Version 1: December 2008
(3.1) Method of Excavation
(3.2) Tools used in manual Excavation
(3.3) Equipment used in mechanical Excavation
(3.6) Importance of foundation to building
(3.7) Types of foundation soil
(3.8) Simple calculation of the area of concrete foundation
(4.7) Hardcore layer
(4.8) Blinding
(4.9) Termite Treatment
The function of the foundation is to transmit the load from the building finally to the soil. This, it
must do without excessive settlement and compression of the supporting soil layer.
Functions of Foundations
• Foundation provides suitable support and stability for building
• Transmits to the ground all the loads that come on the building over a sufficient area of
• Prevents the failure of the building or uneven settlement.
Fig.1.1.Strip foundation
Floor can be defined as the horizontal structure which carries imposed and live loads in a
building and divides a building into storeys. It plays an important role in a building.
The most common material used for the construction of floors that will meet the requirement of
building regulations and local bye-laws are concrete and wood.
This is usually the vertical continuous part of a building which encloses or protects the building
or divides the building into rooms and compartments. It is made up of blocks, concrete, mortar,
stones, metals etc. types of walls include: Internal, External, Buttress, Sleeper, party, parapet
partition and cavity walls.
A door is a movable barrier placed across an opening in a building that provides access into the
building or between spaces within the building.
Windows provide natural light and ventilation to the interior of a building while excluding rain
and insects.
Windows are usually made of timber, steel. But other materials such as plastics (uPVC) and
aluminium are also popular. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.
• Provide privacy.
This is the topmost covering in a building. It is done during the finishing of a building. It
prevents a lot of sound (minimizing incoming sound), dust, wind and rain and also it helps the
occupants cover their privacy.
Stability: a roof is constructed to support the dead load of the roof structure and its covering,
insulation and internal finishes, snow loads and pressure of suction due to wind without undue
deflection or distortion. The dead load can be calculated from the unit weight of materials with
which it is covered, varying from the continuous impermeable layer of asphalt covering that can
be laid horizontal to exclude rain, to the small units of clay tiles that are laid overlapping down
slopes so that rain runs rapidly to the covers.
Weather Resistance: A roof excludes rain through the materials with which it is covered;
varying from the continuous impermeable layer of asphalt converging that can be horizontal to
exclude rain to the small units of clay titles that are laid overlapping down slop so that rain runs
rapidly to the covers.
Durability: The durability of a roof is dependant largely on the ability of the roof covering to
exclude rain and snow. Persistent penetration of water into the roof structure may cause or
encourage decay of timber, corrosion of steel or disintegration of concrete.
Fire Safety: The requirements for control of spread of fire in schedule of the building
regulations for dwelling houses limit roof construction relative to the proximity of boundaries of
the site of the building by reference to the materials of roof covering.
Thermal Resistance: The materials of roof structures and roof covering are generally poor
insulators against the transfer of heat. It is usually necessary to use some materials which are
good insulator. Examples of such materials include light weight boards, mats or loose materials.
This is to provide insulation requirements to meet the building regulation for the insulation of
roofs of dwellings is a standard value of 0.25 where the SAP ceiling is over 60.
Sound Insulation: The resistance of a roof to the penetration of airborne sound is not generally
considered unless the building is close to a busy airport. The mass of the materials of a roof is the
main constructions in the reduction of airborne sound.
Test Questions
i. List the basic building components.
ii. State the functional requirements of four building components.
Site Clearance
The preliminary works on a construction project site usually begin after the sit facilities have
been set up. Clearing the site is essential. First, the vegetation such as bushes and shrubs should
be removed. The roots of trees and bushes must be dug out and cleared away.
Site clearance also may involve the demolition of existing buildings . demolition is a skilled
occupation and should be tackled by experts in that area.
The top soil should also be removed up to a depth of at least 150mm to remove any plant life and
decaying vegetable. The presence of vegetation and decaying materials means that the top soil is
easily compressible and cannot support building foundation. Top soil is however valuable as a
top dressing for gardens and may be disposed of in this manner
The site needs to be cleared of rocks and boulders in the area where the building will be set out.
If they are too large, then the boulders or rocks must be broken into smaller pieces and taken
Site clearance is done by a combination of manual and mechanical means. The method adopted
will be determined by the overall economics which may be influenced by the scale of
development ant consideration for any adjacent buildings.
Temporary services: These include the provision of such services as water supply and,
electricity supply. Water is required on construction site for drinking and for the works. Where
the site is close to the public water mains, the water can be connected directly from the public
water mains to the site. The stand pipe should be located close to where the mixing of concrete
and mortar will take place. Where the site is far from the public water mains, water can be
supplied to the site with use of water tankers. The water can be stored in reservoir provided on
the site for such a purpose especially for the works.
An electrical supply for power tools, electricity can be supplied from the mains or a petrol
A telephone line should be provided which is secured so that it can only be used for official or
authorized calls.
Temporary access road: This should be provided to the site for the purpose of providing access
to vehicular traffic that will be bringing men and materials to the site. The access should be
constructed so that vehicles can enter the site in all weather. The access road can become part of
the permanent site services in the final design.
Site accommodation
A site should have an office and sheds for the workers on site to change their clothes and to take
rest on site during breaks from work and also have their meals.
Site accommodation and similar facilities provided on a site depends on the number of people
that are working on the site.
Sectional timber huts are prefabricated for ease of dismantling and assembly to facilitate the re-
use on other sites. Huts of this nature should be designed, constructed and maintained with the
same care as permanent buildings to ensure their use for many years on a number of different
construction site. A well designed sectional hut should permit the addition of more bays to
increase the modular size by length and/or width. The anticipated use of each hut will govern the
construction and facilities required. Offices need to be weatherproof, provided with artificial
lighting, equipped with furniture that might be required on the site. Similar basic construction
can be used for other units of accommodation such as meal rooms, and toilets should be provided
and equipped with the basic facilities.
Caravan and mobile cabins are available in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and application. The
construction is most times of a plywood clad timber frame suitably insulated and decorated.
They are usually made of modular system so that by using special connection unit any
reasonable plan size and shape is possible. The caravan and cabin are fully equipped with all the
necessary furniture light and heating units. The toilets can be connected to site services or be self
Material Storage: The type of storage facilities required on a construction site for any material
depends on the following factors
• Durability ie whether it will need protection from the elements
• Vulnerability to damage
• Vulnerability to theft
Cement, plaster and lime supplied in bags form require a dry store free from draughts which can
introduce moist air and cause air set of the material. These materials should not be stored on the
site for long period of time on site; therefore provision should be made for rotational use so that
the material being used comes from older stock.
Aggregates such as sand and gravels require a clean firm base to ensure that foreign matter is not
included when extracting materials from the base of the stock pile. Different materials and
grades should be kept separated so that the ultimate mix batches are consistent in quality and
texture. Care must be taken to ensure that the stock piles are not used as refuse dump. The
moisture content of the aggregates should also be taken into consideration if it is exposed to the
elements like rain, so as to allow for it in deciding the water cement ratio of the mix.
Bricks and blocks should be stacked in stable piles on a level and well drained surface in a
position where double handling is reduced to a minimum. Facing bricks and other coloured
bricks should be covered with tarpaulin to protect them from being discoloured by the weather
elements. Blocks should be stacked in such a way as to allow for air to flow freely through the
Timber absorbs water easily. To prevent undue moisture movement it should be stored in such a
manner that its moisture content remains fairly constant. A rack scaffold tubulars with a sheet
roof covering should be used to store timber. The sheet roof protects from rain and the various
sizes allow for free flow of air round the timber.
Ironmongery, hand tools and paints are some of the most vulnerable materials on site. Some
materials such as locks, power tools and cans of paint should be kept in a locked shed or inside
any of the completed rooms in the building under construction.
Test Questions
i. List the activities that precede actual building construction on site.
ii. What are the temporary services needed on construction site?
iii. How is storage provided for the basic materials on construction site?
• Access Consideration: this must be considered for both on and off site access. Routes to and
from the site must be checked as to the suitability for transporting all the requirements for the
proposed work. Access on site for deliveries and general circulation must also be carefully
considered so that vehicles delivering materials to the site will do so without difficulty or
delay. If is anticipated that large vehicles will be operating on the site it will be necessary to
consider the road surface required. If the road and the paved areas will form part of the
permanent work there should be constructed earlier in the work. If the anticipated traffic at
the end of the work is lighter than the one expected during construction enough protection
should be given to the road against the effect of the heavy traffic load.
• Storage Considerations: the amount and types of material to be stored, security and weather
protection requirements, allocation of adequate areas for storing materials and allocating adequate
working space around storage areas required, siting of storage areas to reduce double
handling to a minimum without impeding the general site circulation and/or works in
• Accommodation Consideration: number and type of site staff anticipated, calculate size
and select units of accommodation and check to ensure compliance with the minimum
requirements of the relevant construction regulations. Select siting for offices to give easy
and quick access for visitors and at the same time giving a reasonable view of the site. Select
site for resting sheds and toilets to reduce walking time to a minimum without impeding the
general site circulation.
• Temporary Services Considerations: what, when and where are they required? Possibility
of having permanent services installed at an early stage and making temporary connections
for site use during the construction period. Coordination with the various service providers is
• Plants Considerations: the type and nature of plants and where they will be required on the
site are important. Whether the plants will be static or mobile. If static the most appropriate
position should be selected and hard standing should be provided. If mobile the circulation
routes should be checked for optimum efficiency and stability. Provision of space and hard
surface for plant maintenance should also be considered.
• Safety and Health Considerations: it should be ensured that all the above considerations
comply with the relevant construction safety regulations.
On taking over the site one of the first jobs is to layout the site boundaries as they are marked out
on the drawings. The security fence should be set up around the site so as to control the
movement of people and materials. The boundary fence should have only one access so that
someone can check people in and out of the site. The site office should be located close to the
entrance into the site together with the site sheds where meals will be taken. The toilet on the site
should be located at one corner away from where it will constitute a nuisance and to also
enhance privacy.
The aggregates should be stored close to where the mixing will take place which in turn should
be located close to where provision has been made for water storage. Generally materials should
be stored to close to where they will be put to use.
The site should be laid out in such a way that there will be free movement of vehicles around the
site in case it will become necessary to move materials using vehicles around the site.
Administrative area: this will be the location of offices, stores, sub-contractors huts, canteen
and similar accommodation.
Construction area: this is the actual site of the building to be constructed, and it will be located
close to the consumable stores adjacent to the various buildings and equipment required for the
construction purpose. The layout of both these areas form an essential part of the early planning
in every construction work, the neglect of which will lead to delay in the initial progress of the
job leading to extra wastage of resources on the
After the base line has been established, marked and checked the main lines of the building can
be set out, each corner being marked with stout peg. A check should then be made of the setting
out lines for right angles and correct lengths. The method of establishing of the right angle is
what the setting out sets out to establish in addition to the correct length.
Profiles: When setting out a building, it is an advantage if the line can be secured so that they are
well clear of the building line. The trenches can then be dug without interfering with the lines.
Timber profiles erected for this purpose consist of pegs driven into the ground and boards nailed
across them. The lines can then be stretched above the ground level well clear of any obstruction
and may easily be checked for accuracy.
Datum Pegs: Before starting the actual setting out of the building, it is essential to establish a
level on the site to which references pertaining to the levels of elements of work may be made in
the course of executing the work.
In planned cities and town ordinance bench marks are established where a bench mark is far
from the proposed site, a levelling instrument such as covering, level can be used to transfer the
datum level to the site from where it can be distributed around the proposed site,
Datum pegs must be located where it would not be disturbed by the operation on the site.
1. Find out the distance from the site boundary to the building line on the working drawings.
Use the tape measure to measure the same distance from the site boundary to the location
of the building line on the ground. Select a corner on the ground to be corner A.
2. Place a peg in the ground at corner A and hammer a nail into the top of the peg.
3. Repeat these steps to place a peg in the ground for corner B
4. Tie the string between pegs A and B. Measure the distance between A and B. Check that
the distance on the ground is the same measurement as the distance on the drawing.
