Studies in Neotropical Paleobotany XIII An Oligo-M

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Studies in Neotropical Paleobotany. XIII. An Oligo-Miocene Palynoflora from

Simojovel (Chiapas, Mexico)

Article in American Journal of Botany · January 1999

DOI: 10.2307/2656951 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Alan KEITH Graham

Senior Research Associate Missouri Botanical Garden


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American Journal of Botany 86(1): 17–31. 1999.


Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242

A plant microfossil assemblage of 24 identified and five unknown pollen and spore types is reported from the early
Miocene La Quinta Formation near Simojovel, Chiapas, Mexico. The taxa group into seven paleocommunities representing
versions of the modern mangroves (Pelliciera, Rhizophora), swamp and lowland riparian forest (Ceratopteris, Crudia,
Pachira), tropical rain forest (Selaginella, cf. Antrophyum, Pteris, Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris, cf. Aguiaria, Crudia, Guarea,
Pachira), lower montane rain forest (Alfaroa/Oreomunnea, possibly Eugenia), evergreen cloud forest [Picea, Pinus, Podo-
carpus, Ericaceae (possibly Cavendishia/Vaccinium)], evergreen seasonal forest (Hymenaea, Ilex, possibly Eugenia), and
tropical deciduous forest (Cedrela). Elements of arid and high-elevation habitats were absent or few, and northern temperate
elements (Picea, Pinus?) were few or rare. Paleoelevations are estimated at 1000–1200 m (present average 2000 m, maxi-
mum 3004 m), MAT (mean annual temperature) at least as warm as the present 248C, and annual rainfall near the present
;2500 mm but more evenly distributed. The La Quinta (Simojovel) and other Tertiary floras from the region reflect a trend
toward higher altitudes, more seasonal rainfall, cooling tempertures, increased introduction of cool-temperate elements from
the north after ;15 Ma (million years), and increased introduction of tropical elements from the south after completion of
the isthmian land bridge ;3.5 Ma ago.

Key words: Chiapas; early Miocene; La Quinta Formation; Mexico; palynoflora.

The state of Chiapas in southern Mexico (Fig. 1) en- possible sepals of Hymenaea, a fossil flower of Tapirira,
compasses a region important to understanding the north- and a leaf of Acacia from Oligo-Miocene amber at Si-
ern Latin American biota and the events that have shaped mojovel (Miranda, 1963). The amber has been shown by
its history. It includes most of the tropical part of Mexico, infrared spectrophotometry to be derived from Hymenaea
but there is sufficient topographic diversity to support an (Langenheim, 1966). Plant microfossils have been de-
extensive temperate vegetation. It is positioned just north scribed from the lower to middle Miocene Méndez For-
of the Central American land bridge and is, therefore, mation near Pichucalco/Raudales de Malpaso (Palacios
along the terrestrial migratory pathway for plants and an- Chávez and Rzedowski, 1993; Fig. 1) from the middle to
imals between North and South America. The geologic upper Miocene Ixtapa Formation along Highway 195
strata at several sites in Chiapas preserve a record of near Ixtapa (Martı́nez-Hernández, 1992) and from a se-
climatic change, tectonic evolution, paleovegetation, and ries of exposures of Eocene to latest Oligocene age from
migrations through the region during Cenozoic time. the region of Simojovel (Tomasini-Ortiz and Martı́nez-
A number of unpublished theses and dissertations, ab- Hernández, 1984).
stracts, and reports of individual fossil plants are avail- Pollen and spore assemblages have also been reported
able for Chiapas. However, there are relatively few de- from other outcrops of Oligo-Miocene age near Simojov-
tailed studies on extensive paleofloras that focus on es- el by Langenheim, Hackner, and Bartlett (1967). That
tablishing the biological affinities of the specimens and study was concerned primarily with establishing the de-
that provide descriptions and illustrations adequate to positional environment for amber inclusions within the
confirm the identifications. Some reports include an array Simojovel sediments. Pollen of the mangrove Rhizophora
of fossil plants presently distributed in tropical south- was studied in detail, while other palynomorphs were
eastern Asia, temperate eastern Asia, and Africa (e.g., the mentioned only briefly. Some additions to the list of pa-
early-to-middle Miocene Méndez flora of northern Chia- lynomorphs also were made by Graham and Palacios
pas; Palacios Chávez and Rzedowski, 1993). Although Chávez (1996). In this study a more complete inventory
the southeast Asian mangrove palm Nipa was present in is presented (Table 1), along with an estimate of the pa-
southwestern Texas during the Eocene (Westgate and leocommunities and the Oligo-Miocene climate and pa-
Gee, 1990), and the temperate east Asian Eucommia is leophysiography.
documented for the late Tertiary of Puebla, Mexico (Ma-
gallón-Puebla and Cevallos-Ferriz, 1994), the presence of MATERIALS AND METHODS
other exotics needs to be verified. The fossil palynomorphs were isolated according to standard pro-
Megafossils reported from the region are leaflets and cessing procedures (Gray, 1965; Traverse, 1988) and recently outlined
for Neogene sediments from Guatemala (Graham, 1998). The samples
1 Manuscript received 25 November 1997; revision accepted 20 were macerated in a mortar and pestle and placed successively in HCl
March 1998. (1 h), HF (1 h), and HNO3 (overnight), with four rinses of distilled
The author thanks Rodolfo Palacios Chávez for cooperation in the water between each acid treatment. The residues were actolyzed (nine
field work and Shirley A. Graham for reading the manuscript. Research parts of acetic anhydride to one part of concentrated H2SO4), with rinses
supported by NSF grant DEB-9206743. in glacial acetic acid before and after acetolysis, mounted unstained in


Fig. 1. Physiographic diagram of Chiapas (after Frost and Langenheim, 1974, fig.1). Used with permission of Northern Illinois University Press.

glycerine jelly, and sealed with CoverBond. The specimens were ex- other collections were made at this site by J. Langenheim
amined and photographed at 4003 magnification using a Leitz Ortho- [D-621 in Langenheim, Hackner, and Bartlett (1967), and
plan Photomicroscope and black and white Panatomic X film. Identi- in the Harvard University (HU) collections]. Both sets of
fications were made through comparisons with a pollen and spore ref- slides were used in this study.
erence collection of ;24 000 slides, and through published illustrations The second locality is from the Pabuchil (Rancho Ale-
and descriptions. Location of the specimens on the slides is by England gre) landslide area 3.2 km northwest of Simojovel. This
Slide Finder (ESF) coordinates. Slides, residues, unprocessed samples,
site is designated PL-7 in the HU collections, and slides
negatives, and duplicate prints are in the palynological collections at
from these samples also were used in this study. The
Kent State University.
locality is similar to that described for A-4(KE)/D-
LOCALITIES, AGE, AND STRATIGRAPHY 621(HU), but it is a smaller outcrop. Although these sites
are roadside or near roadside exposures, access to most
The plant microfossils are from two localities in Chia- outcrops in the area now requires permission from the
pas, Mexico near Simojovel (178 N; Fig. 1). One site is local Lacandon/Tzotzil inhabitants who have mining
at the east end of the village, just east of the cemetery, rights to the amber, which occurs as inclusions in the
and adjacent to a large landslide area. At the time (March/ sandstone.
April, 1993), the steep landslide surface was a cultivated The area around Simojovel is in the Front Ranges and
field. The exposure is an ;8 m vertical section of sand- High Plateau physiographic province of Frost and Lan-
stone with lenses of lignite and lignitic sandstone (Figs. genheim (1974; Fig. 1). In the diagram presented by
2, 3). The thickest lens, near the base of the outcrop, is Breedlove (1981), based on Müllerried (1957), this prov-
;10 cm, and it yielded the most diverse and well-pre- ince is divided into the Central Plateau (adjacent to the
served palynomorphs (Locality A, sample 4). In addition, Central Depression), Eastern Highlands, and Northern

