Talent Management
Talent Management
Talent Management
It is commonly understood that engaged employees are motivated to contribute to the success of
the organization. Literature also reveals that work engagement which comes from job
satisfaction is derived from effective career management practices, which results in lower
employee turnover and productivity of the organization. Survey research method was adopted.
Simple random sampling technique was employed to select respondents from the stratums of
managers and non-managerial staff from each branch of then Bank. While 178 respondents
represent the study sample size. Data obtained were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis was used to
test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of Significance. The findings revealed that there is a positive and
KADIRI: Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management
Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. Email: bolakadiri@yahoo.com
JIMOH: Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management
Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. Email:jimohadamslukman@gmail.com
Talent Management and Employee Engagement
significant relationship between Career management and employee engagement and also that
employee engagement and labour turnover are significantly related. The study concludes that
career management has significant effect on employee engagement and invariably labour
turnover in GT Bank Ilorin, Nigeria. The study recommends that Effective and efficient talent
management must be put in place. This implies; right recruitment, development, motivation and
retention of talents to minimize Employee disengagement.
The concept of Talent management is a natural evolution of ‘human resources’ (HR). According
to Josh (2006) the evolution ranged from personnel to strategic human resources to talent
management. The term “talent” refers to a marked natural ability or skill. Thus, to a layman,
talent management may connote the identification of inbuilt potentials of employees and the
development of them to achieve organizational goals. However, in this context, “Career” is a
more elaborate term as it is used to define highly skilled workers. As the name implies, Talent
management is concerned with nurturing employee performance for future benefit of the
organization. Meaning that its involves attracting the most skilled individuals in the right
position that is, putting round pegs in round holes and developing them to enhance their
potentials thereby creating a sense of loyalty to the organization in terms of employee
commitment, engagement and job satisfaction.
It is clear that a well-motivate and engaged staff will be of great benefits and to the organization
where they work. This will not only result to achievement of organizational goal but also help
the organization to retain competence staff which will result to high performance and increase
quality productivity. A study revealed that there is strong positive relationship between talent
management and employee engagement in the sense that before employees are engaged it is
proper for organization to subject them to training and continue development in order ti discover
their skills and where they will be best fit in the organization.
Governance & Management Review, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2017
In view of this, it has been observed that more emphasis is placed on performance than on
competency because of the dangers associated with not meeting targets in the banking sector.
Thus, employees are highly pressured to improve their present performance while little or no
room is given for development of talent to improve future performance. This pressure is what
brings about job insecurity, absenteeism, burnout and other traumas that cause disengagement in
the workplace.
H0: Talent management does not have significant relationship with employee engagement.
Significance of the Study
Three major areas have been identified as the area to be of great benefits from the study: firstly,
it will be of great help for government in term of policy formulation, it will also serve as a guide
in making or taking decisions as regard the banking industry. Secondly, it will go a long way to
assist the banks Directors and Manager on how to discover, nurture and properly engage their
staff for optimal return and lastly. It will help the future researchers on how and where to focus
their research.
Literature Review
Conceptual Framework
Talent management is the use of integrated set of activities to ensure that the organization
attract, retains, motivates and develops the people it need now and in the future (Armstrong,
2006). Warren (2006) talent management as the identification, development, engagement,
retention and deployment of talent. It is also the means through which organization
systematically identified the key positions within the organization which separately play a role in
the development and gives the organization more strength to face their rival which give an
organization hedges over is rivalry. Heathfield (2010) and SHL (2008) both conceived talent
Management in the same way in the sense that they believed it all involved every aspect of
human resource planning process ranging from Planning, recruiting, selecting, placement,
orientation, training and development. For talent management to effectively take place
Talent Management and Employee Engagement
organizational must first attract right candidate, then retain excellence performance and start
nurturing such talent for organization success.
Like what is obtainable in most of banks in Nigeria they believed that talent is the result
of commitment failing to known that engaged employee may not be committed and there is clear
difference between engagement and commitment. In fact most of these banks spent huge sum of
money in training their staff with the believed that it is also one of the avenue of discovering
talent. Talent management and Employee Engagement have a high degree of relationship based
on the previous studies finding and also Gubman (2004) arguably that engagement is different
from satisfaction that engagement means something that is external to the employee and primary
to the organization that it effectives will lead to internal satisfaction to the employee once it
Governance & Management Review, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2017
yielded desire result. The position is of the Gubman is that it is when employee are engage and
successfully carry out his/her task that can only lead to satisfaction which all depend on the
where employee or the organization place the employee and the nature of the task.
