Simulation Based Design of Solar PV
Simulation Based Design of Solar PV
Simulation Based Design of Solar PV
It is generally known that most modern societies depend on fossil fuels as sources of
energy for development and growth. On the other hand, switching to RES, such as photovolta-
ic (PV) systems, is necessary for sustainable development in the future. Currently, it is much
more efficient to use fossil fuels to develop PV power plants than to combust the same
amount of fossil fuels in conventional thermal power plants for a variety of growing energy
needs. Thus, the sooner PV systems are developed, the sooner society will reduce its reliance
on fossil fuels [1]. Thanks to the massive price declines achieved in recent years and contin-
ued today [2], solar power is now broadly recognized as a cost-competitive, reliable and sus-
tainable energy source. Based on its technical characteristics, PV can and should be consid-
* Corresponding author, e-mail:
Medojević, M
ered as a low-risk investment for the financial community today. Its market uptake is strongly
dependent on a stable and forward-looking regulatory framework that allows the realization of
the full competitive potential of solar power [3]. Having in mind that it is the industry that
drives the economy of modern societies, greening the economy drivers secures a self-
sustainable future. This is especially important since energy costs have been rising over the
last decades, and manufacturers start to consider energy as a valuable resource instead of an
overhead cost item. All forms of energy supply and consumption can cause undesirable emis-
sions (e.g. CO2 equivalent) which contribute to environmental problems [4] while binding to
emission reduction targets, such as the Kyoto Protocol add extra pressure to the manufactur-
ing sector [5]. Additionally, the growing demand of consumers for eco-products was spotted
[6]. Therefore, more and more manufacturers take action towards increasing their energy effi-
ciency to remain competitive but also considering switching from conventional energy gener-
ation systems to renewable ones to contribute to pollution prevention and reduction. After all,
systematically addressing energy generation, consumption, and related costs is a major chal-
lenge nowadays among leading manufacturers [7].
In today’s market, an apparent extent of solar databases and simulation-based pro-
grams could be found available for analyzing PV systems. Logically, solar resource infor-
mation is needed in all phases of a PV system development, where reliable data are required
for system siting, design, operation, financing, etc. In most cases, monthly averages, probabil-
ity statistics of typical meteorological years (TMY) are more than enough, especially consid-
ering the manufacturing industry and policymakers defining support programs [8]. However,
additional solar databases such as NASA – Surface meteorology and solar energy database,
RETScreen solar database, PVGIS solar database, HelioClim-1, Metenorm, European solar
radiation atlas, SoDa service, Solar and wind energy resource assessment (SWERA), etc.,
may provide additional data depending on the calculation or simulation needs and purpose.
Likewise, available PV software simulators are designed with different aims in mind and have
various limitations for solving certain problems, where the desirable features of the software
for manufacturing simulation depend on the purpose of their use. Nowadays, software for
simulating PV systems could be diversified into 12 major types [9-11]. This implies an unam-
biguous inference that as more PV systems are installed, the increase in demand for software
that can be used for design, analysis, and troubleshooting will be triggered.
Given the aforementioned, this paper is aimed primarily to help key decision-makers
in the industry to understand the process while considering the integration of solar energy to
become prosumers. The scientific contribution of this manuscript is reflected in a holistic
methodological approach that aims to provide a clear and unambiguous account of a series of
steps necessary to consider for the integration of PV systems into the power distribution sys-
tem at the manufacturing system level.
Moreover, special attention is paid to the losses occurring on an annual basis due to
the energy transformations within applied technology and natural climatic characteristics spe-
cific to the site of system implementation. For research purposes, this has been done on an ex-
ample of a metal-forming manufacturing system whose characteristics are given hereinafter.
A detailed National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) System Advisor Model
(SAM) simulation methodology for PV system design and sizing has been proposed accom-
panied by the obtained results. The SAM is a techno-economic computer model designed to
facilitate decision making for people involved in the renewable energy industry targeting pro-
ject managers and engineers, financial and policy analysts, technology developers, as well as
researchers. Moreover, SAM is an open-source software package, meaning that its source
Medojević, M. S
code is available to the public. This implies that researchers can study the code to understand
the model algorithms, while software programmers can contribute their models and enhance-
ments to it. Having this in mind, a specific set of tools is available to create applications that
interact with the SAM simulation core and integrate its models to existing software solutions
already present in manufacturing facilities.
