CoB - Rulebook - 285x210mm (28 Pages)
CoB - Rulebook - 285x210mm (28 Pages)
CoB - Rulebook - 285x210mm (28 Pages)
Components 1
4 help sheets
1 rulebook
1 game board (double-sided)
26 worker tokens 42 trade goods tiles 12 bonus tiles 24 silver coins 4 cloth bags
(square, 7 per color) (2 in 6 colors)
4 turn order 9 dice (2 each in 4 victory point tiles 4 victory point 4 plastic bases
markers the 4 player colors, (100/200 points in each markers for victory point
(1 in each of the plus 1 white) of the 4 player colors) (1 in each of the markers
4 players colors) 4 player colors)
4 additional hex tiles 9 additional hex tiles: 5 additional hex tiles: 18 shield tiles 2 border post
(2nd Expansion) "The White Castles" "The Inns" ("Shield Expansion") bonus tiles
(5th Expansion) (6th Expansion)
Game Setup
(Before playing for the first time, carefully remove all tiles from the punchboards.)
Lay the game board in the middle of the play area. The 3 and 4-player side shows:
A. Central black depot G. 6 bonus tile spaces
B. Turn order track H. 6 numbered depots (1-6), each with four
C. Victory point track (0-100) colored hex tile spaces and 1 large space
for goods tiles
D. 5 round spaces
I. Inn space (used in "The Inns" expansion)
E. 5 phase spaces
J. Border post bonus tile slot
F. Victory point table
(used in "The Border Posts" expansion)
The back side shows the game board for the 2-player game (marked with ).
The only difference is the number of hex tiles per depot, including the black depot.
See page 10 for more details.
If you are reading this manual for the first time, we recommend ignoring the text in the margin of each page.
That text serves as a quick rules reference after taking a longer break from the game.
Space for Spaces for Plastic
duchy board rolled dice overlay
Spaces for
used dice
2. One by one, replenish the hex spaces of the six numbered depots from
the supply with random hex tiles of the corresponding color. Turn them
face up.
Note: Some spaces on the board for 3-4 players are marked "4". Only replenish these
spaces if you are playing with 4 players. There is also one special place marked "3BD".
This space is replenished normally in 4-player games (with a castle tile), but in 3-player
games, during phases B and D, place a mine tile there instead of a castle.
3. Replenish spaces of the central black depot using random hex tiles with
black backs. Turn them face up.
4. Take the stack of 5 goods from the current phase space and place them
face-up on the 5 round spaces.
THE FIVE GAME ROUNDS All players roll simultaneously.
After setting up the new phase, you play 5 rounds. Each round plays the same: The starting player places
First, all players roll their two dice. The starting player (the one that is furthest in the goods tile indicated by
front on the turn order track – or on the top if tied) also rolls the white die. Each the white die.
player places their dice on the dice spaces of their player board. All dice must be
visible for all players.
Note: Rolling dice simultaneously allows other players to plan while waiting for their turn.
The starting player begins the round. First, they take the first (starting from
the bottom) face-up goods tile from the round spaces and place it on the depot
that matches the result of the white die. The white die’s job is done for this
round. The starting player may not use it for a game action during their turn
(and its result cannot be changed by using a worker).
Then, the starting player plays their turn. After the starting player’s turn, the player
next in turn order, according to the turn order track, takes their turn (this will be
the player closer to the tower at the end of the track – top to bottom if there is a tie).
When all players have finished their turns, the next round begins, and so on.
Since you start each phase with 5 goods tiles on the turn spaces and each round,
one of them is placed on a depot, you can always see what round you are in and
how many are left during the current phase (and game).
A PLAYER’S TURN Each player in turn order takes
During each of their turns, a player can take two game actions, one for each die. two actions with their dice.
Used dice are placed on the used dice spots on their player board. Use workers to increase or
Worker tokens can be used at any time to change the result of your die. To use decrease a die's result by 1
a worker, return it to the supply next to the game board. Each worker you use for each worker (may change
a 1 to 6 or vice versa).
increases or decreases the result by 1. You may use a worker to change the result
from 1 to 6 or vice versa. You may use multiple workers to change a result. Using
workers is not an action.
