MC English Wisuda Angkatan Pertama SMP SIAS

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Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

Hamdan wa syukrollillah ‘alaa nikmatillah, assolatu wassalaamu ‘alaa rosulillah walaa haula wala
quwwata illabillah. Amma ba’d.
The excelency the founder of the Cahya Buana Foundation, Mr. Dr. dr. Awan Buana, Sp.M, M.Kes.
The excelency the Chairman of the Cahya Buana Foundation, Mrs. Ir. Hj. Eti Suryati.
The respectable Mudir SIAS Islamic Boarding School, Mr. Abdullah Syifaa Buana, MBA.
The respectable the headmaster of SMP SIAS, Mr Mujahid Imam Muttaqin, S.Si.
The honorable all of the teachers and functionaries of SMP SIAS ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL …
The honorable all of invitations and students whom be happy.
Praise be to Allah the lord of the world who has created us as good human being and able to keep all
creations of Allah.
May peace be always to the great leader of Islam,our phophet Muhammad SAW who has guiden us from the
worst way to the best way. Amin ya robbal alamin..
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Graduation Ceremony of SMP SIAS Islamic Boarding School.
Standing here as a master ceremony, let us deliver the agendas today as follow:
 First, Opening
 Second, Reciting Holy Quran
 Third, Singing Of Indonesia Raya
 Forth, Speeches
 Fifth, Khotmil Qur’an and Du’a
 Sixth, Performances of SIAS Students
 Seventh, Graduation Ceremony
 Eighth, Best graduate announcement
 Ninth, Performances of SIAS Students.
 Tenth, impressions and messages from representatives of SIAS graduates and their parents
 Eleventh, Mauidhoh Hasanah and Praying
 The last is Closing.

1. Opening
Well, ladies and gentlemen,. May I have your attention please.. Our opening ceremony is about to begin,
please have a nice seat and back to your position.
Let us open our agenda by reciting surotul fatihah.’Alaa niyatus Sholihah, al faatihah. thank you.

2. Reciting Holy Quran

The Second agenda is Reciting of Holy Qur’an that will be delivered by ... and saritilawah by .....
To ..... please come!

3. Singing Of Indonesia Raya

Thank you. The third agenda is Singing Indonesia Raya by SIAS Islamic School choir team.

4. Speeches
The next agenda is Welcoming Speeches
The first speech will be delivered by Ustadz Fajrin Hamid Lc, as the head of the Committee for Distribution
of Progress Reports and Graduation of the first batch of students at the SIAS Islamic Boarding School
Middle School, to him, we invite them.
Thanks to Ustadz Fajrin Hamid Lc.
The second speech will be delivered by Mr. Mujahid Imam Muttaqin, S.Si. as the head of the SIAS Islamic
Boarding School Junior High School, to him, we invite him.
Thanks to Mr. Mujahid Imam Muttaqin, S.Si.
The next speech will be delivered by the Mudir of SIAS Islamic Boarding School, Mr. Abdullah Syifaa
Buana, MBA., to him we invite you.
Our gratitude goes to Mr. Abdullah Syfaa Buana, MBA, who has given a speech at this morning's event.
And furthermore, remarks from the Chairperson of the Cahya Buana Foundation, Mrs. Ir. Hj. Eti Suryati, to
him we invite.
Our thanks go to Mrs. Ir. Hj. Eti Suryati, who gave a speech at this morning's event.

5. Khotmil Qur’an and Du’a

The fifth event was khotmil qur'an by students of SMP SIAS Islamic Boarding School. We invite him.

Thank you to the representatives of the SIAS Islamic Boarding School Middle School students who have
read the Qoran khotmil and the Quran khatmil prayer.

6. Performances of SIAS Students

The next agenda is graduation ceremony.
Furthermore, entering the sixth event, the appearance of the students, which will be filled by students of
grade 7 and 8 SMP SIAS Islamic Boarding School which will feature Syarhil.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the performance of the representatives of the 7th and 8th grade
Thank you to the SIAS Islamic Boarding School Junior High School students who have shown their

7. Graduation Ceremony
The seventh event, the core event, is the Graduation procession. It is requested to the Chairperson of the
Cahya Buana Foundation, Mrs. Ir. Hj. Eti Suryati, Mudir of SIAS Islamic Boarding School Mr. Abdullah
Syifaa Buana, MBA, Principal Mr. Mujahid Imam Muttaqin, S.Si., to put himself on stage.

Graduates of the SIAS Islamic Boarding School Middle School for the 2020-2021 academic year

8. Best graduate announcement

The next event was the announcement of the best graduates, there were 3 categories, namely Best Academic,
Best Al Quran, Best Behavior.

9. Performances of SIAS Students.

The next event was the appearance of the students, which would be filled by students of grade 7 and 8 SMP
SIAS Islamic Boarding School which would show ....
Ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the performance of the representatives of the 7th and 8th grade
Thank you to the SIAS Islamic Boarding School Junior High School students who have shown their

10. Impressions and messages from representatives of SIAS graduates and their parents
The next event is the delivery of impressions and messages from representatives of students who will be
delivered in 3 languages, and conveying impressions and messages from representatives of parents.
11. Mauidhoh Hasanah and Praying
Entering the next event, namely the mauidhoh hasanah and prayer, which will be delivered by Ustadz Uus
Abu Fikri, S.Si., to him we invite.

Our gratitude goes to Ustadz Uus Abu Fikri, S.Si., who has conveyed the mau'idhoh hasanah and prayer
readings at today's Graduation event.

12. Closing
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, finally we have arrived at the end of the event, we as the
presenters express our gratitude to all those who have helped carry out the SIAS Islamic Boarding School
Middle School Graduation event for the first graduates of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Akhirul kalam Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarokaatuh

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