Performance materiality:
Performance materiality is defined in ISA 320 as follows: ‘The
amount set out by the auditor at less than materiality for the
financial statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately
low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and
undetected misstatements exceeds the materiality of financial
statements as a whole’.
Performance materiality is set out at a lower level than overall
materiality of the financial statements. It is used in the testing
of individual transactions, account balances and disclosures.
Analytical Procedures:
During the planning stage, the analytical procedures must be
used as risk assessment procedures to help an auditor to obtain
overall understanding of an entity and to asses risk of material
During final audit, analytical procedures should be used to
obtain sufficient appropriate evidence. Substantive procedures
can either be test of details or substantive analytical
During final review stage, an auditor must design and perform
analytical procedures which assist them when forming an
overall conclusion as to whether the financial statements are
consistent with auditor’s understanding of the entity.