Max Min Worksheet

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Ney du - Rew Bares ¢ MAX /miay. VAcLed, ty au Rete eee Seis NV p23 Cylinder 13. Water is added to cylindrical tank of radius $ mand height 10m at a rate of 100 Limin. Find the rate of ‘change of the water level when the water is 6 m deep. (1 L = 1000 em?) G t+ Ym) 14. The radius of cylinder is decreasing ata rate of 1 civmin. The height remains the same as 20 em. How fast is the volume changing when th ais 26m? (HH nh.) Sphere 15. A spheres growing at arate of | cm. Find the rate at which the radius is changing when the radius is? cm Geers) oe 16. @stontll mts ae proportional issue ar, Show hai ras dence aa sont te /teg- CF wa) 1. A balloon isisng at rate of 200m/min. For every 500 m increase in height thea pressure causes the ra) to increase 2 cm, Find the rat of increase ofthe volume when the rae 10m |S. 4 spherical balloon is inflated at a rate of 4 cm’ /s At the moment the radius is 5 em, find the rate of change of a) the radius b) the surface area Bs +R) Fen’) cane (OF) 5 oi 19. Sand is poured by a conveyor belt ata rate of 2m /min onto the ground which forms a conical ple in which the rads is always twice the height How fasts the height rising when the heights 4m? ° (Ge vs) 20. The dimensions of a conical tank is of radius 3m and height 6m, Water is added to it at a rate of x m°/min, Find the rate of change ofthe water evel when he height s3m. CH muons) Ladder 21 A ladder is 10m tong and leans against a vertical wall. Ifthe foot ofthe ladder fs moving away at arate of 21m/s andthe oot 6 m away fom the wall, find the rate of change 8) ofthe top ofthe ladder that s moving down b) ofthe slope ofthe ladder C2 mh) rep) 3 22. An extension ladder with the tp resting ona vertical wal is being extended at arate of 10 m/min. The base is $m fom the wall. Find the rate of Sding up of the topo the Ider when he lader is 13 m ong/ > veh) 23. A ladder is resting ona vertical wall The fot of the ladder is sliding away at @ rate of 4m/s and is 12m from the wall At this moment the top ofthe ladder is moving down at a rateof3 m/s, Find the length ofthe Wie an) 24. A wal is insined 60 degree to he round. A adder 5 ms resting onthe wal » 2 Pe fase ladder is moving awa at a rate of 2 m/s. How fast isthe top sliding down —®3. '€ instant whérrthe foot of the ‘is 4 m away fre i foot of the wé Intersection 25. Two objects are moving away fom the same lostion tthe ste tine, Objet A ismoving de east at arate of 3 emf. Object Bis moving due nor at a rae of 4om/s Find the ralvof change ct dtenes mene the two objects 2 seconds ater, (s <]s) p24 26. Ship A is 25 km south of ship B and is moving due north at arate of 5 knv’h. Ship B is moving due east at ° (esha) 27. Object Ais 15m east of object B and is moving due north at rate of 21's while objec B is moving due southat areas Find te rtf change of esas been the wo ces eon a. (4,76) 28, At noon ship A leaves location and is moving du est tthe rate of 10 kav. One hour later another ship B Starts (0 leave the same location and is moving at a rate of 15 km/h in the direction N30'E, Find the rate of change of distance between the two ships 3:00pm. 25 (Hulk 29. Asma snake eight neglibe) moves along a staght pth ata speed of 2s pasesa wee (10m al 4mavay. How fist isthe distance between the top ofthe ee and he stake changing? sens le? asp 37) 30. Adog rns scons a bre a arte of 4s. The bridge Is Sm above the water A fob wins he undereuth he dog aaa of 3a ina dreton perpen tthe path fhe ow, Fd ts eo es sets ae es ima emit SEP) 31. Atnoon ship A is 10 km west of ship B and is moving due east at a speed of 10knvh. Ship B is moving due south at arte ofS kmh, When is the distance between them stop changing? (ame Pr) Trough 32. A water trough is 10m tong and has a eross section of an equilateral triangle. Water is added at arate of 2m '/min. Find the rate ‘of change of the water level when the water is v/3 m deep. ae (syn) a oes shadow (SmJmw) 4) the tip of his shadow _b) the length of his shadow (nis) (mis) 35. A spot light on the ground is shining on a vertical building which is 20m from the spot light. Aman 2 m tall is walking away from the light and is walking directly towards the building at arate of 4 m/s. Find the rate of saree neha ata om bing when em fo ea ao hs) - 82 ads Ss 36. Aboy is flying akite. The string ofthe kite is being paid out at arate of 10 m/min. The kite is moving horizontally and is at a height of 150m above the ground. Find the rate at which the kite is moving when it i250maway fomibebny. (2S, = ~ 37. A boat which is 3m below the dock is being pull in by a cable, When the boat is 4m away horizontally from the dock it is approaching the dock horizontally ata rate of S mis. How fast is the cable being pull in? (4~/s) 727 Poster 18. Arestanglr posers area 6912 cm? ide margins 8m each nd top and btm margin are each 6m Find the dnenson of the poser that give he maximum printing en Yoon x Fen) 20. A poster contain 200 cm? of printing area. The top and bottom margins are both 8 cm and the side margins are both 4 cm. What are the dimensions of the poster of minimum area? (Ben x 36 on) Wire 21. wire of length 8m is divided into to parts. One forms acre andthe other forms a square. How should the wire be cut so that the ttl area is) minimum ”b) maximum? eo) 2 Olas) 22. Aywie_of length 867 divided inyrywo ypng. One Toms asctangle wi length eqCATO Te the width ade ther art forms py adhaal big How sibutrihe Nee bec Se the total aes dmaximuty b) mi 3. A man has 600 m of fence. He wants to enclose a rectangular field with one side alonga wall Find the dimensions ofthe rectangular field of maximum area, C3045, x 15b0.) 