The document is an affidavit from Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo stating that her names Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo and Rizalie Kaiklan Estrabillo refer to the same person to clear up any discrepancies from official documents with different versions of her name.
The document is an affidavit from Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo stating that her names Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo and Rizalie Kaiklan Estrabillo refer to the same person to clear up any discrepancies from official documents with different versions of her name.
The document is an affidavit from Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo stating that her names Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo and Rizalie Kaiklan Estrabillo refer to the same person to clear up any discrepancies from official documents with different versions of her name.
The document is an affidavit from Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo stating that her names Rizalie Kaiklian Estrabillo and Rizalie Kaiklan Estrabillo refer to the same person to clear up any discrepancies from official documents with different versions of her name.
I, RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO, Filipino citizen, of legal
age, married and a resident of no. 4980 Bassett Way, Sacramento, California, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and say that:
1. The California Identification Card issued by the State of
California, indicates my name as “RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO”;
2. On the other hand, my Philippine Passport issued by the
Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines indicate my name as “RIZALIE KAIKLAN ESTRABILLO” and that I have been using the name “RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO” since childhood until I got married.
3. Both names pertain to one and the same person and I
hereby expressly declare that the names “RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO” and “RIZALIE KAIKLAN ESTRABILLO” refers to one and the same person;
4. In view thereof, I am executing this Affidavit to clear any
discrepancy and to remove any cloud of doubt which may arise from official documents bearing the either name “RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO” and “RIZALIE KAIKLAN ESTRABILLO” and do categorically affirm that the said names refers to one and the same person.
5. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truthfulness
and veracity of the foregoing statements and declarations for all legal intents and purposes that this document may serve. AFFIANT FURTHER SAYETH NAUGHT.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature
th this 12 day of May 2022 at _________________________. __________________________________________ RIZALIE KAIKLIAN ESTRABILLO Affiant
___________ after the affiant exhibited to me her _______________________ as competent proof of her identity.
Doc. No._____: Page No._____; Book No._____: Series of 2022