Example: By using 2 workers, Anna changes a 2 into a 6, and then takes a hex tile
from the 6 depot.
You have one action per die. Each of your 2 die actions per turn may be taken
in any combination and order (you may also take the same action twice).
There are 4 types of actions you can take with your die:
• Take a hex tile from the game board.
• Place a hex tile in your duchy.
• Sell goods (see page 10).
• Take 2 workers (see page 10).
Choose a hex tile from the numbered depot matching your die result. THE GAME BOARD
The chosen hex tile is placed on an empty storage space ("key spaces") in the bot- The die result indicates
tom right of your player board (they never go directly in your duchy). which depot to take from. Place
the tile on an empty key space
Note: If you don’t have an empty space, you must first create space by discarding
in the bottom right of your
a hex tile from your board (put it back into the game box). player board.
Hint: This is usually a bad idea and should be avoided.
Choose one of your hex tiles in your player board storage (bottom right) IN YOUR DUCHY
and place it on an empty hex space in your duchy that matches the die result The die result indicates
and the tile color. You must place the tile on a space directly adjacent to at least which unused hex space to fill.
Place a hex tile on a matching
one previously placed tile. The hex tile’s color must always match the color of
color adjacent to a previously
the hex space. placed tile.
Note: The very first time you take this action, you must place the tile on one of
the spaces next to your starting castle.
Depending on the hex tile you placed, one of the following will happen immediately:
Monastery (yellow)
The game features 26 different monastery tiles. Many of them have continuous ef- Monastery (yellow):
fects that change the rules of the game after placing them in a duchy. Others have no See pages 11 and 12.
effect until final scoring. Their advantages are explained in detail on pages 11 and 12. 1
Ship (blue)
Whenever you place a ship in your duchy, two things happen immediately: Ships (blue):
1. Choose any depot on the game board and take all the goods tiles from 1. Take all goods tiles
from a depot of your
that depot, then place those tiles on your goods storage spaces
choice and place them
in the bottom left of your player board. in your goods storage.
Important: You may choose any depot! You don’t have to choose the one that matches 2. Advance your
the result of the die you used to place the ship. marker on the turn
order track by one
Players may store up to three different types (colors) of goods on their player space.
board. Tiles of the same color are placed in stacks. Tiles of different colors
must be placed on different storage spaces. If, due to this restriction, a player
is unable to place a goods tile on one of their storage spaces, that tile remains
in the depot.
Example: Carla placed a ship. She now takes goods tiles from the depot: the turquoise
one (stacking it on top of her other turquoise goods tile) as well as one more
(either the pink or the brown one), which she places on her only empty storage space.
2. Then, advance your marker on the turn order track by one space.
If that space is already occupied, place your marker on top of the others.
If you are now the starting player, take the white die.
Castle (burgundy) Castles (burgundy):
Whenever you place a castle tile in your duchy, you immediately take an additional Take an immediate
additional action as
action, just as if you had another die with your choice of result at your disposal.
if you have a die with
For example, you could immediately place another hex tile in your duchy, or take your choice of result.
2 worker tokens, etc.
Mine (gray)
Mines are tiles with no immediate effect when they are placed. At the end of each
Mine (gray):
phase you gain one silver coin from the supply for each mine in your duchy. Gain 1 silver coin per
Livestock (green) mine at the end of
Whenever you place a livestock tile in your duchy, you immediately score victory each phase.
points. Each tile shows 2-4 livestock, which is the amount of victory points you score.
Additionally, if you already have at least one other tile with the same livestock in
the same pasture (a contiguous area of green hex spaces), you also score victory
points for those other tiles (see example below). Livestock
Note: Your previously placed livestock tiles are not required to be adjacent to (green):
the newly placed tile – they must only be on the same pasture. You do not score addi- Score victory points
according to the number
tional victory points for livestock on different pastures.
of livestock on the tile.
Example: Ben places the 4 cow tile at the top of his pasture in which he already When expanding a herd:
has a 3 cow and a 3 sheep. He scores 7 victory points for the 4 cow and the 3 cow add victory points
already in that pasture. Later in the game, if he places another 4 cow tile on for previously
the same pasture he would score 11 victory points (4+4+3). If he places a 2 sheep placed livestocks
tile on the pasture, he would score 5 victory points (2 for the sheep tile he places and of the same type in
3 for the sheep tile already on the pasture). the same pasture.
