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CoB - Rulebook - 285x210mm (28 Pages)

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Components 1

164 hex tiles:

1 7x 8 buildings (40 beige, 16 black)
2 7x 4 livestock (20 green, 8 black)
3 12 mines (10 gray, 2 black)
4 26 ships (20 blue, 6 black) 4

5 26 monasteries (20 yellow, 6 black) 6

6 16 castles (14 burgundy, 2 black) 5

4 help sheets

1 rulebook
1 game board (double-sided)

• 20 double-sided duchy boards

(5 boards in 4 copies, #1-10)
• 4 player boards
• 4 player board overlays

26 worker tokens 42 trade goods tiles 12 bonus tiles 24 silver coins 4 cloth bags
(square, 7 per color) (2 in 6 colors)

4 turn order 9 dice (2 each in 4 victory point tiles 4 victory point 4 plastic bases
markers the 4 player colors, (100/200 points in each markers for victory point
(1 in each of the plus 1 white) of the 4 player colors) (1 in each of the markers
4 players colors) 4 player colors)

Worker tokens and silver coins are not intentionally limited.

If you run out of these, feel free to use substitutes.
1 2
1 16 double-sided duchy boards
(4 boards in 4 copies, #11-18) (1st Expansion)
2 4 double-sided duchy boards
(1 board in 4 copies, #19-20):
"Championship German Board (2013)",
"Championship German Board (2016)"
(3rd and 7th Expansion)
3 16 double-sided duchy boards 3 4
(4 boards in 4 copies, #23-30):
"The Border Posts" (4th Expansion)
4 4 double-sided duchy boards
(1 board in 4 copies, #21-22)
(Special Edition)

1 double-sided duchy board : 4 double-sided boards: 12 additional tiles:

"The Solo Game" (#33-34) "The Team Game" (#31a, 31b, 32a, 32b) "The Trade Routes"
(10th Expansion) (9th Expansion) (8th Expansion)

4 additional hex tiles 9 additional hex tiles: 5 additional hex tiles: 18 shield tiles 2 border post
(2nd Expansion) "The White Castles" "The Inns" ("Shield Expansion") bonus tiles
(5th Expansion) (6th Expansion)

"Châteauma" components are listed on page 22 of this rulebook.



1 vineyard store 51 double hex tiles 4 vineyard boards 16 castle miniatures

24 vine bonus tiles

1 vineyard depot (6 types) 1 cloth bag 4 victory point miniatures 3
t is the 15th Century in Burgundy, Central France. As an influential duke, it Players take on the role of 15th
century dukes of Burgundy.
is your goal to lead your estates to prosperity through strategic expansion
and trade. Over the course of 5 phases,
players score victory points
Roll your dice to reveal your options and find a strategy that will lead you to through trading, farming,
victory. Whether trading or farming, building or research, many different paths building, or scientific research.
lead to prosperity and prestige. The player with the most victory
There are many ways to gain victory points in this building game. Choose your points at the end of the game is
strategy wisely! Thanks to the variety of duchies, "The Castles of Burgundy" the winner.
offers endless variation and remains challenging even for experienced players.
The winner is the player with the most victory points at the end of the game.

Game Setup
(Before playing for the first time, carefully remove all tiles from the punchboards.)
Lay the game board in the middle of the play area. The 3 and 4-player side shows:
A. Central black depot G. 6 bonus tile spaces
B. Turn order track H. 6 numbered depots (1-6), each with four
C. Victory point track (0-100) colored hex tile spaces and 1 large space
for goods tiles
D. 5 round spaces
I. Inn space (used in "The Inns" expansion)
E. 5 phase spaces
J. Border post bonus tile slot
F. Victory point table
(used in "The Border Posts" expansion)
The back side shows the game board for the 2-player game (marked with ).
The only difference is the number of hex tiles per depot, including the black depot.
See page 10 for more details.



If you are reading this manual for the first time, we recommend ignoring the text in the margin of each page.
That text serves as a quick rules reference after taking a longer break from the game.
Space for Spaces for Plastic
duchy board rolled dice overlay


Space Space for Player

for silver white die board

Spaces for
used dice

Space Place the 24 silver coins,

for worker
tokens 26 worker tokens, the white
Space for die, and 164 hex tiles face-down
bonus tiles
next to the game board.
Place 5 stacks of 5 goods tiles
3 storage
spaces for face-down on spaces A-E.
goods tiles
Place 2 stacks of 6 bonus tiles
Hex tile onto the corresponding spaces
storage spaces
("key spaces") on the game board.
Sold goods Each player receives:
(placed below "The Border Posts" expansion symbol
the player board) (not used in the base game) • 1 player board
• 1 duchy board
1. Place the game board on the appropriate side. The side for 2 players is • 1 starting castle
• 3 random goods tiles
marked with .
• 1 help sheet
2. Place the 24 silver coins and 26 worker tokens as well as the white die next • 2 dice of their chosen color
to the game board. • 1 victory point marker
3. Divide the 164 hex tiles by the color of their back. Then place the livestock • 1 turn order marker
(green), buildings (beige), monasteries (yellow), and black depot (black) hex • 1 victory point tile
tiles into their corresponding cloth bags. • 1 silver coin
4. Place the castles (burgundy), ships (blue), and mine (gray) hex tiles Determine the starting player
in face-up piles next to the game board. and distribute 1 to 4 workers
Note: All the divided hex tiles create a supply. in clockwise order.
5. Shuffle the 42 trade goods tiles (square tiles) face down. Then divide Place the turn order markers
25 of them into 5 face-down stacks of 5 tiles. Place one stack on each of on the turn order track.
the 5 phase spaces lettered A through E on the game board. Set aside The starting player receives
the remaining 17 tiles in a face-down pile. the white die.
6. Place the 12 bonus tiles on their corresponding spaces on the game board.
On each space, stack 2 tiles of the matching color with the "5/6/7" tile on the top.
7. Each player chooses a color and takes:
– The player board, dice, turn order marker, and victory point marker
in the chosen color.
– One random duchy board. Choose its side and place it on your player
board. Then cover it with a player board overlay.
Note: If you are playing for the first time, we recommend taking the duchy board num-
bered 1 or 2 (with each player taking the same number).
– 3 random goods tiles from the 17 remaining goods tiles; place them face-up on the goods storage spaces in
the bottom left of your player board. Stack any goods tiles with the same number on top of each other. Put any
remaining goods tiles back into the box as they won't be needed for this game.
– 1 help sheet; place it next to your player board. The help sheet explains the actions you may take during your
turn and the benefits of placing specific tiles.
– 1 silver coin; place it on the appropriate space in the top left of your player board.
8. Each player places their victory point marker at the start of the victory point track (on the space between 1 and 100).
9. Each player rolls a die to determine the starting player (highest result wins). That player receives 1 worker and
places it on the appropriate space on the left side of their player board. The next player in clockwise order receives
2 workers, the third player gets 3, and the fourth player gets 4. The starting player now places their turn order
marker on the first space of the turn order track in the bottom right of the game board. The other players stack
their markers underneath in turn order (the last player is on the bottom).
Note: The turn order may change during the game when a player builds a ship tile. Turns may not always go in clockwise order.
10. Take 1 castle (burgundy hex tile) and place it face-up on the chosen burgundy space on your duchy board (all play-
ers do this simultanously). If you're playing for the first time and chose the duchy number 1 or 2, we recommend
placing the castle on the hex space numbered 6 in the center of your duchy.
11. Give the white die to the starting player. 5
Playing the Game
The game consists of 5 phases, lettered A to E, starting with phase A. Each phase At the beginning of each phase:
consists of 5 rounds. • Remove all hex tiles
At the beginning of each phase, do the following: from the game board.
• Replenish hex tiles using tiles
1. Remove all hex tiles that are still on the game board and put them back into from the supply.
the game box (skip this step at the beginning of phase A). • Replenish goods on
Important: Don’t remove any goods from the depots! the 5 round spaces.

