2023 Introduction To Summer Homework

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"The AP English Language and Composition concerns what author John McPhee
calls 'the literature of fact.' " --Mr. Brassil

The summer homework is to prepare for AP Language and Composition. This course emphasizes
the close reading of and critical response to arguments, and the writing of synthesis essays.

The Assignments
1. NON-FICTION READING: Over the summer, you are going to read and
annotate ONE quality non-fiction text (See the summer reading book
selections.) to write a BOOK REVIEW in the first week of the course.
This will help you to retain your appreciation of Rhetoric learned in

Your annotation and the book review should provide ample evidence that
you have read and engaged with the book. The annotation will prepare
you to write the review. In the first week of 12AP, I will provide
instructions and examples of book reviews.

You will also be given opportunities to discuss your reading with your peers
in small discussion groups.

➢ Choose a non-fiction book from the book list and complete the
sign-up sheet. Link

➢ Obtain a copy of the non-fiction book for yourself. Do not use a

library book. Traditionally, we annotate on the pages of a
purchased paperback. So purchasing the book is strongly
recommended. However, you may annotate an ebook if you have a

➢ Annotate thoughtfully in the margins of the book. Primary and

secondary readings.

➢ You do not have to annotate every page, since it will slow down
your reading, but I do expect your annotation to span the whole
book consistantly.

I recommend that you divide your book into 3 sections (E.g.

beginning, middle, end. Or divide the # of chapters or pages into
thirds.). For each section, annotate 3 substantial passages of great
interest and importance. Each substantial passage will have both
primary & secondary annotations.

1 Substantial Passage = 2 to 3 pages

= 3 or more paragraphs of substantial

Because you have grown in mental fortitude and nimbleness in

11AP, you should be able to engage in both types of annotation at
Altogether, you will have 9 annotated, substantial passages.
Three per section.

Two types of annotation.

1st, the Primary Reading, where you record your likes and
dislikes (the emotional response) without censor.

Symbols may be used to do this (E.g. !, ?, X, , ✔, etc.).

However, every once in a while, carefully and thoughtfully write
a sentence or two along the margins.

Don’t forget to ask questions and to look up unfamiliar


2nd, the Interpretive Reading, where you look for rhetorical moves
to study the writer’s crafting of the non-fiction. How do the
moves work together to communicate the main message? Evaluate.
Make connections to other readings, etc.

You are the intended audience.

So, always, always discuss the EFFECTS of the rhetorical moves

on you.

Please refer to Steps in Reading Critically and Mr. Brassil's

"Annotating a Text" to aid annotation.

I strongly recommend that you also read the following: "What I

Really Want is Someone Rolling Around in the Text," and "Book
Lovers Fear Dim Future." (See A Case for Marginalia in AP

All references can be found in “Marginalia” of the 12AP Google


➢ Due Date for Annotation:

Semester 1 & 2 AP students.
Complete the reading and the annotation by the first day of school for non-grade 9
students — Aug. 29, Tuesday.

On that day, you will hand-in your annotated book. If it

is an ebook, we’ll figure something out. Come by and talk
to me.
All 12AP students will submit their annotated books on Aug. 29.

The book review will be written the first week of AP class, 1st & 2nd semesters.
First, read the introduction (pages xi to xiv) before starting the

There are 5 sections of study: Diction, Detail, Imagery, Syntax, Tone.

Choose any 2 exercises from each section to complete. The DISCUSS

questions are mandatory. APPLY is optional. You will have a total
of 10 completed exercises.

Type the questions and the answers. Your typed sheet should look
exactly like the original page.

Use bolding and centering. Use Times Roman (or Times New Roman), size
12. One exercise per page. Ten pages of submission in total.

Don’t print.

DUE DATE for Voice Lessons:

Semester 1 & 2 AP students.
Aug. 28th Monday at midnight. Google Submission.

Joining Code for Semester 1 Gr. 12 AP class:

Joining Code for Semester 2 Gr. 12 AP class:

What to expect the first week of 12AP (Sem. 1 & 2)

1. Grammar: Diagnostic & Summative (5 to 8%)

Over the summer, review 11AP grammar.

2. Rhetorical Analysis: Timed Writing (5 to 8%)

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