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PR2 2023 2024

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Chapter I


Every day, several students are absent from school. Absences can occur for a variety of
reasons, both inside and outside of the school. Absenteeism might be motivated by a student's
desire not to attend; nonetheless, these absences are usually a conscious and planned decision.
and are thus beyond a student's choice and are an involuntary decision. Student absenteeism
frequently begins in elementary school (Grades 1-6), but the majority of absenteeism happens in
secondary school, since students have more liberty in deciding whether or not to be present
(Henry, 2007).

In addition, school attendance is an important factor that influences the academic

performance of pupils. Roby (2004) school attendance indicates that regular school attendance
could help pupils to achieve academic excellence. Similarly, Fleming (2008) advises that pupils
need regular school attendance for them to be highly engaged with classroom activities. Black et
al., (2014) argue that school attendance is reinforced through continuous teacher guidance and
parental/guardian encouragement. Darling-Hammond (2000) argues that regular school
attendance is indispensable in providing pupils with opportunities to achieve learning growth
relative to pupils who are chronically absent from school.

Regular attendance encourages students to actively participate in class, ask questions, and
gain a deeper understanding of the topic. It improves their comprehension and overall academic
achievement. Students who consistently attend class have more opportunity to interact with their
peers and teachers. Furthermore, frequent attendance assists students in staying on top of
assignments, projects, and deadlines. This helps them to properly manage their workload and
provide high-quality work. Attending classes on a regular basis also encourages positive
classroom interactions, and discussions—this allows students to extend their ideas, develop
critical thinking skills, and enhance their communication talents. Also, frequent attendance
encourages students to form strong bonds with their teachers and peers. This fosters a positive
learning atmosphere.

However, when students have low attendance, it can have some negative effects. For
starters, they might miss out on key concepts and lessons taught in class. This can make it harder
for them to catch up and understand the material. Plus, it can have a direct impact on their grades
and overall academic performance. Additionally, when students aren't present, they might miss
out on valuable class discussions, group activities, and hands-on learning experiences. These
interactions can enhance their understanding and engagement with the subject matter.
McCluskey et al., (2004) show that poor school attendance may also have serious implications
for the academic growth of learners. This is in consonance with attendance works (2014) that
reiterates that absence and school dropout positively influence slow academic progression and
class repetition in high school. In a similar fashion, Zubrick (2019) remarks that poor attendance
rates and higher proportions of unexplained absences tend to damage academic success and lead
to poor academic achievement. Maynard et al., (2013) perspectives are not different from the
previous studies when they reasoned that low academic achievers quit schooling because they
cannot cope with the low esteem arising from their low performance or repeat class for better
academic achievement.

Background of the Study

Nowadays, most people refer to education as a lifetime obligation. They tend to go to

school as a requirement that needs to be fulfilled. But behind all of these, the true meaning of
education is still left to be told. How could someone appreciate the true meaning of education if
they're not even present to learn it in the first place? This opportunity is often neglected in the
form of absenteeism.
To be absent for a day is normal, because students really do encounter such obstacles
along the way. But to be in absence in consecutive days isn't normal anymore. The word
absenteeism means the absent of student from class when he/she is scheduled to be present at
school when teacher has no in advance (Jaura, 2013), that the student will not be reputed for
class if he has taken leave to which he is entitled or on ground of sickness or in case of accident.
Thus, absence may authorize or unauthorized willful or caused by circumstance beyond teacher's
control Educators have argued consistent school attendance is critical if students are to build
foundation for ongoing learning and academic success throughout life (Epstein & Sheldon,
2002). Going to school regularly is crucially important for a student's education and social skills
(Sculles, 2013). When students are not in class, they miss essential instruction, which often times
cannot be replicated. They miss the incidental learning that takes place during classroom

The study of absenteeism is very important for any institution. Chronically absent
students are at a disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of
social interaction and development with their peers, while simultaneously limiting their academic
progress. Thus, can result in low self-esteem, social isolation, and dissatisfaction that could well
have precipitated non-attendance in the first place. It would be of a great factor to easily cease
them from achieving not only an intellectual development but a personal development as well
which may then affect their lives. Absenteeism (frequent unexcused absence) is a strong
predictor of undesirable outcomes in adolescence, including academic failure, dropping out of
school, gang involvement, and teenage pregnancy (Dube & Orpinas, 2009; Eaton et al., 2008;
Henry, 2007, Kearney, 2008).

