Climate Red Globe Turkey

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BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.

39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Effect of climate on the quality and berry coloration of red globe

grape variety with cold storage ability in Eğirdir/Isparta
Seckin Gargin1 and Ahmet Altindisli2
Egirdir Horticultural Research Institute Egirdir/Isparta, Turkey
Aegean University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, İzmir, Turkey

Abstract. Regional climatic conditions can have a dramatic effect on the degree and rate of natural grape
coloration and quality parameters. In this study it was aimed to evaluate effect of the climate for Red Globe
variety cultivated in Lakes Region which is in Eğirdir town of Isparta city in Turkey. Red Globe grape variety
was evaluated for quality and especially for berry skin coloration and cold storage ability. Study was done
between 2013–2015. Vineyard was designed according to randomized block design with three replicates.
Rational pergola system was used. Excellent berry coloration for Red Globe grape variety was determined
and average quality parameters yield per vine (7.0–9.8 kg), soluble sugar content %16.–17.6) titratable acidity
(4.2–4.4 g/lt), single berry weight (9.0–10.2 g), and phenological observations were done. Yield and other
quality parameters were evaluated well in this period. Grapes were stored in cold storage (NA) conditions
with SO2 and without SO2 pads after harvest. Quality changes were determined in storage period by 1 month
interval, it was carried out with weight loses, fruit skin color, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, pH, titratable
acidity, sensual evaluations, microbiological and shelf life analyzes. It was evaluated that with SO2 pads Red
Globe variety can be stored commercially up to 90–100 days. It was determined that climate of the region had
a good positive effect on the excellent coloration and quality parameters and cold storage performance of the
Red Globe.

1. Introduction tradition and economics are ultimately driven by the ability

to grow the crop sustainably within a given climate [14].
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is considered as one of the Research on climate trends and future projections for table
most important commercial fruit crops of temperate to grape production is limited. However, recent research on
tropical regions [1]. The grape is gaining popularity for aspects of global environmental change on wine grape
its high nutritive value, excellent in taste, multipurpose production reveals significant changes but also many
use and better returns [2]. Turkey lies on the most unknowns [27]. From a general climate perspective, wine
convenient temperate zone for viticulture around the world regions worldwide have seen changes in average climate
is among the countries which have a voice throughout the structure producing warmer and longer growing and
world with its vineyard and yield values. Today, almost dormant periods [28].
77 million tones of world grape production that is almost Global table grape markets demand high quality
4 million tones are yielded in Turkey [3] and this fruit with size, firmness, sugar and color attributes that
production is characterized as primary table grapes (53%) meet local and export market requirements. Commercial
and as secondary raisin yield (35%) [4]. Table grape standards for red colored grapes place great emphasis on
production relies upon numerous viticulture practices to the intensity and uniformity of color in both the berries
ensure good yield and superior quality. and the overall cluster. All the factors that influence
Climate is a pervasive factor in the success of all color development in red table grapes the ones that have
agricultural systems, influencing whether a crop is suitable the greatest impact and are least controllable are the
to a given region, largely controlling crop production regional climate and weather conditions. The increase in
and quality. Climate influences on grapevine quality must temperatures is likely to continue, allowing future wine
be considered at the macroscale (synoptic climate) to production in areas that are presently too cold for vine
the mesoscale (regional climate) to the toposcale (site cultivation, whereas the present grape growing regions
climate) to the microscale (vine row and canopy climate). will have to adapt to these changes [5, 6]. The impact
Climate is clearly one of the most important factors of climate change on wine production will presumably
in the success of all agricultural systems, influencing vary according to the type of wine produced and the
whether a crop is suitable to a given region, largely geographical location, with milder effects expected in
controlling crop production and quality, and ultimately coastal regions [6–8]. If phenological stages advance,
driving economic sustainability [13]. While decisions the maturation of berries is likely to take place under
about what to crop to grow commercially are largely driven warmer conditions. Experiments have shown that the
by regional history and tradition, they are also influenced accumulation of anthocyanins, which are responsible for
by regional to international economics. However, both berry coloration, is lower when maturation occurs at higher

