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Thomas Schäfer
MSB Medical School Berlin
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Edited by: Listening to music usually elicits emotions that can vary considerably in their intensity
Andrew Kemp, Universidade de São over the course of listening. Yet, after listening to a piece of music, people are easily able
Paulo, Brazil
to evaluate the music’s overall emotional intensity. There are two different hypotheses
Reviewed by:
about how affective experiences are temporally processed and integrated: (1) all moments’
Andrew Kemp, Universidade de São
Paulo, Brazil intensities are integrated, resulting in an averaged value; (2) the overall evaluation is
Frederick Streeter Barrett, Johns built from specific single moments, such as the moments of highest emotional intensity
Hopkins School of Medicine, USA (peaks), the end, or a combination of these. Here we investigated what listeners do when
Ruth Wells, University of Sydney,
building an overall evaluation of a musical experience. Participants listened to unknown
songs and provided moment-to-moment ratings of experienced intensity of emotions.
Thomas Schäfer, Department of Subsequently, they evaluated the overall emotional intensity of each song. Results indicate
Psychology, Chemnitz University of that participants’ evaluations were predominantly influenced by their average impression
Technology, 09107 Chemnitz, but that, in addition, the peaks and end emotional intensities contributed substantially.
e-mail: thomas.schaefer@
These results indicate that both types of processes play a role: All moments are integrated
psychologie.tu-chemnitz.de into an averaged value but single moments might be assigned a higher value in the
calculation of this average.
requires recall and overall assessment that involves integrating but is simply not taken into account. Fredrickson (2000) has rea-
all—or only some—moments of that experience (Fredrickson, soned why people should build their overall evaluation from the
2000). There are two mental processes involved in retrospective peak and the end of an experience: These two moments usually
evaluation: memory and evaluation of past affective experiences are special carriers of personally relevant meaning. The peak indi-
(Kahneman et al., 1993). To understand the evaluation of emo- cates how enjoyable or how threatening an experience can get.
tional intensity of past musical experiences it is useful to explore The end conveys the information that the experience can be sur-
how people retrospectively remember and evaluate past affective vived. The peak–end rule is considered being used as a simple
experiences of long duration and varying affective intensity in heuristic, which can be very useful even though it might also lead
general. to mistakes.
There are two competing theories of how the storage of past
affective experiences in memory and the process of evaluation EMPIRICAL FINDINGS
occur (Fredrickson and Kahneman, 1993). The first suggestion— The questions of how affective experiences are represented in
sometimes illustrated by the metaphor of film—is that all details memory and how people evaluate them have been examined in
of an experience are comprehensively represented in memory. numerous studies. There is a common method used in these
Affective intensity is stored as a function of time, while time itself studies: Participants’ actual moment-to-moment ratings of affec-
might or might not be stored in memory, as well. Consequently, tive intensity are continuously measured during the experience.
retrospective evaluation of overall affective intensity is based on Subsequently, the retrospective evaluation of the overall affective
the temporal integration of the affective intensities of a certain intensity is assessed by participants’ ratings. Then, the relation-
number of single “moments.” This is why the model is referred ship between the recorded time course of the affective experi-
to as the temporal integration model. From this point of view, the ence and the retrospective overall evaluation is analyzed using
overall evaluation of experienced affect should strongly depend correlation or regression methods.
on the relative duration of specific strengths of affect. That is, A considerable number of studies have supported the idea
the retrospective overall evaluation of an experience is best pre- of the peak–end rule (for an overview, see Kahneman, 2011).
