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Design and Implementation of In-Building Solution for LTE (4G and 5G)

Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · January 2022
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0801043


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Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology


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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 8(01): 246-251, 2022
Copyright © 2022 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0801043
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol8issue01.html

Design and Implementation of In-Building Solution for

LTE (4G and 5G) Network

Dr. Shirish V. Pattalwar1 | Laxmikant S.Kalkonde2* | Kaustubh S.Kalkonde3

1 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Tech. & Research,
Badnera-Amravati,Maharashtra, India.
2 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management,
Badnera-Amravati,Maharashtra, India.
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management, Badnera-Amravati,
Maharashtra, India.
* Corresponding Author Mail Id: laxmikant.kalkonde@prmceam.ac.in

To Cite this Article

Dr. Shirish V. Pattalwar, Laxmikant S.Kalkonde and Kaustubh S.Kalkonde. Design and Implementation of
In-Building Solution for LTE (4G and 5G) Network. International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
2022, 8 pp. 246-251. https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0801043

Article Info
Received: 09 December 2021; Accepted: 06 January 2022; Published: 12 January 2022.

Blend of telecommunication with business, finance and battlefields makes it enhance to govern the future of prosperity. This
slogan depicts modern era of wireless communication which is fundamentally beyond any financial limits with idea ‘stay
connected anywhere anytime’. Due to huge infrastructure many of us find difficult to connect with the RF range while using
mobile phones in certain areas like high rise skyscrapers, metallic lifts, basement (Parking Zone), hotels, stadiums and tunnels. So
there is need to troubleshoot this coverage holes as user demands high data rate. The primary objective of this paper is to provide
solution for mentioned problem by implementing network quality enhancer having matching capability 4G and 5Gmobile

KEYWORDS: RF range, troubleshoot, coverage holes, network enhancer, 4G, 5G.

1.INTRODUCTION performance of the network.

The number of mobile phone users is growing, and Due to increases in cellular phone, and data usage,
so their demand is for high quality service. People the demand for more capacity in urban areas is ever
spend a large part of their time inside buildings, and increasing. Operators must increase the number of
increasingly rely on mobile phones to communicate. available cells to these areas to meet these capacity
Whether it’s a crowded convention centre or a remote demands. With the increased number of cells, each cell
railway station, users expect their mobile phones to is required to support a smaller area to minimize
perform. Since building material such as concrete and interference between adjacent cells. The service
steel attenuates the incoming RF signal by some dB providers need a solution that will enable them to
value, hence the RF strength is reduced, if we move in increase the number of cells, while minimizing costs on
remote area inside building which degrades the equipment, real-estate, and human resources.

246 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

In-Building Continuity is a solution that covers and
connects different indoor (in-building) public spaces. It
allows more consumers to utilize mobile services,
especially bandwidth-intensive data services, in and
around high-traffic indoor locations or facilities.
A well-engineered indoor solution allows mobile
service providers, site owners and alternative service
providers with comprehensive solutions that can be
configured with various combinations of network
elements to address the specific site needs. Components
include access products and services, as well as Fig. 2 Issues at Different Heights of Building
end-user applications that often leverage location as an
In-Building continuity can be illustrated through the . A building may not receive adequate mobile
“islands of life” concept: From work to home, from the coverage from outdoor cell sites. This is because in most
mall to the train station, voice and data continuity is cases the signals present outside the building are
there when you need it. Fig1 depicts some of the islands unable to penetrate the building material, thus resulting
of life that In-Building Solutions help cover. As we in poor coverage. A typical problem in high rises is the
move to an island like a mall, one or a mix of access problem of interference.
technologies should be available based on size and Crowded areas like malls, airports, large
business justification. The challenge is then to provide commercial complexes need a dedicated system to
the right solution at the right time 3 . handle the capacity requirements for the large number
of calls at such locations. Further with 3G quickly
getting popularity amongst these above mentioned
demo graphics, network strength, quality and capacity
etc are becoming a cause of major concern

A. IBS Design & Implementation

For actual design it is essential to focus on interior of
the dedicated site. Also judge the area from where calls
Fig. 1 Islands of Life are frequently generated. Keeping this high profile area
Generally, we find the some issues in following parts into consideration makes sure that evaluating EIRP
of building refer fig. 2 below ground level i.e. in which is acronym of “Effective Isotropic Radiated
basement we have coverage issue now as we move Power”, must be higher than other locations. The whole
towards higher floor we are lagging in regards with system is called as DAS (Distributed Antenna System).
capacity & also quality issue at high rise buildings. To For implementation of in-building solution we have
overcome all this challenges in-building solution is the 6-phases
best system. i. Site Survey.
ii. Planning of DAS .
iii. Implementation of DAS.
iv. Network Planning
v. Walk Test to test the coverage.
vi. Network optimization (as per the feedback by
walk test) / KPI monitoring

247 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

send and receive signals share the same cable. The
system must be designed for the optimal Transmit and
Receive levels at every antenna location. This requires
very careful planning. A combination of equal and
unequal signal splitters establishes the same path loss
between base station and each antenna.

