AOCA CSR Report 2021
AOCA CSR Report 2021
AOCA CSR Report 2021
2021 Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
This report, which focuses on Angel Oak Capital Advisors’ ESG
(environmental, social and governance) integration program
across our investment strategies and our community engagement
in 2021, reflects the commitment from each of our associates
to engage in initiatives to create positive environmental
and social impact. In 2021, we also expanded the scope of
the report to incorporate Angel Oak Companies, our shared
services organization. As Angel Oak increases our commitment
to supporting our associates and communities, future updates
to this report will also highlight the efforts of our affiliated
mortgage lending companies. Please contact Rob McDonough,
Director of ESG and Regulatory Initiatives, for additional
information regarding any aspects of this report.
gas (GHG) emissions that result our clients’ capital. In 2021, we completed the initial calculation
of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions based on industry
from our operations as well as best practices for asset managers, and those calculations are
presented below. As signatories to the Net Zero Asset Managers
for the financed emissions that Initiative (NZAM), we are also committed to working with our
The following climate risk metrics represent the relevant Scope
1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions associated with our operations for Air Travel - Short
0.206 0.0071 0.0065
all of 2021. Angel Oak will monitor these levels and evaluate (< 300 miles)
strategies to reduce or eliminate these emissions over time. Air Travel - Medium
0.131 0.0006 0.0042
(300 - 2,300 miles)
Scope 1 – Direct Emissions from Sources Owned or Controlled by
Air Travel - Long
a Company 0.161 0.0006 0.0051
Haul (≥ 2,300 miles)
Due to the general nature of the asset management business CO2 (kg) CH4 (g) N2O (g)
and the specific business practices adopted by Angel Oak, Scope
Total 146,206 670 4,664
1 direct GHG emissions from operations owned or controlled
by the firm are de minimis. In alignment with industry best All kg Total kg Total kg Total kg
practices for peer organizations, Angel Oak reports zero Scope 1
146,212 146,206 0.7 4
GHG emissions.
Converted to Metric
Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions from Purchased Electricity, Steam, Tons = 146
Heat, and Cooling
Angel Oak Capital Advisors leases the office space utilized by EMPLOYEE COMMUTE
our associates, and utilities are aggregated into the overall lease
rates paid by the firm. Data provided by the property manager of Many Angel Oak associates commute to corporate offices by
the LEED Gold-Certified building that is currently leased for most a variety of methods, including car, train, and/or bus. The
of Angel Oak Capital’s operations provided pro-rated electricity Environmental Protection Agency maintains a database that
utilization based on the amount of leased space Angel Oak enables the calculation of emissions associated with each
occupies relative to the entire leasable space in the building. mode of transportation based on the distance traveled during
These data were used to estimate that Angel Oak’s emissions the commute. The results of an internal survey of Angel Oak
associated with electricity consumption based on SRSO Regional associates generated the following estimated emissions
Power Grid data in 2021 were 106 metric tons. associated with employee commuting.
Total in Metrics tons 106 Total Emissions (cars + trains/buses) (kg) 78,700
Angel Oak’s Scope 3 emissions related to operations are Angel Oak’s investment strategies provide capital to companies
primarily attributable to company-related air travel and and sovereign entities, which produce emissions related to
employee commutes to our corporate offices. Our investment their activities and operations. These emissions are referred
strategies also finance the emissions of corporate and sovereign to as “financed emissions” and represent the Scope 1 and 2
issuers of securities. emissions produced by these entities. The aggregate of these
financed emissions across our investment strategies represents
CORPORATE AIR TRAVEL one component of Angel Oak’s Scope 3 GHG emissions. As
a signatory to the NZAM Initiative, we are committed to
Angel Oak’s air travel is managed and monitored by a travel developing and implementing a formal plan by October 15, 2022,
agency that captures the emissions associated with air flights that will encourage our invested institutions to implement net
according to an industry standard methodology. In 2021, Angel zero carbon emissions strategies by 2050, with interim targets
Oak’s corporate air travel produced 146 metric tons of emissions. to be reached by 2030.
Gallons of Water Saved 831,177 152,313 188,566 Desiree La Roche and Quinton Emerson at a Project Hope toy drive.