The transition to sustainable electricity supply based on renewable resources is a
crucial global project of utmost importance in responding to climate change [12]. The greatest
progress of PV system deployment is spotted within establishing large scale electricity gener-
ation plants worldwide [13]. However, although solar energy is a readily available source of
energy, and although being recognized as non-polluting and relatively maintenance-free [14],
its integration into manufacturing energy supply systems remains in infancy.
On the other hand, it became more than evident that the era of Industry 4.0 is upon
us, where manufacturing companies are facing strong demand to increase their productivity
by realizing smart factories and smart manufacturing, whereby when they embark on efforts
to introduce this Industry 4.0 concept, they mostly focus on the core parameters of production
efficiency, quality, and cost, which is obviously what drives revenue [7]. Notwithstanding it is
of vital importance to establish a solid industrial ecosystem that contributes to a high percent-
age of national GDP, among many factors that need to be optimized to stay competitive and
environmentally friendly, one is sustainable energy generation and supply which is still easily
forgotten in most companies.
From this perspective, it is all about being environmentally aware and efficient in
the way the energy within manufacturing system is being supplied and used, to reduce con-
sumption where necessary, reduce harmful emissions and provide adequate information to
relevant personnel across the organization to bring the same value with less sustainably-
generated energy.
Simulation methodology
As previously indicated, simulation is based on NREL SAM PV performance model
which combines specified modules and inverters with supplementary code to calculate a PV
system’s hourly AC output for a given weather file and data, describing the physical charac-
teristics of the module, inverter, and array [15]. The model calculates the system’s AC electri-
cal output over one year as an array of 8760 hourly AC power values. It reads hourly solar re-
source and temperature data from a weather file, describing the resource at the system’s loca-
tion for the year, and uses them with inputs describing the system’s design in equations to cal-
culate module and inverter conversion efficiencies as well as related energy losses. The mod-
ule and inverter model calculate solar energy to DC electricity and DC to AC electricity con-
version efficiencies, respectively, and account for losses associated with each component. For
the sake of simplicity, simulation procedure is described through eight main steps (S1-S8),
while associated sub-steps related to S1 and S6 are indicated with letters (A-E). The given
model performs the following calculations for each time step in one year as follows:
– (S1) For each array (or up to four sub-arrays):
A. Calculate sun angles from date, time, and geographic position data from the weather
B. Calculate the nominal beam and diffuse irradiance incident on the plane of array
(POA) irradiance. This depends on the solar irradiance data in the weather file, Sun
angle calculations, user-specified sub-array parameters such as tracking and orienta-
tion parameters, as well as backtracking option for one-axis trackers.
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C. Apply the user-specified beam and diffuse nearby-object shading losses to the nomi-
nal beam and diffuse POA irradiance.
D. For fixed sub arrays and subarrays with one-axis tracking and self-shading enabled,
calculate and apply the self-shading loss factors to the nominal beam and diffuse
POA irradiance.
E. Apply user-specified monthly soiling factors to calculate the effective POA irradi-
ance on the sub-array.
– (S2) For sub-arrays with no tracking (fixed) and self-shading enabled, calculate the re-
duced diffuse POA irradiance and self-shading DC loss.
– (S3) Determine the sub-array string voltage calculation method.
– (S4) For each of up to four sub-arrays, run the module model with the effective beam and
diffuse POA irradiance and module parameters as input to calculate the DC output power,
module efficiency, DC voltage, and cell temperature of a single module in the sub-array.
– (S5) Calculate the sub-array string voltage using the method determined in (S3).
– (S6) For each subarray, calculate the array DC power:
A. Apply the fixed self-shading DC loss to the module DC power if it applies.
B. Calculate the sub-array gross DC power by multiplying the module DC power by the
number of modules in the sub-array.
C. Calculate sub-array DC power by multiplying the gross sub-array power by the DC
D. Calculate the sub-array string voltage by multiplying the module voltage by the num-
ber of modules per string.