2. One by one, replenish the hex spaces of the six numbered depots from
the supply with random hex tiles of the corresponding color. Turn them
face up.
Note: Some spaces on the board for 3-4 players are marked "4". Only replenish these
spaces if you are playing with 4 players. There is also one special place marked "3BD".
This space is replenished normally in 4-player games (with a castle tile), but in 3-player
games, during phases B and D, place a mine tile there instead of a castle.
3. Replenish spaces of the central black depot using random hex tiles with
black backs. Turn them face up.
4. Take the stack of 5 goods from the current phase space and place them
face-up on the 5 round spaces.
THE FIVE GAME ROUNDS All players roll simultaneously.
After setting up the new phase, you play 5 rounds. Each round plays the same: The starting player places
First, all players roll their two dice. The starting player (the one that is furthest in the goods tile indicated by
front on the turn order track – or on the top if tied) also rolls the white die. Each the white die.
player places their dice on the dice spaces of their player board. All dice must be
visible for all players.
Note: Rolling dice simultaneously allows other players to plan while waiting for their turn.
The starting player begins the round. First, they take the first (starting from
the bottom) face-up goods tile from the round spaces and place it on the depot
that matches the result of the white die. The white die’s job is done for this
round. The starting player may not use it for a game action during their turn
(and its result cannot be changed by using a worker).
Then, the starting player plays their turn. After the starting player’s turn, the player
next in turn order, according to the turn order track, takes their turn (this will be
the player closer to the tower at the end of the track – top to bottom if there is a tie).
When all players have finished their turns, the next round begins, and so on.
Since you start each phase with 5 goods tiles on the turn spaces and each round,
one of them is placed on a depot, you can always see what round you are in and
how many are left during the current phase (and game).
A PLAYER’S TURN Each player in turn order takes
During each of their turns, a player can take two game actions, one for each die. two actions with their dice.
Used dice are placed on the used dice spots on their player board. Use workers to increase or
Worker tokens can be used at any time to change the result of your die. To use decrease a die's result by 1
a worker, return it to the supply next to the game board. Each worker you use for each worker (may change
a 1 to 6 or vice versa).
increases or decreases the result by 1. You may use a worker to change the result
from 1 to 6 or vice versa. You may use multiple workers to change a result. Using
workers is not an action.
Example: By using 2 workers, Anna changes a 2 into a 6, and then takes a hex tile
from the 6 depot.

You have one action per die. Each of your 2 die actions per turn may be taken
in any combination and order (you may also take the same action twice).
There are 4 types of actions you can take with your die:
• Take a hex tile from the game board.
• Place a hex tile in your duchy.
• Sell goods (see page 10).
• Take 2 workers (see page 10).

Choose a hex tile from the numbered depot matching your die result. THE GAME BOARD
The chosen hex tile is placed on an empty storage space ("key spaces") in the bot- The die result indicates
tom right of your player board (they never go directly in your duchy). which depot to take from. Place
the tile on an empty key space
Note: If you don’t have an empty space, you must first create space by discarding
in the bottom right of your
a hex tile from your board (put it back into the game box). player board.
Hint: This is usually a bad idea and should be avoided.
Choose one of your hex tiles in your player board storage (bottom right) IN YOUR DUCHY
and place it on an empty hex space in your duchy that matches the die result The die result indicates
and the tile color. You must place the tile on a space directly adjacent to at least which unused hex space to fill.
Place a hex tile on a matching
one previously placed tile. The hex tile’s color must always match the color of
color adjacent to a previously
the hex space. placed tile.
Note: The very first time you take this action, you must place the tile on one of
the spaces next to your starting castle.
Depending on the hex tile you placed, one of the following will happen immediately:
Monastery (yellow)
The game features 26 different monastery tiles. Many of them have continuous ef- Monastery (yellow):
fects that change the rules of the game after placing them in a duchy. Others have no See pages 11 and 12.
effect until final scoring. Their advantages are explained in detail on pages 11 and 12. 1

Ship (blue)
Whenever you place a ship in your duchy, two things happen immediately: Ships (blue):
1. Choose any depot on the game board and take all the goods tiles from 1. Take all goods tiles
from a depot of your
that depot, then place those tiles on your goods storage spaces
choice and place them
in the bottom left of your player board. in your goods storage.
Important: You may choose any depot! You don’t have to choose the one that matches 2. Advance your
the result of the die you used to place the ship. marker on the turn
order track by one
Players may store up to three different types (colors) of goods on their player space.
board. Tiles of the same color are placed in stacks. Tiles of different colors
must be placed on different storage spaces. If, due to this restriction, a player
is unable to place a goods tile on one of their storage spaces, that tile remains
in the depot.
Example: Carla placed a ship. She now takes goods tiles from the depot: the turquoise
one (stacking it on top of her other turquoise goods tile) as well as one more
(either the pink or the brown one), which she places on her only empty storage space.
2. Then, advance your marker on the turn order track by one space.
If that space is already occupied, place your marker on top of the others.
If you are now the starting player, take the white die.
Castle (burgundy) Castles (burgundy):
Whenever you place a castle tile in your duchy, you immediately take an additional Take an immediate
additional action as
action, just as if you had another die with your choice of result at your disposal.
if you have a die with
For example, you could immediately place another hex tile in your duchy, or take your choice of result.
2 worker tokens, etc.

Mine (gray)
Mines are tiles with no immediate effect when they are placed. At the end of each
Mine (gray):
phase you gain one silver coin from the supply for each mine in your duchy. Gain 1 silver coin per
Livestock (green) mine at the end of
Whenever you place a livestock tile in your duchy, you immediately score victory each phase.
points. Each tile shows 2-4 livestock, which is the amount of victory points you score.
Additionally, if you already have at least one other tile with the same livestock in
the same pasture (a contiguous area of green hex spaces), you also score victory
points for those other tiles (see example below). Livestock
Note: Your previously placed livestock tiles are not required to be adjacent to (green):
the newly placed tile – they must only be on the same pasture. You do not score addi- Score victory points
according to the number
tional victory points for livestock on different pastures.
of livestock on the tile.
Example: Ben places the 4 cow tile at the top of his pasture in which he already When expanding a herd:
has a 3 cow and a 3 sheep. He scores 7 victory points for the 4 cow and the 3 cow add victory points
already in that pasture. Later in the game, if he places another 4 cow tile on for previously
the same pasture he would score 11 victory points (4+4+3). If he places a 2 sheep placed livestocks
tile on the pasture, he would score 5 victory points (2 for the sheep tile he places and of the same type in
3 for the sheep tile already on the pasture). the same pasture.

You may never have more

than one building of each
Buildings (beige) type per town!
Whenever you place a building in your duchy, you may immediately – and only once
– use that building’s effect (as indicated by the symbols on the overview board).
Important: Each of the eight building types may be built only once per town Market
(a contiguous area of beige spaces). Depending on the duchy, there might be Take a livestock
2-6 towns of various sizes (1-8 spaces). or a ship tile from
the game board.
Note: If you look closely you can see representations of the tile's abilities. For exam-
ple, the church shows the colors of the mine, monastery, and castle tiles; the bank
features two towers with silver roofs; and the castle shows a die.
When you place a market in your duchy, you may immediately take a ship (blue) Take a building
or livestock (green) tile from any of the six depots (except the central black depot) of your choice from
and place it on an empty key space in the bottom right of your player board. the game board.
Carpenter’s Workshop
When you place a carpenter’s workshop in your duchy, you may immediately
take a beige building tile from any of the six depots on the game board (except Church
the central black depot) and place it on an empty key space in the bottom right of Take a mine,
your player board. monastery or castle
tile from the game
When you place a church in your duchy, you may immediately take a mine
(gray), monastery (yellow), or castle (burgundy) tile from any of the six depots
on the game board (except the central black depot) and place it on an empty key
space in the bottom right of your player board.
When you place a warehouse in your duchy, you may immediately (without having Warehouse
to use a die) choose a type of goods tile you own and sell that stack, just as if you Sell a goods type
had taken the “Sell goods” action (see page 10). of your choice.

Boarding house Boarding

When you place a boarding house in your duchy, immediately gain 4 worker ? house
tokens from the supply.
4 worker
When you place a bank in your duchy, immediately gain 2 silver coins from
the supply. Gain
Town hall 2 silver
When you place a town hall in your duchy, you may immediately choose a second
hex tile from your storage and place it in your duchy. Placing the tile triggers its Town hall
effect, as usual. Place
an additional
Watchtower hex tile.
When you place a watchtower in your duchy, you immediately score 4 victory points.
The following applies to every building you place: Score
• A building’s additional benefit is triggered by placing it. You don’t need an ad- 4 victory
ditional die result or action!
• If you are unable to use a building’s effect immediately (for example, when you 4
place a market but there are no green or blue tiles in any of the six depots), you may
still place that building, without resolving its ability.
Additional effects of buildings
• Whenever you take a hex tile from the game board, you must always place it Never place hex tiles from
on one of your key spaces in the bottom right of your player board. This also the game board directly in
applies if you use your second action to place that tile in your duchy. your duchy.
• Any tiles that have been placed in a duchy are permanent. They may not be Tiles that have been placed
moved, removed, or replaced. in a duchy cannot be removed.

