Page 68 of 109
¾ The Edit Icon is disabled if the
Validation Status for a specific
integration characteristic is
“Encoding”. It will only be enabled
if the reflected Validation Status is
“Ongoing Validation (CHD)”,
“Ongoing Validation (CO)”, or

The encoding platform of nine (9) out of ten (10) integration characteristics has a total
of six (6) tabs. Given that the Preparatory Level (Level 1) KRAs of Financial Management
(Fin 1) are under the Unified Governance of the Local Health System (LG 1), the encoding
platform for Fin 1 only has five (5) tabs.

A. Levels of Progression Encoding Tabs

The Preparatory, Organizational and Functional Encoding Tabs contain the Tool Edit
Section, Validation Section and Comments Section. Take note that Fin 1 does not have a
Preparatory Level Encoding Tab.

A.1 Tool Edit Section

This Section is disabled for the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account. Only LGU User
Accounts can update the status of the MOV, encode relevant information per MOV and
upload documentary evidences.

Page 69 of 109
For reference, the following table provides the different MOV status and
corresponding description.

Status Description Additional Information

Achieved With approved document that met the Policy Issuance Number (as
minimum required contents for the applicable)
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool Other related information
was met
Ongoing With draft document that is consistent Remarks specifying the current
with existing policies and met the status of the MOV at the time of
minimum required contents for the reporting
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool
was not met but initiatives have already
started to attain the target
Not Yet Started No existing initiatives yet

Since the CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration Members are expected to

review the MOVs submitted by the UHC IS, the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account can
view the MOVs uploaded in the system. The process of accessing the uploaded documentary
evidence will depend on the file type of the document.

2.6 Click the Name of the File of the

uploaded MOV.

¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser.

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.

A.2 Validation Section

This Section allows the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account to change the validation
status per MOV.

Page 70 of 109
2.7 Select the appropriate Validation
Status after reviewing the MOV
uploaded by the UHC IS.

Status Description Color

For Further MOV status and/or submitted documentary evidence Yellow
Verification need/s further review or inputs
Validated MOV status and submitted documentary evidence Green
already approved by the validator

A.3 Comments Section

This Section enables the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account to post and to reply to
comments posted by other User Levels.

2.8 Type the comments/concerns in the

Comments Box and click “Post”. The
comments/concerns encoded in the
Comments Box should appear in the
Comments Thread.

Page 71 of 109
¾ Any User can mark comments as
resolved, or can mark resolved
comments as unresolved.

¾ By default, only unresolved

comments will appear in the
Comments Thread. If User wants to
browse through all the comments
(both resolved and unresolved), click
“Show all Comments”.

¾ If User wants to only browse the

unresolved comments, click “Hide

¾ Clicking “Post” in the Comments

Box will save all the changes within
the same Level of Progression
Encoding Tab without having to
click “Save” which is located at the
bottom right corner of the page.

2.9 After updating any information in a

particular Level of Progression
Encoding Tab, click “Save”.

B. Summary of Progress Tab

The Summary of Progress Tab reflects the status of the KRAs per level of progression.
Details in this tab are computer generated.

Page 72 of 109
C. Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed Tab

Adding of recommended interventions or TA needed by the UHC IS is disabled for

the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account. Only the LGU User Account can add, edit or delete
recommended interventions/ TA needed. However, since the CHD/MOH-BARMM Core
Group on Integration Members are expected to provide inputs on the recommended
interventions or TA needed by the UHC IS, the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account can
include remarks on a particular TA Need/Intervention.

2.10 Click “Add Remarks”.

Page 73 of 109
2.11 Encode the inputs in the Remarks

2.12 Click “Post”

¾ If User decided to not proceed with
adding a remark for a particular TA
Need/Intervention, click “Cancel”.

¾ By default, only the most recent

remark can be viewed. To show all
remarks made on a particular TA
Need or Intervention, click “Show

¾ To only show the most recent

remark, click “Show Less”.

D. Signatories Tab

The Signatories Tab includes the details of the Assessor, and first level data Reviewer
and Validator. For the CHD/MOH-BARMM User Account, editing access to the details of the
Assessor is disabled.

Page 74 of 109
2.13 Encode the Full Name of the
CHD/MOH-BARMM Personnel who
facilitated the first level data review
and validation in the Validated By

2.14 Encode the Official Designation of

the CHD/MOH-BARMM Personnel 13

who facilitated the first level data

review and validation in the 14

Designation field.