dicted by the average of all single moments because the longer In a study on pleasant and aversive film clips, Fredrickson and
the affect is relatively strong, the larger the average becomes over Kahneman (1993) demonstrated that peak affect and end affect
time, and the longer the affect is relatively weak, the smaller the had a remarkable effect on participants’ global retrospective rat-
average becomes over time1. ings of each film’s affective intensity. Moreover, the results were
The second theory—sometimes illustrated by the metaphor not influenced by the specific time delay (which could be shorter
of a collection of snapshots—is that the whole experience is or longer) between the end of the actual experience and the
represented in memory fragmentally. Only intensities of specific subsequent retrospective evaluation, indicating that the global
moments are stored, and time is not represented in memory at all. ratings were stable over time. In addition, sessions with and
Consequently, overall retrospective evaluation of the whole affec- without moment-to-moment ratings resulted in similar overall
tive experience is based on (the average of) just a few moments’ evaluations. This finding was an important justification for the
affective intensities. From this point of view, duration of the research method applied, because it demonstrated that moment-
affective experience should not have any influence on overall to-moment ratings did not distort salience or memories of spe-
evaluation, which has been called duration neglect. cific moments. In a study on pain induced by immersing a hand
What might these moments be that listeners remember more in cold ice water (Kahneman et al., 1993), participants had to
than other moments? There are three specific moments of a musi- endure a short trial (60 s of 14◦ C) and a long trial (60 s of 14◦ C +
cal experience that might be of specific importance: the onset 30 s of 15◦ C). The long trial was objectively more painful because
moment, the moment of highest emotional intensity (referred it included a greater amount of total pain, but it had a better
to as the peak), and the end of the experience. In addition, any end than the short trial. Surprisingly, participants evaluated the
combination of these three moments could play a role in the longer trial as less painful, even though they were able to judge
overall evaluation. Specifically, many scholars have considered the durations correctly. This also led to the conclusion that people
the combination of the peak moment and the end moment very put particularly high value on the end of an affective experience.
important—a conjecture that has become known as the peak–end Also, in a study on pain induced by colonoscopy and lithotripsy,
rule (see Kahneman, 1999, 2011): When people evaluate a past Redelmeier and Kahneman (1996) demonstrated the importance
experience they might pay attention above all to two things, how of the end of the painful experience. Stone et al. (2000) exam-
it felt at the peak and at the end; other information (e.g., net pleas- ined rheumatoid arthritis and found that peak–end was a better
antness or unpleasantness, duration of the experience) is not lost predictor for the evaluation of overall pain than the global aver-
age of all single moments. Neither peak nor end alone were as
1 We should mention that a special form of the temporal integration model
powerful predictors as their average. Schreiber and Kahneman
claims that the duration of the experience itself matters. That is, any affect, (2000) found evidence for the peak–end rule in a study on aver-
be it strong or weak, always simply increases the “proportion” of affect felt— sive sounds, as did Langer et al. (2005) in a study on payment
as long as the affect does not change its valence. This leads to the conclusion
that the longer an experience lasts, the greater the remembered pleasure or
sequences and Do et al. (2008) in a study on material gains.
displeasure should be, which has been referred to as temporal monotonic- Yet, there are a number of studies that did not confirm
ity. However, this conjecture does not appear to be very plausible and it has the peak–end rule. In a study on pleasant advertisements,
received no empirical support. Baumgartner et al. (1997) found that peak and end, as separate
factors of the experience, were better predictors of the overall eval- moment-to-moment measurement is that the listener is able to
uation than was their average. When investigating the enjoyment track the focus of attention on the music without speaking or
of meals, Rode et al. (2007) did not find either peak or end to writing.
be more important than any other element of the time course.
Robinson et al. (2011) found that only the peak of the moment- EMPIRICAL FINDINGS
to-moment enjoyment predicted the overall enjoyment of meals. The relationship of actual moment-to-moment musical experi-
Kemp et al. (2008) studied affective autobiographical events and ence and the overall evaluation of those experiences has not been
found that participants did not remember the peaks and troughs well examined so far. Evidence was provided first by Sloboda and
of the intensity of happiness during their holidays better than Lehmann (2001), whose study did not focus on felt emotions but
other moments. Cojuharenco and Ryvkin (2008) demonstrated on emotions participants perceived in the music. Nevertheless,
that average and peak–end are comparable in terms of their role in they found that the average of all single moments of musical expe-
predicting the overall evaluation of experiences and that neither rience correlated with the subsequent global rating by r = 0.50.
showed an advantage over the other. Duke and Colprit (2001) investigated the magnitude of musical
In sum, studies with nonmusic stimuli have left an unclear moment-to-moment intensity and found that the average of all
picture. Although most have revealed that the overall evaluation ratings is different from the overall post-hoc rating. However, they
of affective intensity can be well predicted by the average of the did not calculate the covariation of these measures.