E. Calculate the array DC power by adding up the sub-array values.
– (S7) Run the inverter model to calculate the gross AC power and inverter conversion effi-
– (S8) Calculate the AC power by applying the AC loss to the gross AC power.
Sun position model
Sun position algorithm is based on the Michalsky method [16], which algorithm has
been modified to calculate Sun azimuth angles for locations south of the equator using the Iq-
bal [17], approach adjusted by O’Brien [18]. The first step in the sun position algorithm is to
determine the effective time of the current time step in the weather file [15]. The next step
considers the determination of the altitude, α, declination, δ, and zenith angle, Z. The SAM al-
so calculates the sun azimuth angle, γ, by using the Iqbal approach. Furthermore, the equa-
tions describing the Sunrise and Sunset Hours model were summarized by Gilman [15], fol-
lowed by a sunup flag* indicating whether the Sun is above or below the horizon in the cur-
rent time step. Lastly, to calculate POA irradiance it is necessary to determine extra-terrestrial
radiation, H, beforehand. For these purposes, the extra-terrestrial radiation model equation is
adopted from Duffie and Beckman [19].
Surface angles model
Here, each sub-array in the system is considered as a flat surface with one tilt angle,
βs, and one azimuth angle, γs, that define the surface orientation. In this paper, a simulation
was carried out for a fixed PV system, while the surface angle equations are based on standard
The sunup flag only reports the sunrise and sunset hour for hourly data and it is used by PV model to determine whether
to calculate the cell temperature in the current time step.
Medojević, M. S
geometric relationships defined by the surface orientation and previously defined sun angles.
Surface angles of each sub-array are calculated for each time step of the simulation, while
variables used for the surface angles determination were adopted from Dunlap [20]. After de-
fining the surface angles it is possible to determine the angle of incidence (AOI). The AOI is a
function of the Sun azimuth angle, γ, Sun zenith angle, Z, surface azimuth angle, γs, and the
surface tilt angle, βs.
The POA irradiance model
The POA irradiance is being calculated for the sunrise, sun-up, and sunset time
steps. The incident angle algorithm calculates the beam and diffuse irradiance incident on the
PV sub-array surface for a given Sun position, latitude, and surface orientation. For each time
step in the simulation, the POA irradiance algorithm performing steps is given in fig. 1.
In this case, POA irradiance data from the weather file were applied for simulation
purposes. In cases where these data are not available, they could be calculated according to
the Freeman et al. [21] model. Subsequently, SAM compares the beam irradiance on a hori-
zontal surface, Ibh, to the extraterrestrial radiation, H, where if Ibh > H, the software generates
an error flag that causes the calculations to stop. Determination of POA sky diffuse irradiance,
Id, is performed based on the Perez model. The Perez model uses a more complex computa-
tional method than the other two available methods and involves some empirical relationships
and calibration. It accounts for both isotropic and circumsolar diffuse radiation, as well as
horizon brightening. Perez sky diffuse irradiance model was adopted from PV Watts [22] and
described by Perez et al. [23, 24], while the updated general description of the model could be
found in the more recent study [25]. The Perez transposition model has the smallest root mean
squared difference (RMSD) at all locations, indicating it may be the best model choice when
measured DHI is available.
Lastly, The POA ground-reflected irradiance, or the solar energy that reaches the ar-
ray surface after reflecting from the ground represents the function of the beam normal irradi-
ance, Sun zenith angle, sky diffuse irradiance, and ground reflectance (albedo) defined by Liu
and Jordan [26]. Bearing in mind that the ground reflects light diffusely, the ground-reflected
irradiance is considered as diffuse irradiance.
Effective POA irradiance model
The effective POA irradiance is the solar irradiance incident on the array less any
due to external shading, self-shading, and soiling. On the other hand, a term nominal POA ir-
radiance is introduced to represent the sum of the beam POA irradiance, sky diffuse POA ir-
radiance, and ground-reflected POA irradiance. External shading stands for situations when
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objects near the PV array (such as trees, buildings, roof protrusions, and parapets) cast shad-
ows on the array and thus reduce both the beam and sky diffuse POA irradiance, which in turn
reduces the array’s DC electrical output. The shading loss inputs are expressed as percentages,
which indicates that each percentage should be converted to a factor using the equation intro-
duced by Gilman et al. [15]. On contrary to previously mentioned, self-shading occurs when
PV modules are arranged in parallel rows, and modules in one row cause a shadow on mod-
ules in a neighboring row. In this case, a self-shading model for fixed subarrays was applied
to determine the minimum distance between strings to avoid it as much as possible. The equa-
tions and algorithms used to calculate self-shading losses are described in [27, 28].
