HCV Summary FMU17A
HCV Summary FMU17A
HCV Summary FMU17A
b) Virgin Jungle Reserve. VJR Timbah (292ha). Forest Protection (boundary patrol,
c) Sensitive areas identified for 7,960ha at the north-western part of Prohibition of all or majority of
conservation and based on Sg. Pinangah FR, between Sg. harvesting activities will be enforced
minimizing impacts from forestry Karamuak and Sg. Tangkulap Besar. within conservation areas.
operations such as protection of
steep slopes (>25o) and 30 m buffer
zones for streams (50m in
compartments under the mosaic
Biodiversity d) Land within 30 m of both sides of all 2 major rivers, Sg Karamuak and Sg No logging activities within the 30 m
(HCV 1) permanent rivers and streams as Tangkulap Besar and their major zone.
required in RIL. tributaries.
e) Land classified under Stratum 1 and Stratum 1 (234 ha) and No logging at all in Stratum 1 (future
2. Stratum 2 (3,510 ha). seed source), but for Stratum 2, forest
harvesting should strictly follow RIL
Techniques. Forest rehabilitation and
silviculture are necessary.
a) Orang-utan. Timber production with RIL methods,
Threatened & and/or rehabilitation where appropriate.
endangered b) Pygmy Elephant. None, as elephants can utilise open
Area below 200m a.s.l. forest conditions.
species (large
mammals) c) Tembadau (wild cattle). None, as tembadaus can utilise open
forest conditions.
d) Natural mineral sources (salt licks, No logging activities within the 5 ha
kaolin clay). area. Mark a zone of about 5 hectares
around or preserved with 100 m radius
buffer zones all known locations (with
GPS readings).
Large Threatened & The entire FMU 17A area, which Not significant. Timber production with RIL methods,
landscape endangered consists mainly of lowland mixed- and/or rehabilitation/silviculture where
forests species dipterocarp forest. appropriate.
(HCV 2) (plants)
Endemic Species confined to FMU 17A. None known in FMU 17A, but future Case-by-case.
species study may reveal such species.
Critical Assumed not applicable in FMU 17A. None known in FMU 17A. Case-by-case.
Extensive Any contiguous area of forest more There is no large landscape level in NIL
undisturbed than 20,000 ha in extent which is either FMU 17A that can be categorized into
forests known to have never been logged this HCV.
and/or is predominantly Stratum I.
Rare, Previously Forests below 200 m a.s.l. All forest area below 200m a.s.l in this All forest harvesting must comply with
threatened & widespread FMU fit to be classified into this HCV. RIL Procedures. Forest Rehabilitation
endangered forest type needs to be carried out where
ecosystems which has appropriate using native species mixed
(HCV 3) been with 15% of tree species identified as
significantly habitat /fruiting trees. Silvicultural
depleted by tending throughout the FMU is very
conversion necessary to enable regeneration
and and/or growth of Potential Crop Trees.
unsustainable Silvicultural climber cutting is done by
harvesting. cutting of larger woody vines &
climbing bamboo (>0.25 cm diameter)
to limit competition with potential crop
trees and enhance light penetration
through the canopy should increase
growth of young shoots. Small vines
remain as food for elephants and other
Severely degraded forests below Intensive Reforestation – small areas
200m a.s.l. (<30 ha) that are severely degraded
(<35 PCTs/ha) are clear-cut while
residual better quality forest areas are
retained for habitat. Clear-cut areas
are planted with fast growing species
(preference for native). 15% of clear-
cut area is to be planted with habitat &
high value dipterocarp species along
the edges bordering the residual forest
areas. Maximum of 60% of the area
within an individual compartment may
be clear-cut. Total area to be clear-cut
must be less than 30% of the net
production area. Compartment level
management plan shall be prepared
based on procedure 015.
Localised Heath forest, forest on ultramafic soils, Kerapah Forest (1,128 ha). Case-by-case.
forest types forest on freshwater swamps, etc. Lowland Ultramafic Forest (5,896
Lowland Ultramafic Forest-Alluvial
(819 ha).
Upland Ultramafic Forest (6,574
Lower Montane Ultramafic Forest
(114 ha).
Lowland Seasonal Freshwater
Swamp Forest (149 ha).
Environmental Water Areas identified as “important water Tangkulap FR - Cpts 22 and 23 near No logging and no roads except
services catchments catchments”, plus all land above 25o Kg Tamoi/Kenang- Kenangan. existing roads where no reasonable
(HCV 4) slope. alternative route is possible.
Soil erosion Areas identified with high erosion risk, Conservation areas and areas >25o No logging or low intensity of
control plus all land above 25o slope, plus slopes. harvesting following RIL methods.
other specific areas where strict control
of land use is necessary to minimise
soil erosion.
Fire barriers Areas where there is believed to be a All compartments bordering with Case-by-case.
high risk of fire spreading during dry villages and plantation estates.
Forests along roads such as, Maxland
Road, Tangkulap-Deramakot Road,
Waja Kaya Road, Bountiful Return
Road, Borneo Glow Road may function
as natural fire barrier.
Local people Forest areas Forest areas used by natives for Cpt 91 adjacent to Kg Entilibon Asal No logging, but enrichment planting
needs used by local legally sanctioned purposes. and and silviculture tending are
(HCV 5) people Cpt 22 near Kg Tamoi/Kenang- encouraged, together with the local
Kenangan. communities.
Cultural Sites “critical” A site is critical when change to a As so far, no important cultural sites Case-by-case
identity to cultural forest can potentially cause an were identified within FMU 17A.
(HCV 6) identity irreversible impact to local culture.