HEX TILE SCORING: Hex tile scoring:

• As soon as a colored area – regardless of its size – is completely covered with 1. Depending on its size
hex tiles, the area is considered complete and you score victory points in two (1-8 spaces): 1-36 victory points
different ways: 2. Depending on current phase
(A-E): 10-2 victory points
– Depending on its size (1 to 8 spaces), the completed area gains 1-36 victory
points, and you immediately advance that many spaces on the victory
point track.
– Additionally, a completed area gains between 10 and 2 additional victory
points, depending on the current phase: the empty phase space in the top
left of the game board indicating the current phase shows how many
additional victory points each completed area (regardless of size) scores
from 10 in phase A to 2 in phase E.
Note: Starting castles do not score, even if they were placed on the 1 space area. The first player to cover every
Bonus tiles: The first player who manages to completely cover all spaces of one col- space of a particular color in their
or in their duchy (for example, by placing their third mine or sixth monastery) gets duchy gets the first bonus tile and
scores +5/6/7 VP.
to take and immediately score the corresponding bonus tile from the game board
(5 victory points in a 2-player game, 6 in a 3-player game, or 7 in a 4-player game).
The player who covers all
The second player who completes that same color in their duchy receives the spaces of a color in their
the small bonus tile and scores between 2 and 4 victory points. duchy second gets the second
Note: Once a player passes the "100" space on the victory point track, they place bonus tile and scores +2/3/4 VP.
their victory point token with 100 side face-up on that space. If a player reaches
a score of 200, they flip their token.

Another possible use for your die is to sell a stack of the same type of goods SELL GOODS
Die result determines goods
from your goods storage. The die result indicates which type (color) may be sold. type: all goods of this type must
To sell goods, place all the goods tiles of a chosen color face down below your be sold (turned face-down):
player board. You gain: • + 1 silver coin (in total)
• Exactly 1 silver coin from the supply, regardless of how many tiles you sold. • + 2/3/4 VP per tile
• 2/3/4 victory points for each sold goods tile (depending on the number of (2/3/4 players)
players (2/3/4)).
Note: When taking the "Sell Goods" action, you must always sell the entire stack of
goods tiles of the type that you chose to sell.


You may choose to use any die result to gain two workers from the supply. Regardless of die result,
gain 2 worker tokens from
During your turn, in addition to your two die actions, you may buy one tile of
your choice from the black depot in the center of the game board. This can be done at Once per turn, a player may
any time during your turn (i.e. before, during, between, or after the two die actions). spend 2 silver coins to buy one
To buy a hex tile, pay 2 silver coins and move that tile from the black depot to hex tile of their choice from
the central black depot.
an empty key space on the bottom right of your player board.
Each phase ends after 5 rounds:
Each phase ends after five rounds. Players now gain 1 silver coin for every mine
all players with mines receive
they currently have in their duchy. There may also be yellow monastery tile silver coins.
effects that resolve at the end of a phase. Then the next phase begins (see page 6).


The game ends when the fifth phase (phase E) has been completed. Final scoring The game ends after phase E
commences and each player receives a number of additional victory points (25 rounds / 50 dice actions).
for their leftover game components: Final scoring:

• Each unsold goods tile: 1 victory point • unsold goods: 1 VP each

• each silver coin: 1 VP
• For each silver coin: 1 victory point • every 2 worker tokens: 1 VP
• For every two worker tokens: 1 victory point • yellow tiles: see pages 11 and 12
• For each placed yellow monastery tile that score victory points The player with the most victory
points wins!
(see pages 11 and 12)
Important: Only check the hex tiles placed in your duchy – hex tiles in your storage
do not count.
The player who scored the most victory points is the winner. If there is a tie,
the player among the tied ones with the fewest unused hex spaces in their duchy
wins the game. If there is still a tie, the tied player who is farthest behind on
the turn order track is the winner.


In a 3-player game, don't use the spaces marked "4". The burgundy space
of the #6 depot is special: in phases A, C, and E, this space is replenished
by a castle tile (burgundy). In phases B and D, however, it is replenished by
a mine tile (gray).
For a 2-player game just flip the game board.

The game features 26 different yellow tiles. Many of them have continuous effects
that change the rules of the game after placing them in a duchy. Others have no
effect until final scoring.
1. You are no longer limited to one building (beige) tile per type in each of your 1

towns. In other words, you may build more than one building of the same
type within a single town.
2. For each mine you have placed, you gain a worker in addition to the silver
coin at the end of each phase. 2

3. You gain 2 silver coins instead of 1 whenever you sell goods (either when
taking the die action or when placing a warehouse). ?

4. Whenever you sell a type of goods (either when taking the die action or
when placing a warehouse), you gain a worker in addition to the silver coin
you normally receive.
5. Whenever you place a ship tile, in addition to taking all goods tiles from a de- ?

pot of your choice, you may also take all goods tiles from an adjacent depot. 4

6. Once per turn, you may spend 2 worker tokens to immediately take a build-
ing (beige) tile from any of the six depots on the game board (except the cen-
tral black depot) and place it on an empty key space in the bottom right of
your player board. 5

7. Whenever you place a livestock tile, in addition to the usual bonus for exist-
ing livestock of the same type in the same pasture, you also score 1 victory
point for each livestock tile that scores at that time. 1x
Example: Ben places a 3 sheep tile on the pasture that already contains a 4 sheep tile:
He gains (3+1) + (4+1) = 9 victory points. If he places a 2 pig tile, he gets 3 victory points.
8. Whenever you use a worker to change the result of a die, you may add or +1
subtract 2 instead of 1. 7

Example: To change a 3 to a 6, Carla only needs to use 2 workers instead of 3.

9. Whenever you want to place a building
(beige) tile in your duchy, you may change the die result by 1 (just as if you 8
were using a worker).
10. Whenever you want to place a ship or a livestock tile (blue and green tiles)
in your duchy, you may change the die result by 1 (just as if you were using
a worker). 9

11. Whenever you want to place a castle, mine, or monastery tile (burgundy,
gray, and yellow tiles) in your duchy, you may change the die result by 1
(just as if you were using a worker). 1
12. Whenever you want to take a hex tile from the game board, you may change 10

the die result by 1 (just as if you were using a worker).

13. Whenever you use the "Take 2 worker tokens" action, you gain 1 silver coin
in addition to the 2 worker tokens from the supply. 1
Note: This and the next tile have no effect when placing a Boarding house.
14. Whenever you use the "Take 2 worker tokens" action, you gain 4 worker
tokens instead of the usual 2. 1

( )

( )

15. At the end of the game, you score 2 victory points for each different type of
goods tile in your sold goods pile.
Unsold goods are ignored.
Note: You may look at your sold goods pile at any time during the game.
Example: Dario has sold the following goods tiles: 4x red, 3x purple, 3x pink and 15
1x orange. He scores 4 types x 2 = 8 victory points.
16–23 + 29. At the end of the game, you score 4 victory points for each building of
the indicated type that you placed in your duchy. 4
Example: Ben has placed the yellow #17 (watchtower) and #22 (bank) tiles in his duchy,
and also 2 watchtowers and 4 banks: Ben scores (2x4) + (4x4) = 24 victory points.
24. At the end of the game, you score 4 victory points for each different live- 4
stock type that you placed in your duchy. 17
Example: Anna has placed 3 sheep, 1 cow, and 1 pig tile in her duchy. At the end of
the game she scores 3 types x 4 = 12 victory points.
25. At the end of the game, you score 1 victory point for each goods tile you
sold. Unsold goods are ignored.
Example: If Dario had placed this tile as well, he would score 11 additional victory
points (see example for tile 15).
26. At the end of the game, you score 3 victory points for each bonus tile 19

(large and small) you own.