Another possible use for your die is to sell a stack of the same type of goods SELL GOODS
Die result determines goods
from your goods storage. The die result indicates which type (color) may be sold. type: all goods of this type must
To sell goods, place all the goods tiles of a chosen color face down below your be sold (turned face-down):
player board. You gain: • + 1 silver coin (in total)
• Exactly 1 silver coin from the supply, regardless of how many tiles you sold. • + 2/3/4 VP per tile
• 2/3/4 victory points for each sold goods tile (depending on the number of (2/3/4 players)
players (2/3/4)).
Note: When taking the "Sell Goods" action, you must always sell the entire stack of
goods tiles of the type that you chose to sell.
The game features 26 different yellow tiles. Many of them have continuous effects
that change the rules of the game after placing them in a duchy. Others have no
effect until final scoring.
1. You are no longer limited to one building (beige) tile per type in each of your 1
towns. In other words, you may build more than one building of the same
type within a single town.
2. For each mine you have placed, you gain a worker in addition to the silver
coin at the end of each phase. 2
3. You gain 2 silver coins instead of 1 whenever you sell goods (either when
taking the die action or when placing a warehouse). ?
4. Whenever you sell a type of goods (either when taking the die action or
when placing a warehouse), you gain a worker in addition to the silver coin
you normally receive.
5. Whenever you place a ship tile, in addition to taking all goods tiles from a de- ?
pot of your choice, you may also take all goods tiles from an adjacent depot. 4
6. Once per turn, you may spend 2 worker tokens to immediately take a build-
ing (beige) tile from any of the six depots on the game board (except the cen-
tral black depot) and place it on an empty key space in the bottom right of
your player board. 5
7. Whenever you place a livestock tile, in addition to the usual bonus for exist-
ing livestock of the same type in the same pasture, you also score 1 victory
point for each livestock tile that scores at that time. 1x
Example: Ben places a 3 sheep tile on the pasture that already contains a 4 sheep tile:
He gains (3+1) + (4+1) = 9 victory points. If he places a 2 pig tile, he gets 3 victory points.
8. Whenever you use a worker to change the result of a die, you may add or +1
subtract 2 instead of 1. 7
11. Whenever you want to place a castle, mine, or monastery tile (burgundy,
gray, and yellow tiles) in your duchy, you may change the die result by 1
(just as if you were using a worker). 1
12. Whenever you want to take a hex tile from the game board, you may change 10
( )
( )
15. At the end of the game, you score 2 victory points for each different type of
goods tile in your sold goods pile.
Unsold goods are ignored.
Note: You may look at your sold goods pile at any time during the game.
Example: Dario has sold the following goods tiles: 4x red, 3x purple, 3x pink and 15
1x orange. He scores 4 types x 2 = 8 victory points.
16–23 + 29. At the end of the game, you score 4 victory points for each building of
the indicated type that you placed in your duchy. 4
Example: Ben has placed the yellow #17 (watchtower) and #22 (bank) tiles in his duchy,
and also 2 watchtowers and 4 banks: Ben scores (2x4) + (4x4) = 24 victory points.
24. At the end of the game, you score 4 victory points for each different live- 4
stock type that you placed in your duchy. 17
Example: Anna has placed 3 sheep, 1 cow, and 1 pig tile in her duchy. At the end of
the game she scores 3 types x 4 = 12 victory points.
25. At the end of the game, you score 1 victory point for each goods tile you
sold. Unsold goods are ignored.
Example: If Dario had placed this tile as well, he would score 11 additional victory
points (see example for tile 15).
26. At the end of the game, you score 3 victory points for each bonus tile 19
If you want to play with this expansion each player receives one random duchy
board with number 11-18.
Optional rules: In the original game, you must place all tiles in the duchy next to
at least one previously placed tile. Now, not only do you have to place them as
just described, but in addition, if you place a new hex tile, it must lie either directly
next to a castle – or be connected by tiles of the same color with a castle (a differ-
ent color in between is not allowed).
