Fig. 9.1.2. We may evaluate the integral 1'_,2 I/- dx by using integral
tables to obtain the answer vr2, in agreement with elementary geometry. (One
can also readily evaluate integrals of this type by using the substitution
x = r cos 8.)
of the base R , times the thickness dx. If we denote the area of R, by A(x),
then this volume is A (x) dx. Thus the volume of the entire solid, obtained by
summing, is the integral ~ b , ~ ( x ) dwhere
x, the limits a and b are determined
by the ends of the solid.
The slice method can also be justified using step functions. We shall see how
to do this below.
In simple cases, the areas A (x) can be computed by elementary geometry.
For more complicated problems, it may be necessary to do a preliminary
integration to find the A(x)'s themselves.
region R, of area A ( x )
Let the plane Po pass through the center of the ball. The ball lies
between P-, and P,,and the slice R, is a disk of radius .-d
The area of
the slice is s x (radiu~)~;
i.e., A(x) = ~(d-)~ = n(r2 - x2). Thus the
volume is
Example 2 Find the volume of the conical solid in Fig. 9.1.6. (The base is a circle.)
Figure9.1.7. IDEI/IABI
by similar triangles. But
Figure 9.1.6. Find the lABl= r, lGCl= h, and
volume of this oblique IGFI = h - x , andso
circular cone. 1 D E 1 = [(h - x ) / h ] r .
Solution We let the x axis be vertical and choose the family P, of planes such that Po
contains the base of the cone and P, is at distance x above Po.Then the cone
lies between Po and P,, and the plane section by P, is a disk with radius
[(h - x)/h]r and area n[(h - x)/h12r2 (see Fig. 9.1.7). By the slice method,
' A sphere is the set of points in space at a fixed distance from a point. A ball is the solid region
enclosed by a sphere, just as a disk is the plane region enclosed by a circle.
the volume is
Example 3 Find the volume of the solid W shown in Fig. 9.1.8. It can be thought of as a
wedge-shaped piece of a cylindrical tree of radius r obtained by making
two saw cuts to the tree's center, one horizontally and one at an
angle 0.
Notice that even though we started with a region with a circular boundary, n
does not occur in the answer! A
Example 4 A ball of radius r is cut into three pieces by parallel planes at a distance of r/3
on each side of the center. Find the volume of each piece.
Solution The middle piece lies between the planes P_,/, and P,/, of Example 1, and
the area function is A(x) = n(r2 - x2) as before, so the volume of the middle
piece is
Figure 9.1.9. S is the solid
of revolution obtained by
revolving the plane region
R about the x axis.
Disk Method
The volume of the solid of revolution obtained by revolving the region
under the graph of a (non-negative) function f(x) on [a,b] about the x
Exarnple 5 The region under the graph of x2 on [0, I] is revolved about the x axis. Sketch
the resulting solid and find its volume.
Solution The solid, which is shaped something like a trumpet, is sketched in Fig. 9.1.1 1.
See D'Arcy Thompson, On Growth and Form, abridged edition, Cambridge University Press
Example 6 The region between the graphs of sinx and x on [0, n/2] is revolved about the
x axis. Sketch the resulting solid and find its volume.
Solution The solid is sketched in Fig. 9.1.12. It has the form of a hollowed-out cone.
The hole is obtained by revolving the region under the graph of sinx on
[O, n/2] about the x axis, so its volume is
The reader should notice that this method gives the same answer as one finds
by using the method of Example 6.
Our formula for volumes by the slice method was introduced via infinites-
imal~.A more rigorous argument for the formula is based on the use of upper
and lower sums.3To present this argument, we first look at the case where S is
composed of n cylinders, as in Fig. 9.1.14.
If the ith cylinder Ci lies between the planes P , - , and Pxi and has
cross-sectional area. k,, then the function A (x) is a step function on the
interval [x,, x,]; in fact, A(x) = k, for x in (xi-, ,xi). TI, :volume of C, is the
product of its base area k, by its height Ax, = xi - xi-,, so the volume of the
total figure is C?, ,k,Ax,; but this is just the integral pOA(x)dx of the step
function A(x). We conclude that if S is a "stepwise cylindrical" solid between
9.1.14. A "stepwise the planes Pa and P, , then
cylindrical" solid.
volume s = l b
A (x) dx.
volume S, = Lb~, (x) dx < (x) dx < Ib~, (x) dx = volume So.
Since S encloses Si and So encloses S, volume Si < volume S < volume So.
Thus the numbers (volume S ) and (x) dx both belong to the same interval
[(volume S,), (volume So)], which has length less than E . It follows that the
differencebetween (volume S ) and Jb,~(x)dxis less than any positive number
E ; the only way this can be so is if the two numbers are equal.
Even this justification, as we present it, is not yet completely satisfactory. For example, do we
get the same answer if we slice the solid a different way? The answer is yes, but the proof uses
multiple integrals (see Chapter 17).
8. A plastic container is to have the shape of a 20. The region under the graph of J G on2
truncated pyramid with upper and lower bases lo, 11.
being squares of side length 10 and 6 centime- 21. The semicircular region with center (a,O) and
ters, respectively. How high should the container radius r (assume that 0 < r < a, y > 0).
be to hold exactly one liter (= 1000 cubic centi- 22. The region between the graphs of and
meters)? 5 + x on [0, I]. (Evaluate the integral using geo-
9. The conical solid in Fig. 9.1.6 is to be cut by metry or the tables.)
horizontal planes into four pieces of equal vor- 23. The square region with vertices (4,6), (5,6),
ume. Where should the cuts be made? [Hint: (5,7), and (4,7).
