Cars Alternative Drives Manual Disable of The High-Voltage On-Board Electrical System and New High-Voltage Tests Fly Participant Document

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Global Training – The finest automotive learning.

Cars · Alternative drives · Manual disable of

the high-voltage on-board electrical system
and new high-voltage tests · Fly
Participant Document

This document is intended for training purposes only. The exercises performed in the course cannot simply be implemented
in practice without regard to various considerations. Country-specific laws, regulations and specifications must always be

The training documents are not subject to the ongoing update service. When working at the vehicle, always use the most up-
to-date workshop aids (e.g. EPC net, WIS net, DAS, special tools) provided by the manufacturer for the vehicle in question.

Printed in Germany

© 2017 Copyright Daimler AG

Publisher: Mercedes-Benz Global Training

This document, including all its parts, is protected under the laws of copyright. Any commercial processing or use requires
the previous written consent of Daimler AG. This applies in particular to reproduction, distribution, alteration, translation,
microfilming and storage and/or processing in electronic systems, including databases and online services.

Note: The term “employee” always refers to both male and female employees.

1511 3904 - 3. Edition 15.03.2017 44

Table of contents

Table of conten
1 Orienttation .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Welcome ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Training agreement .................................................................................................................. 3

2 Safetyy rules ................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Qualificatio
on concept ............................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Safety ruless when working on highh-voltage veehicles ............................................................... 6
2.3 Practical block 1 ................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 High-voltagge definition n .......................................................................................................... 12

3 The thhree new special

s processes oon the high
h voltage vehicle
v .................................... 13
3.1 Disable powwer manuallyy at the highh-voltage on--board electrical system m ................................. 13
3.2 Insulation resistance
r test...................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Voltage prooof test on the
t hybrid trransmission n ..................................................................... 20

4 Practiical block 2 ........................................................................................................ 28

4.1 Instructionss - Practicall block 2 .... ......................................................................................... 28
4.2 Practical block 2 - Disaable power manually........................................................................... 32
4.3 Practical block 2 - Insuulation resisstance test ..................
. ..................................................... 33
4.4 Practical block 2 - Volttage proof ttest on hybrrid transmissions ............................................ 35

5 List off question

ns......................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Questionnaaire with ressponses ..... ......................................................................................... 36

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document I

ntation 1
W 1.1

1 Orien
1..1 Welco
me to training
g course "Dissable power manually at the
t high-volttage on-board electrical
system and new higgh voltage tessts"

S 500 e P_08__30_206450_FA

E 500 e 4MATIIC TT_00_00_03924

Disablee power manually at thee high-volta age on-boardd electrical system

If absen
nce of voltage from the h igh-voltage on-board
o m cannot be
electrical system e clearly estab-
lished and
a documen workshop with the help off XENTRY Diaagnostics, then a messagge
nted in the w
appearss prompting a manual poower disable procedure. TheT followingg can cause an
a interruptioon
of diagn
nosis-based power
p disablling:
• Acccident damaage to the veehicle
• Firre damage to
o the vehicle
• Waater damage to the vehiccle
• Deefective components
In thesee cases, the manual
m powerr disable proccess can be used.
u To do thhis, personal protective
equipmeent (PSA) is required.
r The process musst only be carried out undeer the followin
ng conditionss:
• The person hass the correspponding quallifications and training.
• The diagnosis-based powerr disable pro
ocess at the high-voltage
h on-board ele
ectrical systeem
haas failed.
• The required special tools aand the workkshop equipm
ment are avaailable.
• The country-sp
pecific regulaations and ru
ules are observed.
• The manual po age on-boardd electrical syystem must be
ower disable process of the high-volta
ocumented by the personn carrying it out
o and confiirmed througgh his/her signature.
Voltage e proof test on the mod del series 7224.2 hybrid transmissioon
In orderr to carry outt repairs on tthe main tran
nsmission, th
he wet clutchh (NAK) must be removed d
with thee rotor and stator of the eelectric machine and reinnstalled afterr completionn of the work.
After asssembling the hybrid trannsmission, a voltage proo of test as welll as an insulation re-

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 1

1 Orienttation
1.1 Welcom

sistance teest must be carried

c out. TThis procedure also applies to replaciing the position sensor
of the electric machine
e, the rotor o r the stator. The process must only bbe carried out under the
following conditions:
• The person has th
he correspon ding qualifications and trraining.
• The reequired speccial tools andd the workshop equipmen
nt are availabble.
• The country-specific regulationns and rules are observed.
• A non t workstattion with mandatory conttact protectioon with the required
n-stationary test r
identiification is se
et up.
• The teest results must
m be docu mented by the person ca
arrying out thhe tests and confirmed
througgh his/her signature.
Insulationn resistance test
n-board electrical system is tested in the battery
The insulattion resistancce of the higgh-voltage on
managemeent system control unit. I n case of a fault,
f a corresponding fauult code is stored. The
test with an external insulation resiistance meassuring instrument is usedd for defect localization.
The processs must only be carried oout under thee following co onditions:
• The person has th
he correspon ding qualifications and trraining.
• The reequired speccial tools andd the workshop equipmen
nt are availabble.
• The country-specific regulationns and rules are observed.
• m be docu mented by the person ca
The teest results must arrying out thhe tests.
Learning objectives
o of
o the trainin ng course
After the trraining coursse, you can ....
• State the safety ru ules that appply when disaabling powerr manually att the high-voltage on-
boardd electrical syystem, and wwhen performming the voltage proof tesst and the insulation re-
nce test
• Descrribe the qualification con cept for carrrying out the special highh voltage testts
• Descrribe the proccess for disabbling power manually
m at the
t high-voltaage on-board
d electrical
• Descrribe the voltaage proof tesst process on
n hybrid transmissions
• Descrribe the insulation resistaance test pro
• State the special consideratio
c ns in the workshop proce
ess, with thee special toolls and work-
shop equipment
• Applyy the required
d work instruuctions (WIS documentation)
• Comp
plete the required docum

Key questtions for the

e introductiion round
• Who am
a I (name)??
• Which
h operation do
d I work for??
• What are my taskss at work?
• What previous kno
owledge andd experience do I have ab
bout the subj ect?
• What are my expe
ectations of tthe training?