The PV module models
The module model selected for the simulation purpose in this research was the CEC
module model based on the implementation of the single-diode equivalent circuit model of a
PV module described by De Soto [29, 30]. Additionally, NOCT cell temperature model was
applied to calculate the cell temperature, Tc, while the detailed calculation procedure was pro-
vided by Gilman et al. [15].
However, both module and temperature models are based on the following assump-
tions. Foremost, all modules in the system operate at their maximum power point, except for
the sub-array mismatch and inverter operating voltage limit losses described hereinafter. Sub-
sequently, the sub-array maximum power point is determined by the maximum power point of
a single module and the number of modules per string. All sub-arrays in the system have the
same number of modules per string and therefore operate at the same voltage. Lastly, it is
considered that all modules in each sub-array operate uniformly, which excludes module
mismatch losses from further calculations. However, practical implementation proved the op-
posite and the rule of thumb suggests considering these losses in setups with long strings
without DC optimizers or micro-inverters.
Array DC output model
In this section, a brief description of the array DC output model is provided. In the
beginning, it is necessary to calculate each sub array’s DC output by multiplying a single
module’s DC output by the number of modules in the array. To achieve this, it is necessary to
calculate the array’s operating voltage in each time step to determine the inverter’s input volt-
age, assuming that each module operates at its maximum power point. Having in mind the
availability of data regarding the open-circuit voltage, Voc, and short circuit current, Isc, of
each subarray, the necessary calculations are performed within the selected PV module mod-
el. Moreover, the power output of each sub-array represents the product of the number of
modules in the subarray and the DC loss factors associated with the sub-array. The most
common losses here are self-shading DC loss, DC electrical losses, DC snow-coverage losses,
and mismatch losses, which detailed determination procedure is provided by Gilman et al.
[15], Marion [31] and Ryberg [32], respectively.
Inverter AC output model
To determine the inverter AC output Sandia inverter model was used. This model
stands for an empirical model that uses manufacturer specifications with four empirically de-
rived coefficients C0, C1, C2, and C3 described by King et al. [33]. The inverter model calcu-
lates the inverter’s DC to AC power conversion efficiency at rated and part-load operating
power. However, this model does not explicitly account for the effect of temperature on in-
Medojević, M. S
verter performance or for the impact on inverter performance of power factor control or grid
outages. Here two kinds of inverter losses (clipping) should be considered. First one is related
to MPPT clipping, a reduction in the inverter DC input power when the input voltage (DC
string voltage) falls outside of the operating range defined by the inverter’s minimum and
maximum MPPT DC voltage ratings, while the second one considers power clipping, a reduc-
tion in the inverter output AC power, caused by inverter saturation when the inverter power
exceeds its nameplate rating.
Degradation modeling
Having in mind that PV modules lose their performances over time, the reduction in
the array’s output due to degradation of the module cover and other causes should be consid-
ered. This applies to both the AC and the DC part of the system. The SAM suggests an inte-
gration of degradation value as a percentage on an annual basis, where the general rule of
thumb states that PV panels degrade between 0.5-1% each year.
System AC output model
The system AC output is the electricity generated by the PV system and may be de-
livered to a manufacturing facility in this case. Before the determination of useful power gen-
erated by the system, two types of losses should be taken into account. These are electrical
losses on the AC side of the system given as a single AC loss percentage, curtailment and
availability losses used to account for operating losses imposed on the system by factors other
than the solar resource and system’s design, such as forced, scheduled, and unplanned outag-
es, or other factors that reduce the system’s AC power output. Finally, the power generated by
the system result variable as electricity generated by the PV system after all losses and ad-
justments, and represents the electricity delivered to the observed manufacturing system.