If you want to play with this expansion each player receives one random duchy
board with number 11-18.
Optional rules: In the original game, you must place all tiles in the duchy next to
at least one previously placed tile. Now, not only do you have to place them as
just described, but in addition, if you place a new hex tile, it must lie either directly
next to a castle – or be connected by tiles of the same color with a castle (a differ-
ent color in between is not allowed).
This rule does not apply to new castles – they may be added as before.
At any time, for the cost of both die actions and 5 victory points, a player may
retrieve a previously set-aside (that was unclaimed/purchased from the board
in the previous turns) castle tile (burgundy or black-backed) and place it in
their storage.
Note: These optional rules do not work with duchy boards other than 11-18.


These are shuffled into the supply with the matching hex tiles (black and yellow).
27. Turn order track (monastery/yellow)
If your turn order marker is in a stack with other markers, it is always placed on
top. This applies both actively and passively
(i.e. whenever another marker is moved onto the same space, yours is
placed on top). 27

28. Workers (monastery/yellow)

If this tile is in your duchy, you can buy workers from the supply at any time.
2 workers cost 1 silver coin. 28

Crane (building/black)
When you place a crane in your duchy, you may immediately trigger the effect of Crane
any building (beige) tile you want, even if that building is not in your duchy. Trigger the effect of
For example, you could sell goods (warehouse), or gain 2 silver coins (bank), or take any building.
a castle tile from the game board (church), etc.
Additionally, during final scoring at the end of the game, the crane counts as
a building of your choice for the corresponding monastery tiles (16-23 + 29).
This may be a different building from the one you triggered when placing
the crane.
Geese (livestock/black) Geese
When you place the two geese in your duchy, you score 2 victory points as normal, Treat geese as any
plus victory points for one other type of livestock that is in the same pasture. Later, type of livestock.
whenever you place another livestock tile in the same pasture, you score 2 victory
points for the geese tile. In addition, geese count as additional type of livestock
for monastery tiles #7 and #24.
Example: Carla places the geese tile on a pasture that already has a 2 and a 3 cow
tile. Carla scores 2+2+3 = 7 victory points. During a later turn, she places a 4 pig tile
in the same pasture and scores 4+2 = 6 victory points.

To play with this expansion, place the border post bonus tile on
the corresponding space on the board. Then each player receives one random
duchy board numbered 23-30. These duchies offer the following special features:
When a player manages to connect two border posts in their duchy with hex tiles, they
score victory points according to the current phase (i.e. 10, 8, 6, 4, or 2).
The first and second players to connect all three border posts get to take and
immediately score the corresponding border post bonus tile from the game board
(the first player scores 5/6/7 victory points in a 2/3/4-player game, the second
player scores 2/3/4 victory points).
Note: Since border posts are on the player board and not on the duchy you may also
use all other duchies to play with this expansion.


At the beginning of the game, all these tiles are mixed into their respective sup- Take an action using
plies (buildings, monasteries, or black depot). the white die result.

When you place a white castle in your duchy, immediately take an action using
the current result of the white die. You are allowed to use workers to change
the rolled number (don't change the actual white die result). 4


At the beginning of each phase, place one inn on the indicated space next to Place on any area.
the central black depot. Unlike other hex tiles, inns are not removed from the Increase the size
of this area by 1.
board at the end of each phase. If there is already an inn next to the central black
depot, stack the new one on top.
Like every other hex tile from the black depot, inns may be bought by paying
2 silver coins, and placed on a key space on the player’s board. Example: When you place an inn
An inn may be placed on any empty hex space on your duchy (according to in a size 4 area, it is increased
the regular rules). However, you may only place up to one inn per color area! to a size 5 area and will score 15
instead of 10 victory points when
The inn itself has no effect, its only function is to complete an area.
Important: By placing an inn, you increase the size of that area by 1. A 9-space area
scores 45 victory points.


Each player receives a number of randomly selected trade route tiles (4 players:
3 trade route tiles each; 3 players: 4 tiles each; 2 players: 5 tiles each). Each
trade route tile has 3 spaces. Place your tiles in a random order below your play-
er board to form a trade route.
Optional rules: If you want more diverse gameplay, you may place your trade route
tiles in a chosen order.
Whenever you sell a stack of goods, instead of placing them in your stack of sold
goods, place them one by one from left to right on the spaces of your trade route.
If the number of a tile matches the number of the trade route space, you immedi-
ately gain the indicated bonus.
(Once your trade route is full, place any sold tiles in your stack of sold goods.)

Form teams of 2 players (Team A & Team B) – seated next to each other (if possible). All rules of the base game apply,
except for the following changes:

The section that starts with "each player receives" in the base
game rules is changed to "each team receives":
• A team board consists of 2 board halves (31a & 32a). After
you've gained more experience, feel free to try the advanced
team board on the other side (31b & 32b).
• Castles are placed on the central burgundy hex space. When
using the advanced side, each team chooses either the 1 or
the 6 burgundy hex space.
• Three random goods tiles are placed on the corresponding
team good tiles storage spaces. As usual, stack the tiles of
the same color together.
• 3 worker tokens (for the first team), 5 worker tokens (for the second team), and 2 silver coins per team are placed
next to the team board, visible to all players. Additionally, make sure each player receives 2 dice, a turn order
marker, victory point marker, and victory point tile in their color. These are used as usual by the individual players.
For round 1, place the turn order markers according to the following turn order: A1, B1, A2, B2. All subsequent
rounds are played according to the order of the turn order track.


Use the base game rules, except that each team has 2 shared hex tile storage spaces (down the center of the team board),
and each player has 2 private hex tile storage spaces.
All resources, other than private hex tiles are shared (workers, silver coins, goods, shared hex tiles, etc.) and may be
used by either team member.
You cannot use your team member’s dice or private hex tiles. Hex tiles may not be moved from one storage to another.
Note: Other than private storage spaces, team members may interact with either half of the team board, not just theirs.
Because it is possible for an individual player to place more than 6 ships, if your turn order marker is already on the final
space of the turn order track and you place a ship, move your marker to the top of the stack if it isn't already.

Add up the victory points of both team members. The team with more victory points wins the game. If there is a tie,
the team with more empty spaces in their duchy wins the game.
(Special thanks to Matthias Nagy of “Frosted Games” for the design and development of this idea.)


You start the game with 1 silver coin, 2 workers, and 3 random
goods tiles (place them next to your player board).
Take a castle tile and place it on any burgundy castle space in your
duchy (side 33 is for beginning players, side 34 is for advanced play-
ers). There is no restriction for the number of different types (colors)
of goods that you may collect in the solo game.
In addition to the dice and playing pieces of your color, you get
the white die. Place your victory point marker on the start space of
the victory point track and your turn order marker as the "target
victory point marker" on space 50 of the victory point track. For
the remaining setup, follow the instructions for a 2-player game,
being sure to use the side of the board with the .

You play 25 rounds. At the beginning of each round, roll all 3 dice.
First, take the topmost goods tile and place it on the depot indicated by the white die.
Then remove a hex tile from that depot from the game, starting from top to bottom. If a depot is empty, remove a hex
tile from the next depot in clockwise order, etc. Next, perform your 2 die actions as usual. Scoring works as it does
in the base game, except for the following restrictions and changes:
• You may only expand to other regions via the rivers.
• Whenever you place a ship, take all the goods from a depot of your choice, then immediately remove all other
goods from all other depots from the game. Additionally, you now (and only now) have the option to exchange
any 5 of your goods tiles for a single hex tile from the central black depot (the 5 goods tiles are removed from
the game). Place that hex tile face down (black side up) on one of your three key spaces. A black hex tile may be
placed on any color space in your duchy, as long as you follow the base game placement rules. Placing a black hex
tile helps you to complete a region (to gain victory points, a color bonus, and eventually for winning the game) but
has no other effect (ignore the text on the hex tile).
Example: A black mine won’t generate silver at the end of a phase. Placing a black ship doesn’t gain you goods tiles or allow
you to pay 5 goods to take a black hex tile.
• Victory points from a monastery tile are scored immediately after placing it (instead of at the end of the game).
Example: When you place monastery tile #26, immediately advance your victory point counter by 3 points for each color
you have completed so far.
• You won’t gain a victory point bonus when you complete a color. Instead, choose a hex tile from the black de-
pot and place it directly in your duchy, following the base game placement rules, and apply its effects. If placing
that hex tile completes another color, you may take an additional hex tile from the black depot (if available) and
place it in your duchy, etc.
• Whenever you score victory points, advance your victory point marker that many spaces (just like in the base game).
Whenever you do, you may buy additional victory points. Each victory point costs 1 silver coin. When you reach
the target victory point marker, place your victory point marker back on the start space (any remaining victory
points are lost), then decrease the target marker 5 spaces (e.g. from 50 to 45, next time to 40, etc. to a minimum of
5 victory points). Immediately after resetting the victory point marker, you may carry out a die action of your choice
(just as if you had added a castle to your duchy). If the target marker is already on the 5 victory point space, do not
move it (you still get a die action of your choice).
Note: You choose the order in which you take any (partial) game actions.


