Blasts in India1
Blasts in India1
Blasts in India1
Shri V. G. Deo, India
ugust :z5, :zoo7. Time 7.40 P.M.
Place - Hyderabad. A new
emerging I.T. Centre of India.
Nearly 40 innocent citizens
(including visiting students from
Engineering College in Maharashtra) lost
their lives in :z powerful bomb-blasts - one
at Lumbini Park & the other near Gokul
strology, though may be called a
normative science, is strictly
based on scientific principles.
The division of signs & planets is
mainly based on Five Elements (panchmahabhutas) - namely Space, Air, Fire, Water and
Earth (Aakash, Vayu, Agn i, ]ala, Prithvi). The bomb-blasts necessarily involve explosion and
so here the fire element beco1nes more prominent. In Astrology, Moon represents public at
large (common 1nan) & the blasts are aimed at terrorising cmnmoners. Many innocent
members die in such blasts. As fire/explosion is the cause of death, the eighth house,
Mrityusthan, from Ascendant/moon in the chart drawn at the time of blast incident should
have some relation to fire element (as it creates fire/blast).
So the study of terror strikes should lead us to some conclusions regarding 1noon, mercury &
the fire elements involved. Let us examine some horoscopes of such bomb blast dates vis-a
vis to the parameters propounded above.
Gk Ma GL Ra Mo
Gk 1
12 As 10
As (Ve) Md /AL
Ma Ju
Hyderabad Blast Me
Sa ""' 2 1 8
August 25, 2007 Me
19:40:00 (5:30 east) Ke Sa
78 E 28, 17 N 23 GL Ke Su
3 7
AL � 6
2. Combust Saturn
3. Sun & Saturn in Makha & Venus in Aslesha - Kroora (cruel asterisms) Nakshatras.
4. Eighth house from Capricorn Moon afflicted by fire element in multiple ways -
a. Occupied by Leo - fiery sign, b. Lord of eight house - Sun - a fiery planet,
c. Sun, the eighth lord in Leo, a fiery sign
d. Eighth lord & eighth house both afflicted by Mars.
5. Not only this Mercury & Mars are in mutual kendra & in Kendra yoga (both are on 17 )
6. Saturn & Mars are also in mutual kendra and afflicting each other;
7. Moon is in saturnine sign & the rasi lord; 'Saturn' is in the eighth house from Moon & in
union with Sun, the eighth lord.
8. If the ascendant is also considered (Aquarius 29 4 at 7.40 pm) then also eighth lord,
Mercury is in fiery sign LEO with fiery sun and with ketu (considered similar to Mars) and
afflicted by Mars.
(2) Blast No. 2: n July 2006, serial blasts between 18:20 & 18:35 pm IST in several
local trains in Mumbai.
Mumbai, the economic capital of India, bleed due to this horrific act. Nearly 200 people lost
their lives due to 7 blasts in various local compartments between 6:15 pm to 6:45 pm. For the
duration of these serial blasts, fiery sign Sagittarius was rising in the ascendant.
Ra Ve Su
B 7 Ju
(Me� Sa Md
a SL� Gk
Ra �9 6 Ke
GL Mumbai Train Blasts
Mo July 11, 2006 AL HL
18:20:00 (5:30 east)
72 E 50, 18 N 58 Su AL
Md Gk 2 4
As Ju Ke Sa
e Ma (Me
3. Vaidhruti yoga,
4. Moon in saturnine sign of Capricorn and in the aspect of Saturn & Mars,
5. Saturn & Mars together in Aslesha,
6. Retrograde combust Mercury with Mars & Saturn in Cancer,
7. Eighth house from Moon occupied by Leo (fiery sign) & lord of eighth house Sun, a fiery
8. Eighth house from Sagittarius Ascendant occupied by fiery Mars along with Saturn.
9. Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Mars all in mutual kendras from each other.
10. 1't Tithi of second half (Krishna Pratipada)
(3) Blast No. 3: Malegaon, 8th Sept.2006, 13:50 pm, blast 10 Masjid, 38 dead, 150
