Clark Public Utilities Technical Specifications Pole-Mounted Transformers Single-Phase

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Original Issue 2/85 Revised 1/91 Revised 6/02 Revised 7/05 Revised 9/06 Revised 11/09



General Requirements This specification covers new, single-phase, 60 HZ, overhead, pole-type, distribution transformers rated 12470 Grd Y/7200 or 12,000 volts and 500 KVA and below. The transformers to be offered under this bid shall conform to the characteristics, definitions, terminology and voltage designations specified in the following standards except as other wise noted: IEEE C57.12.00 IEEE C57.12.80 ANSI C57.12.20 IEEE C57.12.90 IEEE C57.12.70 IEEE C57.147

All terminal fittings of high and low voltage bushings shall be copper or an alloy thereof and shall be in accordance with Section 7.1.2 of ANSI C57.12.20 except all low voltage terminals on 75 KVA and 100 KVA shall be 4-hole spade H. Transformer oil shall be non-PCB containing less than 1 ppm of PCB. Transformer nameplates to be stamped as follows: NON-PCB/LESS THAN 1 PPM PCB WHEN MANUFACTURED Mineral oil or natural ester fluids which meet the requirements of IEEE C57.147 IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Natural Ester Fluids in Transformers are acceptable. All transformers may be retrofilled with mineral oil so they shall be designed for mineral oil. All transformers covered by this specification shall have one (1) standard high voltage bushings for the 12470 Grd Y/7200 volt rating, or two (2) standard high voltage bushings for the 12,000 volt rating. All transformers shall have the KVA rating marked with a permanent yellow on black, paint stenciled or adhesive label, 3" high letters, located 1" below front ground lug. Blue paint is not acceptable.

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1 Overhead Transformer Specification

Secondary ratings shall be 120/240, 240/480 or 277 volts as specified on description pages. All transformers shall be supplied with high voltage bushings with a minimum of 10 1/2 inches creepage distance. All transformers shall be rated 95 kV BIL. All transformers shall have at least two provisions for ground lugs plus a case ground strap to the low voltage neutral bushing terminal. All 12,000 volt transformers shall have matched impedance. All transformers shall be equipped with pressure relief capability as described in Section of ANSI C57.12.20 (pressure-relief valve). In addition to the nameplate information required in ANSI C57.12.00 Part 5.12, each nameplate shall show total weight and gallons of oil. All transformers shall be supplied with single position mounting only. Two position mounting hanger brackets are not acceptable. 2. Ratings High Voltage 12470 Grd Y/7200 12470 Grd Y/7200 12470 Grd Y/7200 12,000 12,000 12,000 Taps 2 1/2% Low Voltage 120/240 240/480 277 120/240 240/480 277/480 Y KVA 10-167 10-167 10-167 10-500 10-500 10-500 Above None None 2 2 2 2 Below 4 4 2 2 2 2

All transformers shall have external tap changers. 3. Short Circuit Current The maximum values of either line-to-line or line-to-ground symmetrical short circuit current shall not exceed those listed on the SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT CHART at the end of this specification. These values are based upon an infinite short circuit source at the high voltage bushing terminals. Each nameplate shall show the actual maximum line-toground short circuit current.

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1 Overhead Transformer Specification


Shipping and Handling All shipping pallets shall have the following general requirements. A. B. C. D. The minimum clearance for lift truck forks shall be 3 inches. Two-way access is acceptable. Four-way access is preferred. Pallet strength and design shall be adequate to contain the load for which it is intended. Materials or equipment shall be secured to pallets with suitable bands, bolts, screws, or nails.


RETURNABLE SHIPPING PALLETS A. Returnable shipping pallets shall be adequately marked to identify the owner and return location. No environmentally harmful substance shall leach from or be abradable from the pallets.


NON-RETURNABLE SHIPPING PALLETS A. B. Non-returnable shipping pallets shall be biodegradable. Non-returnable shipping pallets shall be made with natural wood, dimensional lumber, and metal nails, screws, or bolts. No adhesive or non-metal fastening will be permitted. No paint is allowed. No composite materials such as, but not limited to, plywood, particle board, flake board, or paper products are acceptable. No plastics are acceptable.