TABLE 1. Plant fossils from the early Miocene La Quinta Formation, scribed by Frost and Langenheim (1974; Fig. 4). In these
Simojovel, Chiapas, Mexico. Figures are percentages based on a summaries, the strata at the sites studied here, and others
count of 200 specimens from HU preparation D-621 (Simojovel
landslide area), excluding Rhizophora, which constituted .95% of
mentioned in Langenheim, Hackner, and Bartlett (1967),
the sample. are assigned to the transition between the late Oligocene
and early Miocene. They belong to the La Quinta For-
Megafossils mation, which is divided by Allison (1967) into the Cam-
Anacardiaceae ino Carretero, Florida Limestone, and Finca Carmitto
Tapirira durhamii members. In the stratigraphic charts of Frost and Lan-
Leguminosae genheim (1974, p. 29), lignites are described only from
Caesalpinioideae the Florida Limestone Member. They note (p. 31) that
‘‘the Florida Limestone Member contains a coral fauna
Acacia which is unequivocally Early Miocene’’ and ‘‘thus the
Microfossils Florida Limestone Member and the uppermost part of the
Selaginellaceae Camino Carretero Member are Early Miocene.’’ These
Selaginella subdivisions of the La Quinta Formation, however, are
Monolete fern spore not evident at all sites, and there have been no subsequent
Type 1
Type 2
detailed stratigraphic studies published for the region.
Cyatheaceae The palynomorphs described here are probably part of
Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris the Florida Limestone Member of the La Quinta For-
Pteridaceae mation and are considered early Miocene in age. The
Ceratopteris 4 composition of the Simojovel flora is given in Table 1,
Pteris and the age, location, and references to other palynofloras
cf. Antrophyum 8
mentioned in the text are given in Table 2.
Podocarpaceae Selaginella (Selaginellaceae; Fig. 5). Oblate-spheroi-
Podocarpus dal; trilete, laesura 10–12 mm long, extending to spore
cf. Crysophila 4
margin, inner margin entire; echinate, spines 4–5 mm in
Type 1 13 length, wall 2–3 mm thick; size 36–38 mm. Loc. Pl-7,
Aquifoliaceae slide 1, ESF H-42,3. Previous records: Cucaracha, Cu-
Ilex lebra, Gatun, Gatuncillo, La Boca, Padre Miguel, Paraje
Asteraceae Solo, San Sebastian, and Uscari formations/group/se-
Bombacaceae quence.
cf. Aguiaria type 0.5
Pachira-type 0.5
Monolete fern spore type 1 (Fig. 6). Reniform; mon-
Ericaceae olete, laesura straight to slightly undulating, situated
Juglandaceae along concave margin of spore, 34–36 mm long, extend-
Alfaroa/Oreomunnea 5 ing ;⅔ spore length, inner margin entire; verrucate, ver-
Leguminosae rucae low, irregular, ;4–6 mm in diameter; size 65–67
Caesalpinioideae 3 50–52 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF G-43,1–3.
Crudia 2
Spores of this generalized type occur in virtually all
Cedrela Cenozoic palynofloras in northern Latin America, al-
Guarea though these specimens are distinctive by their relatively
Myrtaceae large size. Similar spores are produced by members of
Eugenia/Myrcia 0.5 the Blechnaceae, Polypodiaceae, Pteridaceae, and the par-
Pelliceriaceae ent plants grow in a wide range of habitats (Tryon and
Pelliciera 52
Tryon, 1982).
Rhizophora (.95%) Monolete fern spore type 2 (Fig. 7). This spore type
Unknown 1 4 (52–54 3 36–38 mm) is similar to type 1, and it is dis-
Unknown 2 4 tinguished by the more prominent verrucae. It is also pro-
Unknown 3 duced by several members of the Blechnaceae, Polypo-
Unknown 4 2 diaceae, and Pteridaceae, which grow in a variety of hab-
Unknown 5 0.5
itats, and the spore type is widespread in Cenozoic
deposits of northern Latin America. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1,
ESF T-40,4.
Highlands. The locality is ;90 km inland from the pre- Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris (Cyathaceae; Fig. 8). Ob-
sent Gulf Coast, but at the time the sediments were being late, oval-triangular, apices rounded, outer margin lobate
deposited, the coast was farther west as indicated by the due to pits; trilete, laesurae straight, ;18 mm long, ex-
presence of marine invertebrates and Rhizophora-con- tending ;⅔ distance to spore margin; wall conspicuously
taining lignites in the Simojovel sediments. pitted, pits circular, 1.5–4 mm in diameter, inner margin
The general geology of Mexico has been summarized entire, raised border ;1.5 mm wide, irregularly distrib-
by de Cserna (1989) and by Ferrusquı́a-Villafranca uted; size 45 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF T-30,1. Previous
(1993), and the regional geology around Simojovel is de- record: Paraje Solo Formation.

Figs. 2–3. Collection locality A(KE)/D-621(HU), east side of Simojovel. 2. General view showing exposure of the early Miocene La Quinta
Formation. 3. Detail of exposure showing principal lignite lens from which sample A-4 was collected.

