Students Will Answer Questions On Unseen and Anthology Non-Fiction Texts
Students Will Answer Questions On Unseen and Anthology Non-Fiction Texts
Students Will Answer Questions On Unseen and Anthology Non-Fiction Texts
Total Marks 90
There will have a choice of two transactional writing tasks linked to a theme from the
reading texts in Section A.
Different aspects of the theme will be reflected in each task
Newspaper article
Magazine article
Diary entries
Letter (formal and informal)
Total Marks 60
There will be a choice of two imaginative writing tasks linked to a theme from the reading
extract in Section A.
Different aspects of the theme will be reflected in each task
Story writing
Personal experience (e.g. memorable event, Unforgettable incident)
(One of the writing tasks may be based on the image/s provided as stimulus.)
TIME: 2hours 15minutes
Total Marks 90
*Students must answer questions in section A and one question from a choice of two in section B
Main Objectives:
Develop skills to analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their
Explore links and connections between writer’s ideas and perspectives
Q1 and Q2: short response questions.
Q3: describes the situation and nature of events
Q4: requires explanation and analysis of language and structure and the effect
Q5: Requires students to compare the writers’ ideas and how they are presented in the Text
1 and Text 2
Develop transactional writing skills (for example, leaflets, articles, report, diary entries) for a
variety of forms, purposes and audiences
Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately
Total Marks 60
Main Objectives:
Develop skills to analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects
Q1: requires evaluation of writer’s choice of vocabulary, form, grammatical and structural features
used to effectively present ideas, events, situations, and themes
Assessment Focus: Question will focus on analysis of writer’s use of linguistic and structural
devices to achieve the effect. AO1, AO2
Main Objectives:
Develop imaginative and creative writing skills to engage the reader.
Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately.
AO4 Communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting form, tone and register of 18
writing for specific purposes and audiences. marks
AO5 Write clearly using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures, with 12
appropriate paragraphing and accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation. marks