Lesson Plan On Fermentation

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DAILY LESSON PLAN Lesson No:_4°_Date: Class:_\0% Period Start... 2 aco Subject; Btelo44 Topi Period Eni Lesson Obj Name tke, secen Wat whe Faund feet Fermentation (, i. Renobtad ackuil ipeerenea teven fermentation ustth Us Ctampie jem Be induatry- > Dias e fou Chak For Ceuloluydrok Pennenty lis ustt Us ened P-rectucts: . Oiffrencial between lactic acid and alcotatic Fevin Content to be taught:- tion with tie microbe ve Fermentation: Carbohydrate Fermemtetion Alecholic fermentation (By Yyeost) Lactic actd Fermentation CBY Bacterta) Audio Visual Aids in Detail :~ al Objects fo Show alcoholte and lactic actd berm Vide Cto explain ferment gh, In veel hibe Apert, cre Chaat Cte chow Cateqonine SD cart rede Fervs Power Point shidles (+s ty content Se ee explain Content ) Teaching Methods in Detai tmbedlded cliscumion vnethed: to explain and Show students termnentation and ub daily Ufe oppicér Demonstration methed: to Show real objects; Chau and tee Activity methad: (to identify two Hyper of fermentation) Motivational Strategy: ‘ Sudents ute apprectated on Paattdpating tm clan. P pe Gudent yet mnoHvated to see cmimated Weleo are seat Life objects Craadecl homeworte cs provide to enqase stuctemts im learn ing . i je Test with Answers:- ech nology. ; ‘Ws the wre ob use| organi ik mutactune e+ Useful Proclucks oF Fer je ure beotechnology in daily ufer Z owing Protech naloyy to mate Ser! omictoben e nega nee se, eke. we wae to mate Wine’ opic:~ heese and vtneqar 7 Do" yoyvat © Jor 9, wt mp how to Sumtlarne them? These ave all gytio” by biotechnology Sw Khe Proce + eamentation: $2 feduy we wil dudy ttl, Proce fermentation » ; Presentation:- we Gtep 4: Twill enter im Claw with al leaening BT will wk Plier knowledge about yoy ot > Fat and dowgis formaton in tae Phocein of fa rim Twi amnounce Ht FRC Permentatran, bon prose} senile Hf Deed mmc tare embedded discumion mitthod! Bom hunda Sot Fore MOE Achy px plates ase UA porphin er \ ' gi Dw drole 1 oat Students to draws Plow ¢ gov eva Hor: SGhudente atu Carboky dvale ferment otter. lactic acid fermentation ) Ga une achutly method fo ante Student's coreqoire Allert tugs made ve ot fermente. | bo cued = mio alcoholic and tack acid Po wredaton ours of then eel Product fest Proctuct ot ger T te ue forum eed om separ coaloovydrote into we MIPe> at alcobotic Leckle acich fermentotion Greed T wit gummarre whoke Lecture by Playins ; vides aud them 7% BU antyn homework be studeL- Evaluation Procedures Question / Quiz / Test With Answers:; Gx Name feet Product formed NSWeTS poly drake mentattonr: wa fermenter nunc aad Ig the Fisk product Formed ¢ Culochydaal formentatron: . fe Gir Write, dousn end Pro cluct of alcoho tc and lac aud fermen rakfon Home Work / Assignments:~ deNowe He roicrobs scarpourible Pos Lucle add aud alcoholic Fermetato @Draw te Flow dca ATaw far aleghotte Fermentation. Er ark students the Fexmentotion ancl AS farenciol Pormentot ron and Comments and Suggestions by the Coordinating Teacher:- | Comments and Suggestions by the supervisor: Signature of Supervisor Date:__—_— DAILY LESSON PLAN yi pari ' Lesson No:_.0_Date waa! Class: Period Start macs Period End: ate a aoe Subject_Chewettt Topi ae Lesson Objectives:- Ros hada of wak, Nome He Salky rerPorstble M ene i Diffemeierte between remngaren eden aid . Feamanent hadnos Sea lie Doseribee, the wetted OF elimination ok bemPorcuy i hoadnen of wate ii Eeplann the metho OL wate Content to be taught:- Soft amd bord water Cours o4 hodnen Typer e+ hardness et woter Hetheds of Temoving hauduem efwater- Audio Visual Aids in Detail :- ChAE to Show hadwm) Real objects: water Nideo Cro explain He mettods Fo vemoye hardiey Power Poini shider Teaching Methods in Detail :- ds to semove Parmanend Noclins . ) Cro 2dPplain hele Content) Lecture embedded dircumion method: to explain howd walern its tourer amd methods fo remove ' hadnom- Actuthy wetheds Uo Perform aciwits) Derombaation method :(ic show Real objects, crat) Motivational Strategy:- Students are motivated te learn trrougl veal Ue Gbyects, Charts: Grades ore Gwen on Pe rforminy well We Dam. Previous Knowledge Test with Answers:- ‘ Th age water en eakth: a OP S4 Ty. Locker: Gurr badly Corte Normal Pt mal water ot gitter : & Important ie pic: Fen Ute te te tote Sotne apanttors ober! voaken > ovtance. $0 d abut howd cmd Soll costes: feast we wall SHC} wo methods to ve Ts HYP oft hard woke presentation:- “ove herd nem 1 wale. Shep t= Twill enter ta Clam with, 4 ee T with ab vom Fmowtesge text pret beavuing Pout unten: TH 9 wal avmoute eur boric had ulate, me rode ot ut - ar ot etter wpa mY wath Lectwre ewmbeddecl dticunton ea yet expiacn Atudenls abeut water auatity water miareqoau7e Inte Fens types by ayatily i Sofk water Wp mond wate ger witt give studded a alan ot Soft water peo on ot hard uxckex . Thty have to Per tore activity They have Yo mate Catlur te booth waters guderte Cave $26 Hot sett woter Can umote soap and NVerd wooeter dened Lowe lecttur venti Ceunilly maka Som Instead wt ce -studerls note th fe ure demoviruttorn mettrod Fe explain yemeve WT wi ee re Sad matey te poder by He help of chrast Studenk sill ho te fee lis advanrteoges C4 hore Waker bY animated video step Get wit and SUMO S whole bopre ant evetnokton ay unhan Lo studenk T with OMG homewotk. Evaluation Procedures Question / Quiz / Test With Answers:- de Name two methods +0 remove hamPosay huidues eet ct ora hedwerd Can be removed by boiling water and PY Ueark?s method. Unt WW we fo Temeve had- wep fr An metrod: ae write down He Cure ot bemposcu and permanent | Home Work / Assignments:- head water = Write down tHe disaduartayes of | Rasd water - la-Euisl tre method bo Temne Perm Noraluens of water the Coordinating Te | Comments and Suggestions by | | Comments and Suggestions by the Supervisor: Date-_— Signature of Supervisor

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