ELG4126 Introductioto Wind
ELG4126 Introductioto Wind
ELG4126 Introductioto Wind
Major Source: Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, by GM Masters, Wiely.
Other Factors:
• Weight
• Starting overcurrent
• Dynamic response behavior
• Speed range
Types of Wind Turbines
• Terminology: “Wind-driven generator,” “wind generator,”
“wind turbine,” “wind-turbine generator” (WTG), and “wind
energy conversion system” (WECS) all are in use. For our
purposes, “wind turbine” will suffice even though often we
will be talking about system components (towers, generators,
etc.) that clearly are not part of a “turbine.”
• One way to classify wind turbines is in terms of the axis
around which the turbine blades rotate. Most are horizontal
axis wind turbines (HAWT), but there are some with blades
that spin around a vertical axis (VAWT).
• The only vertical axis machine that has had any commercial
success is the Darrieus rotor, named after its inventor the
French engineer G. M. Darrieus, who first developed the
turbines in the 1920s.
Large and Small Wind Turbines
Large Turbines (500-1500 kW):
Installed in “Wind farm” Arrays; Totaling 1 - 100 MW; Designed for Low
Cost of energy; Requires 6 m/s (13 mph).
Small Turbines (0.3-100 kW):
Installed in “Rural Residential” On-Grid and Off-Grid Applications;
$2,500-5,000/kW; Designed for Reliability / Low Maintenance; Requires
4 m/s (9 mph).
Technological Challenges
• Integrating unpredictable energy resources into existing power
systems / grids.
• Accurate estimation of wind resources
– Location, location, location!
• Not a commodity, a custom product.
• Scaling up, scaling down…
• Energy storage?
• Average wind speed of over 10 mph required
– Ideal location: near constant flow of non-turbulent wind,
minimal fluctuations & gusts
• Critically important to have accurate wind speed and direction data
– Overestimating wind massive loss of profit
• “Wind park effect” loss (as low as 2%)
• How far away is the grid?
– Capital costs of any connection is substantial.
Wind Cost of Energy
Power in the Wind
Impact of Tower Height
• Since power in the wind is proportional to the cube of the
wind speed, the economic impact of even modest increases in
wind speed can be significant.
• One way to get the turbine into higher winds is to mount it on
a taller tower. In the first few hundred meters above the
ground, wind speed is greatly affected by the friction that the
air experiences as it moves across the earth’s surface.
• Smooth surfaces, such as a calm sea, offer very little
resistance, and the variation of speed with elevation is only
modest. At the other extreme, surface winds are slowed
considerably by high irregularities such as forests and
• One expression that may be used to characterize the impact
of the roughness of the earth’s surface on wind speed is the
Stream tube
• In the figure, the upwind velocity of the undisturbed wind is v, the velocity
of the wind through the plane of the rotor blades is vb, and the downwind
velocity is vd . The mass flow rate of air within the stream tube is
everywhere the same, call it ˙m. The power extracted by the blades Pb is
equal to the difference in kinetic energy between the upwind and
downwind air flows:
• To find the maximum possible rotor efficiency, we simply take
the derivative of the last equation with respect to λ and set it
equal to zero:
Tip Speed Ratio
• Example How Fast Does a Big Wind Turbine Turn? A 40-m,
three bladed wind turbine produces 600 kW at a wind speed
of 14 m/s. Air density is the standard 1.225 kg/m3. Under
these conditions,
• At what rpm does the rotor turn when it operates with a TSR
of 4.0?