Distribution Problems

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Pg -!

mo due 2
Practhce Ppblemy fle

pX~ N(4,6) yhen |p(xe(4, b)) :

is Bethe Aonmal/Cautian prokalikiy Denity
if X~ N(4,6) hen Variatle 2- (9) ad
is Cated standard nor mal
/raysian omiable or Z-Vamable.
he pockabihy CDF( Cutnlaiye bon fuch)f Stendord normal
Vaioble is published
taleol 2- table so, F X~ (4,6) then
PC*< K) = P( X-4 6 K-a2), hen, keti CoF for any
X~N(a,) (an be diety tatulatel tom Z-Fa6|e
ngenaral, 2
F(X=x) = P(X <*)
P(asXsb) = Pxs) -|P(xse- F()-Fa)
Z- tasle
XNN30, 6-4) P(30<x L3s) =F() -Flo)
a) P(r<io) =- P(K Sho)- F(40) F(y)-Flo)
-.p(xslo)= P(X-30s Toob 2 Let X be sped of ar.
6 42s Xvn(40, lo)
Fl2's)is He augwer Find P(x >loo).

-.PCx>)ob) - bo(x <loo)

F(3)-FSo) F(38-o-( T-F( oo) --F(J00-1° |-FU
|'ob 3 Let ( P?2
Xdengthfor otchargiy
bine pernod Let X
XNM-So, 6=i) N(so,s)
Let Y'mo. ot au dens per mogh
x'Poisen(A - Possr)

Pobe Let x GmAT Sore
P(x'> I-P(x'<#)
Find PCXsDo) l-plX=)

P( X ) ~

P(Xa2) l- p (xs2)

- F( |2
Po|sso el-[ers ( 2+3+2"23)7
X~Poiscon(7) z- e 2

Ke So, ),2,o.

Aunot auiden ts
Pob2 X Noof Vehida puing
through a netiont hu
Xv Poi sson (r:3) (gven)
Le x, No of vehide passi^g
thgh a Junchon per ite

Jhet is epecd no.Psiy "iok

No.cf vehide passing thrgt
ajeo is (onse(usevi mnB
a a Sym
X, Can be coprused
of bwo x.E

hen X,~Poison(,)

2 25- lo

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