5. Repeat these steps for corners C and D
6. Measure the diagonals A-D and B-C (the two diagonals should be equal)
7. Use the builder’s square to check that the corners are at right angles.
Test Questions
1. List the three methods of setting out a building
2. List the equipment used in setting out a building
• Bulldozer: This is used to push the soil layer by layer to one side and pile it up nearby. A
bulldozer does not dig out or lift out the soil.
• Backacter: This equipment digs down with a bucket on a jointed boom and scoops the soil
towards itself. Since the bucket is narrow it is useful for forming trenches. It can also
deposit soil on trucks or Dumpers.
• Mechanical Auger: This digs pile holes. It is a large piece of equipment which has a large
drill mounted on a platform. The auger drills a hole in the ground and lifts out a column of
• Dump Truck: Used for the movement of soil over short distances. The body of the dump
truck tips forward and deposits the soil in the required position.
• Tipper Truck: This is a road vehicle used to remove large amounts of excavated materials
to locations away from the site. The body of the tipper truck tips up and empties the soil at
the back of the vehicle.
Test Questions
1. What are the factors that determine selection of excavation method.
2. State the uses of two mechanical excavating plant.
If the soil is very wet then the sides of the excavation may become unstable. In both cases it is
better to provide temporary supports to the sides of the excavation. Excavation on a confined site
may also need support in case heavy loads are placed or driven too close to the edges of the
excavation. Earthworks supports retain the size of excavation collapsed during the time the
excavation will remain open. The process of providing temporary support to the sides of an
excavation is referred to as timbering. It is sometime planking and strutting.
Timbering is to:
• Protect the operatives while working in excavation
• Keep the excavation open by acting as a retaining wall to the sides of the trend.
• Prevent drainage to adjacent structures that could be caused by excavation
• Enable work to proceed within the excavation without interruption.
Components of Timbering
Timbering is made up of the following parts:
• Polings: These are vertical planks supporting the soil. In sand or gravel, they should be
placed close enough to form a continuous timber wall. Depending on the soil type and
working conditions, they may be placed about 900 mm apart. The purpose of the wailing is to
keep the soil on the sides of the excavation from falling in.
• Wailings: They are horizontal timber strips supporting the polings
• Struts: These are the timbers that span across the trench between the wailings. The struts
hold the opposite walls of the excavation in place.
• Wedges: These are the pieces of timber used to maintain the pressure of the polings against
the soil. If the soil expands or shrinks while the work is carried out, the wedges may need to
be adjusted again.
(c) Timbering in dry loose soils (d) Timbering in loose wet soils
Fig 1.7 Timbering in various types of soil
Another means of retaining the sides of an excavation without support by sloping the sides of the
excavation to the angle of repose of the soil, which is the natural angle at which the soil will
remain stable without additional support. When a soil is tipped into a mound it settles to its
natural angle of repose. This angle will alter according to the type of soil and its moisture
content. Because the angle of repose can rather be shallow, this method of excavation support
does, take up a large amount of space on site and is therefore not frequently adopted. However,
this technique can be use on talk excavation.
(3.5) Foundation
The function of any foundation is to safely sustain and transmit to the ground on which it rests
the combined dead, imposed and wind loads in such a manner as not to cause any settlement or
other movement which would impair the stability or cause damage to any part of the building.
Test Questions
1. List 4 consideration for providing earthwork support
2. Draw a typical earthwork support to a loose soil.
Soils that are close to the surface are likely to be more compressible than those at greater depth,
as deeper soil have been compressed by the weight of the overlaying soil. If the applied load on a
clay soil is reduced due to excavation, water tends to move to the unloaded areas and swelling
the soil will occur.
Peat and other soils containing a lot of organic matter shrink and swell easily as their water
content changes. They are very compressible and settle reality even under light loading. Made up
ground behaves in a similar manner unless the materials is well graded, carefully placed and
properly compacted in thin layers. Shallow foundation should not be used on sites consisting of
made up ground. Slight settlement should not cause problems to the structure of the building.
Excessive settlement may cause shear failure of the soil.
Settlement must also be uniform throughout the building; otherwise damage may result from
different settlement. The amount of different movement between parts of a building must be kept
within acceptable limits.
Example 1
Calculate the minimum width of a strip foundation for a house where the total load from the wall
Total load from the wall = 50 kN/m
Soil bearing capacity = 150 kN/m2
Minimum width of the strip foundation = load per metre run
Soil bearing capacity
= 50
= 0.333m
Test Questions
1. What are the factors that determine the size of a foundation?
2. Calculate the minimum width of a strip foundation that supports a wall that transmits a load
of 65 kN/m, given that the soil bearing capacity is 120 kN/m2.
3. Calculate the minimum plan area of a pad foundation that carries a column supporting a total
load of 250 kN when the load bearing capacity is 200kN/m2.
Shallow Foundations
Shallow foundations transfer load of the building to a sub-soil at a level close to the surface.
They are nearly always the cheapest to construct and generally used where sufficient depth of a
strong soil exists near the surface of the ground. The foundation needs to be designed so that the
soil is not overstressed so that the pressure on the subsoil beneath the foundation is equal at all
points in order to avoid unequal settlement. The common types of shallow foundations are
• Strip foundation
• Pad foundation
• Raft foundation.
Strip Foundation
Reinforced concrete strip foundations are used to support and transmit the loads from heavy
walls. The minimum thickness of a strip foundation is 150 mm. This may be of course, greater
where the projection of the edge of the foundation from the base of the wall is greater than 150
mm. A typical strip foundation is as shown in figure 8.1. The width of the strip should be at least
equal to three times the thickness of the wall it supports.
The thickness of the foundation should be at least equal to the projection of the foundation from
the base of the wall so that the load transmitted from the wall will not be dispersed over an area
outside the width of the foundation as illustrated in figure 8.2. This is to prevent the shear failure
of the foundation.
(a) Lines of shear failure on wide and thin foundation (b) design of foundation to prevent shear failure
The effect of the wall on the relatively thin foundation is to act as a point load and the resultant
ground pressure will induce tension on the underside across the width of the strip. Tensile
reinforcement is therefore required in the lower face of strip with distribution bars in the second
layer running longitudinally especially in soft soils and in wide strip foundation. The
reinforcement arrangement for a wide strip foundation is as shown in figure 8.3
In firm clays the sub-soil is capable of carrying substantial loads and may only require a
foundation to be slightly wider than the wall it is supporting. The foundation still needs to be
deep enough to overcome the problems of seasonal changes in moisture content of the soil. A
deep, narrow foundation, of about 350mm in width and up to 1.50m in depth as shown in figure
8.4 could be constructed.
On a sloppy site it is necessary to step the foundation parallel to the slope of the ground. This is
called a stepped foundation. To prevent differential settlement in a stepped foundation, the height
of the step should not exceed the thickness of the foundation. At each step the higher foundation
should overlap the lower foundation for a distance equal to the thickness of the foundation. An
illustration of a stepped foundation is given in figure 9.5
Test Questions
1. Describe foundation under these headings
a. Shallow foundation
b. Deep foundation
2. Sketch 4 types of foundation
Pad foundation
This type of foundation is used to support and transmit the loads from piers and columns. The
most economic plan shape is a square but if the columns are close to the site boundary, it may be
necessary to use a rectangular plan shape of equivalent area. The reaction of the foundation to
the load and ground pressures is to cup, similar to a saucer, and therefore main steel is required
in both directions. A typical example of a reinforced pad foundation is shown in figure 9.5.
Raft foundation
The principle of any raft foundation is to spread the load over the entire area of the site. This
method is particularly useful where the column loads are heavy and thus requiring large bases or
where the bearing capacity is low, again resulting in the need for large bases. Raft foundation
can be considered under three headings:
• solid slab rafts,
• beam and slab rafts, and
• cellular rafts.
(a) Reinforce concrete solid slab raft foundation (b) Cellular raft foundation
Fig 9.5 Types of raft foundation
Pile Foundation
Pile foundation is used to transfer heavy load to a soil layer of adequate strength located far
below the ground surface that it will be uneconomical to carry out excavation to reach such a
depth. This is used where the soil condition is poor close to the earth surface. Pile foundations
could be made using concrete, steel or timber. The concrete could be precast or cast insitu.
By the way they carry their loads pile foundations are classified into two types. These are
• End bearing pile, and
• Friction pile
(a) End bearing piles are those piles that are driven down to soil layer of adequate strength in
such a way that the end of the piles actually bear on this particular soil layer.
(b) Friction piles are used in situations where the soil layer of adequate strength is located far
below the ground surface such that it becomes uneconomical to produce piles that will go
to such a depth. This type of piles carries their load by the friction that exists between the
shaft of the pile and the surrounding soil particles. The surface of the friction piles are
made rough so that the desired frictional force could be produced as the pile is driven into
the ground.
Test Questions
1. Use drawing to describe a pad foundation
2. State the principle behind raft foundation
Pad foundations: The reinforcement in isolated pad foundation is provided as the bottom of the
foundation slab. This is because the point load coming from the column or pier subject the
bottom part of the foundation to tension. The reinforcement detail is as shown in figure 10.1
Raft foundation: In raft foundation both the top and bottom faces of the slab are subjected to
both tension and compression depending on the position of the columns and other structural
components that are carried by the raft. The reinforcement is therefore provided both at the top
and bottom of the slab as shown in figure 10.2
Ground beams: Ground beams are provided to support the foundation wall in place of a strip
foundation in poor soil conditions. They are reinforced to enhance their resistance to the loads
that might be coming on them from the wall. There are situations where the ground beams form
component parts of some types of raft foundation. Typical reinforcement arrangement in ground
beams is shown as an integral part of a raft foundation in figure 10.3
The construction entails first of carrying out the excavation of the foundation trench up to a
depth of at least 1m. This depth is to ensure that the foundation is constructed at a depth where it
will not be affected by the seasonal soil movement that will cause its failure. After the
excavation is concluded the concrete is then placed and compacted in the trench usually in one
single layer.
If the nature of the soil will be such that a wide strip foundation will be used, the reinforcement
is placed at the bottom of the exaction and the necessary concrete cover is ensured by the use of
spacers placed below the reinforcement before the concrete is poured. This is as shown in figure
Pad foundation
The construction of the pad foundation entails the excavation of the foundation pit to the desired
depth. The bottom of the excavation is overlaid with a weak concrete referred to as blinding. The
reinforcement which is placed in both directions is usually tied in a basket form and then placed
inside the pit with the spacers to give the necessary concrete cover to the reinforcement. The
column starter bars are cast together with the foundation. The concrete of the desired quality is
then poured into the pit to form the foundation. A reinforced concrete pad foundation is shown in
figure 11.3
(b) Reinforce concrete solid slab raft foundation (b) Cellular raft foundation
Fig. 11.3 Types of raft foundation
Pile Foundation
Pile foundations are constructed either by being driven into the ground by pile drivers or the
ground is bored, the reinforcement is placed and concrete pored and vibrated to form the pile
foundation. In the first case it is called driven pile. The second type is referred to as replacement
Test Questions
1. Describe a method used in carrying out strip foundation
The process of preventing the passage of moisture to the interior of a building through the walls,
floors, etc. is referred to as damp proofing. Damp proofing is achieved by the use of damp proof
course (DPC) and damp proof membrane (DPM). While the damp proof membrane (DPM) is
defined as an impervious material placed horizontally at the floor level to prevent moisture
penetration into the interior of the building.