most intense moment and the moment at the end of the experi- Rozin et al. (2004) investigated how remembered overall musi-
ence, there are also studies that did not support the validity of cal affect is derived from moment-to-moment musical affect.
this peak–end rule. Notably, almost all of the data supporting Their participants listened to various music selections of differ-
the peak–end rule come from negative experiences, so it is ques- ent durations (i.e., each song had a different number of sin-
tionable if those results can be transferred to musical experiences. gle “moments”). After measuring moment-to-moment affective
Specifically, it is not clear if the consolidation of pain experiences intensity ratings during each song, the authors measured remem-
is comparable to the consolidation of musical experiences regard- bered overall affective intensity of each musical selection. Based
ing, for instance, habituation processes or psychological coping on several predictors (average of all single moments’ intensi-
mechanisms. It is hard to tell from all the mentioned studies if the ties, sum of all single moments’ intensities, onset intensity, offset
remembrance and overall evaluation of a past experience rely on intensity, minimum intensity, peak intensity, and sum of peak
integrated moments, such as the average, or on distinct moments, and offset intensities), they found that remembered intensity of
such as peak or end. We now describe research that incorporated affect was most highly correlated with peak (r = 0.82), peak–end
music as a stimulus. (r = 0.81), and average (r = 0.80). However, the authors did not
run a regression analysis to identify which of the potential param-
EVALUATION OF AFFECTIVE EXPERIENCES WITH MUSIC eters accounted for a significant proportion of variance of the
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND overall evaluation. Nonetheless, they concluded that their data
Listening to music is characterized by varying moment-to- did not support the peak–end rule because peak–end was most
moment emotional intensity. The characteristics of an affective highly correlated with the overall judgment for only 3 of the
musical experience and the subsequent retrospective evaluation 20 participants. Not least, they found a slope effect: large, pos-
of its overall emotional intensity are consistent with the charac- itive differences in the emotional intensity between consecutive
teristics of the above-defined general process of remembering and moments were also a reliable predictor of the remembered overall
evaluating past affective experiences of long duration and varying intensity.
affective intensity. Hence, the theoretical approaches to explaining The results of Rozin et al. (2004) provide a valuable piece of
this general process have been utilized to investigate the spe- evidence of how listeners generate an overall evaluation of the
cial case of evaluating the emotional intensity of past musical emotional intensity of musical experiences. However, there are a
experiences. number of concerns about potential methodological limitations
Typically, the intensity of music-induced affect has been in the Rozin et al. (2004) study, particularly the choice of stim-
recorded with the use of a dial, slider, or pressure-sensitive but- uli and measurement, which we addressed in the present study.
ton. Data are recorded by having participants manipulate the (1) The authors used songs that were known to the participants
device according to the intensity of the emotions they are feel- as well as songs that were unknown. Regardless of whether a song
ing. Madsen (1990; see also Madsen et al., 1993) justified the was known or unknown, participants always listened to the music
use of such methods instead of asking people about their sub- one time to become familiar with the song and a second time for
jective experience: Children, handicapped people, and untrained measurement. It is questionable if this is an adequate procedure
musicians in general often simply do not have an ability for for achieving comparable familiarity with known and unknown
high-level verbal abstraction and find it difficult to express musi- songs. It may be more suitable to use only unknown music to
cal changes they hear or feel. Moreover, people might not be ensure a controlled design and to explore cognitive processes
able to verbally document their musical experience while actu- based on “first impressions.” (2) Rozin et al. (2004) provided
ally listening. The act of verbally reporting one’s own responses their participants with a fixed order of songs, which may lead
while listening may interfere with the actual experience, and to order effects as a result of participant fatigue and variabil-
the experience itself may cease or stop quickly when the focus ity of motivation. (3) They used just short extracts of the songs
of attention is drawn away from it. Hence, the advantage of with limited time frames of around 40 s, which may not represent
Table 1 | Songs used in the study. they had heard any of the songs prior to the study. The procedure
led to a certain time delay between listening with moment-to-
Song Performer Length (min:s) Frequency
moment rating and making the retrospective evaluation, which
Making Love Out of Bonnie Tyler 7:49 44 was desired to reduce recency effects due to participants still hav-
Nothing at All ing their rating profiles in mind. Finally, participants completed a
The Post War Dream Pink Floyd 3:01 49 questionnaire on their personal data and musical habits and were
A Two Hearts Spell Claim 4:01 47 then debriefed.
