Vickers Hardness and Knoop Hardness of Metallic Materials: Standard Test Methods For
Vickers Hardness and Knoop Hardness of Metallic Materials: Standard Test Methods For
Vickers Hardness and Knoop Hardness of Metallic Materials: Standard Test Methods For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E92 − 23
1. Scope* continued common usage, force values in gf and kgf units are
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the provided for information and much of the discussion in this
Vickers hardness and Knoop hardness of metallic materials by standard as well as the method of reporting the test results
the Vickers and Knoop indentation hardness principles. This refers to these units.
NOTE 1—The Vickers and Knoop hardness numbers were originally
standard provides the requirements for Vickers and Knoop defined in terms of the test force in kilogram-force (kgf) and the surface
hardness machines and the procedures for performing Vickers area or projected area in millimetres squared (mm2). Today, the hardness
and Knoop hardness tests. numbers are internationally defined in terms of SI units, that is, the test
force in Newtons (N). However, in practice, the most commonly used
1.2 This standard includes additional requirements in an- force units are kilogram-force (kgf) and gram-force (gf). When Newton
nexes: units of force are used, the force must be divided by the conversion factor
Verification of Vickers and Knoop Hardness Testing Machines Annex A1 9.80665 N/kgf.
Vickers and Knoop Hardness Standardizing Machines Annex A2
Standardization of Vickers and Knoop Indenters Annex A3
1.7 The test principles, testing procedures, and verification
Standardization of Vickers and Knoop Hardness Test Blocks Annex A4 procedures are essentially identical for both the Vickers and
Correction Factors for Vickers Hardness Tests Made on Annex A5 Knoop hardness tests. The significant differences between the
Spherical and Cylindrical Surfaces
two tests are the geometries of the respective indenters, the
1.3 This standard includes nonmandatory information in an method of calculation of the hardness numbers, and that
appendix which relates to the Vickers and Knoop hardness Vickers hardness may be used at higher force levels than
tests: Knoop hardness.
Examples of Procedures for Determining Vickers and Appendix X1 NOTE 2—While Committee E28 is primarily concerned with metallic
Knoop Hardness Uncertainty materials, the test procedures described are applicable to other materials.
Other materials may require special considerations, for example see
1.4 This test method covers Vickers hardness tests made
C1326 and C1327 for ceramic testing.
utilizing test forces ranging from 9.807 × 10-3 N to 1176.80 N
(1 gf to 120 kgf), and Knoop hardness tests made utilizing test 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
forces from 9.807 × 10-3 N to 19.613 N (1 gf to 2 kgf). safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.5 Additional information on the procedures and guidance priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
when testing in the microindentation force range (forces ≤ 1 mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
kgf) may be found in Test Method E384, Test Method for 1.9 This international standard was developed in accor-
Microindentation Hardness of Materials. dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
1.6 Units—When the Vickers and Knoop hardness tests ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
were developed, the force levels were specified in units of Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
grams-force (gf) and kilograms-force (kgf). This standard mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
specifies the units of force and length in the International Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
System of Units (SI); that is, force in Newtons (N) and length
in mm or µm. However, because of the historical precedent and 2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E28 on
Mechanical Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E28.06 on
Indentation Hardness Testing. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved July 1, 2023. Published August 2023. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1952. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as E92–17. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/E0092-23. the ASTM website.
S? ?D
5.1.1 Step 1—The applicable specified indenter is brought
d̄ 2 d ref into contact with the test specimen in a direction normal to the
E 5 100 × (3)
d ref surface, and the test force F is applied. The test force is held for
where: a specified dwell time and then removed.
d̄ = the average (see 3.3.1) of n diagonal length mea- 5.1.2 Step 2—For the Vickers hardness test, the lengths of
surements made on a standardized test block as the two diagonals are measured and the mean diagonal length
part of a performance verification, and is calculated, which is used to derive the Vickers hardness
dref = the certified diagonal length reported for the stan- value. For the Knoop hardness test, the length of the long
dardized test block. diagonal is measured, which is used to derive the Knoop
|d̄2d ref | = absolute value (non-negative value without regard hardness value.