2 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

ntation 1
Training agreement 1.2

1..2 Train
ning agreeement
• Aggreed times are
a adhered tto
• Leet each otherr finish speakking
• Inttroduce expe
eriences on tthe topic
• Evveryone helpss to tidy up
• Haandle vehicle
es and tools ccarefully
• Mo
obile phone switched
s to m
mute or off
• Teeam work durring practica l work
• Addherence to the safety rules when working on n the high-vooltage on-bo
oard electriccal
syystem! If in doubt,
d pleasse ask your trainer!
• Th
he country-s
specific regu
ulations and
d rules must be observe
• On
nly the spec
cified speciaal tools and workshop equipment
e m
may be used.
• Th
he required protective eequipment must
m be worn.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 3

2 Safetyy rules
2.1 Qualificcation concept

2 Safety rules
2.1 Qualificcation con
The corresp ponding quallifications aree required ass a precondition for the m anual disable
e of the
high-voltagge on-board electrical
e systtem, the insu ance test andd the voltage proof test.
ulation resista

The qualificcation conce

ept for these new high-vo
oltage tests can
c be found in the illustrration. The
target grouups of mainte
enance and rrepair technicians as well as certifiedd diagnostic technicians
are consideered here.


4 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Safety rules 2
Qualification concept 2.1

Activities Work- High- High vooltage Highh volt- H
High volt- High voltage e
related voltage qualifica
ation age qualifi- agge qualifi- training, diss-
safety in- awarenesss withoutt cation with caation with able power
struction in productt prodduct p roduct manually
the com- training
g training trraining***

“Simple” acctivities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yees Yes

outside the high-
voltage on-bboard
electrical syystem:
e.g., operattion,
checking workshop
equipment, starting
General reppairs on No Yes Yes Yes Yees Yes
high voltagee vehicles,
insulation reesistance
test of hybrrid trans-
mission/hyybrid head
Working on the de-
energized hhigh-
voltage on-bboard
electrical syystem (on
a diagnosticc basis or
No activity: No No Yes Yes Yees Yes
Intermediate stage -
prerequisitee for
product training
Diagnosis-bbased No No No Yes N
No Yes*
power disabble of ve-
Power disabble of ve- No No No No Yees No
Manual pow wer disa- No No No No N
No Yes**
ble of vehiccle
Insulation resistance
Voltage prooof test

* Disabbling the high

h voltage systtem on a diaagnostic basis is permissiible once the
e product train-
ing for a specific vehicle has beeen completed. Diagnosis-based disabbling of the system must
always be tried first before man ual disablingg (except with
h model 4533.091/391/4 491).
** Manual disabling g as per WIS specificationn is permissible for all moodels (excep
pt model
453.091/391/491 and vehicless in the metrropolitan con ncept).
*** Only for model 453.091/3991/491

The bassis of the matrix is WIS doocument AH54.00-P-0010-01A or SI554.10-P-004

42A. However,
the Servvice information is not suubject to upd
date service.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 5

2 Safetyy rules
2.2 Safety rules when workiing on high-voltag
ge vehicles

2.2 Safety rules

r wheen workin
ng on high-voltage
e vehicless

Questionss and rules before

b startting work
Before sta
arting work on the high
h-voltage vehicle, alway
ys note the ffollowing qu
and rules::
• Have I been instruucted on the vehicle mod
del to be trea
ated, and do I have the ap
produuct qualification?
• Is a disable on the
e high-voltagge vehicle neccessary for the work to bbe performed
• Am I qualified
q to disable
d the h igh-voltage vehicle
v or has the vehiclee been de-energized by a
qualiffied “specialist for work oon intrinsically safe HV seeries producttion vehicless from the
respeective model series”?
• Has thhe absence of
o voltage beeen recorded
d and has this been approopriately marrked on the
• Has th
he vehicle be
een secured against reacctivation?
− I
Ignition key removed
− A
Activation lock inserted aand locked
• As a “specialist
“ or work on in trinsically saafe HV seriess production vehicles from
fo m the re-
spective model se eries”, you caan and must assess the hazards
h and eeffects of ele
ectricity, the
relevaant safety pre
ecautions ass well as the limits of your knowledgee.
• It is prohibited
p to
o work on liive parts (ass per BGV A3
A Section 6 (1))!


Five safety
y rules whe
en dealing w
with high vo
For safely working
w on electrical
e sysstems, basic safety rules have been ddefined. Thesse generally
known and d applied five
e safety ruless are:
1. Remov ve voltage froom high-voltaage system
2. Prevennt from beingg switched on n again
3. Establish absence of voltage att the high-volltage system
4. Groundd and short-cirrcuit system ( not relevant in
n motor vehicles)
5. Shield or cordon off adjacent live parts (not releevant in vehicles)

Appliication of th
he safety ru
ules in motor vehicles
In thee automotive industry thee first three safety
s rules are
a applied!

