G9 PE Q3 Week 1 8 Complete 1
G9 PE Q3 Week 1 8 Complete 1
G9 PE Q3 Week 1 8 Complete 1
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 3, Weeks 1-8
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PE Grade 9
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 3 Weeks 1-8
These Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) were collaboratively designed, developed and
reviewed by teachers and program supervisors to assist the teacher or facilitator in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
them acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use these learning
activity sheets. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist them as they do the tasks contained herein.
These learning activity sheets were designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be able to process the contents of this learning resource while being an active
These learning activity sheets have the following parts and corresponding icons:
If you find it difficult to answer the task/s in each activity, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. You can also seek help from your parents, your
older sibling/s or any of your housemates who is/are older than you. Always have in
your mind that you are not alone. We hope that these will give you an experience of
meaningful learning and gain a deeper understanding of relevant competencies. You
can do it!
Let’s Learn
Content Background:
Why Festivals?
Festival dances are cultural dances performed to the strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a Patron
Saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest. Festival dances may be religious or secular in
nature. But the best thing about festivals is that they add to the merry-making and festivities where
they are celebrated, the reason why they are called festival dances after all. Festival dances draw
the people’s culture by portraying the people’s ways of life through movements, costumes and
implements inherent to their place of origin.
Some of the famous festivals in the country include Sinulog of Cebu, Dinagyang of Iloilo,
Ati-atihan of Kalibo, Aklan, Buyogan and Lingayan of Leyte, Bangus of Dagupan, T’nalak of South
Cotabato, Masskara of Bacolod City, Bambanti of Isabela, and Kadayawan of Davao. Many
others, especially from Luzon, are now paving their way to join the country’s festival of festivals,
the Aliwan Fiesta which is done in the month of April.
Filipinos do festivals primarily to celebrate. There are a multitude of reasons for this
reason. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures and we celebrate our industry
bringing about a bountiful harvest. Festivals have been a consistent crowd-producing activity
leading to upliftment of a community’s economy due to its tourism and entertainment value.
Basically, festivals are a form of entertainment that attract foreign and domestic tourists to visit a
place eventually leading to the elevation of the Filipino’s quality of life.
Whatever festival we celebrate, be it done to honor a religious icon or celebrate our
industry. Festival dances are a reflection of the unity of the Filipino community that despite the
economic, social, environmental, cultural and political challenges we face every day, there can
be no other race more resilient than ours.
As mentioned earlier, festivals may either be religious, in honor of a certain religious icon
or secular or non-religious, in thanksgiving or celebration of peoples industry and bountiful
harvest. The following are some of the said festivals:
Name of Festival Place of Origin Religious Figure Month of
Honoured Celebration
Sinulog Festival Cebu City Sto. Niňo January
Dinagyang Festival Iloilo City Sto. Niňo January
Ati-atihan Festival Kalibo, Aklan Sto. Niňo January
Peňafrancia Bicol Virgin Mary September
Higantes Festival Angono, Rizal Saint Clement November
Longganisa Festival Viga City, Ilocos Sur Saint Paul January
Kinabayo Festival Dapitan City James The Great July
Pintados de Passi Pintados City, Iloilo Sto. Niňo March
Pattarradday Santiago City Seňor San Tiago May
Sangyaw Festival Tacloban City Sto. Niňo July
These are movements that allow you to move from one point in space to another. It is
canned from two words, “locos” which means place and “motor” which means movement. They
include the following:
Preparatory movement:
Step - This is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction you
wish to go. It is defined as transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Try one! Stand with your
weight equally distributed to both of your feet. Now, let your right foot carry it all. You got it! That’s
what you call a step.
Walk - Series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction. In executing a
walk, observe that there’s this moment when both feet are in contact with the ground while one
foot supports the weight and transfers it to the other.
Run - Series of walks executed quickly in any direction wherein only one foot stays on the ground
while the other is off the ground.
Jump - This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact
with the ground. There five ways to do it:
• Take off from one foot and land on the same;
• Take off from one foot and land on the other;
• Take off from one foot and land on both feet;
• Take off from both feet and land on one foot; and
• Take off from both feet and land on both.