The policy describes the DEI Committee structure as well as the • Incorporating diverse perspectives in engagements with
following objectives: clients, partners, and service providers, considering and
respecting their unique experiences and needs.
• Developing cultural awareness and responsiveness, as an • Building capacity and competency to lead and manage a
organization, to maximize our effectiveness in creating a diverse workforce.
positive work environment for our associates.
Angel Oak began publicly disclosing DEI statistics in our 2020 CSR report. That initial assessment only included Angel Oak Capital
Advisors. Below are the updated EEO-1 statistics for 2021, which reflect our intention to broaden our DEI metrics across our affiliated
companies. These statistics reflect the diversity of associates from Angel Oak Capital Advisors and Angel Oak Companies Shared
Services as of 12/31/21 (total employee count of 137).
Professionals 36.5 13.9 0.7 2.9 32.1 2.9 10.2 1.5 1.5
Sales Workers 11.7 1.5 0.7 10.2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Total 75.9 23.4 0.7 6.6 62.8 8.8 15.3 1.5 5.1
SOCIAL BOND SECURITIZATIONS for social- and green-bond issuances. Angel Oak also secured a
second-party opinion from ISS ESG, which confirmed alignment
In May 2021, Angel Oak announced the completion of AOMT with the standards set forth by the ICMA Social Bond Principles.
2021-2, the first non-agency, mortgage-backed securitization
issued in the U.S. that qualifies as a social bond. The $231 In addition, Angel Oak developed a comprehensive framework
million securitization was composed primarily of non-qualified and used extensive data analytics to categorize and quantify
mortgages (non-QM) originated entirely by Angel Oak’s affiliated the bonds’ social impact at the loan level. The securitizations
mortgage lenders. A second social bond, AOMT 2021-3 totaling comprise loans that generally offer mortgage financing solutions
$303 million, was issued in June 2021. for underserved U.S. homebuyers who are not able to borrow
through traditional lending channels. These borrowers largely
Angel Oak undertook a high level of diligence in qualifying loans include self-employed individuals, a sector of the population
for the social bond securitizations and adhered to the standards that has disproportionately felt the economic strain caused by
put in place by the International Capital Market Association the COVID-19 pandemic.
(ICMA) Social Bond Principles, the industry’s leading framework
Angel Oak Companies was honored to be recognized as one of
Metro Atlanta Chamber Board of Advisors the top 40 fastest-growing middle-market companies in Georgia
by the ACG, which comprises more than 100,000 middle-market
Angel Oak Companies is an investor in the Metro Atlanta Chamber professionals from corporations, private equity, finance, and
(MAC) and has a seat on their Board of Advisors. MAC is a professional service firms representing Fortune 500, Fortune
160-year-old organization that represents businesses, colleges 1000, FTSE 100, and middle-market companies forming 59
and universities, and nonprofits across the 29-county region that chapters in North America and Europe. In fact, 2021 marked
makes up the nation’s ninth-largest market. Its efforts build on the fifth consecutive year that Angel Oak earned a spot on the
the qualities that make Atlanta one of the nation’s most unique Georgia Fast 40 list.
metros — its neighborhoods, culture, quality of life, welcoming
business community, and more. Angel Oak is exploring a variety of
opportunities to participate in several of MAC’s initiatives in 2021.
In 2020, Angel Oak Capital Advisors received an Assessment In June 2021, Angel Oak launched the Core Impact Fund, an
Report Summary Scorecard result of 26 points out of 30 on open-end mutual fund which seeks total return while giving
overall strategy and governance. This placed Angel Oak in the special consideration to positive aggregate environmental,
“A” scoring band out of a range of possible results from “A” to social, and/or governance (ESG) impact outcomes. The
“E.” A copy of Angel Oak’s 2020 Public Transparency Report can Fund is designated as an ESG impact fund and will look to
be found at this link. Due to technology issues associated with allocate capital to fixed income securities that have a positive
the UN PRI’s reporting platform, Public Transparency Reports impact on the global environment across all levels of society.
