GE 6 Syllabus

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Roxas Ave., Roxas City
Tel. No. (036) 6210-471 Local 165 Fax No. (036) 6213-075

Date Last Revised: _______________

Revision Date: __________________
Semester Adopted: 1st Semester 2022-2023

FIRST SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023

Instructor: GILDA F. GIMOTO, EdD

Office: College of Arts and Sciences
Mobile No: 09206531298/09773526909
Email address:

Course Name GE 6 – Art Appreciation

Course Credits Three (3) units

Course Description:
Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyse, and critique work of art. Through interdisciplinary and multim course equips
students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students’ ability to articulate the arts. The course also develops
students’ competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for
Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture.

Contact hours/week 3 hours every week

Course prerequisite none

Course Objectives

By the end of the semester, the students must have:

1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation in arts in general, including their function, value, and historical significance;
2. Define and demonstrate the elements of design;
3. Explain and evaluate different theories of art;
4. Situate Philippine arts in global context
1. Analyze and appraise works of art based on aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, and social relevance;
2. Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit;
3. Utilize art for self-expression and for promoting advocacies;
1. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society;
2. Discover and deepen their sensitivity through art with respect to their nationality, culture and religion.
3. Develop an appreciation of the local arts.

A globally-linked Christian University nurturing people and communities for transformative leadership and nation building.

FCU commits to
 Instill Christian values among people and communities through holistic education;
 Innovate models of development through research, knowledge management and community building
 Inspire transformative leadership and exemplary lives
 Initiate collaborative linkages and partnerships with national and international organizations

1. Perpetuates the Christian heritage of the School as a Church-like institution maintaining an ecumenical stance
2. Demonstrates Christian love by reaching out and participating in society building through community service
3. Designs research-based development models through knowledge management and community building
4. Establishes institutional self-sufficiency and sustainability
5. Strengthens collaborative regional and international partnerships and linkages
College of Arts and Sciences
Vision, Mission, and Goals:


A leading College of Arts and Sciences producing globally competent graduates effecting change for the betterment of humanity.


CAS commits on:

1.Christian Values Integration

2.Advancement of Knowledge
3.Skills and Service Providers


1.Demonstrate Christian love.

2.Perpetuate the Christian Heritage as founded by the Baptist Missionaries.
3.Establish excellence in research and leadership through participation in the local, regional, national, and international conferences.
4.Strengthen collaboration with other institutions and agencies.
5.Provide opportunities to enhance skills through hands-on activities.
6.Design programs for community exposure and involvement.

Course Outline and Timeframe: 3 hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester


1 Introduction/Course Orientation: Grading Requirements, Relevance of the Course Assumptions
Assumptions and Misconceptions on the Nature of Art
2 Functions and Philosophy of Art
3 Work of Arts: Its Subject and Form
4 The Artist’ and the Artisans
5-6 Elements and the Principles of Design
7-12 History of Arts (Asian, Western, Philippines)
13-18 Soul-Making (Soul, Sound, Structure)
Workshops on Improvisations, Installations, Transcreation, Local Arts
Major Source of Reading Materials

Modular Approach to Art Appreciation by Reynaldo B. Inocian, et al., Lorimar Publishing Inc. (2021)

Suggested Readings and References

Learning Module: Art Appreciation, Lopez, et al., Surigao State College of Technology (2020)
Art Appreciation, Bernardo et al., Rex Book Store, Manila Philippines (2002)

Course Requirements
Regular attendance, active class participation, major examinations, group report,

Grading System
Major Examination 45%
ARP 20%
Quizzes 10%
Performance _25%__
Total 100%

Classroom Policies
1. Regular attendance is observed. A student will be considered absent if he/she has been late for about 10 minutes. However, valid
reasons will be considered.
2. Seven (7) consecutive absences, a student will be dropped in the subject. However, valid reasons will be considered.
3. Using of smartphones and other gadgets not related to the class is prohibited, unless permitted by the teacher and/or emergency
4. Submission of outputs and requirements will be on scheduled dates. Minus points will be deducted.
5. Participation during group works are required.

Consultation Hours: Every Wednesday (2:00 – 4:00 pm)

Revised by:

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Checked by: Approved by:

Roxas Ave., Roxas City
Tel. No. (036) 6210-471 Local 165 Fax No. (036) 6213-075

Date Last Revised: _______________

Revision Date: __________________
Semester Adopted: 1st Semester 2022-2023

FIRST SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023

Instructor: GILDA F. GIMOTO, EdD

Office: College of Arts and Sciences
Mobile No: 09206531298/09773526909
Email address:

Institutional Learning Outcomes

In a nutshell, the Filamerian graduate, within 3-5 years, can… “lead transformatively, excel globally and live consistently the Christian values while promoting an ecumenical stance.”

