What Coolant Does

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What Coolant Does

Coolant, or antifreeze, is generally a half-and-half mixture of a form of

glycol and water. The glycol represents the antifreeze element of the mix,
guaranteeing that the fluid doesn't turn into ice under harsh winter
conditions. Glycol also prevents the coolant from reaching the boiling
point in extreme heat. It keeps engine temperatures stable under all
climate extremes and driving conditions.

Pure water actually transfers heat better than coolant (that's why you see
straight water used in the radiators of some types of race cars). However,
coolant/antifreeze includes additional additives that prevent rust and
corrosion in the radiator, engine and vehicle's heater.

Coolant consists of a mixture of water and antifreeze that is stored in the

car’s radiator. A good rule of thumb is to mix them 50/50, but more
antifreeze in the mix increases the boiling point and decreases the
freezing point. Generally speaking, a 50/50 mix is more than adequate for
the kinds of conditions the engine faces. As the engine burns the gasoline,
nearly 1/3 of the energy produced ends up as waste, either in the form of
excess heat energy or exhaust. The heat energy that remains in the
engine cannot simply be allowed to sit and fester. That is how overheating
and eventual breakdown happen.

The coolant mixture is moved through the engine by means of a water

pump. The water circulates through the engine, absorbs the excess heat
energy and carries it to the radiator. There, through a process of heat
exchange, the heat is dispelled, the water is cooled and sent circulating
through the system again. The radiator is positioned to receive an inflow
of outside air constantly to help cool the water.

Why Coolant is Important

Without coolant, the heat produced through constant internal combustion
would destroy the engine very quickly. Water alone is not entirely
adequate to keep the system cool, for the high temperatures inside the
motor would eventually boil it off. In time, the water in the system would
evaporate entirely. Likewise, in very cold weather, the water would freeze
when the car sat idle, rendering the cooling system useless. For these
reasons, the mix of antifreeze is vital to the proper working of the coolant

The coolant in a car’s cooling system needs to be inspected every so often

to protect against corrosion. While the main component of antifreeze,
ethylene glycol does not expire, any additives to inhibit corrosion
eventually do. This makes it a requirement that you change the coolant
every 30,000 miles. The radiator, too, must be in good working order. If
rust builds up, the heat exchanger may fail to function properly and lead
to problems down the road.

An engine’s cooling system is another area that must be looked after from
time to time to make sure that the car does not overheat. By some
estimates, the majority of mechanical breakdowns are caused by
overheating engines. Ensuring that the cooling system components such
as the radiator, water pump and thermostat work well and by maintaining
the level of the coolant in the system, you can largely avoid such

How to dispose of coolant

Any antifreeze, whether ethylene or propylene glycol based, picks up heavy-metal contamination during
use. For this reason, special care must be taken to dispose of used antifreeze. It's safer to have a repair
facility flush your cooling system, since they are required by law to dispose of the material safely.

Most communities have procedures for disposing of hazardous waste; if you do your own repairs and
maintenance, take advantage of these procedures. Don't pour coolant down your sink or into storm
Coolant maintenance

Like any other engine fluid, the coolant needs to be checked on a regular basis. You're checking for two
things: quantity and condition.

Most vehicles have a coolant recovery tank or overflow reservoir, which makes checking the fluid level a
lot easier and safer. The configuration of the radiator and tank/reservoir lets hot coolant expand into
the tank as the engine temperature rises. When the engine cools down, a slight vacuum forms in the
radiator and the fluid is drawn out of the tank/reservoir and back into the radiator. As long as the
radiator cap remains sealed, the coolant can expand and contract without losing a drop.

How to check coolant level

You can check your coolant level simply by looking at the overflow tank. There are two level indicators
on the side of the tank: one indicates the safe level when the engine is hot; the other, when it is cold.

If your coolant level is slightly low, it's safe to add a few ounces of plain water to bring the level back up
to the appropriate mark. If you have to add more than a quart of liquid to the cooling system, use a
glycol/water antifreeze mixture.

Some vehicles' recovery tanks are pressurized when the engine is hot, making the caps as dangerous to
remove as radiator caps. Pressurized recovery tanks are clearly marked with warning decals and their
cap is a system pressure cap, rather than a simple plug or twist-off cap.

Adding antifreeze in a radiator

If the recovery tank is completely empty, you'll need to add a mixture of antifreeze/water to the

Make sure your vehicle has had at least 30 minutes (preferably longer) to cool off, so that the radiator
hose is not hot to the touch.

Remove the radiator cap, checking to make sure the cap's rubber seal is in good shape, and add the
mixture to the top of the radiator neck.

Put the radiator cap back on securely, and add the coolant to the cold level in the recovery tank.

In addition to checking for an adequate amount of fluid, you should examine the condition of the fluid.
Coolant that's still working is a pale greenish-yellow color, like clear, slightly thick lemonade. Long-life
coolants are orange, like pale orangeade. Some vehicle manufacturers employ a beige-colored fluid. No
matter what the color, the key is that it's not brownish or dirty looking and that flecks of rust aren't
floating around in it.

If the coolant is in bad condition, it's time to have the system flushed. The most common service interval
for flushing the system is every 2 to 3 years, or 24,000 to 36,000 miles. When your vehicle goes longer
than that time frame without fresh fluid, your engine may suffer some damage.

So take care of your coolant – and your engine will keep its cool.

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