Absenteeism also disturbs the dynamic teaching-learning environment and adversely

affects the overall well-being of classes (Segal, 2008). In quality terms, absenteeism is a waste of
educational resources, time and human potential. Student absenteeism also causes rework and
wasted time for teachers (Lalek 1995; Rumberger 1997). Teachers who spent time re-teaching
lessons take instructional time away from students who attend class regularly, and the extra time
spent going over absentee homework and class assignments takes time away from lecturer
planning periods and time needed to provide individual assistance (Weller, 1996).

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to find out how absenteeism affects the academic
performance of Grade 10 students in Sanlibo National High School. The researchers want to
explore the relationship between absenteeism rates and academic performance. It aims to answer
the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of Grade 10 students in terms of:

a) Name (Optional);

b) Sex;

c) Age;

2. How do absences, tardiness, or irregular attendance affect the learning progress of

Grade 10 students?

3. What are the reasons for students' absences in class?

a) Laziness
b) Illness
B.1. Headache
B.2. Dysmenorrhea
B.3. Toothache
B.4. Stomachache
B.5 Fever
c) lack of financial support
d) Adult Responsible
4. Is there a significant relationship between the number of absenteeism of students and
their academic performance?


1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant relationship between absenteeism and academic performance among

Grade 10 students.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant relationship between absenteeism and academic performance among

Grade 10 students.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to identify the effects that contribute to students’
absenteeism among Grade 10 students of Sanlibo National High School during the S.Y. 2023-
2024. This study can help teacher, students, school, parents, society, and future researchers to
understand the root causes of students' absences and to develop effective strategies to overcome
it. The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers - This refers to the teachers of Sanlibo National High School. In this study, teachers’
benefits through the development of student’s attendance. As a positive result, teachers’ problem
regarding students’ absenteeism will be lessened.
Students - They are the Grade 10 students and the main concern in this study who are having
issue with absenteeism. In this study, the findings of this research will help student realize, get
inspired, and become beneficial to the students of Sanlibo National High School.

School - This study can benefit the Sanlibo National High School by providing insights into the
effects of absenteeism on the academic performance of Grade 10 students. This information can
guide interventions and improve overall student academic outcomes.

Parents - This study can provide insights into the challenges their children face in terms of the
effects of absenteeism on academic performance of their children/s. With this knowledge,
parents can provide better support and guidance to their children, helping them to overcome
absences and achieve better academic outcomes.

Society - The results of this study will benefit society by educating people about the effects of
absenteeism on the academic performance of students.

Future researchers - Will be gaining ideas related to this study. The researchers conclude that
the other inadequacy of this research data will be answered and drawn on your possible
researches related on this study.

Definition of terms

To ensure better understanding and interpretation of this study, the following terms are
defined operationally.

Students - are individuals who are engaged in a process of learning and development, usually
within a structured educational environment in Sanlibo National High School.
Absenteeism - refers to a student being absent from school. Absences can be motivationally
based (i.e. poor relationships with other students, academic failure) and structurally based (i.e.
having to work during school hours, taking care of a sick family member).

Academic performance - is an assessment of a student's success in their studies, including their

grades, test scores, and overall academic achievement. It is often used to measure a student's
progress and to identify areas where they may need additional support or enrichment.

Attendance - is the act of being present at or attending a class, an event or a meeting.

Motivation - is the driving force or energy that inspires and leads behavior toward a goal. It is
internal or external stimulation that motivates people to act, persevere in their efforts, and
achieve their goals.

Scope and Delimitations

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of absenteeism. The researchers will
also provide information about absenteeism in order for the participants to have knowledge and a
wide understanding of this topic. This study covered the Grade 10 students of Sanlibo National
High School. Each of the respondents is given a questionnaire to answer. The result of this study
may also be a basis for other similar study.
Chapter II


Foreign Literature

Student absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents, society

in general, and pupils in particular. Unaccepted absences have negative effect on peer
relationships, which can cause further absences. Understanding which factors are contributing to
student absences can facilitate the identification and implementation of the appropriate support
and intervention strategies (Chang et al.,2018).