Sphaeropteris is a genus of ;23 species of tree ferns Ceratopteris consists of two closely related species in
in the neotropics. It grows from Veracruz, Mexico, to the New World (two others occur in the Old World trop-
Andean South America, Peru, Bolivia, and Amazonian ics). They typically grow as floating ferns in freshwater,
and southeastern Brazil. It is primarily a plant of the low- but can range into brackish water habitats, and are most
land tropics, but it ranges up to 2000 m in elevation commonly found at elevations up to ;300 m. The genus
(Tryon and Tryon, 1982). In Chiapas, S. horrida grows is unreported for Chiapas, but probably occurs there
on the edges of pine-oak-Liquidambar forests, and S. (Smith, 1981).
myosuroides grows in the montane rain forest (Smith, Pteris (Pteridaceae; Fig. 10). Oblate, triangular, apices
1981). Trichipteris is a genus of ;55 species of tree ferns rounded; trilete, laesura obscure, ;26–28 mm long, bor-
distributed from Veracruz, Mexico, to Brazil and Argen- dered by lip ;4–5 mm wide; proximal surface laevigate
tina. It grows in lowland rain forest, wet montane and (obscure), distal surface coarsely verrucate, verrucae low,
cloud forests, and can extend into pine-oak-Liquidambar irregular, plate-like, ;6–8 mm in diameter; flange 6–8 mm
forests, savannas, grasslands, swamps, and brackish-wa- wide bordering outer spore margin, flange smooth, outer
ter habitats. It is mostly found up to elevations of ;2000 margin entire; wall ;2 mm thick; size 46–48 mm. Loc.
m, but it can extend to 3500 m (Tryon and Tryon, 1982). Pl-7, slide 1, ESF P-34,3. Previous records: Artibonite,
Ceratopteris (Pteridaceae; Fig. 9). Oblate, oval-trian- Cucaracha, Culebra, Gatun, Gatuncillo, Ixtapa, La Boca,
gular, apices rounded; trilete, laesura straight, 30–32 mm, Rio Banano, Uscari formation/group/sequence.
extending ½ to ⅔ distance to spore margin; striate, striae Pteris (;280 species) is a tree fern with ;60 species
in numerous, broad, smooth bands 4–5 mm wide, area in the neotropics typically growing at low-to-mid-eleva-
between bands 1–2 mm wide; wall 2–3 mm thick; size tions in tropical moist and tropical wet forests.
;140 mm (folded). Loc. A-4 (5 HU D-621, Simojovel cf. Antrophyum (Vittariaceae; Fig. 11). Oblate, amb tri-
landslide area), slide 1, ESF S-22 (also D-621, slide 1, angular, apices rounded; trilete, laesura straight, 25–27
ESF F-39). Prevous records: Cucaracha, Gatun, Gatun- mm long, extending ;¾ distance to spore margin, inner
cillo, Paraje Solo formations. margin entire; laevigate; wall ;2 mm thick; size 76–78

Fig. 4. Stratigraphy and correlations of Tertiary strata in the region of Simojovel (after Frost and Langenheim, 1974, fig. 9). Used with
permisssion of Northern Illinois University Press.

mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF M-39. Previous records: Ar- closest stands of spruce are presently in the mountains of
tibonite, Cucaracha, Culebra, Gatuncillo, Herrerı́a, La northern Mexico (P. mexicana, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon;
Boca formations/group. P. chihuahuana, Chihuahua, Durango).
Antrophyum is a genus of ;35 species, with ;10 in cf. Crysophila (Palmae; Fig. 13). Prolate-spheroidal;
the neotropics. It is a member of rain forest vegetation, monocolpate, colpus straight, 20–22 mm long, extending
but it extends up to ;1500 m in elevation into cloud entire length of grain, inner margin entire; reticulate, re-
forests. The spore is larger than those in other assem- ticulum regular, width of muri (;1 mm) approximately
blages from northern Latin America (e.g., Herrerı́a For- equal to diameter of lumen, surface of muri smooth; tec-
mation of Guatemala), and this may be due to swelling tate-perforate, wall ;2 mm thick, columellae evident
from storage of the HU specimens in glycerine jelly since (4003 magnification); size 25–27 3 22–24 mm. Loc. Pl-7,
;1965. slide 1, ESF U-30. Previous records: Cucaracha, Culebra
Picea (Pinaceae; Fig. 12). Monocolpate, colpus ex- formations.
tending between air sacs on lower side of body; vesicu- Palmae type 1 (Fig. 14). Prolate; monocolpate, colpus
late, air sacs 2, approximately spherical, reticulate and straight, 19–20 mm long, extending nearly entire length
grading into sculpture pattern of body, 28 3 30 mm, body of grain, inner margin entire; scabrate; tectate, wall ;2
scabrate, 42–45 3 40–42 mm; no reentrant angle, no mm thick, columellae evident (4003 magnification); size
marginal flange; wall ;2 mm thick; size 61–63 3 40–42 25–27 3 17–19 mm (widest part just off equator of
mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF Q-41,1–2. Previous records: grain). Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF 29,2.
Paraje Solo, Padre Miguel formation/group. This generalized type of palm pollen is widespread in
These specimens are slightly corroded and possibly en- Cenozoic deposits of northern Latin America. The fossil
larged through long-time storage in glycerine jelly. In pollen is not of the Sabal-Scheelea type, which are the
other respects they are similar to pollen of Picea. The two prominent genera in the modern palm forest of Chia-

TABLE 2. Approximate age, location, and references to Tertiary palynofloras of the Gulf/Caribbean region mentioned in the text.

Flora/age Location References

Paraje Solo SE Veracruz, Mexico Graham, 1976, 1993a
Herrerı́a SE Guatemala Graham, 1998
Rio Banano SE Costa Rica Graham and Dilcher, 1998
Artibonite Haiti Graham, 1990
Gatun (to Miocene) Central Panama Graham 1991a, b, c
Padre Miguel SE Guatemala Graham, 1998
Middle Miocene
Ixtapa Chiapas, Mexico Martı́nez-Hernández, 1992
Méndez (to early Miocene) Chiapas, Mexico Palacios Chávez and Rzedowski, 1993
Early Miocene
Culebra Central Panama Graham, 1988a
Cucaracha Central Panama Graham, 1988b
La Boca Central Panama Graham, 1989
Uscari SE Costa Rica Graham, 1987
La Quinta (Simojovel) Chiapas, Mexico Graham and Palacios Chávez, 1996; Langeheim,
Hackner, and Bartlett, 1967; this report
Punta Alegre Central Cuba Areces-Mallea, 1987
San Sebastian Puerto Rico Graham and Jarzen, 1969
Gatuncillo Panama Graham, 1985
Chapelton Jamaica Graham, 1993b