(4.2) Damp Poof Course (DPC) and Damp Proof Membrane (DPM)
Damp proof course (D.P.C) simply means an impervious material used to prevent the vertical
rise of moisture through the wall into the interior of the building. The primary function of any
damp-proof course (dpc) or damp membrane (dpm) is to provide an impermeable barrier to the
passage of moisture. However, D.P.C can be used in:
• Reveals of doors and widows opening
• Retaining walls
• Basement walls enclosing laundry
The three basic purposes for which damp-proof courses are used is to:-
• Resist moisture penetration from below (rising damp)
• Resist moisture penetration from above
• Resist moisture penetration from horizontal entry
• accommodate pipe, insulator and other electrical fitting of the building in terms of concrete
• should be capable of adequate resisting any attack by sulphates or any other deleterious
matter present in the subsoil.
The movement of water or moisture into the building is most times upward through the
foundation of wall from the ground.
Paint laid (D.P.C) should be protected on both sides with bitumen to prevent corrosion of the
laid, as it is in contact with cement mortar.
Care should be taken to ensure a good bonding between slate or brick and the mortar.
The diagram above shows the rise of moisture through material to wall above D. P. C too close
to the ground.
Damp proof membrane (DPM) should be impermeable to water either in liquid or vapour from
the ground. It should be rough enough to withstand possible damage during the laying of screeds,
concrete or floor finishes. It may also be sand witched in or under the concrete slab. Being
impermeable to water, the membrane will delay the drying out of wet concrete to the ground, if it
is under the concrete or screed or it is on top of the concrete. Typical details of the procedure
used in laying DPC and DPM are shown in figure 12.1
(a) DPM laid below the floor slab (b) DPM laid above the floor slab
Fig. 12.1 Damp proof course (DPC) & damp proof membrane
Test Questions
1. Discuss the importance of damp proofing
2. State 3 basic purposes for which damp proofing is provided in a foundation
Metal sheet
concrete cement Lose soil
Damp proof course maybe horizontal or vertical placed either below the ground level or just
above the ground level is in order prevent water raising up the wall of the building. These below
ground level are provided with the lowest floor in a building.
These consist of both horizontal and vertical D. P. C must be placed at least 150mm above the
ground level and the vertical D.P.C must connect the two D.P.C form a completion barrier to
moisture. Every wall in a building should have a (D. P. C) which is:
Moreover the wall should be kept about 25mm away from asphalt and each course flushed up
solidly. The asphalt which is laid on the floor slab should also have a protective screed on top to
prevent any damage by people walking over it. Therefore, reinforcement is to be placed on it or
petrol and oil being spilt from machinery.
As an impermeable membrane, the DPC prevents termites from penetrating through into the
building. This is because it is a hard surface through which termite cannot penetrate.
D. P. C will not allow any under ground tree to penetrate through the ground to the floor.
Test Question
1. State the materials for damp proofing
2. Briefly describe various materials for damp proofing on different types of soil
Asphalt Tanking
Asphalt is a natural or manufactured mixture of bitumen with a substantial proportion of inert
mineral matter. When heated, asphalt becomes plastic and can be moulded by hand pressure into
any shape. Bitumen has both waterproofing and adhesive properties.
The basic principle of asphalt tanking is to provide a continuous waterproofing membrane to the
base and walls of the basement. Continuity between the vertical and horizontal membranes is of
utmost importance, and since asphalt sets rapidly once removed from the heat source used to
melt the blocks it is applied in layers over small areas. Joints in successive coats should be
staggered by at least 150 mm in horizontal work and at least 75 mm in vertical work.
Test Questions
1. List three basic methods of tanking
2. Describe Asphalt taking
3. Draw an basement tanking using mastic asphalt
Functions of Hardcore
• Provides support to the floor slab
• Reduces the amount of moisture penetration into the building
• Used in determining different floor levels in a building wit various floor levels (e.g. dinning
area may be higher than sitting area (living room).
• Used for filling in void before construction. Hardcore is important in the construction of solid
ground floor.
• Used in determining the different levels in a building, in reduced level excavation.
• Provides an even level before slab is cast.
• Helps in reducing undergrowth in penetrating into the floor slab and subsequently into the
• Helps to increase the strength level of a building.
(4.8) Blinding
A blinding layer 50 to 75mm thick of weak concrete or coarse sand should be placed under all
reinforced concrete foundations. The function of the blinding are to fill in any weak pockets
encountered during excavations and to provide a true level surface from which the reinforcement
can be positioned. If formwork is required for the foundation some contractors prefer to lay the
blinding before assembling the frame work; the alternative is to place the blinding within the
frame work and allow this set before positioning the reinforcement and placing the concrete.
Also blinding should be placed on top of the hardcore before the casting of the oversite concrete.
This is to safeguard against the mixture of water, fine aggregates and cement from seeping
through the large voids present in the hardcore layer. It also prevents the rough surface of the
hardcore layer from puncturing the damp proof membrane that may placed on it before the
casting of the floor slab.
The ground around a termite nest is usually treated with toxic chemicals. The chemicals should
be mixed in open air to avoid its health risk to the workers.
Test Questions
1. Define hard core and state site functions
2. State 4 type of materials that can be used for tanking
3. Explain the importance of anti termite treatment
Version 1: December 2008
1.1 Functions of floors
1.2 Types of ground floors
1.3/1.4 Method of constructing ground floors
• Wall
2.1 Functions of walls
2.2 Wall classification
2.3 Methods of construction walls
2.4 Materials used in wall construction
2.5 Types of block wall construction
o Concrete block , block walls
o Construction of walls
o Bonding in walls
3.1 Stair case
• Functional requirements of staircase
• Safety layout
• Staircase layout
3.2/3.4 Types of staircase
3.3. Terminologies of a staircase
Test Questions
1. Discuss five functions of floors
2. List and discuss two types of ground floor
Floors made from concrete have a better resistance to damage by fire and can safely support
greater amount of super imposed load than timber floor.
The floor is framed with soft timber joist which are usually 50mm thick and 250mm or more in
depth. The depth of the joists depends on the span. The rough method of determining the depth
of joist required is to divide the span by 24 and add 50 to get the depth of the joist. The spacing
of joist ranges between 375mm and 400mm. the maximum economical span of timber joist is
between 3.6 m to 4.0 m for greater spans. It is economical to reduce the span of joist by the use
of steel beams. The typical arrangement of the joists in timber upper floor is as shown in figure
Fig 2.1 Suspended timber upper floors
Test questions
1. State the purposes of constructing suspended timber ground floor
2. List three functions of upper floor
3. Draw a typical timber upper floor and label the parts.
The hollow ports are arranged on the formwork side by side as shown in figure 3.2. Reinforcing
bars are placed between the hollow pots. The floor construction process is completed by placing
a constructional concrete topping of at least 50 mm. This is to provide a leveled surface for the
Fig 3.2 Hollow Pot Floor
Test Questions
1. List four other methods of upper floor a part from upper timber floor
Test Questions
1. Draw a typical terracotta floor works.
2. Use drawing to distinguish between tee precast floor and a convention cost –insulin for
monolithic floor
Walls are any continuous vertical members whose length and height are both much larger than
the thickness. Wall subjected to no loads other than their own weight such as panel or enclosure
walls are called non-load bearing walls. Walls with a primary function of resisting horizontal
loads are called shear walls. They may also serve as bearing walls.
Non-load-bearing external walls: These walls are often built from corrugated sheets cladding
that is attached to a framework of steel rails and columns. The cladding sheets, does not support
the structure of the building. Support is provided by the framework. The cladding sheets must be
Load-bearing internal walls: Internal walls are load-bearing if additional support is needed for
the roof or floors.
Load Bearing and Non-load bearing external wall of a building provide weather resistance and
must be durable, fire resistant even if it not built from load-bearing materials such as brick, block
and stone. Corrugated iron sheet or timber cladding is classified as non-load bearing wall.
Test Question
1. List five functions of walls.
2. Discuss two classification of wall
Walls are made from many materials. The most common among them are as follows
• Sandcrete blocks
• Concrete blocks
• Bricks
• Reinforced concrete
• Stones
• Timber
Construction of Walls
The method of constructing a wall with sandcrete blocks is the same with that used of bricks
masonry. First, the corners or end of the wall are constructed with few courses of blocks, mortar
is applied to the bottom of block, mortar is applied to the bottom of the block on the horizontal
face members,
The straight walls are then constructed using the corner or end block to make a reference line.
• Before used it should be ensured that the block are well cured and dry.
• Blocks of successive coarse should be laid so that vertical joint are staggered.
• The joints should be 5mm thick and should be made uniform.
Bonding in Walls
In building a wall of brick or block, it is used to lay the bricks in some regular pattern such that
each brick or block bears partly upon two or more bricks below itself. The bricks are said to be
bonded, meaning that they bind together by being laid across each other with mortar.
The reason for binding them together is due to its instability when stack high. Brick that over lap
one another by use of mortar are laid to be in bond.
A condition vertical construction in bricks or block is a sign of weakness, while the overlapping
blocks show sign of strong construction.
Flemish bond: In Flemish bond every coarse have alternately header and stretcher face as shown
in figure 6.3.
Fig 6.3 Flemish bond
Test Question
1. List other materials for constructing walls apart form clay.
2. Draw the following to illustrate their bonding pattern.
a. English bond
b. Flemish bond
c. Stretcher bond
It is an internal wall which is constructed to divide the spaces in an enclosed building into rooms
or areas. It can be constructed using bricks, sandcrete blocks, timber, metal, glass or plastics.
Party walls: is a wall separating adjoining building belonging to different owners or occupied by
different persons.
Separating walls: is a wall separating different occupancies within the same building.
Curtain wall: Is the self supporting wall carrying no other vertical wall load, but subjected to
lateral forces. This type of wall is illustrated in figure 4.3.
Fig4.3 Curtain wall
Test Question
1. Under which wall classification will you classify partition wall?
2. Write brief notes on the following:
a. Partly wall
b. Curtain wall
c. Separating wall
Timber stud partitions are used in upper floors of domestic buildings and they are generally
constructed of 100mm x 75mm head and sill with vertical members called stud ranging from
75mm x 38mm, 100 x 50mm frame between them at about 400mm centre to centre
The horizontal member known as Noggin piece are usually inserted between studs to stiffen the
partition plaster board. It is generally nailed to either sides and finished with rose headed
galvanized nails, stud partition of upper floors are usually supported by floor joist.
Test Question
1. Use typical sectional elevation drawing to explain partition wall and label the parts
2. State three advantage of inner partition wall
(3.1) Staircase
The most common form of vertical circulation in upstairs and access to the upper floors is the
One can define stair as a number of steps leading from one level to another, and its function is to
provide means of movement between floor to floor in storey building, and as well serves, as
means of escape from upper floors in case of fire accident.
Staircase Layout
A straight flight of stairs is the simplest layout. If the flight changes direction between levels,
then you need to provide a landing. The degree of change in direction determines the size of the
Straight flight of stairs 90° turn with a quarter landing; Tapered stair case with no landing.
Quarter space
• Spiral staircase: This is a kind of stair that one ascending will have to turn to complete
circle before he could reach the floor above.
Fig8.5 Spiral staircase
(3.3)Terminologies of a Staircase
• Balusters: It is a series of some bars or columns between the outer strings of the rail.
• Newel Post: Is the post at the end of the flight that carries the end of handrail and strings
• Carriage Piece: A rough carriage of about 100mm x 75mm spacing floor to landing inserted
under the stair to give support to treads and risers. They may be required to give additional
support to the treads and risers in wide stairs.
• Pitch: This is the angle of a staircase measured between the pitch line and the horizontal
• Balustrades: The individual balustrade Consist of newel post, handrail and timber balusters.
The newel post of half turn landing and that at landing on the floor level are housed and
bolted to trimmers.
Test Question
1. State four functional requirement of a staircase
2. List five safety requirements f a stair case
Quarter space
The concrete specification should be very strong of 25-30 N/mm2 compressive strength.
Concrete cover the reinforcement should not be less than 15mm or the bar diameter whichever
one is greater. The thickness of the concrete required depends on the loading and the span of the
staircase. This should not be less than 100 mm measured across the waist which is the distance
from the soffit and the intersection of the tread and riser.