6 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Safety rules 2
Safety rules when workingg on high-voltage vehicles 2.2

The 7 high-voltage
h e safety meaasures in th
he vehicle

− Orange high-voltage liines and warrnings on hig

gh-voltage coomponents fo
or greater
awarenesss among woorkshop personnel

− Measuress for prevent ing inadverteent contact with

w live partts (direct/ind
− High voltaage potentia ls are provided with all-pole insulatio n from the vehicle ground.
In the eve e risk of an eelectric shock.
ent of a simpple fault, this prevents the
− Detection
n of insulatio n faults throughout the entire
e high-vooltage on-board electricaal
− Representation of fauults taken into consideration in the dissplay concep
− Insulation
n monitor is iin the batteryy manageme
ent system coontrol unit
− The insulaation faults ddetected by the n monitor aree divided up into two stag-
t insulation
YELLOW MESSAGE ass a warning at
a 500-100 Ω/V

RED MESSAGE as an alarm at <10
00 Ω/V
− After ignittion OFF, thee vehicle no longer startss with a RED MESSAGE!
The contaactors can noo longer be switched
s on!
Diagnosiss-based disabbling of the high-voltage
h on-board eleectrical syste
em is no longger
− The insulaation resistannce is evaluaated in the battery managgement syste em control
unit. This is where thee value can be
b read out using
u the diaggnostic tool.
− After remedying the faault, the batttery management system m control unit carries out a
test cycle
e. No driving enable is isssued for the duration
d of t he test cycle
− Conductoor loop is rouuted across the access op
ptions of thee entire high-vvoltage on-
board electrical syste m.
− The accesss options arre electrical connections
c of the high-vvoltage comp
ponents and
also covers protectedd by jumpers. Removal of the electricaal connections or the covver
interruptss the conducctor loop of the HVIL.
− When the e signal transsmitted via th
he conductorr loop is inte rrupted, the contactors in
the high-vvoltage batteery open afteer running thrrough a shutt-off strategyy. The entire
high-voltaage on-boardd electrical syystem is shut down.
− A distincttion is made between thee following instances:
If a fault occurs
o in thee interlock circuit while driving (contaactors closed
d and ignition
“ON”), clo osing of the ccontactors during
d the next ignition cyycle is prevented.
In HYBRID D vehicles, thhe high-voltaage on-board electrical syystem is shutt off when th
selector lever is in po sition "N“ or "P“ for > 3 s and the vehhicle speed iss < 5 km/h.
The high-vvoltage on-b oard electriccal system is also switcheed off in sele
ector lever poosi-
tion "D" iff the hood is opened in plug-In
T1192F <> Paarticipant Document 7
2 Safetyy rules
2.2 Safety rules when workiing on high-voltag
ge vehicles

IIf a fault occurs in the intterlock circuit during cha

arging or pre--entry climatte control
(contactors closed),
c the ccontactors are opened immmediately aand the high--voltage on-
board electriical system iss shut down.

− FFollowing diaagnosis-baseed power discconnect as per

p the WIS ddocument, th he shutoff of
t entire hig
the gh-voltage onn-board electrical system
m is ensured (interlock cirrcuit and
circuit 30c open) and thee system then secured ag gainst being switched back on
through "igniition ON".
− TThrough the insertion/coonnection of the high-volttage activatioon lock, the high-voltagee
on-board electrical syste m is addition
nally secured
d to prevent rreactivation.

− Via triggering
V g of the pyrootechnical separators whiich are actuaated by the supple-
mental restraaint system ccontrol unit in
i the event of crash recoognition
− P
Power from all
a power souurces and sto
orage units is interruptedd by the conttactors
− Deactivation of alternatoor operation (both
D ( the electric machinne and the DC
C/DC con-
− D
Discharge off the intermeediate circuit capacitors below
b a hazaardous voltag
ge range
− A distinction is made bettween two sttages:
1. If only the seat belt tennsioners werre deployed, the high-volttage shutoff is reversi-
ble. When the ignition is switched offf and on again, the high-vvoltage on-bo
b oard electri-
c system iss started up aagain if no in
cal nsulation fault is present..
2 If the airbaags were als o deployed, the high-volttage shutoff is irreversible.

− ge vehicles, tthere is a separating poin

IIn high voltag nt for shuttinng off the hig
on-board electrical syste m for emerggency servicees. At this coonnecting poiint, the in-
terlock circuit and terminnal 30c are disconnected
d d.
− TThe rescue card
c is only ppresent as a non-permane
n ent componeent of the vehicle if the
customer obtains it and ccarries it in the
t vehicle. Furthermore,
F , it is not kep
pt at a
standardizedd position in tthe vehicle and
a can thereefore be easiily lost. That is why all
Mercedes-Be enz and smarrt vehicles have a QR cod de in two loccations in thee area of the
f filler flap
fuel p and the B-ppillar on the opposite
o side
e since Septeember 2013. The QR
code is decooded and the relevant resscue card called up usingg a smartphone. The res-
c card is fiiled on a servver.

If a reepair order haas been issuued for the veehicle that ha

as crashed, tthe high-voltage battery
must be replaced after an acccident involving deployme ent of the pyrrofuse (irreversible
shuto off of the high
h-voltage on--board electrrical system) in accordannce with SI54 4.10-P-
0035 5A.