Mo As 8 7 Ju
Mo Sa GL� Ke
Rasi Md
Ra �{) 6 Gk Ma
Malegaon Blasts Me AL Ve "" 3
September 8, 2006 Su SL
13:50:00 (5:30 east) SL Ve
74 E 36, 20 N 33 H� AL Su
Ke Md 2 4 Me
As Ju Ma
Gk Sa
Main reasons-
1. Combust Mercury
2. Combust Mars
3. Moon moving at a faster pace (15 n' in 24 hrs.)
4. Krishna Pratipada just after Moon Eclipse of 7-9-2006,
5. Mars, fiery planet, in the eighth house from Moon & eight lord (Mercury) fro1n Moon
combust with Sun & in Leo, fiery sign
6. Sagittarius, the ascendant also a fiery sign (same like Mumbai blast),
7. Eighth lord from ascendant, Moon, afflicted by fiery Sun,
8. Moon & Rahu, Mars - Ketu, Mercury - Ketu in union.
9. Saturn in Aslesha, Venus in M akha, Jupiter in V ishaka.
(4) Blast No. 4: New Delhi, 29 Oct. 2005, bomb blasts between 17:35 & 18:to pm, 25
The ascendant sign was Aries for the full half an hour.
The points to be noted -
1. Ascendant sign fiery Aries with fiery, retrograde Mars in the Ascendant sign,
Ra As Gk
New Delhi Blasts
GL October 29, 2005 SL
17:35:00 (5:30 east)
77 E 12, 28 N 36
�e Ju Ke HL
Me Su Mo
(5) Blast No. 5: 12 March 1993, major blasts between 13:30 to 15:15 pm Mumbai
° °
The ascendant sign moved from Gemini 16 to Cancer 10 .
(Me) Sa
Ra Mo (Ju)
In addition to these blasts, there were a number of other incidents all over the country over
last decade; they may be summarily assessed as follows -
(6) 1 Oct. 2001, Jammu & Kashmir, assembly targeted, 35 dead.
Vishti karan; Mercury becoming retrograde on 2. Oct. Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu
in mutual kendras. Tithi 14 of Bright half.
(7) 1l Dec. 2001, Delhi, parliament attacked, 5 dead.
Combust Mercury; Saturn & Mars in mutual aspects & kendras, Sun, Moon, Mars,
Venus, Saturn all in mutual kendras; Mercury, eighth lord from Scorpio Moon in fiery
Sagittarius. Mercury in Moola. Sun & Venus in Jyestha. Tithi Krishna Chaturdashi.
(8) 24 Sept. 2002, Akshardham (Gujrath), 33 dead.
Combust & retrograde Mercury, slower pace of Moon (n ° so'), Mars, eighth lord from
Aries Moon in Leo; Vishti karan; Eighth house afflicted by Mars in Leo. Jupiter in Aslesha.
(9) 30 March 2002, Jammu & Kashmir temple attacked, 12 dead.
Moon in Libra, Venus, eighth lord from Moon in Aries along with Mars; Vyaghat
Yoga, Tithi 2.nd of second half.
(10) 14 Nov. 2002, Jammu.
Combust mercury, retrograde Venus; Mars in Virgo, eighth house from Aquarius
Moon; Moon's pace n 56', Saturn & Mars in mutual kendras. Sun & Mercury in Vishakha,
Jupiter in Aslesha.
(11) 14 May 2003, Jammu, military camp, 30 dead.
Combust & retrograde Mercury, Moon's pace 15 05'; Venus, the eighth lord from Libra
Moon, in fiery Aries, Sun in Krittika, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars all in mutual
(12) 15 Aug. 2004, Assam, 16 dead.
New moon day (Amavasya), retrograde, combust Mercury, combust Mars. Eighth
house from Cancer Moon afflicted by Mars in Leo; Sun, Moon in Aslesha; Mars in Makha.
(13) 7 March 2006, Varanasi temple targeted.
Retrograde combust Mercury, Moon with Mars m Taurus; Sagittarius, eighth house
sign from Taurus Moon afflicted by fiery Mars.
(14) 28 Dec.2005, Bangalore (Institute of Science) attacked.
Moon in Scorpio & Mercury, the eighth lord from Scorpio Moon, in Scorpio afflicted
by Mars in Aries, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus in mutual kendras; Sun in Moola, Mercury
in Jyestha, Mars - Saturn in mutual aspects.
(15) 25 Aug. 2003, Mumbai (Gateway of India & Zaveri Bazar), 55 dead.
Vyatipat, Mercury moving at 17' only, combust Jupiter & Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Venus
in Makha, Mars in Aquarius i.e. the eighth house from Cancer Moon.
Some additional details of minor blast incidents in Mumbai are given in just list form: -
Sr. No., Date Main Poi
28-07-2003 Mars in Aquarius in eig9-th house from
(16) Ghatkopar (Bus) Cancer Moon Rahu in Krittika, Mercury in
night Makha
This article was 1•t penned in the first week of September 2007 and since then in the last 9
months, a number of incidents of bomb blasts have occurred at various places all over the
world, the latest being on l July 2008 at 8.30 am near Indian embassy in Kabul after this
article was submitted to Saptarishis Astrology.