to its sign) of the difference between d̄ and dref. 5.1.3 Most materials will exhibit some elastic recovery
when the indenter is removed after the loading cycle. However,
4. Significance and Use for the purposes of calculating the hardness results from the
indentation diagonal lengths, it is assumed that the indentation
4.1 Vickers and Knoop hardness tests have been found to be retains the shape of the indenter after the force is removed. In
very useful for materials evaluation, quality control of manu- Knoop testing, it is assumed that the ratio of the long diagonal
facturing processes and research and development efforts. to the short diagonal of the indentation is the same as for the
Hardness, although empirical in nature, can be correlated to indenter.
tensile strength for many metals, and is an indicator of wear
5.2 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall support the
resistance and ductility.
test specimen and control the movement of the indenter into the
4.2 Microindentation hardness tests extend testing to mate- specimen under a preselected test force, and should have a light
rials that are too thin or too small for macroindentation optical microscope to select the desired test location and to
hardness tests. Microindentation hardness tests also allow measure the size of the indentation produced by the test. The
specific phases or constituents and regions or gradients too plane of the surface of the test specimen should be perpendicu-
small for macroindentation hardness testing to be evaluated. lar to the axis of the indenter which is the direction of the force
Recommendations for microindentation testing can be found in application.
Test Method E384. 5.2.1 See the equipment manufacturer’s instruction manual
4.3 Because the Vickers and Knoop hardness will reveal for a description of the machine’s characteristics, limitations,
hardness variations that may exist within a material, a single and respective operating procedures.
test value may not be representative of the bulk hardness. 5.3 Indenters:
9.1.1 The results (see 5.10), the number of tests, and, where 10. Precision and Bias
appropriate, the mean and standard deviation of the results,
10.1 Four separate interlaboratory studies have been con-
9.1.2 Test force,
ducted in accordance with Practice E691 to determine the
9.1.3 The total force application time if outside the limits of precision, repeatability, and reproducibility of this test method.
10 s to 15 s as defined in 7.7.3, The four studies are defined as follows:
9.1.4 Any unusual conditions encountered during the test, (1) Vickers and Knoop tests, six test forces in the micro-
and indentation range, twelve laboratories, manual measurements,
9.1.5 The test temperature, when outside the recommended seven different hardness level test specimens. See Test Method
allowable range of 10 °C to 35 °C (50 °F to 95 °F). E384.
9.2 Reporting Converted Hardness Values—When reporting (2) Vickers and Knoop tests, two test forces in the micro-
hardness values that have been converted from one type of indentation range, seven laboratories, image-analysis and
hardness test or hardness scale to another type of hardness test manual measurements, four different hardness level test speci-
or hardness scale, the original measurement number and test mens. See Test Method E384.
scale shall also be reported (see E140). (3) Vickers and Knoop tests, six test forces in the micro
9.2.1 A common historical practice is to report the con- range, twenty-five laboratories, manual measurements, six
verted hardness value followed by the measured hardness value different hardness level test specimens. See Test Method E384.
given in parentheses. For example: 353 HBW (372 HV), where (4) Vickers tests, four test forces in the macro range, seven
353 HBW is the converted hardness value and 372 HV is the laboratories, manual measurements, three different hardness
original measurement value. level test specimens. See 10.3.
9.2.2 Other formats for reporting converted hardness values, 10.2 Studies 1 through 3—The results and discussion of
such as data tables, may be used, however, the original Studies 1 through 3 are given in Test Method E384.
measurement number and test scale shall also be reported and
clearly identified. 10.3 Study 4—The macroindentation Vickers precision
statement is based on an interlaboratory study of Test Methods
9.3 Reporting Curvature Corrected Hardness Values—
E92, Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic
When reporting Vickers or Knoop hardness test values that
Materials, conducted in 2001. Seven laboratories tested three
have been corrected for testing on cylindrical or spherical
different standard hardness test blocks using macro range test
surfaces (see 6.6), the following information shall be indicated
forces of 1, 5, 10, and 20 kgf. Only four laboratories were also
in the test report or documented in the test lab/customer
able to provide results at 50 kgf test force. Every “test result”
contract or agreement:
represents an individual determination of the Vickers hardness
–the test values are corrected due to testing on a curved
of the material. Each laboratory was asked to report triplicate
test results in order to permit the estimation of intralaboratory
–the source of correction value, if other than the correction
precision. Practice E691 was followed for the design and
tables given in Annex A5 for convex cylindrical surfaces.