You win the game if you manage to fill all 37 hex spaces of your duchy within 25 rounds.
If you find it too difficult to win, start the game with the target victory point marker at less than 50 (the lower the number
the easier it will be). If the game is too easy, do the opposite and raise the target victory point marker (the higher the number
the more difficult). You still reduce the number of victory points by 5 whenever you reset the target victory point marker.

All rules of the base game apply, except for the following exceptions and additions:

Shuffle the 18 shields face down. Randomly place them on the goods spaces of the six depots on the game board
based on the number of players (below). Once placed, turn them face up.
2 players:
1 shield per depot
3 players:
1 shield each in depots 1, 3, and 5;
2 shields each in depots 2, 4, and 6
4 players:
2 shields per depot
Any remaining shields are not needed. Put them back into the game box.
This also means that any shields collected from a depot won’t be replaced!


Whenever you roll doubles, instead of taking your 2 game actions, you may take a shield from the depot with the rolled
number. The shield must be placed on one of the castle tiles in your duchy. Either place it on a tile that doesn’t have
a shield yet, or replace an existing shield (the old one is removed completely from the game). From this moment on,
the shield is active for you (see below).
Note: As usual, you may use workers to change the result of your dice to create a double. For example, you can pay 2 workers
to change a 3 into a 5 to get two 5s.
Important: At the end of each phase, before receiving silver from your mines, you must pay tribute for your shields! Each
shield costs 1 silver coin. If you cannot or don't want to pay, you must remove that many shields from the game.

1. As long as this shield is in your duchy, all pasture spaces count as connected
as if there was just one pasture in your duchy. Accordingly, livestock will score
more victory points. End of game: +12 victory points.
2. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever another player gains workers, 1
you also gain a worker from the supply. End of game: +12 victory points.
3. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you may pay tribute for your shields with
workers instead of silver at the end of each phase. Any combination of silver 2
and workers is allowed. End of game: +12 victory points.
4. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you have an unlimited number of key
spaces in your duchy (instead of just three). 3
End of game: +12 victory points.
5. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you place a ship, you may
choose a type of goods. Take all additional goods tiles of that type from all 4
six depots. End of game: +12 victory points.
6. After taking this shield, at any point in the game, choose one player. Any
monastery tiles in that player’s duchy count as if they were in your own (with 5
the exception of monastery tile #27). When that player places a new monastery
tile, you also gain those benefits. If you have this shield at the end of the game,
you also score victory points for any monastery scoring tiles that the player has 6
(but of course for your according buildings). End of game: +12 victory points.
7. As long as this shield is in your duchy, your new bonus tiles score double.
End of game: +8 victory points. 7
8. As long as this shield is in your duchy, double the amount of silver coins you
gain for your mines. End of game: +8 victory points.
9. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you gain 1 silver for each goods tile 8
you sell (instead of only 1 silver coin for each type of goods tile).
End of game: +8 victory points.

10. If this shield is in your duchy during final scoring, your victory point monastery 9
tiles score double. End of game: +8 victory points. ?

11. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you place a castle, you have
the option of taking a shield as your additional action. 10
End of game: +8 victory points.
12. As long as this shield is in your duchy, double the amount of victory points
you gain for each goods tile you sell. End of game: +8 victory points.
13. If this shield is in your duchy during final scoring, double the amount of victory ?

points you gain for each shield in your duchy (including this one).
End of game: +4 victory points.
14. As long as this shield is in your duchy, at the end of each phase, after all players
have finished their two die actions, take a hex tile from any of the six depots
(if there are any left). Place it directly in your duchy and apply its effect(s).
End of game: +4 victory points.
15. As long as this shield is in your duchy, at the end of each phase, after all 14
players have finished their two die actions, take a hex tile from the black
depot (if there are any left). Place it directly in your duchy and apply its
effect(s). End of game: +4 victory points.
16. As long as this shield is in your duchy, on your turn, you may change the result
of one of your dice to any number (and use it accordingly).
End of game: +4 victory points.
17. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you complete an area,
you score according to the next larger area (for example, a size 3 area
(6 victory points) scores as a size 4 area (10 victory points)). 17
End of game: +4 victory points. Note: a size 9 area scores 45 victory points.
18. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you are allowed to place hex tiles on
any space in your duchy, not only adjacent to a previously placed tile. 18
End of game: +4 victory points.
The Vineyard expansion introduces a new type of tile called double hex tiles. Each double
hex tile shows 2 vines and takes up 2 storage spaces. Connecting vines of the same type
is crucial for scoring a lot of points at the end of the game. The bigger the vine area of one
type, the more victory points you gain. Placing double hex tiles on vineyard boards will
also allow players to perform various bonus actions.


Apply the setup rules from the base game and then: Each player receives:
• Create a vine bonus tile pool by placing all vine bonus tiles close to the main • 1 random vine bonus tile
(from a set of 6)
board. Take one set of 6 different vine bonus tiles from the vine bonus tile pool
• 1 vineyard board
and give each player one vine bonus tile at random. Remaining vine bonus tiles
Place the vineyard store and
go back to the vine bonus tile pool.
depot near the game board.
• Give each player a vineyard board. They place it next to their player board. Fill the bag with double hex tiles.
• Place the vineyard depot (plastic holder) next to the main board. Before each phase:
• Place the vineyard store (cardboard tile) beneath the vineyard depot. If you • remove all double hex tiles
are playing with 2 or 3 players, flip it to the side marked with , from the vineyard depot and
vineyard store.
• Place all double hex tiles inside the cloth bag and place it near the vine- • replenish the store and depot
yard depot. from the supply.
Note: If you want to limit randomness in 2- or 3-player games apply the rules below:
In the 3-player game, remove 1 chosen color of grapes from the game – each double hex
tile containing at least one grape (16 double hexes) and each vine bonus tile in that col-
or. Place the removed components back into the game box. If you are instructed to do
something with all double hex tiles/vine bonus tiles, skip the ones you have removed.
In the 2-player game, remove 2 chosen colors of grapes from the game as described
above (29 double hex tiles).


In addition to the basic game rules, before each phase:
• Remove any double hex tiles that are still on the vineyard depot and vineyard store back into the game box (skip this
step at the beginning of the game).
• One by one, replenish all the spaces on the vineyard store and vineyard depot from the cloth bag with random double
hex tiles. In a 4-player game, place 6 double hex tiles on the vineyard depot and 3 tiles on the store. In a 2 – or 3-player
game, place 3 double hex tiles on the vineyard depot and 1 or 3 tiles on the store depending on the player count.
Important: Spaces marked with "3" are only replenished if you are playing with 3 players.

The Vineyards expansion introduces 2 new actions. Players can use them addi- • take a double hex tile from
tionally or instead of the basic ones. the vineyard depot.
• place a double hex tile from
ACTION "TAKING A DOUBLE HEX TILE" your storage onto your
The result of your die indicates which double hex tile you may take. vineyard board.
During your turn, you may spend a die to take a double hex tile with a matching After placing a double hex tile
number from the vineyard depot and place it in your storage (a double hex tile resolve both of the covered
occupies 2 key spaces). If you don't have enough empty key spaces, you must bonus actions in any order.
first create space by discarding hex tile(s) / double hex tile from your board and
placing it back in the box. In a 2– or 3-player game, double hex tiles on the vine-
yard depot have 2 die results beneath them. This means that you may spend any
one of them to take a double hex tile.