Me Ve
GL AL Su Gk Mo Ke
Md Ma Ve
HL 7 6 Sa As 4 3 Su
Kabul Blast 8 5 2
Mo Ma 11
Ra .July 7, 2008 As
8:30:00 (4:30 east) Sa
69 E 11, 34 N 31
(Ju) 9
SL Md �o 2
(Ju) HL
In the light of our concluding observations, horoscope analysis of this blast reveals the
following points.
1. Eighth house from the ascendant & from Leo Moon is afflicted by fiery Mars.Jupiter
the eighth lord from both ascendant and Moon is in fiery sign Sagittarius.
z, Moon is in conjunction with Mars and Saturn. In addition Mars & Saturn are
together (i.e. in mutual Kendra's also)
3. Regarding Kroor N akshtras (Cruel Constellations), Ketu is in Ashlesha, Saturn &
Mars are in Makha and Rahu is in Dhanistha.
4. There was V
' yatipata' yoga on the day.
Thus all observations hold good except those relating to Mercury and slow pace of Moon in
above incident.
In addition, please find below the major blasts during the last 9 months.
1. n October 2.007- 18.05 Ajmer (India)
z, 14 October 2.007 - zo.35 Ludhiana (India)
th th
3. 18 /19 October 2.007 Midnight - Karachi (Pakistan)
4. n December 2.007 Algiers
h h
5. 1/ /i/ December 2.007- 1.06 Blast in Dibrugarh Guwahati Express - Assam (India)
6. z7 December 2.007 - 18.06 - Karachi (Ex-PM Mrs. Benazir Bhutto died in the blast)
7. 1/ May 2.008 - 19.35 Series of 7 blasts inJaipur (India)
8. 7 July 2.008, Kabul (Afghanistan)
Analysis of these blasts, with reference to the points mentioned in our observations, shows -
1. Mercury was retrograde at the time of z blasts (z,3) and combust in 3 incidents (4,5,6).
In the first incident it became retrograde on the next day. Thus in 6 out of 8 incidents
our observation holds good. (75o;o)
z, In most cases eighth house from both Ascendant and/ or moon is related to fiery signs
/ planets - especially Mars
3. In all cases major planets were in cruel constellations (Makha /Jyestha / Ashlesha)
4. Jupiter - Mars were in mutual kendras in 3 cases (4,5,6); Jupiter - Saturn in 3 cases
(1,z,3); Mars - Saturn in I case (8). So this observation holds good for 7 out of 8 cases.
5. Moon's slower pace was observed only in z cases. But in some cases tithi was nearer to
the new moon day (Amavasya) or moon was in conjunction to Saturn / Mars.
h th 5t h
6. On 1/ May 08 & 7 July 08 Moon was in Leo (Purvafalguni I pada) and on 1/ Dec
h th nd
07, zl Aug 07 & n July 06 Moon was in Capricorn (Uttarashadha z pada).
Surprisingly, both these are vargottama navamsas - one, eighth from Capricorn (the
sign of India) and the other in Capricorn (the sign of India).
This mainly shows that systematic study of such incidents will give us certain parameters
for predicting future probable dates of such incidents. We can alert the people / Police /
Government to be extra cautious on these days so that these incidents can be avoided or at
least their intensity can be reduced. That is the main purpose of J
' yotish' - HEYAM
Probable Dates:
Certain probable dates indicating high death toll due to such blasts / maJor rail-road
accidents/ natural calamities are as follows -
28th /29th July 08 to Ist Aug 08
th th
9 /rn August o8
4t to 7 September 08
th th th th
5 , 6 , 8 , 16 , 17 O eta ber o g
th N
13 , 14 , 30 ovember o8
th th
,t th th
1 , 12 , 13 D ece1nb er o8
n , 23rd January 09
19 th, 20 th March 09
The prediction regarding places of blast is at present out of purview of this study and needs
very large data with geographical details.
These dates are similar to "Accident- Prone Zones" on National Highways. Such zones only
indicate the higher probability of accidents taking place in such zones. It does not imply that
every vehicle passing through that zone 1neets with an accident nor does it imply that
accidents will occur only in that zone & nowhere else on that road. Similarly above dates are
indicative of high probability of blasts on these days. If on any of these days, concerned
persons take due care beforehand and avoid the tragedy, purpose of this study will be served.
Yet another question, often raised by opponents of astrology is that whether those, who die
at a time in a particular blast, belong to same rasi. If not, then how astrology can be called a
science. This is a separate subject to be discussed in a separate full article.