pas (see Discussion: Modern vegetation, below). It prob- mm in diameter, inner margin entire; psilate to finely sca-
ably represents a palm of the lowland to premontane wet/ brate; tectate, wall 2 mm thick, homogeneous (4003 mag-
moist forests. nification); size 24–25 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF M-
Bombacaceae (cf. Aguiaria type; Fig. 15). Peroblate, 40, 1–3. Previous records: Artibonite, Cucaracha, Gatun,
amb oval-triangular to nearly circular; tricolpate, colpi Gatuncillo, Herrerı́a, La Boca, Paraje Solo, San Sebastian
equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, equidis- formations/group.
tant, situated in interapex area, short (4–5 mm, apex to Pollen of the complex that includes Alfaroa, Engel-
equator), bordered by costae colpi ;3 mm wide; reticu- hardia, and Oreomunnea cannot be distinguished on the
late, reticulum regular, width of muri slightly less than basis of pollen characters. In the treatment of Stone
diameter of lumen (;2 mm), surface of muri smooth; (1972; Stone and Broome, 1975), Alfaroa and Oreomun-
tectate-perforate, wall ;2 mm thick, columellae evident nea are New World genera distributed from southern
(4003 magnification); size 25–27 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, Mexico to northern South America, while Engelhardia is
ESF U-38,4. Previous records: Gatun, La Boca, Uscari an Old World genus. The neotropical genera grow pri-
formations/sequence. marily at the transition between wet mountain forests and
These specimens are of the general Aguiaria type, but premontane cloud forests, and often in association with
the wall is thinner; the Gatun, La Boca, and Uscari grains Podocarpus.
are more similar. Aguiaria is presently a monotypic genus Crudia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae; Fig. 18). Pro-
of Brazil. late; tricolporoidate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridi-
Ericaceae (Fig. 16). Tetrahedral tetrads, individual onally elongated, equidistant, straight, 40–42 mm long,
grains roughly spherical (compressed in tetrads); tricol- extending nearly entire length of grain, pore area faint,
pate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, circular, situated at midpoint of colpus; distinctly and
equidistant, straight, inner margin entire, bordered by nar- coarsely striate, striae oriented parallel to long axis of
row margo ;2 mm wide, colpi shared (continuous across grain, surface of striae smooth; tectate, wall ;2 mm thick,
contact between grains); psilate; tectate, wall 2–3 mm homogeneous (4003 magnification); size 48–50 3 32–
thick, homogeneous (4003 magnification); size—indi- 34 mm. Loc D-621, slide 1, ESF K-30. Previous records:
vidual grains ;15 mm, tetrads 25–27 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide Cucaracha, Gatun, Gatuncillo, La Boca formations.
1, ESF P-39, 3–4. Previous records: Gatun, Uscari for- Crudia is primarily an Amazonian genus of approxi-
mation/sequence. mately ten species growing in riverine habitats. In addi-
Pollen of the Ericaceae cannot be identified to genus. tion to the microfossil record, pods of Crudia have been
The family is represented in Central America by ;20 reported from the Eocene of western Tennessee (Heren-
genera, which are most common in upland habitats. deen and Dilcher, 1990).
Alfaroa/Oreomunnea (Juglandaceae; Fig. 17). Oblate, Cedrela (Meliaceae; Figs. 19–21). Prolate-spheroidal,
amb oval-triangular; triporate, pores equatorially ar- amb circular; tetracolporate, colpi equatorially arranged,
ranged, meridionally elongated, equidistant, circular, 3–4 meridionally elongated, equidistant, straight, 25–27 mm

Figs. 5–16. Fossil pollen and spores from the early Miocene La Quinta Formation, Simojovel, Chiapas, Mexico. 5. Selaginella. 6. Monolete
fern spore type 1. 7. Monolete fern spore type 2. 8. Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris. 9. Ceratopteris. 10. Pteris. 11. cf. Antrophyum. 12. Picea. 13. cf.
Crysophila. 14. Palmae type 1. 15. Bombacaceae (cf. Aguiaria type). 16. Ericaceae.

Fig. 17–31. Fossil pollen and spores from the early Miocene La Quinta Formation, Simojovel, Chiapas, Mexico. 17. Alfaroa/Oreomunnea. 18.
Crudia. 19–21. Cedrela. 22. Guarea. 23. Eugenia/Myrcia. 24. Pelliciera. 25–26. Rhizophora. 27. Unknown. 28. Unknown 2. 29. Unknown 3. 30.
Unknown 4. 31. Unknown 5.

long, pores situated at midpoint of colpus, slightly elon- of colpus, elongated equatorially, 2 3 5 mm, inner margin
gated equatorially, 4–6 3 3–5 mm, costae pori ;4 mm entire; psilate; tectate, wall ;3 mm thick, homogeneous
wide; psilate; tectate, wall ;3 mm thick, homogeneous (4003 magnification); size 22–24 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1,
(4003 magnification); size 46–48 3 37–39 mm. Loc. Pl-7, ESF T-32,2. Previous records: Paraje Solo, San Sebastian,
slide 1, ESF X-31, S-45, S-38,3. Previous records: Gatun, Gatun formations.
Paraje Solo formations. Guarea is a genus of ;150 species, with G. glabra
Cedrela includes approximately six species of trees in and G. multiflora being two of the common Central
Mexico and Central America. The two most common American species. Both are distributed from Mexico to
species are C. odorata, distributed from northern Mexico South America and grow as understory trees at low-to-
to South America, and C. angustifolia found along the moderate elevations in tropical wet and tropical moist
Pacific slopes. Both grow at low-to-moderate elevations, forests.
and mostly in tropical moist and premontane wet forests, Eugenia/Myrcia (Myrtaceae; Fig. 23). Oblate, amb tri-
although C. angustifolia can extend into the drier habitats angular; tricolporate to tricolporoidate, syncolpate, colpi
of the tropical deciduous forest. equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, equidis-
Guarea (Meliaceae; Fig. 22). Oblate-spheroidal, amb tant, straight, 7–9 mm long, inner margin entire, pore ob-
circular; tetracolporate, colpi equatorially arranged, me- scure, situated at mid-point of colpus, ;1 mm in diame-
ridionally elongated, equidistant, straight, relatively short ter; psilate to scabrate; tectate, wall 2 mm thick, homo-
(8–9 mm), inner margin entire, pores situated at midpoint geneous (4003 magnification); size 19–21 mm. Loc. Pl-7,