Path Apocalyptica 3:06 37
Im Herz Kubrick feat. Xavier 3:59 49 STATISTICAL ANALYSES
Naidoo Every participant generated continuous moment-to-moment
Silence DJ Tomcraft 4:19 45 emotional intensity data and a corresponding retrospective rating
Firstclass Suicide Anna Luca 4:23 48 of overall emotional intensity for each of the 11 songs. Only songs
Cloudburst—Grand Ferde Grofé 7:42 47 that participants had never listened to before were included in
Canyon Suite the analysis. The first song every person listened to was excluded
My Heart Is Empty Garda 3:34 49 because it was used for training the continuous self-reporting by
Mother and Child Sara Lugo 4:01 50 using the slider. As songs were presented in random order, the
Hiroshima Greta 3:49 43 exclusion affected each of the 11 songs with about the same fre-
quency (the resulting absolute frequency with which each song
Frequency denotes the number of occurrences of each song over all participants.
was included in the analyses is shown in Table 1). Figure 1 gives
Numbers differ because songs were presented in random order and the first
an example of the temporal profiles of three exemplary songs
song for each participant was used as a training stimulus and not included in the
analyses. Moreover, songs that were known to a participant prior to the study
from one exemplary participant. As can be seen, a profile can
were also excluded.
exhibit more than only one peak. Note that lines are of different
lengths because the songs differed in their lengths and thus in the
number of “moments.”
in 101 possible steps. Retrospective evaluation of overall emo- Beginning, peak, multiple peaks, end, peak–end, multiple
tional intensity was measured by participants’ single global rating peaks–end, number of multiple peaks, sum, average, and vari-
for each song with a pencil on the same scale printed on paper. ation variables were calculated for every song for every person.
Furthermore, for every song, participants had to indicate if they Beginning of a song was defined as the period from 5 to 15 s
had ever listened to it before. after the onset of a song. Unfolding of emotions over time and
response latencies for corresponding ratings are thought to take
PROCEDURE place within about 5 s of stimulus onset (Sloboda and Lehmann,
When participants had been seated in front of the computers, 2001; Nagel et al., 2007). In addition, the slider on the screen was
they received instructions regarding the purpose of the study, positioned at the bottom of the scale when each trial started. If
the use of headphones, volume settings, the digital slider, and the participants could not be expected to move the slider within
the questionnaires. Furthermore, participants learned from infor- the first seconds, this would produce zero values for the begin-
mation given on the computer screen that the study was about ning that should not be interpreted as an absence of emotional
the individual course of their experienced emotions. They should intensity during this period, however. Therefore, to obtain a reli-
continuously observe the intensity of emotions they felt and able measure of a song’s onset of emotional intensity, beginning
indicate their ratings on the scale on the screen by moving the was calculated by the average of those 10 s. End of a song was
digital slider, which they were able to become familiar with before defined as the last 10 s and was calculated by the average of rat-
the first experimental song started. After participants started the ings of the last 10 s. Peak of a song was defined as the maximum
session, the 11 songs were played in random order and moment- value of the whole temporal profile. The multiple peaks variable
to-moment ratings of emotional intensity were recorded. After was defined as the average of all moment ratings that repre-
each song, there was a short break of 10 s, automatically followed sented a local maximum2. Peak–end of a song was calculated by
by the next song. the average of the peak and end values. As an alternative peak–
When they had listened to all the songs, participants were told end measure, a multiple peaks–end variable was calculated by the
that the second part of the study was about the overall intensity of average of the multiple peaks and end values. Number of multi-
emotions felt for each song. As some time had passed since they ple peaks was the number of the local maxima during the whole
had listened to each specific song, they were told that short rep- piece. Sum was defined as the sum of the intensities of all the sin-
resentative excerpts of about 20 s of each song (snippets) should gle moments of the experience. Average of a song was defined
help them recollect the music. They were instructed to remember as the arithmetic mean of all single values. Variation of a song
and retrospectively evaluate the intensity of emotions elicited by
the respective song in general. After participants started the ses- 2 A value was defined a local maximum when there were no higher values
sion, the 11 snippets were played in the same individual order as within a 20 s window around that value AND that value lay above the moving
the songs were played earlier. After each snippet, participants had average, which was also calculated using a 20 s window. Twenty seconds were
time to give one overall evaluation of emotional intensity per song chosen as a reasonable range because peaks usually last between 2 and 20 s (see
on a paper version of the scale. They also were to indicate whether Grewe et al., 2007b).
