Keywords: techno-economic analysis; passive and active solar stills; carbon credits; solar energy; solar
*Corresponding author:
desalination process
com Received 20 April 2013; revised 10 May 2013; accepted 14 May 2013
Solar distillation systems can be classified as passive and active. effect system, and less than 4% for a single-effect system. A
Main device of the system inside which evaporation and con- passive solar still was also studied exergetically by Torchia-Nunez
densation of water similar to the process of rainfall in nature et al. [11]. It is found that the most influential parameter is solar
take place is known as solar still. The schematic diagram of a irradiance. The largest exergy destruction is found to be in the
simple single-effect basin-type passive solar still [3] is shown in collector (basin). It is also estimated that for the same exergy
Figure 1. Input energy of the passive solar stills is the solar radi- input, a collector, brine and solar still have exergy efficiencies of
ation, which is absolutely at zero cost. But efficiency of the 12.9, 6 and 5%, respectively. An energy, exergy and life cycle cost
system is found to be low and cost of product water is high. analysis of single and double-slope solar stills has been carried
Attempts have been made to increase the efficiency and product- out by Dwivedi and Tiwari [12]. Double-slope solar still is
ivity by preheating the saline water of solar still. This method is found to give higher distillate output in summer with low
called active solar distillation. In case of active solar still, an add- annual distillate, higher exergy efficiency, low cost of production
itional source of thermal energy is required for faster evapor- and low energy payback time compared with single-slope solar
ation inside the same passive solar still. The additional source still. Kumar and Tiwari [13] have analyzed the energy and exergy
may be solar energy-based systems or waste heat of industries efficiency of a shallow basin passive solar still varying parameters
and productivity of solar stills, and decreasing the cost of product the productivity of the system, it is inferred that energy efficiency
water. It is reported that the productivity of a conventional solar is also considered in the analysis. But the effect of exergy efficiency
still cannot be more than 4 to 5 L/m2/day for high values of solar on the unit cost of desalination of saline water by the solar stills is
radiation. The efficiency of a solar still is projected in the range of negligible in the literature. On the other hand, the benefits of
25 to 50% depending on the construction and the ambient condi- using low- or zero-carbon technology like solar energy for the
tions. It is concluded that solar distillation is more capital inten- production of safe drinking water in terms of reduction in global
sive than any other desalination processes of the same capacity, environmental problem have not been incorporated yet for eco-
even though costly drinking water produced remains the best so- nomic analysis. In view of the authors of this paper, cost equiva-
lution for remote locations in small capacity where there are no lent of social welfare and other benefits of using safe drinking
other alternative. Govind and Tiwari [16] have described the cost water from solar stills in the absence of alternative means are also
analysis of some of the solar energy systems including solar distil- to be included in the economic analysis.
lation units. It is indicated that for a small requirement of distilled Therefore, in this article, the economic analysis model of
water, the multiple wick solar still is more economical than the passive solar distillation systems available in literature is modi-
mounted type solar still. Using the method proposed by Govind fied based on the factor of carbon credits, equivalent cost of en-
countries. In view of this, the Equation (2) of the conventional 5 NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
model is modified in the present paper as:
In the present work, the techno-economic analysis is carried out
for the passive solar distillation system. First of all, the conven-
TAC = ACs þ OMC ASV EDES. ð11Þ tional model of techno-economic analysis without considering
benefits of using solar stills in terms of EDES or ECBCO2 is
used. Unit cost of desalination of saline water produced from the
If the concept of carbon trading suggested under clean develop- passive solar still under study is estimated to be Rs.1.90/L (i.e.
ment mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol [25] is included US$ 0.034/L) using Equations (1) and (2). It has been investi-
in the techno-economic analysis of the solar distillation system gated that there is marginal reduction in the unit cost of desalin-
for developing countries, the unit cost of desalination of saline ation of saline water with increment in the average annual
water will certainly reduce and become competitive with other productivity due to enhancement of energy and exergy efficien-
technologies. Then EDES term may be substituted by the term cies by incorporating better design parameters, such as increas-
Table 2. Cost analysis and the unit cost of desalination of saline water from solar stills with and without consideration of the equivalent annual cost of
environmental degradation and high-grade energy savings (EDES).
S. No. Type of solar stills Ref. No. Cs (US$) CRF ACs S SFF ASV OMC TAC Myearly (L) UCdw (US$/L)
Simple Modified
1 PSS-SS Present article 178.6 0.177 31.60 17.86 0.057 1.018 4.74 35.33 1043 0.034 0.024
2 PSS-SS [8] 190 0.177 33.63 19 0.057 1.083 5.04 37.59 585 0.064 0.047
3 PSS-SS [20] 275 0.177 48.67 27.5 0.057 1.567 7.30 54.40 1511 0.036 0.029
4 PSS-PS [20] 250 0.177 44.25 25 0.057 1.425 6.64 49.46 1533 0.032 0.026
5 PSS-SS [21] 250 0.177 44.25 25 0.057 1.425 6.64 49.46 343 0.144 0.115
6 ASSH-SS [21] 1144 0.177 202.47 114.4 0.057 6.519 30.37 226.32 1203 0.188 0.180
7 ASSC-SS [34] 480 0.177 84.95 48 0.057 2.735 12.74 94.96 806 0.118 0.105
8 SSSC [35] 300 0.177 53.10 30 0.057 1.710 7.96 59.35 990 0.060 0.050
9 PSSST-SS [36] 300 0.177 53.10 30 0.057 1.710 7.96 59.35 250 0.237 0.197
10 PSS-DS [37] 106 0.177 18.76 10.6 0.057 0.604 2.81 20.97 1511 0.014 0.007
PSS-SS, passive solar still-single slope; SSSC, solar still with solar concentrator; ASSH-SS, active solar still (hybrid: collector-PVT)-single slope; PSSST-SS, passive
solar still (sun tracking)-single slope; PSS-PS, passive solar still-pyramid shape; PSS-DS, passive solar still-double slope; ASSC-SS, active solar still (collector)-single
It has also been investigated in this analysis that the unit cost
of desalination of saline water or product water and payback
periods of the solar stills can further be reduced for the higher
available solar radiation, higher energy efficiency, lower initial
investment and higher productivity.
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