This rule does not apply to new castles – they may be added as before.
At any time, for the cost of both die actions and 5 victory points, a player may
retrieve a previously set-aside (that was unclaimed/purchased from the board
in the previous turns) castle tile (burgundy or black-backed) and place it in
their storage.
Note: These optional rules do not work with duchy boards other than 11-18.
Crane (building/black)
When you place a crane in your duchy, you may immediately trigger the effect of Crane
any building (beige) tile you want, even if that building is not in your duchy. Trigger the effect of
For example, you could sell goods (warehouse), or gain 2 silver coins (bank), or take any building.
a castle tile from the game board (church), etc.
Additionally, during final scoring at the end of the game, the crane counts as
a building of your choice for the corresponding monastery tiles (16-23 + 29).
This may be a different building from the one you triggered when placing
the crane.
Geese (livestock/black) Geese
When you place the two geese in your duchy, you score 2 victory points as normal, Treat geese as any
plus victory points for one other type of livestock that is in the same pasture. Later, type of livestock.
whenever you place another livestock tile in the same pasture, you score 2 victory
points for the geese tile. In addition, geese count as additional type of livestock
for monastery tiles #7 and #24.
Example: Carla places the geese tile on a pasture that already has a 2 and a 3 cow
tile. Carla scores 2+2+3 = 7 victory points. During a later turn, she places a 4 pig tile
in the same pasture and scores 4+2 = 6 victory points.
To play with this expansion, place the border post bonus tile on
the corresponding space on the board. Then each player receives one random
duchy board numbered 23-30. These duchies offer the following special features:
When a player manages to connect two border posts in their duchy with hex tiles, they
score victory points according to the current phase (i.e. 10, 8, 6, 4, or 2).
The first and second players to connect all three border posts get to take and
immediately score the corresponding border post bonus tile from the game board
(the first player scores 5/6/7 victory points in a 2/3/4-player game, the second
player scores 2/3/4 victory points).
Note: Since border posts are on the player board and not on the duchy you may also
use all other duchies to play with this expansion.
When you place a white castle in your duchy, immediately take an action using
the current result of the white die. You are allowed to use workers to change
the rolled number (don't change the actual white die result). 4
Form teams of 2 players (Team A & Team B) – seated next to each other (if possible). All rules of the base game apply,
except for the following changes:
The section that starts with "each player receives" in the base
game rules is changed to "each team receives":
• A team board consists of 2 board halves (31a & 32a). After
you've gained more experience, feel free to try the advanced
team board on the other side (31b & 32b).
• Castles are placed on the central burgundy hex space. When
using the advanced side, each team chooses either the 1 or
the 6 burgundy hex space.
• Three random goods tiles are placed on the corresponding
team good tiles storage spaces. As usual, stack the tiles of
the same color together.
• 3 worker tokens (for the first team), 5 worker tokens (for the second team), and 2 silver coins per team are placed
next to the team board, visible to all players. Additionally, make sure each player receives 2 dice, a turn order
marker, victory point marker, and victory point tile in their color. These are used as usual by the individual players.
For round 1, place the turn order markers according to the following turn order: A1, B1, A2, B2. All subsequent
rounds are played according to the order of the turn order track.
Add up the victory points of both team members. The team with more victory points wins the game. If there is a tie,
the team with more empty spaces in their duchy wins the game.
(Special thanks to Matthias Nagy of “Frosted Games” for the design and development of this idea.)
You play 25 rounds. At the beginning of each round, roll all 3 dice.
First, take the topmost goods tile and place it on the depot indicated by the white die.
Then remove a hex tile from that depot from the game, starting from top to bottom. If a depot is empty, remove a hex
tile from the next depot in clockwise order, etc. Next, perform your 2 die actions as usual. Scoring works as it does
in the base game, except for the following restrictions and changes:
• You may only expand to other regions via the rivers.
