MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EPI Degradable Plastic Additive

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Pioneering Oxo-biodegradable Plastic Technology


Product Name: DCP565 Degradable Plastic Additive
Section 1. Product and Company Information Product name DCP565 Manufacturer EPI Environmental Products, Inc. 8th Floor 1788 W. Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y1 Canada Tel. number for information World Wide : +1 604-738-6281 / +1 866-738-6281 Europe: +44 (0) 1629 760168 Email Contact Address CHEMTREC N/A EPA registration number N/A Date prepared August 5, 2010 Code number DCP565 Chemical family Proprietary blend of prodegradants in a polymeric resin carrier. MSDS number 100805-565 Section 2. Hazards Identification Emergency overview Dry, solid pellets. No odor. Potential health effects Eye contact: Irritation or corneal injury may result from mechanical action of solid and/or dust particles. Skin contact: Irritation to skin negligible. Injury may result from mechanical action only. Prolonged exposure is not likely to result in absorption through skin in harmful amounts. Inhalation: One time exposure to dust is not likely to be hazardous. Toxic fumes may be released in fire situations. Ingestion: Harmful effects are not likely from ingesting small amounts as a result of normal handling operations. Toxic effects resulting from a single oral dose is thought to be negligible. Chronic effects No known chronic hazards. Section 3. Composition / Information on Ingredients Chemical ingredients A proprietary blend of prodegradants and polyolefin resin. CAS Reg. No. N/A EPIs degradable plastic additive composition is proprietory . EPIs additive is a blend of various ingredients finely dispersed into a polymeric matrix (the polymeric carrier of the additive) . Section 4. First Aid Measures Eyes Skin exposure Inhalation Ingestion Notes to physician

Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Mechanical effects only. Wash off in flowing water or shower. Move to fresh air if effects are felt. Consult a physician. No harmful effects are thought to occur during proper handling operations. No specific antidote is available. Provide supportive care. Treatment should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the patient by the physician.

EPI Environmental Products, Inc. MSDS DCP565

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Pioneering Oxo-biodegradable Plastic Technology

Section 5. Fire Fighting Measures Flash point N/A Flammable Limits LEL: N/A UEL: N/A Extinguishing media Water, foam, CO2, dry powder, ABC Personal protective Wear positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective equipment gear. Special procedures Keep area well isolated. Contain runoff. Remain upwind. Avoid breathing smoke. For small fires, hand held carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguishers may be utilized. For molten materials, do not apply a direct water stream. Instead, use a fine water spray or foam. Ensure that material is soaked thoroughly in water to prevent reignition. Unusual fire and explosion If sufficient oxygen is not present, product, when burned, may emit dense hazards smoke and produce fumes dangerous to health. Do not allow dust to accumulate from mechanical handling as the resultant accumulation has the potential to explode. Hazardous decomposition In addition to unidentified toxic and/or irritating compounds, smoke may materials (under fire include polymer fragments of varying compositions. Burning may result in conditions) production of, but not limited to, CO and CO2. Section 6. Accidental Release Measures Containment of spill Land Spill: Recover spilled material and place in suitable containers for recycling or disposal. Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations. Water Spill: Plastic pellets are defined by the US EPA under the Clean Water Act (40CFR122.26) as a significant material which requires any industrial plant that may expose pellets to storm water to secure a storm water permit. Violations of the rule carry the same penalties as other Clean Water Act Violations. Pellets found in storm water runoff are subject to EPA regulations with the potential for substantial fines and penalties. Skim from surface. Consult an expert on disposal of recovered materials and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations. Recover the spilled material and place in suitable containers for recycling or disposal. Cleanup and disposal of spill Sweep, scoop or vacuum discharged materials. See Section 13 Section 7. Handling and Storage Handling Potential electrostatic accumulation hazard. Electrically ground all equipment. Keep containers closed when not in use. Be sure to handle open containers with care. Storage Avoid sunlight and heat and store in a cool, dry area in airtight containers. Section 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Ingestion Avoid eating and drinking while handling product. Always wash hands thoroughly after handling. Eye contact To avoid eye contact, wear safety glasses with side shields Skin contact To avoid skin contact, wear gloves, long-sleeved shirt, long pants and a head covering. Respiratory protection Effective dust mask.
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Pioneering Oxo-biodegradable Plastic Technology Exposure controls Local exhaust may be required to keep particulate exposures to below the recommended exposure limit.

Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance Dry, solid pellets Odor characteristic No odor Vapor density (Air = 1) N/A Vapor pressure N/A Boiling Point N/A Solubility in water Negligible Section 10. Stability and Reactivity Chemical stability Stable at recommended temperatures and storage conditions. Hazardous polymerization Will not occur. Conditions to avoid Degrades at temperatures greater than 350C. Chemical incompatibility Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and acids. Hazardous decomposition Fumes may be released during processing and can potentially be found products: irritating. Fumes may include polymer fragments, which can occur at temperatures that exceed melt temperatures and hazardous decomposition products that may be released dependent upon temperature, air supply and the presence of other materials. These decomposition products may include trace amounts of aldehydes, alcohols, hydrocarbons and organic acids. Section 11. Toxicological Information Potential health effects: Please refer to Section 3 for available information Heavy metal concentration Complies in the European Union with EC-Directive 94/62/EC (20.12.1994): Amount of Pb, Cd, Cr-VI and Hg < 0.01%. Conforms in all aspects with the package requirements for heavy metals of the CONEG model toxics legislation; namely, that the sum of the concentration levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium present in any package or package component shall not exceed 100 parts per million by weight. In cases where the regulated metals are present at levels below 100 ppm, the regulated metals were not intentionally added during the manufacturing process. Section 12. Ecological Information Eco-acute toxicity Not expected to be acutely toxic, however, pellets may result in mechanically adverse effects if ingested by wildlife. Environmental fate Bioconcentration is not expected due to the high molecular weight (MW > 1000) of the product. Material is expected to be inert in the environment and thus will remain in soil and float in water. Photodegradation is expected at the surface if exposed to sunlight. Section 13. Disposal Considerations Procedures Do not dump into sewers, on ground or into a body of water. Disposal methods used must comply with Federal, State/Provincial and local laws and regulations which may vary dependent upon location. The waste generator is solely responsible for compliance with applicable laws.

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Pioneering Oxo-biodegradable Plastic Technology Section 14. Transportation Information Land/Railroad (RID/ADR): Not restricted Sea (IMO/IMDG):11 Not restricted Air (ICAO-IATA): Not restricted Section 15. Regulatory Information Workplace classification N/A SARA Title 3 N/A TSCA status No known adverse effects. All chemicals for DCP are listed in TSCA inventory list. RCRA classification Not a hazardous waste CERCLA reportable quantity N/A. Section 16. Other Information Issue date Revised date Supersedes Responsibility for MSDS Address


August 5, 2010 August 5, 2010 August 18, 2006 EPI Environmental Products, Inc 8th Floor 1788 W. Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y1 Canada +1 604-738-6281 / +1 866-738-6281

The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to such data or information. The user is responsible for determining whether the product is suitable for its intended conditions of use.

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