Climate Red Globe Turkey
Climate Red Globe Turkey
Climate Red Globe Turkey
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
Abstract. Regional climatic conditions can have a dramatic effect on the degree and rate of natural grape
coloration and quality parameters. In this study it was aimed to evaluate effect of the climate for Red Globe
variety cultivated in Lakes Region which is in Eğirdir town of Isparta city in Turkey. Red Globe grape variety
was evaluated for quality and especially for berry skin coloration and cold storage ability. Study was done
between 2013–2015. Vineyard was designed according to randomized block design with three replicates.
Rational pergola system was used. Excellent berry coloration for Red Globe grape variety was determined
and average quality parameters yield per vine (7.0–9.8 kg), soluble sugar content %16.–17.6) titratable acidity
(4.2–4.4 g/lt), single berry weight (9.0–10.2 g), and phenological observations were done. Yield and other
quality parameters were evaluated well in this period. Grapes were stored in cold storage (NA) conditions
with SO2 and without SO2 pads after harvest. Quality changes were determined in storage period by 1 month
interval, it was carried out with weight loses, fruit skin color, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, pH, titratable
acidity, sensual evaluations, microbiological and shelf life analyzes. It was evaluated that with SO2 pads Red
Globe variety can be stored commercially up to 90–100 days. It was determined that climate of the region had
a good positive effect on the excellent coloration and quality parameters and cold storage performance of the
Red Globe.
c The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
Evaluations, findings and observations were obtained as 3.2. Quality assessment, Sensory analysis in
a result of these analyses and measurements related to cold storage results
yield quality and color are given in tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Excellent berry coloration for Red Globe grape variety Grapes were stored in cold storage (NA) conditions
was determined in three years period without any other with So2 and without SO2 pads (control treatment) after
chemical treatments (ABA, ethephon e.t.c) in the trial harvest. Quality changes were determined that occurred
when compared to previous studies. It was evaluated with throughout the storage period by 1 month interval, it
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
Table 6. Average colour measurement values of 2013–2014 and Table 9. Cold storage average color analyses in 2013–2014
2014–2015 years. period.
Year L a b c h Treatment Days L a b c h
2013 36.5 a 2.05 a −3.3 a 4.21 a 293.5 a SO2 treated 0 36.5 2.05 −3.3 4.21 293.5
2014 SO2 treated 30 36.1 2.02 −3.2 4.18 291.3
2014 37.4 a 1.88 a −3.8 a 4.54 a 289.4 a SO2 treated 60 35.7 1.99 −3.2 4.15 286.4
2015 SO2 treated 90 35.5 1.95 −3.0 4.10 280.1
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different. SO2 treated 120 35.0 1.94 −2.9 4.08 278.2
Average 36.6 a 1.99 a −3.1 a 4.14 a 285.1 a
Table 7. Cold storage average quality analyses in 2013–2014 Untreated 0 36.5 2.05 −3.3 4.21 293.5
period. Untreated 30 35.1 1.95 −3.0 4.11 287.5
Untreated 60 34.8 1.81 −2.8 4.02 275.1
Treatment Days Weight Total pH Titra. Untreated 90 33.6 1.78 −2.6 3.92 269.4
Loss soluble Acidity
Untreated 120 33.2 1.74 −2.5 3.87 264.8
(kg) Solids % (g/l)
Average 34.6 b 1.86 b 2.8 b 4.02 b 277.2 a
SO2 treated 0 5.00 16.0 3.03 4.6
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
SO2 treated 30 4.88 16.4 3.11 4.5
SO2 treated 60 4.70 16.5 3.06 4.7
SO2 treated 90 4.70 16.5 3.15 5.1 Table 10. Cold storage average color analyses in 2014–2015
SO2 treated 120 4.56 16.6 3.17 5.2 period.