analysis of the data; the details are given in ASTM Research
9.4 Since all converted or curvature-corrected hardness Report No. RR: E04-1007.5
values are considered approximate, the reported hardness
values shall be rounded in accordance with the Rounding
Method of Practice E29 and should have no more significant 5
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
digits than is given for the data in the applicable conversion or be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:E04-1007. Contact ASTM Customer
correction table. Service at
(Mandatory Information)
Indirect Recommended every 12 months, or more often if A1.3.3 Verification of the Indentation Measuring System—
Verification needed. Each magnification of the measuring device used to determine
Shall be no longer than every 18 months. the diagonal of the indentation shall be verified at five evenly
When a testing machine is installed or moved, [only a
partial indirect verification is performed by following the spaced intervals over the working range by comparison with an
procedure given in A1.4.5 for verifying the as-found accurate scale such as a stage micrometer. The accuracy of the
Following a direct verification.
certified line interval of the stage micrometer shall be 0.1 µm
To qualify an indenter that was not verified in the last or 0.05 % of any interval, whichever is greater. Throughout the
indirect verification, (only a partial indirect verification is range covered, the difference between the reading of the device
performed, see A1.4.8).
and of the stage shall not exceed 0.4 µm or 0.5 %, whichever
Periodic Required within a week prior to the machine being used. is greater.
Verification Recommended each day that the machine is used.
Required whenever the machine is moved. A1.3.4 Verification of the Testing Cycle—The testing ma-
Recommended whenever the indenter or test force is chine shall be verified to be capable of meeting the testing
changed. cycle tolerances specified in 7.7. Direct verification of the
testing cycle is to be verified by the testing machine manufac-
turer at the time of manufacture, or when the testing machine
is returned to the manufacturer for repair, or when a problem
with the testing cycle is suspected. Verification of the testing
6 2.0 °C or 6 3.6 °F. It is recommended that the temperature
cycle is recommended but not required as part of the direct
be monitored throughout the verification period, and significant
verification at other times.
temperature variations be recorded and reported. The tempera-
A1.3.4.1 Instruments that have timing controlled by soft-
ture at the verification site does not need to be measured for a
ware or other nonadjustable components do not have to be
periodic verification or when qualifying additional user’s
verified providing that the design has been proven to produce
indenters in accordance with A1.4.8.
NOTE A1.1—It is recommended that the calibration agency that is used
the correct testing cycle.
to conduct the verifications of Vickers or Knoop hardness testing A1.3.5 Direct Verification Failure—If any of the direct
machines in accordance with this standard be accredited to the require- verifications fail the specified requirements, the testing ma-
ments of ISO/IEC 17025 (or an equivalent) by an accrediting body
recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation chine shall not be used until it is adjusted or repaired. If the test
(ILAC) as operating to the requirements of ISO/EC 17011. forces, indentation measuring system or testing cycle may have
NOTE A1.2—A valid and current certificate/scope of accreditation to been affected by an adjustment or repair, the affected compo-
conduct verifications of Vickers or Knoop hardness testing machines in nents shall be verified again by a direct verification.
accordance with Test Method E384 is considered equivalent to a
certificate/scope of accreditation to conduct verifications of Vickers or A1.3.6 Indirect Verification—Following a successful direct
Knoop hardness testing machines in accordance with this standard for the verification, an indirect verification according to A1.4 shall be
force levels listed on the certificate/scope. performed.
A1.3 Direct Verification A1.4 Indirect Verification
A1.3.1 A direct verification of the testing machine shall be A1.4.1 An indirect verification of the testing machine shall
performed at specific instances in accordance with Table A1.1. be performed in accordance with the schedule given in Table
The test forces, indentation measuring system, testing cycle, A1.1. Indirect verifications may be required more frequently
and indenters shall be verified as follows. than stated in Table A1.1 and should be based on the usage of
NOTE A1.3—Direct verification is a useful tool for determining the
the testing machine.
sources of error in a Knoop or Vickers hardness testing machine.
A1.3.2 Verification of the Test Forces—Each Vickers and/or A1.4.2 The testing machine shall be verified for each test
Knoop test force that will be used shall be measured. The test force and for each indenter that will be used prior to the next
forces shall be measured by means of a Class A elastic force indirect verification. Hardness tests made using test force and
measuring instrument, as described in Practice E74, or an indenter combinations that have not been verified within the
equivalent. schedule given in Table A1.1 do not meet this standard.