Non-Locomotor movements
These are movements that are performed in one point in space without transferring to another
point. They don’t allow you to move from one place to the other. These movements include:
Pivot -To change the position of the feet or any body part that carries the
body’sweight allowing the body to face in a less than 360 degrees turn.
Turn -To move in a turning movement with a base of support, usually a pointed foot, the other
raised, while equilibrium is maintained until the completion of the turn.
Change Step Step R (1), Close Step L to R (and), Step R in Place (2)
Cross Change Step Cross R over L (1), step L sideward (and), step R in place (2)
Mincing Point L in place (and), Step R in place (1), Point L in place (and),
Step R in place (ct. 2)
Heel-toe, change step Heel place R sideward (1), point L close to R (2), change step with
the R (Maybe repeated with L)
Let’s Do It
In this activity, your prior knowledge about festival dances will be assessed. The result of
this activity can be used in designing the next parts of your lesson.
Daily Routine
B. HR Log:
Here’s how:
1. Below is a matching type activity which assesses your prior knowledge on the festival we
have in the country and their place of origin. In column A are the festivals and in B are the
places of origin. In your activity notebook, write the letter of the origin of the festival in each
A scale is provided for you below which helps you make meaning of the responses
you have indicated in the survey-questionnaire.
Directions: Learners’ initial understandings on festivals will be activated through the following
1. Enumerate in your worksheet the festivals that you know and are familiar with.
2. Make a short description about each of the festivals you have enumerated.
3. Classify whether they are religious or secular/non-religious festivals.
4. Give at least 3 positive effects of festival dancing or participation/involvement in festival
dances to your self, family and community.
In this activity, you will be given activities to recall the basic locomotor and non-locomotor
movements together with the basic steps and arm movements in folk dance. They are necessary
for you to know and be able to do in producing your own festival dance relative to the context of
the festival you are celebrating.
• Speaker
• Festival music/any percussive music appropriate for festival dances
Daily Routine:
HR Log
Here’s how:
NAME: _______________________________
Indicators of Proficiency:
O - Outstanding Performs without any assistance from anybody yet with mastery
VS - Very Satisfactory Performs without any assistance from anybody but with minimal
NI - Needs Improvement Performs with little assistance from anybody and/ or with many
In this activity, you will be provided with a review on the implication of dancing activity to
your fitness by way of determining your range of Target Heart Rate. Let’s see if you can still recall.
• Speaker
• Festival music/any percussive music appropriate for festival dances
• Pen and Paper
Daily Routine:
HR Log:
Here’s how:
This is how to determine your THR (Target Hear Rate) range. Follow the steps provided
and you’ll arrive at your own PMHR and THR which you could use in determining the intensity of
your dancing activity and raising it to a higher level if necessary.
STEP 1: Find you PMHR in beats per minute by subtracting your age from 220:
STEP 2: You need to work out your lowest Target Heart Rate that you need to aim for during
exercise by multiplying your PMHR by 60% (or .6):
STEP 3: Lastly, you need to work out for your Highest Target Heart Rate that you can aim for
during exercise by multiplying your PMHR by 80% (or .8):
So, when you are dancing, you are aiming for the range of the two figures you have come up with
in Steps 2 and 3. In the example given, the Target Heart Rate of a 15 year-old individual is from
123 to 164 beats per minute during exercise. To maximize the benefits you can derive from social
dancing in relation to cardio-vascular fitness, you need to know your Target Heart Rate Range.
This helps you determine the intensity or level of exerted effort you are pouring into your dancing.
Processing Activity:
1. With the partner, perform the same dance routine simultaneously 4 times with the music.
2. Stop and get your heartrate by placing your middle and pointing fingers in your carotid pulse
located just below your jaw, beside your throat. In 15 seconds, take your pulse. Multiply it by 4.
