Cookery-1st Week Aug 29-31, Sept. 1, '23

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Teacher VENUS P. NGUJO Learning Area Cookery

Teaching Dates and August 29-31, September 1, 2023 Quarter 1st Quarter
Time 1:20-2:00 (Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri)
12:00-12:40 (Fri)


I. OBJECTIVES The things to be followed to the duration of the lesson.
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in maintaining kitchen tools, equipment, and work premises.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently maintain clean kitchen tools, equipment, and premises.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 1. Clean, sanitize, and store kitchen tools and equipment
Objectives 1.1 recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned and sanitized
(Write the LC Code for each) 1.2 identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment
1.3 prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
1.4 clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards
1.5 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated space
TLE_HECK9- 12KP-Ia-1
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
1. Kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned, sanitized, and stored
1.1. cutting tools and equipment
1.2. measuring tools and equipment
1.3. mixing tools and equipment
1.4. top-of-the-range equipment
1.5. baking tools and equipment
2. Types of chemicals used in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment
3. Methods of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment
4. Proper dishwashing techniques
5. Techniques in storing cleaned kitchen tools and equipment
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References Internet Internet Internet
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learners Guide Pages
3. Textbook Pages Cookery Textbook
pp. 21-58
4. Additional Materials from Slides from Slideshare and google
Learning Resource (LR) portal

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B. Other Learning Resources Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide
Page 13-14 of 44 Page 13-14 of 44 Page 13-14 of 44 Page 13-14 of 44
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.Indicate the time
allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins)
presenting the new lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for the (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins)

new lesson States the learning objectives of the lesson State the learning objectives of the State the learning objectives of the State the learning objectives of the
lesson lesson lesson
C. Presenting examples instances Picture Presentation Picture Presentation Video Presentation Video Presentation
of the lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Lesson Discussion Lesson Discussion Lesson Discussion Lesson Discussion
practicing new skills#1
Pretest Cooking materials, kitchen tools and Cleaning compounds HRPTA Meeting
LO 1. Clean, sanitize and store kitchen tools equipment Steps in washing dishes
and equipment
E. Discussing new concepts and PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
practicing new skills#2
F. Developing mastery  Oral Recitation
(Lead to formative assessment)  Presentation of the chosen artworks
G. Finding practical application of .Ask the learners to do the self test to weigh Whether if they are risktaker or not. Know the key concepts of Key concepts in environment and
concepts and skills in daily how they are as entrepreneur entrepreneurship market
H. Making generalization and Ask some students to give an abstract of the Ask some students to give an abstract Ask some students to give an abstract of Ask some students to give an
abstraction about the lesson lesson or generalize the lesson and give of the lesson or generalize the lesson the lesson or generalize the lesson and abstract of the lesson or generalize
reflection and give reflection give reflection the lesson and give reflection

I. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz
J. Additional activities for Oral Questioning Oral Questioning Oral Questioning Oral Questioning
application or remediation
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No of learners who earned in the ____ out of ____ students earned 80% on ____ out of ____ students earned 80% ____ out of ____ students earned 80% ____ out of ____ students earned
evaluation formative assessment on formative assessment on formative assessment 80% on formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require ____ learners need activities for remediation ____ learners need activities for ____ learners need activities for ____ learners need activities for

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additional activities for remediation remediation remediation
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson works? ____ learners have caught up after the ____ learners have caught up after the ____ learners have caught up after the ____ learners have caught up after
No of learners who have caught remedial remedial remedial the remedial
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
require remediation
E. Which teaching strategies I related the topic/ concept with student’s I related the topic/ concept with I related the topic/ concept with student’s I related the topic/ concept with
worked well? Why this these personal experiences student’s personal experiences personal experiences student’s personal experiences
F. What difficulties did I encounter Dealing with absenteeism of slow learners Dealing with absenteeism of slow Dealing with absenteeism of slow Dealing with absenteeism of slow
which my principal or supervisor which affects the time for their remedial learners which affects the time for their learners which affects the time for their learners which affects the time for
can help me solve? remedial remedial their remedial
G. What innovation or localized Relating concepts with student’s experiences Relating concepts with student’s Relating concepts with student’s Relating concepts with student’s
materials dis I use/discover experiences experiences experiences
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Teacher II
Submitted to:

Master Teacher II

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