2.15 Input the Date Validated using the
Date Picker.

2.16 Encode the Name of Office or Unit 17

where the CHD/MOH-BARMM

Personnel who facilitated the first
level data review and validation in the
Name of Office/Unit field.

2.17 Click “Save”.

Further, the Signatories Tab allows the CHD User Account to either return to the UHC
IS the LHS ML Monitoring Tool for further verification or compliance to concerns raised, or
to endorse the tool to the concerned CO Bureau/Service for second level data review and

2.18 Select the appropriate Command,

depending on the results of the first
level data review and validation

If at least one MOV was tagged by the CHD User Account as “For Further

2.18.1a Click “Return to LGU”

If all MOVs were tagged by the CHD User Account as “Validated”, the Completely
Signed Monitoring Tool should be uploaded to the system.

2.18.2a Click “Choose File”

Page 75 of 109
2.18.2b In the dialogue box that will
appear, select the file to be
uploaded in the system and click

A status bar will appear indicating the

progress of uploading the file to the

User will be notified once the file was

successfully uploaded.

¾ If the User would like to change the file that was already uploaded in the system, User just need
to repeat Steps No. 2.18.2a and 2.18.2b to overwrite the previously uploaded file.

¾ If User would like to delete the file

that was already uploaded in the
system, click “Delete File”.

2.18.2c Click “Submit to CO”.

¾ “Submit to CO” command will only
be enabled if the Validation Status of
all MOVs for the particular
monitoring tool were tagged as
“Validated” and all fields in the
Signatories Tab are completely

Page 76 of 109
¾ Once a particular monitoring tool
was endorsed to the concerned CO
Bureau/Service for second level data
review and validation, all validation
fields will be disabled except for the
Comments Section in the Levels of
Progress Tabs and Remarks Section
in the Recommended
Interventions/Assistance Needed

3. Viewing the Dashboard

3.1 Click “Home”.

3.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the national or
regional data that the User wants to
see in the Dashboard.

Page 77 of 109
3.3 User to decide level of data disaggregation to view.

If the User wants to view National Data:

3.3.1a Click “Generate”

If the User wants to view Regional Data:

3.3.2a Select the appropriate Region in

the dropdown list.

3.3.2b Click “Generate”

By default, the latest Official National Annual Monitoring Results can be viewed in
the dashboard.

Page 78 of 109
The Overall Integration Status Board
reflects the number of UHC IS that
reached the different LHS ML
Categories. It also contains the
description per LHS ML Category.

Category Description
All KRAs under
Functional Organizational and
P/CWHS Functional Levels of all
Integration Characteristics
were achieved
All KRAs under
Preparatory and
Organized Organizational Levels of
P/CWHS all Integration
Characteristics were
All KRAs under
Ready to Preparatory Level of all
Integrate Integration Characteristics
were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
achieve all KRAs under
Preparatory Level of all
Integration Characteristics

The Summary of Results per

Characteristic Graph shows the
disaggregated data per integration
characteristic of the information
reflected in the Overall Integration
Status Board.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Functional Organizational and Functional
Level Levels of a particular
Already Integration Characteristic
were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
and Organizational Levels of
a particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Level of a particular
Integration Characteristic
were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
Still to
achieve all KRAs under
Achieve all
Preparatory Level of a
particular Integration
Level KRAs

Page 79 of 109
Each Integration Characteristic has a
dedicated graph which shows the total
number of UHC IS that attained a
particular status per KRA.

Status Description
All MOVs under a particular
KRA were achieved
Some of the MOVs under a
Ongoing particular KRA are yet to be
No existing initiatives yet to
Not Yet
achieve any of the MOVs
under a particular KRA
Not KRA is not applicable to the
Applicable UHC IS

¾ If the User would like to download a
particular graph, click “Download”
located in the upper right hand
corner of the graph.

¾ Graphs downloaded from the system

cannot be edited.

Page 80 of 109
4. Accessing the Repository

Only MOVs that were validated to have “Achieved” status after the 1st and 2nd levels
of data review and validation, and the specific monitoring tool has already been tagged by the
concerned CO Bureau/Service as “Validated” will be included in the Repository.