8 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Safety rules 2
Safety rules when workingg on high-voltage vehicles 2.2

Installation pposition of pyroofuse, GLE 500 e 4MATIC


Instaallation position of high-voltaage disconnecct device on

GLE 500 e 4MATIC C TT_00_19_044936__SW

Separating pooint for rescuee services, S 500

5 e TT_08_000_027214_FA Locaation of QR cod
de TT_00_00_039530

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 9

2 Safetyy rules
2.2 Safety rules when workiing on high-voltag
ge vehicles

Higgh voltage interloock on GLE 500

0 e 4MATIC P_54_18_528400_FA

1 High--voltage distribuutor plate /2

N82/ Battery management
m syystem control unit

2 12-V plug connectio

on /1
N83/ DC/DC converter
c contrrol unit

3 High--voltage connecction /5
N83/ Charger

4 Circuuit 30 9/1
N129 Power electronics contrrol unit

5 Insulaation monitorin
ng S7 High-volttage disconnectt device

A9/5 Electtric refrigerant compressor

c /23
X58/ Charger feed-in socket

A79/1 Electtric machine A Interlock

k signal line

A100 High--voltage batteryy module AL Interlock

k evaluation logiic

A100g1 High--voltage batteryy B High-volttage line

A100s1 Contactor C Circuit 30c (signal line)

F1 Fuse for high voltage PTC heater (rreplaceable) CG Interlock

k alternator
Fuse for electric refrrigerant compre
essor (replaceaa-
2 CL Circuit 30c evaluation loogic
3 Fuse for charger (replaceable) CS Circuit 30c (contactor ppower supply)

4 Fuse for DC/DC con
nverter (replace
eable) CP Control pilot
Fuse for high-voltage distributor pla
ate on power
5 L Phases L1-L3
electronics control unit
u (replaceablle)
6 Fuse for high-voltage battery (not replaceable)
r N Neutral conductor

33 Batteery compartmen
nt prefuse box PE Protectivve earth conducctor

N2/10 SRS ccontrol unit PP Proximityy pilot

N33/5 High--voltage PTC heeater PPL Proximityy pilot evaluatioon logic

10 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Safety rules 2
Safety rules when workingg on high-voltage vehicles 2.2

mentation in
n Mercedes--Benz workshops
Prerequuisites in Mercedes-Be nz worksho
ops for work
king on the hhigh-voltage
e vehicle
voltage safetty precautioons):
• Traaining
− High-voltaage and prodduct qualificaation concep
pt with high-vvoltage aware eness trainin
for workshop personnnel for workin ng with electtrical voltagees in the defin
ned high-
voltage raange and wit h the new teechnology in the vehicles
− High-voltaage awareneess training fo
or the workshop personnnel for general types of
work on the
t vehicle (aaccording to the qualifica
ation conceptt)
• Veehicle diagno
osis system (X nostics)
Xentry Diagn
− Check of all relevant ffeatures of th age status annd output of the current
he high-volta
high-voltaage status
− Printout of
o a power diisable event log after determining thee high-voltage status
− Provision of safety nootices throughout the diag
gnostic proceess
• orkshop Information (WIS
Wo S)
− Provision of safety nootices and reppair instructions for workk requiring th
he remov-
al/installaation or replaacement of one
o or more high-voltagee componentts
hop operatio
ons on the h
e on-board electrical
e syystem (as pe
er AH54.00--P-

For worrk on the high-voltage on--board electrical system,, the power ssupply must be disabled
and thiss must be de
etermined annd documented.

The quaalification req

quired for thiis is called “sspecialist forr work on int rinsically saffe HV series
producttion vehicles from the resspective mod del series”.
Manual disable of the high-vooltage on-bo
oard electric
cal system aand new hig

The high-voltage qualification pl us a productt qualification

n is requiredd here for an intrinsically
safe serries production vehicle, nno metropolitan conceptss! Additionallly, the trainin
ng course “D Dis-
able power manuallyy at the highh-voltage on-bboard electriical system aand new high h voltage tests ”
must bee completed successfullyy. The specia alist for high h-voltage teests on an in ntrinsically
safe higgh-voltage series
s produ uction vehic
cle and on the hybrid trransmission n can use thee
work instructions sttored in WIS to perform the
t following work on vehhicles with ellectric drivess:
• Maanual disable
e of the high--voltage on-b
board electrical system
• Inssulation resisstance test
• Vo
oltage proof test
t on the hhybrid transm
This alsso applies to future modeel series such
h as the facelift of the S 5500 e withou
ut additional
trainingg measures, but
b not to meetropolitan concepts.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 11

2 Safetyy rules
2.3 Practical block 1

2.3 Practicaal block 1

E 1 The trainerr moderates an exchangee of know-how with you about
a the saffety measure
es on high
voltage vehhicles.
If necessarry, write dow
wn additional information.

2.4 High-vo
oltage defiinition
Accordingg to ECE R 100,
1 the folllowing volta
ages are deffined as high
h voltages in
i the volt-
age class:
Direct volltage Alternating voltage
> 60 V DC > 30 V AC
≤ 1500 V DC
D ≤ 1,000 V AC

12 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Disable pow
wer manually at th
he high-voltage onn-board electrical system 3.1

3 The three
t neew special proceesses on the high
h voltag
ge vehiclle
3..1 Disab
ble power manually
y at the hiigh-voltag
ge on-boar
ard electriical system

Manual power disabling of

o the GLE 500 e 4MATIC TT_54_10

A Test adapte

Generaal descriptio
on of how too disable po
ower manua
Manual power disab
bling was intrroduced in addition to the previous ddiagnosis-asssisted power
disable process.

nce of voltage at the highh-voltage on-board electrical system ccannot be cle

If absen early estab-
lished and
a documen nted using XEENTRY Diagn e workshop, ffor example after an acci-
nostics in the
dent, firre, water dam
mage, defectt of componeents, power can
c be disabbled manuallyy in accordan nce
with thee WIS literatu
ure and the rrequired qualification.

he difference to diagnossis-based po
ower disabling is the innterruption of the high--
oltage on-bo
oard electriccal system with
w high vo oltage possiibly presentt at the sourrce.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 13

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.1 Disablee power manuallyy at the high-voltage on-board elecctrical system

Distinct points of manual powerr disabling

When the 12-V
1 battery is disconneccted, the high-voltage connectors aree disconnected from the
high-voltagge battery using personall protective equipment
e (P
PSA), dependding on the vehicle
v mod-
el designattion.