3. So, have you reached your minimum THR? If not yet, 5 repetitions is not enough. Let’s dance
Processing Questions:
1. H 6. G
2. E 7. B
3. I 8. J
4. D 9. A
Learning Guide in Physical Education and Health 9 Textbook
LINK: https://dokumen.tips/education/physical-education-pe-grade-9-module-1st-4th-
Let’s Learn
4. Appreciate the value of festival dancing to their fitness and well being.
Content Background:
Our body is like a machine. It needs to be fuelled for it to run. Unlike machines, we eat foods
that make us go. You have learned in the past years about the three food groups already but
this time, we will focus on energy giving foods. These specific foods that give us energy are
called go foods. They are the primary source of carbohydrates. They are found in rice, bread,
pasta or noodles and others. Other sources of carbohydrates also include proteins and fats.
They give us energy. Energy is measured in calories. Calories energize us and when we move
or do any physical activity, light or heavy, calories are consumed. Overconsumption of calories
results to dizziness or hypoglycaemia. When this happens, we need to refuel our bodies to get
it active and moving again. Below is a calorie counter table which you can refer your
consumption with as against your physical activities:
Table 1: Calorie counter table
By large, all basic food nutrients mentioned in table 3 are important in the study of fitness.
The amount and kind of food that an individual consumes on a regular basis also serve as good
indicator of health and fitness. With regard to maintenance of appropriate weight, a well-balanced
diet and a regular exercise program are still the best fundamentally sound approaches to achieve
general fitness.
So far the safest and most acceptable method of losing weight is to engage oneself in
vigorous aerobic activities together with a well-planned diet. Administration of diet pills, herbal
medicines and other fad methods appear to be less effective and sometimes unhealthy especially
if weight loss is associated with increased daily bowel movement or dehydration due to excessive
perspiration with very minimal or total absence of physical activity.
On the other hand, on gaining weight, it has been found that the most effective approach
is for one to engage in weight resistance training together with a well-designed diet program. The
popular belief that one has to overheat in order to gain weight may be partially correct but with
regard to health and fitness, this approach may not be totally acceptable. Any excess in calories
that are not burned through physical activity is stored in the body and=are later transformed into
fat. As mentioned earlier, the risk of CAD (coronary artery diseases) and CHD (coronary heart
diseases) is greater if this happens. In terms of weight resistance training, muscle mass has a
greater weight advantage that stored fat. Thus developing the muscles of the body will provide
greater increase in body weight and the risk of contracting common degenerative diseases is also
How to come up with the DBW (Desirable Body Weight)? Here’s how:
1. Obtain your height in centimetres. Note that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.
2. DBW in kilogram is obtained by subtracting one’s height from a constant factor 100.
3. DBW for Filipinos or DBW-F is adjusted by subtracting 10% of the obtained DBW value
in item number 2 above.
For example:
Height: 5’2” = 62 inches
In this activity, your knowledge on festival dances and their fitness aspect will be assessed
because you will be accountable with keeping track of your own score.
Daily Routine
Here’s how:
1. The questions is divided into 3 categories namely easy, average and difficult. There will
be 5 easy questions worth 1 point each, 5 average questions of 3 points each, and 5
difficult questions of 5 points each.
Easy Category:
Difficult Questions:
1. How can knowledge in determining THR range help in improving one’s fitness through
activities like festival dancing?
2. Give at least one fitness benefit of festival dancing?
3. Give a pair of non-locomotor movements that complement each other
4. How can you influence your community in improving its fitness through festival dancing?
Assess your performance in the questions using the following rating scale:
40-45 Advanced
35-39 Proficient
30-34 Approaching Proficiency
20-29 Developing
19 and below Beginning
This activity will assess your knowledge and initial understandings on the integration of
the principles of FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) and the recent discussions you had
on food intake and energy consumption, essential in maintaining, reducing or gaining weight.
Daily Routine:
Accomplish the following before proceeding to the activity proper:
Here’s how:
1. Individually, you will be provided with a FITT your weight off template as
shown below.
2. Copy the template in your paper and fill in the data needed.
3. Share your plan with your family member, so that you can synchronize your
plans. With this, you can help each other to plan for your fitness activity with
festival dances.