• Whenever you place a ship, take all the goods from a depot of your choice, then immediately remove all other
goods from all other depots from the game. Additionally, you now (and only now) have the option to exchange
any 5 of your goods tiles for a single hex tile from the central black depot (the 5 goods tiles are removed from
the game). Place that hex tile face down (black side up) on one of your three key spaces. A black hex tile may be
placed on any color space in your duchy, as long as you follow the base game placement rules. Placing a black hex
tile helps you to complete a region (to gain victory points, a color bonus, and eventually for winning the game) but
has no other effect (ignore the text on the hex tile).
Example: A black mine won’t generate silver at the end of a phase. Placing a black ship doesn’t gain you goods tiles or allow
you to pay 5 goods to take a black hex tile.
• Victory points from a monastery tile are scored immediately after placing it (instead of at the end of the game).
Example: When you place monastery tile #26, immediately advance your victory point counter by 3 points for each color
you have completed so far.
• You won’t gain a victory point bonus when you complete a color. Instead, choose a hex tile from the black de-
pot and place it directly in your duchy, following the base game placement rules, and apply its effects. If placing
that hex tile completes another color, you may take an additional hex tile from the black depot (if available) and
place it in your duchy, etc.
• Whenever you score victory points, advance your victory point marker that many spaces (just like in the base game).
Whenever you do, you may buy additional victory points. Each victory point costs 1 silver coin. When you reach
the target victory point marker, place your victory point marker back on the start space (any remaining victory
points are lost), then decrease the target marker 5 spaces (e.g. from 50 to 45, next time to 40, etc. to a minimum of
5 victory points). Immediately after resetting the victory point marker, you may carry out a die action of your choice
(just as if you had added a castle to your duchy). If the target marker is already on the 5 victory point space, do not
move it (you still get a die action of your choice).
Note: You choose the order in which you take any (partial) game actions.
All rules of the base game apply, except for the following exceptions and additions:
Shuffle the 18 shields face down. Randomly place them on the goods spaces of the six depots on the game board
based on the number of players (below). Once placed, turn them face up.
2 players:
1 shield per depot
3 players:
1 shield each in depots 1, 3, and 5;
2 shields each in depots 2, 4, and 6
4 players:
2 shields per depot
Any remaining shields are not needed. Put them back into the game box.
This also means that any shields collected from a depot won’t be replaced!
1. As long as this shield is in your duchy, all pasture spaces count as connected
as if there was just one pasture in your duchy. Accordingly, livestock will score
more victory points. End of game: +12 victory points.
2. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever another player gains workers, 1
you also gain a worker from the supply. End of game: +12 victory points.
3. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you may pay tribute for your shields with
workers instead of silver at the end of each phase. Any combination of silver 2
and workers is allowed. End of game: +12 victory points.
4. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you have an unlimited number of key
spaces in your duchy (instead of just three). 3
End of game: +12 victory points.
5. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you place a ship, you may
choose a type of goods. Take all additional goods tiles of that type from all 4
six depots. End of game: +12 victory points.
6. After taking this shield, at any point in the game, choose one player. Any
monastery tiles in that player’s duchy count as if they were in your own (with 5
the exception of monastery tile #27). When that player places a new monastery
tile, you also gain those benefits. If you have this shield at the end of the game,
you also score victory points for any monastery scoring tiles that the player has 6
(but of course for your according buildings). End of game: +12 victory points.
7. As long as this shield is in your duchy, your new bonus tiles score double.
End of game: +8 victory points. 7
8. As long as this shield is in your duchy, double the amount of silver coins you
gain for your mines. End of game: +8 victory points.
9. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you gain 1 silver for each goods tile 8
you sell (instead of only 1 silver coin for each type of goods tile).
End of game: +8 victory points.
10. If this shield is in your duchy during final scoring, your victory point monastery 9
tiles score double. End of game: +8 victory points. ?
11. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you place a castle, you have
the option of taking a shield as your additional action. 10
End of game: +8 victory points.
12. As long as this shield is in your duchy, double the amount of victory points
you gain for each goods tile you sell. End of game: +8 victory points.
13. If this shield is in your duchy during final scoring, double the amount of victory ?
points you gain for each shield in your duchy (including this one).
End of game: +4 victory points.
14. As long as this shield is in your duchy, at the end of each phase, after all players
have finished their two die actions, take a hex tile from any of the six depots
(if there are any left). Place it directly in your duchy and apply its effect(s).
