Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
1. Digital Balance
4. Funnels (3)
6. 10 ml measuring cylinder
8. Wire Gauze
2. 6 M Nitric Acid
3. 0.5 M Silver Nitrate
4. Acetone
5. Distilled Water
6. Soap Solution
1. On a piece of weighing paper, the nearest .001g about 0.2 to 0.4g of the unknown sample
2. The sample was transferred quantitatively to a clean 250 ml beaker (The weight of the
4. The sample numbers 2 and 3 and label the beaker #2 and #3 was repeated respectively.
5. A different stirring rod for each solution was used, the entire sample was stirred until
6. The stirring rods were left in the beaker and were not placed on the desktop.
7. While stirring one of the solutions, About 20 ml of 0.5 AgNO3 solution was added.
9. The solution was warmed gently with the Bunsen burner and it was kept warm for about 5 -
10 minutes.
11. A filter paper was obtained and folded to be used for filtration and it was weighed
12. Completely and quantitatively the precipitate was transferred and all the warm solution
from the beaker onto the filter into another beaker. A wash bottle was used to wash out the
13. The level of solution in the funnel supposed to be below the top of the filter paper.
14. The Filter paper was removed from the funnel and was made sure that no precipitate got
lost and it was placed on a clean and numbered watch glass. This was stored in the locker
15. The above process was repeated with the other two samples, it was made sure that watch
16. The filter papers were weighed plus AgCl and the mass of AgCl was calculated. From these
17. The standard deviation was calculated from the percentages of the chloride samples.
Observations/ Results:
The table is showing the masses of the substances and the gravimetric analysis of chloride salt generally.
Standard deviation
10.96^2= 120.1216
0.74^2= 0.5625
10.23^2= 104.6529
= 120.1216 + 0.5625 + 104.6529= 225.337/2
=√112.6685= 10.61
Standard deviation
0.27 ^2 + 0.03^2 + 0.23^2 = √0.06335 / 2
0.01^2 + 0.37^2 + 0.1^2 + 0.24^2= √0.2046/2= 0.32
An impure sample of table salt that weighed 0.4652 g, when dissolved in water and treated with excess
AgNo3, formed 1.044g of AgCl. What is the percentage of NaCl in the impure sample?
Mols NaCl= 1.044g/143.5g/mol = 0.00728mol NaCl
0.00728mol NaCl x 58.5g/mol = 0.42588g NaCl
0.42588g x 100/ 0.4652g= 91.55% NaCl
Gravimetric analysis is a method of quantitative chemical analysis in which the constituent sought is
converted into a substance of known composition that can be separated from the sample and weighed.
contained in a sample solution by gradually adding a standard solution of known concentration and
measuring the volume at the time of reaction. The difference is that in gravimetric analysis, the mass of
the analyte is determined whereas, in volumetric analysis, the volume of the analyte is determined.
Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry in which relationships are involved between reactants and
products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data and relates to the mass and
volume ratios. Silver chloride should be protected from light because it will decompose into silver and
chlorine and be turned to purple or grey, a process known as photodecomposition. Silver nitrate is very
reactive to sunlight as it is known to be photosensitive. Silver's mass is smaller than silver chloride
making the results low. In order to find the mean, the mol and mass of silver nitrate was found. The first,
second and third trial of moles was found then multiplied by the mass of sodium chloride. The
percentages of the three trials was found then all of the percentage was added together and was
divided by three. To find the deviation, the average was subtracted from each trial percentage and for
determining the standard deviation, by using the formula which was the sum of the deviation from the
mean(s=√). The deviation was divided by the average which was 0.144. Lately after doing all the
calculations, the relative standard deviation resulted in 0.0243. The standard deviation measures a test's
precision is used to show how close individual measurements are to each other. The folded filter paper
is not opened two pieces or touched each side of the funnel because the substance would rip up the
filter paper. The gravimetric factor is a ratio used in gravimetric analysis to predict the mass of the
sample from a precipitate or residue. The residue color was dried easily due to the substance being left
to dry. A source of error was adding more HCl acid than needed and a next source of error was not
labeling the glasses to distinguish which is trial one and two. Limitations vary which was to weigh to the
nearest 0.01 but the scale could have only been able to weight to the nearest 0.1.
Conclusion: The average of Chlorine was 73.35% by using stoichiometry method and mean. Other
results were obtained using different methods such as: standard deviation, finding moles and grams of
chlorine in formula methods. All procedures and calculations were done and the objective was met.
Madhusha, B. (2018, February 12). Difference Between Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis |
Why should silver chloride be protected from light? - Answers. (n.d.). Answers. science/Why_should_silver_chloride_be_protected_from_light