c The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

temperatures [5]. During grape production, skin coloration

and total soluble solids of the flesh are the most important
factors influencing quality. It is well known that coloration
of grape berry skin is influenced by various environmental
conditions; therefore, coloration is used as an index
for ripening [9, 10]. Red Globe variety has sometimes
coloration problems where it is cultivated and desired
berry homogenous coloration was not got generally several
studies have reported that normal coloration of grape
berry skin resulted from the accumulation of anthocyanins
under cool conditions during the ripening stages of
grape fruits. While cool conditions are favorable to berry
skin coloration, a continuous high temperature generally
inhibits accumulation of pigments such as anthocyanins in Figure 1. Turkey Map and Isparta City.
the skin of grape berries [11, 12].
In the Lakes Region (Mid-Western Turkey), the ‘red
Globe’ variety is initially cultivated for both table and cold
storage. Isparta and Burdur cities and its districts of the
Lakes Region are the intensive grape producing regions
with most of the packing houses located in these cities.
In this region, the ‘Red Globe’ prices are at their lowest
level when the supply peaks for the fresh market. The table
grape prices are at about 10–20% while in November they
rise to about 50–70% higher than the September prices.
Therefore, there is a definite need for supplying the ‘Red
Globe’ grapes for longer periods, both for the export and
domestic markets. The harvest can be delayed if the grapes
are stored in the on-vine or under cold conditions.
As the cold storage capacity is rather limited, excessive
quantities of grape cannot be stored. On-vine storage
appears to be the most convenient solution. In practicing
on-vine storage, climatic and pathological problems may
affect storage life, resulting in a drop in the grape
quality. Table grapes constitute a major world crop, which
can be stored for as long as 4 months under optimal Figure 2. Lakes Region and Egirdir town.
conditions (−1∼0 ◦ C and 90∼95% RH). A primary
difficulty associated with prolonged storage of table Table 1. Some Climatic data of the experiment area.
grapes is grey mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea [15–17], Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Avg.
invading grape flowers and berries by different infection Year Temperature Temperature Temperature Precipitation Humidity
pathways including directly penetration or through wounds (◦ C) (◦ C) (◦ C) (mm) (%)
[18, 19]. Following the establishment of fungal hyphae, Average 12.2 −14.9 38.6 764 66.5
B. cinerea may become inactive for long periods with no 2012 12.9 −12.7 38.6 622 68.9
symptoms in grapes until the fungus is reactivated during 2013 13.1 −7.9 34.1 654 63.7
storage [19]. 2014 13.4 −6.3 36.1 669 70.9
Postharvest problems like berry shattering, decay and 2015 12.8 −10.7 35.1 849 67.4
stem desiccation are some of the important factors that
limit the marketing of table grapes. Gray mold, caused by
Botrytis cinerea Pers., is the most economically important 2. Material and method
postharvest disease of table grapes. In spite of the fact
that the use of sulfur dioxide in controlling gray mold is This experiment was conducted during the 2013–2014
common practice, it has some advantages. and 2014–2015 growing season. This study was carried
The storage life of table grapes is influenced by the out in Egirdir Fruit Research Institute farmlands. Egirdir
preharvest ecological conditions, fruit maturity at harvest is a district of Isparta. Its altitude is 920 m high and it
and pre-cooling, SO2 fumigation and storage conditions, represents passing zone climate and ecological conditions.
including the temperature and relative humidity during Geographical coordinates of Egirdir district; are 37◦ 50
post-harvest handling [20–22]. Grape deterioration during 41 , 38◦ 16 55 N latitude, 30◦ 57 43 , 30◦ 44 39 E
storage is characterized by weight loss, stem browning, latitude [19, 20]. Isparta is known to have ideal ecological
softening, shattering and decay [23]. conditions for viticulture in Lakes Region where Isparta
The objective of this study that is to evaluate effect of is located (Figs. 1 and 2). Average rainfall is between
the climate for Red Globe variety in Lakes Region which 445–849 mm, and temperature varies between −14◦ C and
is in Eğirdir town of Isparta city in Turkey. In our study + 37◦ C (Table 1).
Red Globe grape variety was evaluated for yield, quality Soil analyses were done in Egirdir Fruit Research
and especially for berry skin coloration and cold storage Station Soil analyses laboratories. Soil analyses report is
ability with SO2 . on Table 2. According to soil analyses 140 R rootstock

BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Table 2. Soil analyses of the experiment area.

Physical Analyses
Texture Clayish Loam
pH 7.78
Lime (%) 9.8
Saturation (%) 49
Chemical Analyses
Organic matter (%) 2.8
N (ppm) 1617
P (ppm) 4.52
K (ppm) 221.1
Ca (ppm) 4679
Mg (ppm) 492 Figure 3. A picture from the Red Globe vineyard study area.
Na (ppm) 13.48
Fe (ppm) 13.64
Cu (ppm) 4.23
Mn (ppm) 6.25
Zn (ppm) 1.04

was chosen for its good performance and vigorous

development for Red Globe grape variety according to soil

2.1. Plant material

Vineyard was established with in row with spacing 2 m ×
Figure 4. Red Globe cluster from the vineyard.
3 m with drip irrigation and on Red Globe variety grafted
on 140R rootstock. Soil is in clayish loam texture with 7,
70 pH and contains lime. Vines were trained to rational
pergola system and spur pruning system. Canopy height
of the pergola system was 2.20 m. At the time of the
winter pruning, the vines were cordon-pruned and leaving
4 cordons and there were 5 arms of 3/4 spur on each
140 R is a very hardy rootstock suitable for the
most challenging drought conditions. It is also able to Figure 5. Color chart and by Minolta Co (CR-300) colorimeter.
tolerate active lime up to 20% and is adapted to acid
soils. 140 R has good tolerance to saline conditions and
is able to exclude grape juice chloride and sodium in berries from each replication were weighed and average
saline conditions to a significantly greater extent than Vitis berry weight (g) was determined. Color measurements
Vinifera as well as most other rootstocks, it is also suitable (L, a, b, Chr, Hue) were made by Minolta Co
for sites susceptible to drought as well as those with high (CR-300). Also CIRG index (Color Index of Red Grapes)
salinity. 140 R has a long vegetative cycle which may delay was estimated according to the (16). Berries were
ripening or cause excessive vigor on high growth potential squeezed for each replication and the percentage of total
sites in cooler regions. soluble solids percentage (TSS %) was measured by the
Red-Globe is a table grape variety introduced from refractometer. Also juice pH was measured by pH meter.
North America. It has a long shelf life, is easy to Total titratable acidity percentage (TA %) was measured by
transport, and is suited to planting in arid or semi-arid titrating the berry juice with 0.1 N NaOH. The TA% was
areas with trellises. Red Globe is an attractive variety of expressed as grams of tartaric acid per 100 ml of juice [18].
pink slightly purple colored large round berries with fleshy Trial is designed as randomized blocks with 3
pulp. The attractive clusters of Red Globe contain large- replications, and each replication comprised 10 vines.
sized, seeded berries. The Red Globe is popular for both Results are evaluated by Jump 7.0 JMP statistical software
direct consumption as well as decorating a variety of food package. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and
preparations and suitable for storing in cold. differences among averages were evaluated by LSD test.