FIGURE 1 | The temporal profiles of emotional intensity ratings for three exemplary songs from one exemplary participant.
was defined as the standard deviation of the temporal profile. Table 2 and Figure 3 show the results of the correlation analysis.
The boxplots in Figure 2 show the descriptive statistics of all the While average is most highly correlated with the global rating—
parameters and the overall evaluation (global rating). Note that which corresponds to our prediction—most of the remaining
sum (M = 104.659; SD = 60.842) and number of multiple peaks parameters also exhibit high correlations: end, peak, multiple
(M = 7.6; SD = 3.4) are not included in Figure 2 because they peaks, peak–end, multiple peaks–end and sum. Beginning, number
had a different scale. of multiple peaks, and variation were only moderately corre-
To analyze which of these parameters contribute most to the lated with the global rating. That is, these results do not clearly
explanation of variance of the overall evaluation, we first calcu- speak for or against one specific theory regarding the emergence
lated Pearson correlation coefficients. Our prediction was that of the overall evaluation. Considering these results, one might
Table 2 | Pearson correlations between the overall evaluation and all the parameters of moment-to-moment experience (N = 507).
Parameter Beginning End Peak Multiple Peak–end Multiple Number of Average Sum Variation
peaks peaks–end multiple peaks
Global rating 0.337 0.704 0.701 0.771 0.784 0.796 0.118 0.805 0.736 0.449
Beginning 0.276 0.362 0.440 0.354 0.382 0.297 0.478 0.442 −0.122
End 0.604 0.698 0.905 0.935 0.096 0.763 0.700 0.634
Peak 0.903 0.885 0.805 0.241 0.849 0.785 0.755
Multiple peaks 0.890 0.908 0.179 0.963 0.880 0.579
Peak–end 0.974 0.184 0.897 0.827 0.605
Multiple peaks–end 0.146 0.927 0.849 0.497
Number of multiple peaks 0.197 0.355 0.032
Average 0.926 0.483
Sum 0.421
All coefficients are significant at p < 0.001, except for global rating and number of multiple peaks (p = 0.008), beginning and variation (p = 0.006), end and number
of multiple peaks (p = 0.031), number of multiple peaks and variation (p = 0.474).
Table 3 | Regression coefficients of a selection of distinct parameters on the overall evaluation. There may be two stages where this can
of moment-to-moment experience for their influence on the overall occur. One possibility is that moments of outstanding intensity
evaluation (N = 507). affect the continuous calculation of the moving average with a
higher weight than any other moments online, that is, during the
Parameter β p R2
course of the listening experience. There is a finding by Rozin et al.
Model 1 0.69 (2004) that speaks for this conjecture. These authors found that
Average 0.59 <0.001 steeper slopes in the profile of the moment-to-moment emotional
Peak–end 0.26 <0.001 intensity led to higher overall evaluations. This might indicate
Variation 0.02 0.56 that steeper slopes presage a peak that subsequently affects the
Number of multiple peaks 0.01 0.61 processing of an average more intensely. An alternative possibil-
Model 2 0.70 ity is that listeners continuously calculate an average, which is
Average 0.58 <0.001 adjusted by peak and end moments only afterward, that is, when
Multiple peaks–end 0.25 0.002 the listening experience is over. In this case, listeners would have
Variation 0.06 0.08 to keep the whole temporal profile in mind because they cannot
Number of multiple peaks 0.02 0.37 identify peaks until the experience has come to an end. So they
would calculate the average of peak–end or multiple peaks–end
only in retrospect and subsequently use this value to adjust the
parameter most highly correlated with the global rating, but that initial average. Cojuharenco and Ryvkin (2008) have also argued
correlation was only slightly larger than those between the global that moment-to-moment bits of information of an experience do
rating and other parameters such as peak–end or multiple peaks– not get lost—people use them very well for processing an aver-
end. When a selection of non-multicollinear parameters was taken age value—but that peaks[s] and end are nevertheless important
into account as simultaneous predictors of the global rating, aver- information people might pay particular attention to when build-
age emerged as the most influential variable. A second significant ing their subsequent evaluation. With the present data we are not
predictor—with a much smaller regression coefficient—was the able to adjudicate between these alternative hypotheses. One can
peak–end variable. For the peak–end variable, it did not matter question, however, how likely it is that listeners will hold a cor-
whether it was calculated from either the average of one peak (the rect and unbiased representation of the whole temporal profile in
highest value of the temporal profile) and the end value or multi- mind. It is more likely that what listeners remember is an evalua-
ple peaks and the end value. This indifference is also highlighted tion that was left at the end of a listening experience and achieved
by the non-significant influence of the number of multiple peaks through a weighted averaging of the experience.