24, Aman wants to fence an rectangular feld of area 3750m? and divide it in half with a fence parallel to one of the sides of the rectangular field. What are the dimensions of the field that can minimize the cost of the fence? Go ws) 25. A rectangular field isto have 100 m* in area, Itwas enclosed by fence. The north-south sides costs $20/m, ‘east-west sides cost $5/m. What are the dimensions so that the cost is minimum (Zon x54) ‘Window 26, Sapindow Died peri 6m consist oF etal sug by 5 sic R-WtaTIthe sto ofp ‘0 dadids that ‘nit mosdeunli A 27 A window consists ofa eagle sod bya semis. The printer ism. Supe engl + 3 part admit twice as much sunlight as the circular part. Find the width of the window which admit most sunlight. (en) 28. Suppose there isa semicircle below the rectangle as wel as above it Find the dimensions of the window which admit most sunlight for a given perimeter 8 m. ( BY 1. ) ce "ty hed 29. A window of perimeter 8m consis of etange surmounted by an equilateral rane. Fnd the width of the window that admit most siti ( ler) _) BP Volume 30. Squares of equal length are eu from the 4 comers ofa square sheet of side 12cm. The four sides are then folded to form an open top box. Find the length of the side of the squares cut that give a maximum volume. (2+) 31. pst copsig smade wit atonispee on pee elinder. Teri and atu of ke elatrne kis scfecndy Fine Bae vlme s nanhoairie ee eased Sree 32, Thetotalsuricearea ofa squared base open top ectangularbox is 12 square nis. Find the dimensions eter ate wohne masini. 2x2 i) 33. Ofall the circular cone of slant height 8 em, find the dimensions of the cone of largest volume. ~ Ss : (e+ SE) 34, Acyl sepa ed cone Find the ratio ofthe vol eylinder colume. 2 Finger 05, Bor Cusine Driven vohume; Find He SGT Te ghe to ras 36 AT eral -Soraee- mu | 36. Find the volume of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius R. ( Ve 4 a 1 e) p28 | | | the 37. Find the volume ofthe cone of maximum vale tat canbe inscribed in a sphere of radi R eos ey. Ene 38, A trough is tobe made by bending a long rectangular piece of tin 3 units wide. The cross section of the trough is a isosceles trapezoid with sides making angles of 120 degree with the base, Find the length of one ofthe sides that is bent which givea maximum capacity. (er) ) ance and shortest time ‘Arman in an sland is 4km ffom th shore, He wants to goto a pub which is 8km down the shore. He can rowat3 km and walk at n/a, Where should he land if he want o reach the pubas soon as possible (X= B ke) 40. The cost of laying powerline nderater itmesthat of ndraround An sland is 4 km rom he shore and a power station isa stance Bkm fom the point on the shore which is closest tothe sland. How should the powerline be ads that the os i minimum Gz kw 41, Two vertical posts 7m apart are of lengths 3and 4m. A wires torun from the top of post, eaches the | svn adie ges oe op fener os Fd eninge i 32) 42. Aand B are points onthe opposite side ofa straight line. Pand Q are points on line such that AP and BQ ate perpendicular tothe line. AP= 3, BQ=4, PQ=7.R is a point on the line, At what point should R be Jocated so that the total distance form A 10 B through R is minimum? vous) Closest Distance 43. Find a point on the line 3x + 4y - 25 = 0 which is closest to the origin. 44, Find the minimum distance from the point (4,2) to y= 8x. | (a3; 44) | =4, 1=2 oo Cg t=2) 45, A shop can sell 30 radio at $20 each per week. If the price is increased, for each dollar increase there will be (836) T Geometric Figure | Perimeter | Area/Surtace Area | Rectangle | P=2t+2u | Azle L | lw | P=20 +h) | Parallelogram | “ | Lf 6 a Trapezoid i. Cone © Ls | A= dar? Acone = 378 i Abase = ar Avotat = Acone + Abase Geometric Figure Area/Surtace Area | Volume H | 2 oe | Avo = | Vsarh or Abase = nr? | h : | Asiae = 2arh | | Arotat = 2ur* + 2nrh | Sphere a - A 7 w A= 2wh + lw +h) ‘Square- 7 | Aten = bs (for each triangle) | yt gp ramid. ™ | Abe = 6° Arotat = As triangles + Abase Peco eee Ariat = wh + wh + lw + lw + lh sth | V=lwh Isosceles triangular prism AOS Atriangie = $ bh (for each triangle)| V = Avectangles = ls + 1b +s Avotat = Arectangies + Az triangles Fh

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