The 7 Chilies - The Lemon Version 2

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023



A Complete protection from evil eye and misfortunes

Rishi Rohit Sharma

P: (+61) 466 999 296
Date Channeled – 10th Jan 2023

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023


The 7 Chilies & The Lemon ............................................................................................................ 1

ⓘ Important Information ..............................................................................................................3

About The 7 Green Chilies & The Yellow Lemon .................................................................................4

What is the evil eye and why do people try to get rid of it? .................................................................5

Benefits of - The 7 Chilies & The Lemon ...........................................................................................6

The Mythology behind this talisman .................................................................................................7

Science behind this talisman...........................................................................................................7

Symbol: ......................................................................................................................................9

How to use the symbol: .................................................................................................................9

The 7 Chilies & The Lemon Meditation: .......................................................................................... 10

How to receive Attunement? ......................................................................................................... 11

How to pass the Attunement? ....................................................................................................... 12

How to share the Energies? .......................................................................................................... 13

Disconnecting & Grounding? ......................................................................................................... 14

About the Author ........................................................................................................................ 15

Copyright © 2023 – VAYOM INTERNATIONAL 02

EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

ⓘ Important Information

Copyright © 2023 by Rishi Rohit Sharma

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
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Course Price: There is a fixed minimum fee of USD 39.00 or the equivalent in your currency for resale in the English
language only.

Disclaimers: Although the author/publisher has made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct
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curio purposes only. This information is provided for educational purposes, it is our interpretation, and it is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is not affiliated with any form of natural energy healing and is not to be
confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment, or initiation now, in the past, or to come. This system may
function differently for each person who attunes to it. Only your higher self decides whether restorative treatment occurs.
This attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice. Rishi Rohit Sharma is not engaged in
rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Rishi Rohit Sharma has made every effort to provide accurate
information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of the
information. By receiving the attunement in this manual, you are agreeing to and violation of rights of privacy or publicity
and infringement of intellectual indemnify Rishi Rohit Sharma from and against all claims of libel, defamation, property, or
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arising from such claims based on this manual and /or attunement. This manual may contain inaccuracies and
typographical errors. Rishi Rohit Sharma does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the materials, or the reliability
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receiving this empowerment blessing or attunement, you acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements,
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correct any error or omission or change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. Finally, all effort has been
made to cite sources of information, if we have missed one, it is completely unintentional.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

About The 7 Green Chilies & The Yellow Lemon

The 7 Green Chilies & The Yellow Lemon is an evil eye warder/evil eye protector which defends and protects us against the
evil eye. This talisman is extensively used in India and Pakistan to get rid of the evil eye. Its literal meaning is “far be the evil
eye”. There is also a slogan that is used in North India to a great extent with this talisman and that is “Buri Nazar wale, tera
munh kala” or “Kisi ki nazar na lagey”. This means “evil-eyed one; your face will be blackened”.

These slogans and phrases are frequently and widely used in India when someone receives praise, achieves or accomplishes

something, is successful, or has good luck. It is used protectively as these events in someone’s life usually attract a lot of
jealous attention and negativity. There are lot of types and forms of this talisman but the common one is made with 7 green
chilies and a lemon. It is also called “Nazar Battu” which is used to ward off the evil eye.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

What is the evil eye and why do people try to get rid of it?
The evil eye is a harmful look, stare, or gaze which may be intentional or unintentional resulting in disease, negativity, bad
luck, or disgrace to the person or thing on which it is cast intentionally or unintentionally. The evil eye is mostly brought by
people that have spite, grudge, desire, and jealousy against the person. All these emotions towards a person transforms
itself into a curse which then causes harm to that person and changes its good luck and success into bad luck and failures.

Example of an Evil Eye

Other than this, anyone who is highly praised or gets more than what they deserve is also susceptible to the evil eye. This evil
eye may bring bad luck or have some mental or physical illness. A disease or illness with no immediately clear reason is also
believed to be caused by the evil eye. Children are very vulnerable to this as parents, people, or even well-wishers who
compliment the child or praise the child tend to attract and bring in negative energy, bad luck, failure or injury, illness, and
even death. This may happen completely unintentionally and not at all deliberately.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

Benefits of - The 7 Chilies & The Lemon

These days we are more connected to people in a virtual way. Online interviews, Zoom, Facebook, Tik Tok, and other social
media sites are on top through which we connect to the rest of the world. We post a lot of pictures of ourselves and our
families on these social media platforms.

