Maternal & Child Health Nursing Reviewer For Prelims
Maternal & Child Health Nursing Reviewer For Prelims
Maternal & Child Health Nursing Reviewer For Prelims
1. Health Promotion
2. Health Maintenance
➔ The Pagbabago pillar is about 3. Health Restoration
effecting inequality-reducing 4. Health Rehabilitation
transformation. It consists of strategies
to expand economic opportunities, QUALITY & SAFETY EDUCATION FOR NURSES
accelerate human capital (QSEN)
development, reduce vulnerability,
➔ The overall goal is to address the
and build safe and secure
challenge of preparing future nurses
with the abilities necessary to
continuously improve the quality and
safety of the healthcare systems in
➔ The Patuloy na Pag-unlad pillar is which they work.
about increasing potential growth. It
consists of strategies to enhance the SIX COMPETENCIES:
factors necessary to accelerate and
● Patient-centered Care
sustain growth and development
● Teamwork & Collaboration
through 2040. It is about promoting
● Evidence-Based Practice
science, technology, and innovation.
● Quality Improvement
It also covers strategies to reap the
● Safety
demographic dividend.
● Informatics
BIRTH RATE Number of births per
➔ Nurses minimize the risk of harm to
1000 population.
patients and providers through both
system effectiveness and individual FERTILITY RATE Number of
performance. pregnancies per 1000
women of
INFORMATICS childbearing age.
➔ Nurses contribute to their profession’s
➔ Ensure healthy lives and promote
knowledge base by systematically
well-being for all at all ages.
investigating theoretic or practice
➔ Aims to achieve universal health
issues in nursing.
coverage and provide access to safe
and effective medicines and vaccines
d. TEACHER for all.
➔ Education is an essential role of
today’s nurse. 4. QUALITY EDUCATION
➔ Teaching begins early, before and
➔ Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
during a woman’s prenatal care, and
education and promote lifelong
continues through her recovery from
learning opportunities for all.
childbirth and learning to care for her
➔ Cover the need for access to
newborn, and into her care in
university-level education, vocational
women’s health.
training, and entrepreneurship skills,
and they pay special attention to
e. COLLABORATOR issues of equity.
➔ Care is improved by an
interdisciplinary approach as nurses 5. GENDER EQUALITY
work together with dietitians, social
➔ Achieve gender equality and
workers, physicians, and others.
empower all women and girls.
➔ Equality and empowerment includes
WHO’S 17 SUSTAINABLE freedom from discrimination and
➔ Ensuring universal access to sexual
and reproductive health and
1. NO POVERTY affording women equal rights to
➔ End Poverty in all Its Forms economic resources such as land and
everywhere. property, are vital targets to realizing
➔ Eradicating poverty in all its forms this goal.
remains one of the greatest
challenges facing humanity. from 1.9 6. CLEAN WATER & SANITATION
billion in 1990, to 836 million in 2015 –
➔ Ensure access to water and sanitation
too many people are still struggling to
for all.
meet the most basic human needs.
➔ Basic water scarcity affects 40% of the
global population, and nearly a billion
2. END HUNGER/ ZERO HUNGER people do not have access to that
➔ achieve food security and improved most basic of technologies: a toilet or
nutrition and promote sustainable latrine.
agriculture. ➔ Ensuring universal access to safe and
➔ Ending hunger also includes ending affordable drinking water by 2030
malnutrition, protecting small farmers, requires we invest in adequate
and changing farming itself so that infrastructure, provide sanitation
facilities and encourage hygiene at 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES
every level.
➔ Reduce inequality within and among
➔ Protecting and restoring water-related
ecosystems such as forests, mountains,
➔ The Goal includes a range of
wetlands and rivers is essential if we
measures, including regulation of the
are to mitigate water scarcity.
financial markets, to make the playing
field more level. Importantly, it also
covers the issue of migration, which
➔ Ensure access to affordable, reliable, should be “orderly, safe, regular and
sustainable and modern energy for all. responsible.”
➔ Ensuring universal access to
affordable electricity by 2030 means 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES & COMMUNITIES
investing in clean energy sources such
➔ Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
as solar, wind and thermal.
➔ Expanding infrastructure and
➔ This Goal also covers issues like
upgrading technology to provide
transportation, disaster preparedness,
clean energy sources in all developing
and even the preservation of the
countries is a crucial goal that can
world’s cultural and natural heritage.
both encourage growth and help the
8. DECENT WORK & ➔ Ensure sustainable consumption and
ECONOMIC GROWTH production patterns.
➔ This Goal references that, but also
➔ Promote inclusive and sustainable
covers topics like reducing food
economic growth, employment and
waste, corporate sustainability
decent work for all.
practice, public procurement, and
➔ (SDGs) aim to encourage sustained
making people aware of how their
economic growth by achieving higher
lifestyle choices make a difference.
levels of productivity and through
technological innovation.
➔ Promoting policies that encourage
entrepreneurship and job creation are ➔ Take urgent action to combat climate
key to this, as are effective measures change and its impacts.
to eradicate forced labour, slavery ➔ Global warming is causing long-lasting
and human trafficking. changes to our climate system, which
➔ With these targets in mind, the goal is threatens irreversible consequences if
to achieve full and productive we do not take action now.
employment, and decent work, for all ➔ Strengthening the resilience and
women and men by 2030. adaptive capacity of more vulnerable
regions, with efforts to raise awareness
9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION & INFRASTRUCTURE and integrate measures into national
policies and strategies.
➔ Build resilient infrastructure, promote
sustainable industrialization and foster
➔ Technological progress is also key to ➔ Conserve and sustainably use the
finding lasting solutions to both oceans, seas and marine resources.
economic and environmental ➔ The world’s oceans – their
challenges, such as providing new temperature, chemistry, currents and
jobs and promoting energy efficiency. life – drive global systems that make
the Earth habitable for humankind.
How we manage this vital resource is
essential for humanity as a whole, and
to counterbalance the effects of Module 1.2
climate change.
The Nursing Role in Reproductive and
Sexual Health
➔ Internal structures:
➔ Ovaries
➔ Maturation of oocytes
➔ Andrology is the study of the male ➔ Fallopian tubes
reproductive organs. ➔ Uterus:
➔ The male reproductive system consists ➔ Uterine wall layers
of both external and internal divisions. ➔ Uterine blood supply
➔ External structures: ➔ Uterine nerve supply
➔ Scrotum ➔ Uterine supportive structures
➔ Testes ➔ Vagina
➔ Penis
➔ Internal structures: UTERINE DEVIATIONS
➔ Epididymis
➔ Vas deferens
➔ Seminal vesicles
➔ Ejaculatory duct
➔ Prostate gland
➔ Bulbourethral glands
➔ Urethra
Uterine Deviations:
A. Bicornuate Uterus
B. Anteversion
C. Retroversion
D. Anteflexion
E. Retroflexion
➔ Gynecology is the study of the female
reproductive system. ANTEVERSION the entire uterus tips
➔ External structures: far forward.
➔ Mons veneris
➔ Labia minora RETROVERSION the entire uterus tips
➔ Labia majora far back.
➔ Vestibule
➔ Clitoris ANTEFLEXION the body of the
➔ Skene glands uterus is bent
➔ Bartholin glands sharply forward at
➔ Fourchette the junction with the
➔ Hymen cervix.
➔ Are made of soft rubber, are shaped
like a thimble, and fit snugly over the
uterine cervix.
Module 1.3
Evidenced Based Practice in Nursing HOW IS PICOT USED IN EBP?