System sizing and design
In this section, relevant information regarding the manufacturing facility in terms of
electrical load, system sizing and design are provided. Here, to properly define system size
weather conditions at the observed location, selected PV modules and inverter types, sun
tracking and related system losses were considered.
Manufacturing system specification
For the analysis purposes, a metal forming manufacturing system was selected. The
observed system is a custom-based machining facility specialized in the field of automotive
and aviation industry with a focus on machine-made parts, details, components, assemblies,
and fixtures in quantities of single-piece prototypes to a large volume production machining.
The process is performed on CNC machining centers, milling machines, and lathes. Factory's
machine park consists of the machines listed as follows: Schmid VMC-800P, Schmid VMC-
500P, Leadwell MCV-600XL, Takang TNC 05, Kia KT 15, Haas SL-20 THE, Haas ST-20 Y,
Haas ST-20 HE, and Kasto SBA-260AU. These are followed by small manual lathe, milling,
and cutting machines, table grinders, measuring devices (Zoller H-320 and U Soft C-400),
Alup Solo 18 screw compressor and Alup ADQ air dryer. The aforementioned equipment is
considered as significant energy users and represents the main variable in the process of ener-
gy-related behavior profiling. Also, overall energy consumption considers factory lighting and
ICT systems. The factory layout is shown in fig. 2.
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Manufacturing activities are scheduled in two shifts, while the working hours are in
the interval from 6 to 22 hours. This information is important since in the design of PV sys-
tem, in this case, no batteries are considered. This means that in the lack-of-energy situations
electricity is withdrawn from the electricity grid while the surplus is distributed to the grid.
System sizing
As previously mentioned, system sizing consists of several steps starting from defin-
ing weather conditions at the observed location which are briefly summarized in tab. 2.
In terms of a mounting standoff, modules are building integrated, placed on the roof-
top of 5 m high one-story facility building. Also, the model assumes a reference band-gap
voltage Eg,ref = 1.121 eV, and temperature coefficient for band-gap of –0.0002677 eV/K,
while the additional parameters relevant for calculation are given in tab. 4.
Figure 3. The PV module I-V curve diagram (a) and inverter efficiency curve (b)
After the consideration of the described weather file and selection of PV module and
inverter type, it is possible to begin with system design. The available rooftop area amounts
276 m2, which represents the limiting factor for PV array set-up, while additional limitation is
related to modules self-shading. Having this in mind, the system sizing summary is given in
tab. 6.
Table 6. The PV system sizing summary
System sizing AC sizing
Total AC capacity 34.65 kWac Number of inverters 9 pcs
Total inverter DC capacity 35.68 kWdc DC to AC ratio 1.28
Nameplate DC capacity 44.247 kWdc DC sizing
Total number of modules 132 pcs String Voc at ref. conditions 407.4 V
Modules per string in array 6 pcs String Vmp at ref. conditions 343.8 V
Total number of strings 22 pcs
Total module area 215.3 m2
Lastly, tab. 7 provides relevant information regarding PV system tracking and orien-
tation, as well as subsequently determined system losses.
All of the aforementioned represent the necessary input for the simulation of PV en-
ergy generation to ensure sustainable energy supply to the observed manufacturing system.
Simulation results and discussion
In this section relevant simulation results in terms of potential energy generation on
an annual basis, annual ambient temperature and wind speed, irradiance distribution, relevant
equipment efficiencies, levelized energy losses, monthly profiles, etc., are given as graphical
representations with concrete and brief descriptions where necessary. Primary indicators, or
general PV system metrics are given in tab. 8, while the 3-D model of the system integrated
within a manufacturing facility is shown in fig. 4.
Figure 4. The 3-D model of the PV system integrated into a manufacturing facility
Figure 5. Annual solar resource availability distribution on an hourly basis (DNI, DHI, and GHI)
(for color image see journal web site)
Figure 6. The PV system energy generation (AC and DC) and electricity load on a monthly basis
(for color image see journal web site)
Figure 8. Monthly profiles of total available and system-generated power; 1 – lifetime hourly data:
system power generated [kW] and 2 – lifetime hourly data: lifetime electricity load [kW]
Here, monthly profiles show the average daily profile in each month of the year for
the selected variables. In this case, selected variables are electricity load and system power
generated. Logically, an annual profile could be calculated by averaging all of the monthly
profiles. The generated profiles imply that the observed location is suitable for PV system im-
plementation, and the significant portion of energy demand could be covered by the imple-
mentation of the proposed system. Moreover, these profiles indicate that energy storage inte-
gration could greatly contribute to the facility's self-sustainability by providing stored energy
in the morning (when the irradiance is non-present and less intensive) and in the evening
(when irradiance is less intensive and tends to none).