The manuaal power disaable process is specified in detail in th

he WIS docu ment and may only be
w have at least the following qualiffications:
performed by persons who
• Experrt for high voltage tests oon intrinsicallly safe high voltage
v serie s production
n vehicles
and on
o hybrid tran nsmissions
The countrry-specific regulations an d rules mustt be observed

The power disable proccess must bee documenteed on the form

m by the exeecuting perso

The followiing points mu

ust also be cconfirmed on
n the form, with a signatuure, by the exxecuting
• Installation of the high-voltagee activation lock
• The open electricaal connector s are closed with protecttive covers
• No vooltages over 60
6 V DC werre identified; the vehicle is
i therefore ffree of high-vvoltage cur-

ng the entire
e power dis able processs, no other persons maay be present in or at
the vehicle.

Required special toolls and persoonal protecttive equipm

Voltage te

A 2-pole hiigh-impedan
nce voltage ttester must be
b used.

The properr function of the voltage ttester must be

b checked as
a specified by the manu
ufacturer or
on a 12-V battery
b prior to starting tthe tests.

Do noot press any

y of the butttons on the voltage testter, otherwiise the volta
age tester
will have
h a lower impedancce

Personal protective
p equipment
e ( PSA)

The person e equipment includes thee following 5 elements:

nal protective
• Protective helmet for electriciaans (optional)
• Visor
• Protective gloves for electriciaans
• Undergloves
• Electrric arc protecction jacket

14 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Disable pow
wer manually at th
he high-voltage onn-board electrical system 3.1

Basic procedure
p off disabling p
power man
nually at the
e high-voltagge on-board
d electrical

o be perform
med if:
• Absence of voltage off the high-voltage on-board electrical system coulld not be cleaarly
ed and docum mented during diagnosis-based poweer disabling via
• An insulattion fault is ppresent.

Print out test log

Switch off the ignitio
on and safely sstore the trans- At leastt 2 m
mitter key outside thhe transmitterr range
Securee socket flap with
w warning ssticker W451 589
5 08 63 00
Actuatee high-voltage
e disconnect ddevice (S7) and Wait at least 5 minuttes
insert high-voltage
h activation lockk
Disconnect the ground line from tthe on-board Wait at least 10 secoonds
electriccal system batttery The 12 V on-board ellectrical syste
em charger muust
be disconnected prioor to starting work
Check the 2-pole voltage tester foor proper operra-
tion according to the
e information provided by thhe
Check absence of vooltage in the 112 V on-board 2-pole voltage
v testerr
electriccal system
Carry out
o a visual insspection of th e high-voltagee
components, the eleectrical connecctors and the
electriccal lines
The following operattion steps mayy only be per-
formedd when wearinng personal prrotective equipp-
ment (PPSA)!
Removve high voltagee connector frrom high-voltaage
connecction at the hig
gh-voltage batttery
Test off high-voltage connection
n at the high-- Betwee
en red female test connecto or (HV+) and
voltage battery brown female
f test coonnector (vehicle ground)
ge ≤ 60 VDC Betwee
en black femalle test connecctor (HV-) and
brown female
f test coonnector (vehicle ground)
Betweeen red female test connectoor (HV+) and
black fe
emale test connnector (HV-)
Test off HV wiring harness
h conn
nector Betwee
en (HV+) and vvehicle ground
ge ≤ 60 VDC Betwee
en (HV-) and veehicle ground
en (HV+) and ((HV-)
Connecct ground line of on-board eelectrical system
Turn on
n ignition
Test off high-voltage connection
n at the high-- Betweeen red female test connectoor (HV+) and
voltage battery black fe
emale test connnector (HV-)
ge ≤ 60 VDC

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 15

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.2 Insulatiion resistance tesst

Complete the log and pllace behind thhe windshield Following the
t restart proocedure of the e high-
up to the restart
r proced
dure voltage on--board electriccal system, file with repair
documenta ation

3.2 Insulatiion resisttance testt

lation resistancce test of highh-
voltagge battery moodule TT_54_1
Insulatiion resistance test for defecct localization TT_08_00_031476_FA

5 Insulation monitorring

General description
d on
o the insullation resisttance test
In general, the insulatio
on resistancee is the ohmiic resistance
e portion amoong electricaal conduc-
tors or tow
wards the earrth potential or the vehicle ground.
In high-volttage systemss, the insulattion resistance of (HV+) or
o (HV-) to veehicle ground
d is meas-
ured in parrticular.
The value should be higher
h than 1 MΩ.

Insulation resistances
r can
c change aas a result off aging proceesses, humiddity, soiling, damage,
d ra-
d chemical or physical inffluences. If the changes lead to insulaation faults, fault cur-
diation and
rents can develop
d that are high enoough to damaage compone ents. This dooes not necessarily trig-
ger an overcurrent prottection equippment.

The type off isolation fault is key herre, as followss:

• Simple insulation fault
− H or HV- has
HV+ h a connecction to the housing
h or ve
ehicle body
− D
Defined warn
ning thresho ld
• Doub
ble isolation fault
− H and HV- have a con nection to th
HV+ he vehicle bo
− T fuse triggers

16 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
IInsulation resista
ance test 3.2

Gaalvanic sepa
Veehicle-side insulation monnitoring takees place up to
o galvanic seeparation in the
t onboard
harger. For a double isola tion fault, the fuse in the
e high-voltagee battery or in the corre-
ponding high--voltage commponent is triiggered.

Aftter the galvaanic separatioon (in the on

nboard charger), the fuse for the infrastructure,
ound fault circuit interruppter, is triggeered.

or the in-cable box, the RC
CD is triggerred and for a public chargging station, the RCD and
fusse are triggered.