Steel is usually provided as the reinforcement, the bars being lapped to starter bars at the ground
floor and taken into the landing or floor support slab. The number, diameter and spacing of the
main and distribution bars must be calculated for each stairway.
Test Question
Describe the construction of a timber stair case
The roof is perhaps the most important part of structures. It shed water more quickly without
linking, it beeps out grit and dust, it also provide shade and sometimes light, and insulate against
heat and wise. It may also be used for re-creational purposes and for additional living space.
Roof design involves a number of factors some of which are overhang, wind insulation,
ventilation, and lighting, movement of pest and disposal of water
Classification of roof
Roof can be classified in three ways
• According to plan of outer surface (space)
• According to structural principal on which there design is based
• According to span- if the pitch of a roof is more than 10° is called flat roof.
According to structural principle on which there design is based. 2 dimension
According to span –small-short span up to 70m generally of traditional timber construction with
a flat or pitch profile.
Medium span 7.0m to 24m span except where R.C is used; the usual wood structure for a
medium span in truss or lattice of a standard section large or long span.
Over 24m: These roofs are generally design by specialist using ginger, space deck or vaulting
Pitch roof
A pitch roof has one or more roof slopes at a pitch or slop of more than 10° to horizontal. The
most common roof shape is the symmetrical pitch roof, pitched to central ridge with equal slope.
A mono pitched roof has only one slope free standing vision lean to roof.
A pitched roof is stable in most weather and its slope disposes of rainwater quickly. The main
supporting structure is timber, which is easy to work and transport.
Couple Roof
This is the smallest form of pitched roof. The span or the horizontal distance between wall to
spread and overturn walls
Disadvantage of this type of roof is that is that the load from roof covering tends to spread to the
feet of rafter and overturning to supporting wall. Thus a ties member can be fixed across the feet
of the rafters.
Fixing detail
1. position the first sheet in the bottom corner of the roof framework
2. Drill through a sheet on top of the corrugations.
3. fix it to the purlins with galvanized iron drive screws and supped washers
4. lay the next sheet so that it overlaps the first sheet by one corrugation
5. Fix a special ridge member that is in two parts.
Steel Roofs
A steel roof truss is a plane frame consisting of a series of rigid triangles composed of
compressor and tension members. The compression member are called rafters and struts, while
the tension members are termed tie steel trusses are used mainly for short and medium span
single storey building intended for industrial or recreational purposes.
Standard mild steel angle complying with recommendation of B.S 4 are usually employed as the
structural member, and these are connected together where the centre lines coverage with flat
shape plate called gussets. They can be riveted, bolted or welded together to form a rigid
triangular truss. The internal arrangement of the strut and tie will be governed by the span. The
principal rafter divided into equal division which locates the intersection point for the centre line
of the internal strut or tie.
If there is a parapet wall around the roof, the end of the roof joist may be built into the wall or
support in metal hangers. The joist can bear on a timber or metal wall plate.
The ends of roof joist built into solid brick walls should be given some protection against
dampness by treating them will a preservative.
Flat roofs most be provided with a fall to remove the rainwater as quickly as possible. The
direction of the fall will be determined by the position of the roof in relation to other building or
by the shape or size. Roof boarding should be 19mm to 25mm thick and be tongued and
grooved, and should if possible be laid with fall. But where thin is not possible, the boarding
should be laid diagonally.
A timber flat roof provides poor insulation used in the construction of modern building is poor
insulation and same materials have to be built into or onto the roof to improve its insulation
against transfer of heat. Insulating materials are manufactured in the form of boards, slabs, quilts
or loose fill and when used with timber roof, the boards and slabs are fixed on the joist under the
boarding or on the underside of the joist.
Test Question
1. Draw and label the parts of steel roof
2. Draw and label a typical that roof and label the parts
Ceilings are generally classified into two major types i.e. the suspended and the non-suspended
Functions of ceilings
• Define the limit height of the room: the ceiling gives a definite demarcation of the room from
the top.
• Support to fittings: The ceiling provides support to lighting fittings and ceiling fans.
• Housing of services: The ceiling helps conceal services pipes, heating and cooling systems,
which are regarded as unsightly features.
• Fire resistance: The ceiling reduces the amount of heat transmission from the interior of the
building (in case of fire) to the timber and /or steel roof members or suspended slab and
• Thermal insulation: The void created by the ceiling helps to regulate the transmission of heat
from weather to the interior of the building.
• Dust proof: The ceiling prevents the effect of dust penetrating through roofing sheet laps and
other into the building.
• Sound insulation: Depending on the type of materials used as the final finishing ceiling act as
an insulator for sound in the room.
• Reducing in heating or cooling cost: By defining the limit of the room thus reducing the
volume of air in room, the ceiling helps in reducing the cost of heating or cooling room when
the need so arise.
• Appearance: The ceilings help in adding to the aesthetic of the interior of the room thus
making the room comfortably habitable.
• Rain effect: In case of leakages on roof covering, the ceiling prevents the effect of direct
dropping of rainwater into the room.
Factors affecting the choice of ceiling construction
It is an indisputable fact that the type of ceiling finish affects the construction and the factors that
affect the choice of ceiling construction include the following:
• Activities to be carried out in the building: The activities to be carried out in the building do
affect the choice of ceiling thus affecting the construction. (e.g. a room which is meant to be
used as conference room or music recording studio, where reverberation of sound produce
will be detrimental to the activities being carried out in the room, ceiling with hard surface
such as concrete finished carried out in the room, ceilings with hard surfaces surface such as
concrete finished must be used, acoustic will be advisable). An additional example is the use
asbeatos in rooms that are prone to fire and POP (Plaster Of Paris) for functions same as the,
and beauty.
• Availability of fund: “It is only he that has money that thinks of the procedures of owning on
whether there is available fund to select what ever type which consequently affect the
Suspended Ceiling
The suspended ceiling can be defined as ceiling fixed to a frame work suspended form the main
structure either by means of timber, aluminium or steel members, thus forming a void between
the tow components. The choice of this type of ceiling depends on the aforementioned factors,
through there are some situations where if ceiling must be constructed to a building, then it has to
be suspended ( i.e. when the frame structure is of timber roof members)
Below are some notes that have to be carefully observed while construction a suspended ceiling
i. They should be easy to construct, repair, maintain and clean.
ii. Should designed in a form that an adequate means of access is provide to the void space
for the maintenance of the suspension system and concealed services
iii. Conform with the minimum requirement set out in the building regulations and in
particular the regulations governing the restriction of spread of flame over surface of
ceilings and the exceptions permitting the use of certain plastic materials.
Classification of suspended ceiling
There is no standard method of classification since some are classified by their function such as
illuminated and acoustic suspended ceiling; others are classified by materials used. However,
classification by method of construction is also very popular. This method is simple since most
suspended ceiling types can be place in one of the following groups:
a. Jointless suspended ceiling
b. Panelled suspended ceiling
c. Decorative and open suspended ceiling
Non-Suspended Ceiling
Non suspended ceiling: These are attached or fixed directly to the roof framework eliminating
voids, open spaces and working spaces in the ceiling. The ceiling is fixed directly to the noggins
at specified centre spacing usually ranging from 300- 1200mm as may be required.
The non-suspended ceiling in most cases occurs in concrete suspended slab; in this case the
ceiling could be referred as concrete ceiling. In some cases the construction of such type of
ceiling is simply the process of applying 12mm thick of cement and sand (1:4) to soffit of
suspended slab before any finishing like painting/decoration or paper is applied. Though
suspended ceiling could be structure if so desired by mean of screwing hangers to the soffit.
There are situations where rendering may not be needed i.e. where a steel formwork is used to
cast the suspended slab. In this case one may not be wrong to say the element is bi-functional in
as much as it is acting as both ceiling and suspended slab (either floor roof).
There are other situations where the finishing to soffit for such ceiling are designed to be tiled
facing slips or others, all in the name of achieving an aesthetical goal. In such case the tiles will
be laid face down in the formwork for the suspended slab in a pattern so desired, before the wet
concrete is place. After setting and formwork removed, the tiles will stick to the soffit and the
desired ceiling is achieved.
Test Question
1. List five function of ceiling
2. Discuss two factors that can affect ceiling
Functional requirement of ceiling finishes
• Provide a good thermal insulation
• Provide a good resistance to sound movement
• In suspended ceiling, provide and adequate means of access for maintenance of
concealed services or light fittings
• Accommodate services an also distribute lightning, heating and ventilation.
• It define the limit of the room
• Great awareness in event of roof leakage
• Minimize the effect of direct rainwater in event of roof leakage.
Factors to be considered when selecting materials to be used for ceiling finish
• Appearance (aesthetic)
• Light reflection
• Fire resistance
• Sound absorption
• Maintenance
• Cost of installation
• Ease of installation
• Weather condition
• Function of the building
The above materials can be applied on either suspended by or non-suspended. The material
determined the method of application and some methods are applicable to more than material.
The use of fibreboard requires unpacking the tiles at least 24hrs before fixing to allow the tiles
adjust to room temperature and humidity. the fibreboard has the merit of being used for both
new and old ceiling, it is factory finished and ease of installation. And have the demerit of not
durable, relatively expensive and it is mainly used internally.
It has the merit of beautiful appearance when view and the demerit of not withstanding external
weather condition and is brittle.
Celotex ceiling board
These are made from cellulose materials of wood and plant compressed into sheets of unfinished
surface that require painting of the surfaces. The sizes of cellotex ceiling board is 2400 x 1200m
and a thickness of 3mm. The method of fixing requires spaced timber noggins at 600, 900 or
1200mm depending on the area required to be covered. Nails are driven in at 150mm centres and
the joints are covered with battens. The ceiling surface requires painting to give the ceiling a neat
and attractive appearance. This method is known as wooden noggin. It is used in auditorium and
studio to prevent external noise it is also used in broadcasting rooms or theater, used both
internal and external ceiling finishes. Celotex ceiling have the merit of being readily available,
relatively cheap and it absorb sound. And has the demerits methods of difficulty in fixing
compared to fibreboard and acoustic, poor fire resistance and requires painting.
Plain Asbestos
The asbestos is similar to the perforated asbestos. Unlike the perforated it is common and it
comes in an unfinished form. The method of fixing is same as the perforated one.
Timber panel
These are timber materials used for ceiling finish the surfaces are well planed and polished or
spray and they are fixed into metal track systems, which are nailed to old ceiling joist at 300mm
intervals. The track systems use clips to hold the timber panels. The timber panel comes in length
of 3.50meters and width of 450mm with thickness of 12mm it can be used both internally and
externally. This is method is known as the track system.
It has the merits of resisting weather effect and it is very attractive. It has the demerits of poor
resistance to fire and the method of fixing is time consuming.
Plywood ceiling sheet
These are sheet made from three or more numbers of thin layers of wood veneers. It consist of a
back, a face which is usually sprayed after placing and core or center made of veneer with a
lesser density e.g. the 3-ply has a thickness of 3mm and 5 –ply a thickness of 5mm. the sizes are
cut to 2400 x 1200mm and the method of fixing is same as the coletex and asbestos that the
finish for the plywood is by spraying and is used both internally and externally.
It has the merit of resisting weather effect and it is very attractive and demerits of poor fire
resistance and relatively expensive.
Particle board
These are composed of flakes of chips of wood glued together most usually 3-20mm thickness
an size of 2400 x 1200mm. the method of fixing is just the same as that of the celotex ceiling
Test Question
1. State five functional requirements of ceiling timbering
2. List four factors to be considered when selecting materials for ceiling finish.
1.1 Principles of Scaffolding
Parts of Scaffolding
2.4 Types of door
2.13 Types of window
The first use of scaffolding is for the external walls. When the brickwork is about shoulder high,
then the bricklayer needs to be raised up to continue working. Below 2 metres the scaffold
boards can rest on timber trestles. This is a suitable work surface because the bricklayer can step
up and down to get bricks and mortar.
More than 2 metres from the ground, workers need ladders up to the platform, which must be
wide enough to hold materials, plant and people. Platforms should be placed at 2 metre intervals
as the height of the building increases, so that workers can comfortably reach their working area
without hitting their heads as they walk underneath.