C. D. E.


It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to deliver transformers without mechanical or electrical damage or damage to the paint system.

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1 Overhead Transformer Specification


Maximum Losses Losses shall not exceed the values shown in the following table. No-load (core) and load (copper) losses shall be independent of each other. No combining or averaging is acceptable. 1 Overhead Transformers Maximum Losses kVA 15 25 37 50 75 100 167 250 333 500 No-load (watts)* 55 80 75 115 174 149 250 476 450 650 Full Load (watts)* 140 245 355 495 600 1045 1200 1335 2500 3000 Efficiency (%)** 98.86 98.93 99.18 99.10 99.18 99.23 99.38 99.38 99.39 99.47

* No-load losses calculated at 20 C and load losses at 85 C ** % Efficiency is only for reference. Clark has traditionally bought transformers above the DOEs 10 CFR Part 431 requirements and will not lower the requirements to the DOE levels. Efficiency calculated at 20 C for no-load, 55 C load, and 50% loading. Note: All loss values are based upon the maximum values from bid data for 1990 through 2005. Clark Public Utilities will evaluate losses on all bids and quotes. However, all designs must not exceed the maximum losses in the table above. Certified loss data on all transformers will be required for each shipment of transformers. Transformers which exceed the design losses quoted will be subject to loss dollar penalties. Cost of losses will be $4,277 no-load (core) and $2,007 load (copper) for 1 units.

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1 Overhead Transformer Specification

kVA 15 25 37.5 50 75 100 167 250 333 500 120/240 10/10 10/10 22/10 22/10 42/22 42/42 65/42 65/42 85/65 85/65 Min %Z 1.25/0.63 2.08/1.04 1.42/1.56 1.89/2.08 1.49/1.42 1.98/0.99 2.14/1.66 3.20/2.48 3.27/2.13 4.90/3.21 240/480 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 22/10 22/10 42/22 42/42 65/42 65/42 Min %Z 1.08/0.54 1.08/0.90 2.71/1.35 3.61/1.80 2.46/2.71 3.28/3.60 2.86/2.73 4.30/2.15 3.70/2.86 5.55/4.30 277/480 10 10 10 10 22 22 42 42 42 65 Min %Z 0.54 0.90 1.35 1.81 1.23 1.64 1.44 2.15 2.86 2.78

The slant ratings mean windings in parallel on the left side and windings in series on the right side.

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1 Overhead Transformer Specification

BID DATA SHEET POLE-MOUNTED TRANSFORMER POLE-TYPE SINGLE-PHASE Distributor ___________________________________________ Date ________ Manufacturer _____________________________________________________ Manufacturing Plant Location Clark Stock Code Number _______________________Bid Number __________ KVA High Voltage (ANSI Desig.) Low Voltage (ANSI Desig.) High Voltage Taps Impedance Voltage Maximum L.V. Short Circuit Current Maximum L.V. Short Circuit Current is at Short Circuit Impedance Total Weight Dimensions Height Diameter Oil H.V. Winding Metal L.V. Winding Metal Core Metal, Type (Grain oriented, only) Minimum Paint Thickness (Cover) Minimum Paint Thickness (Tank) No-load losses Load losses Total losses Efficiency Rating ____________________ ___________________KV ________________ Volts _______ AN _______ BN ___________________ % ___________________KA L-L______ or ______ L-N ___________________ % _______________Pounds inches inches ______________ Gallons ____________________ ____________________ _____________________ _________________ Mils _________________ Mils ________________ watts ________________ watts ________________ watts ________________%

A separate Bid Data sheet must be completed for each KVA size and voltage rating. This form must be completely filled in and included with all bid submittals at the time bids are due. Bid submittals without the Bid Data Sheet will be deemed nonresponsive and will not be evaluated for award. Only Clarks Bid Data Sheets will be acceptable.

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