End of game: +4 victory points.
15. As long as this shield is in your duchy, at the end of each phase, after all 14
players have finished their two die actions, take a hex tile from the black
depot (if there are any left). Place it directly in your duchy and apply its
effect(s). End of game: +4 victory points.
16. As long as this shield is in your duchy, on your turn, you may change the result
of one of your dice to any number (and use it accordingly).
End of game: +4 victory points.
17. As long as this shield is in your duchy, whenever you complete an area,
you score according to the next larger area (for example, a size 3 area
(6 victory points) scores as a size 4 area (10 victory points)). 17
End of game: +4 victory points. Note: a size 9 area scores 45 victory points.
18. As long as this shield is in your duchy, you are allowed to place hex tiles on
any space in your duchy, not only adjacent to a previously placed tile. 18
End of game: +4 victory points.
The Vineyard expansion introduces a new type of tile called double hex tiles. Each double
hex tile shows 2 vines and takes up 2 storage spaces. Connecting vines of the same type
is crucial for scoring a lot of points at the end of the game. The bigger the vine area of one
type, the more victory points you gain. Placing double hex tiles on vineyard boards will
also allow players to perform various bonus actions.
The Vineyards expansion introduces 2 new actions. Players can use them addi- • take a double hex tile from
tionally or instead of the basic ones. the vineyard depot.
• place a double hex tile from
ACTION "TAKING A DOUBLE HEX TILE" your storage onto your
The result of your die indicates which double hex tile you may take. vineyard board.
During your turn, you may spend a die to take a double hex tile with a matching After placing a double hex tile
number from the vineyard depot and place it in your storage (a double hex tile resolve both of the covered
occupies 2 key spaces). If you don't have enough empty key spaces, you must bonus actions in any order.
first create space by discarding hex tile(s) / double hex tile from your board and
placing it back in the box. In a 2– or 3-player game, double hex tiles on the vine-
yard depot have 2 die results beneath them. This means that you may spend any
one of them to take a double hex tile.
Victory points for connected vines
of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
vine area
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91
The Castles of Burgundy: Châteauma
by John Albertson, Nick Shaw, and Dávid Turczi aH elp Sheet
ChâteaumCING A HEX TILEselec(PAG E 24)
ted county
card. Then
G AND PLA a colorful slot above
a selected
CHOOSINdie ost first) on
it in
and place ’s color (top-m .
eauma’s empty space clockwise)
Roll the Chât a tile matching an a’s die (then
take and place possible): the Châteaum
t matching
card, from
(first from the depo tile then wild one. ost hex tile
and place
d:: starting hex
• Game boar a matching ost row, take the left-m
starting with top-m
• Reserve: t: starting from the
• Black depo in the reserve as wild.
it face down
, gain 2 silve
r coins .
( PAGE 24) s.
• Otherwise B ONUSES ve the placement bonu
This game mode adds a virtual opponent called the Châteauma, which simulates an additional player. This means you can
play Castles of Burgundy solo against just the Châteauma, or add the Châteauma to a 2 – or 3-player game for extra compe-
tition. The Châteauma is considered a regular player for the player count for purposes of setup.
The Châteauma simulates a human opponent by collecting hex tiles, selling goods, gaining bonus tiles, and purchasing
black depot tiles. It does this using county cards. Each county card shows which hex tiles the Châteauma will collect
and when it will sell goods. County cards score victory points in a similar way to completing the area of one color.
In these rules “you”/”your” refers to the human player(s), while “Châteauma”, or “it” refers to the automated opponent.
When setting up the game, apply the changes in the steps below:
1. Choose the game board per the required player count, including the Châteauma as a player.
5. Make sure to keep 1 of each goods tile type to one side, as you will need these to set up the Châteauma's board
in step 7.
7. One set of player-colored components will be used by the Châteauma (although it will only require 1 of the dice).
The Châteauma will not use a normal player board, but instead will use its own duchy board (marked with ).
Hex tile
The setup phase is resolved as usual.
At the start of each round:
• Roll your dice and the white die (do not roll the Châteauma's die yet).