containing information from the 2021 reporting period for all UN The ICI taxonomy defines ESG impact funds as those that
PRI signatories will not be published until Q3 2022. “seek to generate positive, measurable, reportable social and
environmental impact alongside a financial return. Measurement,
Sustainable Accounting Standards Board/Value Reporting management, and reporting of impact is a defining feature of
Foundation Member impact investing.” The Fund also utilizes active engagement with
the senior management of issuers to positively impact their ESG
Angel Oak is an SASB Alliance Member under the auspices factors by promoting sustainable practices.
of the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF), a global nonprofit
organization that offers a comprehensive suite of resources PARTNERSHIPS WITH LEADING SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT
designed to help businesses and investors develop a shared ORGANIZATIONS
understanding of enterprise value — how it is created,
preserved, or eroded. We show our commitment to strong UN Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) - The Structured
governance and transparency by providing the entire range of Products Advisory Committee (SPAC) advises the PRI on its
SASB disclosure elements for Asset Management and Custody program to identify how ESG factors are considered when
Activities in the appendix of this report. investors allocate capital to structured products or when these
are originated. Initiatives include promoting more systematic
and transparent incorporation of ESG factors in investment
decisions in structured products. The SPAC works with the
various expert PRI working groups set up to address ESG
consideration in structured products. Rob McDonough, Director
of ESG and Regulatory Initiatives at Angel Oak Capital, leads
efforts to develop ESG disclosure standards for private label
(non-agency) residential mortgage-backed securities (PLRMBS).
Structured Finance Association (SFA) ESG Task Force - CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) - CDP is a not-
SFA launched the ESG Task Force in 2020 to assess how for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for
environmental, social, and corporate governance investing and investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their
reporting can be applied and accessed in the securitization environmental impacts. Angel Oak is an investor in CDP and
market. Initiatives include developing work streams through in 2021 initiated Phase II of a three-year project to encourage
which participants can develop best practices that will add community banks in which we are invested to disclose their
value to the entire industry for ESG investing applications. Rob carbon- and emissions-related information, to help transition
McDonough, Director of ESG and Regulatory Initiatives at Angel our economy to a more sustainable model and to promote the
Oak Capital, is a member of the Task Force’s Steering Committee creation of a circular economy.
and leads a team that is developing ESG disclosure requirements
for residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). The SFA has
engaged KPMG to work with the ESG Task Force on this initiative,
and a framework for RMBS, CMBS, CLOs, Consumer ABS, and Auto
ABS is expected to be circulated for comments later in 2022.
2021 Asset Management and Custody Activities
Sustainability Accounting Standard
Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) FN-AC
Angel Oak Capital’s website ( includes
→ FN-AC-270A.1 disclosure information or links to such information on all
Accounting Metric managed funds and strategies, which conforms with the SEC’s
(1) Number and (2) percentage of covered employees with a disclosure requirements for both public and private funds.
record of investment-related investigations, consumer-initiated
complaints, private civil litigations, or other regulatory
Response → FN-AC-330A.1
There were no covered employees with a record of new Accounting Metric
investment-related investigations, consumer-initiated Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group representation for
complaints, private civil litigations, or other regulatory (1) executive management, (2) non-executive management, (3)
proceedings disclosed in 2021. professionals, and (4) all other employees.
1. 0
2. 0% Response
See chart in Section II – Social Responsibility – Diversity, Equity
→ FN-AC-270A.2 and Inclusion of this report.
Accounting Metric
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings
associated with marketing and communication of financial INCORPORATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND
product related information to new and returning customers. GOVERNANCE FACTORS IN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT &
Angel Oak Capital did not incur any monetary losses in the → FN-AC-410A.1
reporting period because of legal proceedings associated to the Accounting Metric
actions described in the SASB metric. Amount of assets under management, by asset class, that employ
1. $0 (1) integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
issues, (2) sustainability themed investing, and (3) screening.