Subsequently, in the analysis of variety PV system variables, the next useful tool
applied for data representation is heat maps. The heat map allows identification of how the
data varies by time of day and by the time of year on the same graph. Here, the time of year is
plotted on the x-axis, while the time of day is on the y-axis. This tool process only one varia-
ble at the time, while the selected ones are given in fig. 9. The heat map color is coarse rain-
bow, due to the fact it provides higher color resolution. The hot-cold color map ensures that
values above zero tend toward red, while values below zero tend toward blue. Although this
type of data visualization is mainly related to temperature it could be used in other cases as
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well. In fig. 9, the general relation between ambient temperature and cell temperature could be
spotted. Data sets imply that as ambient temperature increases, the cell temperature exponen-
tially rises. Also, module efficiency varies between 12% and 23% due to the temperature im-
pact, where high temperatures could knockdown module efficiency as much as 50%. Simulta-
neously, system power generated varies between 16-35 kW.
Moreover, based on the process approach, previously mentioned losses are taken in-
to account, associated with related process stage and illustratively given in fig. 10 in the form
of a Sankey diagram, fig. 10(a). Also, fig. 10(b), provides insight on a probability density
function (PDF) for a power generated by the system and system energy load in the form of da-
ta points and percentage. As previously mentioned, as well as having in mind that the module
efficiency in electricity generation largely depends on surface cell temperature, fig. 10(b3)
right) provides an insight regarding the correlation between these variables on a monthly ba-
Figure 10. Typical energy losses in the observed system (a), system power generated PDF (b1),
electricity load PDF (b2), and module efficiency and cell temperature correlation (b3)
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sis. With the exposure of PV module to sunlight, the amount of energy from the sun converted
to useful energy is about 30%, a greater percentage transforms to heat, which tends to make
the temperature of the module rise. This is the main cause that leads to a reduction in electrici-
ty produced by the module as commented within fig. 9.
An increase in the temperature of the module as a result of this energy wasted as
heat can damage the material used to fabricate the PV module and hence reduce the cell
lifespan as well as its conversion efficiency. Finding a solution to the challenge of PV mod-
ules overheating was the subject of a large number of studies [34-43], while only some of
them were referred to in this manuscript.
To be holistic it is necessary to distinct four types of loss categories within PV sys-
tem implementation and operation in this specific case.
The first category (irradiance losses) covers the types of losses related to tilt and ori-
entation, incident angle modifier, soiling, and snow coverage. The first two are obvious and
well known, while the last two depend on a variety of natural/weather conditions. According
to the industry standards for PV losses, it is suggested that typical soiling loss amounts to
about 5% for regions with long dry seasons. If the region experiences frequent dust deposits
additional 1-2% of loss could occur. Also, if the system is located near major vehicular traffic
areas additional 1% should be added. Regions with year-round rain should consider increasing
this type of loss by 2%, while in cases where the system will be cleaned during the summer a
reduction of 0,5% should be made [44]. In the case of this manuscript, by analyzing the
weather conditions and the location of the observed facility authors adopted the suggested
value of 5% as soiling losses. Furthermore, snow loss is hard to estimate since it is very de-
pendent on the micro-location. It is suggested to use monthly snow loss factors rather than
annual. Snow loss can reach upward of 20% in some regions during winter months. In the
case of this manuscript, snow losses were calculated (0.039%) but could be neglected for
three reasons. Firstly, the calculated value is negligible. Secondly, due to climate change, it is
a fact that fewer and fewer snowfalls could be noticed in the geographical region. Thirdly, the
design of the solar installation, particularly the tilt of the panels, plays an important role in
eliminating this loss factor effectively.