2.2. Experimental methods

2.2.2. Sampling and storage conditions
Following measurements were taken in 2013–2014 and
2014–2015 vegetation periods for this study. Grapes were harvested when they reached to the maturity
index that is accepted. During first year of the study,
the grapes were harvested on September 29th, whereas
2.2.1. Yield Quality and colour analysis
in the second year, the harvest was on October 1st.
After harvesting, total yield (g) were determined and 50 Grape clusters (total weight about 5 kg) were placed
berries were sampled from each replication, then sampled in 30 × 40 × 15 cm PE bags and boxed. The boxes

BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

were transferred to the precooling room (−0.5◦ C, 95%

RH) for 24 hours and prepared for storage temperature.
Then, SO2 -generating pads were used according to the
supplier’s recommendations, with 1.2–1.4 g kg−1 Na2 S2 O5
being distributed in one polyethylene SO2 -generating pad
(Fresca, Quimetal, Santiago, Chile) with a fast and a
constant slow release phase of SO2 , placed above the
grapes inside the polyethylene bag. In the first year, the
grapes were preserved for 120 days and in the second year
for 120 days in storage at −0.5◦ C and 90% RH. Untreated Figure 6. Red Globe boxes in cold storage and SO2 pad used.
application was done as control in two years period.
Quality changes were determined that occurred throughout Table 3. Phenologic stages of Red Globe variety between
the storage period by 1 month interval, it was carried out 2013–2015.
with weight loses, fruit skin color, fruit firmness, total Variety Bud Burst Inflores. Berry colour Harvest
soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, sensual evaluations, Time time set time Harvest
microbiological. During storage, every box was accepted Red globe 15–25/04 14–16/06 07–16/08 29–09/01–10
as a replication.
Table 4. Measurements and analyses performed in 2013–2014
2.2.3. Quality assessment, Sensory analysis in year.
cold storage
Fresh Av. 100 Total Titra. Maturity
The external color of the berries was measured at the grape yield bunch berry soluble acidity index
equatorial area of each grape face, using a colorimeter kg/vine (g) w.(g) solids (%) (g/l)
and the average scores were recorded in terms of 7.4 819 9.1 16.1 4.2 38.3
CIE-L ∗ a ∗ b∗ values [24]. The color values were recorded 8.1 788 8.6 17.8 4.4 40.4
as L ∗ , a ∗ and b∗ values representing the light-dark 7.6 717 9.8 17.2 4.1 41.9
spectrum with the range from 0 (black) to 100 (white), the
green-red spectrum ranging from −60 (green) to +60 (red) Table 5. Measurements and analyses performed in 2014–2015
and the blue-yellow spectrum ranging from −60 (blue) to year.
+60 (yellow) dimensions, respectively. The colorimeter
has a viewing area, 8 mm in diameter, calibrated with Fresh Av. 100 Total Titra. Maturity
grape yield bunch berry soluble acidity index
a white tile. The color of 25 berries was measured for
kg/vine (g) w.(g) solids (%) (g/l)
each replication. The total soluble solids (TSS) content
9.2 826 10.2 17.3 4.0 43.2
of the juice was determined with a digital refractometer
8.5 847 9.4 18.1 4.3 42.1
(Atago PR-1, Tokyo, Japan) and expressed as percentage.
8.4 785 9.1 17.5 4.2 41.6
Titratable Acidity (TA) was measured by titration with 0.1
N NaOH to pH 8.1. The results were expressed as g tartaric
acid/100 ml fruit juice. The maturity index was calculated
dark red violet color (OIV code 225) with average L
as the TSS/TA ratio [25].
36.55, a 2.05, b −3.31, c 4.21, h 293.57 values measured
Six panelists trained in the discriminative evaluation of
by Minolta CR-400 colorimeter. Excellent coloration was
table grapes conducted the sensory analysis. The SO2 taste
due to favorable climatic condition of the Lakes Region
and odor were evaluated on a three-point scale (1: none;
Climate. Also climatic data was recorded in every year
2: moderate; 3: severe). Visual appearance, flavor and
and three years average quality parameters yield per vine
crunchiness of grapes were evaluated on a nine-point
(7.0–9.8 kg), soluble sugar content % 16.–17.6) titratable
scale (1: extremely poor or soft in texture; 3: poor or
acidity (4.2–4.4 g/lt), single berry weight (9.0–10.2 g),
soft; 5: moderate and limit of marketability; 7: good;
bunch weight and phenological observations were done
9: excellent) according to. [26]. Rachis condition was
in every year. Yield and other quality parameters were
then rated according to [20], as follows: (1) healthy =
evaluated well in three years period.
entire stem including the pedicels being green and healthy,
Red Globe variety was evaluated in the study, all
(2) slight = stem in good condition, but with noticeable
phenological stages were determined (table 3) Buds burst
browning of pedicels, (3) moderate = browning of the
time, inflorescence time, verasion (berry colour set time)
pedicels and secondary stem or (4) severe = pedicels,
period and harvest time were given in for 2 vegetation
secondary and primary stem completely brown.
years in table 3. Buds burst time was in the between 15–25
April in Full blossom time in was in the middle of June.
3. Results and discussion Generally Red Globe variety was harvested at the end of
3.1. Yield quality and color analysis results the September and in the first week of October in the study.