A1.3.2.1 Make three measurements of each force. The A1.4.3 Standardized test blocks used for the indirect veri-
forces shall be measured as they are applied during testing; fication shall meet the requirements of Annex A4.
however, longer dwell times are allowed when necessary to NOTE A1.4—It is recognized that appropriate standardized test blocks
enable the measuring device to obtain accurate measurements. are not available for all geometric shapes, materials, or hardness ranges.
A1.3.2.2 Each test force F shall meet the requirements A1.4.4 The indenter(s) to be used for the indirect verifica-
specified in Table A1.2. tion shall meet the requirements of Annex A3.
A3.1 Scope directly verified before placing into service. The instruments
A3.1.1 This Annex specifies the requirements and proce- used to verify the geometrical features of the indenter shall
dures to manufacture and standardize the Vickers and Knoop have a maximum expanded uncertainty (k=2) as specified in
diamond indenters. Table A3.1.
A3.1.2 The Annex covers two levels of diamond indenters, A3.4 Class B Vickers Indenter
designated by this standard as Class B and Class A indenters. A3.4.1 The Class B Vickers diamond indenter, see Fig.
Class B indenters are intended for everyday use with hardness A3.1, used for standard testing and indirect verifications shall
testing machines. Class A indenters are intended for the have face angles of 136° 0' 6 30'. The four faces of the
standardization of test blocks in accordance with Annex A4. diamond shall be equally inclined to the axis of the indenter to
A3.1.3 Adherence to this standard and annex provides within 6 30'.
traceability to national standards, except as stated otherwise. A3.4.2 As an alternate, the 136° face angles may be verified
A3.1.4 Indenters that were standardized to Test Method by measuring the angles between the opposite edges rather than
E384 by a laboratory accredited in accordance with A3.2.1 the faces. When measured, the edge angles shall be 148° 6' 36''
prior to the release of this edition of Test Methods E92 may be 6 45' and equally inclined to the axis of the indenter within
used to satisfy the requirements of this edition provided that 6 30'.
they meet all of the requirements of Test Method E384-09 or a A3.4.3 The face junction offset, see Fig. A3.1, shall not
later revision. exceed 1 µm when testing with test forces of 1 kgf and greater.
When testing with forces less than 1 kgf, the offset shall not
A3.2 Accreditation
exceed 0.5 µm.
A3.2.1 The agency conducting the standardizations of in-
A3.4.4 As an alternate, it is permissible to verify the face
denters shall be accredited to the requirements of ISO 17025
junction offset by using a microscope with at least 500×
(or an equivalent) by an accrediting body recognized by the
magnification to view an indentation created by the indenter
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) as
and compare the offset length to a known dimension.
operating to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. The standard-
izing laboratory shall have a certificate of accreditation stating A3.5 Class A Vickers Indenter
the class and types of indenters that are covered by the
A3.5.1 The Class A Vickers diamond indenter used for the
accreditation. Only indenters of the class and types within the
standardization of test blocks shall have face angles of 136° 0'
laboratory’s scope of accreditation are considered to meet this
6 6'. The face angles shall be equally inclined to the axis of the
standard, except as stated below.
indenter within 6 15'.
A3.2.2 A laboratory that was accredited in accordance with
A3.5.2 As an alternate, the 136° face angles may be verified
A3.2.1 to standardize indenters prior to the release of this
by measuring the angles between the opposite edges rather than
edition of Test Methods E92 having a valid and current
the faces. When measured, the edge angles shall be 148° 6' 36''
certificate/scope of accreditation that references Test Method
6 9', and equally inclined to the axis of the indenter within
E384 is considered to satisfy the accreditation requirements of
6 30'.
this edition.
A3.5.3 The face junction offset shall not exceed 0.3 µm.
A3.3 General Requirements
A3.6 Class B Knoop Indenter
A3.3.1 Vickers Indenter—The ideal Vickers indenter is a
highly polished, pointed, square-based pyramidal diamond A3.6.1 The Class B Knoop diamond indenter, see Fig. A3.2,
with face angles of 136° 0'. used for standard testing and indirect verifications shall have an
included longitudinal edge angle A of 172° 30' 6 6', and a
A3.3.2 Knoop Indenter—The ideal Knoop indenter is a corresponding edge angle B of 130° 6 1°. The two angle A
highly polished, pointed, rhombic-based, pyramidal diamond. edges of the diamond shall be equally inclined to the axis of the
The included longitudinal edge angles are 172° 30' and 130° 0'.