Special Note:
The article, originally written in September 07, was supplemented in the second week
of July 08, with the analysis of 8 blasts between Sept 07 & July 08. Further on the suggestion
of the editorial board of Saptarishis Astrology, some probable dates of future blasts were
predicted on the basis of mainly Retrograde and/or Combust Mercury. For predicting exact
dates during such period of affected Mercury, the slower/faster pace of Moon along with
Mars-Moon, Mars-Saturn relations was taken into account. Unfortunately, before the article
is published, a number of systematically planned blasts happened on 25 h, 26 July 08. These
(Ju) As
Publishers Notes: This article was written over a period of 1 year and the flavor of that is maintained.
As per TOI news report, there were 3 major terror attacks - one in Istanbul (17 dead, 150 injured), second
in Baghdad & third in Kirkuk (totally 70 dead, 300 injured) on 28 July 08. Additionally in the probable
dates the author has mentioned rail road accidents also as one of the causes with the date of 1" Aug 2008,
you can see that on 1" Aug 2008, around 32 people were killed when flames engulfed five coaches of the
Secunderabad-Kakinada Gautami Express train at 1.10 a.m. on Friday near Kesamudram railway station,
about 70 km from Warangal, India. On 10 Aug blasts in Bahghad happened as per Mr. Deas prediction,
on 9'h Aug dated outlined by him there was news of 2000 people dead in dispute of Georgia & Russia.
The first incident of blasts was in Bangalore (12.N 58, 77 E35) on z5 h July 08 between 1.40 p.m.
& z.15 p.m. The ascendant shifted from Libra 2.7 ° to Scorpio 6 ° . The planetary position was
as follows: Sun Cancer 9 ° , Moon Ashwini Pada, Mars Leo zo 0 zo', Mercury (C)
I & z
Cancer 4 ° , Jupiter (R) Sagittarius 2.1 ° , Venus Cancer 2.1 ° , Rahu Capricorn 2.5 ° & Ketu Cancer
2.5 ° . The concluding parameters in our article which are applicable to these blasts are: 1.
Combust Mercury, z.Scorpio, the eighth house from Aries Moon, afflicted by fiery Mars,
3.Saturn in Makha, Venus & Ketu in Aslesha, and 4.Saturn-Mars together in fiery Leo.
AL Mo Ra
Me HL Ve
Rasi Ke Gk
":;,\�v; ,
"", ,
Ahmadabad Blasts Sa � /
", ��
As Ma /
July 26, 2008 " , / Me ',,, /
/ ,
18:45:00 (5:30 east) , ',,,
,, //Ve HL ' , ,, / //
', ' , / /
72 E 37, 23 N 2 /
i,v/ Ke Md Su SL ',v//6
//3�"�" Gk ///5� �"
(Ju) / "
/ ,
/ ', ", ,
' ,
"�" "� "
/ /
/ // /
/ /
The second series of blasts happened m point, proving our parameters of fiery relation
Ahmadabad on the next day- z6 July 08 with eighth house & pace of moon true.
between 6.45 p.m. & 9.30 p.m. Here also the Here we admit the fact that these z dates were
ascendant moved from Capricorn o0 to not predicted by us. Yet, we had mentioned in
th th
Aquarius 19° . The planetary position was as our prediction the dates z8 & 2.9 July 08.
follows: Sun Cancer 10° , Moon in Bharani z Surprisingly, as per TO I news report, there
& / Pada, Mars Leo 2.1 ° , Mercury (C) Cancer were 3 major terror attacks - one in Istanbul
6° , Jupiter (R) Sagittarius 2.1 ° , Venus Cancer (17 dead, 150 injured), second in Baghdad &
2.3° , Saturn Leo 13° , Rahu Capricorn 2.5 ° , Ketu third in Kirkuk (totally 70 dead, 300 injured)
th th th
Cancer 2.5 ° . All the parameters mentioned on z8 July 08. Still on z8 & z9 July, a
above are applicable here also. Moon was still number of bombs were detected & diffused in
in Aries. Ahmadabad & Surat, major cities in India.
Yet the additional important factor, which is Thus, all the conclusions based on systematic
different in this case, is that Mars, the fiery astrological analysis proved correct and once
planet, was situated in the eighth house from again emphatically points out that Astrology
the ascendant, Capricorn, and that too in fiery Is a Perfect Science without Any Doubt.
Leo. Further the eighth lord is also the fiery
Sun. Even in the case of Aquarius ascendant,
the eighth lord, Mercury, is with fiery Sun.
� --------
Yet another factor is the faster pace of Moon www.saptarishisastrolo51:J.COm