Unified Pre-Assessmetnt-Report-Mathematics 4 - Part-A
Unified Pre-Assessmetnt-Report-Mathematics 4 - Part-A
Unified Pre-Assessmetnt-Report-Mathematics 4 - Part-A
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City
Item Most Learned Competencies Rank Item Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
1 Gives the place value and 1 8 Solves routine and non- 1
value of a digit in numbers up routine problems involving
to 100 000. division of 3-to 4-digit
M4NS – Ia – 10.4 numbers by 1-to 2-digit
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M4NS – Ih – 56.3
17 Visualize decimal numbers 2 33 Solves routine and non- 2
using models like blocks, routine problems involving
grids, number lines and squares, rectangles,
money. triangles, parallelograms,
M4NS-IIi-99 and trapezoids.
27 Finds the perimeter of 3 36 Solves routine and non- 3
triangle, square rectangles, routine problems involving
parallelograms and the volume of a rectangular
prism. M4ME-IVf-65
2 Reads and writes numbers up 4 30 Solves problems involving 4
to hundred thousand in elapsed time.
symbols and in words. M4ME-IIIg-13
M4NS – Ia – 9.4
3 Rounds numbers to the 5 31 Finds the area of triangles, 5
nearest thousand and ten parallelograms and
thousand trapezoids using sq. cm and
M4NS – Ib – 5.2 sq. m.
13 Find the common multiples 6 32 Finds the area of irregular 6
and the least common figures made up of squares
multiples (LCM) of two and rectangles using sq. cm
numbers using the following and sq. m
methods: listing, prime M4ME-IVa-55
factorization and continuous
38 Collects data on two variables 7 6 Multiplies mentally 2-digit 7
using any source. M4SP-IVg- by 1- to 2-digit numbers
1.4 with products up to 200 and
explains the strategies used.
M4NS – Id – 42.3
40 Interprets data presented in 8 24 Finds the missing number 8
different kinds of bar graphs in an equation involving
(vertical/horizontal, properties of operations
single/double bars). M4SP- M4AL-IIIe-13
15 Change improper fractions to 9 16 Perform addition and 9
mixed numbers and vice subtraction of
versa. M4NS-IIe-80 similar/dissimilar fractions
or whole numbers. M4NS-
11 Write a number as a product 10 28 Determines the missing 10
of its prime factors. terms in a sequence of
M4NS-IIb-67 numbers
Out of 32 pupils that took the test, only 9 learners (5 males and 4 females)
managed to get above the cut-off of 24 points. This indicates that 28.55% or
29% of the learners completed the Grade 4 Mathematics and surpassed the
MPL in Mathematics, compared to 71.45% or 71% of pupils who did not.
Item Most Learned Competencies Rank Item Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
1 Gives the place value and 1 32 Finds the area of irregular 1
value of a digit in numbers up figures made up of squares
to 100 000. and rectangles using sq. cm
M4NS – Ia – 10.4 and sq. m
3 Rounds numbers to the 2 16 Perform addition and 2
nearest thousand and ten subtraction of
thousand similar/dissimilar fractions
M4NS – Ib – 5.2 or whole numbers. M4NS-
23 Describes the attributes/ 3 32 Finds the area of irregular 3
properties of triangles and figures made up of squares
quadrilaterals using concrete and rectangles using sq. cm
and sq. m
objects or models
4 Compares numbers up to 100 4 29 Converts sq.cm to sq.m and 4
000 using relation symbols vice versa
M4NS – Ib – 12.4 M4ME-IIIi-54
30 Solves problems involving 5 24 Finds the missing number 5
elapsed time. in an equation involving
M4ME-IIIg-13 properties of operations
11 Find the common multiples 6 12 Find the common factors 6
and the least common and the greatest common
multiples (LCM) of two factor (GCF) of two numbers
numbers using the following using the following methods:
methods: listing, prime listing, prime factorization
factorization and continuous and continuous
division. division.M4ME-IVa-55
13 Find the common multiples 7 14 Change improper fractions 7
Out of 33 pupils that took the test, only 9 learners (4 males and 5 females)
managed to get above the cut-off of 24 points. This indicates that 35.71% or
36% of the learners completed the Grade 4 Mathematics and surpassed the
MPL in Mathematics, compared to 64.29% or 64% of pupils who did not.
Item Most Learned Competencies Rank Item Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
1 Gives the place value and 1 27 Finds the perimeter of 1
value of a digit in numbers up triangle, square rectangles,
to 100 000. parallelograms and
M4NS – Ia – 10.4 trapezoids.
2 Reads and writes numbers up 2 16 Perform addition and 2
to hundred thousand in subtraction of
symbols and in words. similar/dissimilar fractions
M4NS – Ia – 9.4 or whole numbers. M4NS-
4 Compares numbers up to 100 3 6 Multiplies mentally 2-digit 3
000 using relation symbols by 1- to 2-digit numbers
M4NS – Ib – 12.4 with products up to 200 and
explains the strategies used.
M4NS – Id – 42.3
20 Compare and arrange decimal 4 25 Solves routine and non- 4
numbers. M4NS-IIj-104.1 routine problems in real –
life situations involving
perimeter of squares and
triangles, rectangles and
parallelograms and
17 Visualize decimal numbers 5 33 Solves routine and non- 5
using models like blocks, routine problems involving
grids, number lines and squares, rectangles,
money. M4NS-IIi-99 triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids.
22 Identifies and describes the 6 24 Finds the missing number 6
different kinds of in an equation involving
Phase 1 Bagong Silang Balanga City Bataan
Telephone No.: (047) 240-45-43
Email Address: bagongsilanges.balangacity@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City
Out of 33 pupils that took the test, only 8 learners (4 males and 4 females)
managed to get above the cut-off of 24 points. This indicates that 24.45% or
24% of the learners completed the Grade 4 Mathematics and surpassed the
MPL in Mathematics, compared to 75.55% or 76% of pupils who did not.
Item Most Learned Competencies Rank Item Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
1 Gives the place value and 1 8 Solves routine and non- 1
value of a digit in numbers up routine problems involving
to 100 000. division of 3-to 4-digit
M4NS – Ia – 10.4 numbers by 1-to 2-digit
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M4NS – Ih – 56.3
2 Reads and writes numbers up 2 33 Solves routine and non- 2
to hundred thousand in routine problems involving
symbols and in words. squares, rectangles,
M4NS – Ia – 9.4 triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids.
4 Compares numbers up to 100 3 36 Solves routine and non- 3
000 using relation symbols routine problems involving
M4NS – Ib – 12.4 the volume of a rectangular
prism. M4ME-IVf-65
3 Rounds numbers to the 4 10 Solves routine and non- 4
nearest thousand and ten routine problems involving
thousand division of 3-to 4-digit
numbers by 1-to 2-digit
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
M4NS – Ih – 56.3
20 Compare and arrange decimal 5 31 Finds the area of triangles, 5
numbers. M4NS-IIj-104.1 parallelograms and
trapezoids using sq. cm and
sq. m.
17 Visualize decimal numbers 6 32 Finds the area of irregular 6
Out of 98 pupils that took the test, only 26 learners (14 males and 12 females)
managed to get above the cut-off of 24 points. This indicates that 27.11% or
27% of the learners completed the Grade 4 Mathematics and surpassed the
MPL in Mathematics, compared to 71.45% or 71% of pupils who did not.