slide 1, ESF Q-30,2–4. Previous records: Cucaracha, Cu- pi ;3 mm wide, pores slit-like, ;0.5 3 3 mm, situated
lebra, Gatun, Gatuncillo, Paraje Solo, San Sebastian, Us- at midpoint of colpus; finely reticulate, reticulum regular,
cari formations/sequence. width of muri approximately equal to diameter of lumen
The pollen of these genera cannot be distinguished at (;1 mm), surface of muri smooth; tectate-perforate, wall
the level of light microscopy (Graham, 1980), and the ;3 mm thick, columellae evident (4003 magnification);
family is widespread in a wide variety of habitats. size 21 3 16 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF M-32.
Pelliciera (Pelliceriaceae; Fig. 24). Oblate, amb cir- Unknown 4 (Fig. 30). Oblate to oblate-spheroidal, amb
cular; tricolporate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridio- circular; tricolpate (pores, if present, obscure), colpi
nally elongated, equidistant, 22–26 mm long, inner mar- equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, equidis-
gin entire, pore circular, 3–4 mm in diameter, situated at tant, 10–12 mm long, inner margin entire to minutely
midpoint of colpus, inner margin entire; sculpture vari- dentate; finely reticulate, reticulum regular, width of muri
able from finely to coarsely verrucate; tectate, wall 4 mm approximately equal to diameter of lumen (;1 mm), sur-
thick, columellae evident (4003 magnification); size var- face of muri smooth; tectate-perforate, wall ;2 mm thick,
iable (45–65 mm). Loc. A-4 (5 HU D-621, Simojovel columellae evident (4003 magnification), size 30 mm.
landslide area), slide 1, ESF A-49. Previous records: Ga- Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF N-39,1.
tuncillo, La Boca, Rio Banano, San Sebastian, Chapelton Unknown 5 (Fig. 31). Oblate, amb circular; tricolpor-
formations. ate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated,
Pelliciera (5 Pelliceria) is a small mangrove tree pres- equidistant, 6–8 mm long, inner margin entire; pores cir-
ently distributed from Costa Rica to northwest Colombia cular (obscure), ;4–5 mm in diameter, situated at mid-
and Ecuador. Its more widespread distribution in the Ter- point of colpus; finely reticulate, reticulum regular, width
tiary of the Caribbean region has been summarized by of muri approximately equal to diameter of lumen (;1
Graham (1977, 1995). mm), becoming finer toward poles and colpi, surface of
Rhizophora (Rhizophoraceae; Figs. 25–26). Prolate to muri smooth; tectate-perforate, wall ;2 mm thick, colu-
prolate-spheroidal, amb circular; tricolporate, colpi equa- mellae evident (4003 magnification); size 27 mm. Loc.
torially arranged, meridionally elongated, equidistant, Pl-7, slide 1, ESF U-39,2–4.
narrow, straight, 13–16 mm long, inner margin entire, In addition to the 19 identified and five unknown pa-
costae colpi ;2 mm wide, pores elongated equatorially lynomorphs described here from the Simojovel assem-
(colpi transversalis), ;1 3 4 mm, situated at midpoint of blage, Palacios Chávez (in Graham and Palacios Chávez,
colpus, inner margin entire; finely reticulate; tectate-per- 1996) provided photographs of Ilex and Asteraceae pol-
forate, wall 2–3 mm thick, columellae evident (4003 len from samples processed at the Instituto Politecnico
magnification); size 18–22 3 23–25 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide Nacional, Mexico City. Also, Langenheim, Hackner, and
1, ESF G-39,2, U-37,1–3. Previous records: Cucaracha, Bartlett (1967, p. 319) found ‘‘a few poorly preserved
Culebra, Gatun, Gatuncillo, Herrerı́a, La Boca, Paraje grains probably of Pinus,’’ Podocarpus, and Pachira,
Solo, Rio Banano, San Sebastian, Uscari formations/se- which were not seen during scans from two (D-621, Pl-7)
quence. of their 13 localities in the HU collections. The glycerine
Rhizophora is a small tree or shrub growing in brack- jelly in many of the HU slides has partly or completely
ish water along the coasts of warm-temperate to tropical deteriorated and some specimens are no longer recogniz-
regions. Its geologic history in the Caribbean region, able. Ilex is widespread in northern Latin America and
along with that of other mangroves, has been summarized grows in a variety of habitats, Pinus and Podocarpus are
by Graham (1977, 1995). members of the upland evergreen cloud forests, and Pa-
Unknown 1 (Fig. 27). Prolate, amb circular; tricolpor- chira is a lowland tropical, riverine plant occupying hab-
ate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, itats similar to those of Crudia in South America.
equidistant, 32–34 mm long, inner margin entire, bor-
dered by costae colpi 3–4 mm wide, pore circular, ;4 mm DISCUSSION
in diameter, situated at midpoint of colpus, inner margin
entire; reticulate, reticulum regular, becoming finer to- Modern vegetation—The extant plant communities of
ward colpus to form narrow margo, width of muri ap- Mexico are described by Rzedowski (1978) and those of
proximately equal to diameter of lumen, surface of muri Chiapas by Breedlove (1973, 1981). The latter uses the
smooth; tectate-perforate, wall 3 mm thick, columellae ev- classification scheme of Beard (1944) and, where possi-
ident (4003 magnification); size 40 3 30 mm. Loc. Pl-7, ble, incorporates or correlates Beard’s units with those of
slide 1, ESF O-31. other authors (Miranda, 1952/1953; Miranda and Her-
Unknown 2 (Fig. 28). Prolate, amb circular; tricolpor- nández X., 1963; Wagner, 1964; Gómez Pompa, 1965;
ate, colpi equatorially arranged, meridionally elongated, Holdridge, 1967; Pennington and Sarukhán K., 1968;
equidistant, 20 mm long, inner margin entire, bordered by Flores et al., 1971; Holdridge et al., 1971; Rzedowski,
costae colpi 3–4 mm wide, pore circular, ;4 mm in di- 1978). Systems using climatic data for classifying vege-
ameter, situated at midpoint of colpus, inner margin en- tation (e.g., Holdridge, 1967; Holdridge et al., 1971) are
tire; scabrate; tectate, wall 3 mm thick, homogeneous to difficult to apply uniformly to Chiapas because these data
columellae just evident (4003 magnification); size 28 3 are lacking for many areas and especially for sites above
18 mm. Loc. Pl-7, slide 1, ESF Q-35, 1–3. 2700 m.
Unknown 3 (Fig. 29). Prolate to prolate-spheroidal, Breedlove (1981) classifies the vegetation of Chiapas
amb circular, tricolporate, colpi equatorially arranged, into 19 formations [18 in Breedlove, (1973)]:
meridionally elongated, equidistant, 12 mm long, inner Tropical rain forest (5 selva alta siempre, in part; selva
margin entire to minutely dentate, bordered by costae col- alta perennifolia, in part; bosque tropical perennifolio, in