Two pla
anned types
s of insulatiion resistance tests:
1. Insu
ulation monittoring unit in the battery 2. Insulation resistaance test: EX
manag gement systeem control un nit (BMS): IN--
As partt of continuou
us monitoring, the insulation
n Measurring the insulaation resistancce with an insuu-
resistance is checkeed automatica lly in the BMSS. lation re
esistance meaasuring instrument

Distincct points of the

t insulatiion resistan
nce test

To 1. Inssulation monnitoring unit in the BMS

The insuulation faultss detected byy the insulation monitorin
ng unit are ddivided into three stages:
• c drive, modeel series 451)
Prewarning forr 900 Ω/V (oonly smart fortwo electric
• YE
SAGE as a waarning at 500
0 Ω/V
• RE
E as an alarm
m at 100 Ω/V
The vehicle will no longer sstart after ign
nition OFF.
The contactorss can no longger be switch
hed on!
ed disabling oof the high-volltage on-boarrd electrical ssystem is no longer possib
Diaagnosis-base ble.
To 2. Inssulation resisstance test:
When measuring
m thee insulation rresistance with
w an insulation resistannce measurin
ng instrumen
the follo
owing must be b observed::
• The insulation resistance ddecreases witth increasing
g high voltagee.
It therefore
t h only a few volts using a conventional
does not makee sense to meeasure it with
• It is
i mandatoryy to perform the resistance measurem
ment with higgher voltages,
for example with
w 500 VDCC.
• Duue to the high
h measurem ent voltage, discharge is required aftter every meaasurement.
The measuring
g tips may noot be removeed immediate
ely after the ttest.

Requirred special tools

Insulattion resistan
nce measuriing instrum
ment, see WIS

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 17

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.2 Insulatiion resistance tesst

3.2.1 Basic pro

ocedure of the insulattion resista
ance test: EXTERNAL
O bserve the safety information!
• During the measurement
m , capacitors ccan be chargedd up to ap-
prox. 500 V and maintain n this voltage ffor a longer period of
• After the measurement, thet test objecct must be disccharged.
It is discharrged through the
t measuringg instrument.
To do this, the
t measuring g tips may onl y be removed d at voltages
of < 25 VDC.
• NO insulation resistanc ce measurem ment between n (HV+) and
• Carry out thhe measureme ent without grround fault circuit inter-
rupter (in th
he charging caable)

Carrying out
o the test on the HV DC on-board electrical system
Veehicle power disabled
d and system
s secureed against beiing switched
baack on
Prrocedure as per
p the WIS do
ocument for thhe respective vehicle
model designattion
V connector disconnected
d from high-volttage battery
Seet insulation resistance
r measuring instruument to 500 V
Caarry out insu
ulation resistance measurrement at the
e test
dapter and at the HV connector with sspecified value >1 MΩ
Innsulation resisstance measurrement at testt adapter
• Red female test connecto or (HV+) to brorown female te
est connect-
or (vehicle ground)
• Black femalle test connec ctor (HV-) to bbrown female test
t con-
nector (vehicle ground)
Innsulation resisstance measurrement at highh-voltage conn
• Bush of HV connector (HV+) to groundd connection of o vehicle
• Bush of HV connector (HV-) to ground connection of vehicle
Paay attention to o DISCHARGING with the mmeasuring insttrument!
Procedure for defect loccaliza- D isconnect thee electrical con
nnectors of thhe individual HV
H compo-
tion neents one by one
Reepeat the meaasurement until the fault is localized.

18 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
IInsulation resista
ance test 3.2

The notes listed refe

er to the 1. Resistancce measurement with speciified value <1 Ω continuity
smart fortwo
f electricc drive, • PE to veehicle ground
phase 3 (model serie es 451).
ng out the testt on
C circuit (1-ph
Chargee socket
The tesst must be carrried out if
the RCD in the charg ging cable
or RCDD/ground faultt circuit in-
terruptter in the infraastructure
was triggered. TT_08_00_031481_FA

2. Insulation
n resistance measurement
m d value >1 MΩ
with specified Ω
• L1 to PE
• N to PE


Chargee socket • L2 to PE
onal with (3-p
phase) • L3 to PE
GING CABLE without
w RCD Measuremeent as in 1. and 2.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 19

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.3 Voltagee proof test on the hybrid transmisssion

3.3 Voltage proof tesst on the h

hybrid trransmissiion

Non-stationarry test workstattion with mandaatory contact pro

otection for the voltage proof te
test TT_08_00_0314

General description
d on
o the voltaage proof tesst after the transmissio
t on repair
Transmission mod. dess. 724.2 is flaange-mounteed to the elec
ctric machinee.

To be able to carry out repairs on thhe main tran

nsmission, the wet clutch (NAK) with rotor and
he electric machine mustt be completely removed and reassem
stator of th mbled.

20 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Volttage proof test onn the hybrid transsmission 3.3

Explodedd view of mod. des. 724.2 hybridd transmission TT_08_00


1 Intermediate flange 10 Oil filter

2 Rotor posittion sensor 11 Oil pan

Electrohyddraulic controller unit (electro--
3 Wet clutch with TD2 12
hydraulic actuator)
4 HV contactts 13 Electric m
machine, stator

5 Coupling housing 14 Impeller

6 External pla
ate carrier B1 15 Electric m
machine, rotor
Main transmission NAT-2FFE+ (mod. des.
7 16 Displacem
ment device
8 Park pawl 17 Primary puump

9 Electric auxxiliary oil pump

After th
he completionn of the repaair, a voltage
e proof test and an insuulation test must be carr-
ried outt on the removed hybrid transmission.

The volttage proof te

est is requireed as during disassembly
d or assemblyy, the insulated windings in
the stattor could be damaged.

To identtify such dam

mage, the vo ltage proof tester
t is usedd to apply a ddefined high voltage (AC)) to
the hybrid transmisssion and the quality of th
he electric inssulation and proof voltag
ge is checkedd.