Evaluations, findings and observations were obtained as 3.2. Quality assessment, Sensory analysis in
a result of these analyses and measurements related to cold storage results
yield quality and color are given in tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Excellent berry coloration for Red Globe grape variety Grapes were stored in cold storage (NA) conditions
was determined in three years period without any other with So2 and without SO2 pads (control treatment) after
chemical treatments (ABA, ethephon e.t.c) in the trial harvest. Quality changes were determined that occurred
when compared to previous studies. It was evaluated with throughout the storage period by 1 month interval, it

BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Table 6. Average colour measurement values of 2013–2014 and Table 9. Cold storage average color analyses in 2013–2014
2014–2015 years. period.
Year L a b c h Treatment Days L a b c h
2013 36.5 a 2.05 a −3.3 a 4.21 a 293.5 a SO2 treated 0 36.5 2.05 −3.3 4.21 293.5
2014 SO2 treated 30 36.1 2.02 −3.2 4.18 291.3
2014 37.4 a 1.88 a −3.8 a 4.54 a 289.4 a SO2 treated 60 35.7 1.99 −3.2 4.15 286.4
2015 SO2 treated 90 35.5 1.95 −3.0 4.10 280.1
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different. SO2 treated 120 35.0 1.94 −2.9 4.08 278.2
Average 36.6 a 1.99 a −3.1 a 4.14 a 285.1 a
Table 7. Cold storage average quality analyses in 2013–2014 Untreated 0 36.5 2.05 −3.3 4.21 293.5
period. Untreated 30 35.1 1.95 −3.0 4.11 287.5
Untreated 60 34.8 1.81 −2.8 4.02 275.1
Treatment Days Weight Total pH Titra. Untreated 90 33.6 1.78 −2.6 3.92 269.4
Loss soluble Acidity
Untreated 120 33.2 1.74 −2.5 3.87 264.8
(kg) Solids % (g/l)
Average 34.6 b 1.86 b 2.8 b 4.02 b 277.2 a
SO2 treated 0 5.00 16.0 3.03 4.6
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
SO2 treated 30 4.88 16.4 3.11 4.5
SO2 treated 60 4.70 16.5 3.06 4.7
SO2 treated 90 4.70 16.5 3.15 5.1 Table 10. Cold storage average color analyses in 2014–2015
SO2 treated 120 4.56 16.6 3.17 5.2 period.
Average 4.76 a 16.4 b 3.10 a 4.8 a Treatment Days L a b c h
Untreated 0 5.00 16.0 3.03 4.6 SO2 treated 0 37.4 a 1.88 −3.8 4.54 289.4
Untreated 30 4.60 16.4 3.16 4.6 SO2 treated 30 36.4 a 1.85 −3.6 4.36 290.2
Untreated 60 4.36 16.6 3.21 4.9 SO2 treated 60 35.3 1.80 −3.4 4.13 284.5
Untreated 90 4.25 17.0 3.23 5.2 SO2 treated 90 35.0 1.77 −3.3 4.11 281.2
Untreated 120 4.15 17.4 3.26 5.5 SO2 treated 120 34.6 1.73 −3.0 4.07 277.5
Average 4.47 b 16.7 a 3.17 a 4.9 a Average 35.7 a 1.80 a 3.4 a 4.28 a 284.3 a
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different. Untreated 0 37.4 1.88 −3.8 4.54 289.4
Untreated 30 34.8 1.70 −3.2 4.08 286.5
Table 8. Cold storage average quality analyses in 2014–2015 Untreated 60 34.0 1.59 −3.0 4.00 273.0