4.1 Click “Repository”.

4.2 User may use any or all of the

following filter options to facilitate
access to a particular MOV. Select the
desired option in the corresponding
dropdown list:


Tool Code/ Integration Characteristic

Level of Progression



4.3 To view a particular MOV, click the

Name of the File under the “File”

Page 81 of 109
¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.
5. Viewing the Summary
Only data that underwent at least the 1st level data review and validation by the
concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration are considered in the generation
of the Summaries.

5.1 Click “Summary”.

The Summary Page consists of the

National Summary, Regional
Summary and LGU Summary.

5.2 User to select the level of the summary to view.

If the User wants to view National Summary:

5.2.1a Click “National Summary”

Page 82 of 109
5.2.1b Select the Monitoring Year of
the National Summary that the
User wants to view. User can select
multiple years.

5.2.1c Select in the dropdown list the b c

Level of Progression of the

National Summary that the User
wants to view.

5.2.1d Click “Generate”

¾ The data in the generated National
Summary Table is computed as

Average of the results of the UHC
IS in a particular Region

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated National Summary Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of
these Commands.

If the User wants to view Regional Summary:

5.2.2a Click “Regional Summary”

Page 83 of 109
5.2.2b Select in the dropdown list the
Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
b c

5.2.2c Select the Data Form that the

User wants to view. d

5.2.2d Click “Generate”.

¾ The Status Table shows the detailed
status of the UHC IS under the
Region in terms of both MOV and
KRA data levels.

¾ The Identified Next Steps and

Technical Assistance Needs Table
reflects the list of identified next
steps and technical assistance needs
per UHC IS for each integration
characteristic, if any.

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated Regional Status Table
and/or Regional Identified Next Steps
and Technical Assistance Needs Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of these

If the User wants to view LGU Summary:

5.2.3a Click “LGU Summary”

Page 84 of 109
5.2.3b Select in the dropdown list the
Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.

5.2.3c Select in the dropdown list the

Name of the Province/HUC/ICC b c d
that the User wants to view.
5.2.3d Select the Data Level that the
User wants to view.

5.2.3e Click “Generate”.

¾ The Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per integration

¾ The Summary of Results per

Maturity Level Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per level of

Page 85 of 109
¾ The Summary of Overall Progress
Table shows the status of the UHC
IS in terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, in a three-way
table which disaggregates the data
by integration characteristic, level of
progression and status.

¾ The Summary of Recommended

Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table reflects the
list of identified next steps and
technical assistance needs per KRA
for each integration characteristic, if

¾ If the User wants to copy the

generated Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph, Summary of
Results per Maturity Level Graph,
Summary of Overall Progress Table
and/or Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table, click any
of the Commands in the upper right
hand corner of the concerned graph
or table. Refer to Icons and
Commands Section on the specific
actions of these Commands.

Page 86 of 109
6. Viewing User Profiles

There are two ways to view the User Profile:

Method 1: Click “User Profile” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Method 2: Click “User Information

Icon” then click “Profile”.

¾ The User Profile contains the User
Level, Full Name of the Registered
User, Email Address and Name of

7. Logout

There are two ways to Logout the User Account:

Method 1: Click “Logout” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Page 87 of 109
Method 2: Click “User Information
Icon” then click “Logout”.

8. Other Features

Breadcrumbs are secondary navigation

aid that help Users to easily
understand their current location in the
system relative to the Home Page.
Breadcrumbs can be used to go back
to previous pages.

Search Bar lets the User search for the

record of a particular UHC IS in the
Monitoring Forms Page.

Page 88 of 109
Module V. CO Bureau/Service User Module
Module V discusses the step-by-step procedure on how the CO Bureau/Service User Level can
access, review and validate the records of UHC IS on the integration characteristic that the CO
Bureau/Service is overseeing in the Monitoring Forms Page or Validator’s Page. It also specifies the
methods on how to generate reports in the Home Page and Summary Page, how to access the MOVs
validated to have “Achieved” status after two levels of data review and validation in the Repository
Page, and how to view the user profile using the Account Settings Page. It also provides the other
features of the LHS ML IS.

1. Accessing the Record of a UHC IS

1.1 Click “Monitoring Forms”.

1.2 Select in the dropdown list the LGU

Type of the UHC IS which record the
User wants to access.

1.3 Select in the dropdown list the

2 3 4 5
Monitoring Year of the record that
the User wants to access.

1.4 Select in the dropdown list the


1.5 Select in the dropdown list the Name

of the Province/HUC/ICC.

For the General Information, only the View and Folder Icons are enabled for the CO
Bureau/Service User Account while the Edit Icon is disabled. Only an LGU User Account can
edit the general information of a particular UHC IS.

