PRP Rationale
PRP Rationale
PRP Rationale
4. PA Oblique projection in a Barium Enema examination would BEST demonstrate which of the
following parts of the colon?
5. Projection which corresponding degree of angulation and direction of the central ray that will
demonstrate an open intervertebral disk space of the cervical spine.
6. Statement that refers to a PA Projection to demonstrate the odontoid employing Judd method.
I. Entire odontoid should be seen through the foramen magnum.
II. Chin is extended with tip of nose an inch from the table.
III. Should not be attempted with patients with degenerative disease.
Answer: I, II, and III
7. Point out the contraindication for sialography examination of salivary glands.
Answer: Condyles of mandible and mandibular fossae of temporal bones are demonstrated.
9. Identify the positioning principles applied in a TRUE Lateral position of the skull.
11. Identify the oblique position that would BEST demonstrate the hepatic flexure of the colon.
12. In Grashey’s anteroposterior axial projection of the cranium, with orbitomeatal line perpendicular to the table,
the beam is directed .
13. Point out the reason why the patient’s chin is slightly raised up and positioned on the chest stand during a
chest x-ray examination.
14. Which type of fracture wherein the splintered ends of bones are forced through the skin?
Answer: Compound
17. Determine the anatomic structures that should be clearly demonstrated in a well-taken radiograph of the
pelvis and upper femora.
18. Point out the anatomic structure demonstrated in a radiographic examination of the lower limb
employing Merchant method.
21. Point out the knee position/projection that would BEST demonstrate suprapatellar effusion.
Answer: Lateral
22. Distinguish the radiographic positioning and technique employed in a single-stage double contrast enema.
23. Barium-sulfate is the most common contrast material and is available In several forms, including
I. Powder
II. Liquid
III. Paste
Answer: I and II
24. Tumor masses or prostatic enlargement can be demonstrated in an intravenous urography
examination in a radiograph
Answer: Post-void
25. Identify the radiographic examination that includes fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve.
26. Select the statement that will describe a good anteroposterior lordotic position of the chest.
27. Determine the projection/position of the abdomen that may be used to demonstrate air or fluid levels.
I. Anteroposterior Trendelenburg
II. Lateral Decubitus
III. Dorsal Decubitus
Answer: II and III
28. Distinguish the radiographic procedure performed to BEST demonstrate hallux valgus, which is lateral
deviation of the great toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint.
29. Determine the condition/ structures demonstrated when the prone position is generally
recommended during an intravenous urography procedure.
I. The Renal Pelvis
II. The filling of uterus
III. The superior calyces
Answer: I and II
30. Which of the following is the centering point in an antero-posterior projection of the foot?
32. Typical clubfoot shows deviations from the normal alignment of the foot in relation to the weight- bearing
axis of the leg. Identify the deviation resulting in plantar flexion and inversion of the calcaneus.
Answer: Equinus
Answer: Sternoclavicular
34. Identify the evaluation criteria that should be considered during positioning to visualize the greater tubercle
in profile.
I. Arm in external rotation
II. Humerus in anteroposterior position
III. Epicondyles parallel to the image receptor
Answer: I, II, and III
35. What is the average degree of the obliquity required to demonstrate the sternum free from vertebral
superimposition in a right anterior oblique position.
Answer: 15 to 20 degrees.
36. Point out the COMMON/ROUTINE reference for an axiolateral projection of the hip in a Danelius- Miller
38. Tangential projection (Gaynor-Hart Method) is employed to demonstrate which of the following
39. Choose the degree of central ray angulations in a West Point inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder
40. Determine the anatomic structures demonstrated in a lateral projection of the thoracic spine.
I. Intervertebral spaces
II. Apophyseal joint
III. Intervertebral foramina
Answer: I and II
41. Choose the degree of obliquity of patient position performed to demonstrate the glenoid fossa in profile.
42. Point out the statements that are TRUE in a lower extremity venography.
I. All radiographs are taken in anteroposterior projections
II. Patient is often examined in the semi-erect position
III. Tourniquets are used to force contrast medium into the deep veins
Answer: I, II and III
43. In a gastrointestinal tract examination, determine the position/projection that will demonstrate the pyloric
canal and duodenal bulb in profile for asthenic and hyposthenic patients.