When thhe test is carrried out, thee parts are su

ubjected to high
h loads. T his is why th
he test voltagge
of 1,500
0 V AC (for new
n parts) is reduced to 80 8 % for "useed componennts". This corresponds to o
1,200 V AC.

The test equipment automatical ly carries out an insulatio

on resistancee test before
e and after th
voltage proof test.
This enssures that th
he required innsulation ressistance value continues tto be presen
nt after the teest
voltage is applied annd a correspponding load is exerted.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 21

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.3 Voltagee proof test on the hybrid transmisssion

Non-sstationary, mandatory shock-haza

ed test work
kstation for voltage
prooff test
For th
he voltage prroof test, a seecured, non--stationary, mandatory
m shhock-hazard--protected
test workstation
w must
m be set uup with the specified
s safe
ety precautioons.

3.3.1 Fault thaat is localizzed during the test

Short circuit due to connection
c w
with conduc
ctive housin
ng (fault to fframe)


During a faault to frame,, there is an unwanted co

onnection be
etween an acctive conducttor (under
gized (e.g. hoousing/control unit).
HV voltagee) and a component part that is not tyypically energ
The cause can be damaage to windinngs with a co onnection to housing parrts.

22 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Volttage proof test onn the hybrid transsmission 3.3

3.3..2 Voltag
ge proof tesster and sp
pecial tools
Voltagee proof testerr with extern al operating unit


For ordeer data, see WIS

Low-volltage test cable W724 5889 04 63 00 and

W000 589
5 00 21 00
0 break-out-bbox kit

3.3..3 Basic procedure

p of voltage proof test after transsmission reepair

TT_00_00_031 753_FA


TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 23

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.3 Voltagee proof test on the hybrid transmisssion

Setting up the test work
kstation Safety prec
cautions for seecuring area
• Secure ed • Test obbject on insulaated mat
• Non-stationary • Blocking off with barrricade tape
• Marking g using countrry-specific waarning and
informaation signs
Safety precautions Safety prec
• Hybrid transmission unit is removeed!
• To be carried out afteer the comple
etion of re-
• Use only designated test adapters s and test
• Do not damage HV ccontacts!
• During the tests, all ppersons must remain out-
side the
e blocked off aarea!
Print out event
e log 1 form

24 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Volttage proof test onn the hybrid transsmission 3.3

Sample of
o operating insttructions TT_00_00

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 25

3 The th
hree new speccial processes on the high vooltage vehicle
3.3 Voltagee proof test on the hybrid transmisssion

Basic test procedure

Test caable P2-20 or P2-80 mod. dees. 724.2 TT_08


A n test equipmeent
Connector on
B Low voltage connector
C High voltage connector
Resolver resisstance, excitaation wind-
Pin 1-2
Pin 3-4 Resolver resisstance, cos
Pin 5-6 Resolver resisstance, sin
Pin 7-8 Temperature sensor
Pin 9-
Interlock circuit

1/2/3 Phases of electric machinee, U/V/W

1. Test of interlock
i circu
uit in transmisssion Beforee the test, che
eck multimeteer and test cab
ble: Con-
using multtimeter: LV connector tacts short circuited
d, specified vaalue <1 Ω
Additional items to be teested: Test cable
c W724 5889 04 63 00 cconnected to removed
• The tem mperature sen nsor transm
mission LV plu
ug connectionn
• The ressolver resistan nce: Excitationn Use th
he multimeterr to carry out oohmic measurrements
Comppare measurem
ment values w
with the given specified
• The ressolver resistan nce with sin aand valuess
2. Test of interlock
i using
g the test equuip- LV co
onnector NOT
T connected tto transmission
ment: HV connector
c Conneect HV connec
ctor to transm
Conneect HV conne
ector/LV connnector test cable to test
Switchh on test equipment and moonitor displayy. The inter-
lock circuit
c is check
SPECIIFIED VALUE: "Interlock oppen"
or message in test equipment "Teest not passed"
h off test equipment and keeep key in safe place.
ect LV conne
ector to transsmission

26 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

The three ne
ew special proc
cesses on the high voltage vehicle
v 3
Volttage proof test onn the hybrid transsmission 3.3

Voltagee proof test

witch on test equipment
e andd monitor disp
Seet test voltage in menu via ttest plan menu u item:
• 1,200 V AC for the old staator or electricc machine
• 1,500 V AC for the new sttator or electrric machine
Start test
he green indica
ator lamp on tthe voltage prroof tester illu--

Press and hold down

d both puush button swiitches simultaa-
neeously on the two-hand
t ope rating unit until all three teest
steeps have beenn carried out.
• Pre-insulatioon test
• Voltage pro oof test
• Post-insulation test


he test procedure is concludded when all test
t results aree
shown on the diisplay. These vvalues must be
b entered in
thee test log.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 27

4 Practiical block 2
4.1 Instructions - Practical block
b 2

4 Practiccal block
4.1 Instructtions - Prractical bllock 2
The trainerr introduces you
y to the 3 workstations:
• Manual power disabling of thee high-voltagee on-board electrical
e systtem on the GLE
G 500 e
• insulaation resistan
nce test on t he S 500 e
• Voltagge proof testt on hybrid trransmission P2-20 (mode
el designatioon 724.2)
You familiaarize yourselff with the woorkstations.
• The trrainer showss you the speecial tools, workshop equ
uipment, worrk instruction
ns and test
logs needed
n for th
he tests.
• Note your findingss and any quuestions for the subseque
ent exchangee of informattion.
• The trrainer demon
nstrates the vvoltage proo
of test on hyb
brid transmisssion P2-20.