Take a double hex tile from your player board storage and place it on
an empty double hex space on your vineyard board (never in your duchy!)
that matches the die result. You may rotate the double hex tile in any way before
placing it.
Your first double hex tile must be placed at the bottom layer of the vineyard
board (on the spaces numbered 1 or 4). The next double hex tiles must always
be placed in a space directly adjacent to any previously placed double hex tile
(connected to at least one side). Once placed, double hex tiles may not be rotated
or moved.
After you place a double hex tile in your vineyard you may resolve both bonus
actions covered by that tile in any order. Most of the bonus actions were already
introduced by the buildings and castle hex tiles from the base game rules and
their effects are resolved the same way.
However, there are 2 new bonus actions:
This bonus action allows a player to take one hex tile from the central black
depot (or vineyard store) and place it on an empty key space on their player
board. This action doesn't count as buying tiles from the central black depot
(the player may still spend 2 silver coins to buy a tile from the central black depot).
This bonus action allows a player to take one double hex tile from the vine-
yard depot (not the vineyard store) and place it on empty key spaces on
their player board. Example of placing a double hex
tile in a vineyard:
After you place a double hex tile in your vineyard and resolve both actions, check
if you've covered all double hex spaces in the same layer. If you did, take one vine Ben spends a die with a 4 result
to place his double hex tile in
bonus tile of your choice from the pool. These allow you to score victory points
the vineyard on the bottom space
at the end of the game for the corresponding type of vine. (red frame). He receives 4 workers
and takes a livestock or ship tile
VINEYARD STORE: from the game board.
When you pay 2 silver coins to buy one hex tile from the central black depot you
may instead take one double hex tile from the vineyard store (you may still only
buy once per turn and only one tile). All effects applying to the central black Once per turn, a player may
depot also apply to the vineyard store. spend 2 silver coins to buy one
double hex tile of their choice
from the vineyard store.

Victory points for connected vines
of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
vine area

1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91


Vineyards score at the end of the game. Each player scores victory points for each Gain VP for each vine bonus
tile matching your connected
of their vine bonus tiles depending on the amount of connected vines of the same
vines. Each vine bonus tile and
type. Each vine bonus tile scores only once. This also applies to each vine area, connected vines score only once.
meaning that they score only once – even if a player has more vine bonus tiles of
that type.
Vineyard scoring example: Olivia scores 6 victory points with her first green vine bonus
tile for 3 connected green vines. She cannot score the same area more than once, so with
the second green vine bonus tile she must score a different green vine area. In this case,
this would be an area with size 1, gaining her 1 victory point. Then Olivia scores
3 victory points for the blue vine bonus tile since she has a vine area with a size 2
of that type. Olivia scores 10 victory points for the vineyard expansion in total.

The Castles of Burgundy: Châteauma
by John Albertson, Nick Shaw, and Dávid Turczi aH elp Sheet
ChâteaumCING A HEX TILEselec(PAG E 24)
ted county
card. Then
G AND PLA a colorful slot above
a selected
CHOOSINdie ost first) on

it in
and place ’s color (top-m .
eauma’s empty space clockwise)
Roll the Chât a tile matching an a’s die (then
take and place possible): the Châteaum
t matching
card, from
(first from the depo tile then wild one. ost hex tile
and place
d:: starting hex
• Game boar a matching ost row, take the left-m
starting with top-m
• Reserve: t: starting from the
• Black depo in the reserve as wild.
it face down
, gain 2 silve
r coins .
( PAGE 24) s.
• Otherwise B ONUSES ve the placement bonu

• 1 double-sided Châteauma duchy board (#35-36)

P EMENT resol
T ILE LAC tile on the county card, it.
hex auma skips
a places a e, the Châte
Châteaum sible to resolv action.
After the bonus is impos g a Hex tile
placement ing and placin
Note: If the ional choos
Cast le: take an addit
• .
silver coins reserve.
• Bank: 2

• 9 county cards (marked 1-9)

2 VP. it into the reserve.
House: score and place it into the
• Boarding take a building tile and place
: y/mine tile
• Workshop a castle/monaster
• Church: ch: take the reserve. the reserve.
a tile from place it into
Hall: place
• City Hall: hip tile and
• Market: et take a s. hing type
hous e sell good
e: ock tiles of a matc
• Ware 4 VP. livest
ously taken

• 8 alternate county cards

er score
er: track.
• Watchtow on all previ turn order
als score
VP based move on the
• Animals: goods, then; clockwise).
reserve). with the most s to choose
from (then
(not in the the depot
Ship: take
• Ship:
goods from white die determ
ines depot
nt cases above, the
coin, and
Note: In releva B S
NT ONU it gains exactly 1 silver

for the "Vineyards" expansion (marked 10-17)

C PLA then
Y ARD ost if tied)
type it has
most of (left-m for each tile sold.
• Sell the instead. tiles
player count sell, it scores 2 VP move all hex one.
based on to county card,
scores VP no goods leted any a new
eauma has auma comp to the left
and draw
• If the Chât : if the Châte . Move county cards board,
completion on its duchy
County card y card to its duchy
board s of one type
ed all space

• 1 double-sided Châteauma player aid

count has cover
from this Châteauma a hex tile
bonus tiles:
tiles : if the it purchases a hex
Claiming bonus tile. 2 silver coins it looks for
a corre sponding eaum a has at least reser ve. First,
it takes Chât the
t Purchase
: if the places it in left-most
coins and of a tie, the
Black Depo depot for 2 silver (in case
from the black the least of in its reser
tile that it

This game mode adds a virtual opponent called the Châteauma, which simulates an additional player. This means you can
play Castles of Burgundy solo against just the Châteauma, or add the Châteauma to a 2 – or 3-player game for extra compe-
tition. The Châteauma is considered a regular player for the player count for purposes of setup.
The Châteauma simulates a human opponent by collecting hex tiles, selling goods, gaining bonus tiles, and purchasing
black depot tiles. It does this using county cards. Each county card shows which hex tiles the Châteauma will collect
and when it will sell goods. County cards score victory points in a similar way to completing the area of one color.
In these rules “you”/”your” refers to the human player(s), while “Châteauma”, or “it” refers to the automated opponent.

When setting up the game, apply the changes in the steps below:
1. Choose the game board per the required player count, including the Châteauma as a player.
5. Make sure to keep 1 of each goods tile type to one side, as you will need these to set up the Châteauma's board
in step 7.
7. One set of player-colored components will be used by the Châteauma (although it will only require 1 of the dice).
The Châteauma will not use a normal player board, but instead will use its own duchy board (marked with ).


A. Place the Châteauma's duchy board (side with the 35 number face-up) near the main board.
B. Choose the Châteauma's scoring and difficulty level (Gateway, Midweight, Heavy) and the corresponding number
of difficulty modifiers. For the first game it is recommended to play on the Midweight difficulty level and without
any difficulty modifiers. To learn more about difficulty modifiers and difficulty levels see page 26.
C. Shuffle the nine county cards with numbers 1-9 (cards 10-17 are used when playing with the "Vineyards" expansion).
Reveal one card at a time until you draw one with a castle (burgundy) space on it. Place that card face up beneath
the 1-4 slot.
D. Shuffle the eight remaining county cards, including ones drawn and not used in the previous step, and place
the deck face down beneath the leftmost card slot on its duchy board. Draw the top card and place it face-up
beneath the 5-6 slot.
E. Place a castle tile on the castle space of the card beneath the “1-4” slot.
F. Place one goods tile of each type on each matching-numbered goods space on its duchy board.
G. Place 1 silver coin on the silver coin space on its duchy board.
H. The Châteauma does not need starting workers, as it does not use them.
Set up your player board(s) as in the base game rules.
9. The game begins with you as the starting player. When playing with more than 1 human player, roll the dice to
determine the starting player. The Châteauma is always the last player.


• The Châteauma does not gain or use workers.
• The Châteauma uses a special area called the “Reserve” (see page 23).
• The Châteauma ignores the effects from monastery tiles (it will instead score 4VP points for each of them at
the end of the game).
• The Châteauma may have multiple copies of the same building on its county cards and on its duchy board.
• The Châteauma does not complete colored areas on its duchy like a player – it instead completes county cards.
The reserve is a special area on the Châteauma's board. It is used to store tiles claimed as bonuses and bought from
the black depot. Such tiles are the source of hex tiles for the Châteauma when it cannot find a needed tile on the game
board. The reserve may have multiple tiles of the same type (buildings, mines, castles, etc.). If this occurs, stack tiles
of the same type on top of each other. Subsequently, when taking a tile from the reserve that contains several tiles,
take the top tile.