Page 89 of 109
1.6 Click the “Folder” Icon.

The individual record of a particular UHC IS has two sub-pages – General

Information and Monitoring Tools. Refer to Interface of the LHS ML Section for the general
description of these sub-pages.

¾ The Edit Icon is only enabled for a
particular integration characteristic
o Validation Status of the
concerned integration
characteristic is “Ongoing
Validation (CO)” or
“Validated”; and
o Registered User Account is from
the CO Bureau/Service
overseeing the implementation of
the particular integration
¾ The View Icon is enabled for all
integration characteristics and all
CO Bureau/Service User Accounts.

2. Reviewing and Validating the Integration Data

The Validator’s Page was included in the CO Bureau/Service Module of the LHS ML
IS to facilitate second level data review and validation. The CO Bureau/Service User Accounts
can view the records of all UHC IS for the integration characteristic under their management,
including details pertinent to the monitoring activity.

2.1 Click “Validator’s Page”.

Page 90 of 109
2.2 User may use any or all of the
following filter options to facilitate
access to a record of a particular UHC
IS. Select the desired option in the
corresponding dropdown list:




Status (Refer to Validation Status

Section for the general description of
each status)

2.3 Click the “Edit” Icon of the UHC IS

of interest.

¾ The Edit Icon is only enabled for a
particular UHC IS if Validation
Status is “Ongoing Validation
(CO)” or “Validated”

The encoding platform of nine (9) out of ten (10) integration characteristics has a total
of six (6) tabs. Given that the Preparatory Level (Level 1) KRAs of Financial Management
(Fin 1) are under the Unified Governance of the Local Health System (LG 1), the encoding
platform for Fin 1 only has five (5) tabs.

A. Levels of Progression Encoding Tabs

The Preparatory, Organizational and Functional Encoding Tabs contain the Tool Edit
Section, Validation Section and Comments Section. Take note that Fin 1 does not have a
Preparatory Level Encoding Tab.

Page 91 of 109
A.1 Tool Edit Section

This Section is disabled for the CO Bureau/Service User Account. Only LGU User
Accounts can update the status of the MOV, encode relevant information per MOV and
upload documentary evidences.

For reference, the following table provides the different MOV status and
corresponding description.

Status Description Additional Information

Achieved With approved document that met the Policy Issuance Number (as
minimum required contents for the applicable)
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool Other related information
was met
Ongoing With draft document that is consistent Remarks specifying the current
with existing policies and met the status of the MOV at the time of
minimum required contents for the reporting
MOV, or a set target indicated in the tool
was not met but initiatives have already
started to attain the target
Not Yet Started No existing initiatives yet

Since the CO Bureau/Service LHS ML Technical Point Persons are expected to

review the MOVs submitted by the UHC IS, the CO Bureau/Service User Account can view
the MOVs uploaded in the system. The process of accessing the uploaded documentary
evidence will depend on the file type of the document.

2.4 Click the Name of the File of the

uploaded MOV.

Page 92 of 109
¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.

A.2 Validation Section

This Section allows the CO Bureau/Service User Account to change the validation
status per MOV.

2.5 Select the appropriate Validation

Status after reviewing the MOV
uploaded by the UHC IS.

Status Description Color

For Further MOV status and/or submitted documentary evidence Yellow
Verification need/s further review or inputs
Validated MOV status and submitted documentary evidence Green
already approved by the validator

A.3 Comments Section

This Section enables the CO Bureau/Service User Account to post and to reply to
comments posted by other User Levels.

Page 93 of 109
2.6 Type the comments/concerns in the
Comments Box and click “Post”. The
comments/concerns encoded in the
Comments Box should appear in the
Comments Thread.

¾ Any User can mark comments as
resolved, or can mark resolved
comments as unresolved.

¾ By default, only unresolved

comments will appear in the
Comments Thread. If User wants to
browse through all the comments
(both resolved and unresolved), click
“Show all Comments”.

¾ If User wants to only browse the

unresolved comments, click “Hide

Page 94 of 109
¾ Clicking “Post” in the Comments
Box will save all the changes within
the same Level of Progression
Encoding Tab without having to
click “Save” which is located at the
bottom right corner of the page.

2.7 After updating any information in a

particular Level of Progression
Encoding Tab, click “Save”.

