AERO175 Answers 8

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1. There are 86400 seconds in a day.

a. !True
b. False

2. quot;Number 16 Bus Shelterquot; was a child039;s name that was approved by the
New Zealand government.
a. False
b. !True

3. When did the website quot;Facebookquot; launch?

a. !2004
b. 2005
c. 2006
d. 2003

4. Computer manufacturer Compaq was acquired for 25 billion dollars in 2002 by

which company?
a. !HewlettPackard
b. Dell
c. Asus
d. Toshiba

5. Who founded the Khan Academy?

a. Kitt Khan
b. Ben Khan
c. !Sal Khan
d. Adel Khan

6. If someone said quot;you are olidquot;, what would they mean?

a. You are out of shapeweak.
b. !You smell extremely unpleasant.
c. You are incomprehensiblean idiot.
d. Your appearance is repulsive.

7. Whose greyscale face is on the kappa emoticon on Twitch?

a. Justin DeSeno
b. !Josh DeSeno
c. John DeSeno
d. Jimmy DeSeno

8. The likeness of which president is featured on the rare 2 bill of USA currency?
a. Ulysses Grant
b. Martin Van Buren
c. !Thomas Jefferson
d. John Quincy Adams

9. Which of these cities does NOT have a United States Minting location?
a. Philidelphia, PA
b. !St. Louis, MO
c. San Fransisco, CA
d. West Point, NY
10. The drug cartel run by Pablo Escobar originated in which South American city?
a. Bogotaacute;
b. !Medelliacute;n
c. Cali
d. Quito

11. What kind of aircraft was developed by Igor Sikorsky in the United States in
a. Jet
b. Stealth Blimp
c. !Helicopter
d. Space Capsule

1. What was the name of Captain Nemo039;s submarine in quot;20,000 Leagues Under
the Seaquot;?
a. The Poseidon
b. !The Nautilus
c. The Atlantis
d. The Neptune

2. Who wrote the 1967 horror novel quot;Rosemary039;s Babyquot;?

a. Mary Shelley
b. !Ira Levin
c. Stephen King
d. Robert Bloch

3. In the quot;The Hobbitquot;, who kills Smaug?

a. Gandalf the Grey
b. !Bard
c. Frodo
d. Bilbo Baggins

4. Under what pseudonym did Stephen King publish five novels between 1977 and 1984?
a. J. D. Robb
b. !Richard Bachman
c. Mark Twain
d. Lewis Carroll

5. The book quot;The Little Princequot; was written by...

a. !Antoine de SaintExupeacute;ry
b. F. Scott Fitzgerald
c. Jane Austen
d. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

6. Which of these book series is by James Patterson?

a. !Maximum Ride
b. Harry Potter
c. The Legend of Xanth
d. The Bartemaeus Trilogy

7. In Alice in Wonderland, what is the name of Alice039;s kitten?

a. Heath
b. Smokey
c. Oscar
d. !Dinah

8. What was Sir Handel039;s original name in quot;The Railway Seriesquot; and
it039;s animated counterpart quot;Thomas and Friends?quot;
a. Swallow
b. Eagle
c. Kyte
d. !Falcon

1. What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 20 inches if pi; 3.1415?

a. 380.1215 Inches
b. !314.15 Inches
c. 1256.6 Inches
d. 3141.5 Inches

2. What is the Roman numeral for 500?

a. !D
b. C
c. L
d. X

3. How many zeptometres are inside one femtometre?

a. 1,000,000,000
b. 1000
c. 10
d. !1,000,000

4. A universal set, or a set that contains all sets, exists.

a. True
b. !False

5. The decimal number 31 in hexadecimal would be what?

a. !1F
b. 3D
c. 2E
d. 1B

6. What is the symbol for Displacement?

a. dr
b. !Delta;r
c. r
d. Dp
7. How many sides does a heptagon have?
a. !7
b. 6
c. 5
d. 8

8. What is the plane curve proposed by Descartes to challenge Fermat039;s

extremumfinding techniques called?
a. Cartesian Coordinates
b. Descarte039;s Helicoid
c. !Folium of Descartes
d. Elliptic Paraboloid of Descartes

9. You can square root a negative number with an imaginary number quot;iquot;.
a. False
b. !True

10. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length as opposed to three.
a. False
b. !True

11. A scalene triangle has two sides of equal length.

a. True
b. !False

12. Which of the following mathematicians made major contributions to game theory?
a. !John Von Neumann
b. Stefan Banach
c. Carl Friedrich Gauss
d. Leonhard Euler

13. What is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two positive
cubes in two different ways?
a. 4104
b. 91
c. 561
d. !1729

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