The second category (DC losses) covers the types of losses related to module nameplate rat-
ing loss, mismatch loss, light-induced degradation, wiring losses, connection losses, shade
mismatch, and temperature coefficients. Module nameplate rating loss accounts for the differ-
ence in the stated power of the module from a datasheet compared with how it performs at
standard test conditions (1000 W/m2 and 25 °C). Most modern modules (as well as modules
used in this manuscript) have datasheets that accurately reflect module operation at STC, so
the default value for this loss is 0%. On the other hand, mismatch loss refers to losses caused
by slight differences in the electrical characteristics of the installed modules, applied as a
fixed percentage reduction of the system’s DC power output. These losses will be higher for
systems that have a wider error range on rated power. Industry research has shown mismatch
values range from 0.01% up to 3%, depending on the setup of the system and the length of
strings. It is suggested to use a default value of 2% based on past industry consensus in cases
for most modules and systems with long strings with no DC optimizers or micro-inverters
[44]. Light-induced degradation (LID) is a less-well-known phenomenon that impacts a large
segment of the crystalline-silicon cell market. In short, it is the degradation that occurs in a
solar cell over the first few days after the installation as a result of exposure to sunlight. This
can lead to losses of 0.5-1.5%. Importantly, the LID impacts some module types but not oth-
ers. In the case of this manuscript, authors carefully have chosen modules with no LID im-
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pacts, and thus eliminated this type of loss. In general LID loss can amount as 1.5% for most
crystalline solar modules, 0.5% for most multi-crystalline solar modules and 0% for n-type
modules [44]. Also, DC wiring losses were adopted as suggested by the National Electric
Code (NEC). Here 2% loss is expected for most systems, while 1% could be achieved if using
thicker wires or very short runs (very rare cases). These losses are practically inevitable be-
cause wires themselves have a small amount of internal resistance, the amount of which will
be based on the gauge (thickness) of wire as well as its length. Subsequently, connection loss-
es capture resistive losses across wiring connectors and diodes [44]. The NREL study sug-
gests a value of 0.5% loss for these components [15]. Most solar panels contain bypass di-
odes, which let other modules on a string circumvent a panel that is shaded or otherwise poor-
ly performing. These components have a small voltage drop, caused by the internal resistance
of the material and imperfections in the contact surface. Moreover, in this case, external shad-
ing does not exist since there are no objects that interrupt solar irradiance. However, the self-
shading losses are caused by a preceding row of PV modules and applied to all but the first
row of PV modules. It is almost impossible to avoid these losses, although with careful plan-
ning they can be reduced to a minimum. In this case, the main limitation to effectively de-
crease this type of loss is the available rooftop area. However maximal row spacing was cal-
culated to be 5.55 m. Normally, it is defined by the minimum solar elevation angle, γmin, that
can be determined at noon or any earlier hour on the shortest day of the year (on December 21
for the northern hemisphere) and given as the spacing factor at selected module’s inclination
angle. Temperature coefficients are however well known and clearly defined in tab. 2. How-
ever, the hotter a solar panel gets, the less efficient it becomes. The causes are grounded in
physics as higher cell temperatures reduce the amount of available energy from absorbed pho-
tons as they flow through the solar panel.
The third category (AC losses) covers the types of losses related to AC wiring, in-
verter losses, and inverter clipping. Here, AC wiring losses may simply be defined by the dis-
tance between the inverter and the injection point and well-defined cable type. These losses
can be higher than DC wiring losses if not matched specifically to the overall PV system
characteristics. However, if everything is done right, AC losses account for 1% for the size of
PV systems observed in this manuscript [44]. Furthermore, inverter losses are determined
based on inverter efficiency which describes how well a solar inverter converts DC energy in-
to AC energy. Most inverter spec sheets have indicated its maximum efficiency and a
weighted efficiency value that is an indication of how well an inverter performs over a range
of inputs. This has been straightforwardly given in tab. 4. Inverters have a variable efficiency
based on what amount of capacity they are carrying, often peaking around 20% and falling
slightly as the load reaches the maximum input rating. On the other hand, Inverter clipping
occurs when the output from the DC solar panels at their maximum power output (or maxi-
mum power point) is greater than the amount of DC power the inverter can convert. In those
cases, the inverter will operate at a non-optimal point on the I-V power curve so that it only
outputs its rated maximum power. In other words, the amount of kWh production lost (or
clipped) compared to what the system would have produced had it not been limited by the in-
verter rating. Inverter clipping is not a constant value across the day-
-clipping losses tend to occur only when the Sun is high in the sky (reducing IAM losses), and
on sunny days (less shading from clouds). The systems receiving more irradiance (sunnier
climates, low shade) start experiencing clipping around a 1.25 DC-to-AC ratio, while systems
in cloudier climates, non-ideal orientations, or with shade do not see as much clipping until
about a ratio of 1.35 [44]. In the case of this particular research, inverter clipping, as well as
Medojević, M
other types of losses and their intervals of occurance, are illustratively given in fig. 11 on
hourly bases in the period of one year. The inverter clipping losses turned out to be significant
in the spring period which suggests further investigation to achieve higher efficiency within
the system.