B. Summary of Progress Tab

The Summary of Progress Tab reflects the status of the KRAs per level of progression.
Details in this tab are computer generated.

C. Recommended Interventions/Assistance Needed Tab

Adding of recommended interventions or TA needed by the UHC IS is disabled for

the CO Bureau/Service User Account. Only the LGU User Account can add, edit or delete
recommended interventions/ TA needed. However, since the CO Bureau/Service LHS ML
Technical Point Persons are expected to provide inputs on the recommended interventions or
TA needed by the UHC IS, the CO Bureau/Service User Account can include remarks on a
particular TA Need/Intervention.

Page 95 of 109
2.8 Click “Add Remarks”.

2.9 Encode the inputs in the Remarks


2.10 Click “Post”

¾ If User decided to not proceed with
adding a remark for a particular TA
Need/Intervention, click “Cancel”.

¾ By default, only the most recent

remark can be viewed. To show all
remarks made on a particular TA
Need or Intervention, click “Show

Page 96 of 109
¾ To only show the most recent
remark, click “Show Less”.

D. Signatories Tab
The Signatories Tab includes the details of the Assessor, and first level data Reviewer
and Validator. For the CO Bureau/Service User Account, editing access to this tab is disabled.

Further, this tab allows the CO Bureau/Service User Account to either return to the
CHD the LHS ML Monitoring Tool for further verification or compliance to concerns raised,
or to tag the tool as validated.

2.11 Select the appropriate Command,

depending on the results of the second
level data review and validation

If at least one MOV was tagged by the CO Bureau/Service User Account as “For
Further Verification”

2.11.1a Click “Return to CHD”

If all MOVs were tagged by the CO Bureau/Service User Account as “Validated”

2.11.1b Click “Tag as Validated”

¾ The CO Bureau/Service User
Account can view the uploaded
completely signed Monitoring Tool
by clicking on the filename of the
said document.

Page 97 of 109
¾ Once a particular monitoring tool
was tagged as validated, all
validation fields will be disabled
except for the Comments Section in
the Levels of Progress Tabs and
Remarks Section in the
Recommended Interventions/
Assistance Needed Tab.

3. Viewing the Dashboard

3.1 Click “Home”.

3.2 Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year of the national or
regional data that the User wants to
see in the Dashboard.

Page 98 of 109
3.3 User to select the data level to view.
If the User wants to view National Data:

3.3.1a Click “Generate”

If the User wants to view Regional Data:

3.3.2a Select the appropriate Region in

the dropdown list.

3.3.2b Click “Generate”

By default, the latest Official National Annual Monitoring Results can be viewed in
the dashboard.

Page 99 of 109
The Overall Integration Status Board
reflects the number of UHC IS that
reached the different LHS ML
Categories. It also contains the
description per LHS ML Category.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Organizational and
Functional Levels of all
Integration Characteristics
were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Organized and Organizational Levels of
P/CWHS all Integration Characteristics
were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Ready to
Level of all Integration
Characteristics were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
achieve all KRAs under
Preparatory Level of all
Integration Characteristics

The Summary of Results per

Characteristic Graph shows the
disaggregated data per integration
characteristic of the information
reflected in the Overall Integration
Status Board.

Category Description
All KRAs under Preparatory,
Functional Organizational and Functional
Level Levels of a particular
Already Integration Characteristic
were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
and Organizational Levels of
a particular Integration
Characteristic were achieved
All KRAs under Preparatory
Level of a particular
Integration Characteristic
were achieved
With ongoing initiatives to
Still to
achieve all KRAs under
Achieve all
Preparatory Level of a
particular Integration
Level KRAs

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Each Integration Characteristic has a
dedicated graph which shows the total
number of UHC IS that attained a
particular status per KRA.

Status Description
All MOVs under a particular
KRA were achieved
Some of the MOVs under a
Ongoing particular KRA are yet to be
No existing initiatives yet to
Not Yet
achieve any of the MOVs
under a particular KRA
Not KRA is not applicable to the
Applicable UHC IS

¾ If the User would like to download a
particular graph, click “Download”
located in the upper right hand
corner of the graph.

¾ Graphs downloaded from the system

cannot be edited.

4. Accessing the Repository

Only MOVs that were validated to have “Achieved” status after the 1st and 2nd levels
of data review and validation, and the specific monitoring tool has already been tagged by the
concerned CO Bureau/Service as “Validated” will be included in the Repository.