period. Untreated 90 33.2 b 1.54 −2.6 3.89 267.2
Untreated 120 32.7 b 1.51 −2.2 3.82 262.4
Treatment Days Weight Total pH Titra.
Average 34.4 b 1.64 b 2.9 b 4.06 b 269.1 b
Loss soluble Acidity
(kg) Solids % (g/l) * Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
SO2 treated 0 5.00 16.5 3.08 4.6
SO2 treated 30 4.91 16.7 3.15 4.4 Table 11. Cold storage average sensory analyses in 2013–2014
SO2 treated 60 4.82 16.4 3.16 4.8 period.
SO2 treated 90 4.70 16.8 3.20 5.0
SO2 treated 120 4.62 16.8 3.16 5.0 Treatment Days So2 taste Rachis Visual app. Flavor,
Average 4.81 a 16.6 a 3.15 a 4.76 b and Odor Rachis Crunchiness
Untreated 0 5.00 16.5 3.08 4.6 SO2 treated 0 1 1 9
Untreated 30 4.68 16.4 3.14 4.8 SO2 treated 30 1 1 7
Untreated 60 4.52 16.8 3.26 5.1 SO2 treated 60 1 1 7
Untreated 90 4.35 17.0 3.28 5.3 SO2 treated 90 3 2 7
Untreated 120 4.21 17.0 3.31 5.3 SO2 treated 120 3 2 5
Average 4.52 b 16.7 a 3.21 a 5.0 a Untreated 0 1 1 9
Untreated 30 1 2 7
* Grouping with same letter are not significantly different.
Untreated 60 1 2 5
Untreated 90 1 3 5
was carried out with weight loses, fruit skin color, total Untreated 120 1 4 3
soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, sensual evaluations,
microbiological analyzes.
In both years of the study, much deterioration was 60th day of storage in the first year. In the last sampling
observed during the 60 days of storage. However, in the period, the differences among the effects on the L ∗ color
both, at the end of 90, 120 days of storage, moderate values were significant (Tables 9, 10). The effects of the
deterioration (spotting or decay up to 1/5-2/5 of the bunch) treatment SO2 on the a ∗ color values of the grapes during
was observed in the grapes with untreated treatment. storage was significant in both study years. The a ∗ colour
Botrytis cinerea was identified to be the causal agent of values ranged between 2.05 and 1.74 in the first year and
decay. Grapes sampled on the 120th day of storage with between 1.88 and 1.51 in the second year (Tables 9, 10).
untreated application were discarded for the analysis, as The b∗ color values of the grapes varied between −3.8
they had lost marketability. and −2.2.
While the effect of the covering materials on the L ∗ Grapes were evaluated with respect to visual ap-
color Values was significant in both year The L ∗ values of pearance, flavor and crunchiness in storage. SO2 treated
the grapes treated were higher during the pre-storage and application on the 60th and 90th day of storage the scores

BIO Web of Conferences 7, 01007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701007
39th World Congress of Vine and Wine

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