Parts of a Scaffold
The basic parts of a scaffold consist of the following and are shown in figure 1.1.
Base boards are timber boards that support the base plate on soft or uneven ground.
Base plates are square metal plates that fit into the bottom of scaffold tubes to spread the load.
Braces are poles fixed diagonally to stiffen the scaffold by forming a triangle.
Standards are the vertical poles that carry the weight of the scaffold to the ground.
Toe boards are the boards along the edges of platforms which prevent materials from falling.
Transoms are cross pieces that rest on the ledgers and support the platform.
Ledgers are longitudinal horizontal components that are fixed to the standards.
Putlogs are transverse horizontal members fixed to the ledger.
Fig 1.1 Components of a scaffold
Fig 1.2 Joints and connectors of scaffold parts
Test Questions
1. Define scaffolding
2. List 5 important parts of scaffold and describe them.
Putlog Scaffolds
These are scaffolds which have an outer row of standards joined together by ledger which in turn
support the transverse putlogs which are built into the bed joints or perpends as the work
proceeds. They are therefore only suitable for new work in bricks
or blocks. A typical putlog scaffold is as shown in fig 1.1
Suspended scaffold
Suspended scaffold, these consist of a working platform in the form of a cradle which is
suspended from cantilever beams or out riggers from the roof of a tall building to give access to
the facade for carrying out light maintenance work and cleaning activities.
The cradle can have manual or power control and be in single units or grouped together to form a
continuous working platform. If grouped together they are connected to one another at their
allotment ends with hinges to form a gap of not more than 25mm wide.
Many high rise building gave a permanent cradle system installed at roof and this is
recommended for all building over 30 m high.
Concrete for floor is basically a four sided box with provisions for beams that may be
constructed monolithically with the floor and propped in the correct position and to the desired
level. It is essential that all joints in the formwork are constructed to prevent the escape of grout
which could result in honeycombing and/or feather edging in the slab cast.
Test Questions
Fenestration refers to openings in a building which allow access for air (ventilation), light,
walkways and comfort. These openings are also part of building components. They are namely
doors, windows, chimneys, courtyard, screened walls etc
Doors and windows are the main openings in brick walls. Their locations are shown on the
working drawings together with the head and sill height. These heights should relate to the datum
or over site slab level. If this is not the case, then the heights must be recalculated and decision
taken as to which courses will take the openings. The brick work is finished neatly on each side
of the opening with a stop-end. The method is similar to finishing off at a quoin. Insert a closer
before the last header in alternate courses in English and Flemish board.
The sill does not need special treatment but at the head there are alternative methods to carry the
brickwork across the opening. These are lintels and Arches.
2.3 Lintels and Arches
A lintel (figure 3.1) is a beam that spans across a horizontal opening and supports the load just
above the opening. Lintels can be timber or concrete. Timber is fine for short spans but is not
durable. For this reason most lintels are built from reinforced concrete.
The lintel can be covered with skin decorative brickwork which needs support. This is done by:
• Bolting a galvanized steel angle to the concrete lintel.
• building the decorative brickwork on the edge of the angle;
• Tying the brick joints to the lintel with metal ties.
After designing the lintel, it should be cast (or made). Lintels can be in situ or precast. The span
will determine the height of the lintel, which should correspond to the height of full brick
Classification of doors
Based on the method of construction, doors are classified into the following types
• Paneled doors
• Flush doors
• Match doors
• Framed ledge and braced doors
• Folding doors
• Garage doors
Based on the materials from which they are made they could be classified into:
• Metal doors
• Timber doors
• Glass doors
• Doors from any combinations of the materials above
Performance Standards
A door, depending on the type, should meet certain standards for:
• Weather resistance
• Security
• Fire resistance
• Sound insulation
• Privacy
• Operation
• Durability
Weather resistance
External doors need a minimum gap of 2mm for free movement. This gap should be sealed with
suitable draught and water exclusion materials to make the doors weather resistant. This is
because the external door forms part of the external envelop of a building and should therefore
have a similar level of weather resistance against weather elements like rain, sunlight and driving
The security of a door depends on the materials used, the quality of the frame and the
ironmongery. Internal doors only need to provide minimal security. For example, a bathroom
door might be fitted with a simple lock. External doors need to be constructed to high
specification and fitted with high security locks.
Internal doors that separate spaces are usually made of materials that prevent the rapid spread of
fire. In the event of fire outbreak they should be able to keep the fire in a compartment for a long
enough time for the occupants to have moved from the other spaces before fire will spread
through the door. They are also heavy enough to be self closing in the event of a fire outbreak.
Sound insulation
Doors should be able to reduce the level of sound that passes through it so as to reduce the level
of discomfort that may be due to excessive sound. Heavier doors provide better sound insulation.
Solid doors are the most private. If some light is needed while retaining privacy, then obscure
glass should be fitted into the door.
Doors can swing or slide to open and close. Most doors swing on hinges fixed to door frames.
Spring-loaded latches usually hold doors closed. Doors are normally opened with knobs or
Doors are in constant use. Their construction should be strong enough to withstand considerable
activity. A door should not fall off the edge fixed to a frame under its own weight. External doors
should be able to resist climatic extremes which can cause the shape to warp
Test questions
1. List 5 classified doors based on method of construction.
2. List 5 standard requirements a door should conform to.
2.5 Construction of Doors
The construction method for any particular type of door depends on the material from which the
door is made. The following are basic examples of methods of construction of some basic door
Flush Doors
Flush doors have no projections or recesses on either surface of the door. These doors are
usually made of large sheets of plywood or hardboard. Flush doors may have glazed panels to
allow in some light. Flush doors are usually made in factories. This ensures a high quality;
durable product if the correct type of door is put in the right location. The plywood facing and
the frames for external flush doors should be fixed with waterproof glue.
Test Questions
1. Use drawing to distinguish between a floor door and a panel door
2. Draw a typical wooden door frame and label the parts
The purpose of door frames and linings is to:
• Define openings
• Reduce the gap between a door and wall
• Provide fixings for the hinges and a recess for the lock or latch
• Provide a finish between the door and the wall.
Test Questions
1. Draw a typical wooden door frame and label the parts.
2. Use drawing to distinguish between door lining and a door frame
2.10 Types of Metal doors
Metal doors as the name implies are made from metals either alone or in combination with other
Steel doors
An example of metal doors is the purpose made steel door constructed using mild steel as the
major materials for the construction. There are times where it might become necessary to allow
some amount of light to pass through the door into the room. Under such situation the doors are
usually constructed and fitted with glass panels in which case they are called steel panel doors.
Where there is no panel the door is also constructed like the flush door whereby steel skeleton
form the inner core. Steel doors are usually painted both for decoration and protection against
Aluminium doors
Another common type of metal doors are the aluminium doors that are usually constructed using
aluminium frames with either glass panels or panels made using aluminium sheets. Aluminium
doors are usually lighter than steel doors and have higher resistance to corrosion and therefore do
not need any paint coating.
2.12 Ironmongery
The term ironmongery refers to devices or little accessories that are parts of doors and windows
used for locking, securing, fixing and constructing them. The ironmongery includes locks,
latches, bolts, furniture check gear.
Fig 8.1 Examples of ironmongery
Fig 8.2 Examples of ironmongery continued
Fig 8.3 Further examples of ironmongery
Test Questions
1. State the advantage of using Aluminium doors over steel related doors.
2. List and draw 5 types of Ironmongery for door
Windows provide natural lighting and ventilation to the interior part of the building while
excluding rain and insects. The glass in windows must be strong enough to resist wind pressure.
This means the thickness of the glass increases as the size of the glass pane increases.
Windows are usually made of timber or steel, but other materials such as plastic and aluminium
are also popular. Windows also provide point of entry into a building; it may as a result need
locks or burglary bars for security.
A window must be aesthetically acceptable in the context of building design and surrounding
environment. For example, glass and glazing should be suitable for window position and type;
suitable and durable materials required for its framing; suitable and durable materials for the
window itself; thermal and sound insulation properties to be acceptable to client and to be within
building regulations; sizing of openings to meet requirements of building regulation for limiting
heat losses. Windows should also be weather tight.
Windows should be selected or designed to resist wind loadings, be easy to clean and provide
safety and security. They should be sited to provide vision and therefore visual contact with the
world outside the building is important.
Test Questions
1. Draw 5 types of window operating pattern
2. State 4 function requirement of windows
Plastering is the application of a smooth coat of material to walls and ceilings. The purpose of
plastering is to provide a jointless, hygienic, easily decorated smooth finish to walls. Plaster
covers up the unevenness of bricks, blocks or concrete.
Plaster is mixed with water to make a plastic mixture, which can be spread directly on a surface
in thin layers of about 10 mm thickness. The surface absorbs the water in the mix by a process
called suction. The suction process stiffens the plaster rapidly so that it can be leveled while it
sets and hardens. When the plaster dries it leaves a hard, smooth finish for decoration.
Plaster consists of powdered cement, sand and lime or gypsum. All these materials except sand
are supplied in bags.
Rendering refers to the process of applying a cement and sand plaster coat to the outside walls of
a building. Rendering is applied to
• improve the appearance of concrete block walls
• provide a waterproof finish to porous blocks such as landcrete and sandcrete blocks
• provide a base for colour finish.
Rendering is a mixture of cement and sand. Lime is sometimes added to improve its pliability.
Several kinds of finishes and textures are common to external rendering. They improve the
appearance of the cement and sand mix and help to control shrinking and cracking, which affects
the waterproof quality of render.
Painting is the application of a pigmented liquid that stretches thinly across a surface when the
liquid dries out.
Resistance to wear
Some parts of a building receive more use than others or are in closer contact with the dust or
mud outside. The floor finish should match the type of wear that is normal in a specific part of a
building so that it lasts many years without replacement.
Ease of cleaning
Surfaces that allow dirt to easily penetrate are harder to keep clean. If ease of cleaning is a
priority then a hard smooth finish is better than a soft open texture.
Warmth or coolness
Hard smooth surfaces are cool to walk on because they conduct heat away. Soft textured finishes
like carpet give a room a warmer feel which may be suitable for cooler climates.
Hard surfaces do not absorb sound so they are noisier than soft surfaces
The costs vary enormously for the higher range of finishes. The cheapest finish is a cement
screed. The most expensive are carpet, wood block or special floor tiles.
Test Questions
1. Distinguish between plastering and rending
2. State 3 purposes for which paint is applied to a building
Different types of floor finishes
The following are the most common types of floor finishes.
• Terrazzo tiles
• Granolithic screeds
• Cement and sand screed
• Ceramic tiles finish
• Wood floor finish
Terrazzo tiles
The floor is floated once it has been soaked in ebonite (hardened PVC materials that is flexible to
a limit) is laid in modules floor is then cast with thickness of 20 mm and a grinding machine is
then used to grind the surface to finish after about 2-3 days of casting. The floor after grinding
may be 19mm thick. Detergent or washing solvent is used to wash the surface after grinding. The
surface is then polished to finish.
Terrazzo floors are laid by applying a 25 mm cement and sand screed which is followed by the
cement and marble mixture (i.e. terrazzo) while the screed is still fresh.
An important feature of a terrazzo finish is the strip of metal, ebonite or plastic strips which go
through the screed to the subfloor to divide it into bays. The purpose of the strips is to limit the
bays to 1m2. This prevents shrinkage cracks and makes the floor finish particularly decorative if
different colours of terrazzo are used.
