CROSS Safety Report Tower Crane Base Designs
CROSS Safety Report Tower Crane Base Designs
CROSS Safety Report Tower Crane Base Designs
Overview Example 2: The loads to one of the possibly then copies the loads into
A reporter’s firm has been involved legs of a self-erector tower crane were another document. It appears that
in the design and checking of given as 0 under all three load cases. these transcribed numbers are in some
numerous tower crane bases and This could clearly not be the case. We cases not checked before they are
has come across many examples challenged the supplier and a revised supplied to the base designer.
where the supplier of the tower loading detail was provided showing The reporter would like this
crane has supplied incorrect the actual load. information shared to ensure that
loadings. These incorrect loadings designers ‘sense check’, as far as they
could have led to crane failures had Example 3: A tower crane was can, the loads they are supplied with.
the errors not been spotted. originally proposed to be used with They would also like crane suppliers to
minimal ballast, effectively just the use more care when providing loads,
Report self-weight of the kentledge base. perhaps implementing a checking
A reporter’s firm has been involved The crane was quite short and not regime for all loads provided.
in the design and checking of particularly large. The initial loadings This firm carries out a significant
numerous tower crane bases and supplied indicated a very minimal number of tower crane base designs in
has come across many examples tension load of less than 100kN. The an average year. If they are finding this
where the supplier of the tower reporter’s firm was undertaking the many errors, they believe there must
crane has supplied incorrect Category 3 checks on the base, and be others. They believe the problem of
loadings. It is only through their it became apparent that the designer
experience that the firm is picking had used an incorrect factor in the
up these errors and can challenge design.
the suppliers. The reporter provides As the piles had already been Key learning outcomes
three examples found in a 12-month installed and did not have sufficient For crane and lifting equipment suppliers:
period to illustrate the problems. tensile capacity, the crane supplier | Base loadings should be validated before being
was asked for loadings allowing for provided to others
Example 1: A tower crane an additional 60t of kentledge on the
supplier stated that the in-service base. The revised loadings supplied For civil and structural design engineers:
moment was 500kNm, while the indicated a tensile load of over 200kN, | It is good practice to carry out an independent
out-of-service was approaching over two times greater than the check to verify loads received from a third party
20 000kNm. These two numbers previous loadings supplied. Logically, | Check detailing of crane bases carefully,
are a world apart and were the load should have reduced not particularly tension resistance
challenged. The in-service moment increased. After discussion, the crane
was corrected to 5000kNm (a zero supplier admitted that the original set For contractors:
had been missed out). Admittedly, of loadings was completely wrong. | Appoint a competent Temporary Works Coordinator
the in-service does not generally A design based on this incorrect who can coordinate the design and sequencing of
drive the design; however, suppose information could well have led to the temporary works
the mistake had been in the out- tower crane falling over. | Good planning can ensure independent design
of-service moment, and we had checks are carried out in time and approved prior
designed for 5000kNm in service Data for tower crane loadings to the works commencing on site
and 2000kNm (i.e., the same error of The reporter believes the data for | Be mindful of the required tension capacity of
a missing zero) out-of-service. The tower crane loadings are generally crane bases
base would have had less than a obtained from a large document that
third of the capacity required. shows all variations. The crane supplier
August 2022 |
17 | August 2022