Expansion Completion scoring

symbols (Gateway, Midweight,
(not used Heavy)
in the base
Châteauma game)

Hex tile

Card number Châteauma


The setup phase is resolved as usual.
At the start of each round:
• Roll your dice and the white die (do not roll the Châteauma's die yet).
• Place your dice on your player board, as usual.
• Place the white die on the left space above the county card, based on the rolled value (1-4 = left-hand card,
5-6 = right-hand card). This is now referred to as the Châteauma's selected county card.
• Place a goods tile on the appropriate depot on the main board as usual, based on the result of the rolled white die.
Play in turn order as per the turn order track.
Play your turn as normal.
On the Châteauma's turn, it takes a single action, which is to choose and place a hex tile (as one action). This may
trigger one or more of the following bonuses. Fully resolve each step, in the listed order, before moving onto the next:
1. Choosing and placing a hex tile.
2. Hex tile placement bonus.
3. County card placement bonus ("Sell goods").
4. County card completion.
5. Claiming bonus tiles.
6. Black depot purchase (if possible).
At the end of each phase, the Châteauma gains a silver coin for each face-up mine it has on its duchy and on county
cards (not in the reserve), just as a player would for mines in their duchy.

The Châteauma will look for a hex tile to take from the main board following the procedure below:
1. Roll the Châteauma's die and place it in the Châteauma die slot (colored space to the right of the white die).
2. Check which depot matches the Châteauma die.
3. Starting with the leftmost, topmost open space on the county card, check to see if there is a match between
the tiles available in the depot and the hex type. If there is a match, go to step 4 of this procedure. If there is
no match, check the next open hex space going from left to right, top to bottom of the county card until it finds
a match. If it can’t find any matches in the chosen depot, it looks in the next clockwise depot for a match, and so on,
until it either finds a matching tile or can’t find any matches.
4. If it finds a match, it takes the tile and places it on its selected county card. If there is more than one matching tile
in the selected depot it chooses the topmost one. This may trigger a bonus (see "Benefits and Bonuses" below).
5. If it can’t find ANY match, resolve the first possible:
– If it has a tile matching any empty space on the selected county card (starting from the topmost left one)
in the reserve area of its board, it places that tile and triggers the usual bonuses.
– If it has any wild hex tiles (see below) it places one such tile from the reserve onto the leftmost and topmost
open space.
Note: This does not trigger the tile placement bonus (but may trigger a "sell goods" or "extra turn" action).
– If there are no wild hex tiles in the reserve, it picks the first available tile from the black depot (the leftmost one,
starting from the topmost row) and places it face down (as a wild type) on a wild space in the reserve
(not on the selected county card). This does not trigger the tile placement bonus.
– If there are no tiles remaining in the black depot, the Châteauma gains 2 silver.


1. Tile Placement
If the Châteauma places a tile on the county card, it gains the benefit depending on the type of the tile as described below:
• Castle: The Châteauma takes a bonus “Choosing a hex tile” action, except using the white die to select a starting
depot. If the Châteauma completed the chosen county card just before triggering this bonus, it will try placing this
bonus hex on its other county card if it can. If it can’t place there either, it takes a "Sell goods" action instead of
taking the bonus hex.
• Buildings: The Châteauma may have multiple copies of the same building on a single county card. Depending on
the placed building type the Châteauma uses the following effect:
– Bank: It gains 2 silver coins.
– Boarding house: It scores 2 victory points.
– Carpenter’s workshop: It takes a building tile from a depot that matches the value on the white die (then clock-
wise), and places it in the Reserve area on the building tile space. If there are more than one matching tiles in
the selected depot it chooses the topmost one. If there are no building tiles on the board, it skips this bonus.
– Church: It takes a castle tile from a depot that matches the value on the white die (then clockwise), and places
it in the reserve area on the corresponding tile space. If there are no castle tiles on the board, resolve this ef-
fect for a mine tile. If there are no castle and mine tiles on the board, resolve this effect for the monastery tile.
If there are no castles, mines, or monastery tiles on the board, it skips this bonus.
– Market: It takes a ship tile from a depot that matches the value on the white die (then clockwise), and places
it in the reserve area on the corresponding tile space. If there are no ship tiles on the board, resolve this effect
for a livestock tile. If there are no ship or livestock tiles, it skips this bonus.
– Town hall: If it has any tiles in its reserve area that matches any of the empty spaces on either of its county
cards (prioritizing the currently selected one), it immediately moves one to a county card (triggering any tile
placement bonuses as usual), choosing whichever type it has most of in reserve (leftmost if tied). If a tile is not
available, it skips this bonus.
– Warehouse: It sells goods – see Selling goods on page 25.
– Watchtower: It immediately scores 4 victory points.

• Livestock: Score the tile in the normal way, but based on any matching livestock tile type that the Châteauma has
on its county cards and duchy, but not in its reserve.
Example: If the Châteauma already has 2 livestock tiles with sheep (on county cards or duchy) and places a new livestock tile
with sheep onto a county card, it scores the victory points for total sheep across all 3 of the sheep tiles it has.
• Ship: The Châteauma takes goods from the depot which has the most goods in it, placing them in the respective
goods storage spaces on its duchy. If there is a tie, it takes goods from the first tied depot clockwise from the white
die’s value. Then, whether it takes goods or not, it moves its turn order marker forward on the turn order track.
2. County Card Placement Bonuses
The basic Châteauma rules have only one type of placement bonus – “Selling goods”. An additional placement bonus
symbol is added when playing with the Vineyards expansion (for playing with the vineyards expansion see page 27).
Check if hex tiles that the Châteauma placed on its county card during this turn covered one or more sell goods sym-
bols ( ). The Châteauma will try to perform the “Selling goods” bonus action, as described below.

3. County Card Completion

If the Châteauma has now completed one (or possibly both) of its county cards, it scores victory points based on the card’s
printed value and your chosen difficulty level. Three tiers of scoring are shown on the county cards for difficulty: Gateway
(left-hand value), Midweight (middle value), and Heavy (right-hand value).
Then, move all the hexes from the completed county card (or cards) onto the matching colored spaces on the Châteauma's
duchy. Place the hex tiles in the topmost, lefmost space available. If the Châteauma's duchy already has all the matching
colored spaces filled, just place the extra tiles on top of another tile of that same color. Any wild tiles on the county card are
flipped over and moved to the matching colored space on the Châteauma's duchy. Do not resolve any placement bonuses
during this step.
Discard the completed county card, slide the remaining card to the left if the completed card was the left-hand card,
then refill the empty space with a new card from the top of the Châteauma's county card draw deck.
4. Claiming Bonus Tiles
After moving tiles from a completed county card onto its duchy board, if the Châteauma has now covered all of its spaces
of one type, it will claim the bonus tile for that type (if still available). It takes it from the main board and places it near its
duchy and then immediately scores the bonus tile victory points (based on your player count).


At the end of the Châteauma's turn, if it has at least 2 silver coins, it will purchase a hex tile from the black depot
for 2 silver coins and place the purchased tile in its reserve. The Châteauma will attempt to purchase a tile of a type it
doesn’t have in its reserve, prioritizing the topmost, then leftmost if tied. If multiple tiles of the same type are available
in the black depot, it picks the leftmost one, starting from the topmost row.
Note: The Châteauma may only purchase one black depot tile per turn.

If any effect during the game tells the Châteauma to “Sell goods” (for example, the county cards placement bonus)
it will sell goods tiles of the type that it has the most of (the ones with the lowest number if tied). It gains 1 silver coin
(in total) and scores victory points per goods tile sold as in the multiplayer rules (2/3/4 VP per tile, based on your
player count).
If it has no goods tiles left to sell, it skips this bonus.

You perform final scoring normally.
The Châteauma then scores:
• 4 VP for each face-up monastery (yellow) tile in its duchy or on incomplete county cards
(but not including those in its Reserve).
• 1 VP for each unsold goods tile on its duchy board.
• 1 VP for each silver coin on its duchy board.
• 1 VP for each hex tile left in its reserve.
• 2 VP for each hex tile on incomplete county cards.
To win, your score must be higher than the Châteauma's. In the case of a tie, the Châteauma wins.

