JD Sports Cover Letter

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Name : Ahlame Drissi

Adresse : Flat 204 Ashton banks,Preston PR21BG

Phone number : +44359373555
Email : ds.2k19.lami@gmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to submit my application for JD Sports as a sales assistant, please accept this
letter and the attached CV.

I have done some research into JD Sports as a company and I am very interested in how the
company has grown from strength to strength and I would like to be part of that. I come from
a retail background in a store and I have been involved with merchandise and where it
comes from, how it is developed etc and I would very much like to get into the role of selling.

I am eager to work very hard to be successful in my career and would do any position
relevant to my skills which enables me to progress.

If you have any questions related to my skills and experiences, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and CV and I look forward to hearing from

Your sincerely

Ahlame Drissi

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