Theoretical Clarification
Maslow hierarchy is one of the famous motivation theories. It based his theory on the fact
that there are five stages of satisfaction and once one is satisfied the other needs arise. Naturally,
human being is always in need of something as rightly argued by Maslow, the more organization
structure their plan towards this hierarchy the better their ability to satisfy this continue needs.
The talented employee knows that the greater return of training is for the benefit of the
organization and organization on the other hand should back it or complement it with training
allowance so as to encourage employee cheerfully apply what they have learned in training. This
theory is very relevant to this study in the sense that it gives a true picture to the organization on
the likely needs of employee in each stage of their career ladder.
Equity Theory
This theory is based on the believed that employee motivation is solely on equality. They
preferred equal treatment with their counterpart in the same industry, position and sector
regardless of the extrinsic reward the employer may wish to offer. This theory make it clear that
Talent Management and Employee Engagement
organization should not just engaged employee to discovered their talent; they should also
refocus their attention on the fact that fair and equity in the organization will go a long way to
help them achieve their predetermine aim.
Empirical Review
Isiaka, Kadiri & Lukman (2017) carried out a study on Talent Management and Employee
Turnover. The questionnaire was used to as the survey method of primary data collection.
Correction coefficient and t-student distribution were methods used in the analysis of data gather.
The study results showed that there is relationship among the variable.
Ali (2014) carried out study on effect of talent management on employee retention. The study
was carried out in one of the public university in Iran. The research method adopted was
quantitative. The population consists of staff of Istahan University in Iran. The results find out
that there is a strong link between and among the tested concepts as shown in the title.
Research Gap
Obviously, from the previous studies most of the research conducted in this area was mostly on
talent management on employee turnover, retention or performance and it is only a limited
studies carried out research on engagement. Also most of this studies were carried out outside the
environment in which this present study is conducted its research and finally none of these
studies use banking sector as their case study which make this current study unique and relevant.
In this study, survey research method was adopted. Survey research focuses on population for
intensive study and analysis. Hence, to ensure that adequate and reliable data are obtained for
analysis, questionnaires were used for data collection. The population of the study includes all
the staff of Guaranty Trust Bank branches in Ilorin, kwara State. The study used random
sampling technique to ensure equal chance and representation in the population. 178 respondents
were drawn from the targeted population. The sample comprises of management staff, senior
staff (both management and non-management) and junior staff. Likert scale of five points was
used to enable the respondents give their opinions to items in the questionnaire. The method used
Governance & Management Review, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2017
in analyzing the data gathered for the purpose of this research is Pearson Product Moment
Correlation analysis.
To generate accurate result, data gathering instrument must be valid and reliable. The study used
Content validity of the scales in the questionnaires to ensure that every necessary information
were covered and administer to the targeted respondents in the chosen bank. On the other hand,
the instrument used was reliability in term of consistency obtaining similar result from
respondents each time the instrument is used.
Data Analysis
Table 4.1.1 Pearson Correlation Between talent management and
employee engagement
Pearson Correlation 1 .524**
TM Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
Pearson Correlation .524** 1
EE Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
**. Correl. is significant at the 0.01 level
Where CM: Career Management
EE: Employee Engagement
The result of the correlation in table 4.1.1 reflects that talent Management is positively correlated
to Employee Engagement (r=.524, P<.01). The magnitude of the above discuss correlation is
greater than 0.3 in the absolute terms, which shows the moderate correlations between the said
variables. In the case of this correlation, the null hypothesis would be rejected and the alternative
Talent Management and Employee Engagement
hypothesis would be accepted as the P-value is less than 0.05. This concludes that there is
significant relationship between talent Management and Employee Engagement.
Discussion of Findings
The findings of this study is in line with the work of Luthans and Peterson (2002) stated that
Employee Engagement is a significant factor of desirable organizational also Isiaka & Jimoh
(2017) which their findings shown a positive and strong relationship between variableds. Bersin
(2009) also believed based on his study that talent management leads to retention of quality
people in the organization thereby given organization advantage over it competitors. Many
authors quoted in this study agreed to a large extent that Career Management and Engagement
have a positive relationship. This shows that the study is consistent with previous work in the
same subject area. In the course of carrying out this work, it was discovered that employees
derive motivation from the task itself. As such talent Management should be focused on ensuring
engagement in their jobs so as to attain positive outcomes like job satisfaction and reduced
employee turnover.
The followings recommendations were made:
1 Managers must learn the importance of giving employees opportunity to advance in their
career as it makes them happy and unwilling to resign.
2 Training, development and education should be key functions in order to enhance employee
commitment and improve future performance in the long run.
3 Effective and efficient talent management must be put in place. This implies; right
recruitment, development, motivation and retention of talents to minimize Employee
Governance & Management Review, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2017
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