B. Steps to design DAS

To deign distributed antenna system refer following
i. Link Budget (For EIRP calculation)

It is mandatory to calculate Effective Isotropic

Fig.3 Implementation In-Building Solution Radiated Power by using required component such
as type of cable, connector, jumper, coupler,
splitter, BTS, suitable antenna.
With exploding wireless data use, network Here losses due to cable, connector, jumper, coupler,
infrastructure, both in-building and outdoors, must splitter all are considered in dB and should be
offer adequate coverage and bandwidth to handle and subtracted from EIRP wherein BTS power, gain of
transport this huge amount of data. According to a antenna should be added. Record the EIRP of antenna.
research carried out by Cisco, smart phones require 24 Above process is represented in following table &
times the amount of data bandwidth of regular phones, process to be followed for rest of the antennas.
and tablets are even more demanding. They require on
average, 122 times more data compared to a regular Table I DAS - Link Budget
phone. Future predictions draw a picture of triple digit FLOOR 1st Floor

data increases. To make the task even more daunting, Antenna ID AN1F001 AN1F002
Antenna ID PN01 PN02
use of data is becoming increasingly localized to areas
Cable length 1/2" (m) 0.1100 5 5
with a high user density, many of them using multiple
Cable length 1/2" (m) 60 60
devices at the same time. Large office buildings, Cable length 1/2" (m) 8 8
concentrated residential areas, public buildings like Cable length 1/2" (m) 15 15
subway stations, airports, sport arenas or convention Cable length 1/2" (m) 5 5
centers require infrastructure solutions that provide Cable length 1/2" (m) 10 10
Cable length 1/2" (m)
best efficiency, while at the same time resolving
Total Cable length 1/2"
coverage and capacity challenges. Signals of different (m) 103 103
wireless operators with different frequencies have to be Total Cable loss 1/2"
accommodated and re-distributed to provide best (dB) -11.3 -11.3
coverage without mutual interference. Public safety Cable length 7/8" (m) 0.0600
Cable length 7/8" (m)
signals often share the same wireless infrastructure
Total Cable length
with commercial signals. Clearly, networks must
7/8" (m) 0 0
guaranty sufficient bandwidth and interference-free Total Cable loss 7/8"
operation for these services. Furthermore, in-building (dB) 0.0 0.0
and outdoor infrastructure has to be scalable and open Cable length 1 5/8" (m) 0.0371

for emerging wireless networks and future Cable length 1 5/8" (m)
Total Cable length 1
technologies. To make the most of the benefits of
5/8" (m) 0 0
coaxial DAS systems, it is very important to minimize Total Cable loss 1 5/8"
loss at every stage and have the bandwidth to cover (dB) 0.0 0.0
present and future needs. For economic reasons, both Total Cable Loss (dB) -11.3 -11.3

248 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Connector -0.07 12 12 Fig.4 DAS - Trunking Diagram
Connector Loss (dB) -0.84 -0.84
Jumper -0.5 5 5
Consequently, there is very little risk that the fields
Jumper Loss (dB) -2.5 -2.5
from the in-building antennas can cause
Coupler C7-CPUS-N
(thru) -1.5 electromagnetic interference in sensitive equipment.
Coupler C7-CPUS-N
Coupler C10-CPUS-N
This section elaborates frequency planning and
(thru) -0.7 1 1
Coupler C10-CPUS-N
optimization for LTE network.
(coupling) -11.0
C. RF Planning
Coupler C15-CPUS-N
(thru) -0.4 This is the very first step to design network by
Coupler C15-CPUS-N frequency planning. To plan a frequency for concern
(coupling) -16.0 site this is different from nearby site so we can avoid
Total Coupler Loss -0.70 -0.70
both adjacent channel & co-channel interference.
Splitter 2-way
(S2-CPUS-HN) -3.0 5 5
Splitter 3-way
(S3-CPUS-HN) -5.0
Splitter 4-way
(S4-CPUS-HN) -6.0
Total Splitter Loss -15.00 -15.00
Total Sum Losses -30.37 -30.37
BTS Rack Top Power
(dBm) 43.0 43.0
Combiner Nokia GSM
1800 Loss -7.0 -7.0
Loss 0.0 0.0
BTS Jumper Loss -1.0 -1.0
Antenna Gain (dBi) 7.0 7.0
Antenna EIRP (dBm) 11.6 11.6
Antenna ID PN01 PN02
Antenna ID AN1F001 AN1F002
Fig.5 Flow Chart for RF planning & performance testing

ii. Trucking Diagram

Sample trucking is shown below, Design engineer D. Network Quality
as to follow same procedure for rest of the Check all the parameters through walk test
antennas. During physical implementation this i. BCCH (As per the planned value), Cell Id
diagram is advantageous. ii. RX-Level
iii. RX-Quality
iv. UL Level ULRXQ
v. SQI-Speech Quality Index
vi. Short call
vii. Long call
viii. Cell selection and reselection (In Ideal Mode)
ix. Hand over
x. No Co and Adjacent channel interference