What is the volume of the portion of the cone 24. The region in Exercise 23 moved 2 units upward.
above the plane P,?] 25. The region in Exercise 23 rotated by 45" around
10. The tent in Exercise 5 is to be cut into two pieces its center.
of equal volume by a plane parallel to the base. 26. The triangular region with vertices (1, I), (2,2),
Where should the cut be made? and (3,l).
(a) Express your answer as the root of a fifth- *27. A vase with axial symmetry has the cross section
degree polynomial. shown in Fig. 9.1.18 when it is cut by a plane
8 (b) Find an approximate solution using the through its axis of symmetry. Find the volume of
method of bisection. the vase to the nearest cubic centimeter.
11. A wedge is cut in a tree of radius 0.5 meter by
making two cuts to the tree's center, one horizon-
tal and another at an angle of 15' to the first.
Find the volume of the wedge.
12. A wedge is cut in a tree of radius 2 feet by
making two cuts to the tree's center, one horizon-
tal and another at an angle of 20" to the first.
Find the volume of the wedge.
13. Find the volume of the solid in Fig. 9.1.17(a).
14. Find the volume of the solid in Fig. 9.1.17(b).
Y =f(x)
revolve I unroll
Example 1 The region under the graph of x2 on [O,l] is revolved about they axis. Sketch
the resulting solid and find its volume.
Solution The solid, in the shape of a bowl, is sketched in Fig. 9.2.3. Its volume is
If the region between the graphs of f(x) and g(x) is revolved, the
Example 3 Sketch and find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving each of the
following regions about they axis: (a) the region under the graph of ex on
[l, 31; (b) the region under the graph of 2x3 + 5x 1 on [0, 11.
Solution (a) Volume = 2mJixexdx. This integral may be evaluated by integration by
parts to give 2m(xexl: - J:exdx) = 2m[ex(x - 1)]f = 4me3. (see Fig. 9.2.4(a)).
Example 4 Find the volume of the "flying saucer" obtained by rotating the region
between the curves y = - + ( l - x4) and y = i ( 1 - x6) on [O,I] about the y
Revolve '"
Solution See Fig. 9.2.5. The height of the shell at radius x is i ( 1 - x6) + a(l - x4)
= (5/ 12) - (x6/6) - (x4/4), so the volume is
Example 5 A hole of radius r is drilled through the center of a ball of radius R. How
much material is removed?
Solution See Figure 9.2.6. The shell at distance x from the axis of the hole has height
Notice that if we set r = R, we get $ nR 3; we then recover the formula for the
volume of the ball, computed by the shell method. A
Example 6 The disk with radius 1 and center (4,O) is revolved around they axis. Sketch
the resulting solid and find its volume.
Solution The doughnut-shaped solid is shown in Fig. We observe that if the solid
is sliced in half by a plane through the origin perpendicular to they axis, the
top half is the solid obtained by revolving about they axis the region under
the semicircley = d l - (x - 4)2 on the interval [3,5].
5Mathematicians call this a solid torus. The surface of this solid (an "inner tube") is a torus.
We conclude this section with a justification of the shell method using step
functions. Consider again the solid S in Fig. 9.2.1. We break the region R into
thin vertical strips and rotate them into shells, as in Fig. 9.2.8.
What is the volume of such a shell? Suppose for a moment that f has the
constant value ki on the interval (xi-, ,xi). Then the shell is the "difference" of
two cylinders of height ki, one with radius xi and one with radius xi-, . The
volume of the shell is, therefore, n-x,?ki- n-x,?- ,ki = n-ki(x,?- :X ,); we may
observe that this last expression is 12-,2n-kixdx.
Iff is a step function on [a, b], with partition (x,, . . . , x,) and f(x) = ki
on (xi-, ,xi), then the volume of the collection of n shells is
i=l xi-1
2n-xf(x) dx,
which is valid whenever f(x) is a step function on [a, b]. To show that the
same formula is valid for general f, we squeeze f between step functions above
and below using the same argument we used for the slice method.
16. Find the volume in Exercise 15 by the slice *21. (a) Find the volume of the solid torus T,,,ob-
method. tained by rotating the disk with radius a and
17. Find the volume of the solid torus obtained by center (b, 0) about they axis, 0 < a < b.
rotating the disk (x - 3)' y 2 < 4 about the y (b) What is the volume of the region between
axis. the solid tori Ta,band T,,,,,, assuming
18. Find the volume of the solid torus obtained by O<a+h<b?
rotating the disk x2 (y - 5)' < 9 about the x (c) Using the result in (b), guess a formula for
axis. the area of the torus which is the surface of
19. A spherical shell of radius r and thickness h is, T,,,. (Compare Exercise 19).
by definition, the region between two concentric *22. Let f(x) and g(y) be inverse functions with f(a)
spheres of radius r - h/2 and r + h/2. = a , f(b) = p, 0 < a < b, 0 < a < p. Show that
(a) Find a formula for the volume V(r, h) of a
spherical shell of radius r and thickness h.
(b) For fixed r, what is (d/dh)V(r,h) when
h = O? Interpret your result in terms of the Interpret this statement geometrically.
surface area of the sphere. *23. Use Exercise 22 to compute the volume of the
20. In Exercise 19, find (d/dr) V(r, h) when h is held solid obtained by revolving the graph y =
fixed. Give a geometric interpretation of your cos-lx, 0 < x < 1, about the x axis.
Paverage -
- L'r=I pib; - total dollars
C?=,bi total bushels '