Answer: Lateral
44. Point out the resultant outcome in performing radiographic of the foot in an anteroposterior (dorsal- plantar)
I. Used for localizing foreign bodies
II. Localizing fragments in fractures of metatarsals and anterior tarsals
III. As general surveys of the bones of the foot
Answer: I, II and III
45. Various authors have described the degree of flexion of the knee to demonstrate the patella and
patellofemoral joint in tangential projection but they agreed on same beam direcetion. Distinguish the
COMMON degree of cephalad angulations of the beam determined by these various authors.
Answer: 25 degrees
46. In patients the with congenital dislocation of the hip, Martz and Taylor recommended two anteroposterior
projections of the pelvis to show the relationship of femoral head to acetabulum. Distinguish the purpose of
the first projection with the central ray perpendicular to the pubic symphysis.
47. Choose the radiographic position/projection for the wrist to demonstrate the scaphoid fat stripe.
Answer: Posteroanterior
48. Various authors have described the degree of flexion of the knee to demonstrate the patella and patellofemoral
joint in tangential projection. Select the range of the degree of flexion of the knee as recommended by
49. Determine the anatomic structures that are BETTER demonstrated to a postero-anterior
radiograph of the wrist.
52. Select the method/technique that would best demonstrate diaphragmatic hernias in an upper
gastrointestinal series examination.
Answer: Recumbent
55. In an axiolateral projection, Friedman method of the hip, the central ray is directed cephalad to the femoral
neck at an angle of degrees.
Answer: 35
57. Select the statement that are attribution to kite method for congenital clubfoot in mediolateral
I. Demonstration of anterior talar subluxation
II. Demonstration of degree of plantar flexion
III. Show the fibula overlapping the posterior half of tibia in lateral position
Answer: I, II and III
58. Select the patient position that allows the gallbladder to fall toward the dependent side without
superimposition of the spine?
59. Identify the radiographic method employed to demonstrate any abnormal motion of the sacroiliac joints.
60. Determine the technique that the Radiographic Technologist may employ to help obliterate the rib shadows
and vascular markings when obtaining a lateral position of the thoracic vertebra.
63. During a gastrointestinal examination, the antero-posterior recumbent projection of a stomach of average
shape will usually demonstrate .
I. Anterior and posterior aspects of stomach
II. Double-contrast body and antral portions
III. Barium-filled fundus
65. Which methods are employed to demonstrate the rectosigmoid area in a barium enema
I. Billing
II. Oppenheimer
III. Chassard-Lapine
Answer: I, II and III
66. In a Schuller’s full basal projection of the cranium, the central ray is directed perpendicular .
68. Determine the principal route of elimination of MOST aqueous iodine contrast media.
Answer: Urinary tract
69. Determine the central ray direction in the examination of the cranium in a
posteroanterior/posteroanterior axial projection to demonstrate the superior orbital fissures. Answer:
Angle 25-30 degrees to the nasion
70. Distinguish the statements that are attributed to Taylor’s anteroposterior axial projection to
demonstrate the anterior pelvic bones.
I. Midsagittal plane of the body centered to midline of the table with anterior superior iliac
spine equidistant from the table
II. Central ray is directed 20-35 degrees cephalad for male patient
III. Central ray is directed 30-45 degree cephalad for female
Answer: I, II and III
71. Choose the structure that is of primary concern in an oblique position of the cervical spine
Answer: Intervertebral foramina
72. What is the central ray direction in an anteroposterior projection of the sacrum?
Answer: 15 degrees cephalad
73. Point out the patient positioning to demonstrate the apophyseal articulations in a radiographic
examination of the thoracic spine.
Answer: Coronal plane at 70 degrees to the image receptor
74. Determine the MANDATORY preliminary radiographic image performed to localized swallowed foreign
bodies for infants and young children.
Answer: Anteroposterior projection of the abdomen
75. Select the statements that are relevant to radiography of the large bowel
I. Single contrast studies help demonstrate polyps
II. Double contrast studies help demonstrate intraluminal lesion
III. Large bowel needs to be emptied prior to examination
Answer: II and III
76. Select the anatomic structure demonstrated during a barium enema examination if the patient in a right
posterior oblique position.