249 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

E. Walk Test b. Short Calls (Accessibility/Call Completion)
To know the performance of network the test is Test can be performed by running script of Voice Calls
performed using laptop with either NEMO or TEMS per Cell at different locations with a Call Time of 20 sec
software, mobile with SIM and a data cable. Test is followed by 10 sec break
executed in two modes ideal and dedicated. iv. Data call test
Test can be performed by running script of Voice Calls
i. Ideal Mode per Cell at different locations to record data speed.
Idle mode implies that the test mobile is kept in
v. HOSR – Handover Success Rate
standby. In other words, no call or SMS is sent. This
The HOSR is an important KPI assessed by telecom
mode of walk test is usually done in order to determine
operators because the value of the HOSR directly
the coverage of a particular network. The most
affects the user experience 5 .
important parameter to be monitored in idle mode is Rx
Successful Handovers
Level it is measure in dBm HOSR  (1)
Handover Requests

Table II Rx Level _Ideal Mode Statistics

Range Remark
i. Multi-band and multi-carrier transmission
0 to 4 Good accommodate all carrier and Wi-Fi frequencies

5 to 6 Average ii. Better coverage brings more revenue.

7 & above Extremely Poor Improving coverage & Capacity inside buildings will
increase revenue and give operator an edge over
the competition.
ii. Dedicated Mode iii. Prepared for the future.
Forgot your worries about necessary upgrades. With
Dedicated mode implies that a call has been this implementation we are already prepared for
established by the test mobile. This may either be an future i.e. for 5G & Wireless LAN.
incoming call or outgoing call. The most important iv. In-building networks are easily integrated with
being call quality and continuity (i.e. handover existing cellular networks, using one system for
success). operation and maintenance. Advanced features
Table III Rx Quality _Ideal Mode Statistics ensure efficient use of network resources.
v. Isolated indoor cells yield greater capacity per cell
Range Remark Customized for every building type such as high
rise buildings, tunnels, sports centers etc.
-10 to –70 dBm Good
Before actual implementation building supervisor must
-71 to –90 dBm Average consult to civil engineer for weight carrying capacity of
building. Try to install all supportive equipment such
-91 and lower Extremely Poor as BTS-Base station subsystem, Battery bank & power
plant at ground floor.
As antenna will radiate electromagnetic waves check
iii. Call Connectivity EIRP of each antenna it should be in limits as per the
a. Long Calls: (Coverage, Quality) norms of TRI.
Referring to fig.5 indoor coverage verification test
consists of several test calls in the indoor cell area along 6. CONCLUSION
pre-defined measurement routes. The coverage We have presented effective system to design robust
footprint test includes the area where we have network which offers real practical benefits. The 5G
implemented antenna. technology can be enhanced using this technique.

250 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Dedicated in-building solution will be implemented to
ensure sufficient coverage and capacity at each
premises which assures desired data rate.

[1] VirenderKapoor and S.Tatke “Telecom Today Application and
Management of Information Technology” Allied Publishers
[2] www.ericsson.com/globalservices
[3] www.alcatel-lucent.com
[4] http://www.foxcom.com.
[5] Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles
& Practice”, Second edition, Pearson Education (2002).
[6] Vijay K. Garg :”Wireless network Evolution 2G to 3G” , Pearson
[7] www.anritsu.com

Dr. S.V.Pattalwar received doctoral degree in 2021
in Electronics Engineering from SGBAU, Amravati
University, India. He has 29 years of teaching
experience & currently working as Associate
Professor in Department of Electronics &
Telecommunication at Prof. Ram Meghe
Institute of Technology & Research, Badnera-Amravati (India). His
main research interests include Electromagnetic, Microwave
Communication, and Parallel Computing. He is a fellow of IETE & IEI
also member of ISTE. He has published 26 papers in National
International Journals & Conferences.

Mr. Laxmikant S. Kalkonde received master’s

Degree in Digital Electronics from SGBAU,
Amravati University, India in the year 2014. He
Worked as RF Engineer in Metro Wireless
Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai. Worked on
turnkeyprojects mainly NSN-Bharti IBS,
NSN-Maxis and Reliance GSM.Currently he is working in
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication at Prof. Ram Meghe
College of Engineering and Management, Bandera-Amravati (India).
He has 13 years of working experience. His Areas of interest is Digital
Signal Processing, Image processing and Wireless Communication.
He is associate member of IETE and Life member of ISTE. He has
published 5 papers in international journal,2 papers in international
conference and 1 paper in national conference.

Mr. Kaustubh S. Kalkonde received master’s

degree in Digital Electronics from SGBAU,
Amravati. Since 2011 he is working with Prof Ram
Meghe College of Engineering and Management
Badnera- Amravati in Department of Electrical
Engineering. He has 11 years of teaching
experience. He is associate member of IETE and Life member of ISTE
His area of interest includes Signals and System, Digital Image

251 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

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