Difficulty can be adjusted by choosing modifiers equal to the difficulty level.
• Gateway: no modifiers
• Midweight: one modifier
• Heavy: two or more modifiers
The modifiers are:
A. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35). When setting up the Châteauma's
board, place a random unused face-down black depot tile in each of the following colored areas (from left to right,
starting with the topmost row): 2 on buildings, 1 on livestock, 1 on ship, and 1 on monastery (the spaces marked A).
This reduces the number of tiles the Châteauma needs to claim bonus tiles.
B. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35). When setting up the Châteauma's
board, place a random unused face-up tile matching a colored area in each of the following colored areas: 1 build-
ing, 1 mine, and 1 castle (the spaces marked B). This reduces the number of bonus tiles the Châteauma needs to
claim and the mine will generate 1 silver coin at the end of each phase.
C. The Châteauma is the starting player.
D. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35) which contains hex tile spaces
with an extra turn placement bonus. First, the Châteauma places all its hex tiles from the completed county card
into its duchy. If it places a tile on a space with a symbol, the Châteauma takes a bonus “Choosing a hex tile”
action immediately, except using the white die to select a depot. The Châteauma will try placing this bonus hex
on the remaining county card. If both county cards are completed, it takes a "Sell goods" action instead.
Complete all extra turn bonus actions before refilling the county card.
Note: Multiple extra turn symbols may be covered during the same turn. Resolve each separately before moving onto
the next one.
It is perfectly fine to have scoring levels of county cards different from the number of difficulty modifier cards used.
If you want to play with scoring at Gateway and modifiers at Midweight, do it and have fun. Please tailor the experi-
ence to fit your level. Note, the recommended standard game is played with county cards scoring at the Midweight
tier and without any modifiers.


• Expansion hex tiles:
– Additional monastery tiles (#27 – #29): When placing such monastery tiles the Châteauma ignores their effects.
– Crane: When placing the crane tile, the Châteauma gains a bonus castle action (see Tile placement bonuses
on page 24).
– Geese: When placing the geese tile, the Châteauma scores it as if it matches whichever livestock the Château-
ma has most of on its duchy and on county cards. During future placement of other livestock tiles, the Châ-
teauma treats the geese tile as if it matches all livestock tiles.
– White Castles: When placing a white castle tile, the Châteauma takes a tile from the board and places it in its
reserve. The Châteauma uses the value on the white die to determine the starting depot. It looks for the tile of
a type it doesn’t have in its reserve, prioritizing the leftmost type if tied. If there is more than one matching tile in
the selected depot, it chooses the topmost one. If no tiles are available, then it goes clockwise around the board
until a tile is found. If there are no tiles remaining, it gains 1 silver.
– Inns: These hex tiles are not supported in this mode. Do not use them in games with Châteauma.
• Border Posts
– Some of the Châteauma's county cards have a border post symbol on them.
– Once it has completed the second such county card, it gains the bonus of the current phase (10/8/6/4/2).
– Once it has completed the third such county card, it takes the bonus tile for completing 3 border post connections
(with 5/6/7 victory points, if still available, otherwise, one with 2/3/4 victory points if still available).
• Trade Routes: You can use the trade routes as in multiplayer rules, however, the Châteauma does not use
the trade routes. Instead, it scores one additional victory point every time it sells goods. This bonus is per action,
not per goods tile.

• Shields:
– Shield #2: Remove it from the shields before setup – it is not supported in this mode.
– Shield #6: You may copy any face-up monastery tile in the Châteuma’s duchy (not including its reserve)
or on county cards. You copy the ability of the monastery tiles, not the victory points that the Châteauma
would score from them at the end of the game.
– Whenever the Châteauma completes a county card, and that card has a shield symbol on it, Châteauma will take
a shield from the main board starting with the depot matching the value on the white die (then clockwise).
If there is more than 1 shield in the depot, choose the one with the lowest number. Then:
• It takes such a shield and places it to the side of its board, face-down.
• It does not use the ability of the shield, nor does it have to pay tribute for any such shields at the end of
each round.
– At the end of the game, the Châteauma scores victory points for the number of shields it has:
• 1 = 8 VP
• 2 = 15 VP
• 3 = 25 VP
• 4+ = 40 VP
• Team Game boards – the Châteauma does not support these boards / this play mode. Do not use them in games
with Châteauma.
• Solo Game boards – the Châteauma does not support these boards / this play mode. Do not use them in games
with Châteauma.


• General setup is the same as a normal Châteauma game, with the following changes:
– Set your own area up with a vineyard board and with a random starting vine token as per the expansion rules.
– The Châteauma does not need a vineyard board, but instead places vine tiles next to its duchy.
– The Châteauma county card deck uses cards 1 & 10-17 (with double hex symbols showing on some spaces).
Shuffle these cards together to create the Châteauma county card deck.
– Use one set of 6 vine bonus tiles. Randomly choose one for yourself before creating the vine bonus tile pool.
The Châteauma does not use vine bonus tiles.
2. County Card Placement Bonuses
This expansion introduces new county card placement bonuses marked with double hex icons on some county cards.
Whenever the Châteauma places a hex tile onto a county card space marked with a double hex ( ) symbol, it will
try to perform the indicated bonus action as described below:
Taking a double hex tile
If the Châteauma's tile placement covers a space with a symbol shown on it, the Châteauma will try to take a double
hex tile from the vineyard depot. If there are no double hex tiles in the vineyard depot, the Châteauma skips this place-
ment bonus. Otherwise, it takes the double hex tile from the slot that matches the value on the white die. If there is no
double hex tile in such a slot it will look at the next slot to the right (wrapping around to the far-left if needed), until it
finds a double hex tile. The Châteauma places double hex tiles in a pile near its duchy board.


At the end of the Châteauma's turn, if it has at least 2 silver coins, instead of buying a tile from the black depot,
the Châteauma will buy a double hex tile from the vineyard store (paying 2 silver coins):
• If multiple options are available (when using the 3+ player setup), it uses the white die’s value to choose the space to
pick from (1-2 = left, 3-4 = middle, 5-6 = right), moving to the right and looping around to the far-left, if needed.
• If it does buy a double hex tile, it places it on the pile near its duchy board.
• If there are no tiles available in the vineyard store, the Châteauma will attempt to purchase a single hex tile from
the black depot, as in the regular Châteauma rules.

The Châteauma scores additional victory points based on the number of double hex tiles in its pile.

Victory points for Châteauma's double hex tiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
hex tiles

1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91


Game Design: Stefan Feld
Game Development Lead: Ernest Kiedrowicz
alea Team Consultants: Shane Hartley, André Maack
Tests and Development: Krzysztof Belczyk, Wojciech Frelich, Adrian Krawczyk, Michał Lach,
Paweł Samborski, Jan Truchanowicz
Additional testing: Andrzej Betkiewicz, Cathy Bock, David Bock, Ezra Bock, Anna Butler, Jakub Dzikowski,
Katarzyna Litka, Natalia Makówka, Filip Tomaszewski, Katarzyna Toporowska and all who took part
in the organized external testing
Rulebook: Wojciech Frelich, Ernest Kiedrowicz
Art direction: Patryk Jędraszek
Illustrations: Jakub Dzikowski, Ewa Labak, Piotr Orleański, Pamela Łuniewska, Piotr Foksowicz,
Patryk Jędraszek
Graphic Design: Michał Lechowski, Adrian Radziun, Karolina Łaski-Getka, Klaudia Wójcik
DTP: Rafał Janiszewski, Patrycja Marzec, Jędrzej Cieślak
3D Graphics: Michał Lisek, Mateusz Modzelewski, Marek Kondratowicz, Jędrzej Chomicki
Editing and proofreading: Tyler Brown
Production: Adrianna Kocięcka, Anna Czajka, Witold Chudy, Zofia Jerzyńska, Michał Matłosz,
Jacek Szczypiński, Olga Baraniak

Châteauma automated opponent designed by: John Albertson and Nick Shaw, based on solo concepts
by Dávid Turczi
Additional solo development and playtesting: Krzysztof Belczyk, Chuck Case, Shelley Danielle, David Digby,
Wojciech Frelich, Ernest Kiedrowicz, Jan Truchanowicz and all who took part in the organized external testing

Testers of the “The Castles of Burgundy” basic game: Frieder Benzing, Willi Brodt, Susanne Feld,
Jonathan Feld, Benjamin Fleck, Thomas Koslowski, Amos Krämer, Denis Leonhard, Roland Lurk, Michael
Schmitt, Aiko Schuhmann, Marius Stein, Christoph Toussaint, Roland Wilke, Andreas Zimmermann as well as
the play groups from Bacharach, Bödefeld, Gengenbach, Grassau, München, Offenburg, Reutte and Siegsdorf.

2022 Realms Distribution, all rights reserved.

Realms Distribution Sp. z o.o.
ul. Świętego Mikołaja 58, 50-127 Wrocław


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