A3.3.3 The four faces of the Vickers or Knoop indenter
shall be equally inclined to the axis of the indenter and shall
meet at a sharp point. TABLE A3.1 Maximum Expanded Uncertainty of Instruments for
Verifying the Geometrical Features of Knoop and Vickers
A3.3.4 All instruments used to make measurements re- Indenters
quired by this Annex shall be calibrated traceable to national Maximum Expanded
standards where a system of traceability exists, except as noted Geometrical Feature Indenter Class
Uncertainty (k=2)
otherwise. Angles A and B 0.07°
Junction offset B 0.5 µm
A3.3.5 Verification of Indenters—The geometry of all Junction offset A 0.3 µm
classes of Vickers and Knoop diamond indenters shall be
indenter to within 6 30', and the two angle B edges of the A3.9 Certificate
diamond shall be equally inclined to the axis of the indenter to
A3.9.1 Each class A or class B indenter shall have a
within 6 30'.
calibration certificate with the following information (see
A3.6.2 The indenter constant (cP) shall be 0.07028 within A3.1.4).
6 1 %.
A3.9.1.1 Reference to this ASTM test method.
A3.6.3 The face junction offset shall not be more than 1 µm A3.9.1.2 Serial number of the indenter.
in length for indentations greater than 15 µm in length, as
shown in Fig. A3.2. For shorter indentations the offset should A3.9.1.3 Date of standardization.
be proportionally less. (See A3.4.4.) A3.9.1.4 Type (Vickers or Knoop) and class of the indenter
(class A or class B).
A3.7 Class A Knoop Indenter A3.9.1.5 The results of all geometric verifications.
A3.7.1 The Class A Knoop diamond indenter used for the A3.9.1.6 For Class B Vickers indenter: lowest test force that
standardization of test blocks shall meet the requirements of a can be used (1 gf or 1 kgf, dependent on junction offset value).
Class B Knoop indenter as given in A3.6, and have an indenter
A3.9.1.7 For Class B Knoop indenter: smallest indentation
constant of 0.07028 6 0.5 %. The offset shall not exceed 0.5
allowed to be made (dependent on junction offset value).
A3.9.1.8 A statement declaring that the indenter meets all of
A3.8 Marking the geometric requirements for the type and class of indenter.
A3.8.1 All indenters shall be serialized. When it is not A3.9.1.9 Accreditation agency certification number.
practical to mark the serial number on the indenter due to size
limitations, the serial number shall be marked on the container.
A4.1 Scope tion diagonal(s). The mean, centerline average, surface rough-
A4.1.1 This Annex specifies the requirements and proce- ness height measurement of the test surface shall not exceed
dures for the standardization of Vickers and Knoop hardness 0.1 µm (4 µin.).
test blocks that are traceable to specific hardness standards. A4.3.6 Repolishing of the test block will invalidate the
These standardized test blocks are to be used for the verifica- standardization and is not recommended. Cleaning of the
tion of the performance of Vickers and Knoop testing machines polished test block surface is often required in normal usage
by way of periodic verifications and indirect verifications as but must not alter the hardness or quality of the polished test
described in Annex A1. surface.
A4.1.2 Test blocks that were standardized by a laboratory A4.4 Standardizing Tester Requirements
accredited in accordance with A4.2.1 to Test Methods E92 or
Test Method E384 prior to the release of this edition of Test A4.4.1 The standardization of the hardness test blocks shall
Methods E92 may be used to satisfy the requirements of this be performed with a Knoop or Vickers hardness standardizing
edition provided that they meet all of the requirements of Test machine that meets all of the requirements of Annex A2.
Methods E92 (2003) or Test Method E384-09 or later revi- A4.4.2 Indenters—Class A Vickers and Knoop indenters as
sions. specified in Annex A3 shall be used.
A4.2 Accreditation A4.4.3 Testing Cycle—The test force application time shall
A4.2.1 The agency conducting the standardizations of test be between 5 and 7 seconds. The test force dwell time shall be
blocks shall be accredited to the requirements of ISO/IEC between 13 and 15 seconds.