→ FN-AC-270A.3
Accounting Metric Response
Description of approach to informing customers about products 1. $20 million of Equity
and services. $1.7 billion of FI – Corporate
$729 million of FI – Securitized
2. $10 million of FI – Corporate Angel Oak’s investee engagement procedures are governed by
$28 million of FI – Securitized our Responsible Investment Policy. Our stewardship approach
involves engagement with the senior management of invested
3. $20 million of Equity companies to discuss relevant ESG factors. The discussion not
$1.7 billion of FI – Corporate only revolves around what the company is currently doing or
$1.2 billion of FI – Securitized has done in regard to ESG but its future plans as well. We serve
as a repository of best practices in ESG, particularly in the
→ FN-AC-410A.2 community bank space, and often field inbound inquiries from
Accounting Metric senior management on ways to better align their firms with
Description of approach to incorporation of environmental, ESG industry best practices. Our proprietary corporate credit
social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment and/or scorecard methodology allows Angel Oak to measure our
wealth management processes and strategies. impact through engagement over time by observing the
improvement in scores for individual issuers as well as at the
Response fund or strategy level.
As a signatory to the UN PRI, Angel Oak follows their set of six
principles for integrating ESG:
• To incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and BUSINESS ETHICS
decision-making processes.
• To be an active owner and to incorporate ESG issues into our → FN-AC-510A.1
ownership policies and practices. Accounting Metric
• To seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings
in which we invest. associated with fraud, insider trading, anti-trust, anti-
• To promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles competitive behavior, market manipulation, malpractice, or
within the investment industry. other related financial industry laws or regulations.
• To work with the PRI Secretariat and other signatories to
enhance their effectiveness in implementing the Principles. Response
• To report on our activities and progress toward implementing Angel Oak Capital did not incur any monetary losses in the
the Principles. reporting period because of legal proceedings associated with
the actions described in the SASB metric.
Angel Oak implemented a Responsible Investment Policy in 2019 1. $0
to govern our ESG integration program across our investment
strategies that are ESG-integrated or formally designated as → FN-AC-510A.2
impact strategies. Accounting Metric
Description of whistleblower policies and procedures.
→ FN-AC-410A.3
Accounting Metric Response
Description of proxy voting and investee engagement policies Angel Oak has implemented a Whistleblower Policy as a
and procedures. component of the firm’s overall Compliance Program. This policy
conforms to all requirements of Rule 21F-17 of the Commission’s
Response whistleblower regulations.
Angel Oak is guided by our Proxy Voting Policy when exercising
proxy voting for the limited equity positions we manage.
Angel Oak actively encourages invested companies held in our public and private funds to make their own industry-appropriate ESG
disclosures in alignment with the SASB framework and other sustainable disclosure frameworks, such as the Task Force for Climate-
related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. Investments in debt securities typically decrease when interest rates rise. This risk is
usually greater for longer-term debt securities. Investments in lower-rated and nonrated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest
than higher-rated securities do. Investments in asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities include additional risks that investors should be aware of,
including credit risk, prepayment risk, possible illiquidity, and default, as well as increased susceptibility to adverse economic developments. For more
information on these risks and other risks of the Fund, please see the Prospectus. ESG investment strategies limit the universe of investment opportunities
available to any Fund and will affect a Fund’s exposure to certain issuers, sectors, regions, and types of investments, which may result in a Fund forgoing
opportunities to buy or sell certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so. Adhering to a Fund’s ESG investment strategy may also
affect the Fund’s performance relative to similar funds that do not seek to invest in companies based on their ESG impact. Securities of issuers that the
Adviser has identified as having favorable ESG characteristics may shift into and out of favor depending on market and economic conditions, and certain
investments may be dependent on U.S. and foreign government policies, including tax incentives and subsidies, which may change without notice. ESG
determinations are inherently subjective and investors’ views may differ as to what constitutes a positive or negative aggregate ESG impact outcome. There
is no guarantee that the Adviser’s views, security selection criteria, or investment judgment will reflect the beliefs or values of any particular investor.
In addition, there can be no assurance that issuers in which any Fund invests will be successful in their efforts to offer solutions that generate a positive
ESG impact. When assessing whether an issuer meets any related Fund’s investment strategy and criteria, the Adviser may rely on third-party data that it
believes to be reliable, but it does not guarantee the accuracy of such third-party data.
Must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus. To obtain an electronic copy of the prospectus, please visit
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
The Angel Oak Funds are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC.
→ For more information or to learn how to invest in Angel Oak’s structured credit and
corporate credit funds, visit
Toll-Free: 888.685.2915