4. Submit your work to your teacher.
Sample template:
Name:_______________________________ Yr./Sec.:____________Date:____________
Festival Dancing
DBW in 4 Weeks:______________________
Foods to Add Intake With ( ):
(If Increasing Weight)
4 All details included in the Data, plans and targets presented are
Advanced template are provided correctly appropriate to one’s needs considering one’s
present level of fitness
3 1 to 2 details in the template are Data, plans and targets presented are somewhat
Proficient missed but others are provided appropriate to one’s needs considering one’s
correctly present level of fitness
2 3 to 4 details are missed but the Data, plans and targets presented maybe
Approaching others are provided correctly appropriate to one’s needs considering one’s
Proficiency present level of fitness
1 5 or more details are missed but Data, plans and targets presented are not
Developing the others are provided correctly appropriate to one’s needs considering one’s
present level of fitness
In this activity, you will be given opportunities to refine your understanding on the benefits
derived from engaging yourself in dancing activities. At the course of this activity, you will be made
to integrate your understanding on maintaining, gaining or losing weight, having an active lifestyle
as a means to achieving a sound mind in a sound body.
• VCD/CD player
• Festival music
• Pen
• Worksheets
• Costumes and props if necessary or available
Daily Routine:
Here’s how:
1. Make a theme which can guide your creation of movement patterns and combinations
for your festival dance parade
2. Integrate shouts that distinguish your festival from the other groups. This is called your
festival shout-out.
3. Make about 5 figures of 32 counts each.
4. Perform your festival dance integrating your shouts in between figures or in the end of
the whole sequence in continuous progression. Do this in a open space or in your
5. Below is you assessment guide:
Point Scale
Mastery & Energy & Fitness Behavior/
Creativity Teamwork
Displays high level of Shows impressive level Exhibits outstanding
4 mastery and creativity of proficiency in the level of discipline and
Outstanding as seen in routine execution of steps teamwork before,
construction relevant and dance during and after the
to the identified festival combinations performance of the
displaying excellent festival dance
health-related fitness routine.
Displays mastery and Shows high level of Exhibits very
3 creativity as seen in proficiency in the satisfactory dance
Very routine construction execution of steps discipline and
Satisfactory but with minimal and dance teamwork during and
relevance of combinations after the
movements to the displaying high performance of the
identified festival health-related fitness festival dance
level. routine.
Displays mastery and Shows medium level Exhibits satisfactory
creativity as seen in of proficiency in the discipline and
2 routine construction execution of steps teamwork before,
Satisfactory but with no relevance and dance during and after the
of movements to combinations performance of the
identified festival displaying festival dance
acceptable level of routine.
health-related fitness.
1 Displays low level of Shows low level of Exhibits improving
Needs mastery and creativity proficiency in the discipline and
Improvement as seen in routine execution of steps teamwork before,
construction and no and dance during and after the
relevance of combinations performance of the
movements to displaying low health- festival dance
identified festival related fitness level. routine.
Processing Questions:
1. How do you feel about the activity? Were you be able to express and
introduce yourself through movements?
2. What do you think shoiuld one possess to be able, to perform different
movements in the dance?
3. Now that you have the knowledge and skills in festival dances, how do
you think can you influence others in your community to do the same?
Answer Key
WEEK 1-4
1. H 6. G
2. E 7. B
3. I 8. J
4. D 9. A
WEEK 5-8
Learning Activity 1:
1. Secular/Non Religious
2. Ati-atihan
3. Sto. Nino
4. Step
5. Extension
1. Close Step
2. Heel place R sideward (1), point L close to R (2), change step with the R
(Maybe repeated with L)
3. Step R. in place (1), Heel Place L in front (2)
4. 120 beats/minute
5. 160 beats/minute
1. It helps you determine the intensity or level of exerted effort you're
pouring into your dancing. (ANSWERS MAY VARY)
2. Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes.
Dancing can improve your muscle tone, strength, endurance and fitness.
3. Flexion & Extension (Answers May vary?