Granolithic screeds
This uses granite chippings in a cement and sand screed in 1:1:3 mixes to improve the wearing
qualities. The granite chips are graded from 5mm to dust. This screed can be laid on fresh
concrete so that it forms a 25mm monolithic bond in bays which are less than 10m2. If the screed
is laid after the concrete is dry, then the thickness of the screed must be 40-50mm. The top of
the granolithic screed must be leveled and compacted. It becomes firm when it sets. In this case
you must smooth it with a steel trowel at least three times in a 6 hour period to produce a hard,
dense surface without an accumulation of fine particles. The screed must be cured for seven
Wood mosaic is a low-cost type of hardwood floor which uses off-cuts of hardwood. The wood
is shaped into pieces 150 x 300 x10 mm and assembled into 300 x 300 x 10 mm panels. The
panels are laid in groups of five in a basket weave pattern on a paper backing which holds them
together while they are transported.
Each panel is laid separately on a completely dry cement and sand screed which is first of all
cleaned of all loose materials. They panels are stuck on the screed with adhesive so that each
panel fits tightly against the next. The installation is completed by removing the paper backing.
Wood strip
Wood strip flooring is made from timber strips in softwood or hardwood fixed to battens on
concrete subfloor. The battens are secured by
• Casting galvanized metal clips into the concrete or screed.
• Casting dovetail battens into the screed so they are anchored as the screed dries.
The process is completed by sanding or polishing to a fine finish.
Test questions
1. List 5 five common floor finish frequency in use.
2. Describe 3 of question ‘1’ above
External rendering
Several finishes and textures are common to external rendering such as; Smooth render,
roughcast render, scraped render, pebbledash render, Tyrolean render to improve the appearance
of cement and sand mix and help to control shrinking and cracking, which affects the waterproof
quality of render.
Wall tiling
Tiles are made from clays with special additives. Common sizes for wall tiles are
• 150 x 150 x 5-6 mm
• 100 x100 x4-5 mm
Their shapes and sizes may vary, but the method of fixing and pointing are the same for all tiles.
On an even surface, tiles are fixed using the thin bed method using a special adhesive 1-2 mm
thick to fix thin tiles to a smooth surface such as plaster. It can only be used on smooth surfaces
since the adhesive is the only anchor for the tiles.
On an uneven surface, the thick bed method is used to fix the wall tiles. A 1:4 cement sand
mortar is prepared and spread over a wall as a wet bed to push the tiles into. Battens of the same
thickness as the tiles and mortar bed can be nailed to the wall to act as a guide to the finished
Plasterboards can make good ceilings timber suspended floors or pitched timber roof. The boards
are fixed so that their lengths are at right angles to the floor joist or ceiling joists at 400 mm
centres. The boards are usually large and heavy; about 2400 x 1200 mm and weigh 25 kg.
Boards nailed at 150 mm centres along the lines of the joists. The joints at the ends of the boards
should be under a joist, which may require cutting to fit. The process is finished by binding and
filling the joints before applying a skim coat of plaster.
Painting of ceiling
Ceilings are painted to make it attractive, protect the surface from moisture penetration and rust.
The following steps are taken in the plastering of ceilings.
• Remove all plaster splashes with a scraper
• Fill in and rub down any holes, scratches or grooves
• Remove dust with a soft brush
• Dilute the emulsion with 10 per cent additional water and paint it on as a priming coat.
• Leave it about an hour
• Apply the full-strength emulsion
• Leave it for 2 or 3 hours
• Paint on the final coat of emulsion.
Test Questions
1. Describe how plaster work is carried out
2. Describe painting on ceiling finishes
3.4 Painting
After walls and ceiling are plastered or rendered smooth it might be necessary to finish the
surface finally with painting.
Composition of paints
The actual composition of any paint can be complex but the basic components are-
• Binder- This is the liquid vehicle or medium which dries to form the surface film and can
be composed of linseed oil, drying oils, synthetic resin and water. The first function of a
paint over the surface and at the same time acting as a binder to the pigment
• Pigment- This provides the body colour, durability and corrosion protection of the paint.
White lead pigments are very durable and moisture resistant but are poisonous and their use
is generally restricted to priming and undercoating paint.
• Solvents and Thinners- These are the material that can be added to paint to alter its
Types of paint
The main types of paints are:
• Emulsion paint
• oil paint (do not contain thinner)
• Hard gloss paint
• Enamel and synthetic paint
1. Emulsion paint- The typical emulsion paint is a synthetics resin e.g. Polyvinyl Acetate
(P.V.A), emulsified in water, but other emulsified binders are oil. Oil vanishes resin,
rubber and bitumen.
Other ingredients are usually stabilizers which prevent coagulation. The drying action of
this paint is that, their paint film are initial & sometime permanent, permeable which
makes some suitable for decorating new plaster and other damp surface since background
moisture can be dried out through the paint film.
There hardening film are unstable which prove with age.
2. Water paint- Water paint has a medium composed of a drying oil. Oil varnishes or
synthetic or natural resin emulsified in water usually together with a stabilizer such as
glucine or casine. Water paints are in fact emulsion paints. Although they are not
classified as that commercially. Pigment and Extender are added, and the product is
usually supplied in the paste form. Mixed with water to be thinned by the user to the
texture required for application. They give permeable paint film which is washable when
hard and most are unaffected by alkalis. They are used mainly for interior decoration but
some are suitable for external used.
3. Distempers- This differs from water paint in that they do not contain drying oil on resin.
And they are not emulsified. They consist of a pigment and extenders with a water
soluble binder such as glucine and are applied in mixed powder form or in paste form in
water. Therefore they are prepared for use. Distempers are only used in the interior and
they are also known as non-washable
4. Oil Paint- This have a wheel consisting of drying oil mixed with a thinner, they are
classified by the group base on linseed oil with white spirit which constitute the already
mixed oil based paint but other natural and synthetic oil and thinner are also used. These
are available in priming, undercoat and finishing grades. The later can be obtained in a
wide range of colours and finishes such as matt. Semi-matt, eggshell, satin, gloss and
enamel, polyurethane paints have a good hardness and resistance to water and clearing.
Oil based paint are suitable for most applications if used in conjunction with correct
primer and undercoat.
5. Hard Gloss- They have a vehicle of special treated oil varnish or drying oil (with or
without resin) mixed with a thinner, they are capable of giving a better gloss than
ordinary oils paints & are more rapid in drying. They can be used externally although
their durability can not be compared to that of a good quality oil paint
Functions of Paint
The main functions of paint are to provide
• An economic method of surface protection to building materials and components.
• An economic method of surface decoration to building materials components.
Test Questions.
1. Discuss three composition of paint
2. Describe the following types of paint
i) Emulsion paint
ii) Gloss paint
iii) Enamel paint
Application of paint
Paint can be applied by the following methods-
• Brush- The correct type, size and quality of brush such as those recommended in BS
2992 needs to be selected and used. To achieve a first class finish by means of brush
application required a high degree of skill.
• Spray- as with brush application a high degree of skill is required to achieve a good
finish. Generally compressed air spray or airless sprays are used for building works.
• Rolling- simple and inexpensive method of quickly and cleanly applying a wide range of
paints to flat and textured surfaces. Roller heads vary in size from 50 to 450 mm wide
with various covers such as sheepskin, synthetic pile fibres, mohair and foamed
polystyrene. All paint applicators must be thoroughly cleaned after use.
Painting operation
The main objectives of applying coats of paint to a surface are preservation, protection, and
decoration to give a finish which is easy to clean and maintain. To achieve these objectives the
surface preparation and paint application must be adequate. The preparation of neat and
previously painted surfaces should ensure that prior to painting the surface is smooth, clean, dry
and stable.
Timber: to ensure a good adhesion of the paint film all timber should have a moisture content of
less than 18%. The timber surface should be prepared using an abrasive paper to a smooth
surface brushed and wiped free of dust and any grease removed with a suitable spirit. The
stopping and filling of cracks with putty or appropriate filler should be carried out after the
application of the priming coat. Each coat of paint should be smoothened with fine abrasive
paper after it has hardened before the next coat is applied.
Building boards: most building boards do not require any special treatment except for the
application of a sealer as specified by the manufacturer.
Iron and Steel: the preparation here includes removing all rusts, mill scale, oil, grease and wax.
This can be achieved by wire brushing, using mechanical means such as shot blasting, flame
cleaning and chemical processes and many of these processes are often carried out in the
fabrication works prior to shop applied priming.
Plaster: the essential requirement of the preparation is to ensure that the plaster surface is
perfectly dry, smooth and free of defects before applying any coats of paint especially when
using gloss paints. Plaster which contains lime is alkaline and such surfaces should be treated
with an alkali resistant primer when the surface is dry before applying the final coats of paint.
Paint defects
This may be due to poor and incorrect preparation of the surface; poor application of the paint
and/or chemical reactions. The general remedy is to remove all the affected paint and carryout
the correct preparation of the surface before applying in the correct manner new coats of paint.
Most paint defects are visual and therefore remedial treatment is undertaken.
Test Questions
1. Describe three method of paint application
2. List and discuss four types of paint defect
1 BLD 204
(1.1) Functions of external works
(1.2) Fencing
(1.3) Function of fencing
(1.4) Factors that influence choice of fence
(1.5) Types of fence
(2.5) Materials used for footpath construction
(5.1) Types of building contract
(5.2) Cost plus contract
(5.3) Target cost
(5.4) Measure and value contract
(5.5) Contracts Based On Drawing and Specification
(5.6) Package Deal Contract
(6.1) Types of tender
(6.2) Selective tendering
(6.3) Negotiated tendering
(6.4) Planning of site layout
External works can be defined as a service provided around building to provide conveniences to
the occupiers of the building.
• To provide drives and access to garage in building
• To provide access to estate
• To provide accommodation for parking of vehicle
• To provide footpath to pedestrian
• To drains surface water efficiently (with a proper shop)
• To provide security to buildings (such as fencing
Fencing is used to form boundaries between lands of different occupiers.
Functions of fencing
Fences and hedges are used in building to provide:
• Security as well as
• Excluding the view of the building surrounding from outside
• It limits the accessibility to the building to the specified or accepted entrance
• Fences are used to form boundary land of different occupiers
Types of fence
These consist of concrete or wooden posts supporting two or three arris or triangular rails,
according to the height of the fence, and vertical pales or palisades. The details are as shown in
figure 1.1.
Chain Link Fence
These are widely used as they are economical and form a very effective boundary, although their
appearance is not very attractive. The chain link consists of a diamond-shaped mesh with
average mesh size of 50 mm and average 3 mm diameter finished with a galvanized or plastics
coating or using aluminium wire. The chain link is tied with wire to mild steel line wires of 2.5
to 4.75 mm diameter. Posts may be reinforced concrete, steel or wood. The line wires are pulled
tight with straining fittings at straining posts and intermediate posts are provided at intervals not
exceeding 3 m. The sizes of the posts vary with the height of the fence. The details are shown in
figure 1.2.
Test Questions
Close-Boarded Fence
These are both attractive and effective but have an initial high cost. The posts may be of concrete
or timber. They should be 600 to 750 mm in the ground. The timber used should have weathered
tops and mortices to receive rails. They are normally spaced at 3 m interval. The rails are usually
triangular in section. The boarding usually consists of vertical pales about 100 mm wide. The
pales are nailed to the rails with 50 mm galvanized nails. A horizontal gravel board is often fixed
below the pales to prevent their bottoms from being in contact with the ground with the liability
to decay. The details are as shown in figure 2.1.
Wooden Post and Rail Fence
This type of fence consists of posts with pointed bottoms for the purpose of driving as shown in
figure 2.2. The rails are often rectangular in section. This type of fence have reasonable
durability and also attractive and of moderate cost. However, they do not provide effective
division as people, animals and objects can pass through it.
Test Question
Road construction
Road is the channel serving as a means of communication. It is laid on ground therefore road is
a landed property. There should be proper planning of land in other to achieve economic use.
Private drives and access to garage may be 2.5m- 3.0m wide. Longitudinal gradient must be kept
within reasonable limits such as 1 in 20 and 1 in 250. If the gradient is too flat it will be difficult
to remove the surface water, and if it is to stiff it becomes difficult to negotiate in snowing and
frosting weather.
Vertical curves must be designed to provide a suitable parabolic curve linking the two gradients,
with the levels normally determined at 6.0m intervals. Roads can be constructed with a chamber
or a cross fall.