part). This forest is mostly restricted to valleys bordering diana subcauducifolia; bosque tropical perennifolio, in
the Rio Usumacinta on the low eastern slopes of Front part; tropical or subtropical premontane, moist forest).
Ranges and High Plateaus and on Gulf Coastal Plain. It There are several transitional communities between the
is surrounded by lower montane rain forest, and includes tropical rain forest and other vegetation types as rainfall
as the prominent genera Aspidosperma, Brosimum, Di- decreases and becomes more seasonal. In the evergreen
alium, Erblichia, Ficus, Guatteria, Manilkara, Poulsenia, seasonal forest there is a marked dry season, and this
Protium, Swietenia, Talauma, Terminalia, and Vatairea, vegetation covers much of the slopes of the Sierra Madre
with an understory of Alchornea, Alibertia, Belotia, Ble- de Chiapas up to an elevation of ;1200 m, the southern
pharidium, Blumea, Bursera, Cassia, Cephaelis, Dracae- and western part of the northern Front Ranges and High
na, Forchhammeria, Guarea, Hasseltia, Hirtella, Lacis- Plateaus, and the Gulf Coast Plain. Important trees in-
temma, Licaria, Orthion, Ouratea, Piper, Pithecellobium, clude Astronium, Bernoullia, Brosimum, Brumelia, Ca-
Quararibea, Sickingia, Wimmeria, and Zuelania. lycophyllum, Ceiba, Coccoloba, Cordia, Cupania, Elaeo-
Lower montane rain forest (selva alta siempre verde, dendron, Enterolobium, Ficus, Guettarda, Hymenaea,
in part; selva alta perennifolia, in part; bosque tropical Lafoensia, Licania, Platymiscium, Rheedia, Sapium, Ster-
perennifolio, in part; tropical premontane moist, wet, or culia, Styrax, Tabebuia, and Vatairea. Associated shrubs
rain forest). Remnants of this forest suggest it potentially and small trees are Amyris, Ardisia, Bourreria, Calyp-
would cover much of the Front Ranges and High Pla- tranthes, Clusia, Eugenia, Gentlea, Karwinskia, and Psy-
teaus, and it also occurs as a narrow band along the west- chotria.
ern lowlands of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. It is similar Tropical deciduous forest (5 deciduous seasonal forest,
to the tropical rain forest, but it lacks the uppermost can- selva baja decidua, selva baja cauducifolia, bosque trop-
opy layer of tallest trees, and lianas and epiphytes are ical deciduo, tropical or subtropical dry and very dry
more common. Most of the tropical rain forest genera are forest). In regions covered by this forest there is a pro-
present, in addition to Alseis, Belotia, Calophyllum, nounced dry season of 4–6 mo. It occurs along the Gulf
Chaetoptelea (Ulmus), Licania, Nectandra, Ocotea, Coastal Plain, on the lower hills of the Sierra Madre de
Quercus, Sebastiana, Talauma, and Vochysia in the can- Chiapas, and in the Central Depression. The common
opy, and Chrysophyllum, Cleidion, Cymbopetalum, Far- trees are Annona, Bucida, Bursera, Calycophyllum, Cec-
amea, Piper, Rinorea, Sloanea, Stemmadenia, and Tro- ropia, Cedrela, Ceiba, Cochlospermum, Cordia, Eysen-
phis in the understory. hardtia, Gliricidia, Godmania, Hauya, Heliocarpus,
Montane rain forest (5 selva mediana y baja siempre Hura, Ipomoea, Leucaena, Luehea, Lysiloma, Plumeria,
verde, in part; selva mediana o baja perennifolia, in part; Pseudobombax, Spondias, Stemmadenia, Swietenia, Ta-
bosque tropical perennifolio, in part; tropical montane bebuia, and Triplaris.
moist, wet, rain forest). This forest is found at elevations Short-tree savanna (5 sabana, selva baja subperenni-
of 900–2200 m in the Front Ranges and High Plateaus, folia, vegetacion sabanoide, savanna). This community
and on the eastern and western slopes of the Sierra Madre grows on gradual slopes or flat bottomlands on shallow,
de Chiapas. It is characterized by numerous epiphytic poorly drained soils where it is usually associated with
ferns, aroids, bromeliads, and orchids. The prominent various other vegetation types. The common trees are
genera include Alfaroa, Ardista, Brunellia, Calatola, Byrsonima, Crescentia, and Curatella, with Acacia, Al-
Hedyosmum, Hyperbaena, Lunania, Matudea, Melisoma, varadoa, Cordia, Piscidia, Quercus, and Tetracera.
Mirandaceltis, Oecopetalum, Oreopanax, Quercus, Pla- Thorn woodland (5 selva baja espinosa cauducifolia,
tanus, Synardisia, Trichilia, and Turpinia. Understory bosque espinoso, tropical and subtropical thorn wood-
trees and shrubs are Acalypha, Billia, Centropogon, land). This community is prominent in the Isthmus of
Cephaelis, Chamaedorea, Eugenia, Hampea, Miconia, Tehuantepec and it extends into Chiapas only in the
Mollinedia, Oreopanax, Palicourea, Parathesis, Psycho- northern part of the Central Depression and along the
tria, Siparuna, Trophis, and Urera. Pacific Coastal Plain. Important members include Acacia,
Evergreen cloud forest (5 cloud forest, in part; selva Bauhinia, Buettneria, Bursera, Casearia, Cordia, Croton,
mediana y baja siempre verde, in part; selva mediana o Diphysa, Erythroxylon, Jacquinia, Karwinskia, Piptad-
baja perennifolia, in part; subtropical montane wet or rain enia, Pisonia, Pithecellobium, Randia, Sageretia, Steno-
forest). This forest is found near the crests of mountains cereus, and Zizyphus.
at elevations of 1900–3200 m in the Front Ranges and Pine-oak-Liquidambar forest (5 cloud forest, in part;
High Plateaus and in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Hang- deciduous forest; bosque cauducifolio; bosque deciduo;
ing mosses and epiphytic ferns are common, fog and bosque mesofilo de montãna; subtropical montane moist
clouds are usually present, and minimum January tem- forest). This forest occurs on moist north and east-facing
peratures may approach 08C, although frost is rare. The upland slopes in the Front Ranges and High Plateaus and
common trees are Abies, Pinus, Podocarpus, Acer, Chir- in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Many of the genera also
anthodendron, Clethra, Drimys, Magnolia, Meliosma, grow in the deciduous forest of eastern United States and
Microtropis, Olmediella, Oreopanax, Persea, Photinia, include Pinus, Carpinus, Cassia, Citharexylum, Clethra,
Quercus, Weinmannia, Wimmeria, and Zinowiewia. Un- Cornus, Cupania, Erythrina, Fraxinus, Liquidambar,
derstory plants include Cavendishia, Cleyera, Deppea, Meliosma, Montanoa, Nyssa, Ostrya, Perrottetia, Quer-
Eugenia, Fuchsia, Gentlea, Greigia, Mahonia, Miconia, cus, Rhus, Saurauia, Styrax, and Turpinia. Associates in-
Rapanea, Saurauia, Symplocos, Vaccinium, and Vibur- clude Aphelandra, Baccharis, Bocconia, Cestrum, Fuch-
num. sia, Gaultheria, Guamatela, Hibiscus, Liabum, Parathes-
Evergreen seasonal forest (5 selva alta subdecidua; is, Phenax, Rapanea, Solanum, Symplocos, Triumfetta,
selva alta or mediana subperennifolia; selva alta or me- Verbesina, and Viburnum.

TABLE 3. Representation of extant community elements of Chiapas in TABLE 3. Continued.