Lastly, the fourth category (other losses) covers the types of losses related to system
availability and system degradation (aging). System availability is a generic loss value. It is
meant to capture events that knock out the system entirely, including inverter shutdowns or
failures, grid outages, or other actions that disconnect the PV system and prevent it from pro-
ducing electricity for the consumer. The exact timing and duration of such outages are unpre-
dictable though, so the industry approach is to model these as a flat percentage loss spread out
across the entire set of hours. Suggested values vary from 3% for most systems to as low as
0,5% if the alert system or O&M are expected to prevent downtime [44]. For security reasons,
the authors of this manuscript adopted the suggested value of 3%. System degradation occurs
due to the modules aging supported by the fact that the materials in solar cells lose efficiency
over time. These losses need to be taken into account when analyzing the lifetime value of a
project. Here suggested values vary from 0.3% per year for high-end modules, 0.5% per year
for mono-crystalline to 0.6% per year for poly-crystalline modules [44].
Having in mind that the number of losses that could occur impacts the overall effi-
ciency of the PV system.
Lastly, by conducting a comparative analysis of the energy amount on the side of
demand given in tab. 1, and the amount of energy that could be supplied by proposed PV sys-
tem, fig. 4, it is possible to generate a prosumer profile of observed manufacturing system
provided in the fig. 12.
From fig. 12 it could be concluded that for the period from mid-October to mid-Feb-
ruary, PV system cannot effectively supply the demand needs due to the weather conditions
characteristic for this period of a year and requires energy draw from the grid. On the other
hand, from the second half of February to the first half of October, PV system can cover the
majority of demand-side needs and generates excess energy that could be fed into the grid ac-
Medojević, M. S
cording to applicable regulations and tariffs. The annual distribution of energy deficit and a
surplus is given in tab. 9.
However, considering monthly energy consumption data certain error occurs which
means that the data shown in fig. 12 and tab. 9 must be taken into account with a certain cau-
tion. This is primarily due to the fact that the monthly consumption profiles do not include the
relevant data regarding energy-related machine behavior during their operation. To obtain the
most accurate estimation, it is necessary to establish a system of continuous measurement and
data logging of the electrical current and voltage during machine operation. Bearing in mind
that industrial systems are characterized by relatively stable voltage, measuring the electrical
current at certain time intervals will result in reasonable precision regarding the energy con-
sumption profile of the manufacturing system. The integration of these data into the simula-
tion would provide the most accurate results. This, in turn, points to the potential focus of fu-
ture research in the field.
Since energy costs are constantly increasing, manufacturers are seriously consider-
ing energy conservation while practicing energy efficiency measures and renewables integra-
tion as a cost-effective way to reduce energy consumption with two possible trajectories, first
relates to devices and second to measurements and behavior. Although energy conservation
measures come in many forms, they are mostly technological. However, since technology is
operated by people it leads to the conclusion that the failure of the user component can block
the whole mission in the energy efficiency increasing process. Consequently, it is important to
increase energy efficiency by reducing energy needs and changing everyday habits in energy
Medojević, M
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Paper submitted: July 19, 2019 © 2021 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia.
Paper revised: March 23, 2020 Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia.
Paper accepted: March 28, 2020 This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.