17025 (or an equivalent) by an accrediting body recognized by A4.5 Test Block Standardization Procedure
the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
(ILAC) as operating to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. A4.5.1 Make a minimum of five hardness measurements
The standardizing agency shall have a certificate/scope of arranged as follows on the surface of the test block- one
accreditation stating the Vickers and Knoop hardness scales indentation near the center of each of the four quadrants of the
that are covered by the accreditation, and the standards to block and the fifth near the center of the test block. When more
which the test block standardizations are traceable. than five indents are done, they shall be arranged around the
test surface in a similar manner.
A4.2.2 A laboratory that was accredited in accordance with
A4.2.1 to standardize test blocks prior to the release of this A4.5.2 Adjust the illumination for the measuring system to
edition of Test Methods E92 having a valid and current produce uniform intensity over the field of view and optimum
certificate/scope of accreditation that references Test Method contrast between the indents and the block surface.
E384 are considered to satisfy the accreditation requirements A4.5.3 Measure the length of the Knoop longitudinal
of this edition. diagonal, or the average length of the Vickers diagonals of each
A4.3 Test Block Manufacture indentation. Record the data by location and by block.
A4.3.1 The test block thickness shall be greater than twenty A4.6 Repeatability of the Standardized Test Block
times the depth of the indentation made with the certified test A4.6.1 Let d1, d2,..., d5 be the five indentation diagonal
force. measurement values, and d̄ be the average of the five measure-
A4.3.2 The test block material and manufacturing processes ments calculated using Eq 1. Determine the repeatability R of
shall be chosen to produce the required degree of homogeneity, the calibration measurements using Eq 2. The repeatability R is
structural stability and uniformity of hardness at the prepared an indication of the hardness homogeneity of the test block,
surface. although R is influenced by all of the variables that affect the
A4.3.3 Ferromagnetic test blocks shall be demagnetized by repeatability of test results. The repeatability R shall be within
the manufacturer and shall be maintained in that condition by the tolerances of the applicable Table A4.1 or Table A4.2,
the user. which list the required maximum R values for test blocks by
indenter type, test force range and hardness range. The mea-
A4.3.4 The test block support surface shall have a finely sured R value shall be less than these limits for it to be
ground surface finish. The maximum deviation from flatness of considered sufficiently uniform enough in hardness to function
the test and support surfaces shall not exceed 5 µm. The as a standardized test block.
maximum error in parallelism shall not exceed 15 µm in 30
mm. A4.7 Marking
A4.3.5 The test block test surface shall be polished accord- A4.7.1 Each block shall be permanently marked with the
ing to the procedures in Methods E3 to yield the true name or identifying mark of the standardizing agency, an
microstructure, free from scratches that would interfere with appropriate identifying serial number and a mark on the test
production of the indentation or measurement of the indenta- surface that will be obliterated if the surface is repolished.
TABLE A4.2 Repeatability of Diagonal Measurements for A4.8 Certification of Standardized Test Block
Standardized Test Blocks Calibrated in the Macroindentation
Force Ranges (> 1 kgf)A A4.8.1 At a minimum the certificate accompanying each
Hardness Range of Standardized standardized hardness test block shall include the following
Force, kgf Maximum, R%
Test Blocks information. (See A4.1.2.)
100 to 240 inclusive >1 3 A4.8.1.1 The mean diagonal length and location of each of
Over 240 to 600 inclusive >1 2 the standardizing indentations.
Over 600 >1 1.5
A4.8.1.2 The average value of all the indentation mean
In all cases, the repeatability limit is the greater of the percentage given or 0.001
mm (1 µm).
diagonal lengths, and the corresponding hardness value.
A4.8.1.3 The test force.
A4.8.1.4 The serial number of the test block.
A4.8.1.5 The name of the manufacturer and standardizing
A4.7.2 When the test blocks are encapsulated in a mounting A4.8.1.6 The magnification used to measure the standard-
medium, the markings listed in A4.7.1 shall be permanently izing indents.
placed on the surface of the medium that contains the test A4.8.1.7 The date of standardization.
surface. A4.8.1.8 Reference to this ASTM test method.
A4.8.1.9 Value of the uncertainty in the standardized value
A4.7.3 Each of the calibration measurements shall be iden- with an explanation of how the uncertainty was calculated.
tified so that they can be located by the user. A4.8.1.10 Accreditation agency certification number.