the early Miocene La Quinta assemblage. Vegetation classification
follows Breedlove (1973, 1981), and placement of ferns follows Bunch grassland
Tryon and Tryon (1982) and Smith (1981). Fossil pollen of the Lycopodium
Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Ericaceae, and many Palmae and Com- Possibly some Gramineae
positae cannot be identified to genus; pollen of the Lauraceae usu- Possibly Vaccinium (as Ericaceae)
ally does not preserve in the fossil record; and some taxa with Evergreen cloud scrub
species occurring in different communities (e.g., Pinus, Quercus) Lycopodium (widespread)
cannot be distinguished on the basis of pollen characters. Taxa in Gramineae
parentheses are names reported in the fossil record. Possibly Vaccinium (as Ericaceae)
Herbaceous marsh
Tropical rain forest Possibly some Gramineae
Canopy/dominants—none Coastal strand vegetation
Understory/associates Possibly some Gramineae
Selaginella (widespread) Second-growth and successional forest
cf. Antrophyum (to cloud forests) Acacia
Pteris (ecologically diverse, cloud forests, deciduous forest, pine Compositae (widespread)
woods, secondary forests
Sphaeropteris (to pine-oak-Liquidambar, montane forests)/Trichip-
teris (ecologically diverse, to pine-oak-Liquidambar, wet mon-
tane-cloud forests, savanna, grasslands, swamp forests) Pine-oak forest (5 pinares and encinares, bosque de
Guarea pino y encino). This forest is best developed on dry south
cf. Aguiaria type (not present in the modern Chiapas flora, South and west-facing slopes of the central Front Ranges and
American; identification only as example of morphology) High Plateaus and on the east side of the Sierra Madre
Lower montane rain forest de Chiapas, mostly at elevations between 1300 and 2500
Alfaroa (to transition with montane rain forest)
Montane rain forest
m. It includes Pinus, Arbutus, Buddleia, Crataegus, and
Canopy/dominants Quercus. Common shrubs are Ceanothus, Chiococca,
Alfaroa (as Alfaroa/Oreomunnea; lower limits) Garrya, Holodiscus, Lippia, Litsea, Mahonia, Monnina,
Eugenia (as Eugenia/Myrcia) Myrica, Rhus, Senecio, Solanum, and Viburnum.
Understory/associates—none Swamp and lowland riparian forest (5 manglar, in part;
Evergreen cloud forest canacoital). This forest is well developed along lowland
Picea (not present in the modern Chiapas flora)
rivers and in swamps directly behind the mangroves. The
Pinus? prominent trees are Taxodium, Andira, Bravaisia, Bucida,
Podocarpus Calophyllum, Haematoxylum, Pachira, and Salix.
Understory/associates Mangrove swamp (5 manglar). Mangrove vegetation
Possibly Cavendishia/Vaccinium (as Ericaceae) extends along the entire Pacific Coast of Chiapas. The
Eugenia (as Eugenia/Myrcia) dominants are Avicennia, Conocarpus, Laguncularia, and
Evergreen seasonal forest
Rhizophora. Batis and Philoxerus are common associated
Hymenaea herbs.
Ilex (widespread) Palm forest (5 palmar). Vegetation dominated by
Understory/associates palms is found along rivers in the Central Depression,
Eugenia (as Eugenia/Myrcia) along the Rio Usumacinta and tributaries in the eastern
Tropical deciduous forest portion of the Front Ranges and High Plateaus, and in
the southern portion of the Pacific Coastal Plain. The
Short-tree savanna common palms are Sabal and Scheelea. Palm forests ben-
Acacia efit and may result from human actitivies
Thorn woodland Temperate riparian forest. This forest occurs along
Acacia streams at elevations above 1500 m in the eastern Front
Pine-oak-Liquidambar forest Ranges and High Plateaus. Members include Acer, Alnus,
Tapirira (moist habitats)
Baccharis, Berchemia, Cornus, Crataegus, Cuphea, Pla-
Pine-oak forest tanus, and Salix.
Canopy/dominants Bunch grassland (5 zacatonal). Communities charac-
Pinus? terized by tall bunch grasses are found in the eastern
Possibly Arbutus (as Ericaceae) Front Ranges and High Plateaus, and include Briza, Bro-
Understory/associates—none mus, Festuca, Muhlenbergia, Stipa, and Trisetum.
Swamp and lowland riparian forest
Evergreen cloud scrub (5 paramo; paramos de altura;
Crudia tropical or subtropical montane or subalpine moist, wet,
Pachira or rain paramo). This vegetation occurs on the highest
Mangrove swamp peaks of the Front Ranges and High Plateaus and the
Rhizophora (dominant in the fossil assemblage) Sierra Madre de Chiapas. The common members are Ly-
Pelliciera (common in the fossil assemblage, not present in the copodium, Gleichenia, Alchemilla, Arenaria, Beshorner-
modern Chiapas flora)
ia, Calamagrostis, Comarostaphylis, Draba, Festuca,
Palm forest Gaultheria, Gnaphalium, Haplopappus, Holodiscus, Lu-
as Palmae, cf. Crysophila pinus, Luzula, Muhlenbeckia, Myrrhidendron, Pernettya,
Temperate riparian forest—none Potentilla, Ternstroemia, Trisetum, Vaccinium, Weldenia,
and Werneria.

TABLE 4. Distribution of dominant and associated taxa in the modern TABLE 4. Continued.
vegetation of Chiapas (see Discussion: Modern vegetation) in other
Tertiary palynofloras of the Gulf/Caribbean region. 1 5 Chapelton Vegetation/taxa Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene
Formation, 2 5 Gatuncillo, 3 5 San Sebastian, 4 5 Punta Alegre,
5 5 Cucaracha, 6 5 Culebra, 7 5 La Boca, 8 5 Uscari Sequence,
Eugenia—as above
9 5 Ixtapa, 10 5 Artibonite Group, 11 5 Gatun, 12 5 Padre Mi-
guel Group, 13 5 Paraje Solo, 14 5 Herrerı́a 15 5 Rio Banano. Tropical deciduous forest
cf. Bucida 11
Vegetation/taxa Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene Bursera—as above
Tropical rain forest Cedrela 11 13
Ceiba—as above
Canopy/dominants Hauya 3 11
cf. Ficus 2 Pseudobombax 7, 11
Protium 13
cf. Protium 2 Short-tree savanna
Terminalia 2 6 13 Canopy/dominants—none
(Combretum/Terminalia) Understory/associates
Understory/associates Acacia 3 6, 11
Alchornea 3 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 cf. Acacia 13
10, 11, 15 Quercus—as above
cf. Alibertia 13
Thorn woodland
cf. Bumelia 11
Bursera 3 11 13 Canopy/dominants
Guarea 3 11 13 Acacia—as above
Buettneria 13
Lower montane rain forest Bursera—as above
Canopy/dominants Casearia 2 3 6 13
Ulmus/Chaetopetala (Ul- 13
Quercus 11, 12 13 Canopy/dominants
Pinus—as above
Cupania—as above
Chrysophyllum 3
Erythrina 11
cf. Chrysophyllum 2
Liquidambar 3 13
Cymbopetalum 11
Meliosma—as above
Faramea 2 3 11 13
Nyssa 3
Montane rain forest Quercus—as above
Canopy/dominants Understory/associates
Alfaroa (Alfaroa/Oreo- 2 3 5, 7, 9, 13, 14 Hampea/Hibiscus—as
munnea, Engelhardia) 11 above
Brunellia 3 Symplocos—as above
Hedyosmum 13
Pine-oak forest
Meliosma 13
Quercus—as above Canopy/dominants
Pinus—as above
Quercus—as above
cf. Chamaedorea 13
Eugenia/Myrcia 2 3 5, 6, 8, 11 13 Understory/associates
Hampea/Hibiscus 6, 11 13 Ericaceae (possibly Arbu-
tus)—as above
Evergreen cloud forest Myrica 13
Swamp and lowland riparian forest
Abies 13
Pinus 4 9, 10, 12 13, 14 Canopy/dominants
Podocarpus 3 8, 11 13 Bravaisia 13
Meliosma—as above cf. Bucida 11
Quercus—as above Salix 3
Understory/associates Mangrove swamp
Cleyera 13 Laguncularia
Ericaceae (possibly Caven- 8, 11 Rhizophora 2 3 5, 6, 7, 8 13
dishia) 9, 11 13, 14
Eugenia—as above
Symplocos 11 Palm forest
cf. Astrocaryum 13
Evergreen seasonal forest cf. Attalea 13
Canopy/dominants cf. Brahea 13
Bernoulia 3 11 cf. Chamaedorea 13
Ceiba 11 Chrysophila type 5, 6
cf. Ceiba 7 Desmoncus type 6
Coccoloba 2 13 Manicaria type 5, 6, 7
Cupania 6, 11 13 cf. Maximiliana 13
Ficus—as above Synechanthus type 6, 7
Sapium 6 Palmae 2 10, 11, 12 14, 15
cf. Sapium 13