Average 4.76 a 16.4 b 3.10 a 4.8 a Treatment Days L a b c h
Untreated 0 5.00 16.0 3.03 4.6 SO2 treated 0 37.4 a 1.88 −3.8 4.54 289.4
Untreated 30 4.60 16.4 3.16 4.6 SO2 treated 30 36.4 a 1.85 −3.6 4.36 290.2
Untreated 60 4.36 16.6 3.21 4.9 SO2 treated 60 35.3 1.80 −3.4 4.13 284.5
Untreated 90 4.25 17.0 3.23 5.2 SO2 treated 90 35.0 1.77 −3.3 4.11 281.2
Untreated 120 4.15 17.4 3.26 5.5 SO2 treated 120 34.6 1.73 −3.0 4.07 277.5
Average 4.47 b 16.7 a 3.17 a 4.9 a Average 35.7 a 1.80 a 3.4 a 4.28 a 284.3 a
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different. Untreated 0 37.4 1.88 −3.8 4.54 289.4
Untreated 30 34.8 1.70 −3.2 4.08 286.5
Table 8. Cold storage average quality analyses in 2014–2015 Untreated 60 34.0 1.59 −3.0 4.00 273.0
period. Untreated 90 33.2 b 1.54 −2.6 3.89 267.2
Untreated 120 32.7 b 1.51 −2.2 3.82 262.4
Treatment Days Weight Total pH Titra.
Average 34.4 b 1.64 b 2.9 b 4.06 b 269.1 b
Loss soluble Acidity
(kg) Solids % (g/l) * Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
SO2 treated 0 5.00 16.5 3.08 4.6
SO2 treated 30 4.91 16.7 3.15 4.4 Table 11. Cold storage average sensory analyses in 2013–2014
SO2 treated 60 4.82 16.4 3.16 4.8 period.
SO2 treated 90 4.70 16.8 3.20 5.0
SO2 treated 120 4.62 16.8 3.16 5.0 Treatment Days So2 taste Rachis Visual app. Flavor,
Average 4.81 a 16.6 a 3.15 a 4.76 b and Odor Rachis Crunchiness
Untreated 0 5.00 16.5 3.08 4.6 SO2 treated 0 1 1 9
Untreated 30 4.68 16.4 3.14 4.8 SO2 treated 30 1 1 7
Untreated 60 4.52 16.8 3.26 5.1 SO2 treated 60 1 1 7
Untreated 90 4.35 17.0 3.28 5.3 SO2 treated 90 3 2 7
Untreated 120 4.21 17.0 3.31 5.3 SO2 treated 120 3 2 5
Average 4.52 b 16.7 a 3.21 a 5.0 a Untreated 0 1 1 9
Untreated 30 1 2 7
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
Untreated 60 1 2 5
Untreated 90 1 3 5
was carried out with weight loses, fruit skin color, total Untreated 120 1 4 3
soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, sensual evaluations,
microbiological analyzes.
In both years of the study, much deterioration was 60th day of storage in the first year. In the last sampling
observed during the 60 days of storage. However, in the period, the differences among the effects on the L ∗ color
both, at the end of 90, 120 days of storage, moderate values were significant (Tables 9, 10). The effects of the
deterioration (spotting or decay up to 1/5-2/5 of the bunch) treatment SO2 on the a ∗ color values of the grapes during
was observed in the grapes with untreated treatment. storage was significant in both study years. The a ∗ colour
Botrytis cinerea was identified to be the causal agent of values ranged between 2.05 and 1.74 in the first year and
decay. Grapes sampled on the 120th day of storage with between 1.88 and 1.51 in the second year (Tables 9, 10).
untreated application were discarded for the analysis, as The b∗ color values of the grapes varied between −3.8
they had lost marketability. and −2.2.
While the effect of the covering materials on the L ∗ Grapes were evaluated with respect to visual ap-
color Values was significant in both year The L ∗ values of pearance, flavor and crunchiness in storage. SO2 treated
the grapes treated were higher during the pre-storage and application on the 60th and 90th day of storage the scores
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine
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