• Place your dice on your player board, as usual.
• Place the white die on the left space above the county card, based on the rolled value (1-4 = left-hand card,
5-6 = right-hand card). This is now referred to as the Châteauma's selected county card.
• Place a goods tile on the appropriate depot on the main board as usual, based on the result of the rolled white die.
Play in turn order as per the turn order track.
Play your turn as normal.
On the Châteauma's turn, it takes a single action, which is to choose and place a hex tile (as one action). This may
trigger one or more of the following bonuses. Fully resolve each step, in the listed order, before moving onto the next:
1. Choosing and placing a hex tile.
2. Hex tile placement bonus.
3. County card placement bonus ("Sell goods").
4. County card completion.
5. Claiming bonus tiles.
6. Black depot purchase (if possible).
At the end of each phase, the Châteauma gains a silver coin for each face-up mine it has on its duchy and on county
cards (not in the reserve), just as a player would for mines in their duchy.
The Châteauma will look for a hex tile to take from the main board following the procedure below:
1. Roll the Châteauma's die and place it in the Châteauma die slot (colored space to the right of the white die).
2. Check which depot matches the Châteauma die.
3. Starting with the leftmost, topmost open space on the county card, check to see if there is a match between
the tiles available in the depot and the hex type. If there is a match, go to step 4 of this procedure. If there is
no match, check the next open hex space going from left to right, top to bottom of the county card until it finds
a match. If it can’t find any matches in the chosen depot, it looks in the next clockwise depot for a match, and so on,
until it either finds a matching tile or can’t find any matches.
4. If it finds a match, it takes the tile and places it on its selected county card. If there is more than one matching tile
in the selected depot it chooses the topmost one. This may trigger a bonus (see "Benefits and Bonuses" below).
5. If it can’t find ANY match, resolve the first possible:
– If it has a tile matching any empty space on the selected county card (starting from the topmost left one)
in the reserve area of its board, it places that tile and triggers the usual bonuses.
– If it has any wild hex tiles (see below) it places one such tile from the reserve onto the leftmost and topmost
open space.
Note: This does not trigger the tile placement bonus (but may trigger a "sell goods" or "extra turn" action).
– If there are no wild hex tiles in the reserve, it picks the first available tile from the black depot (the leftmost one,
starting from the topmost row) and places it face down (as a wild type) on a wild space in the reserve
(not on the selected county card). This does not trigger the tile placement bonus.
– If there are no tiles remaining in the black depot, the Châteauma gains 2 silver.
• Livestock: Score the tile in the normal way, but based on any matching livestock tile type that the Châteauma has
on its county cards and duchy, but not in its reserve.
Example: If the Châteauma already has 2 livestock tiles with sheep (on county cards or duchy) and places a new livestock tile
with sheep onto a county card, it scores the victory points for total sheep across all 3 of the sheep tiles it has.
• Ship: The Châteauma takes goods from the depot which has the most goods in it, placing them in the respective
goods storage spaces on its duchy. If there is a tie, it takes goods from the first tied depot clockwise from the white
die’s value. Then, whether it takes goods or not, it moves its turn order marker forward on the turn order track.
2. County Card Placement Bonuses
The basic Châteauma rules have only one type of placement bonus – “Selling goods”. An additional placement bonus
symbol is added when playing with the Vineyards expansion (for playing with the vineyards expansion see page 27).
Check if hex tiles that the Châteauma placed on its county card during this turn covered one or more sell goods sym-
bols ( ). The Châteauma will try to perform the “Selling goods” bonus action, as described below.
If any effect during the game tells the Châteauma to “Sell goods” (for example, the county cards placement bonus)
it will sell goods tiles of the type that it has the most of (the ones with the lowest number if tied). It gains 1 silver coin
(in total) and scores victory points per goods tile sold as in the multiplayer rules (2/3/4 VP per tile, based on your
player count).
If it has no goods tiles left to sell, it skips this bonus.
You perform final scoring normally.
The Châteauma then scores:
• 4 VP for each face-up monastery (yellow) tile in its duchy or on incomplete county cards
(but not including those in its Reserve).
• 1 VP for each unsold goods tile on its duchy board.