on the global rating. Thus, for the overall impression about the The slope effect found by Rozin et al. (2004) had also led us to
emotional intensity of a musical experience, it seems to be essen- incorporate a measure of variation in the prediction of the overall
tial that there is an outstanding peak but it appears to make no evaluation. Although exhibiting a medium correlation with the
difference if there is only one peak or a series of multiple peaks. global rating, this parameter did not specifically contribute to the
Connecting these results to the theoretical approaches dis- prediction of the global rating. Thus, bringing more variation into
cussed in the introduction provides us with an interesting picture. an experience does not seem to lead to a higher evaluation of the
As we have pointed out, there are two main competing theories: experience in retrospect.
one that proposes that every single moment of an experience is If our conclusions are correct they should affect our under-
integrated when an overall evaluation is processed (temporal inte- standing of retrospective affective judgments in general, not only
gration) and one that proposes that this is the case for only some for musical stimuli. It seems reasonable to suggest that most kinds
specific single moments (duration neglect). Our results demon- of experiences are remembered and evaluated by a combination
strate that the average of all experienced moments is the best of average and a peak–end variable. Moreover, this might account
predictor for the overall evaluation. In addition, however, some for the heterogeneous findings in past research (see above) and it
specific moments of the experience appear to have an additional seems worthwhile to replicate studies with painful or pleasurable
influence on the final evaluation. We can thus conclude that some experiences while taking into account all the potential parameters
specific moments (such us peaks or the end) or an average of such that might influence an overall evaluation.
moments (such as peak–end or multiple peaks–end) do play a The memory and evaluation of affective intensity is clearly
role in building an overall evaluation but that they are neither of interest to performers and composers, whether they want to
sufficient for this evaluation nor the most important elements of arrange a single piece of music that leaves an intense overall
an experience. As we argued earlier, listeners might continuously memory, affectively powerful musical experiences consisting of
update the level of emotional intensity over the course of a listen- several movements, or a number of pieces into an album. Taking
ing experience. Longer passages of weak emotional intensity will the results of the present study into account, when composing
lower the moving average and thus the retrospective evaluation, a piece of music that is intended to be remembered as emo-
while longer passages of high emotional intensity will elevate the tionally intense one should arrange for an overall high level of
moving average and the subsequent evaluation. However, it seems emotional intensity or at least for a high peak or several high
reasonable that moments of outstandingly high intensity (such peaks, respectively, and an emotionally intense end. People’s atti-
as the peak or multiple peaks) and the moments at the very end tudes and behavior (how much they like a song, whether they
(which “benefit” from a recency effect) have an additional impact want to attend a concert or buy a CD) are likely to be influenced
by the overall emotional intensity of a musical experience they Duke, R. A., and Colprit, E. J. (2001). Summarizing listener perceptions over time.
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future research, at any rate (see also Ariely and Zauberman, 2000). tive evaluations of affective episodes. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 65, 45–55. doi:
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decided quite quickly, after just a few seconds (see e.g., Zajonc, Langer, T., Sarin, R., and Weber, M. (2005). The retrospective evaluation of pay-
1980; Salimpoor et al., 2013). ment sequences: duration neglect and peak-and-end effects. J. Econ. Behav.
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