The road construction method can be broadly sub divided into two main groups:
Sub base
Formation level
Surfacing in asphalt (40-75mm)
Formation level
Test Question
- Kerbs
- Footpath
- Drainages
- Septic/soak away
- Fencing and hoarding
- Trees, shrubs, grass/hedges
- Parking/garages
- Pavements/interlocks
The main functions of kerbs are to:
The most common form of kerbs is in pre-cast to B5 3406 and may incorporate Portland,
blast furnace or high aluminium silicate and a natural stone or slag (aggregate) and it may be
• Cast vibrate
• Hydraulically pressed (HP)
The later (HP) gives the strongest kerbs, which are recognizable with their pattern faces. Less
popular kerbs include granite and sandstone.
Precast- concrete kerbs are 900mm along and in four (4) standard sections.
The most common sizes are 125 x 250 and radius of kerbs is made to the variety of radii
range from 1-12. Bullnosed as HB kerbs and used extensively for urban roads; where as
splayed kerbs are more often used on dual carriage and rural roads.
Test Questions
Footpath (Pathways)
Footpath and path area can be constructed with variety of materials and the choice will be
determine largely by such factors as:
• Initial cost
• Maintenance cost
• Appearance
• Wearing properties
• Non skid properties
Disadvantage- expensive in initial cost and mantle cost; can soon been dangerous
with slight settlement, easily damaged by vehicles mounting kerbs.
• In-situ concrete
Advantage- reasonably cheap, can be coloured, reasonably hard bearing if concrete
of good quality is used and reasonably non skid (slip)
Disadvantage- periodic surface dressing required, need path edging at back of path
• Asphalt
Advantage- good appearance, hardwearing, reasonably non slip, fairly easily
An examination of competitive schedule above may prove helpful in this connection.
The width of a footpath may vary from 1.35m – 1.8m in housing estate and may
increase to as much as 6.0m in shipping centers. They can normally be made of a
cross fall of about 1:30 towards, the kerbs and there may be gross verge between the
path and kerbs. A tress planted verge improves the appearance of residential
development and this may increase their maintenance cost.
Test Questions
A small sewage treatment plant consists of septic tank and filter bed.
The foul water is first drain to the septic tank usually large enough for 48hrs flow in which the
solid organic matters are broken down by the action of anaerobic bacteria and in which the solid
organic matters are broken down by the action of anaerobic bacteria and in which the solid
organic matters settle to the bed of the tank hard water forms on the surface of the liquid as scum
in the septic tank as a subsequence of the bacterial action. This scum is an effective seal between
the liquid and the air in the tank.
In operation a septic tank is like a cesspool, as in both, solid matters settle to the bed of the
chamber. The term septic tank and cesspools are often interchanged. The liquid from the septic
tank drains to the filter bed designed to expose the liquid to as large an area of air as possible,
where the action of anaerobic bacteria breakdown the residual organic compound by oxidation.
The resulting purified liquid is then discharged to a river or stream or to soakaway or nearby
land. For efficient operation this septic tank plant needs regular attention
Necessary care in use
• The sludge should be collected from the bed of the septic tank in about a six monthly and
carted away or use as fertilizer.
• The filter medium of the filter bed should be washed every year. The treatment plant may
be built of either bricks in concrete bed or of precast concrete.
Functions of septic tank
• Settlement of solid
• Floatation of grease
• Storage of sludge
• Decomposition of effluence
• Discharge of methane and other gasses
• Anaerobic decomposition of accumulated organic matters.
Test Question
Inspection chamber (IC) and manhole(manhole)
The IC is purposely made for inspecting, testing and clearing of blockage in the underground
It is a fabric-lined pit at drain function and change of direction or gradient in a drain line. It is
built where blockage in drain line can be opened by rodding.
The IC provides access to inspect the flow in the drain line and if necessary means of testing
drain lines. The traditional clay drainpipes were liable to blockage due to misalignment of
many joints or fractures of the pipes, and there rigid cement joint, and there was, therefore
advantage in constructing IC at fairly frequent intervals. Today the use of pvc pipes reduces
that problem associated with the traditional; clay pipes.
An IC is a small shallow clause sufficient to clear blockage from above the ground; while a
manhole is a deeper chamber, large enough for man to go into clear blockage. Figures 7.1
and 7.2 show some details of an inspection chamber and a manhole.
Fig. 7.1 Inspection chamber
Construction process of Inspection chamber
An inspection chamber is formed on 150mm concrete base on which brick walls can be laid.
A half round channel or “invert” laid on the bed takes the discharge from the branches drain.
The wall of the chamber are made of dense engineering bricks; if less dense bricks are used,
and then the chamber is rendered to facilitate cleaning, and sometimes rendered outside to
prevent the infiltration of ground water. The IC is completed with cast iron cover or
reinforces concrete Slab cover.
The word ‘invert’ is used to describe the lowest level of the inside of a channel in an I.C or
the lowest point of the inside of drainpipe. The measurement to the invert of a drain is used
to determine the gradient of the drain.
Types of drainages
Separate system
Combine system
Subsoil drainage includes- grid system, fan system, mot system. Etc.
Drains can be classified using the materials from which they have been made into the following
• Concrete drain
• Rubble drain
These are represented in figure 7.3.
Fig 7.3 Types of drain
Test Questions
• Client
• Architect
• Quantity surveyor
• Engineer- service & structural
• Builder
• Clerk of works
• General foreman
• Sub-contractor
• Suppliers
Employer or client
The employer or the client is one of the party to any contract, is also refer to as the building
owner. The employer may be the government, an agent of the government, a co-operate body, an
institution, a group of persons or an individual. He is the one who commission the construction
project and pays the cost of the work In other to ensure that his interest are properly safe
guarded, the employer will offer ready or the assistance to various consultant who would act on
his behalf from inception to the completion of the project.
Traditionally the architect is usually regarded as the leader of the building team since, he is the
one that normally receives the commission to design and supervise the whole of the work of his
client. However, since the whole concept of designing and constructing building project is an
enormous task, the architect would often relay of the assistance of several other members of the
building team to be able to perform his role.
The functions of the architect include the following:
• Interpretation of the client brief or even sometimes helping the client to evolve the
• Preparation of the preliminary and details design
• Supervision of the works during construction this includes ensuring that the work is
carried out in accordance with the contract document
• Arranging the contract, preparation of tender document and obtaining quotation or
tenders from the contractors
• Liaising with the employer, statutory and planning bodies, other consultants and
obtaining planning permission
• Coordinating the activities of everyone involve in the project.
In building contracts which is often named but to which is not a party the architect
wields considerable power and responsibilities example of such powers and or
responsibilities are:
In exercising this task the architect is not only a professional adviser to the client but
also an agent of the client, thus much of the success or failure of a project will largely
depend on the way the architect carries out his functions.
Test Questions
Consulting Engineers
This includes structural and services engineers who are normally commissioned by the client
through the architect to carry out the design, preparation of the relevant tender documents,
obtaining quotation or tenders and supervision during construction of certain specialized areas of
building projects. For example, structural works, mechanical and engineering installations such
as lifts, air conditioning installation etc, and electrical engineering installations.
The architect knowledge and experience in this area of the works are usually insufficient to cover
this function especially on large and complex building project hence they require the assistance
of such consultant.
Quantity Surveyor:
The quantity surveyor is a member of the building team who by the nature and background of his
professional training performs the following functions.
The quantity surveyor is concerned with the cost and measurement aspects of building contracts.
He advises the architect on the cost implications of design decisions, prepares approximate
estimates and often-cost plans, and later tender particulars. He values the work site, assesses the
effect of variations and finally prepares the final account on the basis of which the architect
certifies final payment.
viii. Provide advice on financial implication & interpret the contract
ix. Preparation of final accounts
x. Preparation of cost analysis of a completed project
xi. Cost control
Others consultants
These include landscape architect, interior design and decorators, acoustic consultant etc. their
services may be engage in a building project to advise the architect, design and undertake other
responsibilities in their areas of specialization from inception to completion.
Test Questions
Clerk of Works
The clerk of works is appointed by the building owner or the architect and acts as an inspector on
behalf of the employer under the direction of the architect he is therefore an agent of the client.
The clerk of work is usually a craft operative with a wide experience and knowledge of building
works, which architect delegates some of his supervisory responsibilities to.
• Inspection and supervision of the work on site to ensure that they comply with the
contract document and the architect
• Recording and agreeing details of the works below ground or these, which may
subsequently covered with the contractors or his site agent. Such details and records will
be useful in the preparation of interim variation and during the measurement and
valuation of variations.
• Signing of labour and material sheets for day works and fluctuation purpose, this will
often signing that the amount of labour and number of hours shown on the labour sheet
and the quantities of materials indicated on the material sheet are correct.
• Carryout other task or responsibility as the architect may require
Main Contractor:
The main contractor is the other party in a building contract who under takes to carryout and
complete the works in accordance with the contract document within an agreed period. In
addition the contractor is responsible for and should co-ordinate all operation on site including
those of sub-contractor.
The contractor is expected to comply with all statutory requirements of building regulation
affecting the works; he is also requiring ensuring the works against fire and other natural
disasters and possible injuries to persons to persons and property.
Any person or persons acting, as a main contractor should posses the necessary facilities,
resources and expertise require to carryout construction work.
Sub - Contractors
Sub-contractors are employed in building contract project to undertake specialist works for the
following reasons:
• Where it is felt that a cheaper and higher standard of workmanship could be achieved
• Where the main contractor is not sufficiently capable of carrying out such specialist
Works, examples which include
-piling work,
-mechanical installations,
-plumbing installation,
-electrical installation, and
-erection of structural steel works.
Sub-contractors are usually of two types
- Nominated sub-contractors
- Domestic sub-contractors
Suppliers in any building project are those, firms, manufacturers, person or persons who provide
and deliver building material and component to the site meant for the work but are not
responsible for fixing or incorporating them into the work.
Test Questions
Contract consists of an agreement entered into by two or more parties, whereby one of the parties
undertakes to do something in return for something to be undertaken by the other.
The essential difference between the two extremes devolves upon which party is to carry the risk
of making a loss or profit and the incentives, which are built into the contract to encourage the
contractor to provide an efficient and economic service to the employer or client.
These contracts are sometimes described as ‘cost reimbursement’ or ‘prime cost’ contract. In
practice they can take anyone of three quite different forms.
- Cost plus percentage contracts are those in which the contractor is paid the actual
costs of the work plus an agreed percentage of the actual or allowable cost to cover
overheads and profits.
- Cost plus fixed fee contracts are those in which the sum paid to the contractor will be
the actual cost, incurred in carrying out the work plus fixed lump sum, which has
been previously agreed upon and does not fluctuate with the final cost of the work.
- Cost plus fluctuating fee contracts are those in which the contractor is paid the actual
cost of the work plus fee, the amount of the fee being determined by reference to the
allowable cost by some form of sliding scale.
Target cost contracts have been introduced in recent years to encourage contractors to execute
the work as cheaply and efficiently as possible. A basic fee is generally quoted as a percentage of
an agreed target estimate may be adjusted for variations in quantity and design and fluctuation in
the cost in the cost of labour and materials.
These contracts include those based on schedules of rates, approximate quantities and bills of
quantities. Their great merit lies in the predetermined nature of the mechanism for financial
control provided by the pre-contract agreed rates. The risk of making a profit or loss rests with
the contractor.
These are often described as ‘lump sum’ contracts although they may be subject to adjustment in
certain instance. They form a useful type of contract where the work is limited in extent and
reasonably certain in its scope and are frequently used for works of alteration and conversion.
These constitute a specialized form of contractual relationship in which responsibility for design
as well as construction is entrusted to the contractor. The less developed the design, the less
detailed the specification and hence the less precise must be the calculation of the price.