• 1 VP for each silver coin on its duchy board.
• 1 VP for each hex tile left in its reserve.
• 2 VP for each hex tile on incomplete county cards.
To win, your score must be higher than the Châteauma's. In the case of a tie, the Châteauma wins.
Difficulty can be adjusted by choosing modifiers equal to the difficulty level.
• Gateway: no modifiers
• Midweight: one modifier
• Heavy: two or more modifiers
The modifiers are:
A. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35). When setting up the Châteauma's
board, place a random unused face-down black depot tile in each of the following colored areas (from left to right,
starting with the topmost row): 2 on buildings, 1 on livestock, 1 on ship, and 1 on monastery (the spaces marked A).
This reduces the number of tiles the Châteauma needs to claim bonus tiles.
B. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35). When setting up the Châteauma's
board, place a random unused face-up tile matching a colored area in each of the following colored areas: 1 build-
ing, 1 mine, and 1 castle (the spaces marked B). This reduces the number of bonus tiles the Châteauma needs to
claim and the mine will generate 1 silver coin at the end of each phase.
C. The Châteauma is the starting player.
D. The Châteauma uses duchy board number 36 (on the back of duchy board 35) which contains hex tile spaces
with an extra turn placement bonus. First, the Châteauma places all its hex tiles from the completed county card
into its duchy. If it places a tile on a space with a symbol, the Châteauma takes a bonus “Choosing a hex tile”
action immediately, except using the white die to select a depot. The Châteauma will try placing this bonus hex
on the remaining county card. If both county cards are completed, it takes a "Sell goods" action instead.
Complete all extra turn bonus actions before refilling the county card.
Note: Multiple extra turn symbols may be covered during the same turn. Resolve each separately before moving onto
the next one.
It is perfectly fine to have scoring levels of county cards different from the number of difficulty modifier cards used.
If you want to play with scoring at Gateway and modifiers at Midweight, do it and have fun. Please tailor the experi-
ence to fit your level. Note, the recommended standard game is played with county cards scoring at the Midweight
tier and without any modifiers.
• Shields:
– Shield #2: Remove it from the shields before setup – it is not supported in this mode.
– Shield #6: You may copy any face-up monastery tile in the Châteuma’s duchy (not including its reserve)
or on county cards. You copy the ability of the monastery tiles, not the victory points that the Châteauma
would score from them at the end of the game.
– Whenever the Châteauma completes a county card, and that card has a shield symbol on it, Châteauma will take
a shield from the main board starting with the depot matching the value on the white die (then clockwise).
If there is more than 1 shield in the depot, choose the one with the lowest number. Then:
• It takes such a shield and places it to the side of its board, face-down.
• It does not use the ability of the shield, nor does it have to pay tribute for any such shields at the end of
each round.
– At the end of the game, the Châteauma scores victory points for the number of shields it has:
• 1 = 8 VP
• 2 = 15 VP
• 3 = 25 VP
• 4+ = 40 VP
• Team Game boards – the Châteauma does not support these boards / this play mode. Do not use them in games
with Châteauma.
• Solo Game boards – the Châteauma does not support these boards / this play mode. Do not use them in games
with Châteauma.
The Châteauma scores additional victory points based on the number of double hex tiles in its pile.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
hex tiles
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91
Châteauma automated opponent designed by: John Albertson and Nick Shaw, based on solo concepts
by Dávid Turczi
Additional solo development and playtesting: Krzysztof Belczyk, Chuck Case, Shelley Danielle, David Digby,
Wojciech Frelich, Ernest Kiedrowicz, Jan Truchanowicz and all who took part in the organized external testing
Testers of the “The Castles of Burgundy” basic game: Frieder Benzing, Willi Brodt, Susanne Feld,
Jonathan Feld, Benjamin Fleck, Thomas Koslowski, Amos Krämer, Denis Leonhard, Roland Lurk, Michael
Schmitt, Aiko Schuhmann, Marius Stein, Christoph Toussaint, Roland Wilke, Andreas Zimmermann as well as
the play groups from Bacharach, Bödefeld, Gengenbach, Grassau, München, Offenburg, Reutte and Siegsdorf.