When we interact with people face to face or at a close distance our sixth sense and aura recognize and feel negative
energies and people around us and then our Aura starts protecting us automatically. You might have noticed that sometimes

in public places you feel that someone is looking or staring at you and when you usually look back at them, they turn their
face off. So, in the real world most of the time we are protected. But, in this virtual world where we are more prone to the evil

The picture or video that we post on social media is seen by various people and we are not even aware that with what
intentions they are looking into it. A picture is directly connected to us and evil eye energies can easily flow to us and can
cause issues. You might have seen that someone become so popular on social media and suddenly they are struck with bad

luck and downfall. This could be due to an evil eye.

Energies of “The 7 chilies & Lemon” is the best way to fight the evil eye. This is a very easy system and it does come with a

symbol. You can use this symbol on your pictures before or after posting them on social media. You can also activate the
energies anytime if you feel that some evil eye is affecting you.

One can easily use these energies and stay protected from the evil eye. You can also protect your home business, office,
shops, and expensive stuff like cars, purses jewelry, etc. from evil eye and negative energies.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

The Mythology behind this talisman

There is a mythological story mentioned regarding this talisman. There is a Goddess called Alakshmi who is the sister of
Lakshmi. Where Goddess Lakshmi brings prosperity and good wealth, Alakshmi brings misery, bad luck, misfortunes, and
poverty into people’s lives. It is believed that Alakshmi likes spicy, hot, and sour food and when we put this talisman, we
satisfy her hunger in the first place and she does not enter into our lives to harm us.

Science behind this talisman

Lemon has been used in cleaning in so many ways. The acidic nature of lemon makes them highly efficient cleaning agents,
and they can be used in multiple ways. They can be used as

· Natural room scents

· Cleaning utensils, pots, and stove

· Removing stains

· Eliminating odors

· Natural degreasing agent.

Not only this but you can use them in any way. Further, their smell is so refreshing and uplifting. They do have some

antibacterial properties too.

Most of the negative energies does come from the negative environment around us. Lemons are amazing in cleansing our
surroundings and thus eliminating negative energies.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

Further, what I have researched is that whenever someone bites on a lemon his eyes automatically close and he is unable to

focus for some time. This made me relate to the idea of using lemon as an evil eye protector.

Chilies contain a compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

properties. Capsaicin can also boost the immune system. Capsaicin is a phenol compound, which is the major component of

According to my research whenever someone eats chilies, the eyes become watery and sometimes the vision becomes blurry.

So, I think that scientifically both lemons and chilies play important roles in cleaning and disinfecting.

In old times Chili powder was used by some people as a defensive thing from attackers and intruders that turned somewhat

into pepper sprays in the modern era.

Chili peppers are believed to ward off evil and attract good fortune in other cultures too, but combining them with lemon is

uniquely Indian.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023


As Chilies and lemons come in different shapes so there is no hard and fast rule to drawing this symbol. The symbol is very
easy to draw. The long straight line represents the thread. The 3 cross and one line on the top represents 7 chilies. The
bottom small line represents the holder or the end. The big circle represents the lemon. The positions of lemon and chilies

may change up or down and will not affect the overall energy of the system.

How to use the symbol:

You can draw the symbol in a secretive way on your pictures, profiles, front door of home, busines, shop or on the windows
of the cars. You can also draw this symbol on your valuable items. Use the symbol intuitively and secretively to protect

yourself or others form evil eye.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

The 7 Chilies & The Lemon Meditation:

Follow the steps to perform “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” Meditation:
1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
2. Prepare yourself for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, or do anything that you find may help you.
3. Make sure you won't be disturbed for at least 10-20 min.
4. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; the best position is lying down.

5. Close your eyes while in this position.

6. When you are ready, focus on your breathing and begin to breathe slowly and deeply.
7. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
8. Say Mentally or Loudly, “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” activate please.
9. Project the symbol of 7 chilies and the lemon or the picture of 7 chilies and the lemon talisman form your 3rd eye.

10. Let this symbol or image of talisman hover over your Crown chakra/head for a while.
11. Keep focusing on this symbol or image.
12. Feel the colors, movements, energy transfer etc. Some people might feel black color smoke or liquid drops being
absorbed by this symbol or talisman. Focus on any other things you might see.

13. Do this for other Chakras, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra.
14. You can spend more or less time on different chakras as guided by your intuition.
15. After you are done with the root chakra move the talisman/symbol over your legs and then towards feet.
16. *Let this talisman collect as much negative energy as it can.
17. *Instead of spending long time or forcing talisman to remove energy try to do this meditation again after 24- 48hr.

18. *Don’t perform more than 1 meditation in one day.

19. *It was told to me by spirits that the negative energy or evil eye is collected in the Joints specially knees and ankles. So,
after the root chakra you can also put this talisman on your knees and ankles for a while to collect the negative or evil
eye residue from your body.