Test Questions
Types of tender
It is commonly believed that tenders can be obtained by three basic methods viz: open, selective,
and negotiated. However, it is necessary to consider the method by which such tender is
obtained. Such methods had increased in various directions these days as variations within the
above types so much so that they can be accurately identified as special method of tendering.
• Open
• Selective
• Negotiated
• Two-tier
• Cost-plus
• Package deal
• Turn-key
Open Tendering
This type of tender is thrown open to all and sundry. The advertisement in the daily newspapers
of radio and television will invite all interested contractors to come forward and collect tender
document, previously described, for the purpose of submitting quotations for a particular
contract. Often times, such advertisement can state the category of contractors expected to
collect such tender documents.
• It eliminates the possibility of ring formation or collusion
• It makes public accountability possible
• It creates opportunity for unknown contractor to become known especially when he is
• It allows keen competition which may produce cheaper tender figure
• It is an opportunity to get genuine tenderers who are actually interested in the project
• It involves excessive paperwork, as so many contractors will tender. The cost of these
lithographic papers will add enormously to the client’s cost of the tender. Though deposit
is received from each tenderer, this only defrays part of the cost and not all. If deposits
are refunded, the situation becomes worse.
• It waste a lot of estimator’s time: since only one tenderer will be chosen. He will have to
be paid and this forms part of the contractor’s overhead charges and will be passed onto
other tenders thus making their overhead charges higher.
• It takes longer time to conclude award procedure as so many tenders have got to be
• There is possibility of many mushroom contractors tendering which constitutes a waste of
time in scrutinizing tenders.
Selective Tendering:
When project is too important to a client, he is most likely to prefer this type of tender. This is
because it will assure him of good performance, which this type offers. The code of procedure
published by the National joint Consultative Committee for Building gives a guide as to the
number of contractors to be invited for tendering and it is graduated based on the contract sum of
the project.
• There is certainty of performance and good workmanship since known contractors of
good performance are invited to tender.
• Tendering to award of contract period will be short in comparison with open tender
because limited number of documents will have to be examined
• Cost of tender documents is greatly reduced since few contractors are invited
• The contractors will be able to put in adequate profit and submit realistic tender as
opposed to cutthroat of the open tender type. This effect helps in good performance.
• There is the possibility of ring formation. This is so because they are few and most likely
to know each other. They may decide to give the contract to agreed contractors among
themselves and rotate it whenever such type comes up.
• The tender sum is most likely to be higher than open tender type. This is so because they
are high caliber contractors with high overheads and high profit margins and knowing
that they are selected, they will take advantage of it.
• It is like a closed shop, since it is not open to all and only privileged few are invited.
• Some uninterested contractors may submit tender in order to keep their names on the list
as such, there is no guarantee of genuine tender.
Negotiated Tendering
This type can take various forms depending on the convenience and wishes of the client as
mentioned in the following:
• It reduces time spent on tendering procedure and thus saves consultants time in terms of
overhead cost
• Work can commence early on site coupled with the possibility of completion on
schedule, which will give early returns on the investment to the client.
• There is possibility of best quality work
• There is saving on paperwork and cost of lithography
• Variations will be minimal or eliminated as the works are designed piecemeal.
• This type of tender will produce high contract sum, no matter how clever the quantity
surveyors is, because it is negotiated with one contractor, when even the contract sum is
low at the onset, except the contractor abandons the site or poor workmanship prevails,
the final figure is bound to be high
• There is possibility of lesser public accountability as there may be little or no justifiable
evidence to support the agreed sum
• The contractor can take advantage of the client cost wise as he is well known to him. So
also the completion time in the same vein.
Test Questions
The construction of a building can be considered as the product being produced with a temporary
factory, the building site being the ‘factory’ in which the building contractor will make the
product. To enable this activity to take place the builder require men, materials and plant, all of
which have to be carefully controlled so that the men have the right machine in the most
advantageous position, the materials stored so that they are readily available and not interfering
with the general site circulation, and adequate storage space and site accommodation.
Before any initial planning of the site layout can take place certain preliminary work must be
carried out, preferably at the pre-tender stage. The decision to tender will usually be taken by the
managing director or for small works by the senior estimator up to a contract value laid down by
the managing director. With given design and specifications the best opportunity for the
contractor to prepare a competitive and economic tender is the programming and planning of the
construction activities. A thorough study of the bill of quantities will give an indication of the
amount and quality of the materials required and also of the various labour resources needed to
carry out the contract.
• Site activities
• Efficiency
• Movement
• Control
Site activities
The time needed for carrying out the principal activities can be estimated from the data
obtained previously for preparing the materials and labour. With repetitive activities estimate
will be required to determine the most economical balance of units which will be allow
simultaneous construction processes; this in turn will help to establish staff numbers, work
area and materials storage requirements. A similar argument can be presented for
overlapping activities.
To achieve maximum efficiency the site layout must aim at maintaining the desired output
of he planned activities throughout the working day and this will depend largely upon the
following factors.
• Proper store-keeping arrangement to ensure that th e material are of the correct type, in
the correct quantity and are available when required.
• Walking distances are kept to a minimum to reduce the non-productive time spent in
covering the distance between working, rest and storage area without interrupting the
general circulation pattern
• Avoidance of loss by the elements by providing time loss and cost of replacing damage
Apart form the circulation problems mentioned above the biggest problem is one of access.
Vehicle delivery materials to the site should be able to do so without difficulty or delay.
This control should form the hub of the activities which logically develops into areas or zones of
control radiating from this hub or center.
As previously stated this must be considered for each individual site but certain factor will be
common to all sites. Accommodation for staff is covered by the construction ( Health and
Welfare) Regulations 1966. This document sets and types of accommodation which must be
legally be provided for the number of persons employed on the site and anticipated duration of
the contract.
Test Question
1. Discuss the importance of site layout for the purpose of enhancing project delivery
Fire constitutes a great hazard both in the industry and at home. It has caused loss of huge sums
of money and numerous irreparable damages to human both physical and mentally. It is therefore
extremely important that we take all necessary measures to prevent fire out breaks.
(oxygen) FUE
Combustible substance or fuel: A combustible (fuel) is any material that burns, solid fuel: e.g.
wood, coal, paper, textiles, rubber etc.
Liquid fuel: e.g. petrol, kerosene, diesel oil, cooking oil, paints, spirits etc.
Gaseous fuel: cooking gas (LPG) Methane Acetylene, Hydrogen, Butane etc.
Oxygen: oxygen is contained in atmospheric air in a proportion of about 21% by volume. If this
percentage falls below 16, the fire will go off.
Heat (igniter): heat is needed to raise the temperature of the fuel to its ignition temperature
before it can burn. Since it is the vapour of the fuel that actually burns, heat is needed to produce
the fuel vapour. This is why combustibles which are already gaseous or that vapourize at low
temperatures (e.g. petrol) easily cause fire out breaks.
- Cooling
- Smothering
- Starvation
These three principles can also be presented in a triangle known as Fire Extinction Triangle, the
counter part of FIRE TRIANGLE.
• Cooling:
This is the removal of heat from the fire so that its temperature falls below the ignition
temperature of the fuel concerned. This can be achieved by applying an agent, which absorbs
heat. Water is the most effective absorber of heat that is used in fire fighting.
• Smothering:
This is the removal or limiting of the supply of oxygen to the fire. This can be achieved by:
• Covering the burning area with blanket or metal lid e g Burning fry pan
• Throwing chemical powder, sand or dirt on the fire
• Covering fire with foam
• Sources of heat
- External flames: - Matches, Lighters, Cigarettes, Electrical or Gas rings, Lanterns,
Burners etc.
- Sparks: - static electricity, Ares and Electrical sparks, Mechanical sparks, Friction,
combustion sparks from engines exhaust etc.
- Hot Materials: - Hot metals, Embers, Over-heated bearings, Exhaust pipes, Red-hot
electrical filaments etc.
• Fire preventive measures
Fire preventive measures include the following:
- Sources of ignition should not be near fuels or in an atmosphere that might be
- NO SMOKING signs should be displayed and enforced in work places where
there is danger of fire out-break
- Fuel leaks should not be allowed to fall on hot surfaces
- Vehicles with leaking tanks or leakage along any line should not be operated
they should be repaired before usages.
- Make certain that all workers using or handling flammable are aware of their
properties and hazards
- Ensure that heat indicators in equipment are exposed
- Make sure no electrical wires in equipment are exposed
- Warning signals on vehicles panels should be observed frequently and
complied with
- All job procedures must be strictly complied with
- Permit must be obtained before executing work in a dangerous/ restricted area
- Every vehicle should have fire extinguisher
• Spark Arrestor
Every vehicle going into an area containing flammable atmosphere should be
equipped with spark arrestor
Test Questions
Fire extinguisher and fire fighting
Every operator is expected to know how to operate the portable fire extinguisher in his vehicle.
This is important because when fire is attacked at its earliest stage, it will be prevented from
spreading and causing more damage. This is especially true of fire involving petroleum products
Classification of fires
Fire are divided into four categories in the present day classification which is based on the fuel
• Class ‘A’: These are fires of ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, textile
and rubbish.
• Class ‘B’: These are fires involving flammable liquids e.g. kerosene, (gasoline)
lubricating oil, chemical liquids etc. and liquefiable solids e.g. grease
• Class ‘C’: These are fires involving gases e.g. methane, butane, propane, acetylene
hydrogen etc.
• Class ‘D’: These fires occur in combustible metals such as magnesium, potassium,
lithium etc.
- Water: water is the most effective extinguishing for many types of fire due mainly to
its abundance and cooling power. It is the best for class ‘A’: fires. The steam produced
by the heat of the fire provides a considerable amount of smothering action. Water
extinguishers are usually painted RED.
- Dry chemical powder: these are suitable for flammable liquid and all types of
combustible materials, but are not particularly effective on class ‘A’ fire which have
become deep seated. Special powders are produced for use on fires involving metals.
Dry chemical powder extinguishers are painted BLUE.
- Foam: this is effective on liquid fires. It forms a blanket of small bubbles over the
burning liquid. It also acts as a cooling medium. Foam extinguishers are painted with
(CREAM whitish yellow) colour.
- Vaporizing liquid (Halons): the halon acts to inhibit chemical reactions within the flame
front. It rapidly knocks down the flame. It can be used on any fire but it has no cooling
effects. Halon extinguishers are GREEN in colour.
• Lesson:
Whenever you notice fire:
- Raise an alarm or shout FIRE!, FIRE!!, FIRE!!!.
- Attempt to extinguish it using a fire extinguisher. But don’t endanger your life
- Get outside to safe place
When fighting a fire, direct the extinguishing materials at the base of the fire. The
five commonly used extinguishers are:
- Water Extinguisher
- Dry chemical powder (DCP) Extinguishers
- Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
- Hal on Extinguishers
Burglary Proof
In most parts of this world security outfits depends or is function of what is to be secured.
Hence, there are burglar alarms; burglar serious, security doors, security windows e.t.c.
Most security doors, and windows depends on the materials used, the quality of the frame and
the iron monger, internal door only; need to provide minimal security. For example a bath room
door might be fitted with simple lock. External doors need to be constructed to high
specifications and fitted with high-security locks.
The ability of an external door and windows to withstand and the activities intruders breaking
into the building can be enhanced by the provision most burglar proofing materials include.
Steel/cast iron
Steel rods
Steel pipes
Barbed wires
Concerting wire
• Metal grilles are welded together in pattern to enhance security and beauty to windows and
doors sizes of bars or steel pipes depends on the level of retardation that may be required.
The grilles should have access holes large enough for one to put his hands on, to operate the
window fittings
Typical window and door burglary proof made from steel grills are shown in plates 15.1 and 15.2
Fixing grilles
Security grilles must have project on each side to slot into the side of the window openings. They
also must be small enough so that the plaster can work on the opening reveals
Insect screen can be hinged on frames which are fixed flush with the inside wall so that they fold
back when not in use. Removable screen need safe storage so that mesh in not damaged
Locking stile
Hanging stile
Locking stile
Hanging stile
Test Questions