Graduate Attributes Intended Learning Outcomes

Professional Competence Demonstrate skills and competence in their areas of specialization
Critical Thinking Skills Exercise critical thinking by providing solutions to problems through research
Communication Skills Display effective oral and written communication skills in both Filipino and English
Lifelong Learning Utilize lifelong learning skills in the exercise of their profession and in the advancement of knowledge
through research
Interpersonal Skills Live and work effectively with multidisciplinary and multicultural groups
Social and ethical responsibility Exemplify personal values and beliefs which are consistent with Filipino family values, industry-based
values and global citizen values
Productivity Contribute to society building through application of research in the community

Course Number: GE 6

Descriptive Title: Art Appreciation

Credit: (3 units)

Course Description:
I. Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyse, and critique work of art. Through interdisciplinary and multim course equips students
with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students’ ability to articulate the arts. The course also develops
students’ competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine
appreciation for Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture.

Course Outcome:
I. By the end of the semester, the students must have:

1) Demonstrate an understanding in arts in general, including their function, value, and historical significance;
2) Define and demonstrate the elements and visual and performing arts;
3) Acquired potentiality which may have otherwise become latent and develop their aesthetic inclinations through art production.

Course Design Matrix:

At the end of lesson, the 1. Introduction/ Classroom Orientation Situational analysis Student Handbook Week 1-2
students must have; orientation, VMG of Brainstorming Interactive Reflection
FCU. Discussion Values Formation
1. Discussed the VMG 2. Grading system
of the University. 3. Requirements Activities: students share their views,
2. Appraise the 4. Relevance of the expectations, and questions about the
course design course University and the subject teacher
3. To determine
expectation about Require written “questions” and
the course “expectations” from students

Class Discussion
1. To characterize Definition of Art Nurturing Self-Expression Power point
artistic expression Art Imagination and Class Discussion (Drawing) presentation / lecture
based on personal Expression 1. Recall one of the notes
experiences with The Humanities What differentiates art from craft? experiences you
art Art vs Craft have in your life as
2. Differentiate art Why study humanites? a teenager.
history from art Art History 2. Pick one of these
appreciation; o Genres Why do people create work of art? experiences that
3. Discuss the nature o History you like to depict
of art’s preliminary o Pre-Historic and express your
expression o Ancient feeling/s about it
o Medieval using any art
o Modern expression.
o Contemporary 3. Illustrate in simple
Why do people create work of art? drawing or write a Power point
poem to enhance presentation / lecture
Assumptions of Art What is creativity and why is it necessary your creativity. notes
o Universal in art making?
o Cultural
o Not nature Why is art Universal? Not Nature?
Cultural? A creation?
o Involves
o As expression
o Creation
1. Distinguish Functions of Art: Personal What art/artwork has changed Individual Sharing Week 2
between directly (Utilitarian, public something in your life? Why?
functional and display, expression), Power point
indirectly Social (used for Art as Mimesis (Plato) presentation/lecture
functional art public display and notes
2. Apply concepts and celebration, used to Art as representation (Aristotle) Group Discussion
theories on beauty affect the collective
and aesthetics in behavior), Physical Art for arts’ sake (Kant
real life (Utilitarian)
Art as an escape
Philosophical importance Philosophical Analysis:
of art Identify the type of
o Integrity philosophy or theme
o Proportion/ implied in the following Work Book
Consonance situations. A parenthesis
o Radiance/Clarity after each sentence
indicates what is being
asked for – that is, whether
a philosophy or a theme.
1. Differentiate Filipino contemporary Power point Week 3
content from Subject type: What are the two types of representing artworks to be presented presentation / lecture
subject Representation subject? visually using powerpoint notes
2. Classify artworks (with subject) and slides; identify and discuss
according to non-representation the subject; source, type,
subject (without subject) and kind of subject.
3. Analyze how artist
present their Form/Composition
subjects in relation o Drawings What are the characteristics of two- Sculpting: Students will be Students will bring a
to the real subject o Paintings dimensional art? Three-dimensional art? tasked to carve a figure, candle and carving tool
4. Characterize o Sculpture structure, or design of their of their choice
sources and kinds choice from a candle
of art depending on their
creativity and
1. Identify the Week 4
medium in various Mediums of the ff: Various Forms and Related Careers in Careers to be presented via Power point
forms of art, o Visual Art Artists or Artisan power point slides and to presentation
visual, auditory, o Auditory Art be discussed
and combined arts o Combined Arts
2. Define an artist’s
or artisan’s Artists and Artisan Group Work: Create a Venn Diagram Cartolina, pentel pen,
medium and emphasizing the characteristics of an Class participation and Scotch Tape, scissors
technique artists and artisan checking of Venn Diagram

Major Exam

1. Identify the Elements of Art Week 5-6

elements of art o Visual How do artist recreate, transform, or
2. Analyze the o Auditory translate one art form into another work Quiz Powerpoint
various elements o Combined Presentation
present in visual,
auditory, and
combined arts Arts/Performance Art
3. Identify the
principles of
4. Define and Principles of Design
translate Drawing: Create a work of
principles of o Unity and Harmony art that observes one of
design in artwork o Rhythm, variation the following:
5. Create an artwork o Balance and o Unity and Harmony Coupon bond, pencil,
depicting the proportion o Rhythm, variation ballpen, crayons, ruler
various principles o Emphasis and o Balance and
of design Subordination proportion
o Emphasis and

Group Report

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