Ismail Salhi: We Open A Door. There Is No Road. We Take It!
Ismail Salhi: We Open A Door. There Is No Road. We Take It!
Ismail Salhi: We Open A Door. There Is No Road. We Take It!
Ismail Salhi
We open a door. There is no road. We take it!
Office 4B002 LIGM Universit Paris-Est 77454 Marne-la-Valle, FR isalhi [at] univ-mlv [dot] fr (+33) 1 60 95 75 56
12/2008 present
Networked Systems Wireless Sensor Networks Applied Coding Theory Internet of Things
LIGM/CNRS Laboratoire dInformatique Gaspard Monge - Universit Paris-Est, FR Ph.D. in Computer Science Topic: Constrained Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks
Advisor: Prof. G. Roussel Co-Advisors : Dr. Y. Ghamri-Doudane & Dr. S. Lohier
9/2007 10/2008
UPMC/ENST Sorbonne Universits & Telecom Paris, FR M.Sc. in Computer Science & Networked Systems, October 2008 Thesis Topic: Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
9/2001 10/2006
USTHB Houari Boumediene Science and Technology University, Algiers, DZ M. Eng. in Computer Science, October 2006 Thesis Topic: On the Real Impact of Collaborative Tools and ICTs in Large Corporations
1. Abderrezak Rachedi, Stphane Lohier, Sylvain Cherrier & Ismail Salhi
Wireless Network Simulators Relevance Compared to a Real Testbed in Outdoor and Indoor
Environments, IJAACS, 2011
Book Chapter
2. Marc Roelands, Johan Plomp, Diego C. Mansilla, Juan R. Velasco, Ismail Salhi, et al.
3. Ismail Salhi, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Stphane Lohier & Gilles Roussel When Network Coding improves the Performances of Clustered Wireless Networks, IFIP/Wireless Days11, Ontario, CA, October 2011 (to appear) 4. Ismail Salhi, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Stphane Lohier & Gilles Roussel Reliable Network Coding for ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks, (3-pages) IEEE/MASS11, Valencia, SP, October 2011 (to appear) 5. Abderrezak Rachedi, Stphane Lohier, Erwan Livolant & Ismail Salhi Wireless Sensor Network Simulators Relevance compared to a real IEEE 802.15.4 Testbed IEEE/IWCMC'11, Istanbul, TR, July 2011 6. Ismail Salhi, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Stphane Lohier & Erwan Livolant CoZi: basic Coding for better Bandwidth Utilization in ZigBee Sensor Networks IEEE/GLOBECOM'10 Miami, US, December 2010 7. Ismail Salhi, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Stphane Lohier & Gilles Roussel Network Coding for Event-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE/ICC'10 Cape Town, SA, May 2010 8. Abderrezak Rachedi, Stphane Lohier, Ismail Salhi & Sylvain Cherrier Wireless Network Simulators Relevance Compared to a Real Testbed in Outdoor and Indoor Environments, IEEE/IWCMC'10 Caen, FR, March 2010 9. Ismail Salhi, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci & Mohammed Cherif A New Architecture for Data Collection in Vehicular Networks IEEE/ICC'09 Dresden, DE, June 2009 10. Ismail Salhi, Mohammed Cherif & Sid-Mohammed Senouci Data Collection in Vehicular Networks ASNS'08 Symposium, Paris, FR, May 2008
Data Collection in Vehicular Sensor Networks RESCOM Summer School, La Rochelle, FR, 2009
Network Coding for Sensor Networks Journe des doctorants, Evry, FR, 2009
9/2009 present 4/2008 10/2008 1/2007 7/2007 3/2006 10/2006 Development Management ITEA2 DiYSE Project, ENSIIE R&D Network Internship, Orange Labs / Advisor: Dr. Sidi-Mohammed Senouci Network Administration, Algeria Telecom Mobile Web Development Internship Algrie Poste / Advisor: Ghania Houadria
11/2009 2/2010 Teaching Assistant at ENSIIE Tuition: Computer Systems (tutorials, exams et recitations)
Grants Projects
Fellowship to the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) from 9/2011 to 11/2011
Collaborative research visit at the Department of Computer Science with Professor Mario Gerla
Active member of the ITEA2 European Consortium DiYSE (Do-it-Yourself Smart Environment): a pioneering initiative that involves 40 European industrial and academic partners contributing to the commercial and cultural democratization of the Internet of Things (IoT)
GLOBECOM 11/10/09 VTC 11/10 ICC 11/10 WCNC 11 CNSM 10 NOMS 10 PIMRC 11/09 WD 11/09 ITU-T KALEIDOSCOPE 10 Programming
Java, C/Cpp, Csharp, ASP.NET, SQL Server, HTML5/CSS 3.0, Arduino, TinyOs/NesC, OSGi (basics), UML.
Paper Reviews
Arabic (mother tongue) French (fluent) English (fluent TOEIC score 955)
IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee, 6lowPan, CoAP, DPWS, XMPP, REST, Applied Network Coding, GNU/LINUX, Qualnet 4.5.
DiY prototyping, illustrations, photography, cooking, acoustic guitar, hiking, longboarding.
2009 present Practical Network Coding LIGM/CNRS
This work focuses on packet scheduling mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Network and constrained architectures. It aims at enhancing both the performances and the reliability of wireless networks using innovative home-made coding schemes instead of classic store and forward systems.
2009 present
2010 present
2009 2010
Prof. Gilles Roussel
Universit Paris-Est, LIGM