28 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Practical block
b 2 4
Instruuctions - Practicall block 2 4.1

Exercise 2 Station 1:
Manual power disab
bling on the G LE 500 e 4MATIC

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 29

4 Practiical block 2
4.1 Instructions - Practical block
b 2

E 3 Station 2:
Insulation resistance
r te
est on the S 500 e

30 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Practical block
b 2 4
Instruuctions - Practicall block 2 4.1

Exercise 4 Station 3:
Voltagee proof test on
o P2-20 hybbrid transmission (mod. des. 724.2)

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 31

4 Practiical block 2
4.2 Practical block 2 - Disab
ble power manuallly

4.2 Practicaal block 2 - Disablee power manually

m y
E 5 Carry out the
t manual disabling
d of thhe high-voltaage on-board electrical syystem on the
e GLE 500 e
4MATIC ass per AR54.1 10-P-1039GQ QA.
Protect thee system agaainst being sw witched on again
a withoutt permission..
Enter your test results into the evennt logs provided.
The signed t log is neeeded for the final test.
d printout of the

If you havee questions about

a the proocedure of diisabling power manually, please ask your
y trainer.
uestions aboout disabling power manu
If you havee technical qu ually, please note them down in your
training do
ocument. The cussed durinng the post-discussion of
e technical quuestions will then be disc
practical block 2.

The special tools and workshop

w equuipment designated for disabling
d pow
wer manuallyy must be

32 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Practical block
b 2 4
Practical block 2 - IInsulation resista
ance test 4.3

4..3 Practical block

k 2 - Insu
ulation resistance test
Exercise 6 Carry out the insulation resistannce test on th
he S 500 e as per AR54. 10-P-4000L

If you have questionns about the insulation reesistance tesst procedure,, please ask your trainer.. If
you havve technical questions
q abbout the insulation resista
ance test, pleease note them down in
your traaining docum
ment. The tecchnical questtions will then be discusssed during the post-
discusssion of practical block 2.

The speecial tools an

nd workshop equipment designated
d fo
or the insulattion resistan
nce test mustt
be usedd.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 33

4 Practiical block 2
4.3 Practical block 2 - Insulaation resistance test

E 7 Outline thee procedure for
f the insulaation resistan
nce test up to
t the high-vooltage distrib
butor in a
simplified flow
f chart.

34 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

Practical block
b 2 4
Praactical block 2 - Voltage
V proof testt on hybrid transm
missions 4.4

4..4 Practical block

k 2 - Voltaage prooff test on hybrid
h traansmissions
Exercise 8 Carry out the voltag
ge proof test on hybrid traansmission mod.
m des. 7224.2 as per AR54.10-P-
Enter yo
our test resu
ults into the eevent logs prrovided.
The sign
ned printout of the log is needed for thet final testt.

If you have question ns about the voltage proo of test, please ask your trrainer. If you
u have techniical
questions about the e voltage pro of test, pleasse note themm in your trai ning docume ent. The tech
nical quuestions will then be disccussed duringg the post-discussion of ppractical block 2.

The speecial tools an

nd workshop equipment designated
d fo
or the voltagge proof test must be useed.

TT1192F <> Paarticipant Document 35

5 List off questions
5.1 Questioonnaire with resp

5 List of question
5.1 Questionnaire with
w respoonses
At the timee the training
g document iis created, th
he following information
i iis available:
Q form
mulation Answeer Notes
M workshop employees caarry out simple Yes, as of 2014 certaain “simple ac ctivities ” AH54.00-P-0010-01A
acctivities such as driving or wheel
w change may alsso be performed on high-voltage ve-
w any speecial training?? hicles. TThe only cond
dition is a prevvious
“work-rrelated safety instruction” inn the
worksh op.
W do I get the personal protective Please order your pro otective equip
pment on
quipment (PSAA)? the freee market. The PSA includes an elec-
tric arc protection jacket, a face protection
(optionaally with helm
met) and protecctive
gloves ffor electrician
How do I know which PSA I have
h to get? Please get yourself a PSA that meets your AH54.00-P-0010-01A
specificc national requ
uirements. You can find and market in
the speecifications forr Germany in WIS.
How do I deal w
with a high voltage vehicle For howw to deal with a high-voltage vehicle SI54.10-P-00
hat had an acccident? that hadd an accident, there is a Se
ervice In-
formati on
How do I diagnose the transport safety of a To anal yze the transpport safety, GS
SP pro- OF54.10-P- 3000-01Z
3 for
hiigh-voltage baattery? vides thhe "Analysis sheet for transport safe- model series 212, 221,
ty" in W
WIS. 222, 451
How do I deal w
with a high-voltage battery Due to the changing legislation on the sub- AH54.10-P-0006-01MEV
hat was found to be unsafe for transport?? ject of hhazardous maaterials transp port of Li-
ion battteries, the pro
ocesses used by Daim-
ler are cchanging as well.
w Please ob bserve the
processses prescribed d at the respective
point inn time, both in
n the workshop area as
well as in the logisticcs area. For cu
urrent in-
formati on, please seee WIS or the After-Sales
Portal ((Logistics->Reeturn shipment of HV
batteriees->Batteries unsafe for transport). In
the meaantime, alwayys contact the MPC that
is respoonsible for youu and leave thhe battery
in the vvehicle if possible
W activitiess must be perrformed after The ins ulation resistaance and the electric
e For model series 213:
reemoving or insstalling the co
over of an elecc- resistannce of the inteerlock must be
e meas- AR08.10-P-00
trric machine onn hybrid transmission 725.0 0? ured.

36 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

List of que
estions 5
Quesstionnaire with responses 5.1

T1192F <> Paarticipant Document 37

5 List off questions
5.1 Questioonnaire with resp

38 T1192F <> Particcipant Docume

1511 390
04 - 3. Edition 15.03.2017 44

40 T1192F <>> Participant Document


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