4.1 Click “Repository”.

Page 101 of 109

4.2 User may use any or all of the
following filter options to facilitate
access to a particular MOV. Select the
desired option in the corresponding
dropdown list:


Tool Code/ Integration Characteristic

Level of Progression



4.3 To view a particular MOV, click the

Name of the File under the “File”

¾ For MOVs uploaded as PDF, the
document will be opened as a new
window in the web browser

¾ For MOVs uploaded as Zipped

Folder, the folder will automatically
be downloaded to the electronic
device being used by the User. The
notification and progress of file
download can be found at the lower
left corner of the web browser.

5. Viewing the Summary

Only data that underwent at least the 1st level data review and validation by the
concerned CHD/MOH-BARMM Core Group on Integration are considered in the generation
of the Summaries.

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5.1 Click “Summary”.

The Summary Page consists of the

National Summary, Regional
Summary and LGU Summary.

5.2 User to select the level of the summary to view.

If the User wants to view National Summary:

5.2.1a Click “National Summary”

5.2.1b Select the Monitoring Year of

the National Summary that the
User wants to view. User can select
multiple years.
b c

5.2.1c Select in the dropdown list the

Level of Progression of the
National Summary that the User d
wants to view.

5.2.1d Click “Generate”

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¾ The data in the generated National
Summary Table is computed as

Average of the results of the UHC
IS in a particular Region

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated National Summary Table,
click any of the Commands in the
upper right hand corner of the table.
Refer to Icons and Commands
Section on the specific actions of
these Commands.

If the User wants to view Regional Summary:

5.2.2a Click “Regional Summary”

5.2.2b Select in the dropdown list the

Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.

5.2.2c Select in the dropdown list the b c d


5.2.2d Select the Data Form that the

User wants to view.

5.2.2e Click “Generate”.

Page 104 of 109

¾ The Status Table shows the detailed
status of the UHC IS under the
Region in terms of both MOV and
KRA data levels.

¾ The Identified Next Steps and

Technical Assistance Needs Table
reflects the list of identified next
steps and technical assistance needs
per UHC IS for each integration
characteristic, if any.

¾ If the User would like to copy the

generated Regional Status Table
and/or Regional Identified Next
Steps and Technical Assistance
Needs Table, click any of the
Commands in the upper right hand
corner of the table. Refer to Icons
and Commands Section on the
specific actions of these Commands.

If the User wants to view LGU Summary:

5.2.3a Click “LGU Summary”

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5.2.3b Select in the dropdown list the
Monitoring Year that the User
wants to view.
5.2.3c Select in the dropdown list the
b c d e
5.2.3d Select in the dropdown list the
Name of the LGU that the User
wants to view.
5.2.3e Select the Data Level that the
User wants to view.
5.2.3f Click “Generate”.

¾ The Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per integration

¾ The Summary of Results per

Maturity Level Graph shows the
detailed status of the UHC IS in
terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, per level of

¾ The Summary of Overall Progress

Table shows the status of the UHC
IS in terms of achieving the KRAs or
MOVs, depending on the Data Level
selected by the User, in a three-way
table which disaggregates the data
by integration characteristic, level of
progression and status.

Page 106 of 109

¾ The Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table reflects the
list of identified next steps and
technical assistance needs per KRA
for each integration characteristic, if

¾ If the User wants to copy the

generated Summary of Results per
Characteristic Graph, Summary of
Results per Maturity Level Graph,
Summary of Overall Progress Table
and/or Summary of Recommended
Interventions and/or Technical
Assistance Needed Table, click any
of the Commands in the upper right
hand corner of the concerned graph
or table. Refer to Icons and
Commands Section on the specific
actions of these Commands.

6. Viewing User Profiles

There are two ways to view the User Profile:

Method 1: Click “User Profile” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

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Method 2: Click “User Information
Icon” then click “Profile”.

¾ The User Profile contains the User
Level, Full Name of the Registered
User, Email Address, Name of Office
and Integration Characteristic.

7. Logout

There are two ways to Logout the User Account:

Method 1: Click “Logout” in the

Accounts Settings Page.

Method 2: Click “User Information

Icon” then click “Logout”.

Page 108 of 109

8. Other Features

Breadcrumbs are secondary navigation

aid that help Users to easily
understand their current location in the
system relative to the Home Page.
Breadcrumbs can be used to go back
to previous pages.
Search Bar lets the User search for the
record of a particular UHC IS in the
Monitoring Forms Page.

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