Answer: Splenic flexure
77. Which of the following radiographic examination requires inclusion of proximal and distal ends of the
Answer: Long bone examination
78. Classify the positioning requirements for an anteroposterior projection of the thoracic vertebrae in erect
I. Body weight must be equally distribution on both feet
II. If limbs are of unequal length, support is placed to correct height of shorter side
III. Reduce the thoracic kyphosis by flexing patient’s hips
Answer: I and II
79. An axial plantodorsal projection of the calcaneus requires a tube angulation of degrees.
Answer: 40
80. Identify the statements that are attributed to an upright lateral projection to demonstrate the sternum.
I. Manubrium free of superimposition by the soft tissue of shoulders
II. Lateral position against the cassette, arms raised with forearms resting over the head.
III. 72-inch source-image receptor-distance is used to reduce magnification and
distortion of sternum
Answer: I and III
81. Choose the radiographic method performed in a posteroanterior axial oblique projection to BEST
demonstrate the fovea capitis, particularly the superoposterior walls of acetabulum.
Answer: Teufel
82. Point out the anatomic structure shown in the resultant image in a thoracic lateral projection
employing Lawrence method for the proximal humerus.
Answer: Proximal humerus outline demonstrated through the ribs and lung fields.
83. In x-ray examination of the extremities, the proximal and distal ends must be included for .
Answer: Long bone examination
84. Determine the statement that is TRUE to a posteroanterior projection to demonstrate the anterior ribs.
Answer: A posteroanterior projection will best demonstrate the ribs above the diaphragm
85. Distinguish the statements that are attributed to a lateromedial projection, weight-bearing method, to
demonstrate the longitudinal arch of the foot.
I. The projection is used to demonstrate the structural status of the longitudinal arch.
II. The right and left sides need not to be examined for comparison
III. Central ray directed horizontally to a point just above the base of the 3rd metatarsal
Answer: I and II
86. Select the statements that refer to a mortise oblique projection with the ankle rotated 15 to 20 degrees.
I. Plantar surface is vertical
II. Talofibular joint is visualized
III. Talotibial joint is visualized
Answer: I, II, And IIII
87. Choose the projection/method that would BEST demonstrate the cervical intervertebral foramina.
Answer: Oblique
88. Distinguish the method employed to demonstrate a nondistorted projection of the sphenoid strut (Inferior
root of the lesser wing of the sphenoid’s) in a parieto-orbital oblique projection. Answer: Hough
89. Antegrade filling techniques allow the contrast medium to enter the kidney in the normal direction of blood
flow. Determine the mechanism in which of these filling techniques are accomplished.
I. Introducing the contrast materials directly into the kidney through percutaneous
puncture of the renal pelvis.
II. Through physiologic technique wherein the contrast agent is generally administered
III. The contrast solution is introduced into the vein by rapid injection or by infusion. Answer:
I, II, and III
90. Which of the following is normal time period from administration to radiographic appearance of contrast
medium in the pelvicalyceal system during an intravenous urography?
Answer: 2 to 8 minutes
91. During upper gastrointestinal series examination which patient position/projection is the gastric peristalsis
generally more active.
Answer: Right Anterior Oblique/ RAO
92. Choose the technique employed in a barium enema examination that would BEST demonstrate the recto-rectal
Answer: Robins Method
93. Determine the degree of angulation and direction of the central ray applied when modifying the
posteroanterior axial projection of the skull to demonstrate the superior orbital fissures. Answer: 20 –
25 degrees caudad.
94. Determine the central ray direction in Teufel method to demonstrate the acetabulum.
Answer: 12 degrees cephalad
95. Choose the positioning procedure that refer to an anteroposterior projection of the thoracic vertebrae
in supine position.
I. Central ray directed perpendicular to T7
II. Hips and knees are flexed
III. Observe the “Heel effect”
Answer: I, II, and III
96.Choose the procedure performed to demonstrate “Bow: leg and “Knock” knee.
Answer: Weight-bearing anteroposterior projection that is referred to as the
97. Identify the position/projection that is referred to as the “Pillars” projection for the cervical
Answer: Anteroposterior Axial
98. Select the statement that refers to the radiographic examination of the fovea capitis.
I. Anterior surface of the body at 38 degrees from the table
II. Patient in semi-prone position in the affected side.
III. Central ray directed at 12 degrees cephalad
Answer: I, II, and III
99. Choose the radiographic reference line of the skull that is used as the baseline in an axial projection
of the nasal bone.
Answer: Infraorbitomeatal
100. Select the angiographic study for the demonstration of the pulmonary emblus.
Answer: Pulmonary Arteriography