TABLE 4. Continued. America because in addition to Rhizophora it included

Pelliciera, which is now distributed from Costa Rica to
Vegetation/taxa Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene
northwestern South America.
Temperate riparian forest Inland from the mangroves there was a swamp and
Alnus 13 lowland riparian forest represented by fossil spores and
Cuphea 13 pollen of Ceratopteris, Crudia, and Pachira. Also in the
Salix—as above lowlands was a version of the tropical rain forest. None
Bunch grassland of the dominants of the modern rain forest of Chiapas
Gramineae 6, 7, 11, 12 13, 14 are represented in the La Quinta assemblage, but several
Evergreen cloud scrub others are typical of that community. In addition to the
Lycopodium 3 6, 7, 8, 9 13 riparian Crudia and Pachira, there were the tree ferns
11, 12 Pteris and Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris, Guarea, possibly
Gramineae—as above Antrophyum and Aguiaria, and the widespread Selagi-
Ericaceae (possibly Vaccin- nella.
ium)—as above At higher elevations there was a montane rain forest
Herbaceous marsh as suggested by Alfaroa and possibly Eugenia, which are
Cyperaceae 12 13, 14 mostly lower montane/montane transition plants, and an
Ludwigia 12 evergreen cloud forest of Picea, Pinus, Podocarpus, and
Gramineae—as above possibly Cavendishia/Vaccinium. In somewhat drier hab-
Coastal strand vegetation itats there was a version of the evergreen seasonal forest
cf. Alibertia 13 (Hymenaea, Ilex, and possibly Eugenia), and the tropical
Coccoloba 2 deciduous forest (Cedrela).
Gramineae—as above Absent or poorly represented in the La Quinta flora are
Second-growth defining members of distinctly dry to arid commuities
Acacia—as above and high-elevation vegetation. The absence of pollen
from the latter community may be a result of distance
from the lowland basin of deposition, but no dominant
Herbaceous marsh (5 tulare, popal). Marshes occur plants of high-montane or paramo habitats were being
scattered through Chiapas in areas of low elevation. The blown or washed into the coastal sediments. Pollen of
composition is variable, but frequently includes Calathea, one of the highest-elevation trees in Mexico (Abies) does
Caperonia, Carex, Caladium, Cyperus, Heliconia, Hy- occur in other Neogene floras (e.g., Paraje Solo). There
menachne, Juncus, Leersia, Ludwigia, Lythrum, Neptu- is also meager representation of pollen of northern tem-
nia, Nymphaea, Paspalum, Phragmites, Rhynchospora, perate elements (Picea, possibly Pinus) in the La Quinta
Scirpus, Sesbania, Thalia, and Typha. flora. This is consistent with the pattern based on other
Coastal strand vegetation (5 cordon littoral). This Tertiary assemblages in northern Latin America (Graham,
community is found on sandy beaches of the Pacific 1973, 1997). These elements are mostly absent to poorly
Coast and is characterized by scandent shrubs and herbs. represented in early Miocene and older floras, prior to the
The common members are Acanthocereus, Alibertia, middle Miocene temperature decline (Miller, Fairbanks,
Canavalia, Capparis, Coccoloba, Distichlis, Ipomoea, and Mountain, 1987), and appear in greater numbers in
Monanthocloë, Okenia, Pectis, Prosopis, Salpianthus, Se- late Miocene and younger floras. There is also a trend
suvium, Stegnosperma, Uniola, and Ximenia. from the greatest number of northern temperate taxa in
Second-growth and successional forest and shrub as- northern Latin American Tertiary palynofloras (e.g., 12
sociations. This is a disturbance and recovery vegetation in the Paraje Solo flora of Veracruz, Mexico), to fewer
of variable composition, but frequently includes Abutilon, numbers to the south (e.g., only Quercus in the Gatun
Acacia, Arctostaphylos, Baccharis, Calliandra, Ceano- flora of central Panama). This places the principal time
thus, Clibadium, Coaxana, Lantana, Lippia, Malvaviscus, of introduction for these elements in the late Miocene and
Muhlenbeckia, Pavonia, Smallanthus, Rhamnus, Rubus, later, with the early and middle Miocene being the tran-
Salvia, Tithonia, Vernonia, and Viburnum. sitional time during which they first begin to appear.
Thus, the paleovegetation in the vicinity of Simojovel
Paleocommunities and physical setting—The distri- in the early Miocene included versions of mangrove
bution of taxa identified from the La Quinta flora is ar- swamp, swamp and lowland riparian forest, tropical rain
ranged according to the extant community types in Chia- forest, lower montane/montane rain forest transition veg-
pas in Table 3. The occurrence of fossil representatives etation, evergreen cloud forest, evergreen seasonal forest,
of the modern vegetation elements in other Tertiary floras and tropical deciduous forest.
of the Gulf/Caribbean region is given in Table 4. One of Average elevation in the Sierra de Chiapas is presently
the principal paleocommunities present during the early ;1000 m, and the highest peak is in the south near the
Miocene in eastern Chiapas was mangrove. This com- Guatemalan border (;4000 m). In the Front Ranges and
munity now grows on the Pacific Coast Plain, and on the High Plateaus province, which includes the Simojovel lo-
Gulf Coast Plain of Veracruz and Tabasco beyond the cality, the average elevation is presently ;2000 m and
political boundaries of Chiapas. In the Tertiary, however, the highest peak is San Cristobal de Las Casas (3004 m).
it was part of the shallow, brackish-water vegetation in The geologic history of the region provides some con-
the vicinity of Simojovel. It was different from the mod- straints on estimates of the paleoelevation. The highlands
ern mangrove vegetation of Mexico and northern Central arose by compressive deformation from the northeast to

the southwest primarily in the earliest Miocene. Because Costa Rica and western Panama. Geological Society of America
Plio-Pleistocene strata show little deformation, this brack- Bulletin 104: 814–828.
DE CSERNA, Z. 1989. An outline of the geology of Mexico. In A. W.
ets the principal time of folding and uplift between the Bally and A. R. Palmer [eds.], The geology of North America—
early Miocene and the Plio-Pleistocene. The La Quinta an overview, 233–264. The geology of North America, vol. A,
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