In addition to, it can be defined as a part- or full-day absence from school that is or is not
condoned by the student's school and/or family. Absenteeism is caused by many factors,
including the student (e.g. lack of interest in school, health issues), the home (e.g. familial
neglect, lack of support in schooling), the school (e.g., poor school climate, unmet educational
needs), and society (e.g. poverty) (Reid. 2014). Students often exhibit multiple, interwoven
causes for their absenteeism, thereby complicating the absentee- ism phenomenon. While
occasional absences are expected for many youths during their educational Journey, regular
absences are detrimental to students learning, academic performance, and educational
achievement (Gentle-Genitty et al., 2019). As students miss classes and/or whole days of school,
they miss valuable instructional time. fall behind their peers, and become further disengaged
from their schooling (Attwood & Croll, 2015) Most alarming perhaps is that absenteeism is the
dominant precursor to premature school leaving, dropping out), which has drastic negative
implications for a student's future life outcomes (Huber, 2013; Uppal, 2017) Although
absenteeism may not cause premature school leaving, it is a signifier of a student's increased
disengagement from schooling system.

Poor attendance is one of the best predictors of later school drop-out. Recent research
indicates that absenteeism is a better predictor of drop-out than low grades or test scores
(Gottfried, 2014). Lower rates of attendance are also associated with higher rates of grade
retention, disengagement, and alienation in school (Gottfried, 2014). Additionally, poor
attendance has negative impacts on the learning environment within the school (Ballanz &
Byrnes, 2018). When students miss instructional time due to absences, remediation is required
when they return. Additionally, students who are frequently absent report alienation from their
peers and teachers and demonstrate more social disengagement (Gottfried, 2015). Indeed, if a
classroom has a high proportion of chronically absent students, lower reading and math scores
are observed even for the students with good attendance (Gottfried, 2015).

Local Literature

According to Philippine basic Education in 2013. As educator, it is important to know the

threshold. Drawing policies on school intervention regarding absenteeism requires guiding
information on where to draw the line. Policies cannot be simply drawn out on thin air three days
in a month that number, are result of research, is a useful guide for teacher and school
administrators. Absences create a dead, tiresome, unpleasant classroom, environment that makes
students who come to class uncomfortable and the lecturer irritable. Absenteeism disturbs the
dynamic teaching-learning environment and adversely affects the overall well-being of classes.
In quality terms, absenteeism is a waste of educational resources, time and human potential.
Student absenteeism also causes rework and wasted time for lecturers. It is described by the
article is only an initial analysis of the data. Ongoing research will continue to unravel further the
underlying factors that result into absenteeism. This is an important task since this information
likewise is necessary to design the interventions that are relevant.
According to Michael A. Clores in 2015 absenteeism indicates low performance of
teachers, students' dissatisfaction of the school's services, or lack at poor academic and non-
academic structures or policies that address the problems or factors influencing or the reinforcing
this behavior. Parents are financially burdened for having their children to stay longer in the
school. having to re-enroll them in subjects where they fail due to excessive absences. The
present study aimed to explore the process by which the phenomenon of the schools' absenteeism
evolves or is experienced by the college students. In depth interviews of ten (10) absentee
students and the use of editing style analysis and a method described by Colaizzi (2013) yielded
3 (three) category schemes of experience of school absenteeism. (a) disempowering
circumstances-feeling of helplessness; (b) misguided value system-mixed act priorities; and (c)
pedagogical dilemmas - unappealing academic environment. Based on the findings, pedagogical,
psychological and social culture implications are discussed.

Conceptual Framework
The researchers primarily intend to figure out why students miss school and how it
affects the academic performance of grade 12 students at Sanlibo National High School. The
means outline deals with the process of gathering data through conducting survey questionnaires
and interventions. The output represents the final objective of the study, which is to examine the
effects of absenteeism on the academic performance of grade 12 students at Sanlibo National
High School.

To illustrate the framework of the study, the paradigm below is an elaboration of these

Input Output Process

A. Respondents profile •Analysis data through Improvement of academic
* Sex interview performance of the grade 10
students at Sanlibo National
* Age •Conduct Survey
High School
* Year Level Questionnaire
•Selecting respondents

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

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