A5.1 Tables A5.1-A5.3 provide correction factors that shall Example A5.2
be applied to Vickers hardness values obtained when tests are Concave Cylinder, One Diagonal Parallel to Axis
Diameter of cylinder, D = 5 mm, Force, F = 30 kgf
made on spherical or cylindrical surfaces. The correction Mean diagonal of impression, d = 0.415 mm
factors are tabulated in terms of the ratio of the mean diagonal d/D = 0.415/5 = 0.083
d of the indentation to the diameter D of the sphere or cylinder. From Eq 7 and Table 2, HV = 323
From Table A5.3, correction factor = 1.075
Examples of the use of these tables are given in Example A5.1 Hardness of cylinder = 323 × 1.075 = 347 HV 30
and A5.2.
Example A5.1
NOTE A5.1—A method for correcting Vickers hardness readings taken
Convex Sphere on spherical or cylindrical surfaces can be found in the International
Diameter of sphere, D = 10 mm, Force, F = 10 kgf Organization for Standardization (ISO) Vickers Hardness Standard (ISO
Mean diagonal of impression, d = 0.150 mm 6507-1).
d/D = 0.150/10 = 0.015
From Eq 7 and Table 2, HV = 824
From Table A5.1, by interpolation, correction factor = 0.983
Hardness of sphere = 824 × 0.983 = 810 HV 10
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Scope the hardness measurement values and the certified hardness
X1.1.1 The intent of this appendix is to provide a basic value of the reference block. The procedure described in
approach to evaluating the uncertainty of Vickers and Knoop section X1.6 provides a method for determining the uncertainty
hardness measurement values in order to simplify and unify the in the hardness measurement error EH of the hardness machine.
interpretation of uncertainty by users of Vickers and Knoop The uncertainty value may be reported on the verification
hardness. certificate and report, and is useful to users in determining their
own measurement uncertainty.
X1.1.2 This appendix provides basic procedures for deter-
X1.1.2.2 Hardness Value Measured by a User (see
mining the uncertainty of the following values of hardness:
X1.7)—The procedure provides a method for determining the
X1.1.2.1 The Hardness Machine Error Determined as Part
uncertainty in the hardness values measured by a user during
of an Indirect Verification (see X1.6)—As part of an indirect
the normal use of a hardness machine. The user may report the
verification, a number of hardness measurements are made on
uncertainty value with the measurement value.
a reference test block. According to Annex A1, the error E is
calculated as a percent (%) error based on diagonal lengths, X1.1.2.3 Certified Value of a Hardness Test Block (see
and not hardness values (see Eq 3). Determining the uncer- X1.8)—The procedure provides a method for determining the
tainty of this value is difficult since, in addition to the uncertainty in the certified value of standardized test blocks.
resolution of the indentation measuring system, the uncertainty The standardizing agency may report the uncertainty value on
depends on the force application, indenter geometry and other the test block certificate.
parameters, but it provides little information to the customer. A NOTE X1.1—When calculated, uncertainty values reported by a field
better indication of measurement uncertainty is the uncertainty calibration agency (see X1.6) are not the measurement uncertainties of the
of the difference, or hardness error EH, between the average of hardness machine in operation, but only that of the measurements made at
STDEV ~ H 1 , H 2 , … , H n ! 5 Œ~ H 1 2 H̄ ! 1· · ·1 ~ H n 2 H̄ !
2 uncertainty u1, u2, …, un, such that:
u c 5 =u 21 1u 22 1· · ·1u 2n (X1.3)
(X1.2) X1.4.2 Measurement uncertainty is usually expressed as an
where H̄ is the average of the set of n hardness measure- expanded uncertainty U which is calculated by multiplying the
ments H1, H2, …, Hn as defined in Eq X1.1.
combined standard uncertainty uc by a numerical coverage
X1.2.3 The absolute value (ABS) of a number is the mag- factor k, such that:
nitude of the value irrespective of the sign, for example:
U 5 k × uc (X1.4)
ABS(0.12) = 0.12
and X1.4.3 A coverage factor is chosen that depends on how
ABS(–0.12) = 0.12 well the standard uncertainty was estimated (number of
Committee E28 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E92–17)
that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) 6.6 was revised. (3) 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 were added.
(2) 8.1 was revised.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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