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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
Bantigue, R.M. https://food-
and Pangilinan, hacks.wonderhowto.com/
J.P. (2014) howto/10-brilliant-
Growing up substitutions-forspecialized-
with Home kitchen-tools-0150526/
Economics and https://www.youtube.com/
B. Other Livelihood
Learning watch?v=
Education. N0Y2QlMO4Uw
Resources FNB
Educational, https://www.youtube.com/
Inc. watch?v=
QC. KjG28t1iGQI
Recap of Recap of previous lesson Recap of previous lesson. Recap of Mention that
previous lesson Yesterday, the class was able to identify different tools/instruments and equipment used in food There were exercises or previous lesson. yesterday, the
Last week, the preservation. activities on the use of the There were class started with
discussion was different tools/instruments presentation of the planning for
on food and equipment in food possible the presentation
preservation, preservation / food substitutes for of
A. Reviewing the benefits processing,. kitchen preserved/proces
previous derived from it tools/instrume sed food. Today,
lesson or as well as its nts. There they will continue
presenting the different types. was a video to prepare for the
new lesson We also presentation of assignment
conducted an these
inventory of substitutes
food that can and how they
be preserved can be
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
This week’s lesson The class was able to distinguish the difference between tool/instruments and equipment. The class was used. next week.
is on the asked if they The class was also
tools/instruments/ could think of informed that they
utensils and possible willl present by group
equipment that we use substitute/s for processed/preserved
for food preservation. tools//instrumen food next week.
ts. The class started with
their planning for the
project and the first
step was to identify a
food item.
B. Establishi Ask the learners on Our lesson for today is a continuation of the discussion yesterday because the class will be asked to Ask the learners The eight (8) groups Continue with
lesso ng a the importance of present the recipes of preserved foods/processed foods and identify the tools/instruments and why there is a will present their plans. group
n purpose familiarizing the equipment used to complete the process. need to think of There is emphasis on discussion on
learners with the substitutes for nonduplication of food project.
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
for the tools/utensils and instruments/tool items with the same The class
equipment in food s in the kitchen. mode of food discussed
preservation. Emphasize the preservation. with their
need to be individuall
resourceful for group their
the learners chosen
recipe, tools
tasks for
member of
the group,
and the
budget for
the project.
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
Presenting Ask the difference With reference After presentation, the The group
examples/ between to the assigned teacher will ask the representati
instances tools/instruments and task to the class to group ve will check
equipment. learners, the themselves again then with the HE
of the new discuss the following:
Before the difference teacher will call room if the
lesson on learners to
is determined, ask the • Choosing a recipe. tools and
learners to give provide • Identifying tools equipment
examples of tools / examples of and equipment that needed are
instruments and substitutes. will be used in available.
equipment. Show photos to completing the If the tools
the class. process are not
Knife sharpener • Listing the steps in available,
- sharpen your preserving/process the learners
knife with a ing of food will bring
ceramic bowl or them to
• Assigning tasks
mug class.
for each group
Egg separator – member Bring the
water bottle • Designing a work needed
Jar opener – plan ingredients
duct tape • Preparing a budget for the
C. Burger press – • Documenting
measuring cup, photos
jar lids
Double boiler –
two saucepans
or one pan and
a mixing bowl
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
wooden mallets, KjG28t1iGQI preserved/processed
containers, plastic Think of other substitute for food
bins with airtight tools/iinstrument. • Tools / instruments
lids, ceramic dishes
used in the
with plastic lids
and foil containers,
jars, bag, food • Equipment used in
brushes, measuring the activity
cups, colander, • Steps in
strainer, timer, preserving/process
weighing scale, ing of food
measuring spoons,
handheld can • Role of each
opener, cooking member of the
thermometer, etc. group
skills #1 Ask the learners
examples of
equipment used in
food preservation:
juicer, mixer,
electric can opener,
refrigerator, stove,
What then is the
difference between
tools and
One major difference
is the use of
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
The teacher will The teacher will inform the Tell the class that it
show photos or class that by next week, might be the first
drawings of they will be bringing time that they have
examples of preserved/processed foods heard of the
tools/instruments and which they themselves will following:
equipment. prepare. • Work plan
The teacher will ask The class will be divided into • Budget
the learners the use eight (8). With reference to • Photo
of each the lessons last week on the Documenta
tool/instrument and methods of food tion
equipment. preservation, assign two (not included in
The teacher will groups per method. the CG)
then present a Group 1 - Drying
photo where the Group 2 - Salting
specific tool or Group 3 - Freezing
equipment is used Group 4 –Processing
or being used. Group 5 – Drying
Group 6 – Salting
E. Group 7 - Freezing
Discussin Group 8 - Processing
g new
F. The class will Presentation of another video clip on processing/preservation of food. Each group will identify what Define, explain provi
Developin prepare Pickled food item they will work on. and de
g mastery Papaya. What There should be no examples.
(Leads to tools/utensils/instrum duplication of food
Formative ents will be used?
Assessmen Grater
t 3)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
• Bowl Midway in the presentation, the teacher will pause the video then ask the class what the next steps will be. items for groups Workplan –
• Jar The video presentation will be played again. who will be working is the list of
• Teaspoon on the same tasks that
• Cup method. need to be
• Muslin bag The individual done for a
• Squeezer group will plan on specific
Collander the activity. It
• Tray or preserved/process indicates the
bilao ed food which they day and time
• Sauce pan will prepare. and the task
• Knife that will be
• Slicer done.
Budget – is
the list of the
expenses or
costs of
items used in
the activity.
on – are
taken before,
during and
after the
These are
action shots
of cooking
until the final
product is
ready for
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
I. Evaluating Present a situation wherein the tools/instruments needed for a specific recipe are not available. The teacher will The teacher The teacher will
learning Ask the learners to think of a substitute. go around the will go advise the group on
eight (8) groups around the how to better prepare
to ensure that eight (8) for their presentation
they are on the groups to next week.
right track. ensure that Clarifications by the
Clarifications by the they are on learners will be
learners will be the right addressed by the
addressed by the track. teacher.
teacher. Clarifications
by the
learners will
be addressed
by the
J. Additional Bring recipes on Submit photos of possible substitutes for kitchen tools/instruments. .
activities for preserved foods.
Identify the
equipment and
or tools/instruments
remediation that will be used to
complete the
VI. Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what
REFLECTION help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
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