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a M® PERTAMINA HULU SANGA SANGA FLOWLINE AND FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES PERINCIAN LINGKUP PEKERJAAN KONTRAK NO.: 4710005833 ‘Tanggal penerbtan : Juni 2022 SPK No, (09/¥712022/ME47 10005833 (RO No : 3700083918 ) Kontraktor GL Account 5005300021 Durasi (has) Cost Certer Mull pekerjaan = June 25, 2022 Was Element 97102220440.1.762 Selesaipekeriaan = October 2, 2022 ‘AreafLecation Mutiarast87 OS Scope of Work _: Pekerjaan Pemasangan Kepala Sumur. Instrumentes! dan SipilStustur Untuk Sumur Mutiara #87 OS: Ne.| tem] Detail Pekerjaan [Gait [Suma] 1 Install Wethesdspoo! A Tea Supervisor 4 TH2A2 Pipnghlectnical Supervisor (1 rang 2 Fa oy 200 2 T2c2 Hecrance!Pengivicas Forman (ona 2 har) dy 200 3 a2cs Seteyran (orang x2 han) soy 200 4 T2011. General Latour Meter (4 rang x2 ard day 00 5 Tena Boom Tk with max ing eapecty pt 107) -(1 witx2 oy 200 ha 1 Hydrotest Flowing A Tw2A ‘Supervisor + Te2az PremaMecrancl Supervise (orang Tha) ay 790 2 Tw2c2 \MecranealPngtysotest Foceran (1 eng «Tha ay 700 3 205 Sofetyan (0109 7 han) ay 740 4 T2011 General Labour Mer (2 orang x7 har) oy 1400 5 Tosea ycrotest Pump /Punger Purp lw mensuremart corde acc day 740 (ont nan 8 risa Boom Tock wth ma Hing capac up to 107 = (1 tx 7 aay 700 hen WTYAID Welding Tien Termination paint 1 TLIALD1. Welding Tein carton ste mater (nude welding habits, lainey 480 seafong, n= Cu stg ine by Coe Cate evel pipe snd {ting and wes he abreated spotting on ot a ing isoairg pocess | wera ot calculate y marking tein a company owns 'V TOIANB Painting, Coating & Surface preparation 1 TOANB1 Pain yes cot Sis grimer Sis nemedate, 2misioo M2 2000 cay teks fn 10 mis ncaa sacs preperation (Geaning & sandblastng) .2orabe cine and seatllarg. 2 TLYANB?. —Wrapping/ Coat spe with 2 ayer slyretane tapes (ner cat M2 200 ‘outer coat win surtace repetaton (ewaring & sandelasing atari pojurahane tapes (ane coat eae coat) prove By coma YY TRTAIC Pipe Support ineaiion 1 TRLTAILC!. —Adustate Pipe Sisport unt 40 VI TRACIA ——Botuptnboling Flange to Flange. 1 TWACIA2 —— @AANSIratng & 400 2 THACIAS 6 aLANSIrateg es 400 Vi TH1C1B Valve bolting Mnboting frist removal (all tye) 41 THACIB2 «a ANSIratng fs 600 2 TWACIBS eal ANSIratng es 5.00 1X TIAA Ste proparation 1 TRLYAIIA’, Ste Cearng, Cutting sl, Supply Situ /pasicbatu/Gravel/or, M3 2.0 composing, TeLIAILK ——Cellsr Box and Cover 1 TRLTAIM, —- Construct alr box (Suply& neta Reinforced ConeeteK225 Unit 1.00 inci mnorad bar excavation bac formu) Supp & instal lean concrete 125 2 TWLTANH2 Supply. Fable and intl ott ox cover Une 1.00 XL TRIICHA CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORK 7 M® PERTAMINA HULU SANGA SANGA FLOWLINE AND FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES PERINCIAN LINGKUP PEKERJAAN “Tanggalpenerbtan Juni 2022 SPK No. ‘00511720221MEU7 10008883 (RO No: 3700083818 ) Kontraktor PT. Meindo Eiang Indah GI Account 005300021 Duras har) 100 hari Cost Center Mulaipekerjaan = June 26, 2022 WBS Element | 9710222044.1.762 Selesaipekeriaan = October 2, 2022 ‘AealLocaton Mutiara#67 OS Scope of Work _: Pekerjaan Pemasangan Kepala Sumur, Insumentati dan SipilStruktur Untuk Sumur Mutiara #87 OS, No. tem | Detail Pekerjaan [Unit] Jumiah 7 ‘A TOACIIAS —Fencoand Gate 1 TLIGILA2 Fence wt)3m pole datant adequate factagtoundeton(ecsng UM 2600 inst & supp alratrl sch oe panting, chain, breed vie ange 8 tng.) 2 TR1CILAS Supt tba natal pipe ote cle wth 2 door mode of” UM 1200 ‘pe gone (5 mnie) ow hinges, neseatarer ad oat Be spo PSS) 5 Demoition Works + T2A3 ‘ectcalnsrement Supe’ (1 orang «7 han) oy 00 2 Tacs ‘Sateen (org x7 ha) ony 00 2 208 cin accion (org x7 ha) oy 700 4120.11, Gare Labo Mer (2 org 7 ha) doy 1400 5 Tisne Boor Tink wth mas ing capac up fe 107) = (font x7 ony 799 va TAAAM INSTRUMENTATION & RTWS ‘A TOIAIIA Instrument shutdown sytem a wall area 1 TRLTAIA’. Hookup instumant eve shutiown system at wo sto area Une 1.00 (srgel! du), competes wih fiat inal Gas Sons! aus Calecorcoveson nnater sym (Chemical sum st Sucua so suport ow founda, Salty sumer Deve (Shatin ae emit) & un commeanonng 1B TRLTAI8 —_RTWS Real Tine Well Head Survellance System instalation) 4 TRHAMBY RTS Hookup isalinetumrt wcrc goundng system. Un 100 © TutAme2 lighing rystom, antenna elation & asset commiseonng ) IVT Fabreete& instal ox MT function carton ‘esectcommasionng ), ‘Antenna pol | supply, Fabrication a foundation) & grounding instalation Instatation ew 4 TRLTANB2e type gh 15 meter Uni 1.00 1D THTAND. Flown Sign Maer 4 TOLTAND2 — Flowineconrea sch Marker icing pining. feting and === Unt 290 TOI ANE ——_Relnforeed Concrete ork 2 TOLTAIE2 Supply stl Renerced Conroe below K:225 elude Ns 300 virermesh excavation, bac omc E TICLE ——Trangponaon PHS § material 4) TRLLCLE1. Transporation fm Salis pram Pp Yard io Mitra Ton 500 werkanop contactor Galenrorg por vv or tra workshop {Contract Galenerong pot te Badak workshop Corrector nude ‘adingrloasng : ‘Ackronioged by. : PT. Meingo Elang Indah Project Manager Helm Ala ‘Sr Engineer Project Bxaestonep greet ProectExecuton ‘Engines Projet Execution Jakarias Sihaioho

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