20. After you are done with collecting negative energies from your Chakras and Body Visualize that you are burring this
Talisman/symbol deep into the mother earth and covering it up with sand and stones
21. Meditation is complete now.
22. Bring your attentions to your physical body and open your eyes slowly.
23. You can drink a glass of fresh water or take a shower if you feel guided so.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

How to receive Attunement?

Follow the steps to receive “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” Attunement:
1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
2. Prepare yourself for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, or do anything that you find may help you.
3. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this attunement.
4. Make sure you won't be disturbed for at least 10-20 min.

5. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; you can choose any position.
6. Close your eyes while in the meditative pose (sitting or lying down).
7. When you are ready, focus on your breathing and begin to breathe slowly and deeply.
8. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
9. Say Mentally or Loudly, “ I intend to receive the attunement of “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” sent to me by my teacher

(name of the teacher) and made perfect by eternal sacred source.”

10. Try to visualize a sphere over your head that is having the symbol mentioned in this system.
11. Imagine that symbol protecting you and your aura as a shield.
12. You may feel black smoke, clouds, black ink spot or marks leaving your body.

13. You may see snakes, reptiles and other things that scare you the most.
14. You may feel tingling or sensations in the body.
15. Stay in the pose for 10 -20 min or until you feel guided so.
16. When you feel the attunement is completed Open your eyes slowly.
17. Say thanks to “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” and other angelic beings who helped you during this process.

18. Drink a glass of fresh water after you finish.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

How to pass the Attunement?

Follow the steps to pass “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon” Attunement:
1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

2. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this process.

3. Call the energy by naming it three times.

4. Make a cusp with your hand or palm to create an energy sphere for passing attunement.

5. Visualize the person into this cusp and say the name three times with your intention to send attunement to them.

6. Start the energy transfer from your hand to the person in your cusp whom you are going to attune.

7. Visualize the symbol mentioned in this manual inside your cusp and white/yellow/green light flowing into it.

8. Keep your intentions stable and focused on sending the attunement of “The 7 Chilies & The Lemon”.

9. The attunement will take 2-3 minutes or when you feel the transfer is done.

• The above method is a general method and you can use any other method you normally use to pass attunements.

• You can also send the attunement by standard Chi ball method.

• You can also send the attunement via Orb of life.

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EVIL EYE January 10, 2023

How to share the Energies?

1. You can easily share the energies of this system.
2. To share the energies, you can draw the symbol on them or their items and focus on sending energy for 2-3 min.
3. You can share the energies in other ways if you feel guided so.

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Disconnecting & Grounding?

Use the Karate chop method or use the first two fingers to visualize them as scissors and cut the unwanted cords and
threads after receiving the attunement.

Grounding is very important when you are working with energy. You can perform the grounding exercises to ground yourself.

1. Spend some time in nature.

2. Perform breathing exercises.

3. Visualize roots growing from your feet or root chakra and going deep into the earth.

You can perform other grounding methods that you are using regularly.

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About the Author

Rishi Rohit Sharma

Rishi Rohit Sharma holds a Dual master's degree in engineering
and is currently doing a Doctorate in Metaphysics.

He is. an Engineer, Entrepreneur, Kalologist, Astrologer,

Numerologer, Kundalini Yogi, Meditation Facilitator Multiple
Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer, Teacher, Youtuber, Motivator,
Writer, Researcher, Photographer Intuition Developer, Spiritual

Researcher, Hypnotherapist, Angel Card Reader, Vaastu

Expert, Vajra and gTumo Master, Founder of Nazm E Jyotish.

Having lived years in India at first and then in Australia, Rohit Sharma experienced the taste of both east and west. He did his
Bachelor's in Technology from India and joined Victoria University Australia for his Master's degree in Electronic

Engineering. He has had a keen interest in Physics and Astronomy since his childhood. When he was just eleven, he used to
play with electric circuits and other electronic devices to see how they work.

While living in Australia, he runs his own business. He also has a YouTube channel, where he makes videos on Astrology. He is
also a master of "Lal Kitab," said to be an epic of Indian astrology. He remains busy with his research on various subjects,
including Astrology, Yoga, and Meditation. He also believes that planets and their movements impact human life.

He also loves writing books and has published so many articles. He has written many books on Astrology of which "Nazam-e-
Jyotish" and "Grahon ki Nishaniyan" are the best sellers.

"How to Meditate" is the book in which you will find his intellect on Meditation and its various techniques. His objective in
writing this book is to guide people to relieve stress and anxiety through Meditation. His mastery as a writer lies in explaining

even the most complicated things straightforwardly and transparently. He often uses examples to make it easy to
understand, leaving a mark on the reader's mind.
Rishi Rohit Sharma
P: (+61) 466 999 296
… Date Channeled – 10th Jan 2023

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